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Voting Gauntlet Discussion Thread


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Y'all calling hax on Team Ephraim side, grow up and get a little sportsmanship. Just because we're losing all of a sudden it doesn't mean Team Chrom is cheating; y'all know how popular Awakening was and how many new fans it brought in, so it's not really all that surprising that Chrom is making a push back, and that he might have more fans cumulatively than Ephraim. 

Reel it back a bit, people. No need to be so butthurt.

EDIT @Lushen you go too far, sir. This is a freakin' game and it doesn't in any way compare to that shitshow lmao. Please keep the politics out of my games.

Edited by BANRYU
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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Maybe it's demographics.  If Ephraim is more popular in Japan, and Chrom is more popular in the West that could explain it.  Over in America, the early part of this gauntlet was in the early AM hours and is just now beginning the afternoon, so a large part of his fan-base might just be starting to play.

I'm on team Eirika, now, so I don't really have a horse in the race on the Prince side.

I also do believe it's a time gap issue as well, it's night in Europe so people are pretty much asleep, whereas it must be daytime in Japan/US.

Anyway, farewell my flags, I loved you.

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Just now, Quintessence said:

Whoa yes Go Go chrom!!!

Chrom's beating Ephraim by 4M. @Anacybele It is rude to call Chrom fans cheaters just because you're salty that Chrom Team made a comeback. I think the flags and hype are winning here. Most Ephraim supporters used their flags to avoid Leo beating Ephraim, and most Chrom users have theirs in the game. I spent them all because of rank but I believe Chrom winning is legit honest.

Eh, the lead against Leo was fairly steady. I don't think many of us burned our flags against him. At least not from looking at the leader boards. What I suspect is happening is that Chrom supports have been using flags for the past few hours and Ehpraim supporters have not, hoping to save it for Lucina. I don't think anyway is cheating, just a difference in momentum. (For instance, I had 1100 flags that I've only just started using as it became clear Chrom was gaining.)


It could also be as others have pointed out that as more Westerners log on, they're supporting Chrom. I suspect he's more popular in the West proportionally than the East, but that's just a guess.

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I wonder if it's better to try and get a top 30K score on each of the battles rather then throw all flags on a single one. How will each battle weigh to the cumilative score given at the end?

I would love to be in the top 5K there for those feathers.

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As a Team Ephraim supporter it's honestly disappointing to see so many be so quick to accuse Chrom supporters of cheating. I think a lot of Ephraim supporters, like myself, have been trying to avoid using flags to save them for Lucina while Chrom supporters are burning through flags now. 

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On 3/7/2017 at 3:31 PM, Raven said:

What is it with this false perception that only the winning team gets orbs? Everyone gets the orb rewards as long as we hit the milestones for total score.

No wonder Lucina has so many supporters.

Oh I read it wrong, I was kinda in a hurry.

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Just now, MaskedAmpharos said:

As a Team Ephraim supporter it's honestly disappointing to see so many be so quick to accuse Chrom supporters of cheating. I think a lot of Ephraim supporters, like myself, have been trying to avoid using flags to save them for Lucina while Chrom supporters are burning through flags now. 

Yea burning the flags now means an inevitable win for Lucina next time.  But that's better than losing now. :(

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5 minutes ago, Cossack>Cavalier said:

Eh, the lead against Leo was fairly steady. I don't think many of us burned our flags against him. At least not from looking at the leader boards. What I suspect is happening is that Chrom supports have been using flags for the past few hours and Ehpraim supporters have not, hoping to save it for Lucina. I don't think anyway is cheating, just a difference in momentum. (For instance, I had 1100 flags that I've only just started using as it became clear Chrom was gaining.)


It could also be as others have pointed out that as more Westerners log on, they're supporting Chrom. I suspect he's more popular in the West proportionally than the East, but that's just a guess.

You might be right. We'll have to wait and see, after all. Let's not make a shitstorm about this. I find it exciting and a lot of fun.

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2 minutes ago, Lushen said:

This is starting to feel like the US election....

I don't know man, at least both of our choices are generally likeable.


Crumb's group also had a lot of flags left over because of how little a fight Alfonse put up. Even though Ephraim had a solid lead over Leo the entire time, there were still plenty of Ephraim supporters I saw splurging flags, either out of paranoia or hubris. It makes sense how Crumb took the lead, but the question is if we Ephraim supporters will make it stay like this.

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Just now, Kiran said:

All this talk about the Chrom vs Ephraim match. What about the princess front? How is Erika doing in the face of the vast Lucina army?

How do you think? >3>

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I really think if anything, this is an interesting turn of events. It was honestly getting kind of boring to have all the matches decided from the start. Admittedly I'm on Team Lucina, but even I have to admit it's really unfair to everyone else that Lucina is in the gauntlet, since she's easily going to plow through her matches with ease. Every other match was also becoming a less exaggerated version of the same thing, with the initial hero leading being the default winner. But this one match finally overturned expectations, and it legitimately feels like either side could really win. This truly should have been the final round of the Voting Gauntlet; it would have been the most exciting way to end it. But even if it isn't, I still believe this can be the most interesting match regardless. 

It seems like everyone here is Team Ephraim, and I can totally respect that, and I wish all of you good luck. But still, I do feel like good sportsmanship should be a thing and the accusations are kinda mean just because the match's outcome is becoming uncertain. (Feel free to throw mud at Lucina though, even I can tell having her here in the gauntlet was an unhealthy decision for the general competitiveness)

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Just now, Kiran said:

All this talk about the Chrom vs Ephraim match. What about the princess front? How is Erika doing in the face of the vast Lucina army?

Probably still suffocating under the sea of Lucina fanboys/fangirls

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Just now, Thor Odinson said:

Well hey, you guys wanted competition, now you're getting it

Oh no I'm enjoying this, personally. A tight competition like this is far more exciting than a one-sided stomp either way. And though I'm Team Ephraim, Awakening was my first FE (went back and played the others via emulator though) and I wouldn't mind if Chrom or Lucina won.

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Just now, MaskedAmpharos said:

As a Team Ephraim supporter it's honestly disappointing to see so many be so quick to accuse Chrom supporters of cheating. I think a lot of Ephraim supporters, like myself, have been trying to avoid using flags to save them for Lucina while Chrom supporters are burning through flags now. 

Yeah you're right. Saying they're cheating is an overreaction. Hopefully we can pick up the slack.

1 minute ago, Kiran said:

All this talk about the Chrom vs Ephraim match. What about the princess front? How is Erika doing in the face of the vast Lucina army?

Is this a serious question? XD

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1 minute ago, Thany said:

Apperently the lucina match is so boring that all that matters now is chrom and ephraim XD

Oh is Eirika still fighting?  I hadn't noticed.

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1 minute ago, Kiran said:

All this talk about the Chrom vs Ephraim match. What about the princess front? How is Erika doing in the face of the vast Lucina army?

Like any nation trying to goes against USA in Olympic. 

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Just now, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

Lucina is currently crushing Eirika, 2.7 billion to 1.4 billion.

Eirika's chance of coming back = a hot day in Antarctica.

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Id like to appologise to everyone for the cheating outburst earlier... i have been up all day and i cannot get sleep. so im a bit more emotional and quick to judge then normal. Sorry. regardless I still hope Ephraim doesnt lose at this sudden outcome.

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