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2 hours ago, Iris said:


The thing about Elibe is that you can easily get a good idea of what the "implied" pairings are supposed to be by looking at the support growth rates. Note that the highest support growth rate is Eliwood x Ninian at +5 per turn; the higher the number, the higher the compatibility (platonically or romantically). This checks out, seeing that Isadora x Harken is +4, Bartre x Karla is +4, and so on; friendships or family relations are also +4. Farina is a pitiful +1, and considering her late join time, it's unlikely to build the A Support with Farina especially if you're going for a ranked run. Farina has the same base starting rate with Dart, but the support increases at +2, so I would argue it's more likely she's supposed to support him (Kent is also +1). This also checks out in the Sacred Stones as well with regards to what pairings most people consider canon.

Hector is interesting because his highest female support growth rate is Lyn at +3, but Lyn's is +4 with Rath. Optimizing the pairings based on efficiency (and paired endings) would lead to Lyn/Rath and Hector/Florina, though. For what it's worth, in Florina's join chapter in Hector Mode, she gets an additional "Talk" conversation with Hector (not present in Eliwood mode). I think it's perfectly understandable that the Lyn/Hector support builds faster than the Florina/Hector (she's having a very difficulty time to talk to him . . .), but Lyn is far more compatible with Rath than Hector (as can be seen in their supports---there's a huge respect and understanding between Lyn and Rath unlike Lyn and Hector who have a more slap-slap-kiss dynamic).

I'm not here to debate which Elibe pairings are more canon, though, and I personally don't care too much about canon because I ship a lot of pairings that are most definitely not canon.


So? I still disagree that Lyn is more compatible with Rath due to what the story actually presents. And support growth rates don't really matter. Loads of people consider Chrom x female Robin to be the canon, but Chrom's highest support growth is with Sumia. And Frederick's highest support growth is with Maribelle, yet more people put him with Lissa or Cordelia or maybe Sumia than anyone else. How random is that when he has more of a connection with Lissa than any other female in the game? (even if I do think the age gap in either case here is creepy)

I honestly think higher support growths with some characters than others exist for players who want quicker options or easier options. Sumia is a very easy and convenient option in Awakening for newer players, and Rath is arguably the easiest option for Lyn for new players of FE7 too since he appears the soonest of her options just as the case with Sumia and Chrom.

And there are cases like Elincia in PoR. Both her supports are very fast because she joins late.

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I mean, the Roy x Lilina Support builds so fast. It can max out in a chapter or two. And despite not technically being confirmed canon, pretty much everyone agrees that it might as well be.

Actually, i think IS themselves considers it canon, as there's a Cipher card that features Roy and Lilina. So the Support Growth Rate argument is definitly valid.

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

1. Yet Lyn has more shippy scenes with Hector and even a special conversation that is only available if they A support. Hector also outright says IN a STORY convo that he's lost his heart to her. So no matter what the player does, he falls in love with Lyn. Lyn never became a queen either, what are you talking about? Ostia has a marquess, not a king or queen.

2. Farina is only available in Hector mode though. We can't pair her with him in Eliwood's story, so I would definitely argue that she is the least canon-ish option.

3. You do know that Cecilia, who is a mage, taught Lilina, right? Roy also learned from her, but it was found that he was just not magically inclined, and he could've also had a Peg knight for his mom (Fiora).

All Lyn and Rath have is their support and one scene in Lyn mode where Rath saves her. Hector is far more implied as the "canon" option.

So yeah, I feel your argument here is rather weak. But your views are yours and we'll just have to agree to disagree.

And yeah, this post.

1.) The only "shippy" scenes I can think of are the scene on the ship, and the scene they have together at the ending if they A rank(The special convo they have together), which both Eliwood and Hector have with ALL of their A rank supports, meaning Eliwood gets a scene with Lyn, too. And you can change the titles all you want(Yeah, she's not a queen, but she'd have the same rank as Eleanora, who is still a high ranking noble) but the ending with Hector states that his wife stayed by his side and helped him become a good leader.

Regardless of the title, she's the highest ranking female noble in a big fancy couple and married to the leader of the country, and her settling down like this doesn't fit with her character very well. You agree with this, right? That Lyn's ending with Hector is thematically off for her?

All throughout the game, we're told that Lyn wants to be out in the world, doing pretty much anything else besides fulfilling her duties as the Marquess of Caelin. There's not a single ending where she actually does take over as the Marquess of Caelin, preferring to either go wander in the plains, or hang out with her friends/lovers. Rath's ending with her is virtually identical to her default ending, only instead of wandering the plains alone, they wander the plains together.

2.) How is a character that's only Hector can meet and recruit less canon?

3.) Yeah, Roy didn't have much talent with magic, but that's not why she didn't teach him it. She didn't teach Roy because Roy's a perfectionist, and Lilina's innate talent eclipsed Roy's. She thought Roy would get discouraged if he practiced his ass off only to get quickly taken over by somebody close to him(Lilina) who picked it up naturally. Nothing you said contradicts what I said, aside from Roy also having a potential peggy mom should mean he also has some magic affinity. But that wasn't the argument either of us were making.

I'm not trying to push preferred pairings or anything, but you're the one saying Hector/Lyn is more heavily implied because Lyn gets ONE extra with Hector over Rath, which is also a stock scene that both lords get with their A support wives. I'm saying Rath is more implied because of Lyn's character and how the endings play out. I think the "Lilina being magically talented" argument is a dead end, so there's probably little reason to use that, but as @Iris has pointed out, Rath/Lyn is supported via gameplay quite a bit more than Hector/Lyn.

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

So? I still disagree that Lyn is more compatible with Rath due to what the story actually presents. And support growth rates don't really matter. Loads of people consider Chrom x female Robin to be the canon, but Chrom's highest support growth is with Sumia. And Frederick's highest support growth is with Maribelle, yet more people put him with Lissa or Cordelia or maybe Sumia than anyone else. How random is that when he has more of a connection with Lissa than any other female in the game? (even if I do think the age gap in either case here is creepy)

I honestly think higher support growths with some characters than others exist for players who want quicker options or easier options. Sumia is a very easy and convenient option in Awakening for newer players, and Rath is arguably the easiest option for Lyn for new players of FE7 too since he appears the soonest of her options just as the case with Sumia and Chrom.

And there are cases like Elincia in PoR. Both her supports are very fast because she joins late.

Sumia is good for flying Chrom around. But the options of Sumia other than Chrom himself are just really bad overall... Gaius is as frail as a piece of paper and Frederick is not very good for long term, though he does help Sumia's growth a lot with his powerful defense. And Henry comes in way too late. The game is definitely rigged to make you pair Chrom with Sumia, which is quite annoying.

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11 minutes ago, Slumber said:

1.) The only "shippy" scenes I can think of are the scene on the ship, and the scene they have together at the ending if they A rank(The special convo they have together), which both Eliwood and Hector have with ALL of their A rank supports, meaning Eliwood gets a scene with Lyn, too. And you can change the titles all you want(Yeah, she's not a queen, but she'd have the same rank as Eleanora, who is still a high ranking noble) but the ending with Hector states that his wife stayed by his side and helped him become a good leader.

Regardless of the title, she's the highest ranking female noble in a big fancy couple and married to the leader of the country, and her settling down like this doesn't fit with her character very well. You agree with this, right? That Lyn's ending with Hector is thematically off for her?

All throughout the game, we're told that Lyn wants to be out in the world, doing pretty much anything else besides fulfilling her duties as the Marquess of Caelin. There's not a single ending where she actually does take over as the Marquess of Caelin, preferring to either go wander in the plains, or hang out with her friends/lovers. Rath's ending with her is virtually identical to her default ending, only instead of wandering the plains alone, they wander the plains together.

2.) How is a character that's only Hector can meet and recruit less canon?

3.) Yeah, Roy didn't have much talent with magic, but that's not why she didn't teach him it. She didn't teach Roy because Roy's a perfectionist, and Lilina's innate talent eclipsed Roy's. She thought Roy would get discouraged if he practiced his ass off only to get quickly taken over by somebody close to him(Lilina) who picked it up naturally. Nothing you said contradicts what I said, aside from Roy also having a potential peggy mom should mean he also has some magic affinity. But that wasn't the argument either of us were making.

I'm not trying to push preferred pairings or anything, but you're the one saying Hector/Lyn is more heavily implied because Lyn gets ONE extra with Hector over Rath, which is also a stock scene that both lords get with their A support wives. I'm saying Rath is more implied because of Lyn's character and how the endings play out. I think the "Lilina being magically talented" argument is a dead end, so there's probably little reason to use that, but as @Iris has pointed out, Rath/Lyn is supported via gameplay quite a bit more than Hector/Lyn.

1. There's a different conversation that Hector and Lyn get if they have an A support that other options for them don't get.

2. Because you can only recruit that character in one story mode, not both?

3. Still, by your logic, Roy should have some magic in him because Fiora could've been his mom.

Lyn gets more extras with Hector than one. A special conversation and more scenes because they're more involved with the story.  Rath kind of drops off period after Lyn mode except for his return.

And Hector x Lyn is supported more by the story which matters more than gameplay in this case.

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16 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

1. There's a different conversation that Hector and Lyn get if they have an A support that other options for them don't get.

2. Because you can only recruit that character in one story mode, not both?

3. Still, by your logic, Roy should have some magic in him because Fiora could've been his mom.

Lyn gets more extras with Hector than one. A special conversation and more scenes because they're more involved with the story.  Rath kind of drops off period after Lyn mode except for his return.

And Hector x Lyn is supported more by the story which matters more than gameplay in this case.

1.) Then I'm unaware of this conversation, so I can't comment.

2.) But this character is exclusive to Hector. She exclusively has endings with only Hector(Well, and Dart). You're going to have to explain to me why Eliwood not being able to recruit her makes her a less-canon option for Hector. Is it because from Eliwood's point of view, she doesn't exist? Because then we can bring up how a bunch of shit that only happens in Hector's route(Like learning about the origins of Morphs, and learning about Nergal's past) are non-canon or less-canon, too.

3.) Again, Cecilia didn't say Roy incapable of using magic, she said Lilina had much more talent than he did, which she knew would discourage the perfectionist Roy. She knew trying to teach Roy and Lilina magic would end badly for Roy.

You're still not explaining how Lyn's ending with Hector makes any sense for her character, when the game keeps telling us that Lyn would rather be anywhere besides cooped up in a castle. As far as I know, it's really just that two extra scenes(I'm taking your word on that extra conversation they have). I don't think two scenes instantly makes a pairing more canon than one that actually follows a character's arc, is supported by the game as you play it, and is the only explanation for the existence of a character in a game that takes place in the future.

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2 minutes ago, Slumber said:

You're still not explaining how Lyn's ending with Hector makes any sense for her character, when the game keeps telling us that Lyn would rather be anywhere besides cooped up in a castle. As far as I know, it's really just that two extra scenes(I'm taking your word on that extra conversation they have). I don't think two scenes instantly makes a pairing more canon than one that actually follows a character's arc, is supported by the game as you play it, and is the only explanation for the existence of a character in a game that takes place in the future.

Because that doesn't matter to me. What the story shows is what matters and the story showed me lots of implications for Hector x Lyn. It's half the reason I ship them. The other half being how entertaining these interactions were.

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Ah, yes. I see even this thread has turned into what I expected it to be. Alas.

Pairings = Argue with Ana.

Like seriously, why are two characters theoretically making babies better than them making babies with other people in different save files so serious in this community?

3 hours ago, Iris said:


With regard to the OP's intentions about thinking more critically about Lord pairings, I suggest you to read amellion's post (warning, long) about the Ike factor. An interesting point she somewhat refers to is how Elincia serves the role of Nyna/Guinevere, as a woman who's very involved in the respective Lord's game, but not quite a love interest.


I can't recommend amellion's analyses enough when it comes to FE in general.


I'm just gonna keep to myself from here on out. For one, it feels like JP and EN atmosphere with FE's romantic relationships are world's apart in difference.

For one, Rath and Lyn are a better fit just from their speech pattern compatibility. Hector's nobility language and behavior environment? I don't see Lyn lasting more than a year.

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Just now, shadowofchaos said:

Ah, yes. I see even this thread has turned into what I expected it to be. Alas.

It could be worse! At least it isn't an Awakening/Fates waifu war.

1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

So? I still disagree that Lyn is more compatible with Rath due to what the story actually presents. And support growth rates don't really matter. Loads of people consider Chrom x female Robin to be the canon, but Chrom's highest support growth is with Sumia. And Frederick's highest support growth is with Maribelle, yet more people put him with Lissa or Cordelia or maybe Sumia than anyone else. How random is that when he has more of a connection with Lissa than any other female in the game? (even if I do think the age gap in either case here is creepy)

I honestly think higher support growths with some characters than others exist for players who want quicker options or easier options. Sumia is a very easy and convenient option in Awakening for newer players, and Rath is arguably the easiest option for Lyn for new players of FE7 too since he appears the soonest of her options just as the case with Sumia and Chrom.

And there are cases like Elincia in PoR. Both her supports are very fast because she joins late.

GBA FE support system is different from both 3DS and PoR/RD support system, so I can't really see those arguments being valid. PoR has differing support lengths likely to prevent the player from reading supports that aren't appropriate for the story during that time (hence why Soren's supports take so long, and Titania/Ike A support shouldn't be viewed until near the end). Comparing the 3DS support system to the GBA support system is silly since the GBA support system restricts you to 5 total support conversations per person, while 3DS you can support as many people as you want (with a restriction of 1 S support. Given the free reign and plenty of map encounters, it's pretty easy to build up any support. 

Sumia point could be valid, but Awakening is a game based upon pairings (hence why Lucina is in the main plot), unlike the GBA FEs. I also neglected to mention Binding Blade in my explanation, and Binding Blade was the first FE game to feature support conversations/paired endings (albeit for Roy only). Note that Lilina, the commonly accepted canon love interest of Roy has a +4 support growth rate, unlike Roy's second highest, which is +2.

Also wanted to point out Hector has generic / the same endings with all 3 of his love interests. However, Eliwood and Ninian have a varied ending unlike Eliwood's endings with Lyn and Fiora. Lyn and Rath have a unique ending. 

@Slumber Here's the conversation Ana was referring to (CTRL F "Hector and Lyn talk"), though I find it silly of people to dismiss Farina (even though I very much don't see her as the "canon" love interest) based on her being Hector Mode only because this conversation is Hector Mode only, as is Florina's conversation with Hector in her Hector Mode join chapter.

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alright my thoughts on all the things:

12 hours ago, phineas81707 said:

*Caeda (Marth)


*Deirdre (Sigurd)

*Nanna (Leif)

*Lilina (Roy)

*Ninian (Eliwood)


*Tana (Ephraim)

*Elincia (Ike)

*Soren (Ike)

*Sothe (Micaiah)

*Sumia (Chrom)

Not listed: Seliph, Eirika, Robin, Corrin. Possibly Lucina.

marth and caeda's relationship is alright in FE11, but there's not much to it since they don't really interact much in the story. still, it works well enough for what it is

alm and celica in gaiden is.... a thing I guess? not much to that either. seems like they're doing a really good job with it in echoes though, especially with all the new backstory added to it

sigurd and deirdre is.... also a thing. they definitely tried here, and I guess it wasn't awful?

haven't played FE5 much but leaf and nanna seems fine

lilina and roy is probably the best of the bunch, it's believable enough and their interactions are fine. i think it's pretty nice

eliwood and ninian I think is nice too. could've had more to it, but I like a lot of their interactions in the story, especially the one right before ninian first becomes playable.

hector and lyn... I liked the scene on the boat I guess?

tana and ephraim was a thing?

ike and elincia was a thing?

i feel like ike and soren's relationship is done really well.... and I honestly think they should've just gone all the way and made it a romantic thing. i guess the ending leaves that up to interpretation and it can be? or maybe that was the intention of the ending? do I have to go find radiant dawn's writer and ask them what that ending was supposed to mean because I don't think there's any other way to figure this out. but anyway, if you just assume this was meant to be a romantic thing all along, I think it's pretty nice, honestly. i guess there's nothing explicitly romantic about it but on the other hand there's nothing explicitly romantic about lyn and eliwood's supports and they still get married at the end so shrug emoji 

sothe and micaiah's relationship is terrible and I hate it. it's the only one on here I can genuinely say I find pretty damn bad. there's a backstory and stuff but not only are their interactions super boring and don't feel even slightly romantic, there's almost no chemistry between these characters. i really hate sothe in radiant dawn which is disappointing since I really liked him in path of radiance.

chrom and sumia's supports are dumb but kinda cute I guess i haven't played awakening in a while so I can't really say anything about this one

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14 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Pairings = Argue with Ana.

Excuse me, I didn't provoke anything. People replied to my post first.

3 minutes ago, Iris said:

It could be worse! At least it isn't an Awakening/Fates waifu war.

And yeah, this.

@unique Uh, yeah, Ike and Elincia grew close and Ephraim and Tana actually have an ending...

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

@unique Uh, yeah, Ike and Elincia grew close and Ephraim and Tana actually have an ending...

i dunno I never interpreted ike and elincia's relationship as a romantic thing I always thought it was more supposed to be like marth and nyna's (especially since it's a really similar situation here)

but I guess maybe the last cutscene of PoR was supposed to imply something like that??? but if there was anything between them it seems like it was gone in RD. i guess maybe if I actually got their supports I would've thought differently

although this thread's supposed to be about things that are actually implied or shown in the story so ephraim and tana having an ending isn't really relevant

in this case though it's probably just something i'm forgetting since it took me really long to beat sacred stones and I wasn't paying much attention to the story

but I don't remember any interactions between those two in the story. there probably was some but i've completely forgotten it if there was


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Ephraim and Tana interactions, IIRC are in some cutscenes. But only story talk.

If you say Tana and Ephraim have romantic implications in those cutscenes on the level of Ninian and Eliwood justification, then L'Arachel is also a valid one.

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10 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Ephraim and Tana interactions, IIRC are in some cutscenes. But only story talk.

If you say Tana and Ephraim have romantic implications in those cutscenes on the level of Ninian and Eliwood justification, then L'Arachel is also a valid one.

There aren't really any Eliwood/Ninian level relationships in Sacred Stones though. So Tana for Ephraim and Seth for Eirika is the best we get there.

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i think if that's the case, it'd be best to just assume none for ephraim, since tana and him hardly talk at all, and l'arachel only gets a few lines with him, none of which show any kind of close relationship.

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Alright, i know i've put my ships here before but now i've put thought into it, and this is why i think each of these ships are canon:

Marth x Caeda: It's pretty basic but it is the first couple of the series. I will say the OVA and especially the manga do expand on Marth and Caeda's relationship a lot more. 

Alm x Celica: It was just a thing in Gaiden, and even then, Gaiden just implied they married because Valentia needed a King and Queen. But then comes SoV and it just expands on Alm and Celica's relationship so much. Oh, and even though they got into an argument, it's fine, because couples can get into arguments. It's something that happens. Honestly, just from what i've seen, Alm x Celica is the most beliveable romance in the series. Their reunion cutscene at the end of Ch.2 is too good.

Sigurd x Diedre: I mean, it was alright. I will agree that it was a bit rushed. Oh, if you thought it was rushed in the game, wait until you read the manga. Although the magna did expand on their relationship. 

Ok, rule of thumb, FE mangas will usually always expand on a Lord's love interest if it's canon/implied.

Seliph x Lana: I ship it but honestly ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯. I haven't completed the manga though so that might change

Leif x Nanna: Same reasons as Seliph x Lana.

Roy x Lilina: This is one of the more believable ships in the series. They've got good interactions, even if Roy is dense sometimes.



Roy: I'm just glad you're alright, Lilina. *leaves*

Lilina: Only because you're with me, Roy.

Roy: What? Did you say something?

Lilina: No, nothing.

Eliwood x Ninian: Another believable ship tbh. Also, this is the only ship that has affects the plot


As in, Ninian stays in Elibe instead of returning to dragon land if she has an A-Support with Eliwood and only Eliwood.

Hector x Florina: the light novel said so. I do like it tho.

Rath x Lyn: This makes sense when you think about it. As many have mentioned before, Lyn isn't the type of person that would live inside a castle. She only does so in Caelin because of her grandfather. Plus, Rath x Lyn is the only pairing that mentions Sue.

Seth x Eirika: It's the classic tale of "princess falls in love with knight".

Ephraim x Tana: ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯. Tana has a crush on Ephraim at least, even if he's dense as fuck. I still like it tho.

Ike x unnamed girl: Again, explain Priam.

Sothe x Micaiah: ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯. I only ship it cuz it's canon to my knowledge. I have yet to play either Tellius game.

Chrom x Olivia: It's rushed, but it's also a decent Support that doesn't revolve around pies. Also, Inigo having the Brand on his right eye is a bonus. No other sibiling of Lucina mentions the Brand.

Robin x Lucina: I mainly started shipping it after i found out that Robin has a special victory quote if he wins a match against Lucina: " Lucina, i hope i didn't hurt you". Female Robin has one too, but it's savage.

Corrin x Azura: The Corrin x Azura Supports are the only Supports in Fates that change depending on the version. Same goes for Azura's confession quote.

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ike x unnamed girl: Again, explain Priam.

I agree, even as an Ike x Elincia shipper, but be careful, some people (usually Ike x Soren fans) like to argue that Priam was a liar or that he came from Mist's line (because she can marry Boyd). They say that because Marth isn't directly a descendant from Anri, the same must be true for Priam's relation to Ike. It's possible, but not a fact since IS has said nothing on it. Just because Marth isn't a direct descendant of his named ancestor doesn't mean Priam automatically isn't either.

Also, some other people don't even consider Priam to be canon (I think this is silly because why would IS create an entirely new character just to say he doesn't really exist? But different strokes). Differing opinions though.

Oh yeah, Corrin's love interests are EVERYONE. Not just Azura. And Azura would be incest for him anyway (before anyone mentions FE4, that incest was part of the story. Corrin and Azura banging one another has no effect on the plot). Also wouldn't explain female Corrin's "main" love interest.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I agree, even as an Ike x Elincia shipper, but be careful, some people (usually Ike x Soren fans) like to argue that Priam was a liar or that he came from Mist's line (because she can marry Boyd). They say that because Marth isn't directly a descendant from Anri, the same must be true for Priam's relation to Ike. It's possible, but not a fact since IS has said nothing on it. Just because Marth isn't a direct descendant of his named ancestor doesn't mean Priam automatically isn't either.

i don't think anyone's saying that just because that happened with marth that it happened with priam as well, and i've certainly never seen anyone say anything like that

I really can't see anyone thinking "because marth isn't directly descended from anri priam isnt directly descended from ike", that's just not a conclusion that makes sense

i'm pretty sure that people's thoughts are more just that because of what happened with marth, it's a possibility, and that because it's possible, it doesn't mean that ike necessarily got with a woman in the end. i definitely like to think of it that way, since for a variety of reasons, the idea of ike just going to archanea or wherever and having kids with some random woman is not something I find particularly appealing.

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Just now, unique said:

i don't think anyone's saying that just because that happened with marth that it happened with priam as well, and i've certainly never seen anyone say anything like that

I really can't see anyone thinking "because marth isn't directly descended from anri priam isnt directly descended from ike", that's just not a conclusion that makes sense

i'm pretty sure that people's thoughts are more just that because of what happened with marth, it's a possibility, and that because it's possible, it doesn't mean that ike necessarily got with a woman in the end. i definitely like to think of it that way, since for a variety of reasons, the idea of ike just going to archanea or wherever and having kids with some random woman is not something I find particularly appealing.

Thing is, I've seen people say "I think Priam is from Mist's line" or "Priam is probably from Mist's line" or "Priam isn't canon." Like they're facts or something when they're not. But I might have misinterpreted them.

It wouldn't be "some random woman" if it was a woman that Ike met, became friends with, and the two found that they were growing to love each other. At least for Ike. To us, it could seem random, but in the context, it probably wouldn't be.

But one thing I do know, Ike's unnamed wife would surely be a woman who's a great cook, not of any noble or royal blood, and perhaps fights. With Ike's appetite, he needs a wife that can cook. lol

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Thing is, I've seen people say "I think Priam is from Mist's line" or "Priam is probably from Mist's line" or "Priam isn't canon." Like they're facts or something when they're not. But I might have misinterpreted them.

ummmm, maybe I'm not understanding right, but if they're saying "I think" or "probably", isn't that doing the opposite? i personally really dislike when people say things like that as if they're facts, but in this case, I don't see how either of those are. with "Priam isn't canon", yeah, that's definitely doing that, although I think that's... honestly possible. you do meet him from the same group of extra missions where you meet a woman who survived jumping off a cliff, so I can see why people would think that. still, I think priam's existence doesn't really contradict anything in the game (the mention of ashera is a bit strange, but I think awakening implies that all the fire emblem games took place in the same world), so I think that his existence can be considered canon. but at the same time I feel like it's just as likely that he could be descended from boyd and mist as he could be from ike and whoever, even if that may not have been the intention when he was created.

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20 minutes ago, unique said:

boyd and mist

pretty simple explanation there

Priam has Ragnell tho. And that's the only time we ever see a legendary weapon that isn't part of the Archanea/Valentia/Jugdral continuity outside of the DLC. Actually no, there's the Sol Katti which you get after recruiting Yen'Fay, but that has zero explanation, unless it's the same blade in name only. If Ike didn't take Ragnell with him (idk if he did or not), we'll go with hair color, as Priam shares the same hair color with Ike (though blue hair seems to be the dominant trait for most Lords anyway).


22 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Oh yeah, Corrin's love interests are EVERYONE. Not just Azura. And Azura would be incest for him anyway (before anyone mentions FE4, that incest was part of the story. Corrin and Azura banging one another has no effect on the plot). Also wouldn't explain female Corrin's "main" love interest.

I mean, cousin marriage is common or at least accepted in Japan and other Asian countries to my knowledge. I may be wrong though. Also, in Corrin's defense, he wouldn't know Azura was his cousin unless it's the Revelation route and even then, it's revealed pretty late (and never mentioned again). By then, more than enough time had passed for him to marry her.

As for female Corrin ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯. 

Unrelated btw, but i met somebody over at SmashBoards whose parents are cousins.

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6 minutes ago, unique said:

ummmm, maybe I'm not understanding right, but if they're saying "I think" or "probably", isn't that doing the opposite? i personally really dislike when people say things like that as if they're facts, but in this case, I don't see how either of those are. with "Priam isn't canon", yeah, that's definitely doing that, although I think that's... honestly possible. you do meet him from the same group of extra missions where you meet a woman who survived jumping off a cliff, so I can see why people would think that. still, I think priam's existence doesn't really contradict anything in the game (the mention of ashera is a bit strange, but I think awakening implies that all the fire emblem games took place in the same world), so I think that his existence can be considered canon. but at the same time I feel like it's just as likely that he could be descended from boyd and mist as he could be from ike and whoever, even if that may not have been the intention when he was created.

Saying "this is probably true" is telling people who think differently that they're probably wrong. And there's no reason to believe I'm probably wrong in thinking that Ike did indeed find a wife and raise a family. So I don't like being told I'm probably wrong about something that has just as much of a chance of being true as the opposite idea.

@Armagon I agree with you on the Ragnell point, but blue hair can easily come from the parent not descended from Ike. Priam only needs one parent from Ike's line to be descended from Ike. So there are lots of places that blue hair could've come from.

Edited by Anacybele
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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Priam has Ragnell tho. And that's the only time we ever see a legendary weapon that isn't part of the Archanea/Valentia/Jugdral continuity outside of the DLC. Actually no, there's the Sol Katti which you get after recruiting Yen'Fay, but that has zero explanation, unless it's the same blade in name only. If Ike didn't take Ragnell with him (idk if he did or not), we'll go with hair color, as Priam shares the same hair color with Ike (though blue hair seems to be the dominant trait for most Lords anyway).

ike doesn't take ragnell with him, he gives it back to sanaki before the end of the game

hair color on the other hand doesn't really say anything since mist is still his sister and also it's fire emblem, a game where three sisters can have Green Pink and Blue hair

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Meanwhile, I'm wondering how many people are going to wind up shipping Riley with someone other than Sammy anyway.

Since the cast is so small and compatibility is actually an issue, I'm honestly just excited to see who.

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