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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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3 hours ago, Just call me AL said:

That's likely because the hate isn't very widespread. But in one specific FE community, well, this may be hearsay, but I know someone who got kicked out a of chat room JUST for stating that they like Lucina.

If it's not widespread, that doesn't make it an unpopular opinion.   It's a vocal minority at best, the most popular thing you could say about Lucina is liking her.  Same for Hector.  

Though geez those are some immature mods, if you get kicked out for having an opinion I'd say it's better to not be there in the first place v('~')v

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35 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

If it's not widespread, that doesn't make it an unpopular opinion.   It's a vocal minority at best, the most popular thing you could say about Lucina is liking her.  Same for Hector.

Or just anyone who's popular, really.

35 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Though geez those are some immature mods, if you get kicked out for having an opinion I'd say it's better to not be there in the first place v('~')v

Well, speaking from personal experience on said community, if it's not on a chat room, them the opinion ends up going ignored. And if it's not ignored, some people there try to "prove it wrong". On that community, you can't even say something like a claim that Lyn has offense that only but a handful of other units can match or surpass should you play through Lyn's Story, simply because they have it in their heads that it's a good idea to NOT use Lyn during Lyn's Story. Ironically, posts giving appreciation to characters like Lyn and Lucina end up getting enough liking by the "Leaders" and the "Curators" to warrant getting featured. So, go figure.

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8 hours ago, X-Naut said:

Adding onto this, there should also be more weapons that lack 1-range. I can see one magic type being 2-range exclusive as a way to differentiate magic types.

I kind of thought it would be interesting for weapons to be:

Melee (Physical): Range 1

Dragonstones (Magic): Range 1

Daggers: Range 1-2

Magic: Range 1-2

Bows: Range 2-3

This would make each them all fit a particular niche.

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5 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

I kind of thought it would be interesting for weapons to be:


Daggers: Range 1-2

Magic: Range 1-2

Bows: Range 2-3

This would make each them all fit a particular niche.

Funny.  This is the exact setup I'm using in the Fire Emblem: Ascension thing I'm working on.

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All right, here goes…

-Durability is a terrible mechanic.

-Faye isn’t a bad character.

-If FE 6 & 7 were to both be remade, I could see it working like Mystery of the Emblem; Book 1 is FE7, and Book 2 is FE6.

-And speaking of an FE7 remake, the character that Lyn finds at the beginning should be an actual character and unit, with a canon appearance and name, and then start off as a Villager class. All the remakes added OCs, so why stop at FE7?

-Cantors in SoV are atrocious.

-I would want the term Risen to be pronounced as RYE-sen. RIH-sen just doesn’t sound cool to me, even if it’s the actual pronunciation outside of FE.

-It’s okay for casuals to get into the series. Yes, even some of the weird ones.


In the words of Fernand, “There. You have my story. Now kill me and be done with it.”

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1 hour ago, Jave said:

Pretty sure this is unpopular in this fandom:

I would rather hate a character than not care about them.

Ehh...yeah, that does sound odd to me. Like, it feels like too much trouble for so many characters and I feel it more positive to just not care for someone you have little interest in instead of just hate them. Sounds like heavily limiting your tolerated character pool.

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Just now, NoirCore said:

Ehh...yeah, that does sound odd to me. Like, it feels like too much trouble for so many characters and I feel it more positive to just not care for someone you have little interest in instead of just hate them. Sounds like heavily limiting your tolerated character pool.

Thing is, I don't really "hate" anyone in the series. I am aware these are fictional characters so I can't hate (or love) them in a way I have feeling towards real people.

With fictional characters, I want to have a reason to care about them. I consider apathy to be the worst of all feelings, because it means the people behind the characters are not even trying. I WANT to feel something when I look at these characters, I really do. If that feeling is a negative one, well, so be it, at least that character has drawn my attention.

For example, my least favorite character in the series is probably Faye. She comes off as very annoying and rather sloppily written, but if the next game would have a character that's just like Faye or a character with nothing but an intro scene and a death quote (like a lot of characters in the early games), well... I'd rather have the Faye. At least it's something I'd feel interested in getting invested on.

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40 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

Ehh...yeah, that does sound odd to me. Like, it feels like too much trouble for so many characters and I feel it more positive to just not care for someone you have little interest in instead of just hate them. Sounds like heavily limiting your tolerated character pool.

Well I agree with Jave. For example, I like Lekain and Makalov more than Roy and Ike. Utter apathy is worse than a character that fills me with rage. 

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34 minutes ago, Jave said:

Thing is, I don't really "hate" anyone in the series. I am aware these are fictional characters so I can't hate (or love) them in a way I have feeling towards real people.

With fictional characters, I want to have a reason to care about them. I consider apathy to be the worst of all feelings, because it means the people behind the characters are not even trying. I WANT to feel something when I look at these characters, I really do. If that feeling is a negative one, well, so be it, at least that character has drawn my attention.

For example, my least favorite character in the series is probably Faye. She comes off as very annoying and rather sloppily written, but if the next game would have a character that's just like Faye or a character with nothing but an intro scene and a death quote (like a lot of characters in the early games), well... I'd rather have the Faye. At least it's something I'd feel interested in getting invested on.

you know what you make a good point and I agree with you my friend.

as far as my unpopular opinions go well:

I think peri is an actually pretty good character. It's just that she does not fit well with the other characters around her.

I prefer Severa's awakening protrayal as opposed to her fates protrayal.

I think awakening has some of the strongest character writing in the series second only to tellius.



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On 4/16/2018 at 9:56 PM, Perkilator said:


-It’s okay for casuals to get into the series. Yes, even some of the weird ones.



I don't even get why people don't want casual players in FE, for fucks sake it helps to EXPAND the franchise 


-fuck durability 

-I like archer units in all games 

-awakening had a lot of great characters

-I enjoy casual mode more than classic mode because I am casual scum and shouldn't be allowed into the franchise

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1 hour ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

I don't even get why people don't want casual players in FE, for fucks sake it helps to EXPAND the franchise

They would rather see it stay where it is and die sooner than watch it continue on by selling out to waifu scum.

Also gonna add something else:

If we have a Strength/Magic split in another game, Bishops and Sages should be distinct from each other, with Bishops getting Staves and Sages getting Daggers (and better Strength) for debuffing enemies, now that Daggers have a purpose beyond simply inflicting damage.

Edited by Von Ithipathachai
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I think that while the 3DS Era did a lot of both bad and good, now that FE has a bigger fanbase, the next game should be closer to Classic FE.

Fates ain't a bad game, but it is a bad FE Game (or at least a mediocre one)

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Some more from me (I hope I don't repeat myself):

- I don't see how Selena has "developed" since her time in Fates. If anything, she's even more b****y than before. And not even in the "Haha, tsunderes are funny" kind of way.
- People give Ryoma too much credit.
- The amount of hate Faye gets is undeserved.
- Shinon is the only a-hole archer in the franchise that did the whole a-hole archer thing right. He's also the only a-hole archer whose a-holery can be justified to an extent.
- I'm not that fond of Cordelia, Lucina or Tharja. I don't hate them, but I also wouldn't consider them "best waifus" or even best characters in Awakening.
- Sacred Stones is more fun to me when I don't use Seth.
- Frederick and Titania are the only truly compelling / interesting characters in the Jagen archetype.
- Dancers are not "essential" units and I can beat the games just fine without one.
- People focus too much on "good" or "bad" units and try too hard to push units into a supposedly "objective" rating. Fun should come first.
- There are also too many people out there that try and prove other people "wrong" in their unit choice. If someone says, for example, "I like using Amelia", there will be a legion of angry people shouting at them "How could you use her? She's bad" and other such drivel. I find these kinds of discussions to be utterly pointless, because in the end, it all comes down to playstyle and people will do what they like anyway, so what was even the point?

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

- Dancers are not "essential" units and I can beat the games just fine without one.

Are dancers commonly seen as "essential"? Outside of Heroes, I have never really seen them as anything other than as an interesting utility option.

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10 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

- I don't see how Selena has "developed" since her time in Fates. If anything, she's even more b****y than before. And not even in the "Haha, tsunderes are funny" kind of way.

Another chance for me to push Selena-Caeldori A Support? Huzzah!
In all seriousness, she hasn't really - the A Support with Caeldori is the closest thing to a moment of growth she goes through that I've seen, and I use her a lot. You're also correct in your analysis of her - considering the reason she was like that in the first place was(probably, I don't recall if it states this explicitly in-game) because she didn't want to let people in only to lose them, she made sense in Awakening where everyone was dying off left and right in her future, but now that she doesn't have to worry about that as much her only reason is...force of habit, I guess.
Also you get to watch her cry in Caeldori A so you should get it for that at least.

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9 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

Are dancers commonly seen as "essential"? Outside of Heroes, I have never really seen them as anything other than as an interesting utility option.

From what I've heard, many people have said that you absolutely NEED Dancers. I mean, I don't consider them as bad units, far from it. I have fun using folks like Olivia, Feena, Reyson, and Thetys, I just never felt I absolutely HAD to use them, see.

4 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Another chance for me to push Selena-Caeldori A Support? Huzzah!
In all seriousness, she hasn't really - the A Support with Caeldori is the closest thing to a moment of growth she goes through that I've seen, and I use her a lot. You're also correct in your analysis of her - considering the reason she was like that in the first place was(probably, I don't recall if it states this explicitly in-game) because she didn't want to let people in only to lose them, she made sense in Awakening where everyone was dying off left and right in her future, but now that she doesn't have to worry about that as much her only reason is...force of habit, I guess.
Also you get to watch her cry in Caeldori A so you should get it for that at least.

Totally agreed with you on this one.


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I've commented here before, and I'll try not to repeat anything:

  • The GBA animations, although undeniably some of the best on the system, get repetitive and stale very quickly.
  • The combat animations in the switch game should focus more on being realistic and fast-paced rather than over-the-top and flashy.
  • The Taguel class has some legitimate uses (6 move, ignoring the weapon triangle, starting with balanced stats boosts, etc.) and is fun to play around with, even if Panne and Yarne are better off reclassed.
  • Gaidens cast had more characterization than the original Shadow Dragon (not the remake).
  • Chrom is one of the best characters in Awakening from a gameplay standpoint.
  • The strengths and flaws of the supports conversations can be found in every single game in the series (that has them).
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2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

The GBA animations, although undeniably some of the best on the system, get repetitive and stale very quickly.

What? Getting Crits with Gonzales and hearing his little war yell never gets old! Some of them do get old fast, though, like Healing - the Heal and to lesser extent Dance animations made me grateful for the hold-L-to-just-do-map-animations thing introduced in later games.

2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

The Taguel class has some legitimate uses (6 move, ignoring the weapon triangle, starting with balanced stats boosts, etc.) and is fun to play around with, even if Panne and Yarne are better off reclassed.

And this is why you marry Panne or Yarne and leave Morgan as Taguel! Glad to hear my friend who did that wasn't off his rocker.

2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

The strengths and flaws of the supports conversations can be found in every single game in the series (that has them).

I'll add they can be found in games that don't have them as well - look at how Shadow Dragon is criticized for being barebones in character interaction and dialogue.

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28 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

What? Getting Crits with Gonzales and hearing his little war yell never gets old! Some of them do get old fast, though, like Healing - the Heal and to lesser extent Dance animations made me grateful for the hold-L-to-just-do-map-animations thing introduced in later games.

Honestly, it's the fact that there's no "attack twice" animation that bothers me the most. Seeing mercenaries do two flips instead of swinging again after the first one, or having Lyn sheathe her weapon after every attack, or having mages do their little spin every time they cast a spell, so there's less variety in the animations, and I wish they followed up on their attacks so my logical fight choreographer side isn't asking questions. It also kind of bothers me that both sides are kinda just standing there, waiting to get hit.

28 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

And this is why you marry Panne or Yarne and leave Morgan as Taguel! Glad to hear my friend who did that wasn't off his rocker.

...I meant that Panne has a legitimate use in the Taguel class for a good number of chapters before she starts falling behind.

But sure, lets go with that!

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This fandom is as bad as people who are not in it says it is; more often than not y'all are constantly negative and that it pathetic. Criticism sounds like a whiny banshee noise and liking a female character from a 3DS game doesn't mean she's "my waifu". 

I hope the switch game is more like Fates, speaking of the switch game; relax for Christ sake, they'll release information when they god damn feel like it.

I don't understand the obsession with wanting a return for splitting up the magic types, I've always found the magic triangle meaningless, the only game where differentiation of magic made a difference was Heroes. 

I also don't understand the obsession of wanting sequels to other games instead of new games. That's what character endings are for.

IS should never listen to fan suggestions on how the next game should go, it often comes off as narrow minded and self entitled.

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I like Manaketes and I hope they keep showing up.

In a FE4 echoes remake I need my big maps. (I don't mind if they give more stuff to do on the maps)

I want a little bit more seriousness and less fanservice or weird anime stuff in FE Switch. FE has always been anime but just like anime nowadays the anime stuff is getting worse.

Eirika is my favorite female lord. (Micaiah/Lyn/Celica seem to be the favorites)

Ike is like a shonen hero. He has no romantic interests in anyone whether they are female or male.


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1 minute ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

I thought most people liked manaketes?

Probably but I think that there are also a decent amount of people who don't want to see them return because they're almost always the bad guys or a little girl. 


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