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I already invested on my Seteth with more stuff to increase his support. I am very happy with what he got.

The crazy part is that all those effects stack with multiple copies of Seteth. So if you run 3 copies, that's All Stats+24, +21 Damage and 21 Flat Damage Reduction on first hits.

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4 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

The crazy part is that all those effects stack with multiple copies of Seteth. So if you run 3 copies, that's All Stats+24, +21 Damage and 21 Flat Damage Reduction on first hits.

Even better, run a full team of Seteth so that all 4 copies of him get a total +32 to all stats, +28 additional damage, 28 flat damage reduction, and 7 HP recovery after combat.

Every Seteth effectively quad-wielding Spears of Assal.

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19 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Even better, run a full team of Seteth so that all 4 copies of him get a total +32 to all stats, +28 additional damage, 28 flat damage reduction, and 7 HP recovery after combat.

Every Seteth effectively quad-wielding Spears of Assal.

How good would that genuinely be? It sounds ridiculous, but Seteth himself is also not dominant in direct combat that I feel most broken characters of the month would be able to tear through super Seteth even with 28 damage reduction.

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2 hours ago, Jotari said:

How good would that genuinely be? It sounds ridiculous, but Seteth himself is also not dominant in direct combat that I feel most broken characters of the month would be able to tear through super Seteth even with 28 damage reduction.

The biggest issue with Seteth Emblem is that it's hard-countered by Feud, which limits its viability in Aether Raids offense due to how common Embla still is. We're also getting more units with Feud built into their kits, like the new Festival Lucia and remixed Ulir.

There's also the issue that several competitive game modes don't allow you to use multiple of the same unit and that all of that bulk doesn't help him against AoE Specials.

If those issues aren't in play, though, Seteth Emblem should actually work decently well in theory.


A +10+20 Seteth has 55/92/79/72/64 in raw stats with just his weapon equipped and 3 other Seteths supporting him. This effectively gives him 120 effective Atk, 100 effective Def, and 92 effective Res with the additional damage and flat damage reduction. Those numbers are already comparable to a fully built Young Lissa running a Laguz Friend 4 build, so filling in the passive skill slots will just make him even bulkier. Additionally, with that 79 Spd, you can forgo building additional Spd on him and just go for pure Def/Res.


Now, I probably wouldn't recommend actually doing so unless you have a ton of resources to burn and don't have anything better to do with it.

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32 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The biggest issue with Seteth Emblem is that it's hard-countered by Feud, which limits its viability in Aether Raids offense due to how common Embla still is. We're also getting more units with Feud built into their kits, like the new Festival Lucia and remixed Ulir.

There's also the issue that several competitive game modes don't allow you to use multiple of the same unit and that all of that bulk doesn't help him against AoE Specials.

If those issues aren't in play, though, Seteth Emblem should actually work decently well in theory.


A +10+20 Seteth has 55/92/79/72/64 in raw stats with just his weapon equipped and 3 other Seteths supporting him. This effectively gives him 120 effective Atk, 100 effective Def, and 92 effective Res with the additional damage and flat damage reduction. Those numbers are already comparable to a fully built Young Lissa running a Laguz Friend 4 build, so filling in the passive skill slots will just make him even bulkier. Additionally, with that 79 Spd, you can forgo building additional Spd on him and just go for pure Def/Res.


Now, I probably wouldn't recommend actually doing so unless you have a ton of resources to burn and don't have anything better to do with it.

Those actually are decently high numbers. I was thinking such a build (I do have loads of feathers to waste) could be used to mindless get through the training tower's 4 flier monthly orb, but trouble would probably arise from the auto battle not having him fly in proper formation to maximize boosts. Still, might do it for fun. I only have 11 Seteth combat manuals and no spare Seteths aside from the one I actually use.

Edited by Jotari
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  • 4 weeks later...

It's that time of the year again when we get CYL refines for units 2 years ahead of the regularly scheduled units for whatever reason.

We're also getting remixes for Eitri and Legendary Female Byleth. New Year Keaton is the Grail refine.


Here are my usual hopes and predictions:


Brave Seliph: Holytide Tyrfing

Current effect is:

  • Canto (2)
  • Slaying effect
  • With a Clash condition:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Additional damage equal to 10% of opponent's Def times the number of spaces moved by attacking unit, maximum 4 spaces counted
    • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
      • Miracle effect

For reference, his exclusive C skill grants him +6 Atk/Spd, +1 movement, and Null Follow-Up as status effects.

Seliph currently lacks any defensive effects other than his weapon's Miracle effect, so it's likely he'll get damage reduction of some sort. There's also a decent chance that he'll get passive healing to help him keep Miracle active.

Offensively, he wants Tempo, as he has no access to it normally, and he can't run Def Wave 4 due to his exclusive skill taking the slot. He's also missing percentage damage reduction nullification on his base kit, but he already has access to it from No Quarter, which is his optimal Special.

Brave Chrom: Geirdriful

Current effect is:

  • Effective damage against armor
  • Slaying effect
  • With a Blow-or-Unity condition:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Boost to all stats in combat equal to 2 times the number of non-stat Bonuses and Penalties on unit
    • 40% damage reduction on opponent's first attack
    • If unit has a Bonus:
      • Pledge effect

For reference, his exclusive Assist skill is Reposition, grants himself all Bonuses on the target, and inflicts Isolation on himself.

Chrom most notably has a lot of skills vying for his B slot, as he's one of the few units that can viably run Link 4 and Snag 4, but he doesn't have Canto on his weapon and is stuck either running Near Trace in his B slot or Alarm in his C slot. Ideally, he'd want Canto moved to his weapon so that the player can choose between Link 4 and Snag 4, but because he already has S/D Near Trace 3 in his base kit, that's unlikely.

Additionally, he's notably missing Null Follow-Up in his base kit and is intended to get the effect by using his default Inf. Spd Tactic to give it to an ally and then copy it with his Assist skill, but that limits his teambuilding options, is awkward to use in practice, and locks him into running the now outdated Inf. Spd Tactic instead of a stronger C skill.

His weapon is also clearly designed for him to be running Aether, but Aether is less reliable than No Quarter due to the increasing prevalence of Guard. Tempo would help make Aether more reliable, and percentage damage reduction nullification would close the offensive gap with No Quarter.

Legendary Female Byleth: Professorial Guide

Current effect is:

  • Slaying effect
  • With a Blow-or-Unity condition:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Tempo effect
  • Grants the following effects to allies within 2 spaces:
    • Tempo effect

For reference, her remix gives gives her pre-combat Pulse, Scowl, and increases the condition from a Unity condition to Ploy 4 range. Her new skill is Atk/Spd Finish 4, replacing Atk/Spd Ideal 4.

Most likely, she'll get parity with Legendary Male Byleth. The only things Male Byleth has that she doesn't is damage reduction, percentage damage reduction nullification, and penalty nullification, so I'm basically just expecting those. Also updating her Unity condition and Drive effect to Ploy 4 range to match Male Byleth and her remixed exclusive skill.

Eitri: Grim Brokkr

Current effect is:

  • Permanent +3 Atk
  • On turns 1-4:
    • Canto (2)
  • With a Blow-or-Solo condition:
    • -6 Atk/Res on opponent in combat
    • Guaranteed follow-up

For reference, her remix grants her half percentage damage reduction nullification and boosts her damage reduction from 30% to 50% and applies it to the opponent's non-follow-up attacks instead of just the first attack. Her new skill is Deadly Miasma, replacing Rein Atk/Res 3.

Eitri is clearly meant to be a bulky attacker that uses her exclusive skill's Ice Mirror effect to deal even more damage, but while 30% damage reduction was good enough to get by in the past, it's nowhere near enough to cut it nowadays.

Ideally, she gets flat damage reduction to combo with her exclusive skill's percentage damage reduction, especially because she lacks the ability to run any of the inheritable flat damage reduction skills due to her class.

Additionally, she would really like to have some means of getting around Null Follow-Up to successfully land her Ice Mirror additional damage. Reducing the threshold for doubling or getting Potent Follow 100% would be the most useful effects, especially since her Spd isn't horrible. Increasing the threshold for the opponent to double would also be helpful for staying alive.

Brave Tiki: Remote Breath

Current effect is:

  • Effective damage against dragons
  • Dragonstone common effect
  • Slaying effect
  • With a Finish condition:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Guaranteed follow-up
    • If unit is equipped with an offensive Special:
      • -1 Special cooldown before unit's first attack
    • If opponent is equipped with an offensive Special and unit's Res is at least 5 higher than opponent's Res:
      • Scowl effect

For reference, her exclusive B skill grants her Dragon Wall and follow-up prevention.

Her most notable shortcoming is the fact that her exclusive skill competes with extremely strong alternatives, which means that she ideally gets at least flat damage reduction, Phantom Res, and more passive healing in order to make her exclusive skill more competitive.

She was also designed to land her Special on both of her attacks on both phases, but that's only possible with a 2-cooldown Special, which gives her less synergy with the stronger Dragon's Roar, which she'd really like to run. It would be nice for her to get a second stack of the Slaying effect now that Brave Felix exists with that effect so that she isn't as dependent on running Emblem Marth if you want to upgrade to Dragon's Roar. Percentage damage reduction nullification would also help.

Finally, it would be nice to not have to have her compete with every other dragon for Distant Counter (D), but I doubt they'd actually give her Distant Counter on her weapon.

New Year Keaton: Resolved Fang

Current effect is:

  • Permanent +3 Def
  • If opponent's HP is 75% or higher at start of combat:
    • +5 Def in combat
    • -5 Def to opponent in combat
    • If unit's Def is higher than opponent's Def:
      • Additional damage equal to 70% of the difference in Def, maximum +7 damage
  • With standard transformation condition:
    • Old infantry beast transformation effect

Base Keaton is pretty outdated now, but had the Brave effect on both phases, Pledge effect, and Atk/Def Lull. I can see the Lull effect being given to New Year Keaton, but I'd be surprised if they gave him the Brave effect.

New Year Keaton has the highest Def and second highest Atk of all infantry beasts with maximum Dragonflowers, which is pretty impressive given that the class includes the likes of Ash, Askr, and Heidrun. Other than his lackluster base weapon, the only thing that's actually putting him behind the other bulky infantry beasts is that he sacrifices a lot of Res for high HP. I'm expecting him to flat-out get Def-based Dragon Wall to add to his bulk, especially since he has access to both Laguz Friend 4 and Reopening to get Def-based flat damage reduction.

Laguz Friend 4 is unfortunately not compatible with Fierce Beast, and he doesn't have the Slaying effect or a guaranteed follow-up to help land his Special, and he'll want at least one or the other or something equivalent if they want him to more viably run Fierce Beast. Alternatively, they could give just him base Keaton's Brave effect, which would also solve the issue.

Brave Byleth: Inner Wellspring

Current effect is:

  • Slaying effect
  • At start of turn, with a Unity condition:
    • Grants the following status effect to unit:
      • Null Follow-Up
    • If Special cooldown is at maximum:
      • -1 Special cooldown
  • With a Blow-or-Unity condition:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • If unit activated Special in combat or before combat:
      • -1 Special cooldown after combat

For reference, her exclusive Special skill deal damage based on Spd, reduces damage dealt by the opponent's next attack, and increases the damage dealt by the unit's next attack based on Spd.

Byleth really just wants Phantom Spd (or the same amount of actual Spd), Null C-Disrupt, and percentage damage reduction nullification. Tempo would be helpful, but is not necessary. Passive healing or more damage reduction would also be nice to have in case something goes wrong.

If they want to have her fully compete with Fallen Byleth, she'll also need Close Counter and Vantage against melee opponents, and I wouldn't be surprised if they actually go this route.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Refines are out. It's been a long time since we've last gotten refines where the base effect is unchanged, but with weapons this recent, it's not surprising that we get some in this batch.


Brave Seliph: Holytide Tyrfing

Base effect is unchanged:

  • Canto (2)
  • Slaying effect
  • With a Clash condition:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Additional damage equal to 10% of opponent's Def times the number of spaces moved by attacking unit, maximum 4 spaces counted
    • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
      • Miracle effect

Refine effect is:

  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Boost to all stats in combat equal to 2 times the number of enemies in Ploy 4 range, maximum +6
    • 50% percentage damage reduction nullification
    • Flat damage reduction on opponent's non-follow-up attacks equal to 3 times the number of spaces moved by attacking unit, maximum 4 spaces counted
    • Flat damage reduction when opponent activates Special equal to 3 times the number of spaces moved by attacking unit, maximum 4 spaces counted
    • 7 HP recovery after combat

For reference, his exclusive C skill grants him +6 Atk/Spd, +1 movement, and Null Follow-Up as status effects.

Seliph gets an additional boost to all stats based on the number of enemies in Ploy 4 range, partial damage reduction nullification, Excel's damage reduction effect, and post-combat healing.

As expected, Seliph gets damage reduction, which he didn't previously have, and the nice thing is that it's the same damage reduction effect as Excel, which reduces the need to switch his base Clash 4 with Excel, allowing him to get both Excel's damage reduction and Clash 4's penalty nullification. Alternatively, you can get a huge amount of damage reduction by stacking Excel.

The only thing he wanted that he didn't get is Tempo, though it wasn't a high priority.

Brave Chrom: Geirdriful

Base effect is updated:

  • Effective damage against armor
  • Slaying effect
  • With a Blow-or-Unity condition:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Boost to all stats in combat equal to 2 times the number of non-stat Bonuses and Penalties on unit
    • 40% damage reduction on opponent's non-follow-up attacks (previously only first attack)
    • If unit has a Bonus:
      • Pledge effect

Refine effect is:

  • Grants the following status effects to unit after using a movement Assist or being the target of a movement Assist:
    • 50% percentage damage reduction nullification
    • Dull
  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Additional damage equal to 4 times the number of non-stat Bonuses on unit, maximum +16, excludes AoE Specials
    • 7 HP recovery after combat

For reference, his exclusive Assist skill is Reposition, grants himself all Bonuses on the target, and inflicts Isolation on himself.

Chrom now gets partial damage reduction nullification and Dull when he uses or is targeted by an Assist skill, additional stats based on the number of Bonuses he has, and post-combat healing. The damage reduction on the base effect has been upgraded to also apply to the first Brave attack.

They've doubled down on Chrom needing to use his Assist skill each turn before combat, which, while good for his identity as a unit, unfortunately still makes it difficult to use him unless you have a team specifically designed around him.

Additionally, he gets neither Canto nor Null Follow-Up on his weapon, which means the effects are still competing for his B and C slots or needs to be copied from a teammate. I did forget that Link 4 grants Canto (1) in my original analysis, but that still leaves him needing to get Null Follow-Up from a teammate. It's not the end of the world, as the ability to copy Bonuses from allies is still stupidly strong, but it is still disappointing since he's one of the few units that can actually afford to run Link 4 or Snag 4.

Legendary Female Byleth: Professorial Guide

Base effect is updated:

  • Slaying effect
  • With a Blow condition or if there is an ally within Ploy 4 range (previously Blow-or-Unity condition):
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • 30% damage reduction on opponent's non-follow-up attacks (new)
    • Tempo effect
  • Grants the following effects to allies within Ploy 4 range (previously within 2 spaces):
    • +4 to all stats in combat (new)
    • Tempo effect

Refine effect is:

  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Boost to all stats equal to 2 times the number of allies in Ploy 4 range, maximum +6
    • Additional damage equal to 20% of Spd, excludes AoE Specials
    • When Special activates:
      • Percentage damage reduction nullification

For reference, her remix gives gives her pre-combat Pulse, Scowl, and increases the condition from a Unity condition to Ploy 4 range. Her new skill is Atk/Spd Finish 4, replacing Atk/Spd Ideal 4.

It looks like the main difference between Legendary Female Byleth and Legendary Male Byleth is that Female Byleth gets Scowl and Male Byleth gets penalty nullification. The smaller differences that aren't just simple numbers are that Female Byleth's Pulse effect occurs at start of combat, whereas Male Byleth's occurs at start of turn. Male Byleth's stat boost also scales infinitely whereas Female Byleth's caps at 3 allies.

Eitri: Grim Brokkr

Base effect is updated:

  • Permanent +3 Atk
  • On turns 1-4:
    • Canto (2)
  • With a Blow-or-Alarm condition (previously Blow-or-Solo condition):
    • -6 Atk/Res on opponent in combat
    • -5 Spd on opponent in combat (new)
    • Guaranteed follow-up
    • Additional damage equal to 15% of Atk, excludes AoE Specials (new)
    • 7 HP recovery after combat (new)

Refine effect is:

  • At start of turn, if HP is 25% or higher, inflicts the following status effects on closest enemies and enemies within 2 spaces of them:
    • -7 Atk/Res
    • Sabotage
    • Schism (the effect that nullifies Triangle Attack, Dual Strike, and Pathfinder)
  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • -5 Atk/Spd/Res to opponent in combat
    • Reduction to opponent's Atk/Spd/Res equal to number of enemies within 3 spaces of opponent, including opponent
    • Flat damage reduction equal to 3 times the number of non-stat Bonuses on unit and non-stat Penalties on opponent, maximum -12 damage, excludes AoE Specials
    • Flat damage reduction when opponent activates Special equal to 3 times the number of non-stat Bonuses on unit and non-stat Penalties on opponent, maximum -12 damage, excludes AoE Specials

For reference, her remix grants her half percentage damage reduction nullification and boosts her damage reduction from 30% to 50% and applies it to the opponent's non-follow-up attacks instead of just the first attack. Her new skill is Deadly Miasma, replacing Rein Atk/Res 3.

Eitri gets start-of-turn debuffs, flat damage reduction, additional flat damage reduction against Special activations, post-combat healing, and a bunch of debuffs with an extremely lenient target range.

A maximum of 12 flat damage reduction against normal attacks and 24 flat damage reduction against Specials is really big and should help a lot with her survivability, though she still has to deal with percentage damage reduction nullification effects that can break through her 50% damage reduction. Additionally, she still needs to be careful of enemies that can perform a follow-up against her before she can kill them, as she has no percentage damage reduction on follow-up attacks.

That said, she hits opponents with a pretty hefty -19/11/0/19 if they are alone and don't nullify her stat penalties, with the amount increasing if the opponent has teammates nearby.

It's also worth noting that her weapon is currently the only way to inflict Schism on an opponent without needing to run Ruse 4 in the B slot.

Brave Tiki: Remote Breath

Base effect is unchanged:

  • Effective damage against dragons
  • Dragonstone common effect
  • Slaying effect
  • With a Finish condition:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Guaranteed follow-up
    • If unit is equipped with an offensive Special:
      • -1 Special cooldown before unit's first attack
    • If opponent is equipped with an offensive Special and unit's Res is at least 5 higher than opponent's Res:
      • Scowl effect

Refine effect is:

  • Distant Counter
  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Boost to all stats in combat equal to 10% of Res at start of combat
    • Flat damage reduction equal to 20% of Res, excludes AoE Specials
    • 50% percentage damage reduction nullification

For reference, her exclusive B skill grants her Dragon Wall and follow-up prevention.

Holy shit, they actually gave her Distant Counter. She also gets flat damage reduction and partial damage reduction nullification.

Unfortunately, she's still stuck needing to run Emblem Marth to activate Dragon's Roar on her first attack on player phase, though with her Sacred Seal now freed from Distant Counter (D), she can run a Tempo skill in her Sacred Seal slot for enemy phase. Alternatively, she can run Creation Pulse instead of Emblem Marth, but then it's competing with other strong skills in her C slot.

Her total stat boost of +14~15 to all stats and 8~10 flat damage reduction is also solid in terms of pure numbers.

New Year Keaton: Resolved Fang

Base effect is updated:

  • Permanent +3 Def
  • With a Stance condition (new) or if opponent's HP is 75% or higher at start of combat (existing):
    • +5 Spd/Def/Res in combat (previously only Def)
    • -5 Def to opponent in combat
    • Additional damage equal to 20% of Def, includes AoE Specials (previously equal to 70% of the difference in Def)
    • Guaranteed follow-up (new)
    • Penalty nullification to Atk/Def (new)
  • With standard transformation condition:
    • New infantry beast transformation effect (previously old effect)

Refine effect is:

  • With a Finish condition:
    • +5 Spd/Def/Res in combat
    • -5 Def to opponent in combat
    • Flat damage reduction equal to 15% of Def, excludes AoE Specials
    • 50% nullification of Deep Wounds
    • At start of combat after start-of-combat damage:
      • If unit's Def is higher than opponent's Def:
        • HP recovery equal to 20% of max HP + 4 times the difference in Def, maximum 40% of max HP + damage taken at start of combat, does not stack
      • Otherwise:
        • HP recovery equal to 20% of max HP, maximum 40% of max HP + damage taken at start of combat, does not stack

Keaton gets a guaranteed follow-up, penalty nullification, flat damage reduction based on his Def, and Breath of Life 4 for himself.

His stat boost is also tailored for Breath of Life 4's effect and his gigantic Def stat, giving him +10 to all stats on top of the permanent +3 Def, but the effective boost to his Atk is implemented as a reduction to the opponent's Def, resulting in a total +23 Def for use in comparisons (counting the permanent Def).

Flat damage reduction is pretty nice, as it means he isn't forced to run Laguz Friend 4 or Reopening and has his choice from the greater variety of percentage damage reduction skills.

Brave Byleth: Inner Wellspring

Base effect is updated:

  • Slaying effect
  • At start of turn, with a Unity condition:
    • Grants the following status effect to unit:
      • Null Follow-Up
    • If Special cooldown is at maximum:
      • -1 Special cooldown
  • With a Blow-or-Unity condition:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Flat damage reduction equal to 20% of Spd on opponent's non-follow-up attacks (new)
    • If unit activated Special in combat or before combat:
      • -1 Special cooldown after combat

Refine effect is:

  • Canto (1)
  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • +5 to all stats in combat
    • Boost to all stats in combat equal to 10% of Spd at start of combat
    • +7 additional damage
    • Offensive Tempo effect
    • When Special activates:
      • Percentage damage reduction nullification

For reference, her exclusive Special skill deal damage based on Spd, reduces damage dealt by the opponent's next attack, and increases the damage dealt by the unit's next attack based on Spd.

Byleth gets Canto, flat damage reduction, the offensive Tempo effect, and percentage damage reduction nullification when her Special activates.

No Close Counter and no Vantage against melee opponents means she's stuck only able to be used properly against ranged opponents on enemy phase, which is a bit of a bummer. No Null C-Disrupt also means she's vulnerable to Sweep effects. No Phantom Spd is a bit of a bummer, as while she does get a huge boost in Spd, it's only a similar amount to other contemporary refines, though that probably shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Flat damage reduction, though, is extremely appreciated, as her Special grants her percentage damage reduction that can't be nullified, which should help with her survivability.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

It's also worth noting that her weapon is currently the only way to inflict Schism on an opponent without needing to run Ruse 4 in the B slot.


Interesting how she is a great counter to Pathfinder teams in Duels, that use double Dagr to grant everyone that status effec.

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I wouldn't be surprised if B!Tiki and B!Byleth are in this year's HoFs considering they still feel less powerful than Chrom and Seliph (which is weird to say). I can't tell whether Tiki prefers High Dragon Wall or Laguz Friend now though. I assume we'll get powercrept alternatives for her A and C by the time this matters.

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14 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

I wouldn't be surprised if B!Tiki and B!Byleth are in this year's HoFs considering they still feel less powerful than Chrom and Seliph (which is weird to say). I can't tell whether Tiki prefers High Dragon Wall or Laguz Friend now though. I assume we'll get powercrept alternatives for her A and C by the time this matters.

That's a good question...

Of course we would go with Dragon's Road for her special, since it's the current high tier special for dragons... but she can't use that with Laguz Friend since it would be a non-defensive special with 2 CD, and Laguz Friend needs 3 or more. Still, picks Roar in HoF since that's premium.

Meanwhile High Dragon Wall is similar to her B skill, but it grants you Ranged Warp Bubble instead of Null Foe Follow-Up. It also has Phantom Res built in, and that helps with the Scowl Res Check nad possible Ploy res check if you go with that.
But I like Laguz Friend more than HDW because of the true DR and DR Piercing.

I think a good middle ground would be Reopening. Gives her the Guard effect, give her extra DR and damage based on her Def, which while is not as high as her Res is still quite good since she has base 37 and her weapon grants around 14-16 during combat. And having Guard on the B slot, youcan run Null-C Echo.

For her A, you could go Scowl to have double effect of it, and if you go Laguz Friend + Aether you could go something like Def/Res Pledge:

  • At start of combat, Aether is at 4 CD.
  • Combat begins, Laguz Friend lowers it to 2 CD
  • Foe attacks, it drops to Zero because of Pledge's special charge or to 1 CD if foe has Guard.
  • Tiki's special warping from Remote Breath puts it to zero if at 1 CD, or if it's at Zero can be used to counter Scowls on herself.

Or also, you could go Breath of Life 4.

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