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LG - Yesterday at 03:11
I vote via
Too lazy to go on SF(edited)

Via has majority, so it's his turn.

40 minutes ago, Bard said:

can i nominate u

yeah those are both viable votes I just need to update op.

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I've gone by bizz levity via quote propeller knight etc.
I'm a trans boy

I played competitive mafia and it made me a huge jerk so I took a break then I graduated college got employed and started smoking weed. also I am dating Grace and we have been together for at least 5 years

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29 minutes ago, BBM said:

favourite non fe/pokemon game?

I'd have to give this one to paper mario: the thousand year door, but pikmin 2, tales of legendia, shovel knight, hyper light drifter, and hylics are up there. I have a lot but I don't feel like listing more

3 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Rate Eevee and Co.

like every eevee? like do you want me to list them from least fave to most fave

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42 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Best to worst. Eevee and all evolutions.

Leafeon & Glaceon

this is purely by aesthetic & by my experience with them in a non-competitive context because I don't do nor understand competitive pokemon

4 minutes ago, Grace said:

are you gay?


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what’s your job?

best Persona 5 character?

favourite video game song?

favourite non-video game song?

favourite FE class that doesn’t use swords?

funniest mafia game you’ve played?

would psych make a better cat or dog?

not a question, but tell us something embarrassing about Grace 

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17 hours ago, Walrein said:

is it bad that it took me like 5 attempts to figure out what the hell was up with your undertitle/location

as fucked up as if there were two guys on the moon and one killed the other with a rock

14 hours ago, SB. said:

what’s your job?

I work at mcdonald's lol I swear it won't be like that forever I'm just confined to whatever's available in my shit hometown right now which isn't a lot. I was going to work for the local newspaper but they turned out to all be assholes & the hours weren't ones I could work there realistically. journalism sucks especially in this political environment and I wouldn't recommend it anyway

best Persona 5 character?

mmmmmmmmmmm this is a hard one. they fucked Ryuji's character potential and that sucked. actually though I'd have to say Futaba--they do her development REALLY well and treat what she's going through with respect and her arc probably hit me the hardest. Yusuke is still my fave tho

favourite video game song?

zeta from IIDX
however dusknoir's battle theme has stood out to me ever since I heard it and I'll probably never forget my reaction to it
and this is probably the best example of a final boss theme in a video game 

the puni tree themes in paper mario TTYD hold a special place in my heart, and also the entire OFF ost

favourite non-video game song?

this is one of my favorite existing pieces of music. this entire album is my top favorite and nothing else is ever going to sound like it and I still don't know whether that makes me happy or sad yet
this remix of clarinet factory's 5 steps is tied with this one for one of my best fave pieces of music ever and i think everyone should listen to it

favourite FE class that doesn’t use swords?

Valkyrie. I was gonna say Pegs but they become Falcos which wield swords & I like wyverns but I don't use them as often depending on the game

funniest mafia game you’ve played?

what was that one game, FAYZ mafia? yeah that's the funniest one I've played 

would psych make a better cat or dog?

he has more of a dog personality than a cat personality if that's what we're going off of

not a question, but tell us something embarrassing about Grace 

everything about grace is lovely and beautiful but her mom loves to embarrass her and did so while we were on video chat by showing me her baby picture just out of nowhere and that was kind of funny


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14 hours ago, Shinori said:

Will you ever host the next Choral mafia?

I'm actually putting together the narrative skeleton for a CM spin-off that's going to be like the other one but better, taking place in an alternate timeline where things happened differently from the other games. mainly because the other timeline feels finished & I'd rather work with characters that aren't entirely based off of real people I know

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1 hour ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

also lmao fayz mafia, this is incredible

i’m physically in pain

edit: how many people knew that there were CM characters based on them?

Edited by SB.
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21 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Oh Bizz! What are your usernames from? What's your favorite FE9 chapter?

in order:

bizz is short for bizzaroo which is a word from the fictional Hamtaro language "ham-chat," and it means "strange." I was previously part of a Hamtaro fanforum before I was a part of SF. it fell apart after the creator of the site converted to Christianity as a response to her diagnosis with cancer and she decided to take the site down because, verbatim, "we were all sinners" and deserved it. (This was the forum I spectated my first mafia game.) (also she ended up dying from her cancer later which is sad.)

levity was my favorite word in the English dictionary at the time and I Love word names so I chose that as a username after Bizz felt kinda worn.

via is short for "viata"which I chose because I thought it sounded cool and didn't realize it's actually the Romanian word for life (so my name was technically Life for a little while which was downright frightening) so I shortened it to Via and that one stuck.

quote is the robot protag from cave story and I was matching with grace for our anniversary who was curly brace for a while.

and propeller knight is one of the boss knights from shovel knight and I am him irl

MY FAVORITE FE9 CHAPTER IS 19 I just love the atmosphere and everything about it. also you get cool exposition and a lot of $$$ afterwards. I taught myself how to beat chapter 19 in 2 turns which is the only chapter I know how to beat in 2 turns

16 hours ago, SB. said:

i’m physically in pain

edit: how many people knew that there were CM characters based on them?

a few, actually. my then-boyfriend knew and played along with it, to the point he actually participated in one of the games. I don't remember which one though. I think it was 4?

4 hours ago, Lord Gaius said:

hi friend <3

hi friend I love you <3

gayest mafia game you've been in?

Golden Sun mafia because it was the game I met Grace and I poisoned the mafia who poisoned her in revenge (and then she introduced herself to me later in PM).

rank the knights of shovel knight

Propeller Knight
Shield Knight
Shovel Knight
Plague Knight
Polar Knight
Tinker Knight
King Knight
Specter Knight
Mole Knight
Treasure Knight

everyone loves specter knight just because he has a cool design and is edgy but he's overrated. his campaign was fun but he's still overrated. I love all of the knights even treasure knight but if I Really Gotta Rank Them this is how they'll go. I'd put mole and king knight higher but I Dunno! also shield knight deserves way more please give her her own game. mole knight and propeller knight were clever ideas they deserve more in general. i forgot black knight but he's a jerk anyway

FMK: Rutger, Karel, Joshua

why would you do this???????????????????????????????????????????????????
well I'd marry Joshua because that's the Obvious Choice, fuck Karel because that's Also the obvious choice, and kill Rutger because he wants to die anyway just look at him he wants someone to end his misery so bad.


Edited by Propeller Knight
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