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Got an awesome final map; Veronica's teammates were Reinhardt, Hector, Frederick, and Nino.

My own Reinhardt already had Moonbow ready so with Olivia's Dance, he KO'd the enemy Reinhardt on turn 1. Afterwards, it becomes a matter of having Tharja (who was already under the effects of Desperation) with Olivia support picking off the others and having Bride Lyn bait and gimp Veronica and separate her from Nino.

Overall run was a perfect and deathless run (705 pts).

Edited by Roflolxp54
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I have admit I am using four teams. Well third is just dummy meant just say hello to Veronica and surrender. I did run with three and even two teams before, but it was too unnerving...


(Hopefully) Funny anecdote: few runs back I get into situation when my Hector had to run with bride Cordelia from Lyn who seemed very set in killing them both...

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Does anyone know how the speed multiplier is calculated? Is it the total number of turns or the average of all maps? How much is the difference between the number of levels? 

I have to stop trying to kill all of the enemies even if I can't win. :rolleyes:

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Well, for a while there I was able to make it to map 4-5 on the highest Lunatic, and was getting 200-300 points per round.  Then suddenly, for the past few runs, I'm struggling to make it past the second map, and only getting 100 a round.  -_-  

Seriously, looking at the ridiculous scores required for the rewards, the points received should be at least triple what they are.

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3 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

Seriously, looking at the ridiculous scores required for the rewards, the points received should be at least triple what they are.

I think you're forgetting this whole thing lasts 2 weeks ;)

We have TONS of time!

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Managed to clear one run just using 1 team, got about around 658 i think.

used my Nowi, Nino, Olivia and Klein team. somehow survived with Nino at 1 health and everyone falling.

Going to try and replace Nowi with Lucina for a stronger melee presence and easier time against greens. She fell early on my first run though because I forgot to use Draw Back, but she at least does more damage than Nowi (who really is just to use Rally Defense on Nino)

also Desperation Tharja with Vengeance works really well in the long run

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

I think you're forgetting this whole thing lasts 2 weeks ;)

We have TONS of time!

EXACTLY!  At only two weeks, when I have to use multiple stamina pots just to get 1,000 points a day, I won't even be able to earn the first seal!  So thanks for reminding me, if they're going to make events like this, they should run them for a reasonable period of time, like at LEAST a month.

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22 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

EXACTLY!  At only two weeks, when I have to use multiple stamina pots just to get 1,000 points a day, I won't even be able to earn the first seal!  So thanks for reminding me, if they're going to make events like this, they should run them for a reasonable period of time, like at LEAST a month.

Are you just that unlucky or do you have to run the lower tiers? Even if I lost at Veronica, I typically get like 250-400 points depending. I haven't even gotten into heavy grinding (& wasted stamina doing easier courses at first) but I have almost 3000 points

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Fffffff, nearly lost because stupid Draug moved and trapped Sanaki -.- Thankfully, a hastily put together team actually ended up doing better for that map than the team I thought I had designed well for it xD 

I've only had one 'deathless' run so far (as in one team)... Considering my first team is Xander, Reinhardt, Priscilla and M!Robin, I'm happy to have even got that! It took a very lucky range of enemies. Nowi messes me up so hard -.-

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31 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

EXACTLY!  At only two weeks, when I have to use multiple stamina pots just to get 1,000 points a day, I won't even be able to earn the first seal!  So thanks for reminding me, if they're going to make events like this, they should run them for a reasonable period of time, like at LEAST a month.

You're kidding, right?

Two weeks is more than enough time to grab the free 5* and maybe even the seal, even if you can't do Lunatic.

As for the rewards between 50k and 100k, those are just bonuses for the people who either play really well or are willing to put in time and effort for them. They aren't meant for everyone.

IS has been spoiling us by offering events where, up till now, everyone can get all the rewards. So when they give us an event that's reminiscent of a perfectly standard gacha event (ie. tiered rewards with lots of grinding involved, requiring you to play the top difficulty while barely letting you waste stamina and maybe even forcing you to use premium currency for recharges if you want the best rewards). 

In fact, even by those standards, IS is being lenient with this event since you don't even need to play Lunatic OR spend stamina potions to get the best reward (the Quickpulse seal). If this were the difficulty of a perfectly average gacha event, then you would have to be able to play Lunatic consistently and do it without wasting any stamina (or spending stamina pots to make up for inefficient usage) to have a shot at the seal. IS is being nice. 

Two weeks isn't just "enough". Two weeks is more than necessary. 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:


Adding to this, I find that many Gacha games I play make something like this more competitive, where only the top X amount of players can get the best prizes (5* charries, Quick Seal, etc). This is definitely a heck of a lot better than that, with only feathers being the competitive reward ^.^

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

Adding to this, I find that many Gacha games I play make something like this more competitive, where only the top X amount of players can get the best prizes (5* charries, Quick Seal, etc). This is definitely a heck of a lot better than that, with only feathers being the competitive reward ^.^

Yes, exactly. 

I'll try to tone it down a bit, but... I'm just annoyed that people are complaining about the grind when IS is already being nicer to us than most gacha games would be. 

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1 minute ago, r_n said:

Are you just that unlucky or do you have to run the lower tiers? Even if I lost at Veronica, I typically get like 250-400 points depending. I haven't even gotten into heavy grinding (& wasted stamina doing easier courses at first) but I have almost 3000 points

I have never beaten map 6 on Lunatic difficulty, so I'm capped at map 5 rewards.  Lately, the AI teams have been beating me at map 3, limiting me to map 2 rewards.  With the grinding I've been doing this afternoon/evening, I'm almost up to 3000 points, so I guess 2K a day may be possible, but that still puts the vast majority of the rewards out of reach for me.

The main problem with these kinds of events is that it's a "rich get richer" sort of thing.  The people who were lucky in their pulls have the resources necessary to get the top rewards, and are therefore doubly lucky.  Those of us unlucky in our pulls also miss out on being able to earn further rewards, and are doubly unlucky.

And @MaskedAmpharos, at 2000 points per day, one will only get the 4-star Lucina and the first seal by the end of two weeks.  So no, two weeks is not "more than necessary".

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Just now, MaskedAmpharos said:

Yes, exactly. 

I'll try to tone it down a bit, but... I'm just annoyed that people are complaining about the grind when IS is already being nicer to us than most gacha games would be. 

No, I agree with you. I've seen complaints everywhere, but I don't think it's particularly unfair. I was a bit disheartened by the figures at first, but I figured I'd just see how far I'd get, even if I didn't get all the prizes. I was surprised to see the points do rack up quickly, if you're willing to put the work in. You do need enough trained units to make up at least a few teams, though, but they have to do something to encourage pulling, since that's where the game makes its money. 

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4 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

I have never beaten map 6 on Lunatic difficulty, so I'm capped at map 5 rewards.  Lately, the AI teams have been beating me at map 3, limiting me to map 2 rewards.  With the grinding I've been doing this afternoon/evening, I'm almost up to 3000 points, so I guess 2K a day may be possible, but that still puts the vast majority of the rewards out of reach for me.

The main problem with these kinds of events is that it's a "rich get richer" sort of thing.  The people who were lucky in their pulls have the resources necessary to get the top rewards, and are therefore doubly lucky.  Those of us unlucky in our pulls also miss out on being able to earn further rewards, and are doubly unlucky.

And @MaskedAmpharos, at 2000 points per day, one will only get the 4-star Lucina and the first seal by the end of two weeks.  So no, two weeks is not "more than necessary".

What difficulty are you doing? Even a hard clear should net you 300-400 points per clear, which (if we use the low end for calculations) is 300 points per 20 stamina. That translates to 1500 points per full bar, and you should get 3 full bars in a day for a total of 4500 per day. The seal is the 50k point reward, so since we have 12 days left, that's 4200 points per day. That is an achievable goal even without spending stamina potions. 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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1 hour ago, Rezanator said:

Does anyone know how the speed multiplier is calculated? Is it the total number of turns or the average of all maps? How much is the difference between the number of levels? 

I have to stop trying to kill all of the enemies even if I can't win. :rolleyes:

My understanding is that only clears count towards total turns; failed attempts don't. So spending a bunch of turns on an attempt that fails is the same as surrendering that attempt earlier.

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15 hours ago, azurrys said:

Awesome, those are some handy figures! I should try for a 29-turn run to see if that nets me a B, or if it'll get me an A. I'm out of stamina and forgot to record my last few runs but I'll see how it goes later. Now that I finally have a working team to reliably beat Lunatic (bless Desperation Tharja) I should be able to dodge around the last map for long enough to manipulate the turn count... I hope.


In totally unrelated words, I ran the mass duel simulator for Quickened Pulse Moonbow +ATK Death Blow 3 Reinhardt with Hone Cav boosts (i.e. everyone's worst nightmare). He now eats Nino for breakfast, and an extra Goad allows him to take out Hector, Soren and Cecilia. Unless TA comes in, the only characters left standing after Hone + Goad are Julia, Titania and Camilla. Bye Reinhardt counters!

...I simultaneously can't wait for this seal to be in my life and fucking dread it.

Glad to be of assistance, I got a 29 turn and got a B so it looks like 28 and below is a guaranteed A then.

That's terrifying.

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17 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

No, I agree with you. I've seen complaints everywhere, but I don't think it's particularly unfair. I was a bit disheartened by the figures at first, but I figured I'd just see how far I'd get, even if I didn't get all the prizes. I was surprised to see the points do rack up quickly, if you're willing to put the work in. You do need enough trained units to make up at least a few teams, though, but they have to do something to encourage pulling, since that's where the game makes its money. 

How exactly does it encourage pulling?  People who are lucky in their pulls already have decent units, and aren't going to be inclined to spend money on more.  People who are unlucky in their pulls need better units, but would have to be incredibly foolish to spend money on orbs which are unlikely to help them anyway.  Not to mention, the middle of an event isn't really when you want to be getting a whole bunch more level 1s to have to train up.

14 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

What difficulty are you doing? Even a hard clear should net you 300-400 points per clear, which (if we use the low end for calculations) is 300 points per 20 stamina. That translates to 1500 points per full bar, and you should get 3 full bars in a day for a total of 4500 per day. The seal is the 50k point reward, so since we have 12 days left, that's 4200 points per day. That is an achievable goal even without spending stamina potions. 


If you A-rank both Speed and Survival, I think you'll just break 300.  At 200, though, assuming one can even maintain 15 runs per day every single day for two weeks, you'll still end up at only 42,000 points.  About twice what I thought, though still not enough to get the second seal.

I'm kind of curious where that C ranking came from.  I thought I was running through at a decent clip, but I guess the game disagreed?

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9 minutes ago, JJ48 said:


I don't know what to tell you except to improve your time as that seems to be the easiest and most straightforward way of boosting your score. 

And if that's something you absolutely cannot do, then either be willing to spend stamina potions (and potentially even orbs) to make up for the remaining points or curb your expectations and shoot for a lower goal. 

Nintendo/IS should not be expected to make attaining the rewards even more accessible than they already have. I understand that this is many people's first gacha, so they don't know what to expect. I also understand that Nintendo/IS has been extremely nice and lenient since the launch of the game by giving out rewards that are attainable my nearly everyone. But what they are doing now with this event is perfectly reasonable. In fact, it's still nice by a typical gacha event's standards. 

The fact that it's even possible for you to get the best rewards without having to do the hardest difficulty is already amazing. 

In any case, you still have a chance, if you're willing to work for it. You may need to spend some stamina potions and maybe even orbs, but you still have a chance. Don't give up! 

But if you are not willing to put in the time, energy, and resources for the best rewards, then don't expect to get the best rewards. 

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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

You using a bonus unit friend?

Yep, that's the 1.4 multiplier at the end.

3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I don't know what to tell you except to improve your time as that seems to be the easiest and most straightforward way of boosting your score. 

And if that's absolutely something you cannot do, then either be willing to spend stamina potions (and potentially even orbs) to make up for the remaining points or curb your expectations and shoot for a lower goal. 

Nintendo/IS should not be expected to make attaining the rewards even more accessible than they already have. I understand that this is many people's first gacha, so they don't know what to expect. I also understand that Nintendo/IS has been extremely nice and lenient since the launch of the game by giving out rewards that are attainable my nearly everyone. But what they are doing now with this event is perfectly reasonable. In fact, it's still nice by a typical gacha event's standards. 

The fact that it's even possible for you to get the best rewards without having to do the hardest difficulty is already amazing. 

In any case, you still have a chance, if you're willing to work for it. You may need to spend some stamina potions and maybe even orbs, but you still have a chance. Don't give up! 

But if you are not willing to put in the time, energy, and resources for the best rewards, then don't expect to get the best rewards. 

Except that this game is demonstrably NOT about investing time, energy, or resources.  It's about being lucky.  Two people can play the game for the exact same length of time, spending the exact same amount of money (possibly $0), and playing with the exact same skill; and yet if the game gives one person awesome units and skill donors while giving the other person horrible ones, events like these become trivial for the former and impossible for the latter.  The fact that it's not outright impossible for me indicates that I'm very slightly luckier than I thought, but don't sit there and pretend like it's just about giving it your all when it really all comes down to luck of the draw.

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6 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

I'm still aiming for about 10K a day.

Me too

I couldn't do it today cause Life happened :/ But I only need to spam stamina potions anyway so its all good

1 minute ago, JJ48 said:

Yep, that's the 1.4 multiplier at the end.

Ah I didn't see the picture lol

Well all I can say is try to strategize about who you need to take with you to the final match. Then based on that, use a bootleg-ish team to carry you through to AT LEAST the 4th map (assuming Lunatic), you can then use your OP OP team to finish the last maps and do the final one with no sweat

It took me about 8 tries to figure it out, cause I don't have an army of decked out 5 stars but I was able to do it!

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13 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

Except that this game is demonstrably NOT about investing time, energy, or resources.  It's about being lucky.  Two people can play the game for the exact same length of time, spending the exact same amount of money (possibly $0), and playing with the exact same skill; and yet if the game gives one person awesome units and skill donors while giving the other person horrible ones, events like these become trivial for the former and impossible for the latter.  The fact that it's not outright impossible for me indicates that I'm very slightly luckier than I thought, but don't sit there and pretend like it's just about giving it your all when it really all comes down to luck of the draw.

Welcome to "literally any gacha game ever". 

You are absolutely right in that luck plays a huge role in how much effort you have to put in. I am not going to pretend it doesn't. 

But the only difference between those who are lucky and those who are not is how much effort you have to put in. The "lucky" player may be able to get the 100k rewards with the amount of time and resources it takes for you to get to 50k. But you can still make up the gap by putting in more time and resources than the "lucky" player. Is it fair? Arguably not, no. But the fact of the matter is that it is still possible for you to get all of the high rewards, even if you need to put more time and energy in than others might. 

At the end of the day, yes it is about giving it your all. The only thing "luck of the draw" changes is how much time and energy you have to put in. The only thing "luck of the draw" does is make it easier to get the rewards. But if those rewards are within your reach if you are willing to put in the effort, then the only thing stopping you from reaching those rewards is your unwillingness to put in the time and the effort and the resources. 

You have one of two choices. You can either put in the work to get the rewards, or you can simply not get the rewards. At the end of the day, it is that simple. 


In any case, I am done with this conversation. If you wish to continue, then you are free to PM me, but I do not wish to clog up the thread any more than we already have.

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