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Grand Hero Battle: Robin (F)

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13 hours ago, tobuShogi said:

I lucked out because my Katarina is +Speed/-Def. She also has summoner support to hit 34 Res so she's been putting in a lot of work already. I have enough feathers to give RauorBlade+ but I tend to use my feathers for level 3 skills on 4 stars. I'll wait until I have a nice feather stock so I won't be left with nothing after I give her RaourBlade+. Which assist and special skill does your Katarina have? Mine has Ardent Sacrifice since she has Desperation but I've been thinking of swapping it out for something else.

Ardent Sacrifice and Desperation myself. Iceberg for special, but if you like lower cooldowns I guess you can go Moonbow.

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This GHB I was able to do rather easily. All I just needed was Brave Ike's tankiness with some buffs here and there to help him survive long enough to trigger the adds to engage. With Steady Breath and Aether Ike (with S support too) will survive, and with escape route he'll be able to warp out of harms way. And everything else you need is the following for where my units are:

- A really high res and atk Red Mage with TA3 and R. Tome Breaker.

- A good Gronnblade user or really high Spd, and Atk Green Mage really. Hone Atk 3

- Xander with QR2 or 3, and Fury 3 and Hone Res 3.

Here's what it looked like for me. (Sorry for out of place music lol)


Edited by Logos
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Followed someone's YT video. They did it with 4* Palla, Olivia, Nino and Donnel. My units had slightly different stats but were able to follow until the near end, at which point my unit stats caused the red mage to move differently. Thankfully, I was able to wrangle it :) 

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Managed to cheese the quests in Lunatic mode first try. Sharena and F!Robin had to do 3 hits to finish her but they were fine.

Now I'm concerned about Infernal, but I'll likely be fine in the long run.

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Finally beat Infernal

Main account used Life and Death Linde (hooray for +Res), Olivia, Ike with Reposition and a 4 star +Atk Nino. Ike sits at top half to reposition Linde out of the way, and Nino's Draw Back + Olivia is a solid strategy.

Second account used Olivia, Delthea, Sanaki and 5 star +Spd/-Def Nino. All the mages had Draw Back. Delthea is at the top, ready to Draw Back Nino after Olivia dances her. Sanaki is at the bottom to deal with Robin, and is paired with Olivia, to Draw Back Olivia out of harm's way. A key step was to give Delthea Fortify Res for Nino, as she can't do enough damage without that, even with Drive Atk.

Glad to have solved this without looking at strat videos

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God in HEAVEN!  Given how easy this infernal was for everyone else, I'm convinced (more than I was already) that I'm some sort of retarded because this took me FOREVER to figure out!  It wasn't as much the general strategy that I struggled with as it was figuring out how to work it with the crew that I had.  If I was like Sages and had a Bridelia, this probably would've been a walk in the park, but making this shit work with my Brave Lyn was a pain in the ass because of that goddamned Gronnwolf touting Robin and that FUCKING RED MAGE WITH HIS BOWBREAKER AND HIS CONSTANT DOUBLING!  I lost count of the compositions I'd tried!  Brave Lyn and Azura being my only constants, I've tried it with Masked Marth | Sakura, Eirika | Sakura, Ephraim | Eirika, Eirika | Brave Ike, Sakura | Brave Ike - I SWEAR I WAS GONNA LOSE MY MIND!  Eventually I identified the Red Mage as my biggest hurdle and decided that I needed a way to put him out of commission.  So I got my beloved Tana, grabbed my newlyacquired Hector, and sacrificed him for Distant Counter.  So now I had a way to deal with the Red Mage, but dealing with Robin was still a pain in my ass because as son as Tana'd finished pwning that Red Mage, here comes the mysterious tactician with her fabulously simple and utilitarian hair to blow her up!).  I'd been trying to hold the line with either my Eirika or my Masked Marth, but after they cut down the axefighter that my Brave Lyn had left, they'd be slaughtered either by the lancefighter or a combination of the red mage (because I hadn't killed him in time) and Robin, so after FOREVER, I figured out that I need to have Brave Ike hold the line.  But then I kept attracting the attention of the blue mage, and even when I wasn't catching hell from him, I was catching hell from the Red Mage that kept pwning the shit out of Brave Lyn long-story-short, I ended up sacrificing an Odin for Moonbow on Lyn so I had something that would proc faster than Draconic Aura and hit slightly harder, sacrificed my Tharja to B!Ike so he could gain Spur Res 3, sacrificed another unit that i can't recall the name of for Spur Res 2 on Azura, and after dropping from 12 orbs to 3 orbs literally trying all night long to figure this out, I finally nailed it while sitting on my porcelin throne with heroin coursing through my veins (JK, it was just Teavana Rev Up tea with honey, but Jeez did I want some heroin (or whatever narcotic keeps you up) by the end of this long-ass trial).




I'm sorry for the profanity laden rant, this just drove me nuts trying to figure it out, and I'm baffled at how easy it seems to have been fore everyone else.


Still, I'm happy to have finally gotten my neutral 4* Robin (wish it were a 5* out the gate for all the effort this took, but whatever), and I have 30K feathers sitting in my account for just in case I decide to elevate her to 5*.


Oh.  Wanna know something funny?  After all of this...I"m looking forward to the Clarisse GHB; must be the thing I have for Tsunderes. xD


Edited by Selena4Lyfe
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^That happens to me with every battle, whenever I see people commeting "whoa, how easy, did at first attemp" makes me feel really dumb, I normally need tons of stamina potions, and try tons of different strategies and units. So think you probably can't do GHB worse than I do xD

However this was the only one I didn't need an stamina following one of the strategies someone posted here, but using my mages intead of abusing B!Lyn, and Olivia instead of Severa. Let Olivia on the chokepoint to tank the green axes, lancebreaker Rein, and lolimages Lilina and Nino (who work really well together!) to take down the non-green enemies. On my first clear Nino took down the blue mage, Rein the axe, Lilina the red mage, and then it was just Lilina and Olivia finishing everything quickly, Second clear I used Rein for the lance and Nino for the blue again, but this time switched Lilina to the South to let Robin suicide to her (she was ridicously easy to kill!) and Rein to the North to finish the blue mage. 

So overall, I think with Ruby Sword Olivia (gave mine a Def +1 seal just to be sure she survives) and mages/archer with decent attack there shouldn't be a lot of problem. Klein, Linde, S!Lucina, S!Camilla or Tharja seem like really good options who could get the job easyly done as well.

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Ah, I beat all of this days ago, but I didn't took a video because.... I didn't did anything interesting.

Beat infernal with Xander, Nino, Brave!Lyn and Olivia, reposition shenanigans like always, so everything was like... Obvious, and that's why I didn't took a video it wasn't interesting like others. I try to beat it with other characters but it was a mess and I stopped trying (better use stamina to lv up Oscar).

The quest where very easy, did them in lunatic. I used Leo to damage Robin (In my own turn, because if I leave it to enemy turn, then Leo killed her thanks to Quick Riposte) and then finish her with Robin and later with Sharena, while Nino killed everything else

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Messed with the yoroutsuu strat for a bit, managed it by replacing Barst (who still needs levels) with M!Robin (who has RTomebreaker to beat the mage). It might have been because of me using Camilla initially and Selena's higher speed and lower defence (not so bad as to make it impossible for her to hold the line, but she's 4*, it's fine), but the AI acted differently enough that I had to redo it a few times. Thankfully, with M!Robin and a good few arrows the start worked.

Robin's still my high deliverer after all!

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  • 4 months later...

Today's GHB is Robin. My personal run below.


TBH I was having a lot of trouble with this one, but that may have been because I'm practicing in insanity in thinking that if I keep doing the same thing, something different will happen. Also I'm waiting for a completely different game to be made available again, so I'm not exactly in it, but whatever it's done.

Infantry: Bridelia, Azura, Olivia, and PAzura. At one point I actually needed Azura to take a hit from the Red Mage, so thank god her default weapon is a Sapphire Lance+. Otherwise Bridelia cleaned house.

Flier: ToD!Nowi, HNY!Azura, Beruka, Catria. Beruka didn't really do much this time. She did take hits from the blue mage and Lance Infantry, but otherwise it was all Nowi nuking from range and Catria picking off at the end.

Cavalry: Brave Roy, Reinhardt, Frederick, Brave Lyn. Brave Roy was the crux, as he is the only of my Cavs to have Galeforce. With just his default kit + Distant Defense 3 SS, he one-rounded the top Axe infantry and retreated, did the same with the bottom one, then everyone shuffled back into their corners (Lyn the top corner, everyone else the bottom). Freddy one-rounded the Lance Infantry and was repoed by Roy, who unfortunately had to take a hit from Robin (hence why he had DD3), and from there the Blue Mage was picked off by Lyn, Robin by Roy, and the Red Mage by the Galeforced Roy.

Armor: WE!Tharja, Black Knight, Hector, and WE!Robin. I'd like to say Tharja tanked it all, but she can't take hits from the Lance Infantry, so I had to have Robin Repo her away and finish the job. Which he Brazenly did.


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8 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Once again Black Knight shits on another map, with two Wards and DD3 seal, though I guess this time he needs a Green armor or someone else to deal with turn 1 so the Blue Mage dies.

If BK shits on this map, then WE!Tharja absolutely nukes it as I found out.

Anyways, all done and done without touching a stamina pot too. Infantry and Armored were cleared first try while the other two were cleared second try.

Teams (all 5*s)
Infantry: Celica (+Res/-Def), Nino (+Atk/-Res), Eirika (+Atk/-Res), +1 Ninian (+Spd/-Res); in which Klein wasn't involved for once

Armored: WE!Tharja (+Spd/-Def), ToD!Jakob (+Atk/-Res), ToD!Henry (+Atk/-HP), LA!Hector (+Spd/-HP); Tharja, with the combined power of Fortify (LA!Hector),Ward (ToD!Jakob) and the Distant Def 3 seal, ate everything expect the lance fighter, who Jakob picked off. Henry was eating popcorn while enjoying the carnage his fellow Plegian was causing.

Flying: NS!Corrin (F) (Blarblade+; +Spd/-Atk), HNY!Camilla (+Def/-Res), SF!Camilla (Gronnblade+; +Res/-Def), Hinoka (+Def/-HP)

Cavalry: L'Arachel (Blarblade+; +Spd/-Res), Gunnthra (neutral), BH!Roy (+Atk/-Res), BH!Lyn (+Atk/-Res); Bless Rausten's national treasure and Chilling Seal both. Oh, and I suppose Roy and Lyn did good too.

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3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

If BK shits on this map, then WE!Tharja absolutely nukes it as I found out.

I imagine she'd do pretty well as well. BK has broken every map in the GHB rotation so far lol. Tharja should be able to replicate that.

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So I REALLY NEED to get the extra F!Robin from the quests for inheritance purposes. But they had to be evil and put it under horse emblem which is weak to F!Robin’s tome. None of the other quests matter to me right now, I just want to do that one. But as always I’m terrible with coming up with workable strategies. Advice would be really appreciated!

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This one's really tough due to the chokepoint and overlapping enemy attack ranges. So far cleared it using Flier Emblem and Armor Emblem.

Flier Emblem's tricky to do the team has to crowd into the corridors. (Summer Corrin, NY Azura, Elincia, Cherche)

Armor Emblem quest got trivialized due to Fortify + Ward Armor buffed DD3 Tharja taking 0 damage from all of the enemy units that attacked her. (WE Tharja, LA Lyn, Black Knight, Effie)

EDIT: got the Infantry Emblem quest cleared. Aggravating as hell. (Bride Cordelia, Lyon, Azura, PA Azura)

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45 minutes ago, sdgj1994 said:

So I REALLY NEED to get the extra F!Robin from the quests for inheritance purposes. But they had to be evil and put it under horse emblem which is weak to F!Robin’s tome. None of the other quests matter to me right now, I just want to do that one. But as always I’m terrible with coming up with workable strategies. Advice would be really appreciated!

I'm not sure my normal technique of 'Throw Reinhardt at it' is going to work for this one >.<

I'm wondering if my newer technique of 'Throw Sigurd at it' might work due to his skills... I can't play around with it yet, so you'll probably get other advice from other people... Plus there's always YouTube :) While not many people seem to work on budget fliers, yet, most people seem to show budget infantry and cavalry :)

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OMG. I totally forgot this was the map I used my silly convoluted strategy with Raigh. Totally worth it. For anyone struggle, I made a list of strategies/videos folks used previously. If you're having trouble, you can look at those for inspiration! I figured there had to be at least one horse emblem run among them, and I was right!

Infantry: Raigh, Nino, Ephraim, Azura
Armors: Black Knight, Effie, Hector, Amelia - It took me a few tries. BK needed SPD+3, a ward and a Fortify to survive the initial onslaught, but he did it!
Cavalry: LA!Lilina (with Gronnblade), Reinhardt. Camus, Xander - I borrowed @Astellius's strategy. :3
Fliers: Caeda, Summer Corrin, NY!Azura, Cordelia... Same as before. XD 

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43 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I'm not sure my normal technique of 'Throw Reinhardt at it' is going to work for this one >.<

I'm wondering if my newer technique of 'Throw Sigurd at it' might work due to his skills... I can't play around with it yet, so you'll probably get other advice from other people... Plus there's always YouTube :) While not many people seem to work on budget fliers, yet, most people seem to show budget infantry and cavalry :)

The problem with me is, while I have a lot of great cavaliers, I’m just hesitant about giving anything a go because I have no idea how I will be able to, for instance, even defeat F!Robin herself! For starters, while I do have Sigurd he is unfortunately -Atk, but I can give him Bonfire as I recently pulled a free M!Robin. I have Xander too but his A-slot options are really limited, and his Res sucks. And those are the only two 5* red cavaliers I have.

All in all, theres just sooo much to think about that it just overloads me and I end up not doing anything :/

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1 minute ago, sdgj1994 said:

The problem with me is, while I have a lot of great cavaliers, I’m just hesitant about giving anything a go because I have no idea how I will be able to, for instance, even defeat F!Robin herself! For starters, while I do have Sigurd he is unfortunately -Atk, but I can give him Bonfire as I recently pulled a free M!Robin. I have Xander too but his A-slot options are really limited, and his Res sucks. And those are the only two 5* red cavaliers I have.

All in all, theres just sooo much to think about that it just overloads me and I end up not doing anything :/

I got like that when there wasn't a year in which to try things. I never completed Infernals by myself because I only had X amount of time.

Now these ones feel a bit more free, so I've given it a shot :)

That being said, if you don't know where to begin, I highly recommend looking on Youtube a bit later on. I'm sure there'll be strategies you can either copy straight out or adjust for your units, at least for cavalry. That's what I usually do with Infernals, although I'm giving these ones a shot.

The other thing I do is start with units I think will work (usually Reinhardt and Sigurd for cavalry... I'm very unimaginative) and then adjust if they or the other two I try (maybe Leo 'cos of F!Robin, this time... not sure yet) don't work.

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4 minutes ago, sdgj1994 said:

The problem with me is, while I have a lot of great cavaliers, I’m just hesitant about giving anything a go because I have no idea how I will be able to, for instance, even defeat F!Robin herself! For starters, while I do have Sigurd he is unfortunately -Atk, but I can give him Bonfire as I recently pulled a free M!Robin. I have Xander too but his A-slot options are really limited, and his Res sucks. And those are the only two 5* red cavaliers I have.

All in all, theres just sooo much to think about that it just overloads me and I end up not doing anything :/

The strategy I copied used a pretty sparingly build Xander and Camus, a usual Reinhardt build, and a regular Gronnblade Cecilia (merged 4 star). I switched out Cecilia for my Lilina. There's another strategy that uses Xander, Reinhardt, Cecilia, and a 4 star Gunter. The second post of this thread as a whole list of different strategies. Not all of them are horse emblem, but you might be able to adapt a few. 

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