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FE Warriors E3 Trailer

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Underwhelming indeed.

So the basic concept of the story is every Fire Emblem ever. Evil dragons...

Aside from that, the only new thing we saw was Femui. And that's about it.

The lip syncing for the character models also looked kind of off.

So we have very little to go on... Was hoping they'd show some gameplay.

Edited by Xaos Steel Wing
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6 minutes ago, AbsoluteZer0Nova said:

Yeah and also don't forget F!Corrin with Chrom as he did mention they would meet again and behold it happened.

F!Corrin and M!Robin should have a interesting support given how it's confirmed how Corrin is Robin's past incarnation so make of that as you will with how it could turn out.

It is far from confirmed.

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I would've liked to see more gameplay for this, but I thought what we got was cool! It was pretty much what I expected too. Some story stuffs.

Still crossing my fingers for an Ike reveal later. <3

EDIT: @Xaos Steel Wing Tellius wasn't about evil dragons... Sacred Stones wasn't either.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, given what I knew of the Direct, I was expecting something short like this.  We're probably getting more of an in-depth look at the game at Treehouse.

I'd hoped for more than just seeing sword users, but I wasn't expecting them to show more than just the remaining "confirmed" characters.  I am moderately surprised they went with female Corrin.  I prefer her over male Corrin, though, so this is a plus.

I don't think we can expect more character reveals at the Treehouse, but I suppose you never know.  Maybe we'll see a major villain.  Though aside from maybe Hardin or "Grima", FE isn't really known for its quality villains, so don't hold your breath, folks.

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4 minutes ago, AbsoluteZer0Nova said:

Given how Rhajat's death quote references her being reborn and meeting the avatar again I think that qualifies as confirmed. It's not even being subtle. 

It's a minor line from a psycho. That is not confirmation.

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11 minutes ago, Xaos Steel Wing said:

Underwhelming indeed.

So the basic concept of the story is every Fire Emblem ever. Evil dragons...

Aside from that, the only new thing we saw was Femui. And that's about it.

The lip syncing for the character models also looked kind of off.

So we have very little to go on... Was hoping they'd show some gameplay.

Exactly my thoughts.

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6 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

It's a minor line from a psycho. That is not confirmation.

I consider a psycho to be Peri. Rhajat/Tharja are just overly obsess with the avatar but it's made pretty clear Rhajat's feelings for the avatar were so strong that they managed to bypass time and space and look the two of them are linked into the magical arts and all that shenanigans so it's very likely Rhajat did see a vision of the future. Need I remind you Orochi herself even can see of the future to some extent as she got a forewarning of Mikoto dying at some point? 

It's a medieval series for crying out loud just like Zelda so reincarnation isn't a impossibility. 

Edited by AbsoluteZer0Nova
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Just now, AbsoluteZer0Nova said:

I consider a psycho to be Peri. Rhajat/Tharja are just overly obsess with the avatar but it's made pretty clear Rhajat's feelings for the avatar were so strong that they managed to bypass time and space and look the two of them are linked into the magical arts and all that shenanigans so it's very likely Rhajat did see a vision of the future. Need I remind you Orochi herself even can see of the future to some extent as she got a forewarning of Mikoto dying at some point? 

It's a midevil series for crying out loud so reincarnation isn't a impossibly. 

That's not really a medieval thing. Besides, Robin never really manifests any Corrinish traits and does not recognize tharja. If anyone is a reincarnation of Corrin, it would probably be Chrom actually. If you want to believe it, fine, just don't say it's "confirmed."

And, yes, both Tharja and her clone are psychos.

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Story is pretty generic but hey its a Warriors game and it wasn't exactly like I got Hyrule Warriors for its enamoring and depth of story telling. I still want to see some gameplay and remain cautiously optimistic about new characters namely my Tellius peeps

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Just now, Arthur97 said:

That's not really a medieval thing. Besides, Robin never really manifests any Corrinish traits and does not recognize tharja. If anyone is a reincarnation of Corrin, it would probably be Chrom actually. If you want to believe it, fine, just don't say it's "confirmed."

And, yes, both Tharja and her clone are psychos.

Well let me rephrase that "medieval fantasy" is that better for you? I mean really now we're talking about a series that has magic and the most bs stuff like Valla curse and Blood pacts. Even if you see her as a psycho that means she just made it up as she was dying? Really? 

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2 minutes ago, AbsoluteZer0Nova said:

Well let me rephrase that "medieval fantasy" is that better for you? I mean really now we're talking about a series that has magic and the most bs stuff like Valla curse and Blood pacts. Even if you see her as a psycho that means she just made it up as she was dying? Really? 

This is really not the place for this but the point is if you believe it go ahead, just don't call it "confirmed" because of a few lines a character said.

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3 minutes ago, AbsoluteZer0Nova said:

Well let me rephrase that "medieval fantasy" is that better for you? I mean really now we're talking about a series that has magic and the most bs stuff like Valla curse and Blood pacts. Even if you see her as a psycho that means she just made it up as she was dying? Really? 

They are both shown to be that obsessive, so, yes, I do think she would say something like that as she was dying. I'm In the end it is never flatly confirmed and most of the cryptic hints can be passed off as the ramblings of a sociopath.

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And they say smash has too many "animu sword men", ha! This is pretty much what I expected after they announced there'd be mostly Archaneia/Fates characters so I can't really say I'm surprised. They didn't really show any actual gameplay so I'm hopeful it'll be interesting.

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i'm not really interested in this game due to the lack of characters from games I actually like and this trailer didn't really do anything to change that so I'm definitely not gonna be buying this

but that aside, was anyone else a little... underwhelmed? by that voice acting?

like, matt mercer sounded... decent? he sounded fine as ryoma but chrom I hardly recognized as him. it wasn't awful but it definitely wasn't how I was used to him sounding

yuri lowenthal as marth is something I've never been a fan of, but he definitely sounded like he did in heroes. the fact that he had to start a speech with "I AM MARTH" makes me instantly cringe a bit, but he didn't sound particularly bad

but then those new characters were.... pretty bad. part of it might stem from the fact that someone had the amazing idea for them to both yell "FATHER NOOOO" one after the other

xander also sounded pretty off. it's definitely the same guy who voices him in heroes, but he really didn't sound great here, and I'm generally not a big fan of his voice for xander. he sounds a little hoarse here and I'm not sure if that's intentional or not

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Yawn. Didn't get hyped at all when I watched the reveal.

KT not pulling from the series as a whole because of too many sword users... and the revealed characters so far are only sword users!

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It's underwhelming because everything they've shown is something we've seen or things we've already expected. Fates crew was anticipated since the beginning, Chrom was first revealed, Marth and the OCs were in the Famitsu scan. Story also isn't anything new in Fire Emblem. I expected a lot more from the trailer, but I'm sure we'll get more info down the line. 

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5 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Yawn. Didn't get hyped at all when I watched the reveal.

KT not pulling from the series as a whole because of too many sword users... and the revealed characters so far are only sword users!

To be fair no one actually believed that statement so I don't think they have a reason to stick to it. We all know it was basically an excuse to avoid saying the older characters just aren't as marketable. I'd respect them more if they just said that but I'm not going to blame them for not sticking to a mere excuse. 

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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Just now, Etrurian emperor said:

To be fair no one actually believed that statement so I don't think they have a reason to stick to it. We all know it was basically an excuse to say the older characters just aren't as marketable. I'd respect them more if they just said that but I'm not going to blame them for not sticking to a mere excuse. 

But the weapon triangle exists in some form as well. They have an actual mechanic revolving around it, and yet they've still only shown swordies.

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Joking aside, I think that we only have sword users thus far because they wanted to get the obvious characters out of the way first, and they all happened to have swords.

That said, the trailer didn't have any actual gameplay or contain anything/anyone that wasn't an obvious inclusion, so I hope that it gets some time on the Treehouse livestream.

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