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Grand Hero Battle: Camus: Sable Knight (6/2/17)


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2 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

@phineas81707 The only reason I have a pretty okay cavalry team now is because I started focusing on them.The game gives you Ursula and Xander, both excellent cavs. I don't think any of the cavs are just AMAZING by themselves. (I guess unless you're Reinhardt.) They need some SI and whatnot. So really the only way to get super strong cavs is to want it and to work for it. And that's totally your choice. 

I tried to do a team with Frederick, Eliwood, and a few others  a while back and just got frustrated because they weren't what I was looking for. But I swapped out Freddy for Titania and now life is good. 

Long story short: cav teams are useful (for quests and stuff). It's nice to have something. But if you don't want it, don't bother. 

Yeah, and Frederick and Eliwood are units you have to work for to be good. I didn't just get my 5 star full of skills Frederick in a day. I upgraded him twice and dumped skill inheritance on him over time. :P And Eliwood is the same, he's almost never been available as a 5 star pull and he's best when he's 5 star and able to use Durandal.

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Took me long enough, but I managed to get the Lunatic version! Felt really good to beat it down.

Team of 5* Eirika and Hector and 4* Lissa and Est. Est distracted the healer while Hector did the first round (of combat) tanking on the left side, taking out an axe cav and hurting Camus enough to finish on player phase. Then had Eirika sit in front of him while proccing Miracle on the healer, Lissa healed Hector and Est was placed to distract the mage, who attacked Eirika on EP, while the healer got finished by Hector. Eirika proceeded to 1-round the mage and could then take out the second axe cav on enemy phase. I think 5 turns total counting moving Est into position. 

Eirika had fury, but might have not needed it. Hector's Vantage was irrelevant for this map, Lissa's inherited skills were irrelevant and Est's were unused.

(Now to figure out the hard mode map with a bunch of subpar units..... Not going to be fun. Could easily outlevel it but I like to do these with even units.)

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I did it yesterday (too busy couldn't post), anyways I Horse Emblemed it for fun with Xander(Hone Cav), Cecilia(blade tome, fort cav), Leo (blade tome, ward cav), and Elise (Hone Cav).  Because Xander can tank Camus with stacked fortify and ward lol.

Edited by Locke087
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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Ahaha. Oh, Laslow.

I forgot Laslow had Axebreaker. I was considering using Eliwood, but his Def is kind of pathetic. Maybe I'll try Laslow sometime.

I also forgot that Fae is a bulky green and is (the only dragon) allowed for this challenge.

Yeah, Fae's quite handy. Speaking of bulky greens...

Boey. Ignis OHKOs on Camus, anyone?

5* Clair (+Def/-HP) and Boey (+Spd/-Res), with 4* Selena (+Def/-HP), and Roy (+Spd/-Res) achieved a 4-turn run.




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29 minutes ago, SaMaster14 said:

Any thoughts on a good B skill for Camus? ?

I'm trying to figure out the same. Leaning towards Vantage.

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Just now, Othin said:

I'm trying to figure out the same. Leaning towards Vantage.

Sadly, I don't have a unit with Vantage to spare. 


I was thinking quick repost or R tomebreaker. 

I would give him lancebreaker, but I only have a 3* unit to spare, so he'd only be able to get to lancebreaker 2 ...

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I'm currently grinding Camus from 3*, he'll be the first I'll be grinding from 3* instead of 4*. I really like Camus' design, I think I'll try making a non horse emblem skill build for him - I already have a full cav team built so I'd like to try eventually throwing him in a team with other unit types.

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17 minutes ago, SaMaster14 said:

Sadly, I don't have a unit with Vantage to spare. 


I was thinking quick repost or R tomebreaker. 

I would give him lancebreaker, but I only have a 3* unit to spare, so he'd only be able to get to lancebreaker 2 ...

Quick Riposte is very good for Distant Counter units. Using the lower-level versions of it does cost some arena points, but they should be about as effective in the battles themselves. (Unless you're using a 5* for QR3, which seems like a pretty steep price.)

R Tomebreaker might be helpful if you really need him to deal with a really fast red mage like Tharja or Celica on enemy phase, if they can double and 2HKO him but he can't OHKO them on the counter? That's pretty specific, though, so I'd only recommend it if that's a big weakness your team has.

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24 minutes ago, Othin said:

Quick Riposte is very good for Distant Counter units. Using the lower-level versions of it does cost some arena points, but they should be about as effective in the battles themselves. (Unless you're using a 5* for QR3, which seems like a pretty steep price.)

R Tomebreaker might be helpful if you really need him to deal with a really fast red mage like Tharja or Celica on enemy phase, if they can double and 2HKO him but he can't OHKO them on the counter? That's pretty specific, though, so I'd only recommend it if that's a big weakness your team has.

I have a good amount of high powered blue mage units, so I'm thinking of doing QR. I have a 4* Klein to spare. However that would only allow me QR2

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21 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


How the hell is Michalis in the same tier as Gunter?

Did it with:






T1: Sheena is a slow ass and can't reach the point in one turn



Bait with Sheena



Position Gunter 1 panel behind forest. Sheena moves to the left. Eliwood ORKO Axehorse and chokes da point

One shot Camus with Gunter boosted Ursula



Back off. Healer will get buffed by Red Tome, and attack Gunter


T5: Use Eliwood + Gunter to blow up the healer. Ursula does 45 against Red Mage


Gunter so OP he can cheese this GHB without doing anything!



....that said i'm out of idea for SS less clear

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On 03.06.2017 at 7:52 AM, Ice Dragon said:

How the hell is Michalis in the same tier as Gunter?

Tier lists tend to suck. Not that I need to say it to you of all people but hey.

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I beat lunatic earlier today (took a few tries to figure it out). How I did it in the spoiler below.


First, stats:


Honestly the most replaceable unit of the bunch. he doesn’t do much, so a dancer or healer is a possible option (though you may want to stick to a red unit if you are using lyn/your lyn replacement can’t OTK the first axe user (details are mentioned later))


She’s kind of key here, so Spring!Camilla is not replaceable for this exact strategy (though her skills can be different). If you don’t have her, you could try the start of this strategy with a different flier, but you’ll probably have to change things from there.


Lyn is replaceable with a good Lucina or other speedy, high attack sword user.


Spring!Xander is replaceable with a blue unit of any kind with fortify def (2 at least, though 3 may be more helpful) and decent def and res.

Turn 1:


Arrange your units (or their replacements) like so (mostly because it makes it easier to get units to where they need to be, but don’t panic if you mess this part up. they don’t attack until you’re in range, so take all the time you need if you want)

Turn “2″ (aka whenever you get your units into place):


make sure s!camilla is the only one in range (and not higher than where she is or she’ll attract the red mage).

Beginning of Turn 3:


when your turn starts, it should look something like this. have s!camilla move down and attack camus (he won’t die, but she should do at least 30 damage, or this won’t work). move s!xander to right in front of camus but DO NOT ATTACK!! just leave him there. end of turn 3 should look like this:


during the enemies’ turn, the healer will heal camus and camus will attack s!xander, so if you’re using a unit besides s!xander, make sure they can take that hit. he also later (on the next enemy turn) get’s attacked by the healer, so decent res is recommended.

Beginning of Turn 4:


Have s!camilla finish off camus (her special isn’t required but it’s nice anyway). after he’s dead, have lyn attack the healer (NOTE: if you chose a sword user that has enough attack to kill the healer, that’s also fine). should look like this at the end of your turn (unless the note applies, then the healer will be dead):


during the enemies’ turn, one of the axe users will attack lyn, so make sure your speedy sword user can take those hits (and future hits). this is also the turn where the healer attacks s!xander (if the healer is still alive).

Beginning of Turn 5:


part 1: have lyn kill the healer and trigger her galeforce.  NOTE: if you chose a sword character with more attack than lyn, then the damaged axe user might be dead (which means the healer is probably also dead). this is fine, skip to part 2.

part 2: have lyn attack and kill the red mage. should look like this (damaged axe user will be dead if the note applies):


have xander (regular xander now) kill the damaged axe user (or just move to that space if he’s dead). move s!xander between lyn and r!xander. should look like this: 


the remaining axe user will suicide into lyn during the enemies’ turn.

Took a few tries to get it right, but I'm glad I figured it out on my own.

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Yea... I'm going to need team suggestions on this battle. That Calvary is way to tough to fight with my current team. Any advice?


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@Thany Looking at your team, I'm thinking you can copy Brotel's strategy with a team of Palla, Narcian, Oliva and Ryoma (thus, having Ryoma replace Lloyd). I'm not sure whether the AI will still act the same, since you'll be using units with a higher rating, but it seems worth a shot.

The video is already in the first post, but here's a link anyway:



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4 hours ago, Thany said:

Any advice?

Give Julia Lancebreaker and have her walk up from the forest tile and remove Camus. Then have someone use Draw Back/Reposition/Dance on her to get her to safety. Bring Lyn and Ryoma and position them to the sides of where Julia attacked Camus from. After the 1st turn, it should become a matter of cleaning up whatever is left.

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6 hours ago, Thany said:

Yea... I'm going to need team suggestions on this battle. That Calvary is way to tough to fight with my current team. Any advice?

I would recommend Shanna, Lyn, Julia, and Fae (base skill sets). I'm running under the assumption that Lyn is using Galeforce, and that Shanna and Julia are least neutral Spd. You're basically looking to run Shanna up the left side of the map to bait the red cav. In the meantime, have the other three go off to the right. Start the fight by sticking Shanna in the red cav's range.

Feel free to just ignore the rest of this post if you want to try it on your own. I had to use Cordelia since I don't have a Shanna trained (*adds "train Shanna" to the list*).

Around turn 3, you should be looking at something like this.

***NOTE: I'm pretty sure the Screenshots in the following spoiler tags are going to be huge. I'll edit them after this post goes through and give the all clear =P . Until then...open at your own risk. *** Edit: Done.



And after the EP, something like this.



Then you...uh...do the things (don't want to be too spoiler-y).


Using the forest tiles to your advantage helps. Note how Camus can't attack Lyn or Julia because he's being blocked off by the forest and Fae. I did this instead of having Fae/Julia take him out immediately because Fae would be in range of the red cav. Cordelia moved up to the tile that I'm hovering.


Then I got into this pretty little mess.


Julia KO'd Camus first, which gets Breath of Life off on Fae. She didn't need it (edit: I was having some indecision about whether 11 HP in the screenshot below was post-Renewal, but I ran the #s again and it was not), but I was in semi-panic mode and did it because it just seemed like a general good idea (imo it's also kinda good practice so you don't forget when it really does matter). Then Fae moved left, under the forest tile, and Lyn blocked the axe cav from Fae and Julia. That's important, because now Lyn's Spur Spd is preventing the red cav from doubling Julia and Fae (assuming at least neutral Spd on Julia).

After the EP, it looked like this.


And then, GALEFORCE.

Lyn drops the red cav, and Galeforces her way to KO'ing the axe cav. Cordelia finishes the map by using both actions on taking out the healer. NOTE that it'll still work with Shanna (I'm assuming yours doesn't have Galeforce, but I could be wrong...?), since the healer can't actually kill anyone.


If the AI does different things (I've got some merges on the three not named Cordelia, which may influence it?), let me know and I can try something else.

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1 minute ago, LordFrigid said:

I would recommend Shanna, Lyn, Julia, and Fae (base skill sets). I'm running under the assumption that Lyn and Shanna are using Galeforce, and that Shanna and Julia are least neutral Spd. You're basically looking to run Shanna up the left side of the map to bait the red cav. In the meantime, have the other three go off to the right. Start the fight by sticking Shanna in the red cav's range.

Shanna's special is Iceberg- those two are mutually exclusive.

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1 minute ago, phineas81707 said:

Shanna's special is Iceberg- those two are mutually exclusive.

Whoops, yeah, I changed that name to "Cordelia" and back. Guess I forgot to take her name off the "Galeforce" list.

Edit: Fixed, thanks.

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3 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

I would recommend Shanna, Lyn, Julia, and Fae (base skill sets). I'm running under the assumption that Lyn is using Galeforce, and that Shanna and Julia are least neutral Spd. You're basically looking to run Shanna up the left side of the map to bait the red cav. In the meantime, have the other three go off to the right. Start the fight by sticking Shanna in the red cav's range.

Feel free to just ignore the rest of this post if you want to try it on your own. I had to use Cordelia since I don't have a Shanna trained (*adds "train Shanna" to the list*).

Around turn 3, you should be looking at something like this.

***NOTE: I'm pretty sure the Screenshots in the following spoiler tags are going to be huge. I'll edit them after this post goes through and give the all clear =P . Until then...open at your own risk. *** Edit: Done.

  Reveal hidden contents


And after the EP, something like this.

  Reveal hidden contents


Then you...uh...do the things (don't want to be too spoiler-y).

  Reveal hidden contents

Using the forest tiles to your advantage helps. Note how Camus can't attack Lyn or Julia because he's being blocked off by the forest and Fae. I did this instead of having Fae/Julia take him out immediately because Fae would be in range of the red cav. Cordelia moved up to the tile that I'm hovering.


Then I got into this pretty little mess.


Julia KO'd Camus first, which gets Breath of Life off on Fae. She didn't need it (edit: I was having some indecision about whether 11 HP in the screenshot below was post-Renewal, but I ran the #s again and it was not), but I was in semi-panic mode and did it because it just seemed like a general good idea (imo it's also kinda good practice so you don't forget when it really does matter). Then Fae moved left, under the forest tile, and Lyn blocked the axe cav from Fae and Julia. That's important, because now Lyn's Spur Spd is preventing the red cav from doubling Julia and Fae (assuming at least neutral Spd on Julia).

After the EP, it looked like this.


And then, GALEFORCE.

Lyn drops the red cav, and Galeforces her way to KO'ing the axe cav. Cordelia finishes the map by using both actions on taking out the healer. NOTE that it'll still work with Shanna (I'm assuming yours doesn't have Galeforce, but I could be wrong...?), since the healer can't actually kill anyone.


If the AI does different things (I've got some merges on the three not named Cordelia, which may influence it?), let me know and I can try something else.

What if My Lyn doesnt have galeforce (because lord knows that costs so much SP) Will i still be able to work around to killing the red mage? or would i have to change the stratagy a bit?

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8 hours ago, Thany said:

What if My Lyn doesnt have galeforce (because lord knows that costs so much SP) Will i still be able to work around to killing the red mage? or would i have to change the stratagy a bit?

The red mage would go down just fine. It's what happens afterward that I'm worried about. Shanna wouldn't be able to attack the healer (unless she's got Hit and Run), since she'd be in the range of the axe cav. You'd probably also want to attack the red cav with Julia before Lyn finishes the job to get Breath of Life off. iirc Julia can eat one shot from him. I'm guessing Cordelia doesn't have Galeforce either? I'll give it a try...


Ok, I just went ahead and recorded this one...that screenshot thing was a hassle =P . I did change one move: Cordelia only moved up one tile instead of 2 on Turn 4 (the turn after the fighting starts). That changed the way the axe cavs moved for reasons unknown to me.



Thank goodness Fae has Draw Back. I would note that -Def on Lyn makes this fail*. -HP should be ok, but you'll need the HP +3 seal to patch it up.

So...I guess give that a shot and if it's not working out lmk and I'll see if there's anything else that can be done. I think there might be potential for a strat involving initiating on T1 with Titania, but I don't have a Titania trained so I can't really test it effectively.

*Giving the Spur Def 1 seal to Fae or Julia and the HP +3 seal to Lyn should actually fix up -Def.

Edit: You might actually want to give Julia the Spur Def seal anyway. My Fae is +Def/-Atk.

Edited by LordFrigid
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You know what, I didn't get a 4* Lloyd at the last GHB, just settled for the 3* version because I didn't really care about him much.  I'm much more interested in Camus, doubly so now that I see he has distant counter...


Got the 3* version after some difficulty because I fail at this game...now I must comb this thread for strategies on how to beat the Lunatic version of his map.  I'm debating whether I should promote him to 5* ahead of Sharena (she was next on the queue), because I really need him.  Like, I really.  In more ways than one.

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