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We Need Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 5 After All! - GAME OVER


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3 minutes ago, Baldrick said:


Disregarding the fact that he's pushing on your previous player, what do you objectively think of refa's play given he said this:

i think that's a scummy quote regardless because scum have trouble getting into the game and pressuring people they know are town, and they think are obvious town. 

1 minute ago, Makaze said:

Chasing this lead is very likely to lead to a mislynch when there are genuinely scummy targets on the table.

Consider Omega. Is he scum or ITP? You've been waffling on him all day.

omega doesn't read scum, i think. i wanted to scumread him because of the massive amounts of ate mainly at me, but i think he does that as a villager, too. i'm not sure. he's not a wolf AT ALL. for sure. itp would make sense, but i feel like he'd be a lot more passive when being pressured? idk if it makes sense, but yolo doesn't like ate, i think he used it here because he genuinely thought he was a clear townie (which is why he mentioned princess bride because i was getting pushed there when i felt i was a clear townie, or i guess here, too) and it would make sense that he'd ate. if he was a third party, of course he'd understand getting scumread and wouldn't go hard up the ass to just avoid it. that doesn't make sense by what i know from yolo. that's why i'm looking in other places. 

you think the last scum are going to lay themselves out for us while they cook up a nice tan? lmao

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2 hours ago, Vi-astra said:

I'd rather lynch kill over snike but at this point I'd consolidate on either because I realized something that made me not so sure of snike anymore

Via, he's basically been super wolfy in his posts on page 172/173 and i feel like it's spew at this point.

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2 minutes ago, Killthestory said:

i think that's a scummy quote regardless because scum have trouble getting into the game and pressuring people they know are town, and they think are obvious town. 

omega doesn't read scum, i think. i wanted to scumread him because of the massive amounts of ate mainly at me, but i think he does that as a villager, too. i'm not sure. he's not a wolf AT ALL. for sure. itp would make sense, but i feel like he'd be a lot more passive when being pressured? idk if it makes sense, but yolo doesn't like ate, i think he used it here because he genuinely thought he was a clear townie (which is why he mentioned princess bride because i was getting pushed there when i felt i was a clear townie, or i guess here, too) and it would make sense that he'd ate. if he was a third party, of course he'd understand getting scumread and wouldn't go hard up the ass to just avoid it. that doesn't make sense by what i know from yolo. that's why i'm looking in other places. 

you think the last scum are going to lay themselves out for us while they cook up a nice tan? lmao

i mean i think it's just snike or walrein and omega is the itp

if im wrong its probably refa for itp

and it would also be someone that kaoz would empower

but i wouldn't go there until all other options are exhausted, because i think refa's play as been town-supportive at the least

also my case on omega had way more than the AtE on it. the slot before him claimed self-watcher and delayer and specifically mentioned it also delays kills. i was ready to clear omega again when he had this amazing defense post but at the end of that post he said he was trying to draw the nk. that contradicts his claim and immediately after i called him on that he went into AtE mode and omgus'd me the same way you're doing to refa

but i think that omega is just going for any and every option other than himself. when i pushed walrein, he voted walrein. when i pushed him, he voted me. when athena was gaining pressure, he voted athena. etc and so on

theres lots of reasons omega is being anti-town, regardless of his alignment

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Just now, Makaze said:

i mean i think it's just snike or walrein and omega is the itp

if im wrong its probably refa for itp

and it would also be someone that kaoz would empower

but i wouldn't go there until all other options are exhausted, because i think refa's play as been town-supportive at the least

also my case on omega had way more than the AtE on it. the slot before him claimed self-watcher and delayer and specifically mentioned it also delays kills. i was ready to clear omega again when he had this amazing defense post but at the end of that post he said he was trying to draw the nk. that contradicts his claim and immediately after i called him on that he went into AtE mode and omgus'd me the same way you're doing to refa

but i think that omega is just going for any and every option other than himself. when i pushed walrein, he voted walrein. when i pushed him, he voted me. when athena was gaining pressure, he voted athena. etc and so on

theres lots of reasons omega is being anti-town, regardless of his alignment

well i'm a villa, so using him going into defense mode and comparing it to me just makes me want to townread him LOL. anyway, i think we shouldn't dismiss players, again, because of ingrown inhibitions that will fuck us over in the long run. 

anyway, yeah, i know, but that was my main thing with him. self watcher and delayer trying to draw out an nk doesn't sound bad to me at all? that's super ideal if your role isn't outted and if you're trying to help town, why does that come across as scummy? i'd imagine him going into defense mode if he felt your argument was baseless and bad, and the ate would make sense there. why is his argument bad? 

idk, if he was, he'd just push me and say "this isn't kills villa range lol" because nobody knows how i play. plus, if he were scum, he'd probably try to use my emotions against me and rile me up rather than trying to create a no drama atmosphere by saying "oh yeah kill isn't actually that angry." that doesn't feel very wolfy to me? he's tried for evan, walrein, you, and athena. that's not bad considering i disagree with you and athena on principle, so why is his poe bad either? 

1 minute ago, Baldrick said:


Refa said he thought snike was shaping up to be the only wagon, and he thought snike was town. I'm not sure how you get from that he's having trouble getting into the game?

what do you mean? scum struggle to have good and consistent scumreads? having no scumreads is usually a scumtell, but i don't think refa is like a super newbie. regardless of that, i was being pressed today for not having scumreads having been busy, but we give certain players passes that have reasonable potential to be ITP's when we're trying to win the game? it doesn't make sense. having trouble formulating proper scumreads is scummy, and i don't really care who you are. the only push i've seen today was this half baked shitstorm against me. 

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What I have trouble believing is that Kaoz empowered Snike or Omega. it also wouldn't make sense because omega's claim would stop the empower from working the same night.

Which blows a hole in my theory, and suggests there is a third option: The WIFOM on who Kaoz empowered.

It could be Refa, but we would have literally no way to prove it. It's just a numbers thing, don't take it personally.

So IMO we go Snike -> (Walrein or Kill if there are still Mafia) -> Omega -> (Refa if is there is still an ITP)

Depending on if we want to ITP hunt earlier.

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1 minute ago, Makaze said:

What I have trouble believing is that Kaoz empowered Snike or Omega. it also wouldn't make sense because omega's claim would stop the empower from working the same night.

Which blows a hole in my theory, and suggests there is a third option: The WIFOM on who Kaoz empowered.

It could be Refa, but we would have literally no way to prove it. It's just a numbers thing, don't take it personally.

So IMO we go Snike -> (Walrein or Kill if there are still Mafia) -> Omega -> (Refa if is there is still an ITP)

Depending on if we want to ITP hunt earlier.

i'm down

##vote Snike

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2 minutes ago, Killthestory said:

it's not. he probably empowered his jail target, and i'm confirmed not the jail target. 

Iirc @Beru saw him on me, and I highly doubt he would empower me.

Also; are you suggesting refa has only pushed you this phase? Because that's definitely not true.

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3 minutes ago, Killthestory said:

well i'm a villa, so using him going into defense mode and comparing it to me just makes me want to townread him LOL. anyway, i think we shouldn't dismiss players, again, because of ingrown inhibitions that will fuck us over in the long run. 

anyway, yeah, i know, but that was my main thing with him. self watcher and delayer trying to draw out an nk doesn't sound bad to me at all? that's super ideal if your role isn't outted and if you're trying to help town, why does that come across as scummy? i'd imagine him going into defense mode if he felt your argument was baseless and bad, and the ate would make sense there. why is his argument bad? 

idk, if he was, he'd just push me and say "this isn't kills villa range lol" because nobody knows how i play. plus, if he were scum, he'd probably try to use my emotions against me and rile me up rather than trying to create a no drama atmosphere by saying "oh yeah kill isn't actually that angry." that doesn't feel very wolfy to me? he's tried for evan, walrein, you, and athena. that's not bad considering i disagree with you and athena on principle, so why is his poe bad either? 

what do you mean? scum struggle to have good and consistent scumreads? having no scumreads is usually a scumtell, but i don't think refa is like a super newbie. regardless of that, i was being pressed today for not having scumreads having been busy, but we give certain players passes that have reasonable potential to be ITP's when we're trying to win the game? it doesn't make sense. having trouble formulating proper scumreads is scummy, and i don't really care who you are. the only push i've seen today was this half baked shitstorm against me. 

Actually, first Marth claimed the role, all the way. Then, soon after Omega subbed in, I asked him to claim his role. He did so without complaint. His exact words were "Self-watcher/delayer".

And THEN he said that he was trying to draw the NK in his defense post.

I agree with you if he had not claimed.

3 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

Why is it likely that kaoz empowered ITP, again?

Kaoz died despite being targeted by Mack, according to Walrein's claim. So whoever shot Kaoz went through a Martyr.

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2 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

Iirc @Beru saw him on me, and I highly doubt he would empower me.

Also; are you suggesting refa has only pushed you this phase? Because that's definitely not true.

he's never entertained the notion of interacting with me if he was pushing me another phase, and he never has come as hard down on me as this one where he could just as easily made the same case against me yesterday.

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2 minutes ago, Makaze said:

Actually, first Marth claimed the role, all the way. Then, soon after Omega subbed in, I asked him to claim his role. He did so without complaint. His exact words were "Self-watcher/delayer".

And THEN he said that he was trying to draw the NK in his defense post.

I agree with you if he had not claimed.

Kaoz died despite being targeted by Mack, according to Walrein's claim. So whoever shot Kaoz went through a Martyr.

that's so ridiculous i can't help but laugh LOL 

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3 minutes ago, Killthestory said:

he's never entertained the notion of interacting with me if he was pushing me another phase, and he never has come as hard down on me as this one where he could just as easily made the same case against me yesterday.

I think it's just that he has actually cased or tried to get reads on all of the suspects. he has pushed walrein, athena, and you, but has remained consistent on town reading snike the whole time

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@Fable ?

@Killthestory I meant, are you saying refa hasn't pushed anyone else apart from your slot, since you seem to be implying refa is scum finding it difficult to push people so he only pushes someone who can't respond (kirsche).

@Makaze; why would he empower a claimed co-networker?

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1 minute ago, Baldrick said:

@Fable ?

@Killthestory I meant, are you saying refa hasn't pushed anyone else apart from your slot, since you seem to be implying refa is scum finding it difficult to push people so he only pushes someone who can't respond (kirsche).

@Makaze; why would he empower a claimed co-networker?

no, i didn't do that, but i don't think he's had very many meaningful pushes THIS PHASE if it all. the post you showed me where he was in a spiral of not knowing what to do is what i called scummy by sometimes saying scum get caught up in trying to find a good push that they accidently tmi too many.

Just now, Makaze said:

I think it's just that he has actually cased or tried to get reads on all of the suspects. he has pushed walrein, athena, and you, but has remained consistent on town reading snike the whole time

why is being consistent a good thing? well, idk. i think that might be playstyle indicative, but i know when i'm town and others are town, our reads are always changing. him not having changing reads and being very firm reads as very wolfy to me because that's exactly what i'd do as a wolf. 

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1 minute ago, Baldrick said:

@Fable ?

@Killthestory I meant, are you saying refa hasn't pushed  anyone else apart from your slot, since you seem to be implying refa is scum finding it difficult to push people so he only pushes someone who can't respond (kirsche).

@Makaze; why would he empower a claimed co-networker?

We were just trying to find people he might have empowered in his ISO. He was scum reading Sully and Lord Gaius and mentioned he still felt Kill's slot was town, so we thought he'd empower Kill for whatever reason.

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2 minutes ago, Omega. said:

We're not lynching Kill. Makaze open-wolfing on this page as usual for trying to get one of the most obvious villagers in the game killed.

how could you get this impression when I haven't voted him and just called him pure lol

if he's a wolf, he's probably the best i've seen in a while

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Just now, Makaze said:

how could you get this impression when I haven't voted him and just called him pure lol

if he's a wolf, he's probably the best i've seen in a while

You put him in your list. It's wolfy AF. You need to be killed. I like you, but next game we need a strong village to counteract your wolfy style regardless of alignment.

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Just now, Omega. said:

You put him in your list. It's wolfy AF. You need to be killed. I like you, but next game we need a strong village to counteract your wolfy style regardless of alignment.


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