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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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3 minutes ago, Lau said:

I just love the Nohrian siblings in general. Are they well written? Uh, no. But do they have a ton of potential? Yes, and that's why I love them. You can read into them and find some really interesting tidbits, it's great. Camilla gets a lot of flak for her design, and while

I agree with it, it's not the worst. Charlotte's battle panties are worse, they seem to go right...up there, if you know what I mean, and she doesn't have armour infront of her crotch, only on the sides. You can't deny that Camilla is gorgeous though.

Yeah. To be fair, Charlotte is supposed to be a serious gold digger, and wants to show as much of her junk as she can :\ Camilla shouldn't have any interest in throwing herself at people, but alas... the panties.

12 minutes ago, Lau said:

People need to stfu about the whole 'thot' thing. I even saw a couple of videos about Caeda being the original FE thot and I wanted to...it just didn't feel good. I saw the rage during the CYL voting gauntlet when Camilla beat Lyn, and it was honestly disgusting the way people bashed Camilla. She doesn't do anything remotely sexual, she's just overly affectionate towards her siblings and retainers. Is she violent? Yes, but this can be traced back towards her past. But to me, when she says that she'll chop Selena's legs off to make sure she stays by her side, it comes across as a joke. People let Henry get away with saying that stuff, so why can't Camilla?

She shouldn't be bashed for the gauntlet. IS should be bashed because of the lack of a limit on the multiplier. Camilla shouldn't have earned the win. Because she didn't earn it :\ But Camilla doesn't deserve bashing.

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1 minute ago, Florina's #1 Fan said:

IS should be bashed because of the lack of a limit on the multiplier. Camilla shouldn't have earned the win. Because she didn't earn it :\

The irony of this is that people wanted Voting Gauntlets to be more fairer for lesser popular characters.

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1 minute ago, Florina's #1 Fan said:

No, I don't take it seriously XD

I think that's my root issue with Peri. I can't take her seriously. Her design is so.... odd compared to other Nohrians and her murder sprees feel like the writers didn't know what the kids like in waifus today and were like "what if we make her a sociopath? people get real turned on by those!" and it somehow failed yet succeeded spectacularly. 

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Just now, Armagon said:

The irony of this is that people wanted Voting Gauntlets to be more fairer for lesser popular characters.

Definitely. But really, there shouldn't be a booster for less popular characters. They lose because they aren't as popular. I'm okay with a booster, but Camilla's win showed people that the multiplier has gotten out of hand.

3 minutes ago, familyplayer said:

I think that's my root issue with Peri. I can't take her seriously. Her design is so.... odd compared to other Nohrians and her murder sprees feel like the writers didn't know what the kids like in waifus today and were like "what if we make her a sociopath? people get real turned on by those!" and it somehow failed yet succeeded spectacularly. 

Yeah, I understand why people don't like her. I like her because her design is adorable, her voice is adorable, and she has a weird stat spread that I think is fun to use in comparison to the other tanky cavaliers, Xander and Silas.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Isn't Camilla's win the first time the multiplier actually worked though?

Did you see her multiplier? People were seriously angry. The multiplier should be for close matches, like Summer Leo and Summer Gaius, that was close. Camilla's wasn't close until all of a sudden her score started exploding because she was losing so bad.

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22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Isn't Camilla's win the first time the multiplier actually worked though?

It "worked" for Gaius too

Leo AND Frederick both had bigger teams than Gaius but the good ol multiplier came in for the win heh

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5 hours ago, Florina's #1 Fan said:

Unpopular Opinion: I like Peri. A lot. And I am not able to defend myself for it. She's just psycho, adorable, and I married her my first Conquest playthrough and then married Peri!Selkie my second playthrough because I needed Peri's genetics in my child o_o I have a problem.

I like Peri too, actually. She's so out of place and strange that I can't take her seriously, so any conversation involving her comes across as incredibly surreal. Also, her support with Odin is one of the few times I like Odin, and it's pretty funny IMO c':

2 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Hm…I wanna say you're gonna like Mae once you get to Echoes, but she has a couple moments where she worries if maybe she's doomed to the single life if she doesn't sweeten up, so that might be a problem.

This is not so unpopular, actually - there are a lot of people who dislike the portrayal of women in these games, and it's not even only the feminists so we know it's a real opinion and not them making noise(sorry to any feminists who may be offended. Quick info for those who are: I don't care, don't waste my time telling me I'm sexist or a woman-hater because I'm just going to ignore you).

I think the real reason people hate on Camilla isn't her body type per se, rather it's the fact that here we have a character with a chance to have a really in-depth background explaining her…unique?…personality, and instead they literally just used her to push the sex appeal of the game so we end up with a rather disturbing one-note character with no explanation for why she acts so disturbingly obsessed with her siblings and Corrin. I mean, she isn't wearing pants. If you look you can totally tell she's just wearing some kind of armored leggings and panties for her legs. So no, we don't all hate on her for her body type or breast size, at least some of us are more pissed at her one-note-ness.

You wanna explain those in greater detail? I'm not sure what any of those mean in this context.

(I'm on mobile, so I can't chop this up, sorry!) I might like Mae, actually - she seems alright from what I've heard of her. Azura is the one that annoys me most and she honestly suffers from the writing problems that doomed Fates as a whole, so if Echoes is even moderately better in that regard, there probably won't be a problem with her.

The feminism thing is why I expected backlash tbh :/ There are definitely places where it's hard to bring up writing/design issues that involve women and/or minorities and not immediately be dismissed, regardless of the actual points made, which is why I'm glad Serenes Forest is such a chill community. I was looking at this from a "butch girl who really likes other butch girls" and a "longtime fan who wants to see the series improve and expand" perspective tbh, and that second one is probably pretty relatable to most of us on here.

Yeah, see, and those points about Camilla are totally fine and fair. No issues there. The issue lies more with the occasional "Camilla and thots like her should die, A cup brigade is pure and wholesome"-type comments. (I know a guy who says that exact kind of thing IRL tbh. He keeps sending me pics of the younger girls in bikinis and yelled at me for marrying a dude he disapproved of in Fates. Ugh.) 

Sure! The Lords are pretty much just as repetitive in the looks department as their girlfriends tend to be. This comment was more in relation to the concept of other types of characters also suffering from relative sameness, but I'll explain anyway. For male Lords, there are the thinner, younger-looking Lords - Marth and everyone with his body type, basically. Then there's the bigger model, like Ike, who might be a bit "rougher" but still has relatively the same design concepts going on in terms of attractiveness, form, and even colour palette. Then, female Lords all tend to have roughly the same shape, age, and even mindset to a degree. (This could be averted with female Robin, which was a hugely nice change, and then we lost it again with Corrin ;n; ) On the one hand, I get this is partly for marketing purposes; it is, of course, easier to sell a product featuring a main character who looks similar to previous characters who the fanbase liked. On the other hand, the similarity across so many entries at this point is indicative that the creators aren't so willing to break away from the tropes people are starting to notice an overwhelming repetition of. 

Anyway! I have a cool concept or two for new Lords and other things like that, so I'm gonna go make that thread in Creative once I'm out of the shower.

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Unpopular opinion: I still like the gauntlet multipliers, as a former Team Swimsuit Leo and lesser extent Former Team Lyn

They were the only reason Roy even stood a chance at making it past round 1.  I appreciate IS at least making it so it was a possibility that we won, even if we didn't.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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15 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Unpopular opinion: I still like the gauntlet multipliers, as a former Team Swimsuit Leo and lesser extent Former Team Lyn

They were the only reason Roy even stood a chance at making it past round 1.  I appreciate IS at least making it so it was a possibility that we won, even if we didn't.

I'm not saying eliminate the multiplier. But the multiplier shouldn't be able to get that high. She should have lost, but the multiplier got so high because the Gauntlet pitied her so much that she got a boost of what, 7.3?

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2 minutes ago, Florina's #1 Fan said:

I'm not saying eliminate the multiplier. But the multiplier shouldn't be able to get that high. She should have lost, but the multiplier got so high because the Gauntlet pitied her so much that she got a boost of what, 7.3?

The fact Camilla was able to win means the multiplier was doing what it was intended to do in the first place, make the outcomes not predictable.

Even though I like Lyn more than I like Camilla, it'd be hypocritical for me to dislike it when on the winning team and like it when on the losing team.  And overall, I still like it, because Gauntlet 1 and Gauntlet 2 were boring curbstomps.  I'd rather not have that anymore, and the multiplier prevents that.

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Forget the multiplier, all they needed to do was make more even match ups. Most people were clamoring for something like that anyway, rather than a multiplier that makes the final result almost entirely random.

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15 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

The fact Camilla was able to win means the multiplier was doing what it was intended to do in the first place, make the outcomes not predictable.

Even though I like Lyn more than I like Camilla, it'd be hypocritical for me to dislike it when on the winning team and like it when on the losing team.  And overall, I still like it, because Gauntlet 1 and Gauntlet 2 were boring curbstomps.  I'd rather not have that anymore, and the multiplier prevents that.

Yeah, but the reason the group with more people should be winning is because more people support that team. The winning team shouldn't win if there isn't actually more support, and massive boosts to a team because they were losing horribly isn't fair to the other team. It isn't right that the teams are giving different levels of support, but the team that deserves the win doesn't get it because of an outrageous boost to the team that can't give as much support. I understand giving power to the character that has less of a fanbase, but the multiplier got out of hand really quick.

We shouldn't be screwing over a team that deserves to win because it would be "predictable."

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Just now, Florina's #1 Fan said:

Yeah, but the reason the group with more people should be winning is because more people support that team. The winning team shouldn't win if there isn't actually more support, and massive boosts to a team because they were losing horribly isn't fair to the other team. It isn't right that the teams are giving different levels of support, but the team that deserves the win doesn't get it because of an outrageous boost to the team that can't give as much support. I understand giving power to the character that has less of a fanbase, but the multiplier got out of hand really quick.

We shouldn't be screwing over a team that deserves to win because it would be "predictable."

It's just a game though.  IS implemented the multiplier to help even the competition between a less popular character and a more popular character.  As someone who doesn't always like the "obvious winner" (That was the case with the flyer, mage, summer, and CYL gauntlets with Camilla, Tharja, Corrin and Ike respectively, the mage gauntlet had it worse still because I didn't like either of the obvious finalists).  A competition that is decided from the start is significantly less exciting to me, and I'd like it if the characters I like have a chance even when they're less popular.  Being a Roy fan in the CYL gauntlet without a multiplier would basically make it a repeat of the Royals gauntlet for me, where Eirika got steamrolled by Lucina with absolutely zero chance to catch up, or even arguably worse since I'm at least neutral on Lucina (unlike Ike, who's my least liked male character in the series).  Even though Roy still lost, I appreciate that IS implemented a way that we could have beaten Ike.  

I don't really care that the more popular character "deserves" to win.  I don't think they do all the time, personally, my opinion on who deserves a win is based solely on how much I like X vs Y.  

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8 hours ago, Florina's #1 Fan said:

Yeah, but the reason the group with more people should be winning is because more people support that team. The winning team shouldn't win if there isn't actually more support, and massive boosts to a team because they were losing horribly isn't fair to the other team. It isn't right that the teams are giving different levels of support, but the team that deserves the win doesn't get it because of an outrageous boost to the team that can't give as much support. I understand giving power to the character that has less of a fanbase, but the multiplier got out of hand really quick.

We shouldn't be screwing over a team that deserves to win because it would be "predictable."

The problem with this is Camilla V Lyn is literally the only time the multiplier ever actually upset a match and changed the obvious outcome that I've seen(if there's another one, let me know), and everyone went nuts. Not because the obvious outcome didn't happen - though if Roy had beat Ike like a lot of us RoyBoys© were hoping everyone probably would have blown their stacks(or at least anacybele would have) - no, everyone freaked out mostly because Camilla, a character who was already a rather volatile debate subject, was the one who did it, and it just so happened to be in the CYL Gauntlet against the Female winner of the original CYL event. The problem with this is that everyone got up to like 15 entries for the original event depending on how many days they got on to vote, and it's very likely that some people used votes for Lyn in addition to other characters, like Ike, and when forced to choose just one they chose not-Lyn. The only reason I felt Roy had a shot was that I was counting on enough Ike voters to go for Waifus when it came down to a Gauntlet - likely figuring they'd just go Ike once their chosen Waifu lost - to allow the dedicated Royboys© to pull off a surprise win. I'd legitimately forgotten all about the Multiplier, so when I saw we had one I freaked out because we had a real chance. That round was pretty much acknowledged by everyone I asked as the most satisfying Voting Gauntlet match in any VG held to this point - and only because of the multipliers Roy got to let him keep the game close enough to actually make people get excited about a possible upset. In the end, if Roy had won, a lot of Ike fans would have been mad, but they would have at least(I hope) been decent enough to go well, we lost, but at least it was to Roy. Looking at the upset that did happen, though, everyone - and I mean EVERYONE - thought Lyn would win for sure by a mile, and team Lyn got cocky about it and decided to make it a curbstomp, wanted to completely pulverize team Camilla to show that "OG Waifu is still best Waifu", and forgot about the multiplier. In other words, it was their own fault they lost because they just kept overshooting and handing out free bonus points to the other team, not realizing the way the multiplier worked. If even half of them had paid enough attention to realize the multipliers would keep getting bigger every time they overshot and altered their playstyle accordingly, that upset wouldn't have happened. As it was, team Ike figured it out and played it close enough until the end to win the Gauntlet, and people still got mad that the one everyone thought would win did win because "Not like this" is apparently a sentiment shared by roughly 50% of team Ike and 89% of team Lyn[citation needed]. The entire point of the multiplier is to upset the game, yet the one time it does exactly what it's supposed to do everyone screams about how this is BS and what the heck were they thinking adding it in.

Also, wasn't the multiplier added in as a response to player suggestion? I seem to recall hearing that somewhere, and if it's true, then why are we complaining at the devs like it's their fault? If not, you can ignore this part.

EDIT: Also, can you guys tell I'm sick and tired of hearing people whine about the multiplier?

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1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

The problem with this is Camilla V Lyn is literally the only time the multiplier ever actually upset a match and changed the obvious outcome that I've seen(if there's another one, let me know), and everyone went nuts. Not because the obvious outcome didn't happen - though if Roy had beat Ike like a lot of us RoyBoys© were hoping everyone probably would have blown their stacks(or at least anacybele would have) - no, everyone freaked out mostly because Camilla, a character who was already a rather volatile debate subject, was the one who did it, and it just so happened to be in the CYL Gauntlet against the Female winner of the original CYL event. The problem with this is that everyone got up to like 15 entries for the original event depending on how many days they got on to vote, and it's very likely that some people used votes for Lyn in addition to other characters, like Ike, and when forced to choose just one they chose not-Lyn. The only reason I felt Roy had a shot was that I was counting on enough Ike voters to go for Waifus when it came down to a Gauntlet - likely figuring they'd just go Ike once their chosen Waifu lost - to allow the dedicated Royboys© to pull off a surprise win. I'd legitimately forgotten all about the Multiplier, so when I saw we had one I freaked out because we had a real chance. That round was pretty much acknowledged by everyone I asked as the most satisfying Voting Gauntlet match in any VG held to this point - and only because of the multipliers Roy got to let him keep the game close enough to actually make people get excited about a possible upset. In the end, if Roy had won, a lot of Ike fans would have been mad, but they would have at least(I hope) been decent enough to go well, we lost, but at least it was to Roy. Looking at the upset that did happen, though, everyone - and I mean EVERYONE - thought Lyn would win for sure by a mile, and team Lyn got cocky about it and decided to make it a curbstomp, wanted to completely pulverize team Camilla to show that "OG Waifu is still best Waifu", and forgot about the multiplier. In other words, it was their own fault they lost because they just kept overshooting and handing out free bonus points to the other team, not realizing the way the multiplier worked. If even half of them had paid enough attention to realize the multipliers would keep getting bigger every time they overshot and altered their playstyle accordingly, that upset wouldn't have happened. As it was, team Ike figured it out and played it close enough until the end to win the Gauntlet, and people still got mad that the one everyone thought would win did win because "Not like this" is apparently a sentiment shared by roughly 50% of team Ike and 89% of team Lyn[citation needed]. The entire point of the multiplier is to upset the game, yet the one time it does exactly what it's supposed to do everyone screams about how this is BS and what the heck were they thinking adding it in.

Also, wasn't the multiplier added in as a response to player suggestion? I seem to recall hearing that somewhere, and if it's true, then why are we complaining at the devs like it's their fault? If not, you can ignore this part.

EDIT: Also, can you guys tell I'm sick and tired of hearing people whine about the multiplier?

This. Just, this.

I'm completely fine with the multiplier, because it allowed Roy and Camilla to actually stand a chance. Still salty that Roy lost though fgs


The Archanean cast isn't as bland as everyone says. Yes, the lack of supports hurts them, but what little there is, paves the way for some very interesting tidbits.

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Gonna throw my hat in the ring to say I also approve of the multiplier against not fixing the lopsided wins issue. Like others say, it's the only known way for combatants to even have a chance at winning and saves the gauntlet from being predictable.

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On 11/9/2017 at 1:08 PM, L9999 said:

Don't get me wrong, most archers suck, but the same goes for myrmidons. Their design is not good in the player's hand. They have good speed, but they have horrid defenses and they hit like a wet noodle. "But L, myrmidons dodge and crit a lot" Those two things are not reliable. With Thracia and FE6 I can kinda understand the crit argument, but after that the crit has been continously nerfed and nerfed, while still retaining the awful qualities of the class. Speaking of qualities, what do myrms offer anyways? They only offer combat, that's it. Since their defenses are pathetic their combat is bad, so their only use is worthless. Why would you bother deploying myrms when the only thing they can offer you is worthless? Why not running an extra cavalier, pegasus knight or staff user? They have a wide variety of useful qualities besides combat, like rescuing, reach far places, or breaking the game by clicking a button. They also don't rely on the RNG to do their best. As to why archers are better, at least they can offer safe chip damage and heavily damage pegasus knights for a while until you bench them. FE also has good archers, like Book 2 Gordin, Book 1 Castor, Shin, Midayle, Astrid, FE12 Luke, Niles, etc. While this guys are benefitted by the environment of their respective games (ranged weapons REALLY suck in FE3 and FE6) they do what they are intended and on the grand scheme of things they are kinda average. Meanwhile the best myrmidons have to be handed broken stuff to be good. Ryoma with Raijinto and Rutger being the only good unit in earlygame. And its not even about the stats either like archers, myrmidon flat out sucks. In Sacred Stones Joshua has basically the same bases at Rutger, but because not every other unit except him is worthless he is easily outclassed and there is no point to use him and cope with his weaknesses.

Tell me... outside of Cavaliers and Staff Bots (and I guess Dancers)... Which units would you consider non-worthless?

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1 hour ago, Chad Radwell said:

Elaborate? I'm curious.

I presume he just means the total roster size, which was huge. Radiant Dawn had some availability issues since there were so many independent groups, so they could have tightened things up by cutting out some characters and focusing on a smaller collection of PoR veterans + new characters.

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1 hour ago, NekoKnight said:

I presume he just means the total roster size, which was huge. Radiant Dawn had some availability issues since there were so many independent groups, so they could have tightened things up by cutting out some characters and focusing on a smaller collection of PoR veterans + new characters.

I liked the idea in Tearring Saga where you get to choose which playable characters you wanted to have at certain points in the game.

You eventually got the them all, but it helped add replay value.

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