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We Need Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 5 After All! - GAME OVER


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50 minutes ago, Killthestory said:

@Omega i'm struggling for a universe where makaze has such unfiltered thought processes as a wolf. him going back and forth between reads doesn't read as very wolfy to me.

Refa is never a wolf. He switched from you to Junko D1 to kill the wolf singlehandedly when he didn't have to.

What are you doing right now?

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Makaze is top villa for

- trying to kill dvoter eclipse who scum tried to nkill AND wagon

- introducing ITP spec on me which has guaranteed wolves/ITP a free mislynch they didn't have before he started playing this game

- casing Sully/now Beru, who is probably villa by his own admittance

- trying to lynch Snike today then switching to confirmed not-Mafia Refa


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makaze's leading us around in circles just feels really staged now and I'm gonna not bother 

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6 minutes ago, Omega. said:

What's funny is that with all the wagons today, we were probably on the wolf/ITP at some point.

Village officially deep in meme territory.

you not in the village? ?

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Day 4.28 - Votals
Snike + SatsumaFSoySoy (5): Alette, EvanManManMan, Walrein, Baldrick (L-4!)
Makaze (3): Omega., Fable, Beru
Killthestory (2): Refa, Snike + SatsumaFSoySoy
Refa (2): Makaze, Killthestory
Omega (1): Via

Not Voting: athena_57

You have ~2 hours left in the day. With 13 alive, it takes 5 to lynch and 9 to hammer.

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I am not trying to get Refa lynched today lol.

43 minutes ago, Vi-astra said:

why is makaze voting refa why are we doing this don't do that

I am voting him because I had some things that pinged me (mentioned in post before my vote) and I don't want a hammer on Snike.

I am not pushing this lynch.

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18 minutes ago, Vi-astra said:

why are we assuming there's only 2 nontown left, was that confirmed?

It's not, but it seems the most likely with the current PoE. We won't know until we lynch one.

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