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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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I was so proud when bow Hinoka (whom I don't use much) killed a brave Hector in AA that Minverva couldn't ... until my TA/Gronnraven Inigo got killed by a Klein while staying on a defense tile. Klein didn't even had CA, just a charged Blazing Thunder from double Infrantry Pulse, QP and Slaying bow. Of course it was the 6th match and I got really good match-ups so far ... 

6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


Too bad, that would have been my chance to stay in tier 21 once. 

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Improved my arena score somewhat:

It’s so satisfying to use King Marth to cut down dragons even better than before, and it’s also satisfying to have Cecilia delete everything at discretion.
Speaking of whom, does anyone remember when was the most recent time Cecilia was a bonus unit?

EDIT: I looked it up. It was back in October, just before Book II hit and daily hero battle heroes lost their quota. Almost a year has passed since. Oh well.

Edited by Vaximillian
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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Improved my arena score somewhat:

Speaking of which, does anyone remember when was the most recent time Cecilia was a bonus unit?

Almost a year, back in October 2017, her last rotation was a mere ~3 months before IS scrapped the Daily Map free rotation units from the Arena Bonus list. It was a bummer when they changed that (Fjorm's first bonus week started to weed them out), but nevertheless she stayed on as my core nuker until this latest arena change.

I fully expect the GHB rotation to meet the same fate when another GHB Revival quest set comes around, so all the investment people put into merging their GHB units as high as possible to have consistent arena bonuses will be negated.

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3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I was so proud when bow Hinoka (whom I don't use much) killed a brave Hector in AA that Minverva couldn't ... until my TA/Gronnraven Inigo got killed by a Klein while staying on a defense tile. Klein didn't even had CA, just a charged Blazing Thunder from double Infrantry Pulse, QP and Slaying bow. Of course it was the 6th match and I got really good match-ups so far ...

"Just". Blazing AoEs are like being hit by a good Bonfire or Iceberg, making them very dangerous. It also disables QR/VF, though it runs into problems with Vantage. It also happens to score better than Bonfire/Iceberg . There's a reason I field them on my bonus unit whenever possible (and not already running Aether/Galeforce).

Those mass Pulse setups are also usually carefully calculated to kill everything, including the unit's TA counters, so be extra wary when you see that (pretty sure the Lewyn I listed a bit back would have straight up killed my TA3 A!Tiki—Draug had absolutely no chance—so I had to kite him around until Anna had a chance to run in and Blazing Flame him in the face).

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7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Wow, a +5 Lewyn? You seem to like this guy and having a lot of luck pulling green. 

Hehe, he's my second favourite FE character after Inigo.  I had almost 400 free orbs saved up and bought some packs as well.  I'm still using the free orbs to pull for him until his banner ends.  I would say my luck was about average for what I put in.  :wub:

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1 hour ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

Just". Blazing AoEs are like being hit by a good Bonfire or Iceberg,


1 hour ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

Those mass Pulse setups are also usually carefully calculated to kill everything,

Yeah, I know it's a powerful setup. I only didn't meet this skill combinations in arena in the last weeks and didn't pay enough attention. Therefore the just in italics. ;-) 

Guess I'll have to do my streak tomorrow. 

1 hour ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Hehe, he's my second favourite FE character after Inigo.  I had almost 400 free orbs saved up and bought some packs as well.  I'm still using the free orbs to pull for him until his banner ends.  I would say my luck was about average for what I put in.  :wub:

Too bad they are both green mages in heroes. Good luck getting other copies! 

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That is... bizarre. I wonder what slot it takes. Could be worth considering on the Askrs, though their ability to function is already pretty precarious at times.

EDIT: Apparently it's an A-slot with some possible extremely heavy restrictions. What a wacky implementation.

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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Once Red Infantry Duel gets released, hell shall break loose. (Red Infantry is the most common color-movement combo and some of the most commonly used stat whores and support units are red infantry).

Duel skills pretty much only benefit refresh units and support units since those guys are less likely to care about their A-slots.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Also, blade tomes. My Nino could get by without Fury 3. Granted, it may not be all that useful for attacking units for a totally different reason than losing their A slot: the meta focuses around feeding the bonus unit, so having Nino obliterate things isn't terribly helpful for scoring. Support might help the bonus unit more, I guess, though I don't think red infantry will be the thing to make things go crazy. Colorless cavalry or infantry is going to, because troll staffers.

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6 minutes ago, Hilda said:

the question is how is merged BST calculated into this new skill. Because it could affect alot more units

It raises your base score as if you were a 170 BST unit. Merges and SP-derived points are added after that.

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6 minutes ago, Hilda said:

the question is how is merged BST calculated into this new skill. Because it could affect alot more units

Score from merges have nothing to do with score from BST, which is only taken from their +0 form.


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25 minutes ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

Also, blade tomes. My Nino could get by without Fury 3. Granted, it may not be all that useful for attacking units for a totally different reason than losing their A slot: the meta focuses around feeding the bonus unit, so having Nino obliterate things isn't terribly helpful for scoring. Support might help the bonus unit more, I guess, though I don't think red infantry will be the thing to make things go crazy. Colorless cavalry or infantry is going to, because troll staffers.

I can see it now:
Red Infantry Duel on M!Corrin (bonus unit's gigolo) and Olivia (F2P friendly dancer)
Colorless Cavalry Duel on Nanna, Clarine, or Priscilla (if F2P friendly) or Veronica, Maribelle, or Elise (if got plenty of orbs, luck, and/or money).

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It seems the new A-skill(s) will come on two of the new units from the 21th September banner (/Edit: and will have a restriction to movement type and color): 




7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Arena bonus line-up:



Oh wow ... 7 units from the new banners, but 3 free units at the same time. 

Edited by mampfoid
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3 hours ago, Hilda said:

guess ill run my +10 Fjorm!

But no Water season =/

Still she will score better than any of the others at low to no merges.

Now I need to go and invest ~100k feathers into Tailtiu to make her good enough for the next two weeks since Fjorm allows me to not have to build anyone up.

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I don't want to try to figure out how to make Fjorm kill Hectors and Grimas and Ephraims. Hell, Zelgius is hard enough for her to handle.


Tactics team go... I suppose. +10 to all stats due to Arena bonus and Tactics should help... I guess. Considering I only aim for 10 out of 20 kills.

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15 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I don't want to try to figure out how to make Fjorm kill Hectors and Grimas and Ephraims. Hell, Zelgius is hard enough for her to handle.


Tactics team go... I suppose. +10 to all stats due to Arena bonus and Tactics should help... I guess. Considering I only aim for 10 out of 20 kills.

Did you S-support her and pair her up with an ally?

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5 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Did you S-support her and pair her up with an ally?

My summoner support is reserved for Bride Ninian. I don't do ally supports. I'd rather be spending my time on more fun and important things like working on builds, mussing around with staffies, and getting the Heroes section on the main site finally up to date.

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I don't want to try to figure out how to make Fjorm kill Hectors and Grimas and Ephraims. Hell, Zelgius is hard enough for her to handle.


Tactics team go... I suppose. +10 to all stats due to Arena bonus and Tactics should help... I guess. Considering I only aim for 10 out of 20 kills.

I am not expecting to stay in Tier 21 so its ok and for AA i dont need to use Fjorm against them. I am wondering if i should invest in +10 Jaffar once the A skill for Arena BST gets released for daggers, the amount of Chip dmg + Windsweep with double savage blow would be godlike to get kills from the bonus unit. obviously he cant attack dragons but meh.

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