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Because very rarely do humans use their teeth as weapons.

21 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Sure, go ahead.

All right then fine, the title is "the Cheese Song". Ah-hem, here I go. "Pizza mozzarella pizza mozzarella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella"                                                    ...And that's how it goes! What do you think? The second verse repeats with "gorgonzola zola zola zola zola zola zola"

What's the next truly important scientific breakthrough?

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When using Serenes Forest, there's this little S button. When using Reddit or Discord, you put two ~ thingies before and after the word. On SmashBoards, there's an option for strike-through. 

Why is Jack Sparrow such a great character?

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Because you compare yourself to people who are more experienced than you.

Which company makes the Hulks pants?

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Because we're the players of the game.

What do you mean you forgot the chicken nuggets?

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No. Farthest thing from, honestly.

Does the "sign in anonymously" function work on this site, or is it just better to log out?

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9 hours ago, ProfImpossible said:

All right then fine, the title is "the Cheese Song". Ah-hem, here I go. "Pizza mozzarella pizza mozzarella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella"                                                    ...And that's how it goes! What do you think? The second verse repeats with "gorgonzola zola zola zola zola zola zola

10/10 best song ever.

18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

What exists outside of the Universe?

According to multiverse theory, an infinite number of different parallel universes.

Am I annoying?

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Because ballistae are hard to lug around probably.

If Jesus was God's only son, and we are all God's children, does that mean God thinks everybody's a girl?


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1 minute ago, Purple Mage said:

Can we stop with the religious questions?

Sorry, it was supposed to be a joke, not offend anybody.

Why does Voldemort steal shampoo?

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I mean, he still has a nose. What he lacks is the cartilage. But the nose itself is still there. So yes, he can in fact, smell.

Are you upset? (this is a reference to a certain anime)

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