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Favorite Boss Conversations


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In a lot of FE games bosses have something to say the first time you attack them and depending on who attacks them it could even be something unique. Some of these quotes have been really good and add something to the character so I wanted to see what your favorite boss quotes are. 

I'll start of with a few:

Fire Emblem 4

Tine's first reaction vs Bloom and Hilda compared to her second time facing against them is really powerful because she obviously can't truly face them the first time (Bloom because she still sees him as her uncle and Hilda because she's still hasn't dealt with what her mother had to go through) so seeing her reacting differently is so satisfying. Even though FE4 doesn't have supports you can really see how much Tine changes throughout the chapters because of dialogue like this.

Tine's First time vs Bloom: 


Bloom:“It’s you, Tinny!? You’re betraying me…?”
Tinny:“I’m sorry, Uncle…”

2nd time: 


Blume: “Tinny… you ingrate!”
Tinny: “You drove my mother to her death, remember? Or do I have to remind you!?”
Blume: “D, damn it…”

First time vs Hilda: 


Hilda:“Hohoho, if it isn’t Tinny. You’re that woman’s daughter, right? You’re just as ungrateful as she was.”
Tinny:“Hilda… because of you, my mother…!”
Hilda:“Ah, she was an eyesore. I made her life a living hell! Hahaha, I had so much fun back then…”
Tinny: "! I’ll never forgive you…"
Hilda:“Well, don’t we sound all grown up!? What can a little girl like you do to me? I’ll send you to hell, just as I did her!”

2nd time: 


Hilda:"Heheheh… So you’ve come, Tinny. I’ve been waiting for you. I’ve decided that I want to kill you personally."
Tinny: “I don’t think so! Mother, please watch! I’m going to kill Hilda!!”


Finn's quote vs Travant doesn't really sound that special until you remember that Finn became somewhat colder and more duty focused after the events of Gen 1 in FE4 so to see him so emotional is quite heavy and sad in a sense.


Travant: "Finn, isn't it? It's been a while. So you're still alive...how stubborn of you."
Finn: "King Travant, today I will take my revenge for what you did to my lord!"
Travant: "Hahaha, don't make me laugh. What do you think you can do to me!? You're the one who's going to die!!"

(Fire Emblem Sacred Stones)

This one is good because of how Cormag almost starts to sound as crazy as the guy he's going to kill and it also shows how deeply he cared for his brother since Cormag almost loses it when Valter calls him a weak, pitiful fool.


Valter: “What now, Cormag? Have you betrayed your oaths and your emperor?”
Cormag: “I have. I can no longer serve Grado. But I must know the truth, Valter, and you will tell me. You’re the one who murdered my brother aren’t you?”
Valter: “…Hmph. No reason for lies, seeing as you’re nothing but a traitor. You’re right, Cormag! I was the one who cut your brother down. He was just like you, a weak, pitiful fool.”
Cormag: “…… Ha…Ha ha ha…”
Valter: “Why do you laugh, dolt?
Cormag: “How can I not? I’ve dreamt of revenge, chased it for days… And now it’s here before me. Oh, Valter… Your death will be slow and agonizing.”



Edited by Hekselka
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Nice topic idea! RD is packed with goodies of this sort!

My number one of them all?

I'll go for a deeper one, Haar-Levail:


Haar vs Levail

Levail: Captain Haar! You are still alive!
Haar: What happened that you didn’t expect me to survive?
Levail: Um… Nothing, I suppose. It’s just that it’s been a while since you left Begnion.
Haar: Yeah. Twenty years ago, wasn’t it?
Levail: I was still very young at the time. You had just been dubbed a knight. Oh, it brings back such memories… The bravery of the dracoknights, especially the Fizzart Platoon. It was legendary among the soldiers. But then you suddenly defected to Daein.
Haar: I got sick of taking orders from corrupt senators, so I ditched the country with General Shiharam.
Levail: I joined the army after I came of age. But it was different after you all left. It was as if you took its spirit with you. The only exception was General Zelgius, the general of Duke Persis’s army.
Haar: I see. Is that why you’re under his command?
Levail: Yes. He is the last true knight. I will die for him.
Haar: Yes, Levail. You will.
Levail: How I dreamed of fighting a proper foe! I am honored, Sir Haar! Have at you!


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Shadow Dragon really isn't known for its characterization.  Usually.   But Macedon had other ideas.



“Minerva, I have missed you, Sister. Let us embrace one last time.”


“Well? Strike! A moment’s hesitation spells death on the battlefield. I know I taught you better.”

"You will not lay down your lance and walk the right path?"

“Don’t be a child. There are no right paths; just mine and yours, two that will never cross.”

“Very well. Then you leave me no choice. Embrace you I shall, Brother!”


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18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nice topic idea! RD is packed with goodies of this sort!

My number one of them all?

I'll go for a deeper one, Haar-Levail:

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Haar vs Levail

Levail: Captain Haar! You are still alive!
Haar: What happened that you didn’t expect me to survive?
Levail: Um… Nothing, I suppose. It’s just that it’s been a while since you left Begnion.
Haar: Yeah. Twenty years ago, wasn’t it?
Levail: I was still very young at the time. You had just been dubbed a knight. Oh, it brings back such memories… The bravery of the dracoknights, especially the Fizzart Platoon. It was legendary among the soldiers. But then you suddenly defected to Daein.
Haar: I got sick of taking orders from corrupt senators, so I ditched the country with General Shiharam.
Levail: I joined the army after I came of age. But it was different after you all left. It was as if you took its spirit with you. The only exception was General Zelgius, the general of Duke Persis’s army.
Haar: I see. Is that why you’re under his command?
Levail: Yes. He is the last true knight. I will die for him.
Haar: Yes, Levail. You will.
Levail: How I dreamed of fighting a proper foe! I am honored, Sir Haar! Have at you!


I was also planning to mention this one. Haar has quite a lot of solid endgame boss conversations for a fairly minor character.

From the same part of the game I'd also mention Dheginsea vs Neasalla. Unlike Tibarn who's pretty hateful towards Dheginsea or other characters who either don't understand Dheginsea or get completely dismissed by him it seems Neasalla and Dheginsea actually bring out the best in each other. Both make it clear that they respect each other and Neasalla shows he's willing to let go of his nastier traits like cowardice in order to help his people. 

Dheginsea: Naesala, you dare challenge me?
Naesala: Heh. It’s funny you should ask that… I’m not deluded enough to think that I can beat you. The goddess herself would hesitate to fight you. But my people are frozen solid, and I have to delude myself enough to think that I can help save them.
Dheginsea: You are a true king, Naesala. I am ready when you are.
Naesala: I’ll be thrilled if I land even a single blow. I’m much better at fleeing than fighting.

Two other Laguz kings that have a great battle convo are Tibarn and Nailah since it sounds as if they're moments away from jumping into bed together 

And also the more personal version of the two desert mercenaries 

Joshua: Caellach.
Caellach: Hey! If it isn't Joshua. It's been a long time. Have you been well?
Joshua: I've been all right. Still working as a mercenary. When did you get all proper and join the Grado army?
Caellach: Didn't I tell you? I wasn't about to waste my life as a nameless soldier. Still, I think back on those days a lot lately... My axe and your sword... The two of us were a deadly pair, eh?
Joshua: ...
Caellach: By the way... I know all about you, Joshua. Who you really are I mean. The prince of Jehanna, huh? When did you plan on sharing the wealth, you sneaky dog?
Joshua: Listen... You can't reduce a nation to loot waiting to be divided. And more importantly, I made a vow to my mother. I'm going to succeed her as ruler of my homeland. Hey Caellach... You're the one who killed my mother, aren't you?
Caellach: Yeah... Sorry 'bout that. Things happen, you know? C'mon, Joshua, don't hate me. This is war. There's nothing you can do about it. Besides, grudges get in the way of work, right?
Joshua: That's true. It's as you say. Listen Caellach... I've got to kill you now. Don't hold it against me.
Caellach: You arrogant... You haven't changed a bit! I've always wanted to show you who's better, Joshua. And I'm even stronger than I used to be. I'm gonna wipe that smug look off your face for good!


Edited by Etrurian emperor
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Pretty much all of Ashnard's battle quotes are pure gold. It's just a shame that you'll never naturally view them unless you go out of your way due to the blessed armour. Tauroneo's one is perhaps my favorite.

Ashnard: Is that you, Tauroneo? As I thought... You betrayed me after all.
Tauroneo: ...
Ashnard: In my father's time, there was a man who was one of the Four Steadfast Riders. That man grew old and useless, and retired from the front lines. How does his story end, you ask? Come, let us write it together.
Tauroneo: Oh, my king... In all of Daein's history, perhaps no other ruler has used the talents at his command to the degree you have... But all the same, no other king has chosen a path so incredibly stupid.
Ashnard: Heh heh heh... Will history judge me to be just or evil? We will not know until all of this is finished.
Tauroneo: ...Now that I've confronted you and traded words with you, I have come to a decision. Throughout Daein, I, Tauroneo, will be known as the king killer. Come! Let me earn my name!

(this conversation might even get a call back in Radiant Dawn with how you can shrug the responsibility of killing Pelleas to him)

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nice topic idea! RD is packed with goodies of this sort!

My number one of them all?

I'll go for a deeper one, Haar-Levail:

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Haar vs Levail

Levail: Captain Haar! You are still alive!
Haar: What happened that you didn’t expect me to survive?
Levail: Um… Nothing, I suppose. It’s just that it’s been a while since you left Begnion.
Haar: Yeah. Twenty years ago, wasn’t it?
Levail: I was still very young at the time. You had just been dubbed a knight. Oh, it brings back such memories… The bravery of the dracoknights, especially the Fizzart Platoon. It was legendary among the soldiers. But then you suddenly defected to Daein.
Haar: I got sick of taking orders from corrupt senators, so I ditched the country with General Shiharam.
Levail: I joined the army after I came of age. But it was different after you all left. It was as if you took its spirit with you. The only exception was General Zelgius, the general of Duke Persis’s army.
Haar: I see. Is that why you’re under his command?
Levail: Yes. He is the last true knight. I will die for him.
Haar: Yes, Levail. You will.
: How I dreamed of fighting a proper foe! I am honored, Sir Haar! Have at you!


The best part of the conversation is when Haar says, "Yes, Levail. You will." 

1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I was also planning to mention this one. Haar has quite a lot of solid endgame boss conversations for a fairly minor character.

From the same part of the game I'd also mention Dheginsea vs Neasalla. Unlike Tibarn who's pretty hateful towards Dheginsea or other characters who either don't understand Dheginsea or get completely dismissed by him it seems Neasalla and Dheginsea actually bring out the best in each other. Both make it clear that they respect each other and Neasalla shows he's willing to let go of his nastier traits like cowardice in order to help his people. 

Dheginsea: Naesala, you dare challenge me?
Naesala: Heh. It’s funny you should ask that… I’m not deluded enough to think that I can beat you. The goddess herself would hesitate to fight you. But my people are frozen solid, and I have to delude myself enough to think that I can help save them.
Dheginsea: You are a true king, Naesala. I am ready when you are.
Naesala: I’ll be thrilled if I land even a single blow. I’m much better at fleeing than fighting.



I also really like Caineghis' battle conversation with Deghinsea. 

Caineghis: King Dheginsea, I owe you an apology. You warned me often of the danger of open war, but I did not listen. I want you to know how truly sorry I am for the strife that has once again engulfed our world, and my part in it. However… I will not meekly accept judgement by the goddess. Regardless of my duty to her, the petrified people must be saved.
Dheginsea: Caineghis, king of beasts. I regret that we must stand on opposing sides. Now we must determine which one of us is in the right.

Some RD detractors think that it was extremely foolish for the Laguz Alliance to go to war with Begnion and think that Caineghis agreeing to it is OoC but it seems like he was very reluctant and was full of regret for that decision. Which goes to show just how deeply the developers thought about characterization, geopolitics and plot critics. 

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Kind of a death quote in a way, but always been one of my favorites.


Bryce: So you’re the enemy general, eh? You’re much younger than I had imagined.

Ike: My age matters not. The palace will be ours this day.

Bryce: We will not relinquish it so easily. But allow me to introduce myself as befits a warrior. I am Bryce of Daein.

Ike: And I am Ike of the Greil Mercenaries. Now… Let us begin!

(Bryce defeated)

Ike: Your name was Bryce, was it not? You fought…a good fight.

Bryce: As…did you…Ike. I…commend you… Your style of fencing…is unique… Who was your teacher?

Ike: My father. Greil.

Bryce: I thought…I recognized that style. You truly are Gawain’s… I see it…now… The resemblance…is strong…

Ike: Farewell, knight.


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7 hours ago, Cornguy said:

Kind of a death quote in a way, but always been one of my favorites.

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Bryce: So you’re the enemy general, eh? You’re much younger than I had imagined.

Ike: My age matters not. The palace will be ours this day.

Bryce: We will not relinquish it so easily. But allow me to introduce myself as befits a warrior. I am Bryce of Daein.

Ike: And I am Ike of the Greil Mercenaries. Now… Let us begin!

(Bryce defeated)

Ike: Your name was Bryce, was it not? You fought…a good fight.

Bryce: As…did you…Ike. I…commend you… Your style of fencing…is unique… Who was your teacher?

Ike: My father. Greil.

Bryce: I thought…I recognized that style. You truly are Gawain’s… I see it…now… The resemblance…is strong…

Ike: Farewell, knight.


Hold on a tick. How did Bryce know Gawain's allias was Griel? I kind of assumed he took that name precisely because he didn't want to be recognized by Daein.

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2 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Hold on a tick. How did Bryce know Gawain's allias was Griel? I kind of assumed he took that name precisely because he didn't want to be recognized by Daein.

Because Black Knight told them he killed Greil? And that he knew Grail was Gawain? I'd assume that even though Zelgius has a lot of autonomy in his Black Knight persona, that he would still tell Ashnard that he took down a defector as powerful as Greil.

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21 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Hold on a tick. How did Bryce know Gawain's allias was Griel? I kind of assumed he took that name precisely because he didn't want to be recognized by Daein.

It wasn't exactly a well kept secret. Both Volke and Cainaghes say the hunters were already on Greils trail so Asnard already knew.

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@Jotari Ashnard had mentioned, IIRC, that the enemy general was Gawain's son. So in addition to what's been mentioned, Bryce knew someone was his son, and being that he and Gawain's were very close I doubt he'd have much trouble recognizing the fighting style.

@Icelerate Agreed on Haar. I love how it has the surface I'm going to kill you but also the yes, following someone so blindly will get you killed.

A personal favorite has always been Bryce's with Tauroneo. I'm on my phone right now so I can't post it, but I'll try to later.

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