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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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7 hours ago, Harvey said:

There's a difference between finding out basic stuff and finding out easter eggs/secrets. Mario never taught you about its secrets because that's when you had to rely on Nintendo Power for that and like you said is something you have to be on your own.

Ok so what about the map layouts in Zelda or the boss weaknesses in Mega Man? The game doesn't tell you how to find that out. By your logic, the game should tell you which Robot Master is weak to which weapon. But it doesn't. That's something the player has to figure out.

7 hours ago, Harvey said:

But fire emblem does not have basic mechanics nor does it have secrets that are up to players to figure out.

Literally every Gaiden chapter in any FE is a secret for the player to find. Also, what the fuck do you mean Fire Emblem doesn't have basic mechanic? Are you telling me that the Weapon Triangle isn't basic? Or terrain? Or Archers can only attack enemy units that are two spaces away from them? These are all basic FE mechanics and there are more.

8 hours ago, Harvey said:

Supports are pretty much mandatory in FE6 because many units need it especially its lord. The game doesn't teach you how to do this and because its not almost possible to get through the game halfway without them, teaching the supports should be mandatory.

LOL, no it's not. Supports in FE6 take ages to get, unless it's Roy x Lilina. In fact, those two are basically the only two in my playthroughs who ever Support (there are others as well but it takes like half the game to get their Supports). It's very possible to go through the entire game without barely getting Supports. Roy achieves C-Support with Lilina in just one turn of standing next to her. Just by that, anyone should be able to figure out how Supports work. Supports in the GBA games aren't actually that mandatory. In FE4, they were because marriage. But marriage didn't return until FE13, so Supports weren't really that necessary on a gameplay standpoint.

You basically do need Supports to beat FE5 tho.

8 hours ago, Harvey said:

Also, keep one thing in mind. Today's gaming market is pretty much flooded with casual gamers and they are needed for an IP to stay relevant. So spoonfeeding that kind of info is pretty much needed for these casual gamers(including me).

But i wouldn't exactly call Fire Emblem a casual game. Yes, it has Casual Mode but it's not casual in the way that Mario or Pokemon are. And by the way, whenever a game spoonfeeds you stuff today, you're going to get complaints. Spoonfeeding isn't a good idea. Once again, a game should only teach you the basics and that's it. And it does. Modern FEs have a tutorial menu, as well as the electronic manual. Previous FEs had instruction booklets, and who knows, maybe they do tell you how Supports work. You were previously wrong about FE6 not telling you how Rescues work, so maybe you are wrong about the GBA games not telling you how Supports work.

1 hour ago, Tolvir said:

I think PvP and online play has a place in Fire Emblem. I think too many tactical strategy games go the route of excluding any kind of online play, and was so excited to see Fates really go all into it. It definitely could of been better, balance for one was absolutely terrible, but I think with some improvements it could be a really fun feature. I had a blast putting together teams for online play and fooling around to see what I could make work. It really added another layer to Fate's already high replay value.

I agree. I personally didn't really have fun with Fates' PvP because hackers but with some defintily needed improvements, Fire Emblem could have a wonderful online PvP. I remember the DS FEs also having PvP and they even had Fog of War maps. Those were the only time Fog of War was good since it affected both players.


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19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ok so what about the map layouts in Zelda


At pages 27, it teaches you about the map in the top left corner of the screen. It also teaches you how compasses play a vital role in dungeons as well.

As for Mega Man, well considering that each weapon itself is powerful enough that you don't really need to use specific ones to deal with  bosses, this isn't an issue and even then, that's the game's fault for not doing so not the player's fault.

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Literally every Gaiden chapter in any FE is a secret for the player to find

Uh not every FE game has gaiden chapters. Infact the only ones that have it are FE5,6,7,8,SD and New Mystery. After that, its just prologue which are entirely optional unlike the former list to some extent. You may argue that act 6 in FE 15 is a gaiden chapter but even that is optional and doesn't really do anything besides bragging rights I think....(I haven't beaten it but the way people call it unfair makes it sound like its pretty much bragging rights).

27 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Literally every Gaiden chapter in any FE is a secret for the player to find. Also, what the fuck do you mean Fire Emblem doesn't have basic mechanic? Are you telling me that the Weapon Triangle isn't basic? Or terrain? Or Archers can only attack enemy units that are two spaces away from them? These are all basic FE mechanics and there are more.

Well the first game had gamers atleast in Japan a hard time to figure out what the hell they were suppose to do to the point that even Famitsu reviewers found it puzzling. The fact that the first game itself couldn't teach players what to do and what not is itself so bad that Its quite odd to think that despite this, FE sold like cakes.

34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But i wouldn't exactly call Fire Emblem a casual game. Yes, it has Casual Mode but it's not casual in the way that Mario or Pokemon are. And by the way, whenever a game spoonfeeds you stuff today, you're going to get complaints.

Buddy..stop right there. I've played Nintendo games all my life and I can easily tell you that spoonfeeding pretty much is the main reason why Mario and Pokemon are selling like crazy.

I'm not going to list a lot of games that spoonfeed you information constantly but just to name a few.

1. Any main Kirby game that makes use of copy abilities: Simply pause the game and the games will spoonfeed you information of what the ability does.

2. Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass: Game constantly tells you to rub the screen to get away from sticky situations. Also makes you look at your map for every single time you get a new map or if an NPC is helping you out on something. 

3. The recent Super Mario games: Pretty much spoonfeeds you a whole lot. Maybe not on harder levels but definitely on the main campaign. White tanooki Mario says hello.

4. Pokemon: Boy where does it not spoonfeed you?

And yet despite this and despite how people hate their existence, the games all have sold well...higher than what FE could ever achieve at this point.

Also you say FE is not casual? Then what about FE Heroes then? And don't tell me crap that its a spin off excuse and what not since it follows the same thing as every FE game with the only difference that the game is nerfed to suit for mobile gamers.

So no, bottom line is that inorder for FE to grow, spoonfeeding is needed and the player should not be blamed if the game did not teach the player anything about how to play the game and again, Xenoblade does this horribly.

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3 minutes ago, Harvey said:

As for Mega Man, well considering that each weapon itself is powerful enough that you don't really need to use specific ones to deal with  bosses, this isn't an issue and even then, that's the game's fault for not doing so not the player's fault.

You don't need specific weapons to beat the bosses but it makes it a hell of a lot easier. The game not telling you this isn't the game's fault. It's for you to figure out.

4 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Uh not every FE game has gaiden chapters. Infact the only ones that have it are FE5,6,7,8,SD and New Mystery. After that, its just prologue which are entirely optional unlike the former list to some extent. You may argue that act 6 in FE 15 is a gaiden chapter but even that is optional and doesn't really do anything besides bragging rights I think....(I haven't beaten it but the way people call it unfair makes it sound like its pretty much bragging rights).

Not every FE has Gaiden Chapters but a good chunk of them do. I don't see how not having them in the other games invalidates my argument.

5 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Well the first game had gamers atleast in Japan a hard time to figure out what the hell they were suppose to do to the point that even Famitsu reviewers found it puzzling. The fact that the first game itself couldn't teach players what to do and what not is itself so bad that Its quite odd to think that despite this, FE sold like cakes.

It was the first game of it's genre.

6 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Buddy..stop right there. I've played Nintendo games all my life and I can easily tell you that spoonfeeding pretty much is the main reason why Mario and Pokemon are selling like crazy.

I'm not going to list a lot of games that spoonfeed you information constantly but just to name a few.

1. Any main Kirby game that makes use of copy abilities: Simply pause the game and the games will spoonfeed you information of what the ability does.

2. Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass: Game constantly tells you to rub the screen to get away from sticky situations. Also makes you look at your map for every single time you get a new map or if an NPC is helping you out on something. 

3. The recent Super Mario games: Pretty much spoonfeeds you a whole lot. Maybe not on harder levels but definitely on the main campaign. White tanooki Mario says hello.

4. Pokemon: Boy where does it not spoonfeed you?

That's not spoonfeeding, that's just basic. Kriby games (aside from Dream Land) revolve around Kirby's copy ability. And it wasn't until Return to Dream Land that the copy abilities came with combos and whatnot.

Phantom Hourglass' gameplay revolves around the touch screen. That's literally how you control Link in the first place.

White Tanooki Mario? Really? That's just a win button for people who suck at the game. The only Mario that i remember that spoonfeeds you stuff is Super Mario Sunshine. Mario 64 and the Galaxy Games taught you the basics, but you were on your own from there (Mario games aren't that hard anyway).

Outside of the "how to catch a Pokemon" tutorial, it doesn't really spoonfeed you. There's a difference between teaching and spoonfeeding.

12 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Also you say FE is not casual? Then what about FE Heroes then? And don't tell me crap that its a spin off excuse and what not since it follows the same thing as every FE game with the only difference that the game is nerfed to suit for mobile gamers.

I will give you the spin-off excuse because that's what it is. It's a mobile, gacha-game spin-off. Anyone can jump in and play. The same can't be said for some FE games such as Radiant Dawn or even Conquest.

And also, read what i said before

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Yes, it has Casual Mode but it's not casual in the way that Mario or Pokemon are.


14 minutes ago, Harvey said:

So no, bottom line is that inorder for FE to grow, spoonfeeding is needed and the player should not be blamed if the game did not teach the player anything about how to play the game and again, Xenoblade does this horribly.

Once again, there's a difference between teaching and spoonfeeding. FE teaches you the basics. Spoonfeeding is where it tells you literally everything. A game's job is to do the former, otherwise, it can get tedious. And there is stuff for the player to figure out on their own. If they don't, it's their own fault. And once again, Xenoblade has literally an in-depth tutorial menu that expands every time you get a new character or new feature. I don't know about X since i've never played that, but the first Xenoblade has a good tutorial system.

Xenoblade isn't even a casual game, anyway.

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31 minutes ago, Harvey said:


At pages 27, it teaches you about the map in the top left corner of the screen. It also teaches you how compasses play a vital role in dungeons as well.

But at no point it teaches you that you need the whistle to drown a lake to enter a dungeon or that you need to give meat to a Goriya to progress through a room. And both of those are crucial to beat the game. 

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  • Ricken from FE13 is a great unit, and the best mage in the game hands down. I was shocked to find out that he's generally considered trash, considering mine far outshone Miriel (who I think is just decent) with both higher magic and higher speed, so he was doubling everything, critting more often than not
  • Laurent in FE13 is usable as something other than a staffbot. I always pair Miriel and Ricken, so my Laurent's have astronomical magic stats. I'm completely fine with using him as an offensive mage, and he works pretty well for me.
  • Introducing Casual mode was a good thing for the series, and a good business decision by IS. Don't get me wrong, I like the permadeath, and I'll always play on Classic, but it was a barrier to entry for a lot of newer players. Phoenix mode, though...yeah, I'd rather not have a "win the game" mode.
  • Shadows of Valentia's story and characters make up for its bland maps. Sure, the gameplay of SoV isn't exactly stellar, but I didn't care because I cared about where the characters were going and the plot. The between-chapter writing is great, some of the best the series has to offer.
  • The RNG should stick around 100%, and there shouldn't be fixed-stat level ups. These two may not be entirely unpopular, but I've seen lots of FE fans on the forums and stuff I frequent saying that future main series games should be more like Heroes as far as a lack of RNG and fixed-stat level ups. Couldn't disagree more, since the RNG is what makes battles fresh and interesting, and I can't stand hard counters in FE.
  • Zelgius from FE10 is one of the best antagonists in the series. He had a personal connection to the hero's father, acted as a sort of mentor for the hero, had sympathetic and understandable reasoning for his actions, and is generally an intimidating and cool bad guy (yeah, yeah, cheese hammer strats, I know). Some...strange inconsistencies in his writing between FE9 and 10 notwithstanding. He's at his best in FE10, of course.
  • Ilyana is the worst-written character in the entire series, and the worst in the Tellius series by far. Yes, even Peri, Tharja and Camilla are better written than her. Even they have more character than her. And yet she's inexplicably popular because she's "moe." Goddamn it, people. This is why we can't have nice things.
  • Faye is a well-written character, well, from a meta standpoint. This is the "obsessively pining for hero's affections" character done RIGHT. Take notes, Tharja and especially Camilla. She's not a great character by any means, but she is sweet, earnest, and inoffensive. So much less grating than the "3edgy5me yanderes."
  • Tellius has the best character designs in the series, hands down. Their women are wearing just as many clothes as the men! What a concept! Shadows of Valentia is pretty good on this aspect.
  • Corrin receives way more hate than they should. Don't get me wrong, Fates has a lot of writing problems and Corrin isn't exactly well-written, but they're not exactly the horrible spawn of hell that a lot of people build them up to be. No, that honor belongs to Peri and Camilla. Also Ilyana.
  • Male Kana's voice is cute, not grating. I mean, come on people, he's a very young boy. He's going to have a high-pitched voice....
  • Reclassing isn't a good thing for the series. Not only did it make discussing characters' stats and general viability way more annoying than it should be, but it breaks believability and story immersion. I was completely fine with mages being mages, paladins being paladins, and so on and so forth. Now it tends to become an excercise in "how to break the game the fastest." (Unless we're talking Awakening Lunatic+ where you absolutely have to cheese the game because it's cheesing the hell out of you.)
  • Female Robin should be the default Robin on merchandise and in media, because I got way more character out of her than male Robin during my playthroughs of Awakening.
  • Chrom is the least interesting lord in the series. He's so incredibly bland and underwritten. I can't really name a single significant character trait of his. I never understood exactly why he was so popular. Is it because he's handsome and is a generally inoffensive husbando? People rag on Ike for being bland (and in RD I wouldn't argue with that), but he at least had more character in PoR, and his personal journey is far more interesting than Chrom's. Then again, it didn't help that Chrom got shoved into the background by his own daughter and Robin post Chapter 13...
  • The Dawn Brigade are interesting characters. The fact that they only got a fraction of a game to themselves helps nothing; supplementary material expanding on their characters makes them interesting, especially Leonardo losing his brothers to the Mad King's War and such.
  • Archer!Kliff is the best Kliff path. Mage!Kliff being nearly completely helpless at the outset and not learning all of his powerful spells until relatively late, while Archer!Kliff has his enormous range, good skill meaning his hit rate is one of the highest in the game, not to mention his great critical rate.
  • Eliwood is a better-written and more interesting character than either Lyn or Hector. People like to call him a generic lord or Marth ripoff, but he's got a lot of nuance, and his personal arc is what I consider the core of FE7. Not saying Hector's arc isn't good and somewhat underappreciated, but I see far more people loving Hector than Eliwood.
  • Pegasus Knights aren't a great class. While there are good Pegasus Knights, more often than not they end up strength-screwed and ineffective, and are a huge pain to train up with their inability to kill things. Sure, their huge movement range is good, but other than that, meeeeehhh. Unless we're talking the badass Elincia of FE10. Sure, you can double a guy, but when you're dealing 5 damage each hit. Bow weakness and wind magic weakness doesn't help.
  • Everyone supports with everyone supports should be gotten rid of. Writing quality and believably tends to plummet when you have to force people who have zero chemistry and logically should not get along into talking and then proposing undying love for one another.

That's about all I can think of for now. I'll pop in with more if I come across them.

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6 minutes ago, Harvey said:


Eh screw it. All I know is that tutorial needs improvement for Future FE games otherwise you leave casuals pointless.

Damn...people tend to be so defensive these days.


That's not how you framed your opinion at all.

You framed it as "IS should really work on explaining: *list of mechanics that were totally explained*", and then it became an argument about how you thought other games did well at explaining everything(They did not) vs. how Fire Emblem does it.

If you had said "Unpopular opinion, Fire Emblem could use better tutorials", I don't think you would have gotten into this argument that's gone on for a whole page.

You can't start an argument on false statements, continue to argue, then concede at the end and go "Damn, why are people so defensive?". That's a bullshit cop-out.

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This is something I learn recently but... Enemy phase on fates is less important than other fire emblem and there only 3/4 units there actualy good on enemy phase most of scenario same way as previous fire emblem.

So I currently don't give a crap about opinion about being good on enemy phase aside from the 3/4 units.

Fates' units that can take 2 or more hit are "good" enough for me to use them on enemy phase.

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8 hours ago, Extrasolar said:

Everyone supports with everyone supports should be gotten rid of. Writing quality and believably tends to plummet when you have to force people who have zero chemistry and logically should not get along into talking and then proposing undying love for one another.

This. This embodies a lot of issues I had with Fates. Budget, time, and effort put into things that were unnecessary and detracted from other areas. Some may say "the waifu and husbando petting doesn't detract from the rest of the game," but that's (the above things) going towards stuff that doesn't make the overall experience better. Sorry to go on a mini rant. 

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Personally I really like FE10's 1x1 support system from the gameplay aspect.
Getting +45% evasion for Nolan, Zihark or Volug which helps to survive the DB chapters in HM has still more priority for me than the content of the supports.


Growth rates should just be shown during the game itself. 

Videogames exist to be discovered and people don't want to be spoiled.

Showing growthrates in FE as precedent automatically means to show them in any other RPG.

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Growth rates should just be shown during the game itself. What's the point of relying on the internet to decide who to use in the games if some of the games have many units that are just not usable?

That and simply relying on the internet all the time is not going to lure in casual gamers at all.


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20 minutes ago, Harvey said:

What's the point of relying on the internet to decide who to use in the games if some of the games have many units that are just not usable?

Buddy, there are people out there who use Sophia in FE6, myself included. Any unit is usable, it's just some more than others. Characters like Sophia are only unusable if you're going for ranked/LTC, and she and other characters are judged under the assumption that people are playing by those rules. That's another unpopular opinion i have, actually. A unit shouldn't be judged by the assumption that the player is playing for ranked/LTC/any other rule.

It's not like you need to learn what the growth rates are in order to play the game properly. FE not showing you the growth rates is like Pokemon not showing you the percentage chance to inflict a status effect.

23 minutes ago, Harvey said:

That and simply relying on the internet all the time is not going to lure in casual gamers at all.

Once again, that's the player's fault. And even casual gamers use the Internet to learn more about the game they love or if they get stuck somewhere and need help. I myself do that and i'm pretty sure every gamer does at some point. "Casuals don't/shouldn't rely on the Internet to play the game" is a false statement.

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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Buddy, there are people out there who use Sophia in FE6, myself included. Any unit is usable, it's just some more than others. Characters like Sophia are only unusable if you're going for ranked/LTC, and she and other characters are judged under the assumption that people are playing by those rules. That's another unpopular opinion i have, actually. A unit shouldn't be judged by the assumption that the player is playing for ranked/LTC/any other rule.

It's not like you need to learn what the growth rates are in order to play the game properly. FE not showing you the growth rates is like Pokemon not showing you the percentage chance to inflict a status effect.

Once again, that's the player's fault. And even casual gamers use the Internet to learn more about the game they love or if they get stuck somewhere and need help. I myself do that and i'm pretty sure every gamer does at some point. "Casuals don't/shouldn't rely on the Internet to play the game" is a false statement.

The only time I ever use the net to check on stuff that the game doesn't tell me are finding out how to beat bosses or to do extra stuff. Not the other way around.

Anyways, why are you even bothered to even respond to my unpopular opinions if you disagree with it? If you don't agree with it, why not just ignore it? I mean, someone here mentioned that FE6 is the best game ever made and yet you don't see me quoting that statement and arguing about it despite having several issues with it.


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10 hours ago, Extrasolar said:
  • Archer!Kliff is the best Kliff path. Mage!Kliff being nearly completely helpless at the outset and not learning all of his powerful spells until relatively late, while Archer!Kliff has his enormous range, good skill meaning his hit rate is one of the highest in the game, not to mention his great critical rate.

Aha! Another Archer Kliff acolyte! Join me and let our Oliphantier Kliffs rain Parthia shots by the thousands upon the nonbelievers from freaking 9 squares away, safe from recoil!

10 hours ago, Extrasolar said:
  • Eliwood is a better-written and more interesting character than either Lyn or Hector. People like to call him a generic lord or Marth ripoff, but he's got a lot of nuance, and his personal arc is what I consider the core of FE7. Not saying Hector's arc isn't good and somewhat underappreciated, but I see far more people loving Hector than Eliwood.

Can I also point out that Durandal is basically a Claymore? The man wields a Claymore. (But it's not a particularly impressive type of-) One-handed. (Well, Saix does that in KH, so-) While riding a horse. (Well, Ike using a broadsword one-handed and doing all the backflips and stuff in Smash-) And he throws it into the air, casually 360s his horse back and leisurely snatches it out of the air, again with only one hand.(…) You may cry now.

On topic for once:

Camilla should have had more screen time. Not the way the other people I've heard say that mean, though - I want backstory. Really, all the siblings needed this really badly, but Camilla most of all because her motherly personality(which yes, they did take more than a bit too far) got squashed under "I love you too much to let you go on…" and of course the outfit wars(yes, she did need a better covering for her breasts guys, I agree with you there).

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13 hours ago, Jave said:

But at no point it teaches you that you need the whistle to drown a lake to enter a dungeon or that you need to give meat to a Goriya to progress through a room. And both of those are crucial to beat the game. 

The meat thing is pretty obvious I thought? The item is useless otherwise and the manual does say that enemies like it, IIRC, so when you reach a room where an enemy won't let you pass. At worst you just use brute force for every item there. I guess the manual could have been more specific but it doesn't seem necessary.


23 hours ago, Harvey said:

Well...FFT kinda does have maps that are really bland.

Like these for example.

Are you aware that's literally the first map in the game (except the near-unlosable prologue)? And even then, like I said, it's a different type of map design, with enemies starting on top of you, and mechanics like the differing heights and water to make things at least kinda interesting.

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25 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

The meat thing is pretty obvious I thought? The item is useless otherwise and the manual does say that enemies like it, IIRC, so when you reach a room where an enemy won't let you pass. At worst you just use brute force for every item there. I guess the manual could have been more specific but it doesn't seem necessary.

Well yeah, of course it's not necessary. But I made that post to respond to Harvey's claim that older games had to spoonfeed you everything through the manual, which obviously wasn't the case. 

For the record, the meat in Zelda 1 could also be used on any screen in the game, and it will lure regular enemies towards it. 

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-I like Faye

-I like Tharja

-I like Eliwood (though is this really unpopular?)

-Large maps (i.e. FE6 Ch. 21, FE11 Ch. 10) don't bother me. In fact, I think they incetivize me to play a lot quicker than I normally would!

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  • I hate character Marriages and Child Units unless its Canon, makes sense story-wise, and isn't just pandering.
  • Avatar Characters could be done well in a Fire Emblem game, but I personally haven't seen that done yet.
  • I can say with a straight face that I don't care for ANY of the playable characters in Fire Emblem Warriors.
  • I prefer Echoes/Gaiden's Mechanics and Style over Standard FE. 
  • I think that the Pairing-Up Mechanic was too overpowered and I hope that it doesn't return.
  • Expansive Cooperative Fire Emblem Multiplayer should be a thing.
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4 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:


Can I also point out that Durandal is basically a Claymore? The man wields a Claymore. (But it's not a particularly impressive type of-) One-handed. (Well, Saix does that in KH, so-) While riding a horse. (Well, Ike using a broadsword one-handed and doing all the backflips and stuff in Smash-) And he throws it into the air, casually 360s his horse back and leisurely snatches it out of the air, again with only one hand.(…) You may cry now.

I mean canonically Eliwood is bullshitly strong so its not really new lol


Dude casually caused continent scale war by being sick

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12 hours ago, Harvey said:

Anyways, why are you even bothered to even respond to my unpopular opinions if you disagree with it? If you don't agree with it, why not just ignore it? I mean, someone here mentioned that FE6 is the best game ever made and yet you don't see me quoting that statement and arguing about it despite having several issues with it.

Because you aren't stating them properly. You could've just said "unpopular opinion, Fire Emblem could use better tutorials" and called it a day. Instead, you implied that Fire Emblem doesn't explain stuff even the basics well enough (which it does) and also implied that casual gamers can't/shouldn't use the Internet to learn more about the game (which they totally can and will do if necessary).

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30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Because you aren't stating them properly. You could've just said "unpopular opinion, Fire Emblem could use better tutorials" and called it a day. Instead, you implied that Fire Emblem doesn't explain stuff even the basics well enough (which it does) and also implied that casual gamers can't/shouldn't use the Internet to learn more about the game (which they totally can and will do if necessary).

Still doesn't make any reason why you have to bother with it though.

Anyways, I'm not going too much into it and break topic here so I'll make a next "unpopular" one.

There really is no point of finding growth rates on the internet when IS instead can make it so that the growth rates are in game so that the player can easily guess which one stat is bound to grow and which one has a smaller chance.

Other one? TMS really doesn't need Fire Emblem characters for the game to happen. It could easily just use some other IP and it would still end up with the same thing whatsoever.



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13 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Aha! Another Archer Kliff acolyte! Join me and let our Oliphantier Kliffs rain Parthia shots by the thousands upon the nonbelievers from freaking 9 squares away, safe from



I thought I was the only one! It truly is a glorious day! :lol:

13 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Camilla should have had more screen time. Not the way the other people I've heard say that mean, though - I want backstory. Really, all the siblings needed this really badly, but Camilla most of all because her motherly personality(which yes, they did take more than a bit too far) got squashed under "I love you too much to let you go on…" and of course the outfit wars(yes, she did need a better covering for her breasts guys, I agree with you there).

I'm...surprisingly agreeing with this. I dislike Camilla just because she's used for shallow fanservice and pretty much nothing else, but exploring more of her trauma during the Concubine Wars and why she's so...disturbingly attached to Corrin would be interesting. I think she has potential to be a good, or at least interesting character, but they go for the lowest common denominator with her instead.

But yeah she 100% needs a better design first.

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broody myrmidons from the token nomad-esque country who want to Be The Strongest are BORINGBORINGBORING both in character and gameplay

rutger is the only good one

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9 hours ago, Extrasolar said:


I thought I was the only one! It truly is a glorious day! :lol:

I misremembered them saying Tobin could use a bow as Kliff could use a bow and made him an Archer thinking it was quote-unquote canon only to find he did better as an Archer than when I tried him as a Mage. Go figure! Also can I just say it's bull that he can reach 9 squares away using Parthia while also being a Mounted Unit? Obviously he's not the only person who can Archer, but he was my MVP in Thabes so I'm a little attached to Kliff as Archer specifically.

9 hours ago, Extrasolar said:

I'm...surprisingly agreeing with this. I dislike Camilla just because she's used for shallow fanservice and pretty much nothing else, but exploring more of her trauma during the Concubine Wars and why she's so...disturbingly attached to Corrin would be interesting. I think she has potential to be a good, or at least interesting character, but they go for the lowest common denominator with her instead.

But yeah she 100% needs a better design first.

What I've found is a large majority of those who dislike Camilla is mostly just mad that she never got any sort of backstory - the closest I can think of to anything like real character development not directly involving Corrin is her quote during Boo Camp, where she mentions playing games as a little girl in a grove of trees that apparently liked to eat people, which might explain her casual attitude towards killing. There are, however, a decent number of folks I've seen online who specifically want the petting mini game put back in because Camilla, hence my clarification. Interestingly enough, a lot of the first group I mentioned, when asked, said no, they didn't want more Camilla even if it was for proper character development, though I didn't ask anyone on here so hopefully it's not just the two of us who would play that DLC episode if it ever were a thing(Free, of course - making us pay more for backstory in a game that already requires you to drop $80+ for the basic storyline is BS).

"Pray to the Dark" in the Serenes Forest Scribbles Entries actually does a decent job of painting one possible background for all the Nohrian siblings, though in a somewhat unconventional way(using two Corrins instead of one), and I've been working on building a background for Camilla in the story I'm currently spending half my writing time working on, so hopefully between all of us Serenes Forest can show them how to actually give a character a proper backstory or character development.

Edited by SoulWeaver
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