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Persona 5 Mafia - Game Over


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why the fuck would i, as scum, like, after as long as i have been playing mafia, make such an obvious OMGUS vote on you, marth? especially after you hadn't even voted me or were more straightforward about my case in the first place?

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Just now, Shinori said:

What happened in shovel knight mafia?

i was mislynched on lylo after a bunch of people waffled on me and it fucking sucked.

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2 minutes ago, Quote said:

i was mislynched on lylo after a bunch of people waffled on me and it fucking sucked.

paperblade would remember this loooooooool

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Shinori, if according to you what Baldrick is doing is stupid enough that it doesn't make sense for town OR mafia to do it then why are you saying it's specifically townie?

Via is playing pretty clearly to his town meta

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1 minute ago, kirsche said:

What's your opinion on me Shinori?

Unmemorable. Literally done nothing day 2 I believe and only 2 memorable posts on day 1 of which 1 I think was really iffy.  That's how unmemorable you are.

@BBM: Part of it's gut.  I don't see any logical reason as to why scum would basically attempt to make a suicide play for it.  I would think a scum member would have much better luck going after someone else in that sort of situation.  Also the vote makes him look worse, as you stated. Normally scum don't want to look worse unless they just assume they are dead.

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I don't know why you're getting angry but obviously I'm pushing you because I think I might've made a mistake? Like you haven't done much in the game so why would I give you a pass without reconsidering my reads? Like I've literally pushed you as scum before and been lynched off of it, *I* of all people would know this. I also know that you are rarely mislynched and didn't even play Shovel Knight Mafia with you, like why would I do this as scum? 

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11 minutes ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

FMPOV Shinori and Mich are town and if Baldy's scum then Bart is very likely town. Assuming that the Mack/Paper slot is telling the truth,  I have good reasons to suspect that I'm wrong about one of the experienced players. Your vote on me screams of paranoia btw.

Most of the players in this game are experienced, so I'd be surprised if not even one was scum.  Regardless, I'm hoping that Baldrick flips like Godfather and people I'm worried about (Shinori, Sully) get copped because having a few confirmed clears would make this game way easier for me.

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1 minute ago, Quote said:


I don't think you are that memorable, just that you have been making a lot of posts which is more likely town you than scum you.  By saying this I mean;

I don't know what your reads are, I don't know who you think is scum, I don't quite know who you are town reading all that much.  You have stated a few reads, like me/Baldrick/marth now and I think one other but outside of that I don't remember too much.

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3 minutes ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

I don't know why you're getting angry but obviously I'm pushing you because I think I might've made a mistake? Like you haven't done much in the game so why would I give you a pass without reconsidering my reads? Like I've literally pushed you as scum before and been lynched off of it, *I* of all people would know this. I also know that you are rarely mislynched and didn't even play Shovel Knight Mafia with you, like why would I do this as scum? 

(im not angry im just getting super into the game bbbbbbbbb)

like okay but the way you presented the case on me was vague and i don't like it
you use the "i've been mislynched for trying to push you as scum" before which is fair but obviously then you'd want to be more careful/reluctant about it, hence... yeah.

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My thoughts on Sully are that I found it weird that he was clueless at the start of D1 but had much better analysis after his Shinori vote, plus he seems to be able to keep up with the game despite initially appearing to be clueless. Possible contender for the counterpart to Paper/Mack if that is a thing.

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2 minutes ago, Shinori said:

I don't know what your reads are, I don't know who you think is scum, I don't quite know who you are town reading all that much.  You have stated a few reads, like me/Baldrick/marth now and I think one other but outside of that I don't remember too much.

i've been trying to be vague about my town reads but okay fine i'll admit i'm reading bbm as town now despite reading him as scum earlier in the game and there are reasons for this i don't feel like explaining. refa i am also reading as town. you i have read as town off of tone. mich i wish would just get a sub or get vigged already. i'm okay with lynching baldrick today and i would also be very okay with a marth or kirsche lynch because from PoE i think they are scum and i don't think them being scumbuddies is farfetched.

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Just now, Magnificence Incarnate said:

FMPOV, I've never seen you mislynched unless the mafia faked a guilty on you.

in shovel knight i was mislynched over a bunch of other stuff including role shenanigans.


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1 minute ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

My thoughts on Sully are that I found it weird that he was clueless at the start of D1 but had much better analysis after his Shinori vote, plus he seems to be able to keep up with the game despite initially appearing to be clueless. Possible contender for the counterpart to Paper/Mack if that is a thing.

Do you think Sully sounds like any player in particular?  During my first scum game when I was getting coached, people told me afterwards that my posts read just like Paperblade's.

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2 minutes ago, Quote said:

okay with a marth or kirsche lynch because from PoE i think they are scum and i don't think them being scumbuddies is farfetched.

if you want an explanation for this i don't feel like doing it now it will have to be later. i said i would give explanations for like 3 different things "later" but those take me a lot of energy and time whereas these real-time posts have not.

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