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New Legendary Hero: Lyn, Lady of the Wind


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31 minutes ago, XRay said:

The wiki already has her Enemy Phase build up. Gamepedia does not yet, but I think they will get around to it eventually. She has only been released a few days ago and expecting them to have all the builds up is a bit unrealistic.

It wasn't so much that I expect everyone to have every build up already. It was more that when I had looked the wiki didn't, granted that was a day or two ago, and of the youtube videos I watched out of boredom/curiosity, exactly one suggested something aside from the usual suspects. Which again, she's not bad at, but it seems like it's a little surface level to just tell people to give her the same build as everyone else without really digging in further to see what alternatives could exist. Maybe I'm just expecting things to move too quickly.

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47 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

Better Idea? Give her Vantage/guard/chill attack. or even renewal, put DD seal, team her with Marth and Hinoka and use her for what she is, great EP unit.

You don't need that much imagination to figure that much.

The wiki already got that. Gamepedia will get around to adding her Enemy Phase build eventually, or you can help them out and add that in.

For optimal performance under a player's control, I would not recommend Vantage or Chills on her B slot, since she needs either her B slot or Sacred Seal slot to run Quick Riposte and the other slot running another defensive skill. Vantage is a niche skill that few units can use well since very few enemies have bulk so low that they die in one hit. In my opinion, Chills are better run by Player Phase teammates running Braves or Firesweeps since they are less dependent on their B slots for performance.

On the other hand, Vantage and Chills are great on defense teams precisely because defense teams care more about punishing players for making mistakes, and less about raw performance and survivability.

8 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

It wasn't so much that I expect everyone to have every build up already. It was more that when I had looked the wiki didn't, granted that was a day or two ago, and of the youtube videos I watched out of boredom/curiosity, exactly one suggested something aside from the usual suspects. Which again, she's not bad at, but it seems like it's a little surface level to just tell people to give her the same build as everyone else without really digging in further to see what alternatives could exist. Maybe I'm just expecting things to move too quickly.

I am guessing YouTubers need to put out content quickly as soon as possible, so they might not have enough time to think things through and had a brain fart and forgot about her Enemy Phase build.


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20 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

I don't know if she really need QR though.There is only few units she can't double on her own with her buff on. I feel other skills might be more useful.

Countering Celica and SM!Eirika requires Quick Riposte, not to mention offensive mages who are buffed. It is not particularly difficult for units to reach close to 50 Spd with buffs, so if an Enemy Phase unit wants to double reliably without using Quick Riposte, they will need 55+ Spd, which is almost impossible for any unit to reach by themselves and difficult or impractical for most teams to achieve, as not everyone is going to use Marth or BH!Lucina.

If you do not need her to counter high Spd mages, then you can go without Quick Riposte, but I generally advise using it since high Spd mages are pretty common.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I am guessing YouTubers need to put out content quickly as soon as possible, so they might not have enough time to think things through and had a brain fart and forgot about her Enemy Phase build.

Or alternatively, they are simply incompetent.

Having a brain fart and forgetting that Lyn has two uninheritable boosting skills that activate when near allies, one of which activates only on enemy phase, is about as ridiculous as forgetting that Reinhardt has Dire Thunder.

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Or alternatively, they are simply incompetent.

Having a brain fart and forgetting that Lyn has two uninheritable boosting skills that activate when near allies, one of which activates only on enemy phase, is about as ridiculous as forgetting that Reinhardt has Dire Thunder.

I mean, it took a little while for players to realize how broken Reinhardt is in the beginning too. I do not expect content creators to get things right the first time, especially if they need to rush videos out.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I mean, it took a little while for players to realize how broken Reinhardt is in the beginning too.

No, that's entirely because Reinhardt was absolutely abysmal for Arena scoring. Not only did he have the worst-scoring class in the game (ranged cavalry), but he also had one of the worst-scoring weapons in the game (Dire Thunder was worth 4 rating, with only Brave Sword/Lance/Axe+ at 3 rating and Brave Bow+ at 2 rating scoring lower).

Reinhardt's absurd performance was so over-balanced by his horrible scoring that it wasn't worth using him unless you had trouble winning in the first place. Gunter with no weapon at all was worth more rating (150) than Reinhardt with Dire Thunder (149), and Gunter came with the highest-scoring non-exclusive weapon in the game as a default (Silver Axe+ worth 15 rating).

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This banner really isn't doing it for me. I've spend over 200 orbs, probably edging close to 300 and all I got were two dancer Inigo's and a sea of trash units that I already got and  which were more often then not 3 stars rather then four stars. No Lyn, No Michaiah, no Shigure.

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13 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

It could be worse. You could have gotten three copies of Gunnthra with the exact same bane and boon (considering I've only ever gotten five copies of Gunnthra, three identical copies is a lot even for me).

Oh yeah. I seem to recall your Gunnthra woes! Hopefully you have better luck next time she pops up in the rotation(I should probably pay more attention to the notices, but once I got 1 copy of the legends I don't pay much more attention since I don't ever expect to get them to high merge levels).

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8 hours ago, XRay said:

For optimal performance under a player's control, I would not recommend Vantage or Chills on her B slot, since she needs either her B slot or Sacred Seal slot to run Quick Riposte and the other slot running another defensive skill. Vantage is a niche skill that few units can use well since very few enemies have bulk so low that they die in one hit. In my opinion, Chills are better run by Player Phase teammates running Braves or Firesweeps since they are less dependent on their B slots for performance.

On the other hand, Vantage and Chills are great on defense teams precisely because defense teams care more about punishing players for making mistakes, and less about raw performance and survivability.

I think the thinking on vantage under player control is run it wit the QR seal, let her bait someone, charge DA, and then hit the next enemy she baits with 70-74 attack depending on boon. That's not like OHKO everyone territory, but a good chunk of the enemies that she should be baiting probably will fall to that. It lets her bait two enemies on the same turn, but that always seems like a risky proposition to me.

That said, I'm personally with you where it seems like she'd want either Dull Ranged or Distant Defense instead, especially for me personally since mine is -spd and would really like Dull Ranged to keep enemies from getting speed boosts that'll put them in the 47 speed range.


8 hours ago, XRay said:

I am guessing YouTubers need to put out content quickly as soon as possible, so they might not have enough time to think things through and had a brain fart and forgot about her Enemy Phase build.

True. Sometimes I forget how long making a video can take. I've been involved in exactly one shoot, and that was to help a friend out with a class project for a five minute video, and that took eight hours. I don't necessarily know that Youtube videos take that long since they're mostly still images and effects, which I would sincerely hope are easier to control than getting someone to sit at exactly the right angle, but still, I could understand YTers feeling the need to get content out for views, and having to decide between investigating a potentially alternative build or spending time to improve the video production.

@Ice Dragon I would like to imagine they want to investigate alternative builds rather than offering up a suggestion without really vetting it. It's a lot easier to release a future video covering a new build and link it in the old video to shush all the people saying you missed something so obvious than it is to suggest a build that ends up being worthless and have people commenting on how garbage your video is. Retractions never really do much, and true, they can always take it down, but then you end up with people commenting on how you took it down, which also I can't imagine is good for public image either. Granted, there is still the distinct possibility they were too lazy or whatever to notice the build idea or look into it, but I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt here.


8 hours ago, Tenzen12 said:

I don't know if she really need QR though.There is only few units she can't double on her own with her buff on. I feel other skills might be more useful.

As @XRay said, most of the people Lyn would want to bait are PP oriented magic users and maybe some of the weaker bow users, and most of them stack speed out the ass. Nino for example, can hit 42 speed just with a speed boon and fury, which means Lyn has to run a speed boon if she wants to double her naturally. Nino is one of the faster mages, but a speed boon and fury is scraping the bottom of the barrel as far as speed boosts go. For example, you'll probably never see this build, but Arvis of all people can hit 43 speed by running darting blow, having used his four available merges, and getting a hone speed. Heck, even without the merges, he's at 41. Either of those put him out of range of being naturally doubled by anything but +spd Lyn, and while that's not a build you're likely to see and Lyn could run buffs of her own, most mages have access to IVs and whatnot and most of the common ones are a good bit faster than Arvis. Not running QR isn't the end of the world, especially if your team buffs the crap out of each other, but at this point in the meta, speed is at a premium to the point where EP characters want it more just to prevent themselves from getting doubled than to actually double naturally.

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20 hours ago, XRay said:

I mean, it took a little while for players to realize how broken Reinhardt is in the beginning too. I do not expect content creators to get things right the first time, especially if they need to rush videos out.

Lyn isnt broken tough because baiting AI is really easy. I think Lyn works well if you control her with her default unique skills, for Arena defense tough she needs a totally different skill (as in Brave bows). She is a crappy Enemy phase unit when controlled by the AI

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1 hour ago, Hilda said:

Lyn isnt broken tough because baiting AI is really easy. I think Lyn works well if you control her with her default unique skills, for Arena defense tough she needs a totally different skill (as in Brave bows). She is a crappy Enemy phase unit when controlled by the AI

I know LOTW!Lyn is far from broken. What I meant was that people are overlooking her performance as an Enemy Phase unit.

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29 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Is there anywhere that says which legendary units will come back next month?

low key want to try for a Fire legendary hero and get Ephraim on my other account but not sure if he’s back next month

Fjorm, Gunnthra and Robin will be on the next one.

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4 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

The banner is ending today and I'm happy to say I had some good luck for once! I summoned five Legendary Lyns, four Halloween Henrys, one Dancing Inigo and one Genny.

Jesus, I've only heard of people having bad luck with this one so far. I personally wanted all reds and at least one from each color, but only got duplicates and a +speed - attack Jakob. It's actually almost impressive, but now the Cynthia fund has taken damage. 

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I really don't want to leave my 9% rate on the table, but I have hardly any orbs left. I still have a lot of stuff I want off this banner, especially a Genny and replacements for my -atk Lyn and Robin, but I just don't think I can do it. Especially when I really don't want to have no orbs at all for the upcoming brides and the likely rerun of the old brides too. (I need Charlotte and I'd take Cordelia merges if I could) And that's not even counting the banner in a few days, whatever it might be.

If only getting Hinoka hadn't taken like 400 orbs just before this banner. That was what really killed my savings.

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Literally the only thing I got from this banner was Henry. 3 separate times

Damnit all

*obligatory "Legend banners are a mistake" post

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I spent all of my orbs on the Legendary Banner and got...

Legendary!Lyn (A bonus and my first 5* off of the banner. I find it fascinating I got all the Lyns save for the original Lyn, and I wasn't gunning for any of the Lyns save for the original [Brave!Lyn was from the free selection])
Genny (I got spooked by Genny. I got like 4 Gennys on my roster and no Elise for Wrathful Staff. Maybe I should look at their natures and actually start trying to raise one. I love Genny, but I love other characters more.)
PA!Inigo (Another spook. He's not my Liam Inigo, so I'm not interested. Actually, now that I think about it, I got all the PA heroes save for PA!Olivia. PA!Azura is amazing, but I like PA!Olivia more...)
Halloween!Henry (He may be high on the lists, but he spooked me. I don't really want him, honestly...)
Fallen!Celica (Finally, one of the characters I desired! I got her on my last summon session of the banner.)

I wanted Legendary!Lyn, Erika, Ephraim, Fallen Celica, and Micaiah off of the banner. I would have loved if Genny, PA!Inigo, and H!Henry could have been a desired character, but RNG is RNG...

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Spent around 180 orbs on this banner and I got a pretty sweet haul:

2 Legendary Ephraims, 1 Legendary Lyn, 1 Female Grima, 1Halloeen Jakob, 2 Halloween Henrys, 1Genny , 1 Michiah and 1 Shigure.

Shame about red but I aint complaining over luck like this.

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Time for the summary.

This banner treated me much better than previous Legendary Heroes banners, at least, though Jakob was being a jerk at the end, making me spend an extra $80 to get the last copy I needed to get him to +10.

387 pulls total. Only green and colorless when possible. Career totals in parentheses.

  • Lyn: 9 (9)
  • Inigo: 4 (8)
  • Henry: 10 (13)
  • Robin: 5 (12)
  • Genny: 9 (15)
  • Jakob: 9 (11)

11.9% 5-star rate. Wow. That's new. I'm normally just barely above base rates if at all.

The balance is... horrible, but in my favor for the characters that I actually wanted to get. So I guess that's fine.

Five of my Lyns are -Atk, and none of them are +Atk. Yo, wtf, game.


I'm really considering getting Genny to +10 instead of feeding all of them off for Wrathful Staff. I'll still have 1 spare Genny left over for Wrathful Staff if I do so (and it's going to Nanna).

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