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No, we'd just have an easier time seeing fish and more difficulty finding birds. The ocean and sky are just different shades of blue, after all.

Why does the etymology of Titin take an hour to pronounce as a noun?

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I don't know, but the word itself sounds funny.

4 hours ago, indigoceans said:

If I make a wish at exactly 11:11 AM at the 11 second mark on November 11th, 2011, will that wish come true?

No, because Todd Howard would've suddenly appeared to give you a copy of vanilla unpatched Skyrim in exchange for $60.

Why is Todd Howard so memeable?

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Possibly, I mean, Infinity War has the multi-billionaire Tony Stark use a flip-phone, which seems like an oversight to me.

Why is my mother, who has never played an FE game, so lucky with Heroes summons (including her second free summon ever being a 5* Camilla, and multiple other free summoned 5* and getting 2 5* IN A ROW) yet I'm very unlucky with summons.

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IS really wants your mother to play the series proper to learn more about the characters she summoned.

Where is the biggest elevator in the world located?

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In the Empire State Building. Olympus is on the 600th floor.

10 hours ago, Espurrhoodie said:

Possibly, I mean, Infinity War has the multi-billionaire Tony Stark use a flip-phone, which seems like an oversight to me.

Said flip-phone was sent from Steve Rogers at the end of Civil War in case of emergencies and he deliberately chose an old flip-phone so it wouldn't be able to be traced or tracked down while Steve was on the run.

Is Age of Ultron the best Disney live-action remake? It's a remake of Pinocchio, if anyone's wondering.

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As a stand alone film, it's pretty good. The action and humor are great, with the only real problem being how it seems like the characters are part of a larger universe, yet the audience is never really given an explanation for their powers and backstory.

As a remake, though, it seems to be one in name only. Ultron wants to become a human, yes, but why did they decide to add a "save the world" plot while they were at it? And why does the fairy switch sides, and have a brother that has super speed? And why doesn't Pinocchio have a nose, and why did the whale only make a cameo at the beginning (and looks so alien, while we're at it), and why...


...Did I just realize that a week from Christmas is New Years Day?

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You didn't. You always knew, but refused to accept this truth, since it meant the holiday season would continue only seven more days. In your heart, you wish the romanticized spirit of the holidays could continue through more of the year.


Why did Hallmark create this Christmas ornament?


Image result for legend of zelda hallmark ornament


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On 12/24/2018 at 11:52 PM, Purple Mage said:


Said flip-phone was sent from Steve Rogers at the end of Civil War in case of emergencies and he deliberately chose an old flip-phone so it wouldn't be able to be traced or tracked down while Steve was on the run.

Frick, I forgot that scene.

On 12/24/2018 at 2:16 PM, Hawkwing said:

IS really wants your mother to play the series proper to learn more about the characters she summoned.

I was actually thinking of lending my mom my old DS, my copy of Awakening, and writing a walkthrough so she could play it, (since I live with my grandma and my mom lives 2 hours away from me), so she could experience mainstream FE.


Answer: Because your strategy chops likekg weren't that good, that or the RNG screwed you.


Why can't I get Vale in Xenoblade 2? She's the last Rare Blade I need.

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RNG shenanigans and/or she doesn't just want to be another blade in your collection.

2 hours ago, Espurrhoodie said:

Answer: Because your strategy chops likekg weren't that good, that or the RNG screwed you.

Both. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to combine so many different requirements in my first challenge run...

What are the requirements for becoming a mod on an online forum?

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Have 5.0 GPA, 10 PhDs, 20 years of experience, beat Awakening in less than 40 turns, type 80 words per second, and chug 160 jugs of Ram Wine in one sitting, and last 320 turns in one match on Aether Raids.

@eclipse can fact check my answer, but I am pretty sure I am right.

Will Advance Wars Heroes be a hit like Fire Emblem Heroes?

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I won't bet the farm on it.

If you record Elmo's voice on a vinyl disc and play it backwards at 33 rpm, what message will you get?

Edited by Karimlan
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Something very evil and disturbing and Satanic.

Why am I currently picturing drunk Dunban saying "I said I wanted a hotdog!" and punching some random guy? And why is it so funny?

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