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The impression I get is that for the other Asian releases, they found actual developer companies to work on the game whereas Aniplex basically functions as PR for the game (apparently they outsource the translations even) and all the actual developer decisions are run through DW, which is what I would probably point to as the cause.

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Nursery Rhyme is max level now.

Onigashima servants are next on the list for levelling to max.


Oh hey Journey to the West is gonna be a total pain in the ass, isn't it. At least a lot of the event servants are AoE farmers.


Expecting a quartz dump of around 10-20 SQ within the coming month. I've been sticking nightingale/medea lily/stheno on the backrows as often as possible for bond exp. Alexander/KoGil/etc. that get used for AoE farming are easy enough to grind up.


I'm still waiting for Ushi/Euryale/Emiya/Robin to get their SQuests. Euryale's third skill is probably stupid if I'm going to run Euryale/Robin/Tamamo for camelot tho. Who thought making every fucking low rarity archer OP as fuck was a good idea. Like imagine Robin, Euryale, or Billy with 4/5* stats.



I'm going to be rolling the cavalry paid gacha solely for the shot of getting Sanzang or Drake.

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3 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

The impression I get is that for the other Asian releases, they found actual developer companies to work on the game whereas Aniplex basically functions as PR for the game (apparently they outsource the translations even) and all the actual developer decisions are run through DW, which is what I would probably point to as the cause.

Pretty much this. Aniplex has no real developers, only translators (they even hire freelancers).

There were many opportunities from the NA side to speed up so they can decrease the 2 year gap. I never understood the drill to dedicate entire weeks to the release of a banner (like the whole E Pluribus unum thing), same for Strengthening Quests. They should have just chained smaller events like these between bigger events, that way you don't have a lot of dead time (which is one huge issue with FEH). Does anyone remember the huge break we had since the Prison Tower? That is an example of what NA is doing wrong.

I didn't calculate this but I'm pretty sure if NA would have done these things we would have been able to bridge the gap by almost a year because JP had a lot of empty space in its 1st year (we also lack Bond expansions which was a thing for half a year over there) and only during the year of EoR they got Chapter and Event releases in spades.

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1 hour ago, The Priest said:

Pretty much this. Aniplex has no real developers, only translators (they even hire freelancers).

There were many opportunities from the NA side to speed up so they can decrease the 2 year gap. I never understood the drill to dedicate entire weeks to the release of a banner (like the whole E Pluribus unum thing), same for Strengthening Quests. They should have just chained smaller events like these between bigger events, that way you don't have a lot of dead time (which is one huge issue with FEH). Does anyone remember the huge break we had since the Prison Tower? That is an example of what NA is doing wrong.

I didn't calculate this but I'm pretty sure if NA would have done these things we would have been able to bridge the gap by almost a year because JP had a lot of empty space in its 1st year (we also lack Bond expansions which was a thing for half a year over there) and only during the year of EoR they got Chapter and Event releases in spades.

Forget the Prison Tower break, I remember the time between launch and adding Okeanos. God that was horrid.

Regarding Aniplex, that still wouldn't entirely explain it. I play JP FGO as well and they're nowhere near as stingy as they are with NA. I wouldn't even call it a coding problem,  considering that the amount of effort it would take to change 3 SQ to 10 SQ for the Facebook stuff is relatively nothing, and that's not counting the rewards they straight up didn't give us a.la the Fate/Zero pre-event.

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yeah quartz amount and event speed is what bothers me. There are places where FGO NA is like NO BRAKES sure, but as @The Priest we had a bunch of dead weeks where all they literally do is release a banner and call it a day. I would rather have the game settle under 2 months behind schedule at worst if i could choose a "Clairvoyance" state of the game . And no "longer release time so i can save Quartz" is the stupidest excuse ever

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I actually like that we stay 2 years behind, though the America dead month could stand to be a lot shorter.  It lets me plan ahead on where I want to spend quartz.  Especially since a bunch of my favorites are humans, not servants, knowing who gets pseudoservant forms ahead of time and when means I won’t be surprised by say, Rin.

What I don’t like is the random missing rewards like the Fate/Zero pre-event stuff, or the lack of the second Karna/Arjuna banner.  There’s no apparent reason for it, like, at all.  It’s unnecessary stinginess.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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14 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

This is the kind of advice you would expect from someone who have lost their sanity completely


looking back this is a good move for bond

 1BP -4520 Bonds per golden donuts

 2BP -3060 Bonds per golden donuts

The drop suffer because of 3 icon only on 1 BP though. Not sure how much icons are there for 2 BP

I know brother... my sanity is long gone! Ever since I started playing something called "GACHA GAMES" Kappa

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I think fgo na going slow isn't a bad idea, but they should really speed things up by like 30%. Just fast enough to get new content, but slow enough to enjoy it.


If we were at korea speed, we'd just be raising top tier servants like robin hood, tamamo, waver, hans, etc. instead of having time for dudes like Bloodaxe, d'Eon, or Roma.

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the speed isn`t an issue for me, but what is the justification for he smaller rewards / freebies?

and the lack of comunication is rather annoying. Jp had a much closer relationship with community - be via streams or whathever

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14 hours ago, Sire said:

Apparently the FGO Reddit is blowing up a bit with a "State of FGO NA" post. In short it basically compares the NA servers with the other releases (China, Taiwan, Korea), and NA is getting the short end of the stick. The place is also a gold mine with Reddit Gold being tossed left and right.

Reading the comparisons make me a bit sad. Personally I would like a pace like Taiwan's (they are slowly catching up to JP instead of sticking with the  "2 years behind" schedule). Korea is lightning fast while China has plenty of Quality of Life improvements that NA does not have. I believe the NA branch is understaffed and everything that do needs to be greenlit while the other branches seem to be more independent.

Just finished reading it. I think the pastebin just exists to promote more circlejerking, no thanks to the obvious bias against the NA servers.

Whatever I or anybody else feels about the pace of NA is a matter of opinion. The organized format of the pastebin doesn’t make it objective.

14 hours ago, Alexmender said:

Oh... That explains why it feels like I never have enough apples even when people said that we would be swimming in them. I'd like to get those quartz and apples we're missing...

This was never true for NA. JP got constant quartz and apple compensation because the servers were down for maintenance more often.

NA is full of entitled pricks and it makes me feel embarrassed to live here sometimes, honestly. We’ve had a multitude of quality of life improvements right from release day. And even so we’re still finding things to complain about. Typical social media.

I don’t think NA’s server is perfect, either. However, I’m not too worried about the pace since I’ve just started playing JP. All I really want from NA at this point is the rest of the QoL updates in one massive package and all the updated servant animations. Subtitled voice lines would be great too but that is probably asking a lot.

4 hours ago, QKumber said:

I know brother... my sanity is long gone! Ever since I started playing something called "GACHA GAMES" Kappa

^A winner is you

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6 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

From time to time, I keep hearing that the English version of the server have less free freebies compared to the other servers of the game. Is that true?

This comes up because rewards and campaigns are less than the JP version or are just omitted entirely.
On the other hand most of their SQ and apples come from extended maintenance and server fails during events. Plus NA had Master Missions with 2 Fragments from the very beginning while JP only got them just before their 1st anniversary and got them expanded in 2017.

Really the disparity between SQ and apples isn't that big, people make false statements regarding that. However they shouldn't just scrap freebies from promotions/events and even banners. NA is missing the 2nd Scathach and Karna & Arjuna banner, the paid gacha didn't have Jack and Mordred). We didn't get the present from the Pre-Event of Accel Zero (which would have been nice if only for the FP alone).

38 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Subtitled voice lines would be great too but that is probably asking a lot.

Not really. Considering the Chinese Servers do that and every line is already translated it's just inserting a fancy text box. I think even an Intern would be capable of that without breaking anything.
I mean anyone who pulled apart the code of FGO should know that adding animation updates and other QoL changes isn't that difficult especially since you always have JP breaking their server first, therefore you know where the problem are.

NA is definitely getting the short stick of the end compared to the other Servers, the people are actually right about this (not about the SQ disparity). I'm not saying we should reach Korean speed but both the Chinese and Taiwanese version of the game showed they are very much capable of improving the archaic schedule JP had back during the day. NA really should follow suit by throwing out unnecessary break time and bundling smaller events together to save time.

It's not like we actually have true clairvoyance now since a lot of events were cut and instead we're replaced with ... void. Why?
I still remember them saying they are going to give NA the "authentic JP experience" yet they are just omitting stuff left and right. If that's the case there is no reason for them to stick by that but we are starting to have the same time schedule as JP back then; we started an entire month earlier than them.

... meanwhile Europe still does not have FGO. *puts on the freeloader cap* I don't even know how they want to include us now considering every Server is now miles ahead.

Edited by The Priest
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2 minutes ago, The Priest said:

This comes up because rewards and campaigns are less than the JP version or are just omitted entirely.
On the other hand most of their SQ and apples come from extended maintenance and server fails during events. Plus NA had Master Missions with 2 Fragments from the very beginning while JP only got them just before their 1st anniversary and got them expanded in 2017.

Really the disparity between SQ and apples isn't that big, people make false statements regarding that. However they shouldn't just scrap freebies from promotions/events and even banners. NA is missing the 2nd Scathach and Karna & Arjuna banner, the paid gacha didn't have Jack and Mordred). We didn't get the present from the Pre-Event of Accel Zero (which would have been nice if only for the FP alone).

Ah I see, for me lack of events before the Da Vinci event event help me out during the 1/2 Campaign aided me greatly so that I can catch up to America.

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15 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Just finished reading it. I think the pastebin just exists to promote more circlejerking, no thanks to the obvious bias against the NA servers.

Whatever I or anybody else feels about the pace of NA is a matter of opinion. The organized format of the pastebin doesn’t make it objective.

This was never true for NA. JP got constant quartz and apple compensation because the servers were down for maintenance more often.

NA is full of entitled pricks and it makes me feel embarrassed to live here sometimes, honestly. We’ve had a multitude of quality of life improvements right from release day. And even so we’re still finding things to complain about. Typical social media.

I don’t think NA’s server is perfect, either. However, I’m not too worried about the pace since I’ve just started playing JP. All I really want from NA at this point is the rest of the QoL updates in one massive package and all the updated servant animations. Subtitled voice lines would be great too but that is probably asking a lot.

I don't really mind the pacing as I said before, if it goes slower than the other servers and changes some banners release or skips them fine by me. I know they've said a lot of times "Authentic JP experience" but it's reasonable to change the order of some things to make them fit better and scrap if they're unable to make them fit anywhere even if it makes people mad.

I'll also admit that wanting the quartz and apples is mostly out of greed but in any kind of game I'll always want to get the most that I can regardless of the reason/quantity, even if it is like 1 SQ and 3 Apples I will want them. Of course I'm not going to start demanding that they shall give it to us and making threats/shouting on social media as it is just a freemium game (if it was p2p I would riot tho) but I think it's fair to post my disappointment about getting less freebies than the other servers no matter how small they are.

TL;DR: I'm a greedy bastard and I want to get tons of freebies and if I don't I'll be sad and will post my disappointment but I won't as far as doing a crusade against the devs. 

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For the most part I was somewhat content with what was going on (ignorance is bliss), but after reading the post it does make me question why NA is behind in several aspects. I'm not rioting against FGO NA, but it does make me sit in me armchair and think about things. I do not play FGO JP and play FGO NA exclusively, so this will also reflect in my opinions. (I do read some of the stuff going on in JP though, Clairvoyance EX and all that)
* * * * * * * * * *

1. Okay, there is the two year gap and NA is apparently sticking with it. While I am fine with this concept, I personally would like a faster pace like Taiwan's. While some dead time between events is fine (say a week, maybe two if the event is really draining), having droughts of no content is likely to turn off players of the game.

The problem here is that NA does not seem to have as much resources as the other branches. NA is understaffed, translations are outsourced, and it seems like anything NA does needs to be approved by DW. If there is one thing NA has it is that we do get some QoL stuff early, but China already has all of the QoL stuff including subtitles. Granted, China has been around longer, so we may be on top of things NA reaches ~600 days (if we're lucky).

There is also the worry that NA may not be able to keep up with the schedule and actually fall behind, and this is likely due to translations taking a lot of time. Some may wonder where all the money FGO NA makes goes to...

2. I was also content with the giveaways we received thus far, but when placed side-by-side against others it does look like we are definitely receiving less. While there is the issue with the NA branch's "promotional" Quartz and Apple distribution, the main problem may be the fact that "event freebies" are not added over here (like the freebies from the Fate/Zero pre-event). Personally, while I would obviously like more stuff, I'm mostly indifferent in this matter save for the "event freebies." Why does everyone else follow JP and get the freebies while NA doesn't?

As for the comparisons, the greater Quartz and Apples are attributed to the faster pace of those servers. It may be possible if one compares the total amounts that they are similar, it is just that one side gets them faster due to the accelerated pace. I do not know.

3. It seems the opinion over on Reddit mostly boils down to "Why are we (NA) being treated like crap when compared to the other branches?" There is a fair amount of ranting there and people who just want free stuff, sure. However, there are also legitimate complaints with the treatment of FGO NA.

Basically, it seems the Redditors desire...

The Quality of Life Improvements that China has, including subtitles. (Remember, China has all of the QoL improvements of JP, but China is still behind on the main story).
The pace of Taiwan, as it cuts down on the content droughts and inches them closer to JP's release schedule.
The love of Taiwan, as many look at its 1 Year Anniversary live event as a sign of how much the Taiwan branch loves its community of FGO players.
-- Korea is seen to be far too fast with their "Speed Run" of FGO's content. Some may like this lightning speed, but others like to have a break while still slowly catching up to JP. Other still like the slower pace of NA and it being a bit more predictable with content (although this may be remedied with monthly schedules like FGO Korea and what Fire Emblem Heroes has.)

The problem I see with all of this is that NA seems to be understaffed and not capable of performing these "community wishes." I would love to see Quality of Life and subtitles implemented as soon as possible, with the accelerated pace (like Taiwan) being a bonus, but I just do not see it happening in the near future. As for how this entire thing will actually go down, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Edited by Sire
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1 hour ago, The Priest said:

Not really. Considering the Chinese Servers do that and every line is already translated it's just inserting a fancy text box. I think even an Intern would be capable of that without breaking anything.
I mean anyone who pulled apart the code of FGO should know that adding animation updates and other QoL changes isn't that difficult especially since you always have JP breaking their server first, therefore you know where the problem are.

See the forest for the trees. I’m just one voice in a sea of millions expressing my wishes for a free game run by a company that owes me nothing. That’s separate from  how easily it could be implemented.

53 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

I don't really mind the pacing as I said before, if it goes slower than the other servers and changes some banners release or skips them fine by me. I know they've said a lot of times "Authentic JP experience" but it's reasonable to change the order of some things to make them fit better and scrap if they're unable to make them fit anywhere even if it makes people mad.

I'll also admit that wanting the quartz and apples is mostly out of greed but in any kind of game I'll always want to get the most that I can regardless of the reason/quantity, even if it is like 1 SQ and 3 Apples I will want them. Of course I'm not going to start demanding that they shall give it to us and making threats/shouting on social media as it is just a freemium game (if it was p2p I would riot tho) but I think it's fair to post my disappointment about getting less freebies than the other servers no matter how small they are.

TL;DR: I'm a greedy bastard and I want to get tons of freebies and if I don't I'll be sad and will post my disappointment but I won't as far as doing a crusade against the devs. 

All this so much. I’m only slightly disappointed at our pace, but the “outrage” over some free game imported from overseas is just pathetic. This is why we can’t have nice things.

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1 hour ago, The Priest said:

Not really. Considering the Chinese Servers do that and every line is already translated it's just inserting a fancy text box. I think even an Intern would be capable of that without breaking anything.

I mean anyone who pulled apart the code of FGO should know that adding animation updates and other QoL changes isn't that difficult especially since you always have JP breaking their server first, therefore you know where the problem are.

Adding things before the build they were originally introduced has plenty of potential to create bugs that weren't present in the original release of that thing.  It's not necessarily just a copy and paste, and trusting that to an intern is absurd.

I'm not defending the current practice, as I think NA gets shortchanged from being managed by the JP devs.  But trying to claim an intern would be capable of adding things without breaking anything is ridiculous.

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10 minutes ago, YotsuMaboroshi said:

Adding things before the build they were originally introduced has plenty of potential to create bugs that weren't present in the original release of that thing.  It's not necessarily just a copy and paste, and trusting that to an intern is absurd.

Considering that China have those subtitles and started EoR, I'm pretty sure NA is very much capable of copy-pasting the build from there without much issue since our builds should be around equal by now (I'm pretty sure the NA Server is at "Shinjuku" now).
Then again it's just speculation but my point was that the build is already existent, therefore nothing is really stopping them introducing QoL improvements early on the other servers. 

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1 hour ago, The Priest said:

Considering that China have those subtitles and started EoR, I'm pretty sure NA is very much capable of copy-pasting the build from there without much issue since our builds should be around equal by now (I'm pretty sure the NA Server is at "Shinjuku" now).
Then again it's just speculation but my point was that the build is already existent, therefore nothing is really stopping them introducing QoL improvements early on the other servers. 

As has been said before though, China has an actual developer team that can make those changes. If Aniplex wants to add subtitles, it's DW who'll have to make those changes and they're obviously more concerned with what happens in JP FGO than NA.

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3 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

Just finished reading it. I think the pastebin just exists to promote more circlejerking, no thanks to the obvious bias against the NA servers.

Whatever I or anybody else feels about the pace of NA is a matter of opinion. The organized format of the pastebin doesn’t make it objective.

This was never true for NA. JP got constant quartz and apple compensation because the servers were down for maintenance more often.

NA is full of entitled pricks and it makes me feel embarrassed to live here sometimes, honestly. We’ve had a multitude of quality of life improvements right from release day. And even so we’re still finding things to complain about. Typical social media.

I don’t think NA’s server is perfect, either. However, I’m not too worried about the pace since I’ve just started playing JP. All I really want from NA at this point is the rest of the QoL updates in one massive package and all the updated servant animations. Subtitled voice lines would be great too but that is probably asking a lot.

^A winner is you


I think a lot of NA players forgot the London release and all the quartz we got for the constant maitenance.


FGO NA players seem to be the ones constantly yapping about how bad Siegfreid is, on how Artoria needs buffs, etc. All shit that FGO JP fans have moved past. It's kinda silly levels of entitlement and bitching about gacha hell.

The NA server is gonna be around for quite a long time since it's already got stacks of material they can use.

1 hour ago, Sire said:

For the most part I was somewhat content with what was going on (ignorance is bliss), but after reading the post it does make me question why NA is behind in several aspects. I'm not rioting against FGO NA, but it does make me sit in me armchair and think about things. I do not play FGO JP and play FGO NA exclusively, so this will also reflect in my opinions. (I do read some of the stuff going on in JP though, Clairvoyance EX and all that)
* * * * * * * * * *

1. Okay, there is the two year gap and NA is apparently sticking with it. While I am fine with this concept, I personally would like a faster pace like Taiwan's. While some dead time between events is fine (say a week, maybe two if the event is really draining), having droughts of no content is likely to turn off players of the game.

The problem here is that NA does not seem to have as much resources as the other branches. NA is understaffed, translations are outsourced, and it seems like anything NA does needs to be approved by DW. If there is one thing NA has it is that we do get some QoL stuff early, but China already has all of the QoL stuff including subtitles. Granted, China has been around longer, so we may be on top of things NA reaches ~600 days (if we're lucky).

There is also the worry that NA may not be able to keep up with the schedule and actually fall behind, and this is likely due to translations taking a lot of time. Some may wonder where all the money FGO NA makes goes to...

2. I was also content with the giveaways we received thus far, but when placed side-by-side against others it does look like we are definitely receiving less. While there is the issue with the NA branch's "promotional" Quartz and Apple distribution, the main problem may be the fact that "event freebies" are not added over here (like the freebies from the Fate/Zero pre-event). Personally, while I would obviously like more stuff, I'm mostly indifferent in this matter save for the "event freebies." Why does everyone else follow JP and get the freebies while NA doesn't?

As for the comparisons, the greater Quartz and Apples are attributed to the faster pace of those servers. It may be possible if one compares the total amounts that they are similar, it is just that one side gets them faster due to the accelerated pace. I do not know.

3. It seems the opinion over on Reddit mostly boils down to "Why are we (NA) being treated like crap when compared to the other branches?" There is a fair amount of ranting there and people who just want free stuff, sure. However, there are also legitimate complaints with the treatment of FGO NA.

Basically, it seems the Redditors desire...

The Quality of Life Improvements that China has, including subtitles. (Remember, China has all of the QoL improvements of JP, but China is still behind on the main story).
The pace of Taiwan, as it cuts down on the content droughts and inches them closer to JP's release schedule.
The love of Taiwan, as many look at its 1 Year Anniversary live event as a sign of how much the Taiwan branch loves its community of FGO players.
-- Korea is seen to be far too fast with their "Speed Run" of FGO's content. Some may like this lightning speed, but others like to have a break while still slowly catching up to JP. Other still like the slower pace of NA and it being a bit more predictable with content (although this may be remedied with monthly schedules like FGO Korea and what Fire Emblem Heroes has.)

The problem I see with all of this is that NA seems to be understaffed and not capable of performing these "community wishes." I would love to see Quality of Life and subtitles implemented as soon as possible, with the accelerated pace (like Taiwan) being a bonus, but I just do not see it happening in the near future. As for how this entire thing will actually go down, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Kinda wish FGO NA released things faster, but it's not the absolute worst thing about this.

If FGO NA was like Korea, then we would see quick based teams dying within a year lol.

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24 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

FGO NA players seem to be the ones constantly yapping about how bad Siegfreid is, on how Artoria needs buffs, etc. All shit that FGO JP fans have moved past. It's kinda silly levels of entitlement and bitching about gacha hell.

I mean, people only moved past Siegfried because he received multiple buffs and he still remained kind of bad because there's not much that can be done for him without changing his stat-spread or completely revamping his skills.

I'm also pretty sure people still complain about Artoria needing buffs, but eh.

24 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

Kinda wish FGO NA released things faster, but it's not the absolute worst thing about this.

If FGO NA was like Korea, then we would see quick based teams dying within a year lol.

As a Quick player, I can tell you that the Quick meta died as soon as 2030 came out :D

In all seriousness though, I've been thinking about it and for the time being, I'm placing the blame for this issue squarely on the back of Sony for being cheap and not assigning NA a proper developer team. JP is better off simply because DW will always prioritise it over NA (as well they should) and China, Korea, and Taiwan are able to somewhat close the gap time-wise as well as receive the rewards necessary to do so simply because they have 3rd party developers who can easily respond to the wants and needs of the playerbase. NA by comparison, merely has a translation team that does a fair amount of outsourcing and shares a developer team with JP, which all but guarantees we'll always be given the short end of the stick.

Edited by Phillius the Crestfallen
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19 minutes ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

I mean, people only moved past Siegfried because he received multiple buffs and he still remained kind of bad because there's not much that can be done for him without changing his stat-spread or completely revamping his skills.

I'm also pretty sure people still complain about Artoria needing buffs, but eh.

As a Quick player, I can tell you that the Quick meta died as soon as 2030 came out :D

In all seriousness though, I've been thinking about it and for the time being, I'm placing the blame for this issue squarely on the back of Sony for being cheap and not assigning NA a proper developer team. JP is better off simply because DW will always prioritise it over NA (as well they should) and China, Korea, and Taiwan are able to somewhat close the gap time-wise as well as receive the rewards necessary to do so simply because they have 3rd party developers who can easily respond to the wants and needs of the playerbase. NA by comparison, merely has a translation team that does a fair amount of outsourcing and shares a developer team with JP, which all but guarantees we'll always be given the short end of the stick.

if Sony had to outsource to an NA based developer, who would be the right fit?


I swear at this point the only mid/high tier servants that I haven't gotten to FA right now are Shakespeare/Mozart/Paracelsus/Proto Cu. NA really wants faster material release given the maarket.

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40 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

if Sony had to outsource to an NA based developer, who would be the right fit

I'm not sure if they would outsource it at all. Giving it to Aniplex leads me to believe that they wanted to keep the game 'in-house' as it were and I'm not that familiar with all the companies Sony owns. I suspect that the decision to outsource for the Korean, Taiwan, and Chinese versions might be because Sony doesn't own any translation/developer teams within those regions, but that's just a guess.

Nevertheless, the fact that NA gets the short-end of the stick definitely correlates with NA being the only version of the game that can be said to not have a 'dedicated' developer.

Edited by Phillius the Crestfallen
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41 minutes ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

I'm not sure if they would outsource it at all. Giving it to Aniplex leads me to believe that they wanted to keep the game 'in-house' as it were and I'm not that familiar with all the companies Sony owns. I suspect that the decision to outsource for the Korean, Taiwan, and Chinese versions might be because Sony doesn't own any translation/developer teams within those regions, but that's just a guess.

Nevertheless, the fact that NA gets the short-end of the stick definitely correlates with NA being the only version of the game that can be said to not have a 'dedicated' developer.

i kinda wish NA got more since it's practically got the widest reach and audience.

Like exclusive events and stories.

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15 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

i kinda wish NA got more since it's practically got the widest reach and audience.

Like exclusive events and stories.

Widest reach? Yes, potentially. Widest audience? I wouldn't say so. Prior to FE Heroes, Gacha games were (and arguably still are) very, very niche in the West. Not to mention that for English-speaking audiences, the Nasuverse isn't very well known.

Edited by Phillius the Crestfallen
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