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Constantly switching S-supports


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I find myself switching S-supports quite often, lately. Like, sometimes it's barely more than a whole day. Can't decide myself whether to do it because I simply fancy the character, awesome gameplay decisions- or worse, a mix of both. It can add a lot of dimension to certain characters...

Like, my most S-supported character is Charlotte. She's """"""arguably""""" (not arguable at all what am I saying) favourite character in the game. At this point, with all the new upgrades (Blessings, Refinery and Seal upgrades), she doesn't really *need* it, but, there's still a lot of flexible setups I can work with:

Alpha Bitch



Ultra Instinct (Spd Ver.)



Ultra Instinct (Atk Ver.)



When you realise she is -Atk, you'll shit bricks



And on the other side of the spectrum, there's Sanaki whom I like as a character but find kind of boring gameplay-wise. Also, don't get too much from an extra +2 Atk/Res and her Spd gain is negligeble for her usual role. Then there's my -Spd Sonya, who really wants it so she could make the best of her nuke role instead of a lame-o G.Tomebreaker magic tank staple.

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Dude, there's literally nothing more fun than a girl in a wedding dress bashing people's head in with a giant fucking spoon. Or any "lance", for that matter...Horse/Armourslayers look amazing on her.

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Mine's been sticking to Summer Robin for a while now. The +5 HP is extremely good, as her base HP is utter ass, especially considering mine is -HP.

With Fury she hits 33 Def and 34 Res, plus another 2 at 100% to each with Deftpoon equipped, which is pretty great with that solid +10 HP from Summoner S and Deftpoon Speed refine.

I wouldn't say she needs it at all, as she can easily function with DB/Brave Lance or even just Fury 3/Deftpoon, but the S Support bonuses make her way more durable that she really should be and makes her a really viable tank for really anything melee that isn't a green with TA, even axe units if necessary since she has the speed to avoid doubles.

I had it on regular FRobin at one point, and honestly if I gave her the Speed +3 seal it'd probably do her well enough to do decently in arena beyond tanking BLyn and Rein.

I'm not planning on switching it until we get Ophelia in some form so... it might be a while.

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I haven't changed my S-support since I got it with Eirika (twice due to a need to improve her nature during merge season). I do this because 1. She's my favorite character in the franchise so yeah. and 2. She appreciates every single stat she can get thanks to her spread so it's a win/win in my book.

If I were obligated to change it to another character I would give it to Clair, Fjorm or maybe Sigurd as they seem like they'd appreciate every single stat boost. 

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I wish I could change mine away from Bowlyn, but I need her to counter herself in Arena and therefore needs the +2 speed (along with the speed seal) to reliably get the double. Don't have a favourite character as such so I'd probably do a rotation of some sorts if I could.

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My support has never left my Cordelia (besides when I was showing off the new support feature to a friend and though I was in ally support and accidentally supported me and easter Camilla, I was only A rank with Cordelia at that time so I had to grind it back up of course) since I like her and she is often underused (normal Cordelia cause even after 70 USD and me stockpiling orbs Bride Cordelia has not been summoned yet)

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I supported Ike and Hector to patch up their -Atks banes and make the +Spd boon count even more.

Helps in the arena but now I want to support Shiro since both of mjine have -Spd and -Atk as well. But then I'd lose the bonuses in the arena for Ike/Hector so it really is a bother that you can only choose one (although it makes sense)

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I have switched it around a few times, mostly to patch up units stats until I find a way to do so through skills and such. So mostly gameplay atm. Right now its on Mia, which has helped patch up her defenses, along with close defense seal and has made her into quite the powerhouse.

Edited by Tolvir
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For the longest time mine was with Niles but now it’s on Matthew. Probably won’t stay that way for long since I miss Niles having boosted stats and Matthew doesn’t really need it.

Kinda wish there was more (specifically I want 3) but that’ll never happen.

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Originally I stuck with Reinhardt, until I accidentally supported Matthew once (thinking I was in the ally menu). After that, I realised the S rank stayed in the catalogue and you could still view the animations in the summoner support menu.

'Cos of this, I now plan to S-Support all the most handsome units in the game <3

So far, I've got Xander twice (normal and naked), Naked Gaius, Innes, Ephraim, Reinhardt, Matthew, Seth and a few more I can't remember off the top of my head. I'm getting the lovely Frankenjakob supported at the moment ^.^

Edited by Cute Chao
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I've only S-Supported Brave Lyn. I've been considering supporting Matthew or normal Lyn now that I have her, but those boosted stats have gotten me out of so many tight spots in virtually every mode, I can't bring myself to change it.

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S-rank Brave Lyn is too good for me not to keep using. I have her up to 60 Atk and 50 Spd with Hone Cav, discounting her Eliwood support. It's beautiful.


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5 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

…People use this function for gameplay purposes?

Yes. Although my favorite waifu is Lucina, I usually prioritize game play above all else. My first and only legal waifu so far is BH!Lyn, although I may change it to husbando Reinhardt.

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