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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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My unpopular FE opinion?  I think Grima is not only decent (decent - not necessarily amazing) but, in retrospect, entirely appropriate to the themes of Marth's games.

Something I personally find a wee bit objectionable about Marth Emblem is that both books of his story are pushing a very strong, "Imperialism is bad mkay" message.  Humanity's dominance over the continent in the backstory gave rise to the oppression of dragons and led Medeus down the path of a sadistic tyrant.  FE3/12 was all about how even good men can fall and become conquering despots; and this is to say nothing of the likes of Jiol and Michalis, who are just opportunistic thugs looking to further their own power.  Be they humans or dragons, it seems to me that a consistent message of the games is, "Forcing people to do what you want is a bad thing to do."

So, I strongly dislike the ending of Book Two: because I don't buy it.  Marth is certainly an accomplished leader who's shown himself to be wise beyond his years, I won't deny that, but that doesn't necessarily translate into being the sort of leader who can bridge cultural boundaries and unite all people, everywhere, as one.  Rallying an army to take on an evil dictator is one thing, rallying the populaces of many different nations to all come together is a different matter.  At the risk of potentially tangentially-invoking Godwin's Law, there's a reason why Europe didn't unite into a single nation after World War II.

So, I like the idea of Grima.  What with Awakening potentially being the last Fire Emblem at the time of development, I think that Grima represents finality.  Termination.  The fear that, sooner or later, what you've worked to achieve will be broken, destroyed, forgotten - and there's nothing you can do about it.  His existence demonstrates that Marth didn't save the world and then everything was happily ever after forever and ever, because that's not how history works.  Maybe he bought time for Archanea to heal but, in the long term, the Hero-King's project of continental unity failed.  Maybe it happened 50 years after he took power, maybe it happened 500 years later.  Either way, it still failed.  Just like Marth's own games showed us, even when it's being led by a supposedly good autocrat, imperialism doesn't work because sooner or later something will happen and people will split off into their own little states and factions; thus starting the whole thing all over again.

I just find the cyclical nature of Archanaen history kind of interesting.

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5 hours ago, Samven said:

At the risk of potentially tangentially-invoking Godwin's Law, there's a reason why Europe didn't unite into a single nation after World War II.


Well it did give rise to the EU not long after (or rather the European Coal and Steam community as it was then known). Of course World War II isn't a great example as that was a war won by two very different empires, namely the Allied Forces and the Soviets. With the continent very much being split down the middle afterwards (give or take a Yugoslavia).

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12 hours ago, Jotari said:

Well it did give rise to the EU not long after (or rather the European Coal and Steam community as it was then known). Of course World War II isn't a great example as that was a war won by two very different empires, namely the Allied Forces and the Soviets. With the continent very much being split down the middle afterwards (give or take a Yugoslavia).

True, but the series of deals and alliances made possible by or in the wake of the ECS/EEC/EU isn't really the same thing as all of Europe literally becoming a single country.

Also, "between the Allied Forces and the Soviets"...  Methinks you mean the Nazis on that one?

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13 minutes ago, Samven said:

True, but the series of deals and alliances made possible by or in the wake of the ECS/EEC/EU isn't really the same thing as all of Europe literally becoming a single country.

Also, "between the Allied Forces and the Soviets"...  Methinks you mean the Nazis on that one?

No, I meant what I said. Europe didn't rally against an enemy by uniting under a single banner, it was two sperate forces that beat the Nazis and then subsequently split the continent down the middle.

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11 hours ago, Jotari said:

No, I meant what I said. Europe didn't rally against an enemy by uniting under a single banner, it was two sperate forces that beat the Nazis and then subsequently split the continent down the middle.

Oh God, sorry, I'd misread what you'd said - you're absolutely right!  I thought you'd said the Allies won against the Soviets, which was why I said what I did.

Terribly sorry, I have no idea how I made that mistake, I'm a moron.

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I actually like Nuibaba's abode and how it actually blocks off Nuibaba from just being rushed with Cavaliers.

Granted I play a lot of PC RTS games so I'm kinda used to a single Map taking a very long time to clear and it does kinda become impossible if you lose certain units. (Though you can technically skip it I guess.)


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I think that Genealogy of the Holy War is a boring experience that is incredibly unfriendly to the uninitiated player. The gameplay was tedious, I lost interest in the story very quickly, and Sigurd is probably the most bland lord in the entire series (barring Roy). I don't think that it's a bad game necessarily, but I wouldn't want to play it again. It's just not for me.

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Just now, Perkilator said:

I actually find both Corrins' outfits somewhat cute.

How is this unpopular? I think most of us can agree that Corrin has a cute design like really cute. Thigh windows man. You can’t beat that

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7 hours ago, Ottservia said:

How is this unpopular? I think most of us can agree that Corrin has a cute design like really cute. Thigh windows man. You can’t beat that

I really like female Corrin's design too, though male Corrin feels boring in comparison. It really feels like, especially with Nohr Noble, they designed the female outfit first and then just lazily got rid of everything sexy from the female version when designing the male one.

Notice that on all the parts that used to be skimpy or naked, male corrin still isn't wearing armor, including on his crotch.

Edited by Alastor15243
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9 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

I really like female Corrin's design too, though male Corrin feels boring in comparison. It really feels like, especially with Nohr Noble, they designed the female outfit first and then just lazily got rid of everything sexy from the female version when designing the male one.

The money that I would pay for a Nohr Noble Figma figurine... 🥰
Female, of course, the male version does not even exist for me.

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I think canto should be given to non mounted units instead of mounted units. Mounted units already benefit from more movement so to compensate, foot units should have less move but they should be able to use all of it via canto. You can argue that it makes no sense for foot units to have canto but I'd argue it makes more sense because once a horse has charged into an opponent, them changing their momentum would be harder than a foot soldier to side step or back pedal after an engagement. 

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I dunno how unpopular this is but honestly when you examine her character Edelgard is probably the most selfless of the three 3H lords and I find that admirable

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47 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

I think canto should be given to non mounted units instead of mounted units. Mounted units already benefit from more movement so to compensate, foot units should have less move but they should be able to use all of it via canto. You can argue that it makes no sense for foot units to have canto but I'd argue it makes more sense because once a horse has charged into an opponent, them changing their momentum would be harder than a foot soldier to side step or back pedal after an engagement. 

Hmm. That could be interesting. Something I doubt we'd ever see in an official game but it would do wonders for balancing infantry against mounts.

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I think FE8's difficulty is fine as is. It's really well done to help newer players mostly, but still fun for a lot of others. The difficulty doesn't have to be hair pulling to be enjoyable, either, there isn't anything wrong with it's pacing.

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12 hours ago, Icelerate said:

I think canto should be given to non mounted units instead of mounted units. Mounted units already benefit from more movement so to compensate, foot units should have less move but they should be able to use all of it via canto. You can argue that it makes no sense for foot units to have canto but I'd argue it makes more sense because once a horse has charged into an opponent, them changing their momentum would be harder than a foot soldier to side step or back pedal after an engagement. 

I really wish Intelligent Systems would take the momentum bit more seriously, because I can easily see a lot of actions where it shouldn't activate. If anything, the only action where it makes full sense is after attacking if the mount didn't take damage in return.

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I actually think Corrin is one of the better lords in the series. I find them being a very sensitive, compassionate person who stands for their convictions to be very admirable. They're a lot like Lyn in that way, in my mind at least.

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I don't like Thabes Labyrinth's backstory. (Which I've heard praised a few bits.)

Why are there just convenient signs in chronological order? not even notes but full on stone signs randomly scattered about? if it's to warn people off then why not just all together at the start? 

I don't know how much of it is from Awakening (Since I've heard a bit of it is Echoes adding backstory to Grima since the game had to acknowledge Awakening existed for some reason.) but the way it's actually told is like a really bad horror game and is kinda jarring considering how we have Memory Prisms for a better means of Exposition, it's like they were just told to throw this together quickly.

(Also the actual dungeon crawling isn't fun when I can just get swamped by 4 dragons and a ton of enemy Myrmidons that somehow have better stats than my maxed out Dread Fighters and all have poisoned weapons, it seriously feels like entirely different people worked on this dungeon than the rest of the game and they were not good at their job.)

Edited by Samz707
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10 minutes ago, Rose482 said:

My unpopular opinion is that IS handles female lords a lot better than most people give them credit for.

I agree. I haven't played FE8 or FE10, but I think both Lucina and Lyn are some of the best lord characters in the series, as good as, if not better than several of the male characters.

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