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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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Berkut actually had everything going for him to be really entertaining: the atmosphere, presence, attitude, set up, THEME SONG (well it was for me). Everything, except for plot armor, which due to this one missing thing, I believe, is what makes him out to be a joke to those who find him bad. It's not like he lost to the Deliverence 3 times. If dude can take on and exhaust the entirety of them with just 3 men, including himself he has to be a big deal. The downfall is that even with all this, he simply can't beat Alm, specifically (notice how that's the only person he acknowledges at all). To this end, he seems more akin to your typical anime rival character than an actual villain, which is a real shame that he didn't deliver, cause, as I said, he had a lot going for him, but Alm

handedly thrashes all of it

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- Echoes had more fanservice than Awakening.

- Awakening is actually a solid challenge without pair-up, and indeed actually seems to have been balanced that way (on Normal and Hard, anyway).

- Ricken, while not a fantastic unit and character, doesn't deserve the crap given to him. He's a competent unit that can still get the job done, and the complain that "I'm not a kid!" being the only aspect of his character is overblown and even when it does appear, it's rarely the focus of the support.

- Knights are at their best in Awakening.

- Awakening story is over-criticized and over-hated, but it really is just an okay videogame story at the end of the day.

~ That said, the dialogue in said story sequences retains a consistent quality, and people don't give the game enough credit for the game bringing up tropes that they could have fallen into but didn't.

- The Dread Fighter and Bride class should have been unisex in Awakening. There are several female characters that could benefit from becoming a ninjamage, and several male characters could have benefited from becoming grooms. Also, a groom class would have let males wear tuxedos, and I don't see anyone complaining about that.

- Resuing maps in Echoes was less blind loyalty to the original Gaiden, and more of a time and money saving measure.

-While I can live with it, I really dislike how combat arts take up weapon uses in Three Houses. I'm already paranoid enough about overusing weapons in normal Fire Emblem games, and this just ensures that I'm even more reluctant to use them.

- Solon will be the one responsible for taking Dmitri's eye.

- There should be a way to make a vow of celibacy as the avatar (and not through the technicality of ignoring S-supports).

- Fallout-like traits would also be a unique addition to avatar creation.

- Aethor Resort should add some more anachronistic buildings.

- Fire Emblem's Gacha system was doomed the moment they decided to have characters be obtainable at 5 stars from the get go.

- Fire Emblem needs more beards.

- A spell that causes trees to walk and attack should be a thing. 

- Legendary weapons aren't really all that special or memorable.

- As much as I love the animations for Echoes, there should be a Fire Emblem game that either uses awesome spritework again, or uses a stylist 2D artstyle (similar to a comic book or manga) for the attack animations.

- I want at least one Fire Emblem that goes all out with the blood effects (while still retaining a T rating).

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On 6/24/2019 at 8:56 PM, Hawkwing said:

Echoes had more fanservice than Awakening.

how so? I mean I peg awakening far above echoes in terms of quality but even I can admit it has more fanservice than echoes(not that that's a bad thing mind you)

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Awakening isn't the second coming of Christ everyone makes it out to be, while Fates isn't as bad as many claim it to be. 

Edited by Wraith
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10 hours ago, Ottservia said:

how so? I mean I peg awakening far above echoes in terms of quality but even I can admit it has more fanservice than echoes(not that that's a bad thing mind you)

I'm forget my original reasoning, but I believe it was that, while Awakening's fanservice is more glaring due to most of it being on mounted and flying units (since the lack of pants is especially noticeable due to how you'd want to be wearing more fabric there, not less), Echoes isn't really that much better. While the cavaliers in that game are wearing pants, pretty much every other female class (barring Clair and clerics) isn't. Awakening also does a fairly good job at having the character portraits either hide their cleavage (with ranging degrees of success. Tharja holding a book works very well, while Noire's attempt to cover it is less so. Aversa is an exception, but that was probably deliberate) or standing in a position where they're not drawing attention to it (Panne and to a lesser degree Tiki). While Echoes has less characters showing their cleavage, Nuibaba and Sonya aren't trying to hide it at all. I will say that I find Echoes fanservice to be less distracting and more tasteful, however.

Echoes also has both versions of witches, which could be considered fanservicey if, you know, they weren't soulless husks and/or on fire.

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On 6/22/2019 at 2:22 PM, Violectrolysis said:

- People wouldn't care about Berkut half as much if he wasn't voiced by Ian Sinclair

That one would be pretty easy to find out What's the Japanese opinion on Berkut? He's not voiced by mister Sinclair over there. 

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On 7/1/2019 at 3:24 AM, Wraith said:

Awakening isn't the second coming of Christ everyone makes it out to be, while Fates isn't  bad as many claim it to be. 

I hear you, mate! I find Awakening's gameplay silly; they simply ignored the 'tactical' part. Any map of Advance Wars is more interesting. It is a generic JRPG taking place on a grid. And they have no feet! Aaahh!

Yes, Conquest's story is dumb as fuck, but I have other sources for a captivating storytelling. What Conquest does give me (and the reason why I play these games) is an engaging, challenging gameplay. I have completed Conquest multiple times precisely because it tests your abilities. The music is also notable, with several memorable tunes, the presentation is great for the console (not as polished as Echoe's, but a standout in the whole catalogue nonetheless); and I enjoyed the silliness of various characters (as 'trope-ish' as they may be.)

Edited by starburst
Grammar and tone.
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uhhh a big chunk of this turned into ragging on Fates (particularly the localization- most of my opinions on Fates were formed in 2015 through watching let's plays and reading translations) so... cut time!

  • Fates is by far the worst FE game. It's still a good game on it's own. A solid 7/10 (about the same as I'd rate Xenoblade 1/2. I'd give XCX a 10/10.) It just doesn't stand up very well to other games in the series. (The fact that it has great graphics for a 3DS game, great music, great gameplay and a mediocre story is really unfortunate bc the localization made the game's one big problem a thousand times worse. )
  • Camilla is actually a really great character that was executed very, very, very poorly.
  • Ryoma is a really... not very good character. Not bad, per say. But very boring. He had exactly two personality traits in Japanese: "Samurai" and "Intense." Treehouse got rid of his intensity. And his voice casting/directing was awful. I don't know how they got a bad performance out of Matt Flippin' Mercer, (a legend, we stan,) but by golly they did. Switching Ryoma and Xander's English VAs wouldn't have fixed all of my complaints with Fates but like...a big chunk of them of them.
  • Xander should have been renamed from Marks to Marcus. Why the heck didn't they use Marcus?!?
  • Rena Strober has a good voice for Broadway but she should never have been cast as Azura's singing voice. I recently listened to the Engish version of Lost in Thoughts after having only listened to Renka's version for over a year. It's just... bad. Like, really bad. She's singing like she wants the back of the room to her her when the song is supposed to sound quiet and wistful. Again- not a bad actor, but horribly miscast.
  • Keaton and Kaden should have had their names switched. How dare they not name the fox Keaton. How dare they. Don't they know how confusing that is? Why did Flannnel even need a new name? Why did Harold? Why is Subaki spelled with an S when we learn the word Tsunami in first grade? Why did Tsukiyomi get changed to Hayato when it's not any easier to say or remember? Was the entire Treehouse localization team high when working on Fates?!?
  • Of all the bad parts about Fate's localization (butchering My Room and the removal of 100+ lines, some of which were very important to character development, removing or changing supports for the worse, unfunny jokes added in, removing swimsuits and thereby making overseas versions of the games incompatible with JPN versions and also affecting the balance of My Castle Battles + leaving no reward for completing the My Room minigame with your spouse at all, bad casting choices for main characters, what I can only assume was atrocious voice direction because 95% of the cast gives a bad performance, no dual audio so the bad voice acting is unavoidable... there's probably more but it's 4 am) there's really only one thing that I find utterly unforgivable in this mess. Selling the season 2 DLC pass without making it explicitly clear it did not include all the DLC. It didn't say it anywhere, in fact. I paid full price on release day for what was advertised as all of the DLC released in Japan, and did not receive what I paid for. If they'd said at the beginning they would not be localizing all the DLC or if they'd dropped the price- well, I'd be sad. But I consider this false advertising and a very, very shady business practice. It's been 3 years and I'm still furious.
  • Navarre isn't sexist????? The whole point of his "I won't kill women" thing is that he respects women more than men, who he kinda sees as animals, including himself. I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not but it is one I've been seeing popping up post-warriors and just... no my dude you got his whole character wrong
  • Shadow Dragon isn't a bad FE game. Yes the gameplay is kinda trash but it and FE12 has one of, if not the best story in the series. If you play FE for gameplay, skip it for sure. If you're like me and play for story, you'll love it.
  • Awakening doesn't have a bad story. Simple, yes. It's definitely one of the more lighthearted entries into the series, and it's not the absolute best FE has to offer. But it's still good.
  • Tatiana is a Bad Character and I Don't Like Her. By far my least favorite character in the entire series.
  • Toshiyuki Kusakihara is the Worst and I hope he leaves IntSys like, yesterday. His designs are BAD
  • Alm is literally just Green Marth and he absolutely did not deserve to win CYL3.
  • Berkut was the easily best part of Echoes tbh... And he absolutely would not have been if he were much older. I can see why some younger members of the fandom don't like him, but as a 22 year old, I can look back at me five years ago and say "Ah, yes, I too was this stupid and immature when I was seventeen. Poor baby..." and consider him purely tragic. Fallen!Berkut broke me a lil bit inside guys I was not READY
  • And while we're on the subject of Berkut- I really, really like how they left it vague on whether he sacrificed Rinea to gain Duma's powers, or Duma possessed Bekut and Duma killed Rinea with his body- even if he was really willing to kill Rinea more power, or if he was actually like "Yes, anything, Duma! w ait no not THAT NO I DID NOT MEAN THAT LITERALLY." It reminds me in a very good way of the end of Dark Side of Dimensions- I won't spoil it here, but it has a very open ending where a character may or may not have committed suicide. The author has come out and said that anyone's interpretation of the ending is canon, since there isn't one set ending- be it bittersweet, sad, or just happy. Leaving the truth up to the beholder... I think there's a certain beauty to that.
  • That said, ny'all who have headcanons over whether or not Berkut was a murderer need to stop insisting it's 100% canon and shaming people for conflicting opinions. For instance: I interpret the scene as Berkut not realizing what Duma was asking, Duma possessing Berkut and killing her with his body. That view isn't any more or less valid than someone who thinks her murdered his fiancee for power- but I shouldn't have to deal with being told I'm stanning an immoral, misogynistic character when I just don't interpret him that way. (I have no idea if this is happening here on SF or not but it sure did on Tungle.hell)
  • PoR is just as good as everyone says it is. RD's story is really bad. If you're gonna give Fates crap for having good graphics (for a 3DS game), music, and gameplay but a terrible story, give the same amount to RD, please. Fates had it's silly moments but it never did anything half as atrocious as the Micaiah/Sanaki plotline. Oh, and the "Blood Pact" thing was just as silly as Fates ever got. And all the 3DS games have better graphics than both parts of Tellius, even Awakening.
  • Priam isn't an offensive, homophobic inclusion because I'm like 95% sure at this point that Soren is canonically trans male. It offends me bc Ranulf/Ike is the better ship 😉
  • Ephraim shouldn't have become a king at the end of Sacred Stones. There's not a single character trait of his that makes me think he'd be a decent ruler. He's a meathead! Just let Erika be queen and let him be a general or something!
  • Blazing Sword isn't all it's cracked up to be. I got it a few years ago and still haven't quite beaten it... It's just not all that fun for me. I think a lot of the older stans are looking at this game through rose tinted nostalgia lenses because it's okay but it's not That Great. I think I would have liked it quite a bit more if it hadn't been hyped up as one of the All-Time Best FEs when... it's average.
  • Tokyo Mirage Sessions plays nothing like FE but it's a FANTASTIC game and is one of the two games that deserve a Switch port the most out of the WiiU's entire library IMO. (The other is XCX.) My only complaint with it is that it doesn't do quite as much with the FE characters as it could have- but many of the games getting ports have additional content to the base game! If we just got some mirage-centric sidestories the game would be an absolute 10/10.
  • The fact that TMS and Warriors characters are missing from Heroes is a crime. I'd pull for Darios... and tbh I'd probably whale for Yashiro... he's my SON, INTSYS
  • Young!Dimitri has the worst design of any 3H character shown so far and Old!Dimitri has my favorite by far. IDK if this is an unpopular opinion but it's a strong one! be careful who you call ugly in high school
  • The Deliverance DLC was really poorly written but in a very funny way IMO- it had me 100% convinced Fernand had a crush on Clive instead of Mathilda until very near the end.
  • All of the women in Echoes retiring and settling down after the war was very ehhhhhhhh... I didn't like it. Echoes didn't treat its girls as well as it should have kinda in general.
  • I've seen a lot of people get Celica and Erika's personalities kinda... backwards, imo. Erika is pretty much tough as nails. I can't really say that about Celica- she's still badass, but nowhere near as tough. Celica makes her bad decision based on being unsure of herself, while Erika makes hers based on being overconfident in her own judgement. They’re both naive, but for opposite reasons.
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I think Tanya is the best archer in Thracia 776. A lot of people praise Ronan, but movement stars are unreliable and his growths and bases are not so good - still wondering what that 15% Str and 55% Mag growth is aiming for. Robert has good growths, but that's about it - his joining time with E bows is just horrible for him. Now Selphina would be another great archer, higher Lv and B bows, but she's also flawed. Charge is a double-edged skill, and she only gives support to her scrubs that nobody uses. Tanya support 2 great units, Dagda and Othin, the latter support is also mutual. Xavier can also has A bows and be an amazing bow user, but his recruitment is probably the most complicated I ever found in any Fire Emblem game. Now Tanya doesn't start amazing, but she's fast - and she has some room where she can grow into something better. This game is not great for archers, but if I have to pick one of them, Tanya would be my meme unit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Plenty of Rigelian generals should've been acknowledged more.

Zakson, Magnus and some others like Gazelle are honorable men that are well designed. Give them something Intelligent Systems.

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On 7/16/2019 at 5:57 PM, Garlyle said:

I think Tanya is the best archer in Thracia 776. A lot of people praise Ronan,

I have genuinely never seen anyone praise Ronan.

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On 7/16/2019 at 12:57 PM, Garlyle said:

Tanya would be my meme unit.

Nice to know I'm not the only one that uses her lol.

That said I often use Robert O.Speedwagon thank you arena abuse and Selphina, the latter especially since she can use brave bow at base rank.


2 hours ago, Parrhesia said:

I have genuinely never seen anyone praise Ronan.

I've seen him either be praised as a meme or for being a potential mage killer. 

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Time for some Hot Takes while this is still on the front page:

  • I honestly cannot take the politics in this series seriously because of the foundation of the worlds is based on aristocracies/monarchies. A good majority of the Lords (main characters) come from the nobility, people who are inherently privillaged and I feel that privilage is reflected in how the narratives frame said nobility, they never question whether or not they a single family or the rich in general should be the ones to control the power. They rally the commoners to be supportive of their aristocracy/monarchy because the other aristocracy/monarchy is bad and they simply comply, the character endings depicting that the people were happy with their new monarchs. I am someone who thinks this form of government is a glorified dictatorship. Ike is the commoner who fighting to take down one monarch to ensure another monarch comes into power, and he solves years of insitutional racism over night by killing a goddess. Alm is first shown to be a commoner who rises to power... and said power is a monarchy. The twist in SoV is that Alm was the true heir the whole time so he inherted the position. Ike (of all people) who claims to hate the nobles in Bengion (I think its spelled like this), never questions the foundations of whether Elincia (and I like Elincia) should be the ruler of a whole kingdom because she inherted the position. Maybe I just want a Fire Emblem equilivant to the French Revolution but I am just tried of the politics from a series that frames politics from the perspective from the inherently privilaged.
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On 7/9/2019 at 5:22 AM, Spirit Griffon said:


  • All of the women in Echoes retiring and settling down after the war was very ehhhhhhhh... I didn't like it. Echoes didn't treat its girls as well as it should have kinda in general.
  • I've seen a lot of people get Celica and Erika's personalities kinda... backwards, imo. Erika is pretty much tough as nails. I can't really say that about Celica- she's still badass, but nowhere near as tough. Celica makes her bad decision based on being unsure of herself, while Erika makes hers based on being overconfident in her own judgement. They’re both naive, but for opposite reasons.

I think the endings are trying to be canonical with the kind of stuff Gaiden already did with their endings; and in Mathilda's solo ending she actually remains as a commander pretty much taking Clive's place and outperforming him despite her grief (and maybe also because of it). Clive in the other hand ends in a much more pathetic way if she dies. Which it also applies to Gaiden too.

Well I actually have a similar idea about Celica and Eirika xDU.

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Maybe im stretching the topic by going outside the games, but the general stereotype that many have of the FE community "infighting" and debating constantly isnt such a bad thing. It's good to be self critical and be able to analyse both the good and bad in things. Circlejerks get real old real fast too.

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35 minutes ago, pmloikhui said:

Despite all the shitstorm on YouTube. I still like Edelgard much more than the others 2 lords.

Dimitri is a delusional angsty moron, as for Claude his personality bores me to no end.

I also like Edelgard but has the hate on her really gotten that bad on places like youtube that it's considered an unpopular opinion?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/3/2019 at 2:51 PM, Seti said:

Maybe im stretching the topic by going outside the games, but the general stereotype that many have of the FE community "infighting" and debating constantly isnt such a bad thing. It's good to be self critical and be able to analyse both the good and bad in things. Circlejerks get real old real fast too.

I agree with this opinion. I honestly find it one of the main strength of the fanbase that, to some extent, people are able to pick apart things they like and don't like within these games. Probably comes with some of these games being very different from each other.

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I'm with the ones who doesn't think that Awakening had a bad story. It's not a master piece but it's a generic video game plot, not innovative but not atrocious how some people made it to be. It does the job. 

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On 8/3/2019 at 2:51 PM, Seti said:

Maybe im stretching the topic by going outside the games, but the general stereotype that many have of the FE community "infighting" and debating constantly isnt such a bad thing. It's good to be self critical and be able to analyse both the good and bad in things. Circlejerks get real old real fast too.

It’s one thing to have fair debates and criticism. It’s another thing entirely to shame people for liking something or playing the game a certain way. Unfortunately though the FE fanbase is more of the latter than the former.

38 minutes ago, Mylady said:

I'm with the ones who doesn't think that Awakening had a bad story. It's not a master piece but it's a generic video game plot, not innovative but not atrocious how some people made it to be. It does the job. 

Yeah I don’t get it either. Having played awakening numerous times and have written a 5 or 6 page analysis on the story’s themes and ideas, a lot of the common criticisms I’ve seen towards the story either don’t matter or are wholly just untrue or inaccurate if you just pay attention.



Kronya is a better villain than Berkut

Byleth is a much better protagonist than Alm could ever hope to be

Will I ever stop dunking on echoes’s story? Probably not

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1 hour ago, 0 Def Cleric said:

I would be glad to not see another post arguing about Edelgard on this site for the next twenty years. 

Edelgard has the best hair of all the FE lords, change my mind. 😛

I'll reserve judgment on her until I've completed all the routes.  Each story feels like a tiny part of a whole, and I like having the entire picture before going down this rabbit hole.

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