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3 minutes ago, Purple Mage said:

No, and I do not get the reference.

Now you too can understand the reference


4 minutes ago, Purple Mage said:

Does Basilio have a brother named Crispin? (Ha! Nobody will get this literary reference!)

Yes (i'm guessing, i don't get the reference, please teach me)

Why does Captain America get the reference?

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He does and he's a cook! He makes crispy food. (You were right, I didn't get the reference)


Because Captain America knows every reference I guess.

If Basilio and Flavia have twins, which one gets to be khan?

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yes (i'm guessing, i don't get the reference, please teach me)

Somehow you guessed right. Also, here.

2 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

If Basilio and Flavia have twins, which one gets to be khan?

It will be decided through that tournament thingy in Awakening.

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Because they want to kill you like in Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Why hasn't a dog translator been officially invented yet?

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13 hours ago, ProfImpossible said:

All right then fine, the title is "the Cheese Song". Ah-hem, here I go. "Pizza mozzarella pizza mozzarella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella rella"                                                    ...And that's how it goes! What do you think? The second verse repeats with "gorgonzola zola zola zola zola zola zola"

It's great, Gyro! I like it! Ah... Oh man, it's great! It's awesome! This is insane! It gets stuck in your head so easily... especially that "rella rella" part... It's like... a masterpiece! I can't get it out of my mind! It'll definitely be a hit in Europe!

Because dogs don't speak.

What's with the references?

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I think we're stabbing in the dark to see if anyone has shared interests. I brought up Blustone partially because I wanted my question answered, but also because I wanted to see if anyone else has played it yet.

...Having said that...

Do you wanna know how I got this scar?

Edited by Hawkwing
Forgot to capitalize an "I."
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16 minutes ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

It's great, Gyro! I like it! Ah... Oh man, it's great! It's awesome! This is insane! It gets stuck in your head so easily... especially that "rella rella" part... It's like... a masterpiece! I can't get it out of my mind! It'll definitely be a hit in Europe!

Really!? You think so?! That's what I've been secretly thinking too! Can you write it out on a score sheet?



What's the deal with eggs?

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5 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

If Jesus was God's only son, and we are all God's children, does that mean God thinks everybody's a girl?

5 hours ago, Purple Mage said:

I'm gonna let @Hawkwing answer this, because I really don't know how to put the concept into words.

That, I will gladly do. Thank you for your confidence in me, @Purple Mage although may the Lord in his infinite wisdom (the only true source of it) do the talking and be praised. 

God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost/Spirit are one being, yet three persons. The Father is not the Son, nor is the Son is the Holy Ghost, but all three are one being: God.

Genesis 1:26-27 (NIV): "Then God said, 'let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds of the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all creatures that move along the ground.' So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

Human's were assigned with dominion over the Earth, will the job to maintain and tame it as caretakers. This task is not given lightly, and the whole creation is deeply rooted with the condition of the Human condition. Indeed, immediately after the fall, sin, entropy, and death entered the entire universe; stars and planets will crumble and die, animals learned to kill and forwent plants for meat, and Humans will return to the dust from which they were made. However...

John 3:16-17(NIV): "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

To quote the Screwtape Letters: "[Demons] want cattle who can finally become food; [God] wants servants who can finally become sons.' His love for a fallen Humanity is so great that he sacrificed his one and only son for us. For You. Even if You were the only living being in the universe, we would make the sacrifice to save us from our sin. And of course, because we were given free will, It's ultimately a choice whether or not we accept his offer to believe and trust in him become his child.

As for the question on gender, he created them to be distinct from yet similar to, each other, these distinctions and similarities bring great discovery when it works with his plan, yet great strife and difficulty follows when pursued apart from him. 


This is but an interlude on the topic itself, and I have to leave in real life soon. If this spoke to you, or even if it didn't, I praise and thank God for using this thread about random questions and answers for his glory, for "God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly and despised things of the world, and the things that are not, to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast in His presence." (1 Corinthians 1:27-29)

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@Hawkwing I see...that's way too much religion for me in a goofy topic though xD

Idk, good question, like...the person who discovered we can eat eggs, were they like "You see that chicken over there? I'm going to cook and eat the next thing that comes out of its butt."

What was the person who discovered milk DOING?

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Loafing around.

"Getting fresh"... milk that is!

5 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

If Jesus was God's only son, and we are all God's children, does that mean God thinks everybody's a girl?


 Is this closer to what you were getting at? 


http://scomedy.com/quotes/Bo-Burnham WARNING: Content may be offensive/inappropriate for some. 

What! is your favorite color?

Damn Ninjas.

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1 hour ago, Dragoncat said:

@Hawkwing I see...that's way too much religion for me in a goofy topic though xD

Glad to be of service. And yeah, it is a lot of information, but hey, I didn't put '"I'll give a quick, short response..." Writes an essay.' as my saying for nothing!

2 hours ago, ProfImpossible said:


It's a huge one that spans across my back vertically. I got it from back surgery in order to fix my scoliosis, and I now have 2 rods and 28 screws permanently in my spine. Fun fact, I was actually released a whole day early from the hospital because I recovered so fast, and I actually found out about Tv Tropes when looking for something to read when recovering at home. About the things I can no longer do are jump on a trampoline (which I don't mind as I have disliking of them, but being kicked in the groin will do that. They're still fun to watch, thought) and skydive (which I would only do to save my life anyway). That was two years ago, and I can go entire weeks without remembering that I have a piece of metal in my back.

1 hour ago, ProfImpossible said:

What! is your favorite color?

1 minute ago, Armagon said:



1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Is Serenes Forest the Dark Souls of forums?

In the sense that there are a lot of fights and difficult situations, but they mostly have logical reasonings behind them and at the end of the day are fair (for the most part), Yes.


If one wins a bet with oneself, what should the reward be?

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The reward is that you don't lose anything. But you gain nothing either. So it balances out.

Why do people argue with me when i tell them that Coca-Cola and Pepsi taste exactly the same?

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Because some people will argue with you if you tell them the sun came up this morning. "No it didn't! That's the moon!"

But what if Kanye West is retarded?

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39 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

It's a huge one that spans across my back vertically. I got it from back surgery in order to fix my scoliosis, and I now have 2 rods and 28 screws permanently in my spine. Fun fact, I was actually released a whole day early from the hospital because I recovered so fast, and I actually found out about Tv Tropes when looking for something to read when recovering at home. About the things I can no longer do are jump on a trampoline (which I don't mind as I have disliking of them, but being kicked in the groin will do that. They're still fun to watch, thought) and skydive (which I would only do to save my life anyway). That was two years ago, and I can go entire weeks without remembering that I have a piece of metal in my back.

Jeez dude, that's quite the ordeal. I wholeheartedly applaud your resolve. Glad you're better.

18 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

But what if Kanye West is retarded?

"I am a god, sittin' in a french ass restaurant, hurry up with my damn croissant." Idk, he's a genius either way.

How did the dwarves delve?

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The Ice Climbers.

In Xenoblade Chronicles, there was a song called "You Will Know Our Names"

In Xenoblade Chronicles 2, there was a song called "You Will Recall Our Names"

What will the song be called in Xenoblade Chronicles 3?

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Idk, but can he microwave a burrito?

Why is it that no matter how much I rotate the camera and run around the "black wreckage" landmark on the Fallen Arm in Xenoblade 1, I can't see Mumkhar's corpse or a limb sticking out of the remains of Metal Face? And why is the landmark not called "fool's grave" instead, which would be a 100 times better name?

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