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Legendary Heroes Summoning Event! Starting November 27th


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Just now, mampfoid said:

@Rafiel's Aria got an Ike in the first session. I hope that's not only simulated luck. ;-)

The summon simulator is hella addicting. XD My luck varies, but I can usually get a 5* within 60 orbs. A lot of the time I can get 2. My hope for the banner is that I can come out with 2 at least, even if they're characters I already have. ...part of me kind of wants Cupid Arrow to give to Virion. XD If we get closer to the Fates banner, and it's super duper unappealing, then I may spend more orbs. We're going to be getting so many that I probably won't feel too guilty wasting some of my stash.

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8 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

The summon simulator is hella addicting. XD My luck varies, but I can usually get a 5* within 60 orbs. A lot of the time I can get 2. My hope for the banner is that I can come out with 2 at least, even if they're characters I already have. ...part of me kind of wants Cupid Arrow to give to Virion. XD If we get closer to the Fates banner, and it's super duper unappealing, then I may spend more orbs. We're going to be getting so many that I probably won't feel too guilty wasting some of my stash.

Sounds similar to what I plan to do (not that part about foddering Cordelia though). Two 5* would be good, 3 would be great. 

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@Gebby, thank you for your inspiring and high-quality content.  I mean that sincerely.

Personally, I will be focusing on green and red.  I could get a QR3 Dierdre,  Distant Counter from Hector, and a Spring Camilla that I would very much like to have.  Don't have any of the red focus units yet, so getting one of them would be great.  The children characters are not particularly compelling for me to summon for, so I will empty my coffers for this banner for sure.  Blue is pretty yawn for me considering Spring Xander and Braeda are meh, and I have no attachment to Fjorm as of yet.

Overall, I'm pretty excited for this banner.  It's up there with the Brave Hero banner as the best one offered so far.

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I'm really torn on whether I want to bother or not.  Spring Camilla is the last missing piece of my flier emblem team, but in all honesty I barely use my fliers as it is and this would just add an 8th or 9th team to my AA rotation.  More Brave Lyns would be nice, but I have no use for Genny (already fed one to Priscilla, and the only other healer I care about is Bride Lyn who doesn't really care for Wrathful Staff) nor Cordelia (already have one and don't use her on my main team).  Anyone beyond that would be either SI fodder or not anyone I really care to get.

Longer I think about it, the more I lean towards not bothering with this banner.

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This banner was made for me!  I don't have a copy of majority of the units on here (I have Ike, Brave!Lynn and Hector) and those I have I could use more of as fodder/merges.  I am SO happy that the 2 brides I wanted but I could not get curse you Bride!Charlotte are back and I actually have orbs so I can pull for them.   I want like everyone on this banner except maybe Spring!Xander but I don't mind getting him since he's a limited unit.  Let the orbs flow and maybe I'll get through my recent drought of 5* units.

Edited by Anime27Arts
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7 hours ago, Rezzy said:

@Arcanite I plan to pull Greens.  I want a SCamilla that isn't - Atk, and if I get the other two, that would be great, too.  I can replace the Hector I sacrificed for Titania.  Hopefully, I can get more Titanias to merge, too.  I need to fix the fact that Seliph is my highest merger now.  I wonder if Divine Tyrfing would make him viable.

I should add a question to the poll:

How many 5 stars will Rezzy summon that are -Atk before she gets a non-minus attack Scam.

10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

That got reversed somewhere.

There is a 34% chance of getting a 5-star unit on your first full pull:

P(getting a 5-star) = 8%
P(not getting a 5-star) = 100% - P(getting a 5-star) = 92%
P(not getting a 5-star 5 times in a row) = P(not getting a 5-star) ^ 5 = 92% ^ 5 = 66%
P(getting at least 1 5-star in 5 tries) = 100% - P(not getting a 5-star 5 times in a row) = 100% - 66% = 34%

Rip me to pieces

That's my fault LOL


I'll fix it. Thank you!

10 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Am I just the only player in this game who has difficulty getting all the Feathers he needs or something?


I mean you can throw him away, but feathers come pretty easy... I never felt like a 5 star should be thrown away for no reason

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41 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I tried the Japanese summon simulator linked earlier and…

…Naga damn it, Camilla in my first set. I am doomed to have her lay that egg in my barracks, am I not?

At least Arthur was a 4-star!


I keep changing my mind about what color I want most, like, every hour, haha. I don't have any of the reds and they would all be great, blue has my most wanted-but-unpulled seasonal unit (fingers crossed for both of us, @Anime27Arts) I also don't have any of the greens and they would all be great, and colorless has Wrathful Staff and more merges/better natures for CYL Lyn and Bride Cordelia. I think I'll probably do full summons until I possibly get everyone that I want from a color, and then just avoid that one. Here's hoping that birthday money will be able to save me from heartache!

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Just now, Arcanite said:

The answer is simple

Use all your friggin orbs on full pulls only


I think I may just have to take you up on that! I might even stop trying for Mia now, before I use up too many orbs. TT bonus unit would be nice, but when it's between maybe getting one character that I like, or getting one or more out of eleven characters that I love and Xander? Seems like a fair trade to just wait for the second option.

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8 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

At least Arthur was a 4-star!

I did eventually get Deirdre. After three hundred and fifty-something orbs. And five Hectors. And three Camillas. One damned Deirdre, who probably was simulated –Atk.

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I did eventually get Deirdre. After three hundred and fifty-something orbs. And five Hectors. And three Camillas. One damned Deirdre, who probably was simulated –Atk.

Shouldn't be sniping greens in the first place

3 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I think I may just have to take you up on that! I might even stop trying for Mia now, before I use up too many orbs. TT bonus unit would be nice, but when it's between maybe getting one character that I like, or getting one or more out of eleven characters that I love and Xander? Seems like a fair trade to just wait for the second option.

Joshua is best tempest bonus anyway
(no bias at all)

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

At least there is still hope that you open your eyes

If there’s a specific hero[ine] I want to get rather badly, why the actual hell would I comb the whole pool for those whom I don’t want as much?

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10 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I did eventually get Deirdre. After three hundred and fifty-something orbs. And five Hectors. And three Camillas. One damned Deirdre, who probably was simulated –Atk.

If it's any consolation, when I tried simulating pulls on the Hero Fest 2 banner, I got like 7 Ikes and 3 Ninians before getting a single Julia. When I pulled on the banner for real, she was the only focus unit I ever got, and I got two of her. So there's still hope!

Or, this may help more: I just tried out the simulator, and in 600 orbs, I got 6 Xanders and not a single other blue.

I did get 8 Celicas and 2 Deirdres though

3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Fire Emblem Heroes? You could make a religion out of this!

8 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Joshua is best tempest bonus anyway
(no bias at all)

Not sure what that second part is about, I'm pretty sure that Joshua is objectively best. How can anyone live up to that hat of his?

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

If there’s a specific hero[ine] I want to get rather badly, why the actual hell would I comb the whole pool for those whom I don’t want as much?

This isn't a regular plain old "Snipe what you want" focus

This is a "pull as much as possible" focus. AKA a good opportunity to get a nice amount of 5 stars, and MOST of them are pretty amazing. Deedree will come some other time.

4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Not sure what that second part is about, I'm pretty sure that Joshua is objectively best. How can anyone live up to that hat of his?

^ We need people like this

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

This isn't a regular plain old "Snipe what you want" focus

This is a "pull as much as possible" focus. AKA a good opportunity to get a nice amount of 5 stars, and MOST of them are pretty amazing. Deedree will come some other time.

^ We need people like this

Personally, while I do definitely plan to do full sessions at first, I'm gonna stop pulling on certain colors once I get the unit(s) I want most. If I get Bride Caeda, there's no way I'm gonna waste any more orbs on blues, for example. It's good to get as much as possible, but also good to have priorities based on what's actually desired, right?

6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Now I know why I still don’t have Ryoma. Only rich people hired samurai, after all.

Pope Wendell comes close.

I should rewatch that video soon, it's been too long since I've watched it. I'm glad to see that someone else here appreciates true art though, haha.

I should really just make this picture of Lilina my avatar someday. It will never stop being the epitome of stellar hats in FE.


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Pulling everything for sure. If I need to be stingy partway through, I'll drop blue.

Never got Cordelia off of bridals, so here's hoping. Somehow I still don't have Ike, Genny, or Celica, so I'd be happy to see them as well. 

I'm also excited in general for the 8% 5*s, even if I go off-focus. I'm not entirely f2p, but anything that can make me pretend I'm not going to spend money makes me happy. 

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