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Training Tower Quest Woes


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I just finished the Cavalry quest, which actually went quicker than the fliers quest . . . I suppose my matchups were luckier? Used 5* Peri, 4* Jagen, 4* Ursula, and 3* Clarine, since I already had them all trained. 3 Blues + 1 Colorless . . . so I avoided any teams with greens, and Jagen's Fortify Cavalry + Peri who needed it worked out.

I can't do the Armor quest since I've never rolled an armor besides the free DraugĀ . . . so I suppose it's on to the Lunatic Challenge quests now.

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Slowly finishing the quests..

-Hector did manage to solo 3 stages now. Training a 4 star Effie to 40 right now to help him.
-Abel is soloing the cavalry quest, with help from Elise & Clarine.
-Fliers will be done by 5* Camilla, with help from 4* Cordelia, 5* Catria and 4* Michalis.

It's quite some effort to get this done. Especially f2p, lol..Ā 

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I now have a Sheena to replace one of my Draugs and I've five starred Wendy but I'm really not hopeful anymore. The tenth floor especially feels like such a con. Defence is absurdly high and every frickin' person seems to have an armourslayer of some kind. It's really annoyed me. Armours are bad enough as it is. I'm going to keep trying since I've sorted out the other quests and don't need to level up Michalis for a little while longer.

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The more I play without a Hector to carry, the more I realize that the MVP of my armour team is actually Gwendolyn. Armours have lots of bulk, but tend to have damage output problems (even my 4* Effie with a Silver Lance needs to 2-shot enemies, so her damage might as well be lower). So, what better than +6 Atk/Spd to solve that issue? I gave Effie a Brave Lance and combined with Gwendy's boost, she one-rounds a lot of stuff. This buff is amazing enough that even my two 3* Draugs can conribute against other swords (only 8-10 damage, but still)!

I imagine a team that has to make do without a Hector or an Effie would want a Gwendy support surrounded by 3x brave users with inherited damage procs. Then fight against advantageous line-ups.

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1 hour ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

The more I play without a Hector to carry, the more I realize that the MVP of my armour team is actually Gwendolyn. Armours have lots of bulk, but tend to have damage output problems (even my 4* Effie with a Silver Lance needs to 2-shot enemies, so her damage might as well be lower). So, what better than +6 Atk/Spd to solve that issue? I gave Effie a Brave Lance and combined with Gwendy's boost, she one-rounds a lot of stuff. This buff is amazing enough that even my two 3* Draugs can conribute against other swords (only 8-10 damage, but still)!

I imagine a team that has to make do without a Hector or an Effie would want a Gwendy support surrounded by 3x brave users with inherited damage procs. Then fight against advantageous line-ups.

That's what I tried but the right maps never seem to appear and the Draugs sadly still seem to fall easily. I'm power levelling a new Sheena now, since I've only just got her, in the hopes that her, my newly five starred Gwendolyn (already power levelled to 40) and the two remaining Draugs can hit the right note.Ā 

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Well, cavquest is done. Armourquest is still impossible, so that's all for now.

I had some interesting things happen amongst my abject failures and easy successes. Eliwood tanking a hit from a Fury Eldigan, for instance, or Clarine surviving Reinhardt's Dire Thunder when I couldn't get everyone out of the way. I'd rather not talk about the Wings of Mercy Hector, though...

EDIT: I caved and did two more pulls. Still no extra armours. Alas.

Edited by Seafarer
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Forgot to add this, but I did the fliers quest like three days back.

Narcian went for the hard carry while my Lv. 22 Michalis hid in a corner in the map haha

Hinoka's Hone Fliers was pretty great, though I wish Cordelia could have put in some more work, she was surprisingly frail at times even with WTA.


That just leaves armors which I won't be doing. 2x Sheena, Draug, and Effie rip

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Just demolished the fliers quest with Palla (Goad Fliers, replaced Wings of Mercy with Axebreaker), two Hinokas (Hone Fliers), and Minerva (Ward Fliers, Life and Death de-equipped).


I guess it's back to working on the armors quest. I should probably teach Pivot or Swap to Draug and Gwendolyn, probably Swap since it's more useful in tight spaces and I have more spare copies of Subaki than anyone I can grab Pivot off of.

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Flier Quest should be finished today, with my Cherche (+ATT, -RES), Cherche (+DEF, -RES), Palla, and Camilla team doing good work. Only two more clears left to go.

I actually had an epic battle with the Fliers on the Sacred Stones map (mountains with a small river and bridge on the top left). Since my team was all fliers, I was able to be completely out of the attack range of the opposing team. If I remember correctly, I was up against Jagen?, Odin, Azura, and Hana. Needless to say, with Azura and Hana around, Hana could easily have wiped my team all by herself.

Luckily I had terrain advantage and a human brain to overpower the AI, so I manipulated it so I could slowly kill off their heroes one by one. Jagen died first. Then, with too much time spent on positioning, Odin fell second. Shortly afterwards Azura too fell, and Hana could not withstand the might of Camilla with Goad Fliers (and maybe her Draconic Aura proc).

Also, as a bonus, here is a picture of my Cavalry Team playing "Catch Me If You Can" with Gwendolyn. Stahl went back and forth luring her while Ursula just attacked through the wall. Cain and Jagen had a picnic outside the fortress.



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28 minutes ago, Sire said:

I actually had an epic battle with the Fliers on the Sacred Stones map (mountains with a small river and bridge on the top left). Since my team was all fliers, I was able to be completely out of the attack range of the opposing team. If I remember correctly, I was up against Jagen?, Odin, Azura, and Hana. Needless to say, with Azura and Hana around, Hana could easily have wiped my team all by herself.

Luckily I had terrain advantage and a human brain to overpower the AI, so I manipulated it so I could slowly kill off their heroes one by one. Jagen died first. Then, with too much time spent on positioning, Odin fell second. Shortly afterwards Azura too fell, and Hana could not withstand the might of Camilla with Goad Fliers (and maybe her Draconic Aura proc).

I had basically the same situation, but on the story map that you fight Zephiel on (top half is land, bottom half is water, a flying unit starts at the very bottom of the map). The opponents were two Hectors, a Gwendolyn, a Lachesis, and Florina. Needless to say, Florina died first, then Lachesis was lured onto the peninsula due to her ability to attack at range, then the Hectors slowly followed (they kept buffing each other, causing there to always be one square between them).


My armor team has been doing rather well. I currently have Draug, Gwendolyn, Sheena, and Hector, all 5 stars with vanilla skills (Draug and Wendy don't have enough SP to learn Swap yet). I left Lunge on Draug and Drag Back on Wendy because they've actually been rather useful. Since my armors all move as one giant blob and can't move around each other, pulling one enemy in to get mobbed by the rest works rather well and has saved my skin more than once. You just have to remember that you have the skill equipped.

I'm currently at 10/15 and should be able to finish after I go to bed (it's 8 AM and I'm still up). The trick is to just keep cycling the missions until you find one that looks doable. No mages, no dragons, no more than 4 enemies, and colors match your units' strengths one-to-one or there are only one or two colors on the map. Armors are durable enough if they only ever fight at weapon triangle advantage and have a full set of movement type buffsĀ (aĀ Frederick with a Hammer did zero damage to Draug with Fortify Armor from Sheena).

I'm planning on building a new fully equipped armor squad for future quests. Draug [+Atk, -Res] (Silver Sword+, Swap, Moonbow, Quick Riposte), Gwendolyn [+Atk, -Spd] (Killer Lance+, Swap, Bonfire, Quick Riposte), Sheena [+Atk, -Spd] (Killer Axe+, Swap, Bonfire, Quick Riposte), and whichever Hector I have. If I had more Hectors, I'd totally give Distant Counter to each of them, but I can't quite whale that hard. The choice of special skills is so that it always activates on the Quick Riposte hit.

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29 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm currently at 10/15 and should be able to finish after I go to bed (it's 8 AM and I'm still up). The trick is to just keep cycling the missions until you find one that looks doable. No mages, no dragons, no more than 4 enemies, and colors match your units' strengths one-to-one or there are only one or two colors on the map. Armors are durable enough if they only ever fight at weapon triangle advantage and have a full set of movement type buffsĀ (aĀ Frederick with a Hammer did zero damage to Draug with Fortify Armor from Sheena).

Adding to this, the easiest by far is the 3 enemies one. Unless it contains a Beruka.

My favorite map for Armor quest is that and the fliers pincer one.

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I beat the Flyers quest, it was easier than I thought it would be.Ā  Hone Flyers helped a ton.Ā  I just have Armors left, now.Ā  Draug, Sheena, and Effie are all at least least 30, now.Ā  At least I'll have a team of at least 4 for every unit type, if we get more quests like this in the future.

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5 hours ago, pianime94 said:

Adding to this, the easiest by far is the 3 enemies one. Unless it contains a Beruka.

My favorite map for Armor quest is that and the fliers pincer one.

Actually, the fliers pincer is my least favorite one. The color distribution is almost guaranteed to be lopsided, meaning your units often need to be fighting at neutral or disadvantage, and you're almost guaranteed to find an enemy with a Hammer or Heavy Spear.

Also, fuck Eldigan. He's tanky as all get out (Draug, Sheena, and Hector can't even damage him), and Lunge ruins everything.

Beruka is actually fine for me because Draug quadruple attacks her for a one-round kill, and Hector can double attack on enemy phase for a one-round kill.

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@@Robert of NormandyĀ who's your level 40 Knight Units?



I figure we should all make a lists of notably Knight/Flier/Cav units... Idk. Maybe not Cav.. (Similar to Michalis) but.. maybe not. It's too late now for this quests.

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Just now, Ryuke said:

@@Robert of NormandyĀ who's your level 40 Knight Units?

Effie, Sheena, and Gwendolyn. Also has a Lv37 Draug whose job was to stay out of the way and not get killed. All 4*.

6 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Also, fuck Eldigan. He's tanky as all get out (Draug, Sheena, and Hector can't even damage him), and Lunge ruins everything.

YES. I had to abandon so many maps I was sure I could win just because he turned up.... >.<

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@Robert of NormandyĀ Why Draug do nothing? I know Brave Sword doesnt help since I am literally training 2 of him for the quest 3*/4*. Got Gwendolyn at 4*... and Hector at 5* (still training with the 2 Draug). I know Draug has mediocre att and good speed for Knight.Ā 

Aside from Gwen (40); the other 3 are all 37 now

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1 minute ago, Ryuke said:

@Robert of NormandyĀ Why Draug do nothing?

Because he can't damage shit

Most he could do was help with some positioning occasionally with Lunge and taking out some staffbots every now and again

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I hate ArmorsĀ so much



I did this with two 4* Gwendolyn's, one 3* Gwendolyn, and 4* Draug.

Ugh now I can finally have fun with the game again.

And yes, in a fit of rage, I did spend more Orbs for skill fodder not the brightest of me to do

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So I'm assuming that the armor quest is very much possible for me to do, with a Sheena, Draug, and two Wendys then? They're all 4-star right now, although none of them are level 40 yet.

No magical enemies, do I need any specific skills to complete this?

7/15 on cavalry quest. 'Tis a pain.

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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

So I'm assuming that the armor quest is very much possible for me to do, with a Sheena, Draug, and two Wendys then? They're all 4-star right now, although none of them are level 40 yet.

No magical enemies, do I need any specific skills to complete this?

7/15 on cavalry quest. 'Tis a pain.

My 5-star team was able to do it with vanilla skills, but if you're only using 4-star units I highly suggest you give Draug a stronger weapon (4-star Silver Sword is probably fine) and possibly pass some offensive special skills (Moonbow for fast charge,Ā Bonfire for more damage, or Retribution/VengeanceĀ for clutch damage). It helps that both Sheena and Wendy come with Killer weapons by default.

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5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

My 5-star team was able to do it with vanilla skills, but if you're only using 4-star units I highly suggest you give Draug a stronger weapon (4-star Silver Sword is probably fine) and possibly pass some offensive special skills (Moonbow for fast charge,Ā Bonfire for more damage, or Retribution/VengeanceĀ for clutch damage). It helps that both Sheena and Wendy come with Killer weapons by default.

Noted. I'll see if I have any extra skill fodder for Draug lying around.

EDIT: I have a spare Stahl with a ruby sword. Is that good enough? The only spare character I have with a silver sword right now is Olivia, and I don't want to get rid of her yet in case there are situations in which I need two dancers.

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12 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

So I'm assuming that the armor quest is very much possible for me to do, with a Sheena, Draug, and two Wendys then? They're all 4-star right now, although none of them are level 40 yet.

No magical enemies, do I need any specific skills to complete this?

7/15 on cavalry quest. 'Tis a pain.

Along with what Ice Dragon said, you might want a positioning skill onto Sheena or Draug if they're not seeing much combat. I was not fortunate enough to get dupes of offensive Specials or Silver Swords and had to make Draug a Reposition/aura bot of some kind. You might have an ideal enemy team comp but their insufferable 1 movement can get you killed without some way of moving them quicker.

Two Gwendolyn's can Drag Back someone to death. That's the strat I did.

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