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Bound Hero Battle: The Restoration Twins


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Ended up being a bit easier than I had thought, though I could've cleared it in one less attempt if I had remembered to reequip Goad Cavalry on Reinhardt. Here are the units I used, for posterity:


5-star +1 Reinhardt, +Atk/-Spd. Dire Thunder, Reposition, Luna, Death Blow 3, Lancebreaker 3, Goad Cavalry.

5-star Azura, +Spd/-Atk. Sapphire Lance+, Sing, Fortify Res 3.

5-star CYL Lyn, Neutral. Mulagir, Draconic Aura, Swift Sparrow 2, Sacae's Blessing, Atk Smoke 2 (I ran out of SP, okay?)

4-star +1 Cecilia, Neutral. Gronnraven, Drawback, Moonbow, Triangle Adept 3, Escape Route 3, Hone Cavalry.


Pretty sure that Reinhardt needs to be +Atk to secure the kill against Eirika without a special, but the extra point in attack from the merge is not needed. Lancebreaker shouldn't be necessary as long as his special is charged before attacking Ephraim. Reposition is vital for killing the blue mage at the start, dancing him with Azura, and Repositioning her into the breakable wall (preferably broken first), though I don't think it was needed after that. Azura and Lyn are obviously just their base kits, and as long as Lyn has enough speed to double the dagger user with Reinhardt's Goad Cavalry and Cecilia's Hone Cavalry (which a neutral Spd unmerged with Mulagir can do, clearly, though not sure by how much), she should be fine. She also killed the green mage, but I'm not sure if Goad Cavalry or Draconic Aura were needed for that kill. I think Brave Bow+ could work as well, assuming she has the strength for the kills. Cecilia provided Hone Cavalry buffs to everyone, used Draw Back on Reinhardt at the start to get him out of enemy range, and tanked the green mage. She can only avoid being doubled by the green mage if she has 1 point of speed above neutral. I used Goad Cavalry, but +Spd boon, 5-star, or even just Speed +1 as her A or S skill should work fine.


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It's getting to the point where Klein is to me what horses are to a lot of other FEH players. After some experimentation, I was able to take out Infernal with Klein, two dancers (Ninian, 4* Olivia) and a Smite assist from Camilla. Essentially, I was able to have Klein take out the mages and sword cavalier all in one fell swoop with the Thief bringing Olivia down to like 2 or 3 HP on enemy phase. Klein proceeded to kill Eirika and thief the following turn while Camilla ended up dealing with Ephraim the turn after that.



5* +1 Klein (+Atk/-Res): Brave Bow+, Draw Back, Luna, Death Blow 3, Swordbreaker 3, Threaten Def 3, Attack +1
5* Camilla (+Atk/-HP): Melon Crusher+, Smite, Draconic Aura, Death Blow 3, Lancebreaker 2, Savage Blow 3
+1 NInian (+Spd/-Res): Light Breath+, Dance, Luna, Triangle Adept 3, Wings of Mercy 3, Fortify Def 3
4* +2 Olivia (+Atk/-Def): Silver Sword, Dance, Moonbow, Wings of Mercy 2, Hone Atk 3


Edited by Tybrosion
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Well that's another Infernal map under Bride Cordelia's belt. Backed by Azura she just blew up basically everything. I brought Ike and S Camilla too but they mostly just Repositioned Cordelia and Azura.

Killed the ninja and green mage the first turn with Cordelia, and she tanked an attack from the blue mage. Next turn Azura killed the red cav, S Camilla body killed the blue mage and body blocked an Ephraim attack. (had I used Cordelia there wasn't room to Repo her out of his range after) The siblings went down easily after.

Glad Reposition was enough to get in range to kill 2 units out of that mage/ninja posse. Somebody with Smite/Reposition, dancers and an archer seems like the easiest setup for this.

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So I did infernal finally with Ninian, Lukas, Tana, and Julia.

Rip Barst for Reposition on Lukas, Clair for Spur Spd 2 on Tana, Narcian for Lancebreaker 3 on Julia, and Henry for Gtomebreaker on Julia again(didn't even use it since Julia had Lancebreaker do the trick).

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The infernal map loves Wings of Mercy. For the first two maps, I used Nino, Ephraim, Azura, and Celica. Fury 3 Nino could tank a hit from both mages and take them out with the ultimate Buffraim Buffs. I knew I couldn't use the same strategy for Infernal. 

My infernal team was: 


5* Brave Lyn (+ATK -DEF) Mulagir, Reposition, Draconic Aura, Swift Sparrow 2, Desperation 1, ATK Smoke 3, SPD+1
5* Azura+2 (+SPD -HP) Sapphire Lance+, Sing, Luna, Darting Blow 3, Wings of Mercy 3, Hone SPD 3
4* Olivia+10 (+SPD -RES) Silver Sword, Dance, ATK+3, Wings of Mercy 3, Hone ATK 3
5* Reinhardt+1 (+ATK -SPD) Dire Thunder, Reposition, Moonbow, Deathblow 3, Wings of Mercy 3, Hone Cavalry, ATK+1

Note 1: I highlighted the most notable skills that required inheritance. For WoM, WoM 1 is probably just fine. Hone Cavalry may or may not be important, but it certainly helped. 

Note 2: Merges. Do. Not. Matter. 

I made sure Lyn had a Hone Cavalry buff before she darted in and took out the ninja. That left her with 8 HP. I used one dancer to move her up one space to take out the green mage. Next, I had Reinhardt fly in below Lyn and take out the sword cav. (I can't remember if he had a Hone ATK buff or not, but he needed ATK+1 to take him out.) I used my second dancer to fly in and move Lyn over to take out the final mage. She needed Desperation not to get killed by the counter attack. 

My next turn it was just a matter of moving Lyn and Rein around to take out the twins. No problem.

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So my strategy of trowing nukes at it until it works... worked!

I cleared both Lunatic and Infernal with my standard team of Nino, Reinhardt, Klein and Olivia.

More detailed strategy:


I started of by positioning my units barely outside of the attack range, although it mattered a bit how. I placed Olivia under the wall just outside of range (in the position of the breakable wall), Klein south-west of her, Rein south-west of Klein, and Nino next to Rein and Klein (outside the attack range).

Next turn, Rein goes of to kill the sword cav. Nino uses draw back to pull Klein westwards, allowing Klein to kill both mages with dance support. This leaves only the thief in range of my units, and he can't kill anyone. He decides to attack Klein.

Final turn, Klein kills the thief, Nino walks up to her friend Erika and kills her brother who's hiding behind her, and Reinhardt attacks Erika... and fails to kill her (seriously?). After a dance he actually manages to finish it.

Relevant skill inheritance:

Reinhardt has DB3 and Hone Speed and Nino has Fury 3. Nino needs enough speed to double Ephraim, which is what Fury and Hone Speed are for. There's probably a lot of other configurations to archieve that (like having a +Spd Nino and giving her the speed+1 seal). 

If people want more specifics just let me know.

Edited by Bartozio
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Infernal took a bit longer than what I wanted but I did it with a pseudo Horse Emblem with CYL!Lyn, Reinhardt, Cecilia and Olivia. Cecilia was a Hone Cav buff bot who didn't fight at all so you can easily replace her with any horse with Hone cav.


The first turn you need to break the wall in order to leave Olivia in a good spot for dancing next turn and also have Lyn recieving both Hone and Fortify cav. to be able to kill the ninja next turn and have olivia dance her and then kill the horse mage, the blue mage will go for Olivia but won't be able to kill her. Then use Lyn to weaken the red cav and use Reinhardt to finish him, dance him with Olivia and kill the blue mage. Ephraim and Eirika should be left and they're pretty easy to kill with Reinhardt (give him Lancebreaker from Narcian to ensure he kills Ephraim).


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Cleared Infernal with Goad Cav Moonbow Reinhardt, Vantage Hone Cav Xander with HP+3, Hone Cav CYL Lyn with Atk+1, and WoM2 Olivia.

Reinhardt and Lyn had Reposition, Xander had Swap that I didn’t even use.

Lyn killed the blue mage, got danced, put Olivia away and got put away by Reinhardt herself. Xander stood in range of both the thief and the green mage.

The thief charged Xander’s Bonfire and brought him under the threshold for Vantage, which allowed him to explode the green mage. Next turn Xander finished the thief, and Reinhardt deleted the red cav.

Then the twins were all that was left, and Reinhardt did a quick work of them.

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Here's my Infernal clear. Took me four takes because my dad wouldn't stop texting lol.

This is by far the cheesiest clear I have ever done in my life. I'll probably do a no horse attempt later.

One thing to note is that Ephraim will move to the right instead of the left if Olivia and Azura are in each others' places at the end of turn 2, and Eirika will follow him.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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... Long story short, I beat infernal mode by doing really weird things.

After looking at several videos for assistance, none of them really working out, and me wasting a lot of stamina, I found one video that used Cecilia, Xander, Reinhardt, and a dancer. I gave that one a try, and found that my Cecilia didn't have enough attack to take out the blue mage with gronnraven. So ... my solution was basically to give her gronnblade+ from my spare Nino that I randomly pulled on the blade banner, and thankfully Cecilia both had the SP to learn regular gronnblade and she had enough strength to take out the blue mage after a hone cavalry boost from Xander.

But past that step, things got a bit weird because I didn't have draw back (just reposition) on Xander, so I had Xander move Cecilia to the other side of him while Ninian danced her to safety and Reinhardt stood behind them. Xander killed the thief and the green horse mage (while barely surviving) while the sword cavalier and the twins came at me. Reinhardt hit the cavalier (but didn't finish it off), Xander moved below the cavalier out of the twins' range and killed it, while Cecilia got Reinhardt out of Eirika's path. And then taking out the twins wasn't too brain breaking.

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1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Here's my Infernal clear. Took me four takes because my dad wouldn't stop texting lol.

This is by far the cheesiest clear I have ever done in my life. I'll probably do a no horse attempt later.

One thing to note is that Ephraim will move to the right instead of the left if Olivia and Azura are in each others' places at the end of turn 2, and Eirika will follow him.

2 Ranged Horse

2 Dancer

2 Reposition


You could not get any dirtier even if you tried

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Took me a few tries, but I eventually beat Infernal using Hector, 4* Gwendolyn, +Res -Def 5* Draug, and Reinhardt. It's late here, so I'll write it up in the morning.

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Got Lunatic with Julia, Eirika, Azura and Elise on the second try (because Lunge got Azura killed) (Julia has Reposition and G Tomebreaker 1 to make it easier, Eirika has Fury 2, Rally Def, Bonfire and Brash Assault 1, Elise has Fear (irrelevant), Rehabilitate and Swift Wind balm, Azura has Lancebreaker 2, Fury 3 and Sol)

Already better than not getting Cecilia + Lilina at all!

Hard'll be easy and Infernal..... Joy.

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2 hours ago, Bartozio said:

So my strategy of trowing nukes at it until it works... worked!

I cleared both Lunatic and Infernal with my standard team of Nino, Reinhardt, Klein and Olivia.

More detailed strategy:

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I started of by positioning my units barely outside of the attack range, although it mattered a bit how. I placed Olivia under the wall just outside of range, Klein south-west of her, Rein south-west of Klein, and Nino next two Rein and Klein (outside the attack range).

Next turn, Rein goes of to kill the sword cav. Nino uses draw back to pull Klein westwards, allowing Klein to kill both mages with dance support. This leaves only the thief in range of my units, and he can't kill anyone. He decides to attack Klein.

Final turn, Klein kills the thief, Nino walks up to her friend Erika and kills her brother who's hiding behind her, and Reinhardt attacks Erika... and fails to kill her (seriously?). After a dance he actually manages to finish it.

Relevant skill inheritance:

Reinhardt has DB3 and Hone Speed and Nino has Fury 3. Nino needs enough speed to double Ephraim, which is what Fury and Hone Speed are for. There's probably a lot of other configurations to archieve that (like having a +Spd Nino and giving her the speed+1 seal). 

If people want more specifics just let me know.

I did something very similar to your strategy. It took me a moment to recognize the fact that I had to break the wall to position Olivia exactly there at start. 

Notable differences: 

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    • Lacking a 5* Klein, i had to use +ATK Jeorge with DB2 and a simple brave bow. To kill the blue mage he needed the +ATK seal. 
    • My Reinhardt doesn't have +ATK and he got only DB2. Therefore he had to inherit Moonbow and that QP seal to one-round the sword cav. Only later i recognized that sacrifice was unnecessary, because he already got swordbreaker ... 
    • After killing the mages, that thiefs panic ploy had effect on Reinhardt and Jeorge. Therefore i had to wait for the twins to come down. 



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3 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I cannot beat Infernal... I'm not sure where to start! Baiting three enemies at once is kinda overwhelming.. .

Then don't bait them, but kill a good number of them on the first turn (or get out after killing one).

Also, if you break the wall and place someone one tile above the one you broke, you can bait only the two mages.

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Just now, Bartozio said:

Then don't bait them, but kill a good number of them on the first turn (or get out after killing one).

Also, if you break the wall and place someone one tile above the one you broke, you can bait only the two mages.

How? I can't get into the range to kill someone without being in range of the others, even if I use positioning assists. What do you suggest?

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2 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

How? I can't get into the range to kill someone without being in range of the others, even if I use positioning assists. What do you suggest?

Not sure what you have, I used draw back to get Klein in and danced him to kill the two mages. Reinhardt killed the sword cav, so that made things easy.

@SatsumaFSoysoy managed to kill someone and get out (his video is on this page), but that might be difficcult to pull of without a good ranged cav.

Do you have anything that can survive either of the two mages?

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