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What would your reaction be if you found a functional fridge with nothing but eggs in it in the desert?

Edited by DragonFlames
Grammar mistakes 'n crap...
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Are there any exceptions to the Pixar theory?

Depends on whether or not any humans are present. Even as easter eggs.

On 6/29/2019 at 7:00 PM, Dragoncat said:

*insert cover of Be Prepared sang by Egil here, complete with military marching mechon horde*

Image result for be prepared hyena gif

Not what I meant by machine or tolerance, but great joke nonetheless!


Are there any practical applications of the bag of kidnapping trope?

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If the one you're trying to kidnap doesn't squirm too much, sure. You'd need to pacify them first to make it work. The best method to use would probab--- hey, why do I hear sirens?

Have any of the most common tropes associated with a Mary Sue type character actually been used well?

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Being skilled at something from the get go prevents the audience from having to go through a montage, or the player having to go the roundabout way of getting a simple task done..

Being loved by everyone despite not doing much happens quite often in real life.

Tragic backstories are why we can sympathize with, or at least understand, a characters actions.

Not having clearly defined flaws does not necessarily mean that a character is bad.

The tropes are ripe for deconstructions and reconstructions.

There's a ton of comedy value to be exploited.


Why does the word "Necropolis" not upset Serenes Forest's Autocorrect?

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What is a necropolis though? Sounds like a skeleton city.

Did unicorns ever really exist or were ancient people just seeing skinny rhinos?

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The one who shouts the loudest.

17 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

What is a necropolis though? Sounds like a skeleton city.

If my brain doesn't deceive me, "necropolis" means "city of the dead" in Greek. So skeleton city wasn't too far off, in a way.

Why do dogs not learn how to meow?

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They're too cool to bark. Dogs are just fine with bring goofs. The larger the dog, the bigger the goof.

Why don't you ever see a pimp with a low profit margin?

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They exist, but they don't last long because their hoes keep stealing their profits and that gets hella annoying so they quit and pursue a different career.

How do necromancers keep their skeleton warriors' bones connected in the right places?

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... Matthew.

@DragonFlames @Purple Mage Glad to see I'm not alone in thinking all of my ploitlines are stupid.

Why did I have a dream last night that involved FE4 getting an adaptation on Disney channel where Seliph was a weird Disney princess sort of character that could talk to the spirits of Sigurd and Deirdre and sang to animals?

Edited by Espurrhoodie
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It gives you something to do, and you can use the experience you gained while working on the project elsewhere.

How complicated is the programming in digital watches?

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I mean, it's a watch. How complex a program can that be? Program a binary computer that only knows "on" or "off", then we'll talk! Pfft. *condescendingly shakes head*

5 hours ago, Espurrhoodie said:

Glad to see I'm not alone in thinking all of my ploitlines are stupid.

Worst thing is, I only realized this 100 pages into my novel. And even then, only after I've hit a "roadblock", so to speak. While thinking about how to continue, I reexamined my plot and thought 'what the hell is this stupid garbage?'. I'm THIS close to just quitting writing in general.

How many sit-ups does one need to do to be considered a halfway decent sit-upper?

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Not an answer, but...

15 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Worst thing is, I only realized this 100 pages into my novel. And even then, only after I've hit a "roadblock", so to speak. While thinking about how to continue, I reexamined my plot and thought 'what the hell is this stupid garbage?'. I'm THIS close to just quitting writing in general.

While I'm only trying to outline what I'm doing at the moment, I have roughly 8 stories planned, I'm still trying to figure out names for characters and locations (for reference, I only just figured out what I'm going to name the four main antagonists, those names being Leviathan, Tiamat, Cipactil, and Lusca, and to name the creator of these four people, plus another character named Inanna, Ophion), still trying to figure out character personalities, culture, how the humans have survived for so long despite being surrounded by shapeshifters, mages, a Laguz-esque species I'm calling Amalia atm, vampires, and an assortment of other species even though they're all mostly friendly because the humans are the most uninteresting of the bunch, why a certain race got killed off by the antagonists, and an assortment of other factors.

I'd also like to mention that this is a fanfiction that crossesover with an assortment of other series that I've been mentally working on for the past 4 years at the minimum?

The heck was I smoking when I came up with this?

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Brains do work in weird ways, sometimes.

1 minute ago, Espurrhoodie said:

Not an answer, but...

While I'm only trying to outline what I'm doing at the moment, I have roughly 8 stories planned, I'm still trying to figure out names for characters and locations (for reference, I only just figured out what I'm going to name the four main antagonists, those names being Leviathan, Tiamat, Cipactil, and Lusca, and to name the creator of these four people, plus another character named Inanna, Ophion), still trying to figure out character personalities, culture, how the humans have survived for so long despite being surrounded by shapeshifters, mages, a Laguz-esque species I'm calling Amalia atm, vampires, and an assortment of other species even though they're all mostly friendly because the humans are the most uninteresting of the bunch, why a certain race got killed off by the antagonists, and an assortment of other factors.

I'd also like to mention that this is a fanfiction that crossesover with an assortment of other series that I've been mentally working on for the past 4 years at the minimum?

The heck was I smoking when I came up with this?

My biggest problem when writing is coming up with character and location names, actually.
I'm usually trying to keep them coherent (so I don't end up with someone named "Varunsagh Godnoor" next to someone named "Jack Smith" or something like that), but it's so damn hard to find names that fit the characters. Much less the locations (i.e. cities, valley, lakes, rivers, and such). Good lord, the locations...
My main cast is (or rather was) called Eliana, Finley, Fergus, Linda, Jeanne, and Richard, while the antagonists are (or were) called Morded, Lucille, Elliot, Ragnar, Cynthia, and Ares. In a medieval fantasy setting. I am very creative, I know.

Your idea sounds pretty cool, all things considered. Better than the crap I came up with, at any rate.

I, too, have ideas for multiple stories in the same setting as the above one, but they all have something where I say "ugh, I can never make this work" or "who would want to read this crap". It's freaking frustrating, I tell you.

I honestly hope we aren't derailing this thread too much.

I'll also just ask my question again to keep the game going, since I can't even come up with a new one right now: How many sit-ups does one need to do to be considered a halfway decent sit-upper?

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100 for the military. 20-50-ish in general.

And for once I am ninja'd with the same question. Huh.

18 minutes ago, Espurrhoodie said:

I'm still trying to figure out names for characters and locations

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

My biggest problem when writing is coming up with character and location names, actually.

I have the same issue, actually. Granted, some of that is because I like the name to have a meaning behind it, which is difficult to do when one is still in the idea phase, but also because I'm a visual person, so I remember faces better than names. Heck, I've thought up entire scenes where character motivations and goals are solidified, and you can get a sense of their personalities, but names (or even dialogue) never come up.


How long does it take to make a newspaper or webcomic sized comic?

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Depends on what century you live in, anywhere from a week to two minutes.

4 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

I have the same issue, actually. Granted, some of that is because I like the name to have a meaning behind it, which is difficult to do when one is still in the idea phase, but also because I'm a visual person, so I remember faces better than names. Heck, I've thought up entire scenes where character motivations and goals are solidified, and you can get a sense of their personalities, but names (or even dialogue) never come up.

Literally me. I have had an entire Heroic Sacrifice scene in my head since before even starting to conceptualize the plot, with every character involved and even the context clearly defined. But names? Not on the radar. At all. Same with a heartfelt confession scene, then a scene where the protagonist has to make a life-changing decision, and the first confrontation with the actual villain. All scenes that were fleshed out before the planning even started. All scenes where the characters involved didn't have names... And all pointless, because the plot is complete nonsense regardless.

For how long have people wished for watermelon ice cream?

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@Espurrhoodie @DragonFlames @Hawkwing

The stuff you all mentioned is why original fiction never tends to go anywhere with me. Fanfic has plot bunnies and stuff too yeah, but a lot of it is already done...like there are characters and locations with names to work off of. But when I do try original fiction names aren't the hard part, it's the rest. Also I mainly do oneshot fanfics anyway. Longer ones burn me out and start to succumb to the plot bunny invasion. If you guys want I can start a group PM to take this discussion further?

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

For how long have people wished for watermelon ice cream?

About as long as people have wished for grape ice cream.

So what's it supposed to mean if I pee a tsunami?

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You either flood the toilet with so much pee that it overflows, or the force of the impact of the pee hitting the water is enough for it to cause some splashes.

2 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

If you guys want I can start a group PM to take this discussion further?

Sure, why not?


Are there any "Fire Emblem Abridged" videos out there?

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