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The Everyday Life of Heroes - Official FEH Manga (with translations)! Ch. 100!!! (10/23)


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A lot of great chapters in this series, but this one was amazing.  In the second panel Azura asking "Shall I change it up a bit?" Michelis just looks at her like she's crazy.  Then the rock fantasy.  Now Azura is a singer okay, Reinhardt looks like a cool cat that could play a mean guitar, Michelis even who isn't in this looks like he would be an awesome frontman with his attitude and long hair.  Hardin though!?  Holy...that was hilarious and unexpected.  

Then at the end peeps in the cheap seats!  The dragon has this look like "Me no cheap seat, me show you!" Also the way Azura holds her axe there is great as well.  Agree with Ice Dragon.  Performing Arts Hardin...please!  Actually would be great to have a RocknRoll/Heavy Metal PA banner with these 4.  I guess Michelis could be on the bass.  

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Guess Kiran's been giving history lessons(?) again.

Anyway, this is the most absurd one yet and I love it. That it's PA!Azura makes it more hilarious (IS knows their meta).

Well done to them and you all for getting this out just in time for the newest TT too, talk about topical!

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I really want Rockstar Reinhardt now xD

The shades and guitar just suit him far too much. Next PA? xD

Loved this one. I think it was my favourite. Just the idea of Azura deciding on a rock song and forming her own band, in the middle of the TT no less, really makes me laugh :D Michalis is just the icing on the cake. I can imagine him watching the three in utter confusion.

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14 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Performing Arts Hardin confirmed.

Why isn't this a thing? People would actually pull for this man. Mostly because he has the best mustache. No one can crap about Kaga's era character design, they make it up with their mustaches. They all do.


I wish there was "Lost In Thoughts All Alone" for Smash Ultimate. It would like totally make the game better & all that jazz. I like jazz version too for that matter.

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Have you ever met somebody who only made jokes in the form of corny puns that consistently fell flat, but one day he gets fed up with being ignored and says something incredibly offensive as shock humor? This comic is that guy. I assume all the Muspell sisters are the same writer/artist.

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