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in fact clarinets wagon is only bigger now, what kept you from voting her before if you thought she was that scummy?

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1 minute ago, Vi-astra said:

eury you literally stated in your post you'd vote clarinets if it weren't for the wagon being big enough already. are you saying that doesn't count? cuz that's kinda scummy.

quote for reference:

yeah you didn't literally vote clarinets, that's semantics. but you just voted clarinets now so it's like you're using those technicalities as an excuse to escape from that.

I dislike this argument because the fact is you did say she voted when she didn't.  Also some people play scum as a "distracting" type of play style to shove people away form proper scum hunting so saying that her word choice is bad from a town perspective is iffy imo.

1 minute ago, Vi-astra said:

yeah this slot is scum

Super pinging me. You don't normally act like this.

Clarinets > Via > Bartozio at the moment now cause I super dislike this.

You said you were willing to consolidate on Clarinets but what's your overall actual read on them? Are they town or scum to you and why?

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2 minutes ago, Shinori said:

I dislike this argument because the fact is you did say she voted when she didn't.  Also some people play scum as a "distracting" type of play style to shove people away form proper scum hunting so saying that her word choice is bad from a town perspective is iffy imo.

okay yeah I'm dumb she didn't actually vote clarinets but she might as well have then voted her anyway, something something scum using game technicalities to discredit my argument when she well she stated in fucking bold she would have voted clarinets underneath her one post

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Your argument against Eury currently consists of "Her reasoning for voting Clarinets initially is bad and scummy." While not thinking about the fact that scum want to distract town.  I heavily dislike that and I feel you need something better there to be so CONFIDENT in a scum read.  Especially since I don't feel the posts after were so much worse that they would amplify your read to the point of you acting in such a manner?  What about her post SCREAMS scum?  What of her posts have scum-intent behind them?  Why is she worse than clarinets?  And once again: What's your read on Clarinets?

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7 minutes ago, Vi-astra said:

eury you literally stated in your post you'd vote clarinets if it weren't for the wagon being big enough already. are you saying that doesn't count? cuz that's kinda scummy.

quote for reference:

yeah you didn't literally vote clarinets, that's semantics. but you just voted clarinets now so it's like you're using those technicalities as an excuse to escape from that.

Clarinet's wagon had about 4+ votes on it ED1. Like, within the first 24 Hours of the day phase. The fuck am I going to send someone to near L2/L3 hammer???

Also, you consider me scummy for acknowledging/fully supporting the wagon, but not voting on it to avoid hammering processes in less than 24 hours of Day 1? If you want to say it reads as a verbal vote, Okay? But in all literal senses, I did not actually format a vote BECAUSE of the above reason, which is what you made your post earlier saying I had? Don't understand how any of this is scummy. I commit fully to the wagon and I have since ED1, even if my physical vote wasn't there because of AMPLE pressure.

5 minutes ago, Vi-astra said:

in fact clarinets wagon is only bigger now, what kept you from voting her before if you thought she was that scummy?

You clearly don't read my posts, do you? They're not even wallposts either...

15 minutes ago, Eurykins said:

I am not feeling well and will attempt to post when I can tomorrow morning after I attempt to get some sleep.


##Vote: Clarinets

Depending on how long I remain dead to the world IRL, I may not be back in time for phase end. Putting my vote where my initial top read has stood (and during my attempts to re-read I didn't see much to rectify or remedy it much at all), so I am still fine supporting the wagon. 

I am putting my money where my mouth has always been in terms of casing/priority. There is no semblence of "Oh she's so scummy by not committing to a wagon, for not counting it as an actual vote, etc. etc", when I've literally stated from ED1 that I LIKE and SUPPORT the CLARINETS WAGON.

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holy fucking shit dude are you trying to say i am clarinets's buddy and i would be this obvious about defending her when she's probably going to be today's lynch anyway by arguing with eury over her suspicion on her because that's fucking ridiculous

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2 minutes ago, Eurykins said:

I am putting my money where my mouth has always been in terms of casing/priority. There is no semblence of "Oh she's so scummy by not committing to a wagon, for not counting it as an actual vote, etc. etc", when I've literally stated from ED1 that I LIKE and SUPPORT the CLARINETS WAGON.

thats literally what i just said

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@Vi-astraHow do you feel about Eury's Clarinets case/read on page 6.  It's in her big post, you seemingly chose to not talk about it or comment on it yet you basically seem to be against a clarinet's lynch while only stating you would consolidate for it.

I really want to hear what your Clarinets read is and your opinions on people's cases against Clarinets.

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i dont know how i fucking feel about clarinets cuz i havent read the rest of the game cuz i latched onto a scumread and honestly i kinda feel like people took the ED1 stuff out of proportion but holy shit shinori

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okay okay dude my meds are kicking in im seriously falling asleep at the keyboard but im heading into a sleep-wake anxiety attck and i need to chill, let me respod properly tomorrow because obviously my play is being marred by the fact im impaired and im sorry

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Okay, I like these last posts from Eury, she gave opinions on people which was basically what I wanted from that slot.

Via's attack on Eury is weird. Also, Clarinets is the biggest wagon, she has only made like 5 posts and you haven't read them, Via? What?

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2 minutes ago, Vi-astra said:

holy fucking shit dude are you trying to say i am clarinets's buddy and i would be this obvious about defending her when she's probably going to be today's lynch anyway by arguing with eury over her suspicion on her because that's fucking ridiculous

Holy fucking shit dude are we needing to blow up stuff to put on a show?  Also as if to say people haven't hard defended dying scum or HARD DEFENDED DYING TOWN AS SCUM.  IVE DONE THIS A LOT BEFORE.  Cool your shit, point is I want your read and I want you to explain your thought process on someone who's most likely going to be lynched.

If/when Clarinets gets lynched I don't want you having gotten through the entire day phase having not given thoughts on the read/cases that people have posted and only 'consolidating' on the read.

This has nothing to do with stating if they are your buddy or not.

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Just now, athena_57 said:

Okay, I like these last posts from Eury, she gave opinions on people which was basically what I wanted from that slot.

Via's attack on Eury is weird. Also, Clarinets is the biggest wagon, she has only made like 5 posts and you haven't read them, Via? What?

you are new you wouldnt understand

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Just now, Shinori said:

No, you not reading someone who's the biggest wagon is very suspect.  Just just brush it off.

why would i be this dumb about it as scum though

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1 minute ago, Vi-astra said:

thats literally what i just said

Except I literally didn't vote because of the risk of ED1 24hour or less hammer?? I'm confused, because there are plenty of moments where people back way or don't vote for wagons that have excessive amounts of pressure already on them or PUT THEM AT RISK OF HAMMERING at poor times. This was one of those moments, yet I'm scummy for it???

Okay, I'm going to bed now. As stated before, I MAY NOT BE ON FOR PHASE END. That is the reason why my Clarinet's vote is being made NOW and not LATER. I understand that the vote pressure is on the wagon moreso than ED1, but unlike ED1 it's actually nearing PHASE END and I will remain steady in my course of where my vote/reads lay.

I do apologize if I got a bit aggressive or irate @Vi-astra. I felt like most of the points being noted against me were either misunderstandings, or misreps of sorts? Was attempting to remedy any confusion behind my posts/intents/reads/etc. but I may have gotten a headache in the process and I apologize if my tone soured at all.

I'll try to be back before phase end. Have a good night guys.

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