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Got Priscilla to 1000 HM mid-run, then hoped to have Hector get his last few HM to reach 1500 by bringing him in for the final battle but messed up on his team's attempt. Ended up having to go all the way to my D-team, although my C-team had the funny result of uselessly boxing in Veronica.


Not sure how my last team of Lilina/s!Camilla/Boey/Stahl was able to do what the others couldn't, but it worked somehow, especially because of the enemies' very low HP. The enemy Linde ended up burning almost all of her remaining HP to heal Veronica, which meant at the end, Lilina was able to walk up to the pair, take out Linde in one hit, and then one-round Veronica on the enemy phase via Quick Riposte.

Edited by Othin
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Well, I've got 6949 so far, without spending any Stamina Potions, yet.  I want to at least get the Seals, so I'll need 50K points.  The stretch Orb rewards would be nice, but I don't want to blow all my stamina potions going for them.

I really want to raise Reinhardt up, but he's 22, and I've reached the point where it starts to require a lot of Stam to keep going.

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21 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

Except that this game is demonstrably NOT about investing time, energy, or resources.  It's about being lucky.

Do you know what "luck" is?

Luck is the statistical variation caused by having a small sample size. Simply put in our current context, the fewer times you've pulled, the greater the effect of luck on your roster.

As such, the longer you play this game (and therefore, the more resources you invest in this game, whether that is time, money, or energy), the less of an effect luck has. Being lucky only matters when you've recently started the game and simply haven't made enough pulls to stabilize.


Now, this would be different if there were some one or two things in the game that give you an insurmountable advantage if you have them and where obtaining them is entirely reliant on chance (and said chance is especially low), but there is so far no such thing.

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The combination of Jagen + Effie on Veronica's map is way too much for anything I have to reliably handle without some luck or convenient Specials. Both of them have really high Res, so Julia can't really ORKO them, while the rest of Veronica's cronies and herself bear down on me.

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7 minutes ago, Othin said:

Got Priscilla to 1000 HM mid-run, then hoped to have Hector get his last few HM to reach 1500 by bringing him in for the final battle but messed up on his team's attempt. Ended up having to go all the way to my D-team, although my C-team had the funny result of uselessly boxing in Veronica.


Not sure how my last team of Lilina/s!Camilla/Boey/Stahl was able to do what the others couldn't, but it worked somehow, especially because of the enemies' very low HP. The enemy Linde ended up burning almost all of her remaining HP to heal Veronica, which meant at the end, Lilina was able to walk up to the pair, take out Linde in one hit, and then one-round Veronica on the enemy phase via Quick Riposte.

Too bad you don't have a character with more than 1 move.  Then you could have gotten a unit on the other side and whittled her down.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Too bad you don't have a character with more than 1 move.  Then you could have gotten a unit on the other side and whittled her down.

Nah, the Hector wasn't mine. If it was mine, he could have used Pivot to jump over Julia, leaving her in range to get killed by Veronica but letting him take her down without fear.

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11 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

The combination of Jagen + Effie on Veronica's map is way too much for anything I have to reliably handle without some luck or convenient Specials. Both of them have really high Res, so Julia can't really ORKO them, while the rest of Veronica's cronies and herself bear down on me.

Isn't Effie's resistance supposed to be average to low? I can't imagine what it would be like on the lunatic trials... 33 resistance and Wary Fighter? And even after one pot shot by Julia, she might not be fast enough to double after breaking Wary Fighter.

I'm not even going to try the 7 battles lunatic trials anymore since yesterday's failures, so I'm not going to go through that ordeal again to check what kind of monstrosity Effie is.

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3 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Isn't Effie's resistance supposed to be average to low? I can't imagine what it would be like on the lunatic trials... 33 resistance and Wary Fighter? And even after one pot shot by Julia, she might not be fast enough to double after breaking Wary Fighter.

I'm not even going to try the 7 battles lunatic trials anymore since yesterday's failures, so I'm not going to go through that ordeal again to check what kind of monstrosity Effie is.

Ah, I derped. Jagen has really high Res, while Effie has really high HP + Wary Fighter. Effie has like mid-20 Res, which is still fairly decent for an Armor.

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Peri is the Cavalry unit I hate to see. No matter what I do, I can't one round her, and then she just destroys one of my units. Except my C tier team can handle her thanks to Spring Chrom.

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I had a lot of trouble yesterday completing runs without losing my A team,  let alone ones where I got a perfect score, but I seemed to have gotten the handle of the mode since I've had much better time score today and only used my B team once.

I'm lucky enough that my unit with the highest merge level, Lucina, is a bonus unit, so I've put her on my A team alongside Lukas, Sanaki and Julia. I think the main difference between yesterday and today is that I've switched out G Tomebreaker and Hone Atk on Julia for Renewal and Breath of Life, which allows to sustain Lukas and Sanaki despite them having no recovery.

And then, if they were to fall due to a misplay or bad luck, I have a Ryoma/Azura/Linde/Nino team waiting as my B team. 

Currently sitting with a score of 15,828, but I'll probably be able to raise it one last time tonight.

Edited by LuxSpes
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42 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

I hate it when you get overloaded with healers. They form conga lines of healing making them and the one offensive unit really hard to kill.


I've found maps with multiple healers to be some of the most frustrating.  I'm not usually in danger of losing a unit but they can really hurt my speed score.  Especially since my damage dealers are mages and a lot of healers have high res.  It's especially bad on maps with choke points and that one where you start across from each other and are separated by a breakable walls.

Edited by pumpkinspice48
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8 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Welcome to "literally any gacha game ever". 

You are absolutely right in that luck plays a huge role in how much effort you have to put in. I am not going to pretend it doesn't. 

But the only difference between those who are lucky and those who are not is how much effort you have to put in. The "lucky" player may be able to get the 100k rewards with the amount of time and resources it takes for you to get to 50k. But you can still make up the gap by putting in more time and resources than the "lucky" player. Is it fair? Arguably not, no. But the fact of the matter is that it is still possible for you to get all of the high rewards, even if you need to put more time and energy in than others might. 

At the end of the day, yes it is about giving it your all. The only thing "luck of the draw" changes is how much time and energy you have to put in. The only thing "luck of the draw" does is make it easier to get the rewards. But if those rewards are within your reach if you are willing to put in the effort, then the only thing stopping you from reaching those rewards is your unwillingness to put in the time and the effort and the resources. 

You have one of two choices. You can either put in the work to get the rewards, or you can simply not get the rewards. At the end of the day, it is that simple. 


In any case, I am done with this conversation. If you wish to continue, then you are free to PM me, but I do not wish to clog up the thread any more than we already have.

Thank you for completely ignoring my point, which was that some of us have been putting in time and effort, and still, at the end of two days, are sitting at less than 4K points, while other people are up at 20K, and wondering if they should get a jump start on tomorrow's goal.  So if it takes them a week to get the reward, then I can get the same reward in five weeks.  Except, the event only lasts two weeks.  My point was that it SHOULD be the case that putting in enough time and effort can get you the rewards, and my complaint is that that is not the case.  There is a certain threshold below which you simply will not succeed.

But I suppose that, like the heroic dead at Ragnarok, we will face the trial and make our stand, however futile it may be.  Not because we have hope of victory, but because we must.  Looked at in that light, it's not so bad.  ^_^

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The trials for sure are tough, sometimes I can get a deathless run and others I get walled hard at the 7th map if the armor has Wary Fighter making Nino unable to one shot it and then hell sets loose, but it's a pretty fun challenge notheless.

Anyway, I think I'll keep trying to score between 9-10k a day. Those feathers would really help me in case I need LnD 3 someday. As of now my score is 19,695 but then again I wasted some stamina for the Zephiel quests.

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5 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

which was that some of us have been putting in time and effort, and still, at the end of two days, are sitting at less than 4K points, while other people are up at 20K,

You're ignoring the fact that the people sitting at 20,000 have put in sweat and blood since long before the event began, and all of that sweat and blood shed until now matters just as much as the sweat and blood they are spending earning their 20,000 points.

Studying for and acing a test is easier if you've been doing your homework along the way.

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WeIl I think I'm getting the hang of this. I have yet to use a team C in a long time and Team B barely saw any action today. Having Genny equiped with the fortify res seal and having Tharja with reposition helped with the maps quite a bit. 

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

You're ignoring the fact that the people sitting at 20,000 have put in sweat and blood since long before the event began, and all of that sweat and blood shed until now matters just as much as the sweat and blood they are spending earning their 20,000 points.

Studying for and acing a test is easier if you've been doing your homework along the way.

Score of 23,134 reporting in, grinding all that fucking SP was a pain.

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Only at 7,000 at the end of day 2.  I don't think I'm going to get quickened pulse... I think it's a little silly to make, by far, the best S slot so unachievable for people who can't kill a green mage very easily.

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Just now, Lushen said:

Only at 7,000 at the end of day 2.  I don't think I'm going to get quickened pulse... I think it's a little silly to make, by far, the best S slot so unachievable for people who can't kill a green mage very easily.

You're actually pretty close to where you need to be! I think it's ~3,600 points a day...so you'd need ~7,200 for day 2. So, you're only a little under where you need to be...which you can make up pretty easily. You can do it!

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Just now, Luna of Dragonblood said:

You're actually pretty close to where you need to be! I think it's ~3,600 points a day...so you'd need ~7,200 for day 2. So, you're only a little under where you need to be...which you can make up pretty easily. You can do it!

Yea, I suppose I can make it up if I start spending orbs as stamina refills...

Someone had mentioned certain events where we earn extra points during the event.  I've seen no evidence of this, is it just a rumor?

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2 minutes ago, Lushen said:

Only at 7,000 at the end of day 2.  I don't think I'm going to get quickened pulse... I think it's a little silly to make, by far, the best S slot so unachievable for people who can't kill a green mage very easily.

Don't worry man

I'll cry with you ;-;



I think I left of with 16k but I'm not sure. I was busy today so i couldn't do much tomorrow it's gonna be on like donkey kong though HEH

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Just now, Lushen said:

Yea, I suppose I can make it up if I start spending orbs as stamina refills...

Someone had mentioned certain events where we earn extra points during the event.  I've seen no evidence of this, is it just a rumor?

Hopefully it doesn't come to using orbs... D: And, I haven't heard that either...but, I wouldn't be surprised if that happened. I'd guess it'd be closer to the end of the event to try to have people who are in need of catching up some time to do so. Can't say if it will or won't happen, though.

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2 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

You're kidding, right?


Two weeks isn't just "enough". Two weeks is more than necessary. 

I hear what you're saying, and even I'm doing better than some of the players, I've actually cleared the last lunatic a couple of times. But I have 5 stamina potions left and am sitting at 10k with 2 weeks left. 50K just doesn't look realistic. Maybe for someone with a powerful team that can consistently make high scores but I've burned probably 3 stamina potions throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks, mostly with 200-300 scores and netting an occasional 400-500. What you explain implies you're winning every time, it's just... very intimidating. You can't waste or make real mistakes, this is probably doable with multiple stamina potions but... perhaps I'm just not that great or don't have the best units but I'm hearing people having trouble with even lower scores like 3k, how are they hitting 50k in 2 weeks? More than necessary seems like a stretch. I honestly don't know how I'm going to hit it myself. Course i'm not giving up. Moving forward.






My best run, from earlier today. I actually got one "Deathless" run with my main team (Lukas/Soren/Olivia/Wrys) before that, but only got around 400 points because I forgot I don't have one of the bonus units in my main team. For this run I played perfectly and got lucky with the compositions. After that I just suicided at Veronica and used Tharja/B!Cordelia combo to finish her.

These trials really make me feel the lack of power. What I need is Azura or Ninan to replace Olivia as a dancer and that will free up that spot for a red that can actually fight so that Soren+Dance doesn't have to do all the work. Not that I have any good *5 reds besides Y!Tiki. But I do have a *4 Chrom and 3 Marths sitting around if I really need a swordie. Not only that I only have 2 combat greens really. Soren and Frederick. And no good blue mage. Reinhardt is -ATK and *4 and I refuse to blow 20k feathers on that. I just got B!Caeda but she won't be lvl 40 before these trials over because I need the stamina, she's -ATK anyway. Odin is trash and *4 M!Robin is -Atk and not even worth deploying. That leaves Ursula with no blade tome. I need answers... I have very few.

But I forge ahead.

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Just now, Arthur97 said:

Good grief, I have apparently lost my ability to win. I haven't won in probably over ten tries.

It happens to the best of us ;)

It's not the end of the world. More stamina to get means more chances to redeem yourself right?

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