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[DATAMINED] Banner Leaked! Girls and Guys!


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@Lushen, offensively, Klein is better than Gordin, but Gordin's better if you want a defensive archer because of his high defense and HP. It's really expensive, though, since you'd need to get Close Counter and Quick Riposte along with a special and either Silver or Killer Bow on him which would be way easier with Takumi since you'd just need to get QR on him. And default Gordin's still pretty decent all things considered.

Also, slight error, you put 29 resistance instead of 28 for Summer Gaius and 19 defense instead of 22 for Setsuna. Summer Gaius has 2 less HP than bride Cordelia, but 6 more resistance. To kill him with magic, you'd need to do 62 total damage or 45x2. For Cordelia, you'd need to do 58 total damage or 40x2. 5 extra attack can matter. Setsuna's higher HP only gives her 2 to 3 more bulk against magic; 60 to OHKO and 42x2 to 2HKO. He is a bit frailer physically, though -- about 2 points of damage compared to bride Cordelia. Then again, he's wearing nothing but swimming trunks.

Note: the below was done by creating a custom character on KageroChart with summer Gaius's stats and had him, bride Cordelia, Jeorge, Klein, Setsuna, and Takumi with Brave Bow+, L&D3, and Luna against everyone with Fury 3.


-Atk bride Cordelia gets 79 wins, 5 losses, and 56 draws. -Spd gets 77 wins, 5 losses, and 57 draws. Neutral gets 92 wins, 4 losses, and 44 draws.

+Atk Jeorge gets 78 wins, 3 losses, and 59 draws. +Spd gets 79 wins, 2 losses, and 59 draws. Neutral gets 66 wins, 6 losses, and 68 draws.

+Atk Klein gets 83 wins, 1 loss, and 56 draws. +Spd gets 74 wins, 2 losses, and 64 draws. Neutral gets 66 wins, 4 losses, and 70 draws which is what Clarisse should be at as well for those wondering since her attack and speed are basically the same as Klein. Quite fitting when her Japanese name is Kleine.

+Atk Setsuna gets 76 wins, 3 losses, and 61 draws. +Spd gets 74 wins, 4 losses, and 62 draws.

+Atk Takumi gets 85 wins, 2 losses, and 53 draws. +Spd gets 81 wins, 2 losses, and 57 draws. Neutral gets 71 wins, 3 losses, and 66 draws.

+Atk summer Gaius gets 88 wins, 5 losses, and 47 draws. +Spd gets 87 wins, 6 losses, and 47 draws. Neutral gets 73 wins, 6 losses, and 61 draws.

-Atk bride Cordelia is around the level of +Atk or +Spd Jeorge and +Spd Takumi while -Spd bride Cordelia is around +Atk or +Spd Jeorge and Setsuna, and +Spd Klein. In both cases, she still outperforms neutral summer Gaius and Takumi. The only time bride Cordelia is outperformed by summer Gaius is if he's either +Atk or +Spd and she's -Atk or -Spd. In which case, he'd be around +Atk Takumi's level, but below neutral bride Cordelia's.

That's if they're fighting everyone with Fury 3. If everyone is their vanilla selves, neutral bride Cordelia still outperforms +Atk and +Spd summer Gaius while -Spd bride Cordelia barely gets edged out by +Spd summer Gaius.

Basically, summer +Atk or +Spd Gaius is the second-best offensive archer, Takumi dropped down again and is now the third-best followed by +Atk Klein at fourth, and Jeorge hilariously becomes around Setsuna's level.

Also, +Atk is probably more important for a Brave weapon user since each point of attack can be 2 to 4 damage. Summer Gaius is already fast, so more attack is important where in his case, it's salvageable with a Brave Bow build to make up for its lower MT since he has average base attack that can go up to above-average unlike Setsuna who kind of goes from below-average to average.

Edited by Kaden
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24 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Also, +Atk is probably more important for a Brave weapon user since each point of attack can be 2 to 4 damage. Summer Gaius is already fast, so more attack is important where in his case, it's salvageable with a Brave Bow build to make up for its lower MT since he has average base attack that can go up to above-average unlike Setsuna who kind of goes from below-average to average.

Ah, thanks for the correction.  I knew he had 148 BST, and I was wondering how I was suddenly getting 149.  I still say if you have Bride!Cordelia, you would want +sp to make him unique.  For those GHBs where everyone is slow enough that you can quad everything with him.  His default bow is also fairly decent, but Brave Bow is probably better.  

His attack is surely disappointing, as is Fredrick's.

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32 minutes ago, Kaden said:

@Lushen, offensively, Klein is better than Gordin, but Gordin's better if you want a defensive archer because of his high defense and HP. It's really expensive, though, since you'd need to get Close Counter and Quick Riposte along with a special and either Silver or Killer Bow on him which would be way easier with Takumi since you'd just need to get QR on him. And default Gordin's still pretty decent all things considered.

Also, slight error, you put 29 resistance instead of 28 for Summer Gaius and 19 defense instead of 22 for Setsuna. Summer Gaius has 2 less HP than bride Cordelia, but 6 more resistance. To kill him with magic, you'd need to do 62 total damage or 45x2. For Cordelia, you'd need to do 58 total damage or 40x2. 5 extra attack can matter. Setsuna's higher HP only gives her 2 to 3 more bulk against magic; 60 to OHKO and 42x2 to 2HKO. He is a bit frailer physically, though -- about 2 point of damage. Then again, he's wearing nothing but swimming trunks.

Note: the below was done by creating a custom character on KageroChart with summer Gaius's stats and had him, bride Cordelia, Jeorge, Klein, Setsuna, and Takumi with Brave Bow+, L&D3, and Luna against everyone with Fury 3.

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-Atk bride Cordelia gets 79 wins, 5 losses, and 56 draws. -Spd gets 77 wins, 5 losses, and 57 draws. Neutral gets 92 wins, 4 losses, and 44 draws.

+Atk Jeorge gets 78 wins, 3 losses, and 59 draws. +Spd gets 79 wins, 2 losses, and 59 draws. Neutral gets 66 wins, 6 losses, and 68 draws.

+Atk Klein gets 83 wins, 1 loss, and 56 draws. +Spd gets 74 wins, 2 losses, and 64 draws. Neutral gets 66 wins, 4 losses, and 70 draws which is what Clarisse should be at as well for those wondering since her attack and speed are basically the same as Klein. Quite fitting when her Japanese name is Kleine.

+Atk Setsuna gets 76 wins, 3 losses, and 61 draws. +Spd gets 74 wins, 4 losses, and 62 draws.

+Atk Takumi gets 85 wins, 2 losses, and 53 draws. +Spd gets 81 wins, 2 losses, and 57 draws. Neutral gets 71 wins, 3 losses, and 66 draws.

+Atk summer Gaius gets 88 wins, 5 losses, and 47 draws. +Spd gets 87 wins, 6 losses, and 47 draws. Neutral gets 73 wins, 6 losses, and 61 draws.

-Atk bride Cordelia is around the level of +Atk or +Spd Jeorge and +Spd Takumi while -Spd bride Cordelia is around +Atk or +Spd Jeorge and Setsuna, and +Spd Klein. In both cases, she still outperforms neutral summer Gaius and Takumi. The only time bride Cordelia is outperformed by summer Gaius is if he's either +Atk or +Spd and she's -Atk or -Spd. In which case, he'd be around +Atk Takumi's level, but below neutral bride Cordelia's.

That's if they're fighting everyone with Fury 3. If everyone is their vanilla selves, neutral bride Cordelia still outperforms +Atk and +Spd summer Gaius while -Spd bride Cordelia barely gets edged out by +Spd summer Gaius.

Basically, summer +Atk or +Spd Gaius is the second-best offensive archer, Takumi dropped down again and is now the third-best followed by +Atk Klein at fourth, and Jeorge hilariously becomes around Setsuna's level.

Also, +Atk is probably more important for a Brave weapon user since each point of attack can be 2 to 4 damage. Summer Gaius is already fast, so more attack is important where in his case, it's salvageable with a Brave Bow build to make up for its lower MT since he has average base attack that can go up to above-average unlike Setsuna who kind of goes from below-average to average.


Setsuna is actually really weird. If you add buff on her she suddenly jumps into around #2-#3 when Takumi was #1

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3 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

incoming stupid comment about how "MUH CENSORSHIP RUINED THE GAEM" when the new version is still risque af, barely changes, and is actually better because it went from slightly showing too much skin into exactly enough amount of exposed skin

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Just now, JSND said:

incoming stupid comment about how "MUH CENSORSHIP RUINED THE GAEM" when the new version is still risque af, barely changes, and is actually better because it went from slightly showing too much skin into exactly enough amount of exposed skin

Those people should be happy IS didn't just put a curtain in front of Tiki.

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25 minutes ago, Lushen said:

His attack is surely disappointing, as is Fredrick's.

It's average attack for a unit in general and for archers excluding monster bride Cordelia. Problem is that he's colorless, so, no weapon triangle advantage and no T-Adept or gem weapons.

Another option for summer Gaius is Firesweep Bow since summer Gaius is fast and has higher attack than Setsuna right off the bat. If +Atk, 33 base attack and 37 speed with L&D3 becomes 38 attack and 42 speed. With Firesweep Bow+, he'd have 49 attack and 42 speed. Probably enough to double a lot of units. You'd need at least 38 speed to not get doubled and there's only 2 units with +38 base speed, Anna and Lon'qu. Otherwise, at least 34 base speed or 32 if you're a cavalry, knight, or flyer after speed buffs.

22 minutes ago, JSND said:

Setsuna is actually really weird. If you add buff on her she suddenly jumps into around #2-#3 when Takumi was #1

Well, she was always a derpy one...

Also, aww, no dragon butt. :P

Edited by Kaden
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2 hours ago, LuxSpes said:

I was wondering what that was all about, but awesome. I don't want to see someone's butt-crack every time I get them to low HP or something. Also, bikinis always cover the butt entirely, I've never seen one only cover half of it. How does it even stay up that way? xP I don't know what that artist was thinking.

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2 hours ago, LuxSpes said:

I'm okay with that, butt crack are just bonuses, I'm good with the rest of her cute butt -w-

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17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

How does it even stay up that way?

As long as the line of tension going across the top of the bikini bottom is above the thickest cross-section of the hips, it'll stay up. It might slip if it's not tight enough, though (or if your butt is especially squishy).


I prefer the old one because I like the shading of skin-toned round things (shoulders, cheeks, and thighs, too, in addition to the more obvious ones) when it's done right (which it is) and juxtaposed against shadow (which it is) (shoulders are the best, though, so I'm disappointed only Gaius has really visible shoulders (the wedding dresses were wonderful, though)). There's not enough skin between the top of the bikini and the bottom of the shadowed area on her back to appreciate the highlight in the new one, and that's just a bit disappointing.

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Has it been changed worldwide or just in regions outside of Japan? A shame if the latter.

Her butt looked a bit odd anyway so I guess I can't care too much.

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11 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

At this point I wonder if we'll even get the summer banner tomorrow since there's still no trailer.

But we have to get something. The New Mystery banner ends.

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

But we have to get something. The New Mystery banner ends.

That is true. Maybe they'll just release the trailer right when the banner launch or sometimes later tomorrow.

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20 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

At this point I wonder if we'll even get the summer banner tomorrow since there's still no trailer.

Considering they usually only drop updates on Mondays and this banner ends on Friday, I'd say they definitely can't release an unknown banner first.  

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Gaius and Frederick, you shall be mine.  Well, you would, if I had any orbs left to spare for you.  At least they're both colorless so I can just target colorless orbs? I wonder if their drop rates will be slightly higher like the Spring Festival ones were? 

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5 minutes ago, mewyeon said:

Gaius and Frederick, you shall be mine.  Well, you would, if I had any orbs left to spare for you.  At least they're both colorless so I can just target colorless orbs? I wonder if their drop rates will be slightly higher like the Spring Festival ones were? 

Did that happen?  I don't remember the rates going up...

If they did, I would expect the same behavior.  I really don't think the bridal blessings banner was the same as the festival banners.  I think it was closer to CYL and Golden Week banners.  I think there will only be 4 legitimate festival banners.

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2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

No, only the Hero Fest rates were up. The Spring Festival was normal rates, though I'd love heightened rates since I really want to pull a few units xD 

JK i guess my brain is fried LOL I just remembered one of the banners had heightened rates.  Idk why I thought the spring festival one was...I somehow managed to get both Spring Camilla and Spring Chrom, so maybe that's why I felt like the rate was higher? Despite my abysmal luck lol.

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Just now, mewyeon said:

JK i guess my brain is fried LOL I just remembered one of the banners had heightened rates.  Idk why I thought the spring festival one was...I somehow managed to get both Spring Camilla and Spring Chrom, so maybe that's why I felt like the rate was higher? Despite my abysmal luck lol.

It might be because it only had two colours to pull from, which meant they had a great rate of getting 5*'s from them. So the luck felt higher because it sort of was if you hunt summoned. I ended up with 3 Camillas, a Chrom and a Xander, plus several other 5*'s because of this :) 

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