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Grand Hero Battle: Lyon


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The dark prince of Grado himself has arrived at last...

Infernal Map:



Infernal enemy stats:




HP: 66
ATK: 53
SPD: 23
DEF: 29
RES: 35

Weapon: Naglfar
Assist: N/A
Special: Vengeance

A: Atk/Res 2
B: Seal Atk/Spd 2
C: Drive Res 2

Sword Dragon:


HP: 57
ATK: 52
SPD: 30
DEF: 39
RES: 21

Weapon: Zanbato
Assist: N/A
Special: Draconic Aura

A: Steady Stance 3
B: Hit and Run
C: Drive Def 2

Lance Cavalier:


HP: 57
ATK: 51
SPD: 27
DEF: 28
RES: 33

Weapon: Slaying Lance+
Assist: N/A
Special: Moonbow

A: Brazen Atk/Def 3
B: Drag Back
C: Hone Atk 3

Blue Manakete:


HP: 61
ATK: 48
SPD: 33
DEF: 32
RES: 31

Weapon: Dark Breath+
Assist: N/A
Special: Escutheon

A: Sturdy Blow 2
B: Lunge
C: Savage Blow 3

Green Manakete:


HP: 61
ATK: 48
SPD: 33
DEF: 32
RES: 31

Weapon: Dark Breath+
Assist: N/A
Special: Pavise

A: Steady Blow 2
B: Lunge
C: Savage Blow 3

Blue Mage:


HP: 52
ATK: 49
SPD: 38
DEF: 25
RES: 34

Weapon: Keen Blarwolf+
Assist: N/A
Special: Iceberg

A: Fury 3
B: Seal Res 3
C: Atk Tactic 3

Sword Knight (Reinforcement):


HP: 76
ATK: 57
SPD: 17
DEF: 44
RES: 21

Weapon: Silver Sword+
Assist: N/A
Special: Reprisal

A: Death Blow 3
B: Bold FIghter 3
C: Panic Ploy 3

Green Mage Cavalier (Reinforcement):


HP: 45
ATK: 53
SPD: 31
DEF: 21
RES: 40

Weapon: Keen Gronnwolf+
Assist: N/A
Special: Glacies

A: Fury 3
B: Quick Riposte 3
C: Drive Atk 2

Bow Cavalier (Reinforcement):


HP: 55
ATK: 50
SPD: 24
DEF: 27
RES: 25

Weapon: Guard Bow+
Assist: N/A
Special: Luna

A: Death Blow 3
B: Seal Atk/Def 2
C: Savage Blow 3

Lance Dragon (Reinforcement):


HP: 54
ATK: 54
SPD: 30
DEF: 41
RES: 21

Weapon: Slaying Spear+
Assist: N/A
Special: Bonfire

A: Atk/Def 2
B: Hit and Run
C: Threaten Def 3

Axe Flier (Reinforcement):


HP: 52
ATK: 45
SPD: 40
DEF: 23
RES: 41

Weapon: Slaying Hammer+
Assist: N/A
Special: Iceberg

A: Spd/Res 2
B: Hit and Run
C: Spd Ploy 3

Axe Knight (Reinforcement):


HP: 76
ATK: 57
SPD: 17
DEF: 44
RES: 21

Weapon: Silver Axe+
Assist: N/A
Special: Moonbow

A: Fierce Stance 3
B: Vengeful Fighter 3
C: Panic Ploy 3

Sword Cavalier (Reinforcement):


HP: 57
ATK: 57
SPD: 32
DEF: 23
RES: 28

Weapon: Firesweep Sword+
Assist: N/A
Special: Miracle

A: Life and Death 3
B: Drag Back
C: Drive Spd 2


There's a LOT of reinforcements, so you better move aggressively or else you'll be overwhelmed.

Edited by RandomSwordmaster
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23 minutes ago, RandomSwordmaster said:

But what powerful dark magics will come in tow with him...?

probably just naglfar, he can summon, but I don't think we will get that in heroes.

I just hope it's not like in awakening where he came across as evil all the time, I would much prefer his version where he is not evil, would be great if they could put emphasis on his being possesed, rather than have have him be all "I am the demon king bow before me mortal!!!!" so far I have enjoyed heroes' writing of several characters and antagonists, and I would hate for lyon to break the streak.

@Glennstavos It will be more weird when we have three lyons running around.

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This is all I have wanted from Heroes. I said it once, and I'll say it again, I am BEYOND excited for this. I got Dancer Inigo, Micaiah, and now Lyon. If we can get some heron laguz or Rafiel and Nailah, my life will be complete. I really, really hope he gets good art and not scary, twisted art. That would make for really cool damaged art, but my favorite part about Lyon is that he's one of the main villains that doesn't look like "OMG I'm so EVIL.LOOK AT MY EVIL FACE" for most of the game. >.>

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14 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Emo possessed necromancer prince? Bring it on. Micaiah can take anything and deal it back!.. unless he is green for some unholy reason.

Yeah, and hopefully Lyon will have Oliver-tier speed if Naglfar still weighs like a sack of bricks (he takes a -11 speed penalty from Naglfar in FE8 just for reference, and he only had 16 Spd in his final fight to begin with). It'd make it all the easier to kick his teeth in.

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He seems like a blue mage to me but since he's a dark magic user it can only be assumed he's getting the red tome treatment. It's a shame because I kinda liked him and I think blue suits him more.

That being said, Valter re-run after him and a Tempest mini that likely revolves around SS characters means we're probably going to get more of them. ROSS, WHERE YOU AT?

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9 minutes ago, Zeo said:

He seems like a blue mage to me but since he's a dark magic user it can only be assumed he's getting the red tome treatment. It's a shame because I kinda liked him and I think blue suits him more.

That being said, Valter re-run after him and a Tempest mini that likely revolves around SS characters means we're probably going to get more of them. ROSS, WHERE YOU AT?

The other argument for red is colour balance - currently there are 16 blue mages, 15 green ones and only 13 red.

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The main question I have is whether he's getting the BST boost recent units have gotten and a CYL-tier legendary weapon effect.

Also I really hope they don't mess up his art like they did with Lloyd

Edited by Korath88
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Been waiting for some more Sacred Stones units, but wasn't expecting Lyon to come out, well, just like that :D I mean, it was all so out-of-nowhere. I expected something like a Sacred Stone summoning event to be announced, and GHB to be revealed only later. But don't get me wrong, I'm super happy actually, since Sacred Stones is one of those games that I just couldn't put down. I hope (and think that) the New Heroes Summon will be Sacred Stones unit, would be even more happier if Neimi the archer with whom I destroyed nearly everyone would be added. As for Lyon, I really don't know what he will be like. Probably Red Tome, but that's as far as my guessings go... But yeah, please don't make him look like some evil edgelord, there are probably people playing FE Heroes who haven't played Sacred Stones, and I don't want them to get the wrong impression.

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Finally, the most well-written villain in the game is in Heroes. I wonder if he will be buffer like Eirika and Ephraim. It would be fitting actually. And which map will the use? I guessing it will be “Father and Son” from Ephraim’s path or the first part of final chapter.

I’m very curious about his voice actor. It has to be someone with soft spoken voice. Robbie Daymond, Lucien Dodge and Justin Briner are my biggest hopes for him.

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Lyon probably means that new banner is SS related, as well as that TT I didn't notice in the events.

This could be fun, though I wonder who'd be in the 40% besides the banner units.

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2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Lyon probably means that new banner is SS related, as well as that TT I didn't notice in the events.

This could be fun, though I wonder who'd be in the 40% besides the banner units.

I also wonder who would be the reward unit. I would say Marisa or L'Arachel, but L'Arachel would probably be a healer, and I don't think a healer would be a reward unit tho... I honestly have no idea.

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LYON! Finally, the GHB I've wanted since launch is finally coming to FEH!

I assume he'll be a Red Tome (as much as I'd like him to be a Green Tome to complete the colour triangle with the Twins) and in-built Close Counter would be cool to compensate for the lack of Summoning, but I doubt that'd happen (why DON'T we have any in-built Close Counters yet?)

This also makes me very eager to see what the next banner and Tempest Trial will be. I had a theory that Book 2 would have a Sacred Stones focus early on and I really hope I'm proven right!!

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My favorite Fire Emblem antagonist in the series is finally here. If we do get a Sacred Stones banner it really should have Myrrh in it because to this day only 1 green dragon unit is simply disgusting. So for the banner I would hope for these characters prioritized with each said color.

L'Arachel - Colorless

Myrrh/Duessel - Green

Blue - Cormag

Gerik/Marisa - Red

Edited by AbsoluteZer0Nova
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7 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

LYON! Finally, the GHB I've wanted since launch is finally coming to FEH!

I assume he'll be a Red Tome (as much as I'd like him to be a Green Tome to complete the colour triangle with the Twins) and in-built Close Counter would be cool to compensate for the lack of Summoning, but I doubt that'd happen (why DON'T we have any in-built Close Counters yet?)

This also makes me very eager to see what the next banner and Tempest Trial will be. I had a theory that Book 2 would have a Sacred Stones focus early on and I really hope I'm proven right!!

Same here.

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Yay, Lyon!  He's my favorite antagonistc character in FE, so hopefully Heroes does him justice.  

He'll probably be an infantry red mage with Naglfar.  Dark tomes have been consistently red since the start, there's no way he won't be red.  Odin uses Thunder magic, so he doesn't count.

Dunno if we'll get the summoning thing, since it seems hard to implement with Heroes' UI.

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Dark Excalibur and Dark Aura exist so I could see him being any color, but red seems to be the likely choice.

Built-in CC would be amazing. Boosted BST with an extremely low Spd stat would also be cool for him. Like a powercreeped Sophia/Henry.

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7 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

Dark Excalibur and Dark Aura exist so I could see him being any color, but red seems to be the likely choice.

Built-in CC would be amazing. Boosted BST with an extremely low Spd stat would also be cool for him. Like a powercreeped Sophia/Henry.

Actually, Dark Aura and Dark Excalibur aren’t really good examples, since in japanese, if I’m not mistaken, they are called “Echoes Aura” and “Echoes Excalibur”, so it has little do to with darkness.

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