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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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Things that take your base plan(as in, the generic plan that you have to approach battles in general), throw it out of the window, and make you adapt to the situation. Conquest, Thracia and certain maps of RD comes to mind, as are some maps from the Disgaea series, usually if they have important geo panels(if you haven't grinded something into godmode). 

Or even Advance wars. Usually you can't win the campaign by picking the same CO and spamming tanks or bombers any map, pr at least doing so is making things harder, while in fire emblem the same unit is usually always or almost always the right solution.  

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17 hours ago, Roland said:

Conquest’s map design is good for the first half. The minute the invisible world gets introduced, it all goes downhill.

I wouldn't go that far. I personally very much loved the siege maps against Sakura and Takumi. They were very much a highlight for me. Granted its probably more due to the idea of a siege rather than the more technical aspect like units placement. 

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I honestly don't see the appeal of tms. All it really is is just an idol game with singing and stage performance. And the fact that there is no English dub in this just makes the game overall niche considering that the switch version is already not developing much hype for the game and the marketing effort is lame as it is just trying to put three house costumes and some characters in heroes and that's it. Oh and that one major thing that I heard is getting removed..shocking.

I have no doubt that the game will bomb whether it gets support or not and that's really sad on Nintendo's part because they are trying so hard to make this game sell but then fatlus screws it over. Lesson to learn Intelligent Systems. Never collaborate with Atlus for fire emblem spin offs and instead collaborate with tecmo koei or heck..even squenix.


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On 1/16/2020 at 1:34 AM, Harvey said:

Never collaborate with Atlus for fire emblem spin offs and instead collaborate with tecmo koei or heck..even squenix.

Hey, we have Final Fantasy fans on here too.  ;/

The thing that sells TMS is its gameplay, but if you can't see beyond its aesthetic, that's on you.

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On 1/14/2020 at 4:06 PM, Roland said:

Conquest’s map design is good for the first half. The minute the invisible world gets introduced, it all goes downhill.

I disagree. But even if I conceded that Conquest is interesting only within its first 14 maps, that would still be a greater number than the decent maps in Three Houses, all seasons combined.

• A new unpopular opinion: I have been having more fun messing around with Tokio Mirage Sessions than playing (and trying to like) Three Houses.

TMS is so bizarre to me that I do not try to understand it and just let myself get lost in it. Too much anime, too bright, too colourful… and yet it sort of works within its own surreal dimension. Perhaps its being so different is precisely what makes me take it for what it is without comparing it to the Fire-Emblem mechanics and characteristics that I like.

Even as a mere watching exercise, the in-game models and style are more appealing than those of Three Houses. And the eyes! God, characters have expressive looks once again!

Sure, the anime bomb that is TMS will probably be too sweet for me very soon, but it has been a fun detour.

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Mystery of the Emblem is a good standalone game but it's a bad sequel. The remakes don't fix this.

Boots are the worst statbooster. I'd rather have a mid-game cleric Est who brings me a Celerity staff.

We are not going to have proper LGBT representation as long as it has to coexist with the avatar and in-game shipping.

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10 minutes ago, X-Naut said:

Mystery of the Emblem is a good standalone game but it's a bad sequel. The remakes don't fix this.

Boots are the worst statbooster. I'd rather have a mid-game cleric Est who brings me a Celerity staff.

We are not going to have proper LGBT representation as long as it has to coexist with the avatar and in-game shipping.

We had good LGBT representation over ten years ago. It was called Heather. No one made a big deal of it. Which is exactly how things should be.

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8 hours ago, Jotari said:

We had good LGBT representation over ten years ago. It was called Heather. No one made a big deal of it. Which is exactly how things should be.

I honestly feel like most people forget that Heather exists.

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21 hours ago, Jotari said:

We had good LGBT representation over ten years ago. It was called Heather. No one made a big deal of it. Which is exactly how things should be.

I'm not sure being a misandrist is considered good representation. She was extremely rude to Brom.

Three Houses has pretty good bisexual characters in Dorothea and Shamir (I'm assuming that one of the metrics of 'good' is a character being able to express their sexual interest to the same gender beyond the avatar character).

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5 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

I'm not sure being a misandrist is considered good representation. She was extremely rude to Brom.

Three Houses has pretty good bisexual characters in Dorothea and Shamir (I'm assuming that one of the metrics of 'good' is a character being able to express their sexual interest to the same gender beyond the avatar character).

Wouldn't really equate rudeness to misandry. In fact Heather is quite explicit that she hates a certain type of man, namely the ones like Ludvick who think they can go around flaunting authority. Others she sees as easy marks as she is a thief at heart. But even if she was a misandrist I wouldn't say that makes her a bad character. Believable and well rounded is what I look for more so than morally upright.

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4 hours ago, Jotari said:

Wouldn't really equate rudeness to misandry. In fact Heather is quite explicit that she hates a certain type of man, namely the ones like Ludvick who think they can go around flaunting authority. Others she sees as easy marks as she is a thief at heart. But even if she was a misandrist I wouldn't say that makes her a bad character. Believable and well rounded is what I look for more so than morally upright.

Her hating Ludvik especially doesn't mean she isn't mean-spirited towards men in general. Like I said, in her recruitment dialogue with Brom, she shit talks him from start to finish when he's nothing but polite to her.

Isn't that the issue people took with characters like Niles, Soleil, and Rhajat? That they're morally bad or gross people (more the first two)? If you like Heather regardless, I'm not telling you that you can't, but I don't see her as being a character LGBT fans want representing them.

Edited by NekoKnight
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3 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

Her hating Ludvik especially doesn't mean she isn't mean-spirited towards men in general. Like I said, in her recruitment dialogue with Brom, she shit talks him from start to finish when he's nothing but polite to her.

Isn't that the issue people took with characters like Niles, Soleil, and Rhajat? That they're morally bad or gross people (more the first two)? If you like Heather regardless, I'm not telling you that you can't, but I don't see her as being a character LGBT fans want representing them.

You've just repeated yourself there. I'll repeat myself too. Being rude to Brom does not immediately make her a misandrist and even if she is it did it wouldn't matter.

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53 minutes ago, Jotari said:

You've just repeated yourself there. I'll repeat myself too. Being rude to Brom does not immediately make her a misandrist and even if she is it did it wouldn't matter.

Okay, let me explain myself further then. If she's contemptuous to every man she interacts with, and only helps out when it lets her be closer with women, that's evidence for misandry. Seriously, swap the genders and there would be no doubt about the character being a misogynist.

And you didn't answer my second point. Why is Heather's negative behavior a good representative for LGBT but people are critical of Niles/Soleil/Rhajat because they're not morally upstanding people?

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6 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

Okay, let me explain myself further then. If she's contemptuous to every man she interacts with, and only helps out when it lets her be closer with women, that's evidence for misandry. Seriously, swap the genders and there would be no doubt about the character being a misogynist.

Or Lon'Qu.

6 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

And you didn't answer my second point. Why is Heather's negative behavior a good representative for LGBT but people are critical of Niles/Soleil/Rhajat because they're not morally upstanding people?

Not sure why you're even talking about them when I haven't made any reference to them at all.

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I’m just gonna step in and say that Soleil is a fun and adorable little lesbian and I love her. She’s just a big old bundle of lesbian joy and it’s great.

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Heather, even though RD b/c no real supports doesn't have a lot of dialogue to flesh her out (yet nonetheless appears in two Base Conversations), and shows little but passion for women and some measure of dislike for men. When she is mean to Brom, she shows interest only in meeting Neph. Later, she criticizes Lubeck as keeping her from meeting Elincia, fawns a bit on Lucia, and is more than happy buying Ilyana food which she'll pay for by duping men.

Heather never gropes a girl, but is very one-two bad stereotypical notes, she isn't a real person. 

So I heard (as in I have no source I can link), an interview with an RD dev team member said Heather is gay by choice. Now that sounds very wrong, but apparently it's something of an improvement over popular Japanese understandings of homosexuality: a fad for young ladies they later outgrown, and the product of childhood sexual abuse (which, so I was told, is implied with Japanese Niles). So, Heather might have been intended in good faith, but mass Japan just doesn't understand LGBTQs.

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Just now, Jotari said:

Or Lon'Qu.

Not sure why you're even talking about them when I haven't made any reference to them at all.

Lon'Qu doesn't show contempt to women, only that he's uncomfortable.

Because it's relevant to the conversation. The original comment was a guy saying that we won't get good LGBT characters in a game with avatars. You said that Heather is a good LGBT character and that her moral standing doesn't matter. I compared her with other LGBT characters (in a game with an avatar) to point out that she's just as problematic (or none of them are problematic, depending on your stance).

Do you have a stance on the Fates LGBT characters? Do you feel they are good representatives contrary to what the X-Naut's comment implied?

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Heather, even though RD b/c no real supports doesn't have a lot of dialogue to flesh her out (yet nonetheless appears in two Base Conversations), and shows little but passion for women and some measure of dislike for men. When she is mean to Brom, she shows interest only in meeting Neph. Later, she criticizes Lubeck as keeping her from meeting Elincia, fawns a bit on Lucia, and is more than happy buying Ilyana food which she'll pay for by duping men.

Heather never gropes a girl, but is very one-two bad stereotypical notes, she isn't a real person. 

So I heard (as in I have no source I can link), an interview with an RD dev team member said Heather is gay by choice. Now that sounds very wrong, but apparently it's something of an improvement over popular Japanese understandings of homosexuality: a fad for young ladies they later outgrown, and the product of childhood sexual abuse (which, so I was told, is implied with Japanese Niles). So, Heather might have been intended in good faith, but mass Japan just doesn't understand LGBTQs.

I believe the interview in question was more about specifically confirming that Heather wasn't sexually abused. Cant seem to find it now and even if the wording (translated) is "by choice" the intention was to say she is who she is and not as a result of psychology damage.

3 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

Lon'Qu doesn't show contempt to women, only that he's uncomfortable.

Because it's relevant to the conversation. The original comment was a guy saying that we won't get good LGBT characters in a game with avatars. You said that Heather is a good LGBT character and that her moral standing doesn't matter. I compared her with other LGBT characters (in a game with an avatar) to point out that she's just as problematic (or none of them are problematic, depending on your stance).

Do you have a stance on the Fates LGBT characters? Do you feel they are good representatives contrary to what the X-Naut's comment implied?

Niles, yes, the others no. But mainly because I don't think much of them as characters at all give they're Fates children which are too shoehorned into the game for me to care about at all.

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Lysithea is neither high tier nor low tier. She's riiiight in the middle for a maddening run. Because combat mages are borderline useless in that setting unless they can take a hit, and warp utility keeps her out of the low tiers. She has exactly what she needs to justify a slot on your team and not a single bullet point more.

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Having now played it, TMS is just a bland, half-assed Persona game with a pretty dumb theme and barely noticeable Fire Emblem elements tossed in. The most FE thing about it is the weapon triangle in combat(Which... has already existed in previous Persona games) and arrows/wind hurting flying units.

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I  barely have played TMS yet, but the most noticable Fire Emblem element for me has been Ilyana's appearance.


Admittedly I have not bought the game for the story anyways since I do not really expect anything from a crossover.


I just want decent gameplay, so far TMS does its job to my satisfaction.

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