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Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!


Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!  

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

It's true though. Ike has a bigger team and a bigger team means a bigger chance to win, generally. Hector would likely wind up with tons of multipliers vs Lyn or Camilla and that would increase his chances of losing, honestly.

So in the event of Camilla beating Lyn, where would Ike's team go? Certain they'd want boobs? :P

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2 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

So in the event of Camilla beating Lyn, where would Ike's team go? Certain they'd want boobs? :P

Ew, no. I would NEVER join Camilla. I'd go Hector if we lost.

Ike gained near exactly 200 mil this time. His hourly gain is increasing, just like I figured.

Meanwhile, Hector's actually went DOWN. He gained like 85 mil before, but now it's around 60.

Edited by Anacybele
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1 minute ago, NoirCore said:

So in the event of Camilla beating Lyn, where would Ike's team go? Certain they'd want boobs? :P

I like me some boobs, but if it was Hector vs Camilla, I'd probably go with Hector.  I'd be annoyed that he won because of the multiplier, but so would have Camilla.

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I've still got over 2000 flags left and I'm on Team Hector so I don't know what you guys are talking about when you say Team Hector used up all their flags.

Rather I think (really for me), that I've just been lazy with spending my flags and kept missing out on multipliers.

Anyways, is it possible for Team Camilla to get a multiplier, or has Lyn secured her victory?

Probably gonna join Ike if Hector loses cause why not?

Edited by Falcom
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47 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Hector's gains in the last five hours were as follows: 

1:00 pm (CST): 37,870,356
2:00 pm (CST): 35,059,651
3:00 pm (CST): 33,110,979
4:00 pm (CST): 1,748,109,869
5:00 pm (CST): 85,267,139

I have a hard time believing that jolt from what he got from 1-3 compared to what he just got was entirely from Team Hector players becoming active. Flags had to be involved to suddenly get 50 million more than he was previously.

If you look, the hours after a multiplier are always higher than average. Probably from people just missing the bonus but spending their flags anyways because they didn't realize it had just ended.


Guys Ike has no worries. He should be able to do over 500 million easily if he is still behind going into the final hour. Everyone will panic and spend flags.

Lyn V Camilla is really interesting though. So many possiblities. Either way, I think it is in their best interest to give Camilla the bonus sooner rather than later.

Edited by Hawk King
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1 minute ago, Falcom said:

Anyways, is it possible for Team Camilla to get a multiplier, or has Lyn secured her victory?

Quite possible, yeah.

Also, I never meant that literally NO ONE on Team Hector had flags. You might have flags, but those who didn't miss the multipliers surely would've used most of them, if not all.

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It looks like Ike's last hour picked up by about 27M and Hector's dropped about 31M.  If this trend continues Ike might eek out a win, but if you have Flags right now, spend them.  There's no risk of giving Hector another multiplier at this point.

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Well, I feel a bit better now. Hector lost about 130 million points worth of ground this time. Also, damn. My flag usage within the last hour and half or so has vaulted me up to rank 75 (score is now at 417,120 with another 200 flags spent just now) in Team Ike.

7 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

If you look, the hour after a multiplier is always higher than average. Probably from people just missing the bonus but spending their flags anyways because they didn't realize it had just ended.

Yeah, this is true. I guess I was just alarmed that he got over 80 million when he previously never got more than that in any of his previous non-multiplier hours.

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8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Quite possible, yeah.

Also, I never meant that literally NO ONE on Team Hector had flags. You might have flags, but those who didn't miss the multipliers surely would've used most of them, if not all.

Ah okay. How many multipliers did Hector get compared to Ike anyways? I'm hoping it's not a lot cause I would feel really mad at myself for missing all of them.

I doubt there's gonna be another multiplier at this point and Ike's probably gonna catch up. So Team Ike can pretty much have my flags.

Also I would like to see Camilla get a multiplier so I can watch the pure panic from Team Lyn.

Edited by Falcom
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It feels like team Ike is definitely going to get a boost, and Hector potentially another after which could lead team Hector to win, which I hope it does, because if not we're done for I think.

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3 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

According to my calculations,  team Camilla needs a additional difference of 2% to trigger the multiplier. Please let it happen.

Camilla is all but assured to get a multiplier in a couple hours, three max.  The only question at that point is if she overshoots and gives Lyn a multiplier back.

1 minute ago, Falcom said:

Ah okay. How many multipliers did Hector get compared to Ike anyways? I'm hoping it's not a lot cause I would feel really mad at myself for missing all of them.

I doubt there's gonna be another multiplier at this point and Ike's probably gonna catch up. So Team Ike can pretty much have my flags.

Hector got 8 Multipliers, with 3 of them really close to the beginning.  Ike got 2.

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At Rank 353 in Lyn's army. Wondering if it'll hold up until the next gauntlet or if I should use another batch of flags to be safe. I've got 300 saved up.

Pretty amazing that I get the best results in the gauntlet with the character I support the most.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Lyn vs. Camilla has a 1 billion point difference; a multiplier is all but guaranteed. Damn, the only hope is for Camilla to overshoot.

How much would cause a Lyn multiplier? Over 2 billion score gained from the multiplier? Camilla's team might not be big enough to cause an overshoot, but can't be sure.

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I wonder if most people on each team don't really care if they win or not and just want to play the mode and burn flags. If those people on Team Lyn wanted her to win, they'd stop throwing flags down in these final hours and let Camilla close the gap more.

I'm surrounded by assholes. Stop firing, assholes!

Edited by NekoKnight
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2 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

How much would cause a Lyn multiplier? Over 2 billion score gained from the multiplier? Camilla's team might not be big enough to cause an overshoot, but can't be sure.

After the multiplier, Lyn is expected to have about 11.7 billion points, so Camilla would need about 13 billion points after the multiplier to give Lyn the multiplier. That's a gain of like 2.7 billion during the multiplier.

During the 5.1x multiplier, Camilla gained 1.8 billion points. Translating that to a 7.3x multiplier gives a bit shy of 2.6 billion. So it's close, and seems doable.

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3 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

How much would cause a Lyn multiplier? Over 2 billion score gained from the multiplier? Camilla's team might not be big enough to cause an overshoot, but can't be sure.

Based on Camilla's last multiplier, She could theoretically do over 2.5 billion with one now. That would be enough to overshoot, which is pretty much Lyn's only chance to win at this point.

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