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Old tempest thread, plz delet


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3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

The worst one I've found is that mountain map with the single choke point to the east.  If there's a cavalry or ranged unit at the north, you'll be taking 3 units.  And if you don't have anyone in range, you'll just sit there forever, because they don't advance on you.

I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have Reinhardt.

That, along with the Ram Outskirts and forest map (allied units starting on the bottom right) have a tendency to break my Mae-bonus team.  Horse emblem has an easier time with it, but they're all capped out on HM so I'd prefer not to have to use them too much.  

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0_0 I thought my perfect run was a fluke, but I managed to do it three times in a row. I switched out Julia for Nino...and I also gave Katarina Desperation which was a FABULOUS idea. She's not +SPD, but she really tears through things. I'm absolutely loving her! 

I've gotten over 30k which is a HUGE difference from the first Tempest. I was struggling to make it to 50k, and this time around I think I'm going to make it without having to break a sweat. I'm hoping to reach 40k before the end of the weekend (preferably more) so I can chill a little bit and only have to get a little over 5k a day to get all of the rewards.

I'm proud of myself. I've managed to save 17 orbs. Let's see if I can keep doing that. XD

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39 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

The worst one I've found is that mountain map with the single choke point to the east.  If there's a cavalry or ranged unit at the north, you'll be taking 3 units.  And if you don't have anyone in range, you'll just sit there forever, because they don't advance on you.

I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have Reinhardt.

“Fuck you.” This is what my open letter to Ram Valley says.

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3 minutes ago, Soul~! said:


How do I literally get worse at this.

The Hard mode gives decent points, now, so if Lunatic's giving you trouble, you could try one of the Hard Trials.

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

Faye didn't do a lot for me as a chipper. 90% of the time you need things to die immediately in tempest, especially if you're not running a healer. As soon as I turned her into a makeshift B!Cordelia my runs started getting a lot smoother. Then again when you have 2 delete buttons (One of them being the actual B!Cordelia) on your team instead of one you don't really need that sort of thing, Lukas seems to suit your team better than Faye. Faye herself definitely is better for the bonus obviously. You in particular though? You'd probably want Alm. Then you could swap out Olivia for Ninian and round your team out.

Ehh I'm not a huge fan of Alm but I do like the balance of colors he would offer if I could run him. Windsweep is a pretty poor skill without Phantom Sweep anyways so I'd have to retool Alm almost completely for a better kit.

Vantage and ranged counters cheese this team so hard it isn't even funny, so having Poison Strike chip with Faye can let me loop units like Hector or Nowi ad infinitum until I can finish them off with one of my delete buttons; as it is right now, Nowi walls my team completely and Olivia needs to chip Hector for several turns which is extremely risky, though fortunately neither scenario has cost me a run so far. Ranged units are also abundant on the final map which is where Lukas is at his weakest.

Wait isn't Poison Strike the worst skill in the game? What the heck

1 hour ago, phineas81707 said:


This is my funny picture. Alm has been putting in work.

Also, Serenes doesn't want to auto-embed it, which is getting annoying. Hopefully, you can get to the picture.

That's because you linked to the post instead of the image itself--the link should end in .png or whatever file extension. Try again.

1 hour ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

That Ignis on Lukas though is REALLLLLLY gonna hurt. Man. I'm totally jealous. :3 

 Overall, I'd say the Firesweep bow has actually been useful. I definitely won't be using her outside of the Tempest, and she's kind of a pain to work around, especially when I'd much rather have a dancer, but it is what it is. 

Ignis is insane. Lukas could just dump all of his Atk into Def and he'd still be great haha. I'm most likely grabbing Hone Spd for him next so he can offer buffs to Cordelia since he tends to sit at the rear looking pretty until he's needed. Not that I'm objecting to pretty boys, of course. I should probably shut up now.

I want your Faye so bad. If you don't care for her I'd be more than happy to take Country Bumpkin Cinnamon Roll off your hands!

Edited by MrSmokestack
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8 minutes ago, Soul~! said:


How do I literally get worse at this.

Because you suck :PPPPPP

Blade tome and horse emblem carry hardcore, so that's how others have an easy time. Your team also isn't exactly super fast judging by the 4 I see at the top

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

Ignis is insane. Lukas could just dump all of his Atk into Def and he'd still be great haha. I'm most likely grabbing Hone Spd for him next so he can offer buffs to Cordelia since he tends to sit at the rear looking pretty until he's needed. Not that I'm objecting to pretty boys, of course. I should probably shut up now.

I want your Faye so bad. If you don't care for her I'd be more than happy to take Country Bumpkin Cinnamon Roll off your hands!

I really want Lukas. I don't have any normal lance-wielding five stars (with the exception of Azura who is more support than attack), and he's on my list of ones that I want the most. I pulled from his banner and got Clair on my first try. I think that's a sign not to. At least she's a lance even if she's a flier and not infantry. 

I think the only reason I'm so angry at Faye is because she has popped up twice as a random summon and killed like a 5% chance at getting a unit I wanted. The first time she was like...-ATK +DEF or something weird like that. But the second Faye was better. (I'd probably still trade her in a heartbeat for Lukas.)

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3 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

That's because you linked to the post instead of the image itself--the link should end in .png or whatever file extension. Try again.

Could've sworn it wasn't this picky before...


...OK, this is going to get really tricky to do what I failed to do before.

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9 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

The Hard mode gives decent points, now, so if Lunatic's giving you trouble, you could try one of the Hard Trials.


This is exactly what happened last time, and I made 50k with only a week and no Bonus Character bullshit.

3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Because you suck :PPPPPP

Blade tome and horse emblem carry hardcore, so that's how others have an easy time. Your team also isn't exactly super fast judging by the 4 I see at the top

My team isn't the problem. It's me.

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8 minutes ago, Soul~! said:


This is exactly what happened last time, and I made 50k with only a week and no Bonus Character bullshit.


They increased the amount of points Hard and Normal give since last Tempest.  I think it's like 30 per map for Hard versus 40 for Lunatic, I think.  Before it wasn't even worth doing anything below Lunatic.

32 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

0_0 I thought my perfect run was a fluke, but I managed to do it three times in a row. I switched out Julia for Nino...and I also gave Katarina Desperation which was a FABULOUS idea. She's not +SPD, but she really tears through things. I'm absolutely loving her! 

I've gotten over 30k which is a HUGE difference from the first Tempest. I was struggling to make it to 50k, and this time around I think I'm going to make it without having to break a sweat. I'm hoping to reach 40k before the end of the weekend (preferably more) so I can chill a little bit and only have to get a little over 5k a day to get all of the rewards.

I'm proud of myself. I've managed to save 17 orbs. Let's see if I can keep doing that. XD

I wish I had Katarina.  I should probably raise up my Celica, since all my mages seem to be Green or Blue.  Being one of 3 Red Units in a Banner prevents me from trying to Focus Pull.

6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

“Fuck you.” This is what my open letter to Ram Valley says.

Yeah, I guess that's what that one's called.  I wish the main site updated the maps, so it was easier to let people know which map we're talking about.


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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I wish I had Katarina.  I should probably raise up my Celica, since all my mages seem to be Green or Blue.

I wish I had Katarina or Celica! Lilina is so slow… (even though I love her)

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8 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I wish I had Katarina.  I should probably raise up my Celica, since all my mages seem to be Green or Blue.  Being one of 3 Red Units in a Banner prevents me from trying to Focus Pull.

I hadn't been planning from pulling from that banner but I ended up getting Katarina, Athena, and Luke. I don't even know how, but she has definitely been one of my best pulls in a while. I love Celica, but for the Tempest, she just hasn't worked as well since I need to bring a healer along to help her out. I could put Renewal on her, but she's -SPD and swordbreaker helps her out in that department. 

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This time around I'm not going to press on. I'll do it at a good rythm by getting like 5k per day. Currently at 11k and haven't had much issues besides one or two unlucky matchups. Also, hone rein literally one rounds res unboosted celica. GG

I love Cecilia everyday more and more ♡

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Can anyone elaborate on the Phantom Spd seal? An example could help me see this more clearly.

Just finally reached 20k and got the resistance +1 seal.

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2 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Can anyone elaborate on the Phantom Spd seal? An example could help me see this more clearly.

Just finally reached 20k and got the resistance +1 seal.

Long story short, it only works agaisnt Sweep skills. It just works against skills that happen to address and compare your Spd stat to your opponent's.

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5 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Can anyone elaborate on the Phantom Spd seal? An example could help me see this more clearly.

Alm has Windsweep 3. The enemy he is attacking has 31 Spd to his 30 Spd.

Windsweep 3 applies its effect if Alm has at least 1 more Spd than his target. Phantom Sweep treats him as having 5 more Spd than normal for the purpose of calculating Windsweep and Watersweep's effect only.

If he has Phantom Sweep, then he is treated as having 35 Spd and can thus apply Windsweep since he has at least 1 more Spd than his target.

Phantom Sweep can work both ways, both to apply your own Sweep skills or prevent enemy Sweep skills.

With that in mind, if Alm's target also had Phantom Sweep, they would be treated as having 36 Spd to Alm's 35 Spd and prevent Windsweep from applying its effect.

Here comes the ninja...

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2 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

That Ignis on Lukas though is REALLLLLLY gonna hurt. Man. I'm totally jealous. :3 

As for Faye, I think I've finally gotten the hang of using her for the tempest. I really wish there was a way to give her two breaker skills, but alas...that's not the case. Mine is +ATK -HP. I gave her Deathblow 2 and Bowbreaker 3 (changed from Swordbreaker), Iceberg and Draw Back. Bowbreaker has been incredibly useful because my team is Katarina, Nino, Nowi, and Faye. Nowi's kind of bulky, but I don't want her taking unnecessary damage from bows (especially brave bows) and daggers, and my mages can't always safely take out archers without desperation active. 

Faye can take out most of the trouble archers like Klein and Takumi, but she needs a buff or her special active to get rid of Virion. Setsuna has bowbreaker as well, so no matter what she won't be able to take him out. 

Other than that, I use her for repositioning which has proven to be more valuable overall. I think she's supposed to be mage bait, but she's so slow, and her RES and HP pool aren't great enough for the inflation of the Tempest. 

Overall, I'd say the Firesweep bow has actually been useful. I definitely won't be using her outside of the Tempest, and she's kind of a pain to work around, especially when I'd much rather have a dancer, but it is what it is. 

My +Def Lukas deals an extra 37 damage thanks to Ignis. (he also doesn't take damage from nearly anything that deals physical damage.)

And wow we have nearly the exact same team, only that I'm using Julia instead of Nino. I have a good 5* Nino that I could use, but Julia is the team's healer. With both Breath of Life 3 and the Breath of Life seal, she heals 10 HP every time she attacks and she has Renewal to keep herself healthy. Admittedly, Nowi is the only one who really wants a healer to keep her QR2 up, since Desperation blade Katarina has no problem with low HP and Faye's main role is to buff Atk and to either rally Spd or deal chip damage and seal the opponent's spd. 

57 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Ignis is insane. Lukas could just dump all of his Atk into Def and he'd still be great haha. I'm most likely grabbing Hone Spd for him next so he can offer buffs to Cordelia since he tends to sit at the rear looking pretty until he's needed. Not that I'm objecting to pretty boys, of course. I should probably shut up now.

I have a +Def/-Atk. With the Killer Lance+ and Fortress Def 3, he only has 41 Atk. In return, he has 47 Defense and can still destroy any non-magical melee unit with 37 damage Ignis. And I've pulled a +Def/-Spd one that I'll probably promote and merge the other into.

Lukas was one of my MVP last TT and the only reason I'm not using him this time around is because Nowi can deal with Celica and he can't. 

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2 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

l have a +Def/-Atk. With the Killer Lance+ and Fortress Def 3, he only has 41 Atk. In return, he has 47 Defense and can still destroy any non-magical melee unit with 37 damage Ignis. And I've pulled a +Def/-Spd one that I'll probably promote and merge the other into.

Lukas was one of my MVP last TT and the only reason I'm not using him this time around is because Nowi can deal with Celica and he can't. 

Mine is +Res -Def, so 43 Atk / 40 Def after Fortress Def 3. 32 damage Ignis still bites.

I'm seriously considering just using Nino instead because my team has no answer to Nowi or bulky greens currently, but I'd also suffer having less points per run.

I just started **yesterday** so I'll stop at 5k for now. It's still early and my team has shown some promise so I don't want to make any major changes just yet though.

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4 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

My +Def Lukas deals an extra 37 damage thanks to Ignis. (he also doesn't take damage from nearly anything that deals physical damage.)

And wow we have nearly the exact same team, only that I'm using Julia instead of Nino. I have a good 5* Nino that I could use, but Julia is the team's healer. With both Breath of Life 3 and the Breath of Life seal, she heals 10 HP every time she attacks and she has Renewal to keep herself healthy. Admittedly, Nowi is the only one who really wants a healer to keep her QR2 up, since Desperation blade Katarina has no problem with low HP and Faye's main role is to buff Atk and to either rally Spd or deal chip damage and seal the opponent's spd. 

;A; I want Lukaaaaaaaaas! 

I actually was using Julia before. XD She was my healer (with the same Breath of Life setup), but I had given her G. Tomebreaker for her general build which is kind of useless in the Tempest. Plus Fury whittled away at her health before too long, and she wasn't powerful enough to oneshot anything that wasn't a blue dragon. I switched her out for Nino even though she's maxed out SP. It's just convenient to have two speedy mages, one kind of speedy character, and then...Faye who is basically a snail. Though she did manage to double a Sophia. lol

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5 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Alm has Windsweep 3. The enemy he is attacking has 31 Spd to his 30 Spd.

Windsweep 3 applies its effect if Alm has at least 1 more Spd than his target. Phantom Sweep treats him as having 5 more Spd than normal for the purpose of calculating Windsweep and Watersweep's effect only.

If he has Phantom Sweep, then he is treated as having 35 Spd and can thus apply Windsweep since he has at least 1 more Spd than his target.

Phantom Sweep can work both ways, both to apply your own Sweep skills or prevent enemy Sweep skills.

With that in mind, if Alm's target also had Phantom Sweep, they would be treated as having 36 Spd to Alm's 35 Spd and prevent Windsweep from applying its effect.

Here comes the ninja...

This is unnecessary since enemies can't counterattack but will phantom spd still activate even if windsweep occurs? Just wondering if phantom spd can be triggered no matter what when you have a sweep skill.

Other than that, I get the gist of it. Thanks.

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1 minute ago, Falcom said:

This is unnecessary since enemies can't counterattack but will phantom spd still activate even if windsweep occurs? Just wondering if phantom spd can be triggered no matter what when you have a sweep skill.

I'm not sure what you mean. Phantom Sweep (or was it called Phantom Speed?) only applies if there is a Sweep skill on either side of combat. It does nothing otherwise.

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