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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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3 minutes ago, Troykv said:

At least I can still recognize the theme in his Thunder version (I guess is because of the fact the voice isn't overlaying above everything else), I don't exactly like Thunder themes in Three Houses (outside of FoF's one); this is far from the worst, in fact, of the ones I have heard it's probably the best non-FoF one xDU

Worst in terms of relative quality drop from the rain version. I can't stand those staccato horns. It sounds like something you'd do if you were trying to make fun of the song. The sheer difference between that and the opera singer... holy hell is it a disappointment.

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34 minutes ago, Benice said:

Curses, I've been called out on my bad playing!

Just wondering, is the snow RNG controlled? In my runs, it lasted for fr longer tha  in tht video IIRC; it hadn't stopped unit well after Karel showed up.

Being an ordinary FE fan is fine. That vid was from an LTC, albeit a run that did not appear overly rigged if at all to succeed, so a normal player could actually learn something from it.. LTCers are very analytical players, more so than most would be.

As for the snow, it turns on and off at the start of a turn in fixed intervals:

Appearance – Kenneth’s Map

  • Turn 1: Snow
  • Turn 5: Clear
  • Turn 10: Snow
  • Turn 15: Clear
  • Turn 20: Snow
  • Turn 25: Clear
  • Turn 30: Snow
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4 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Been playing through Blazing Sword as one of the dozen games I'm juggling at the moment, and I'm honestly kinda surprised at how many weird things there are in the game that aren't discussed that much. The convoy is a separate unit that can level up and can be obtained in a sidequest, the funds ranking sounds fine on paper but has some really out-of-the-box exploits, there's an enemy that can outright prevent the use of magic, a sidequest is unlocked by leveling up the bard to level 7 during Lyn's mode, weather effects that serve no purpose than to slow you down, and probably more I haven't encountered yet. This isn't to say that these things are bad, just strange, and I'm surprised how little it's brought up considering Blazing Sword is often called one of the more "standard" games in the series.

Well the convoy unit was taken directly from FE6, there are little differences sure, but same idea, plus it feels like a natural progression from static convoy building, to mobile convoy unit, to lord is the convoy. As for gaiden chapters, there have always been odd gaiden requirements, and it isn't the only with an unlock partially tied to a character's level (one of the possible conditions for a FE12 gaiden is getting Kris to level 5 promoted). The magic seal, and the weather conditions are gimmicks unique to this game to be sure, but weird poorly thought out, and underutilized map gimmicks are still a fire emblem staple.

The Fire Emblem series has never been a very consistent one, they like to shake up the gameplay, and the setting every couple of games, so a couple of little quirks just feels natural.

49 minutes ago, Benice said:


Just wondering, is the snow RNG controlled? In my runs, it lasted for for longer than  in tht video IIRC; it hadn't stopped unit well after Karel showed up.

There is a set pattern to it, check fire emblem WoD, they should have it listed in the map description for the mode.

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Weather is something the series should probably try and implement again. It is after all something that makes a massive difference when it comes to combat. Though it shouldn't just be "ha, now everyone can only move two squares at a time!" Because that doesn't really achieve anything at all. Well I guess at least Pale Flower of Darkness has indoor sections where (iirc) your movement is normal. Can't say the same for the two rain maps in Blazing Blade I can remember. It's like they added in weather as a mechanic in the game and then just forgot about it. Anyway back on my original point, they should try another hand at weather, but use it to highlight or nerf certain units. Fliers are the obvious one. You know if they were real the weather would have a massive impact on their usability.

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17 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Anyway back on my original point, they should try another hand at weather, but use it to highlight or nerf certain units. Fliers are the obvious one. You know if they were real the weather would have a massive impact on their usability.

What do you mean? Those unending thunderstorms over the Perun River Valley will be no problem for my Pegasus Knights, they don't wear any metal anymore. Their bodies are covered in the finest Belcon skintight rubber armor in the world, behold how it protectively clings to their every curve! My Armor Knights are sad the Tescoi Cage Armor is enemy-only though, it's very blocky, but it would spare them the drop to 1 HP every other turn due to lighting bolts that strike them over anyone else.


Speaking more seriously, weather was kinda sorta brought back in a small dose in Fates. Dragon Veins and Fuga's Aeolian Hell are weather. CQ C10 sorta had a nice weather idea, you could do it with rain creating mud instead of a water recession clearing canals. Though considering weather mostly reduces movement in theory, maybe it's just mostly tedious.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

What do you mean? Those unending thunderstorms over the Perun River Valley will be no problem for my Pegasus Knights, they don't wear any metal anymore. Their bodies are covered in the finest Belcon skintight rubber armor in the world, behold how it protectively clings to their every curve! My Armor Knights are sad the Tescoi Cage Armor is enemy-only though, it's very blocky, but it would spare them the drop to 1 HP every other turn due to lighting bolts that strike them over anyone else.

You joke, but equipment to nullify weakness like that I think are good design. That's why I want to bring back forced dismounting indoors, but also introduce a skill that allows for units to use mounts in doors.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Speaking more seriously, weather was kinda sorta brought back in a small dose in Fates. Dragon Veins and Fuga's Aeolian Hell are weather. CQ C10 sorta had a nice weather idea, you could do it with rain creating mud instead of a water recession clearing canals. Though considering weather mostly reduces movement in theory, maybe it's just mostly tedious.

Hinkoka's super increase to flying move sakura petals actually was springing to mind when I was writing that post.

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Personally, I really like Spider-Man 3. I think Sandman was handled excellently, and the large-scale final battle is much more interesting than any of the dully shot action scenes in the MCU. It's nice that Harry and Peter end on good terms, which hasn't really been the case for these former best friends since the end of the first movie. I'm a bit sad we never saw Spider-Man 4, but I think this was a pretty decent note to end on.

Also memes.

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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

Anyway back on my original point, they should try another hand at weather, but use it to highlight or nerf certain units. Fliers are the obvious one. You know if they were real the weather would have a massive impact on their usability.

You mean like how Fates says the bottomless canyon's thunderstorms make it exceedingly dangerous for fliers to cross it, only for Corrin to later be attacked by pegasus knights on that same map?

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I have three unpopular opinions 

  • Revelations is my favorite Fates Path
  • Azura, Sakura, Camilla, & the Three Houses leaders should be future smash characters
  • The female Fates characters should have child units too
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1 minute ago, Deer's Wolf said:

The female Fates characters should have child units too

I mean technically speaking Selena kinda already has one or it very least it should be tied to her cause genetically speaking it makes the most sense but y'know

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1 hour ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Personally, I really like Spider-Man 3. I think Sandman was handled excellently, and the large-scale final battle is much more interesting than any of the dully shot action scenes in the MCU. It's nice that Harry and Peter end on good terms, which hasn't really been the case for these former best friends since the end of the first movie. I'm a bit sad we never saw Spider-Man 4, but I think this was a pretty decent note to end on.

Also memes.

*checks title* Yep, it does say Fire Emblem up there. Not that I think you're wrong mind you.

1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

You mean like how Fates says the bottomless canyon's thunderstorms make it exceedingly dangerous for fliers to cross it, only for Corrin to later be attacked by pegasus knights on that same map?

Ha. Really? My god they just plain weren't trying some times.

1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

I mean technically speaking Selena kinda already has one or it very least it should be tied to her cause genetically speaking it makes the most sense but y'know

I don't know what you mean by this. Selena isn't related to anyone else in Fates. She could potentially be a sibling of the Awakening characters given Awakening pairings, but that's all of variable canonicity with each option being as legitimate as the next.

Ah. I see you're probably talking about Caeldori. But, she's Tsubaki's daughter and Selena is a Nhor character. So that's only possible on Revelations.

Edited by Jotari
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1 minute ago, Jotari said:

I don't know what you mean by this. Selena isn't related to anyone else in Fates. She could potentially be a sibling of the Awakening characters given Awakening pairings, but that's all of variable canonicity with each option being as legitimate as the next.

I'm talking about Caeldori y'know the literal clone of her own mother that which she can somehow give birth to if she marries Subaki in revelation. I mean genetically speaking it makes sense but it's still kinda weird.

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2 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

I'm talking about Caeldori y'know the literal clone of her own mother that which she can somehow give birth to if she marries Subaki in revelation. I mean genetically speaking it makes sense but it's still kinda weird.

Yeah I actually figured it out and edited into my post just a second ago. Still that's not an obvious pairing given it's only possible in Revelation. 

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6 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Yeah I actually figured it out and edited into my post just a second ago. Still that's not an obvious pairing given it's only possible in Revelation. 

I mean Selena does get special supports with caeldori should she be her mother and that's enough for me to see as canon. Even so, genetically speaking it's the one that makes the most sense. Also from design perspective Soleil and Ophelia both bear a striking resemblance to Olivia and Lissa respectively and Caeldori just kinda continues that motif which is why she should tied to Selena but isn't because reasons.

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9 hours ago, Ottservia said:

I'm talking about Caeldori y'know the literal clone of her own mother that which she can somehow give birth to if she marries Subaki in revelation. I mean genetically speaking it makes sense but it's still kinda weird.

I'm NOTP on Selena and Subaki and it's precisely because of how out-of-place that is, not to mention the awkward Electra/Oedipus complex. If Caeldori was tied to Selena instead of Subaki maybe I'd be less cold towards it. (I'd still be iffy on it due to the complex.)

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On 4/10/2020 at 2:56 AM, X-Naut said:

And its best songs are dragged down by poor music direction. Apex of the World, God-Shattering Star and Indomitable Will are incredible pieces, but the Thunder variants are an unwelcome intrusion. The 3DS games had good reason to shelve parallel soundtracks for their finales.

Well its not like you'd listen to them the whole time considering that its short. Anyways, there are songs that you'll like and songs that you won't and music for that is subjective. I personally however find this to be a major improvement from Fates which just lacked the charisma.


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Mine is that Ike has a wonderful personality through both of his games. A lot of people say he starts out strong and then his personality falters, but all along I think that he has my favorite personality of pretty much all of the lords, although I understand why Eliwood is popular.

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On 4/10/2020 at 8:08 PM, Deer's Wolf said:

Azura, Sakura, Camilla, & the Three Houses leaders should be future smash characters

Lyn should be more than an assist trophy (or at least some FE7 rep like Hector who doesn't have a sword and would satisfy the people who say too many swords in smash), and we need someone who is more of a dragon that Corrin. Also, a mounted unit as a fighter might be super interesting.

These are pretty much all unpopular opinions, lol.

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I not too sure if they are unpopular or not but.

Firstly, I prefer Gangrel to chrom. ( I feel Gangrel is a person with actual emotion and  motives compared to chrom who just generic Prince number 174.)

Secondly, if not for Gangrel I Wouldn't marry my female avatar to anyone. (I don't mind Libra and lon'qu but I still Would not marry my avatar to them.)

Lastly, the less i say about female characters the better. (Don't mind emmeryn or anna but not enough to marry let alone play the male avatar.)

Edited by Tanukinook
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I have a bad one.

I think Dimitri's an ugly son of a gun. From his awful corn hair that just droops and parts so wrongly, his odd lips, I just don't like the look of him in particular. And they I got to see child Dimitri during the dance and I realised it wasn't just a teenage phase and he looked bad there too. Just, every time I look at him it feels like the artist just bashed him with the ugly stick. Timeskip may be an improvement, but I would certainly say he's more likely to rely on his personality than most anyone in the cast (This is not a knock on that, I have not played AM in full yet)

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Echos is overrated, the story screws over celica to make alm do no wrong and the gameplay is so unfun it was a struggle to complete. I never wanted to quite a fire emblem game before finishing other than revelations (for different reasons) so if you are on par with revelations in me not wanting to finish it you know there is something wrong 

Three houses is while amazing in some ways has shit replay value because of the academy phase like it was a struggle to get through my third playthrough and silver snow is worse because you gotta do black eagles TWICE idk I still love the game I just wish there was more variety in the academy phase (I don't think think this is an unpopular opinion it really brought down my enjoyment of the game significantly and I'm pretty sure I like three houses much less than your average fire emblem fan) 

Fates has some of the best gameplay in fire emblem. It's story might be a dumpster fire and most of the characters are one note but uh it's easily some of the most fun I've had with a fire emblem game aside from awakening so thats gotta count for something

also I don't like dimitri that much, he's a good character don't get me wrong but like I see girls go crazy over him and I saw it a lot with people who previously did the same for Chrom, so as a local Chrom simp I played though azure moon scratching my head. Post time skip dimitri would be scary to date, he has really big issues he needs to sort out on his own first.

Chrom is best blue lord 

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