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General Weapon Refinery discussion/speculation/creation thread


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2 minutes ago, SlipperySlippy said:

Katarina getting 'Chill Speed' to align with Lilina/Soren's refines seems likely.

I bet Nephenee will just get the Wo Dao + Slaying Spear similar to Minerva/Karel's weapons. 

For Titania I have no idea. She already slays dragons pretty well, so I'm impartial to it being effective against dragons. I guess more Nowi counters is good, but in the end the Japanese name shows no real indication of what the skills would be.  

Maybe they guve her the Felicia treatment? 

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11 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Kind of sort of.

"Loyalty and bravery" is 義勇 (giyuu), literally righteousness 義 (gi) smooshed together with bravery 勇 (yuu). The entire compound can be translated as one as "heroism", but I used a more verbose translation because "hero" is kind of a loaded word.

The "brave" in Brave weapons is 勇者の (yuusha no), literally "hero's" as in 勇者の槍 (yuusha no yari), "hero's lance", for Brave Lance. The word for "hero", 勇者 (yuusha), can be deconstructed as "brave person" (and is also the Japanese name of the Hero class).

So these words are related (sort of) after all.  I did thought it could be fun if Dauntless Lace was blue version of Amiti...

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Some new and revised suggestions:


Seliph - Heir of Light


Refine (All) - Changes bonus to Brazen Atk/Def 3

Refine Skill - Desperate Counter (If unit's HP is less than or equal to 80% and foe initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.)


Seliph's refined weapon is meant to make his original design more effective, while adding in a complementary enemy phase bonus. With this, he would become a low hp-monster with a weakness to mages.


Eliwood - Knight of Lycia


Refine (All) - Changes bonus from Death Blow 2 to Fury 3.

Refine Skill - Def Ploy 3


Eliwood's weapon is an odd upgrade on the original, changing Death Blow 2 to a skill that synergizes more with Eliwood's stats. It also refines with Def Ploy 3, to play off of Eliwood's high resistance and help him death with common high-tier threats.


Robin - High Deliverer

The Art of War

If unit is adjacent to support partner, grants both unit and support partner Atk/Def +6 during combat.

Refine - If foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff and unit's Def > foe's Def, foe cannot make a follow-up attack.


Robin's tome is intended to complement both his tactician/support characterization and his Heroes' role of being an enemy phase tank.


Hawkeye - Desert Guardian

Guardian's Axe

Effective against Dragon's. Renewal 3

Refine - Guard 3


Hawkeye's axe is meant to make him into a solid anti-dragon tank. 


Jakob - Devoted Servant

Gentleman's Dagger

After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

Refine - Underdog (During combat, compares unit's hp/atk/spd/def/res to foe's. For every stat of foe that is higher than that of unit, gain atk +2. Calculated before all combat boosts are applied.)


Jakob is a unit with well-rounded stats, but no real stand-outs. This refine should grant him a solid damage boost against most units, as most will have higher stats in multiple areas.


Odin - Potent Force


Deals +10 damage when Special triggers.

Refine - Underdog (During combat, compares unit's hp/atk/spd/def/res to foe's. For every stat of foe that is higher than that of unit, gain atk +2. Calculated before all combat boosts are applied.)


Same as Jakob. This should give Odin a much needed damage boost. 



Ace of Spears

If the sum of unit's Def + Spd > the sum of foe's Def + Spd, boosts damage dealt by 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage.)

Refine - Def/Spd Push 3


Subaki's spear is meant to give him a much needed damage boost while playing off his naturally high defense and speed.


Shigure - Uplifing Artist

Spear of Ballads

If unit is within 2 spaces of support partner, grants Atk/Spd +4 during combat.

Refine - "If unit is within 2 spaces of support partner, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to that ally during combat.".


Shigure's spear is meant to highlight his supportive nature as Azura's son, while also complementing his naturally offensive spread.


Legault - The Hurricane

Eye of the Hurricane

After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Spd/Def/Res -7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.

Refine - If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, boosts damage dealt by 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage. Combos with Phantom Spd.)

Legault's dagger is meant to take full advantage of his high speed.


Kaze - Easygoing Ninja

Kaze's Shuriken

After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-5 on foe through its next action. Grants unit Def/Res+5 for 1 turn.

Mirror Stance 3

Refine - If unit's Res > foe's Res, boosts damage dealt by 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage.)


Kaze's dagger is meant to take full advantage of his high resistance. It uses the Rogue Dagger as base instead of the typical silver dagger in order to further complement this. Try using him as a mixed phase magic tank with this weapon.

Edited by Etheus
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I would like Donnel to gets a new weapon but since Awakening lacks of legendary weapon exclusifs to him, then I was thinking about what weapon could fits to him and his effects. 

At first, I thought about Farmer's fork, but it's maybe too much... For the effect:

When attacked gives +7 attack to the owner. 


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10 hours ago, Etheus said:

Some new and revised suggestions:


Seliph - Heir of Light


Refine (All) - Changes bonus to Brazen Atk/Def 3
Refine Skill - If unit’s Def ≥ foe’s Def+5, foe cannot make a follow-up attack. 


Seliph's refined weapon is meant to make his original design more effective, while adding in a complementary tanking bonus. Seliph's defense is not remarkably high for melee, but it will help him against the more high-damage threats - especially mages. 


Eliwood - Knight of Lycia


Refine (All) - Effective against dragon foes. Changes bonus from Death Blow 2 to Swift Sparrow 2

Refine Skill - Def Ploy 3


Eliwood's weapon is an odd upgrade on the original, changing Death Blow 2 into a much more usable skill. It also gains dragon slayer in reference to the sword's purpose, allowing Eliwood to be an interesting player phase dragon slayer. It also refines with Def Ploy 3, to play off of Eliwood's high resistance and help him slay those dragons.


Robin - High Deliverer

The Art of War

If unit is adjacent to support partner, grants both unit and support partner Atk/Def +6 during combat.

Refine - If foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff and unit's Def > foe's Def, foe cannot make a follow-up attack.


Robin's tome is intended to complement both his tactician/support characterization and his Heroes' role of being an enemy phase tank.


Hawkeye - Desert Guardian

Guardian's Axe

Effective against Dragon's. Renewal 3

Refine - Guard 3


Hawkeye's axe is meant to make him into a solid anti-dragon tank. 


Jacob - Devoted Servant

Gentleman's Dagger

After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.

Refine - Underdog (During combat, compares unit's hp/atk/spd/def/res to foe's. For every stat of foe that is higher than that of unit, gain atk +2. Calculated before all combat boosts are applied.)


Jakob is a unit with well-rounded stats, but no real stand-outs. This refine should grant him a solid damage boost against most units, as most will have higher stats in multiple areas.


Odin - Potent Force


Deals +10 damage when Special triggers.

Refine - Underdog (During combat, compares unit's hp/atk/spd/def/res to foe's. For every stat of foe that is higher than that of unit, gain atk +2. Calculated before all combat boosts are applied.)


Same as Jakob. This should give Odin a much needed damage boost. 



Ace of Spears

If unit's Def > foe's Def, boosts damage dealt by 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage.)

Refine - Sturdy Stance 2


Subaki's spear is meant to give him a much needed damage boost while playing off his naturally high defense.


Shigure - Uplifing Artist

Spear of Ballads

If unit is within 2 spaces of support partner, grants Atk/Spd +6 during combat.

Refine - "If unit is within 2 spaces of support partner, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to that ally during combat.".


Shigure's spear is meant to highlight his supportive nature as Azura's son, while also complementing his naturally offensive spread.


Legault - The Hurricane

Eye of the Hurricane

After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.

Refine - If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, boosts damage dealt by 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage. Combos with Phantom Spd.)

Legault's dagger is meant to take full advantage of his high speed.


Kaze - Easygoing Ninja

Kaze's Shuriken

After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-5 on foe through its next action. Grants unit Def/Res+5 for 1 turn.

Refine - If unit's Res > foe's Res, boosts damage dealt by 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage.)


Kaze's dagger is meant to take full advantage of his high resistance. It uses the Rogue Dagger as base instead of the typical silver dagger in order to further complement this. Try using him as a mixed phase magic tank with this weapon.

I'll share some of my thoughts on these weapons

Seliph: While brazens are good in general, they're rather slow to proc and as a weapon I feel like there could be better options. I feel that maybe he's better off having a wave skill every turn or something like that. The special refinement isn't that good as it's way too weak. I understand that you meant it to negate doubles from ranged units and you're probably going to want to run DC, but if you need a very specific skill for the special refinement that requires specific match ups then it ends up being bad overall

Eliwood: Way too powerful. Powercreeping Siegbert's weapon especially. Dragon effectiveness maybe, of that I'm not sure. I'd switch swift sparrow out for something else like a conditional swift sparrow. One that comes to mind is Hinoka's Spear, but maybe with infantry and armors nearby instead. Def ploy as a refinement is decent, but maybe something else like Camilla's drive skill. Not suggesting you replace the special refinement, just offering possibilities

Robin: it's decent

Hawkeye: also decent

Jakob: Give something extra on the initial effect like Felicia has. The smoke skill is like flier effectiveness on bows so it's standard for every dagger. Cooldown trigger -1 perhaps? Otherwise pretty good. Kudos for the refine idea. I like it

Odin: Is a tome user so it's what I'd consider to be acceptable and good at the same time. Tho, Dark Excalibur refinement when

Subaki: Neutral 35 defense isn't what I'd consider high enough to run the initial effect and the refinement powercreeps Shiro. Perhaps you make it so that up to +7 damage when unit's speed+defense - foe's speed+defense. As for the refinement, spd/def push 3 as it's what I'd translate Subaki's personal skill as for Heroes

Shigure: I'm not sure why he's on the list since he's really good. I'll refrain from reviewing his weapon

Legault: Same thing I said about Jakob's weapon.

Kaze: Same as above

3 hours ago, Kozac said:

I would like Donnel to gets a new weapon but since Awakening lacks of legendary weapon exclusifs to him, then I was thinking about what weapon could fits to him and his effects. 

At first, I thought about Farmer's fork, but it's maybe too much... For the effect:

When attacked gives +7 attack to the owner. 


You can just use the crusader's weapons and just add "extinguished". Something like Extinguished Gas Bolg. QR2 is way too weak as a refinement. Perhaps you can focus on the harvesting aspects of the weapon itself like Carrot Lance for healing or something like that

Edited by silveraura25
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So Titania, what if, and I'm just putting it out there, but what if it gave a built in Draconic Aura effect to all specials like how Ephraim's solar brace does healing?

Seems like it might be OP, and is definitely unlikely, but I can dream.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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10 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

I'll share some of my thoughts on these weapons

Seliph: While brazens are good in general, they're rather slow to proc and as a weapon I feel like there could be better options. I feel that maybe he's better off having a wave skill every turn or something like that. The special refinement isn't that good as it's way too weak. I understand that you meant it to negate doubles from ranged units and you're probably going to want to run DC, but if you need a very specific skill for the special refinement that requires specific match ups then it ends up being bad overall

Eliwood: Way too powerful. Powercreeping Siegbert's weapon especially. Dragon effectiveness maybe, of that I'm not sure. I'd switch swift sparrow out for something else like a conditional swift sparrow. One that comes to mind is Hinoka's Spear, but maybe with infantry and armors nearby instead. Def ploy as a refinement is decent, but maybe something else like Camilla's drive skill. Not suggesting you replace the special refinement, just offering possibilities

Robin: it's decent

Hawkeye: also decent

Jakob: Give something extra on the initial effect like Felicia has. The smoke skill is like flier effectiveness on bows so it's standard for every dagger. Cooldown trigger -1 perhaps? Otherwise pretty good. Kudos for the refine idea. I like it

Odin: Is a tome user so it's what I'd consider to be acceptable and good at the same time. Tho, Dark Excalibur refinement when

Subaki: Neutral 35 defense isn't what I'd consider high enough to run the initial effect and the refinement powercreeps Shiro. Perhaps you make it so that up to +7 damage when unit's speed+defense - foe's speed+defense. As for the refinement, spd/def push 3 as it's what I'd translate Subaki's personal skill as for Heroes

Shigure: I'm not sure why he's on the list since he's really good. I'll refrain from reviewing his weapon

Legault: Same thing I said about Jakob's weapon.

Kaze: Same as above

You can just use the crusader's weapons and just add "extinguished". Something like Extinguished Gas Bolg. QR2 is way too weak as a refinement. Perhaps you can focus on the harvesting aspects of the weapon itself like Carrot Lance for healing or something like that

I made some adjustments based on feedback.


Seliph - kept Brazen Atk/Def, as I still feel that it is in line with his original design while being distinct in purpose from Divine Tyrfing. Changed second skill to a new skill that synergizes.

Eliwood - changed bonuses to Fury 3 (all refines), Def Ploy (refine skill). Removed dragon slayer.

Jakob - Added special cooldown charge -1.

Legault - Added Spd Smoke 3 to the debuffs.

Kaze - Added Mirror Stance 3 to complement the other bonuses. 



As for Shigure, I included him because I strongly disagree with releasing new units without a prf weapon. I feel that every unit, regardless of viability, (perhaps barring dancers), should have a prf weapon, with weaker units having stronger ones. After all, every unit should be able to maximize their arena score. I did, however, slightly nerf the effects of his proposed weapon and try to make it distinct in purpose from his innate Harmonic Lance.

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10 hours ago, Etheus said:

As for Shigure, I included him because I strongly disagree with releasing new units without a prf weapon. I feel that every unit, regardless of viability, (perhaps barring dancers), should have a prf weapon, with weaker units having stronger ones. After all, every unit should be able to maximize their arena score. I did, however, slightly nerf the effects of his proposed weapon and try to make it distinct in purpose from his innate Harmonic Lance.

I'm of the exact opposite opinion. I'm sick and tired of every other new unit having an uninheritable weapon. It locks characters into specific roles and decreases the availability of inheritable weapons. (Alternatively, the uninheritable weapon is trash, in which case the character has still not added to the availability of inheritable weapons and probably won't be getting anything better anytime in the foreseeable future.) Worst of all for me, it adds far greater demand for Divine Dew (even if you have every Divine Dew available in the game, there's not enough to refine anywhere near every refinable weapon) and shrinks demand for gold rocks. The retroactive adding of uninheritable weapons also renders gold rocks spent on those characters to be completely wasted.

Highlighting this, of all the inheritable tomes in this game in the regular summoning pool, only one of them is available from more than one source in the regular summoning pool (Blarblade), three of them are only available from 5-star-exclusive pulls (Raudhrowl, Blarserpent, Keen Gronnwolf), and three non-seasonal inheritable tomes are not in the regular summoning pool at all (Keen Blarwolf, Shine, Thoron).


And here's the entire list:

  • Bolganone: Lilina
  • Fenrir: Sophia
  • Raudhrblade: Tharja
  • (Keen) Raudhrwolf: Raigh
  • Raudhrraven: Henry
  • Raudhrowl: Katarina (5-star exclusive), Canas (limited release)
  • Raudhrserpent: Doesn't yet exist
  • Thoron: Not yet in the regular summoning pool
  • Shine: Oliver (limited release)
  • Blarblade: Odin, Tailtiu
  • (Keen) Blarwolf: Ursula (limited release)
  • Blarraven: Robin (M)
  • Blarowl: Mae
  • Blarserpent: Morgan (F) (5-star exclusive)
  • Rexcalibur: Soren
  • Gronnblade: Nino
  • (Keen) Gronnwolf: Robin (F) (limited release), Rhajat (5-star exclusive)
  • Gronnraven: Cecilia
  • Gronnowl: Boey
  • Gronnserpent: Doesn't yet exist

Compared to physical weapons (only melee because this is a lot of work):

  • Silver Sword: Laslow, Olivia
  • Brave Sword: Cain, Draug, Ogma, Luke (5-star exclusive), Arden (limited release)
  • Killing Edge / Slaying Edge: Fir, Lon'qu, Saber (5-star exclusive), Navarre (limited release)
  • Wo Dao: Athena, Karel (5-star exclusive), Marisa (limited release)
  • Armorslayer / Armorsmasher: Caeda, Hana, Selena, Tobin (limited release)
  • Zanbato: Gray (5-star exclusive)
  • Ruby Sword: Hinata, Palla, Seth, Stahl
  • Firesweep Sword: Soleil
  • Safeguard: Lene (5-star exclusive)
  • Silver Lance: Clair, Effie, Jagen, Clive (limited release)
  • Brave Lance: Abel, Cordelia, Donnel, Hinoka (5-star exclusive), Finn (limited release)
  • Killer Lance / Slaying Lance: Catria, Gwendolyn, Lukas, Peri, Shanna, Nephenee (5-star exclusive)
  • Harmonic Lance: Shigure
  • Heavy Spear / Slaying Spear: Est, Florina, Oboro
  • Ridersbane: Mathilda
  • Sapphire Lance: Oscar, Subaki, Sully, Azura (5-star exclusive)
  • Firesweep Lance: Roderick
  • Silver Axe: Gunter
  • Brave Axe: Barst, Camilla, Raven
  • Killer Axe / Slaying Axe: Beruka, Hawkeye, Sheena, Amelia (5-star exclusive)
  • Harmonic Axe: Doesn't yet exist
  • Hammer / Slaying Hammer: Bartre, Cherche, Frederick
  • Poleaxe: Gerome (limited release)
  • Emerald Axe: Arthur, Titania, Narcian (limited release)
  • Firesweep Axe: Doesn't yet exist

Of the 26 characters added to the standard summoning pool this year, only 7 of them had an inheritable weapon, 6 of them were brand new and still only have one source, and 3 of them are 5-star exclusive.

My opinion is that characters should only be given uninheritable weapons either when lore dictates (Hardin with Gradivus, for example) or when a character has become so overshadowed by other options that no inheritable weapon redeems them and new inheritable weapons can't close the gap (Fir with Nameless Blade, Navarre in his current state). I suppose alts can also be excused for the fact that they're meant to be fancy (which might just count as "lore dictates").

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:
  • Harmonic Axe: Doesn't yet exist

God, NO. Please, IS translate the name properly to match Wo Dao. I would be terribly disappointed to see them butcher the name like they did with Shigure.

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2 minutes ago, SlipperySlippy said:

God, NO. Please, IS translate the name properly to match Wo Dao. I would be terribly disappointed to see them butcher the name like they did with Shigure.

Wo Axeo

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7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm of the exact opposite opinion. I'm sick and tired of every other new unit having an uninheritable weapon. It locks characters into specific roles and decreases the availability of inheritable weapons. (Alternatively, the uninheritable weapon is trash, in which case the character has still not added to the availability of inheritable weapons and probably won't be getting anything better anytime in the foreseeable future.) Worst of all for me, it adds far greater demand for Divine Dew (even if you have every Divine Dew available in the game, there's not enough to refine anywhere near every refinable weapon) and shrinks demand for gold rocks. The retroactive adding of uninheritable weapons also renders gold rocks spent on those characters to be completely wasted.

Highlighting this, of all the inheritable tomes in this game in the regular summoning pool, only one of them is available from more than one source in the regular summoning pool (Blarblade), three of them are only available from 5-star-exclusive pulls (Raudhrowl, Blarserpent, Keen Gronnwolf), and three non-seasonal inheritable tomes are not in the regular summoning pool at all (Keen Blarwolf, Shine, Thoron).

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And here's the entire list:

  • Bolganone: Lilina
  • Fenrir: Sophia
  • Raudhrblade: Tharja
  • (Keen) Raudhrwolf: Raigh
  • Raudhrraven: Henry
  • Raudhrowl: Katarina (5-star exclusive), Canas (limited release)
  • Raudhrserpent: Doesn't yet exist
  • Thoron: Not yet in the regular summoning pool
  • Shine: Oliver (limited release)
  • Blarblade: Odin, Tailtiu
  • (Keen) Blarwolf: Ursula (limited release)
  • Blarraven: Robin (M)
  • Blarowl: Mae
  • Blarserpent: Morgan (F) (5-star exclusive)
  • Rexcalibur: Soren
  • Gronnblade: Nino
  • (Keen) Gronnwolf: Robin (F) (limited release), Rhajat (5-star exclusive)
  • Gronnraven: Cecilia
  • Gronnowl: Boey
  • Gronnserpent: Doesn't yet exist

Compared to physical weapons (only melee because this is a lot of work):

  • Silver Sword: Laslow, Olivia
  • Brave Sword: Cain, Draug, Ogma, Luke (5-star exclusive), Arden (limited release)
  • Killing Edge / Slaying Edge: Fir, Lon'qu, Saber (5-star exclusive), Navarre (limited release)
  • Wo Dao: Athena, Karel (5-star exclusive), Marisa (limited release)
  • Armorslayer / Armorsmasher: Caeda, Hana, Selena, Tobin (limited release)
  • Zanbato: Gray (5-star exclusive)
  • Ruby Sword: Hinata, Palla, Seth, Stahl
  • Firesweep Sword: Soleil
  • Safeguard: Lene (5-star exclusive)
  • Silver Lance: Clair, Effie, Jagen, Clive (limited release)
  • Brave Lance: Abel, Cordelia, Donnel, Hinoka (5-star exclusive), Finn (limited release)
  • Killer Lance / Slaying Lance: Catria, Gwendolyn, Lukas, Peri, Shanna, Nephenee (5-star exclusive)
  • Harmonic Lance: Shigure
  • Heavy Spear / Slaying Spear: Est, Florina, Oboro
  • Ridersbane: Mathilda
  • Sapphire Lance: Oscar, Subaki, Sully, Azura (5-star exclusive)
  • Firesweep Lance: Roderick
  • Silver Axe: Gunter
  • Brave Axe: Barst, Camilla, Raven
  • Killer Axe / Slaying Axe: Beruka, Hawkeye, Sheena, Amelia (5-star exclusive)
  • Harmonic Axe: Doesn't yet exist
  • Hammer / Slaying Hammer: Bartre, Cherche, Frederick
  • Poleaxe: Gerome (limited release)
  • Emerald Axe: Arthur, Titania, Narcian (limited release)
  • Firesweep Axe: Doesn't yet exist

Of the 26 characters added to the standard summoning pool this year, only 7 of them had an inheritable weapon, 6 of them were brand new and still only have one source, and 3 of them are 5-star exclusive.

My opinion is that characters should only be given uninheritable weapons either when lore dictates (Hardin with Gradivus, for example) or when a character has become so overshadowed by other options that no inheritable weapon redeems them and new inheritable weapons can't close the gap (Fir with Nameless Blade, Navarre in his current state). I suppose alts can also be excused for the fact that they're meant to be fancy (which might just count as "lore dictates").

I would like to have more options for magic users...

But we make them appealing without making it more powerful (and so... uninheritable).

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1 minute ago, Troykv said:

I would like to have more options for magic users...

But we make them appealing without making it more powerful (and so... uninheritable).

Sorry... It was supposed to say

"I would like to have more options for magic users...

But how would we make them appealing without making it too powerful (and so... uninheritable)?"

The page didn't allow me to edit it.

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10 hours ago, SlipperySlippy said:

God, NO. Please, IS translate the name properly to match Wo Dao. I would be terribly disappointed to see them butcher the name like they did with Shigure.

I honestly have no hope for this game's localization team anymore, especially after their localization of Windex.


10 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

Wo Axeo

Wo Ge or Wo Fu are the most likely names to use depending on the type of axe. A ge is the Chinese halberd and a fu is a standard axe.

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17 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm of the exact opposite opinion. I'm sick and tired of every other new unit having an uninheritable weapon. It locks characters into specific roles and decreases the availability of inheritable weapons. (Alternatively, the uninheritable weapon is trash, in which case the character has still not added to the availability of inheritable weapons and probably won't be getting anything better anytime in the foreseeable future.) Worst of all for me, it adds far greater demand for Divine Dew (even if you have every Divine Dew available in the game, there's not enough to refine anywhere near every refinable weapon) and shrinks demand for gold rocks. The retroactive adding of uninheritable weapons also renders gold rocks spent on those characters to be completely wasted.

Highlighting this, of all the inheritable tomes in this game in the regular summoning pool, only one of them is available from more than one source in the regular summoning pool (Blarblade), three of them are only available from 5-star-exclusive pulls (Raudhrowl, Blarserpent, Keen Gronnwolf), and three non-seasonal inheritable tomes are not in the regular summoning pool at all (Keen Blarwolf, Shine, Thoron).

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And here's the entire list:

  • Bolganone: Lilina
  • Fenrir: Sophia
  • Raudhrblade: Tharja
  • (Keen) Raudhrwolf: Raigh
  • Raudhrraven: Henry
  • Raudhrowl: Katarina (5-star exclusive), Canas (limited release)
  • Raudhrserpent: Doesn't yet exist
  • Thoron: Not yet in the regular summoning pool
  • Shine: Oliver (limited release)
  • Blarblade: Odin, Tailtiu
  • (Keen) Blarwolf: Ursula (limited release)
  • Blarraven: Robin (M)
  • Blarowl: Mae
  • Blarserpent: Morgan (F) (5-star exclusive)
  • Rexcalibur: Soren
  • Gronnblade: Nino
  • (Keen) Gronnwolf: Robin (F) (limited release), Rhajat (5-star exclusive)
  • Gronnraven: Cecilia
  • Gronnowl: Boey
  • Gronnserpent: Doesn't yet exist

Compared to physical weapons (only melee because this is a lot of work):

  • Silver Sword: Laslow, Olivia
  • Brave Sword: Cain, Draug, Ogma, Luke (5-star exclusive), Arden (limited release)
  • Killing Edge / Slaying Edge: Fir, Lon'qu, Saber (5-star exclusive), Navarre (limited release)
  • Wo Dao: Athena, Karel (5-star exclusive), Marisa (limited release)
  • Armorslayer / Armorsmasher: Caeda, Hana, Selena, Tobin (limited release)
  • Zanbato: Gray (5-star exclusive)
  • Ruby Sword: Hinata, Palla, Seth, Stahl
  • Firesweep Sword: Soleil
  • Safeguard: Lene (5-star exclusive)
  • Silver Lance: Clair, Effie, Jagen, Clive (limited release)
  • Brave Lance: Abel, Cordelia, Donnel, Hinoka (5-star exclusive), Finn (limited release)
  • Killer Lance / Slaying Lance: Catria, Gwendolyn, Lukas, Peri, Shanna, Nephenee (5-star exclusive)
  • Harmonic Lance: Shigure
  • Heavy Spear / Slaying Spear: Est, Florina, Oboro
  • Ridersbane: Mathilda
  • Sapphire Lance: Oscar, Subaki, Sully, Azura (5-star exclusive)
  • Firesweep Lance: Roderick
  • Silver Axe: Gunter
  • Brave Axe: Barst, Camilla, Raven
  • Killer Axe / Slaying Axe: Beruka, Hawkeye, Sheena, Amelia (5-star exclusive)
  • Harmonic Axe: Doesn't yet exist
  • Hammer / Slaying Hammer: Bartre, Cherche, Frederick
  • Poleaxe: Gerome (limited release)
  • Emerald Axe: Arthur, Titania, Narcian (limited release)
  • Firesweep Axe: Doesn't yet exist

Of the 26 characters added to the standard summoning pool this year, only 7 of them had an inheritable weapon, 6 of them were brand new and still only have one source, and 3 of them are 5-star exclusive.

My opinion is that characters should only be given uninheritable weapons either when lore dictates (Hardin with Gradivus, for example) or when a character has become so overshadowed by other options that no inheritable weapon redeems them and new inheritable weapons can't close the gap (Fir with Nameless Blade, Navarre in his current state). I suppose alts can also be excused for the fact that they're meant to be fancy (which might just count as "lore dictates").

Why do they invent things like -serpent, but then don't have plans for adding one of every color to the pool? It's like they're scatterbrained, leaping blindly from one idea to the next as it attracts their limited attention span. And how does not having any form of Blarwolf or Poleaxe in the standard pool benefit IS? You don't spend for TTs and GHBs.

I guess an excuse for personal weapons is that it actually gives a character something that is genuinely unique to them, in a game where beyond BST distributions, everyone in a given color, weapon type, and class has little else definitively separating them. Of course this is undermined by certain skills, like DC, being frequent on personals, which undercuts the uniqueness of personal weapons.

More inheritable weapons sounds better to me, and I don't mind characters being samey. Does Pokemon with its hundreds always do everything possible to avoid matching BST distributions, types, abilities, movesets, and making every Poke competitively balanced? Nope. Despite this, every Pokemon is treasured by someone and not worth excluding, not even you Stanley -er Stanler. 

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11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why do they invent things like -serpent, but then don't have plans for adding one of every color to the pool?

I think they will do it over time. I believe Slaying Weapons took two months for it all to be implemented.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's like they're scatterbrained, leaping blindly from one idea to the next as it attracts their limited attention span. 

They probably are focusing on better skill ideas that attract more money. Serpents are nice, but Owls already fill that Enemy Phase niche pretty well, so maybe Serpents did not pull in enough revenue for them to consider speeding up releasing the rest.



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19 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Wo Ge or Wo Fu are the most likely names to use depending on the type of axe. A ge is the Chinese halberd and a fu is a standard axe.

Out of curiosity, what would the most likely name for a Wo Dao bow be?

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@Ice Dragon Haven't done this a while, but here I go. Not sure how underwhelming or broken these might be. For Abel and Cain: something to boost their offensive stats. Abel like a panther striking down his prey in one full sweep (hence the Regal Blade and semi-Litrblade effect as he's meant to finish things in one round of combat) and Cain charging at his enemies like a bull (conditional Swift Sparrow tied to his epithet and his refine allowing to proc it more easily as well as to pick off foes hiding behind trenches). For Cecilia, well... I'm not sure how broken this is. The idea is that she has two different roles depending on her HP threshold. At first she has a semi-Bold Fighter effect to help trigger her specials (if armored mages can do it then why can't she), but after the first round of combat all allies who meet the requirement get a semi-wrath effect. For Klein I'd thought of making a Hinoka who can do what she can do better when it comes to slaying armored units. Not only can he deal significant damage to the enemy team if they so happen to have these types of units, but he also survives a counterattack from foes using a DC related ability, allowing him to take a hit and finish the job.


  • Panther's Pike (16 Mt): At start of combat, if foe's HP = 100%, grants Atk/Spd+3 during combat.
  • Refinement: Adds total bonuses from Rallies to damage dealt.


  • Bull's Spatha (16 Mt): If number of spaces unit moved this turn ≥ 2, unit granted Atk/Spd+4 during battle.
  • Refinement: Unit ignores movement penalties from trenches.


  • Cecilia's Stratagems (14 Mt): At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100%, grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack, but after combat, if unit attacked, deals 5 damage to unit.
  • Refinement: At start of turn, if unit's HP ≤ 75%, grants Special cooldown count-1 to all allies with HP ≤ 75%.


  • Regal Bow (14 Mt): Effective against flying and armored foes.
  • Refinement: If armored or flying foe uses sword, lance, axe, or breath, damage from first attack received by unit during combat reduced by 30%.
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For anyone who hasn't yet heard or just wants everything in one place:

Reese's Tome has Raudhrowl as its base effect and Spd/Res Ploy 2 as its refine.

Dauntless Lance has Slaying Lance and Slaying Spear as its base effect and Spd/Def Stance 2 as its refine. (Can't confirm the refine in game yet.)

Draconic Poleax has Emerald Axe as its base effect and Res Tactic 3 as its refine.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Can't confirm the refine in game yet.

Can confirm that the special refine is the Spd/Def Stance (so Kestrel + Steady Stance 2).

This time around refinements aren't that exciting tbh. They are all just upgrades to their default weapon, with Titania having clearly drawn the short stick out of this. At least the other two are pretty for their owners.

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12 minutes ago, The Priest said:

Can confirm that the special refine is the Spd/Def Stance (so Kestrel + Steady Stance 2).

Cool, thanks!


12 minutes ago, The Priest said:

This time around refinements aren't that exciting tbh. They are all just upgrades to their default weapon, with Titania having clearly drawn the short stick out of this. At least the other two are pretty for their owners.

At least a refinable Emerald Axe with +4 base Mt is still good. It's just unfortunate that its refine is Res Tactic since Tactic skills are still not a mainstream skill choice.


I would also like to submit a vote of zero competence to the current localization team.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

Huge purple and black flames.

The edgelord inside me is happy.

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