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Do You Think FE Switch Is Just Going To Get Delayed Into Early 2019?

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yes i do

honestly, 2 are the situation i fear


1) they still don't know how to properly develop a nintendo switch game so they need more time


2) the developers have very contrasting ideas so they can't decide on what they should do to satisfy new and old fans (just like what happened with fates, but worse)


after all, i don't reay care, i can wait

but if this game disappoints me, once played, i could also stop supporting the franchise, so they better give their all

this is the first home console fire emblem after radiant dawn, so i hope they're motivated enough to show nintendo that fire emblem gives its best on home consoles

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Probably. I personally wouldn't mind waiting a bit longer ( I don't have a Switch ) but I'm expecting IS is trying to make this brilliant for the Switch, their first home console for 8 years. Remember FE got its break with Awakening, so they don't want to screw opportunity up. Also, Heroes is also keeping fans really busy, so there's no reason IS to be rash with their decisions for the switch.

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I feel like there is a chance this happens, but Echoes was announced in January and released in May in the west. If they reveal FE Switch in E3, then a late 2018 release wouldn't be strange.

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I was expecting late 2018 the minute it was announced, nothing had changed my mind so I'd think it's then if at all this year.

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5 hours ago, Marty said:

I feel like sm4sh is coming out around july~august (it's smash, it's not like they need a holiday for it to sell) while FE and Metroid Prime 4 will come out during winter holidays

Prime 4 ain't coming out this year. Like, all of the signs point towards a 2019 release.

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I don't want to say I do but I do feel like it's gonna be release for early 2019 (or at the very least, late 2018).

We've just hit Spring though so there is a lot of time left for a proper reveal.

As always, time will tell.

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It is April. I'll start worrying if there's no announcement by August or so. Remember that Echoes was released just 3 months after being announced, and this sets a precedent.

They might also wait for a Smash Bros cross reveal, if they put the new lord in the game.

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There is a good chance for a delay and honestly the game would be better for it. Nintendo may be pushing pokemon for this and if that happen it would release in November. SSB is likely to release in September.  If you included other non Nintendo franchise like RDR2 Fire Emblem has even less favorably odds. Also Nintendo can have a major release early in the year.

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I lean towards probably. Nintendo needed to pull out everything they could to hype up the Switch after the WiiU. But, it's biting a few games in the ass, FE16 among them. 

Pokémon confuses me as it's announcement stated early 2019 at the earliest. I had a rant on how dissapointing SuMo was for me here, but my big worry is that the new game will ignore the new hardware capabilities and it just be more or less USUM without the island theme and lag... which would technically be improvements as we'd have a full region map to explore, and, more importantly, smoother gameplay, but that's basic functionality that a key Nintendo property should always have. Or worse, have a barren endgame as ORAS and SUMO did.

But, yeah, I really don't understand the "clipping" of other game releases, and Nintendo's dropped that a bit. Octopath Traveler and the Octo Expansion are both coming out on July 13th, for example. Octo. 


Edited by Altrosa
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It's still too early to think about it happening. We could even wait for a September Direct. While it's not released, it can be delayed. Anyways, I honestly think that we will see something about FE16. Smash can't be the only big first party of autumn, and Pokemon and Metroid are 99% sure released next year. Besides, I think Smash would help FE16 if the protagonist appears on Smash. Also, the thing that Cipher hasn't shown anything about wave 14 at this point is a little suspicious...

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On ‎19‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 4:22 PM, Vince777 said:

I actually bought a Switch for this. 

It's collecting dust a little.


I am going to be buying a switch for this, but decided to wait till it comes out (who knows they might have a FE Switch)

back on topic, I doubt its being delayed, people are just being impatient. Holding out till Smash like Yami said is entirely plausible, plus there is also outside items that would need to be produced along side the game, like Amiibo's for example.

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I do believe that the game will be delayed.  I don't want to jump to that conclusion before E3, however, the distinct lack of word related to the game has been odd.  Of course, upon saying this there has not been much word for other big titles that are supposed to drop this year either.  Honestly, I would rather the game be delayed and we receive a quality product with good writing and gameplay that draws in new and old fans alike.  This is more preferable to me than a rushed game where it has not been polished to its full potential.  

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I think it is too soon to say whether or not FE Switch is getting delayed or not. Unless Nintendo has another Direct sometime in May I think FE Switch will most likely show up at E3 and even then there's still eight months left of 2018 after all, that's plenty of time for Nintendo/IS to talk/release the game this year even if it ends up coming out in December like they did with Xenoblade 2. Though it wouldn't bother me either way if it came out in 2018 or 2019 since I'm more fixated on Smash right now but I do understand people are rather hungry for information on FE Switch.

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absolutely, there haven't been any details about it yet and it's around the time that new pokemon games are usually announced right now so there probably won't be any details soon. it might get announced at E3 but if they announce it that late i highly doubt it'll be released later this year. plus with said pokemon game and smash competing with it, like others have said, nintendo probably won't want it competing with smash and pokemon especially since those games are almost for sure going to come out late this year and if the fire emblem game is released this year it will also probably be released towards the end of the year pretty close to the release of smash and pokemon. i'm betting on a spring 2019 release if anything.

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Nah, I think it still comes out this year. If not, it's going to look pretty bad for them, most if not all the games due in mid to late year that have been or are going to be delayed, have already put out announcements about doing so. For IS to wait this long and then drop the ball, would make them look incompetent.

Taking more time does not mean that you are getting it right, it only means that it's taking more time. They could be taking more time for any reason, not just making it better, Not every change is a good one, and not all work is quality, regardless of time spent. I'd honestly feel more confident if they were right on schedule, had a grasp of what they wanted to do, the ability to do it well, and the belief in themselves that they were putting out an outstanding product. The alternative of not believing in their own product and taking more time to polish over something that's crap is disheartening, it's better than releasing said crap, but I'd much rather them have an awesome product and know it. 

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On 4/19/2018 at 3:12 AM, Book Bro said:

Honestly, I do.

It's extremely suspicious to me that we haven't heard a word for over a year while at the same time they've had multiple chances to remind us that it's on track. It's also not a good idea to release it near Smash or Pokemon, both strongly rumoured to release in the second half of this year.

Prove me wrong, IS.

There is nothing strong on the pkmn rumors... everything suggest that pkmn will release in 2019! Only here people keep throwing pkmn for 2018! it aint gonna happen!


If pkmn were to release in 2018 we would already had teaser by now! S&M had their first teaser in February! X and Y in january! and both were released in the end of their respective years! Not to mention pkmn is the only game with a release statement of 2018 or 2019! 


If anything FE is more possible to release this year since it had a 2018 release date from the beginning!

Edited by Pegasus Knight
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1 hour ago, Pegasus Knight said:

There is nothing strong on the pkmn rumors... everything suggest that pkmn will release in 2019! Only here people keep throwing pkmn for 2018! it aint gonna happen!


If pkmn were to release in 2018 we would already had teaser by now! S&M had their first teaser in February! X and Y in january! and both were released in the end of their respective years! Not to mention pkmn is the only game with a release statement of 2018 or 2019! 


If anything FE is more possible to release this year since it had a 2018 release date from the beginning!

If anything, I'd say that there's nothing to make me hold out hope that they weren't lying. Largely because they were much too hasty in announcing it, and now they pushed themselves into a corner. We've gone over a year with nothing but silence on the subject. Does that not seem suspicious to you?

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No probably not. The lack of news isn't surprising either if it is coming out during Fall or early Winter 2018. Fates and Echoes both had similar marketing where it wasn't until a couple of months before that they actually started announcing things for it. The only reason I can think of for them to announce it early was to give the Switch hype. It is the same reason Metroid 4 was announced early, and was most likely just a last minute edition. Now if FE16 isn't shown at E3 or it doesn't show up in their financial reports as being slated for this year then that would confirm that it is being delayed to 2019. Otherwise, I think people are just being impatient and the "leaks" aren't helping matters...

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7 hours ago, YingofDarkness said:

No probably not. The lack of news isn't surprising either if it is coming out during Fall or early Winter 2018. Fates and Echoes both had similar marketing where it wasn't until a couple of months before that they actually started announcing things for it. The only reason I can think of for them to announce it early was to give the Switch hype. It is the same reason Metroid 4 was announced early, and was most likely just a last minute edition. Now if FE16 isn't shown at E3 or it doesn't show up in their financial reports as being slated for this year then that would confirm that it is being delayed to 2019. Otherwise, I think people are just being impatient and the "leaks" aren't helping matters...

Exactly I'm definitely sure the reports next week will still obviously say 2018 only and people will still be impatient....

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On 21/04/2018 at 2:32 PM, Pegasus Knight said:

There is nothing strong on the pkmn rumors... everything suggest that pkmn will release in 2019! Only here people keep throwing pkmn for 2018! it aint gonna happen!


If pkmn were to release in 2018 we would already had teaser by now! S&M had their first teaser in February! X and Y in january! and both were released in the end of their respective years! Not to mention pkmn is the only game with a release statement of 2018 or 2019!

This. It's too late now for a new generation Pokémon game in 2018 if they want to take 9 months to advertise it again like the last two gen. Remakes are announced less early, but the first game on a new console wouldn't be a remake. FE has no competition to worry about on that front, so that just leaves Smash.

I still believe it's coming this year, at least in Japan.

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I don't think that we can say anything with any real certainty, IS has been like atlus in how little they are willing to talk about there games lately so they could be going for an E3 announcement alongside smash bros which if done right could lead to even more publicity than any direct that only hardcore nintendo and fire emblem fans will even look at the highlights the next day, I think if they announced it alongside the main lord in smash bros that would get them more than enough publicity to succeed, if they handle it right an E3 announcement and smash bros could make this work.

though it would be ignorant to think that this is fool proof this is IS we are talking about they would need to have the FE 16 announcement bleed into smash bros', going from FE 16 to announcing the main lord for smash bros I think would be the most effective, it would keep fire emblem in everyone's head while giving the feeling of a new smash bros., also a few demos may help for keeping the game from being overshadowed by smash bros. outright, show off the new graphics and enhanced jiggle physics animations.

Of course I could be way off and smash bros. may not even be getting a new fire emblem character which this whole thing hinges on.

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