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Rate the Unit, Day 92: Brave Ephraim & Brave Veronica


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Now for the 2 CYL1 runner ups

Brave Roy

Offensive sword cavalry with the main niche of having heavy blade on his weapon, allowing him to run his base galeforce build well. Or at least back when he first released.

His offensive statline just doesn't quite keep up now and he fails to double his enemies more often without horse buffs, hurting his ability to carry out his galeforce gimmick. The release of Siegbert and the heavy blade seal left him outclassed at his own niche.

Horse buffs put his combat up to a better standard but outside of it he doesn't perform as well.

Still his galeforce niche is a powerful one if pulled off so he isn't pulled down that much.

For good combat and a galeforce niche l give him an 8, -0.5 for buff dependence/horse emblem requirements for a final 7.5/10

Brave Lucina

Bringing a very similar statline to her sword versions, brave Lucina has the strongest offensive statline of all lance infantry, and though 36 speed isn't quite enough to double some of the faster swords released after her, she still maintains near perfect red matchups otherwise (perfect with swordbreaker) and great blue matchups but falters against bulky blues and most greens.

However her main claim to fame is the double drive on her weapon, for physical units at least. With this she can serve a double role as offensive lancer and support buffer for physical teams.

She mostly faces competition from Ephraim who has better player phase performance and less restrictive buffs, but her higher speed gives her better enemy phase potential and her buffs are in-combat, so they stack unlike hones.

7 for a solid niche and good but not perfect combat, +0.5 for drive support for a final 7.5/10



Not to point fingers but I feel like some people are just throwing 9s just because they're CYL units without taking actual matchups into consideration.


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....got a 8/10 from me which is the rating i gave for Marth. Maybe bias for 9/10

Brave Roy is fantastic but he started to suffer from stats creep, Myrh, and now LHector. Basically hes weak to Wary fighter since it counters his primary strategy. Outside of that hes perfectly capable to use you as a set up fodder for Galeforce and just sweep outright

You can make up for it by using BA seal yes,  but using BA seal change his dynamic against tomes. Finally Brave Roy struggles against high phys bulk enemies but you requires shit tons of them to handle buffed Brave Roy

Finally Ledge fucked with Brave Roy more than every other horse since his mobile offense have always been his draw. I dont know why the fuck did they nerf Reinhardt and BLyn by creating a mechanic that didnt fuck with them all that much but casually murders Brave Roy but im not the one designing the game


Blucina is 7.0 a more limited Marth with better buff quality. Worse everything else

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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I don't have B!Roy so I can't rate him. Going up against in Arena isn't pain though. Not any worse than going against WT! Reinhardt & Eldigan.




Lucy has help me a lot when it comes doing quest & Infernal missions.  Geirskogul feels godlike when you stack up with those Drive & Spur skills. Giving out those +10 SPD just feels great. That being said, I'm not sure she has +3 DEF. It just feels tack on when you see her base stats is 27, but it's not pointless *cough*Fujin Yumi having Pass 2 *cough* bonus to have. Especially if its her Boon since it's a Super Boon. I still rather have had + ATK or SPD bonus instead. They could have at least change had neutral DEF IV's be 30 but whatever. Overall, she's incredibly helpful buff unit that can also carry herself while she's at it.

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Brave Roy (8/10):

Use to be my staple red cavalry unit, when I first obtained him. Galeforce + HB seal combo (With Cavalry buffs) works wonders on him these days. Amazing attack stat (+Attack especially).

I prefer to use Reinhardt WT, Exalted Chrom, Ares, Sigurd & Siegbert over him now, though he's still an awesome unit.


Brave Lucina (9/10):

One of my favourite Blue Lance units to use. You can set her up for player, enemy or mixed phase. Having her in the blue slot with Ayra/Karla/Mia in the red slot, is so much fun.

I currently use her as more of an enemy phase buff unit myself (Ayra, PA!Azura & Bride Cords as teammates), mainly in arena assault. Merging her to +10  for Arena purposes but, is definitely something worth considering, if one has the desire (& funds haha).

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Roy: Brave Lion (7/10)
+ Good Atk and Spd, especially with skills and buffs
+ Very good prf weapon (Atk +3 and Heavy Blade 3)
+ Base kit has a clear purpose; he only needs his A-slot replaced with Swift Sparrow, Life and Death, or Fury and has open slots for an Assist (ie. Reposition) and a C-slot (ie. cavalry buff or Savage Blow).
- 5*-locked; very difficult/expensive to obtain merges or hunt for IVs (he's also in red hell)
- Pre-Ayra BST
- Mediocre to poor defensive stats - especially if Life and Death were to be used for A-slot
- If optimized for Arena scoring (if he wants to score similarly to post-Ayra melee cavalry or pre-Ayra melee infantry), he must be +Def and not -HP; cannot use +Atk or +Spd in such cases (he'd most likely be +Def/-Res).
- Competes with several other sword cavaliers (Sigurd, Ares, Eldigan, Xander, Reinhardt, Siegbert, and, to a lesser extent, Eliwood). Swords are a very competitive weapon type in general.  

Lucina: Brave Princess (7/10)
+ Good offensive statline with decent physical bulk (which can be improved further by being +Atk, +Spd, or +Def)
+ Prf weapon improves her physical bulk and grants her support utility to allies w/ physical weapons via in-combat buffs
- 5*-locked; very difficult/expensive to obtain merges or hunt for IVs
- Pre-Ayra BST
-  Faces competition for the role with Marth: Altean Prince and Ephraim: Restoration Lord. While Marth is a red unit, he provides a larger total number of in-combat buffs and isn't restricted to only physical attacking units. He also can act as a pseudo-medic and has much greater availability meaning it's easier to hunt for IVs and merges for him. Ephraim competes in color and role with Lucina by being a lance unit that provides field buffs that aren't restricted to only physical attacking units.

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Brave Roy: 7.88
Brave Lucina: 7.83

Ike, Brave Mercenary


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

Urvan ( Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit receives consecutive attacks, reduces damage from foe's second attack onward by 80%. )
( - )

Steady Breath
Beorc's Blessing (Neutralizes cavalry and flying foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat. (Skill cannot be inherited.) )
Threaten Def

Lyn, Brave Lady


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

Mulagir ( Effective against flying foes. Grants Spd+3. Neutralizes magic foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat. )
( - )
Draconic Aura

Swift Sparrow
Sacae's Blessing ( If foe uses sword, lance, or axe, foe cannot counterattack. (Skill cannot be inherited.) )
Atk Smoke


Edited by The Priest
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Brave Ike: He's like an armored unit but with more movement, which is excellent. He's a fantastic green ally and one of the best axe users in the game, having amazing offensive abilities as well as good physical bulk. His starting kit is definitely good enough but he has enough synergy and flexibility to do other things. He's a little slow, but since he can tank so much, being doubled doesn't usually hurt him too badly. At least in terms of physical hits. Magically, however, he's not as great. Overall, a fantastic unit. 9.5/10

Brave Lyn: Brave Lyn is, in my opinion, the best colorless/gray unit in the game. Her default kit is fantastic, giving her good power, speed, and resistance, and the safety of taking out certain Distant Counter units without taking any retaliation damage. She's good enough to run other bows as well, like Brave and Firesweep bows, and she doesn't fall into that "master of none" trap that jack-of-all-trades units tend to fall into. Being a bow unit riding a horse, her range is Incredible, and pairing her with another cavalry unit to buff her or a dancer so she can move again makes her even more deadly. Her physical defense is poor, though, so you definitely want her Repositioned or danced out of harm's way after attacking. In closing, Brave Lyn is the biggest meta-defining unit in the game aside from Reinhardt, and the only unit I'd rank perfectly. 10/10

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BST: 43/36/28/35/20


Technically speaking, Urvan is the most stacked Prf weapon in the game, featuring the Killer Effect, Deflect Melee, Deflect Missle, Deflect Magic, and Deflect Dragon (which doesn't even exist as a seal, incidentally). That's 5 effects theoretically all worth a skill slot each.

It even stacks with the Deflect seals if you wanted 96% reduction rather than 80% reduction for some reason, but just run a Hp +5 seal for that instead, it accomplishes the same thing.


The unique Anti-Type B-slot in Beorc's Blessing means that Ike neuters -blade tomes, avoiding the one weapon type that doesn't care too much about deflection effect, but, unfortunately, his Res is low enough that a strong mage can OHKO him regardless of the fact that the mage has no buffs.


Because of Urvan, Ike doesn't care if he gets countered when he's attacking (his bulk is high enough to survive any single hit, and doubles get Urvan'd), and doubles from Range, assuming he didn't pick up DC for some bloody reason, don't do anything.


His starting set makes his purpose pretty obvious: You stand somewhere, you wait for a ranged idiot to hit you twice, and then you Aether him for all his HP and go back to full.

You can branch out to other specialties like a QR killer set, where you run DC, Urvan, Ignis, Vantage, walk up to get doubled on player phase, and then Ignis the idiot on enemy phase, but that's definitely a show-boating set.


All in all, Ike suffers from the fact that, because of his spread, his starting set is his best set. If he has more Res he can run a dragon killing set by using Urvan to ignore QR dragon sets (take -Spd so you don't double), but his min-maxed stat-line means that he mostly wants to fight physical units, ranged or melee, although one weak mage wouldn't damage him to the point of non-functionality since he can just Aether enough hp back to fight physical units.

Doesn't help that he's foot-locked.


All in all, a


His ridiculously strong Prf means that his combats will never be bad, but his reliance on killing someone through multiple rounds---even if the first round is just him standing there while a bow shoots him for 0 damage---means that any gains he gives in terms of positioning, by forcing the enemy to a certain square, is lost from still having to spend a player phase turn killing the enemy that's forced to that square.



BST: 35/33/35/18/28

Brave Roy already had combat nearly as good as it gets for a horse, and Bow Lyn's offensive stats are better than his. Add 2 ranged offenses and brave weapon access and, even in the worst case, Bow Lyn is the same level as Brave Roy.

She does suffer, offensively, from the fact that lopsided defensive stats is a good way to get OHKOd on the counter, but firesweep access and Sacae's Blessing means she has options if she wants to avoid counters.


There's no need to reiterate why horses have some of the best support capabilities in the game (just refer to my Mathilda and Brave Roy reviews), so I'll get straight down to what makes Lyn better than Brave Roy but worse than 10/10


Galeforce is a melee only niche, in that it generates unit-turns. However, ranged units have the advantage in generating regular turns, because it's a lot easier to hit and run from 2 range than melee range.

Given that turn generation isn't a large factor, Lyn's better combat (better stats and better range) and better utility (Firesweep or Sacae access to provide reliable chip damage versus things that can't be ORKOd) means Lyn's the better unit in terms of arena battles.

(In Grand Conquests Roy will be better than Lyn, because Galeforce matters more there, and certain PvE maps will favor one side or another, but in terms of pure Arena Lyn is superior.)


Unfortunately, not even Lyn can match the sheer flexibility in terms of sets as Reinhardt, whose 38/32/23/27/25 spread gives him both some of the best offenses in the game with his Dire Thunder and -blade Tome sets, but also one of the best enemy phase sets in CC Vantage.

And Reinhardt isn't even 10/10. He might not even be 9.5/10, because there isn't a 10/10 support in horse emblem to truly leverage his potential.

With that in mind, Lyn is a very shakey


She is indeed better than Brave Roy, which puts her in the 8.5 to 9 range, but she's worse than Reinhardt, who's in the 9 to 9.5 range. I would like to put her as 8.75, but that just makes scoring needlessly granulated.

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Both are OP as hell, but for the sake of rating:

  • Brave Ike: He's a tank, tying for the second highest defense, having a great HP stat and an attack stat that will kill a lot of enemies if +Attack, the main gimmick with him is triggering Aether quick, which is done with Urvan lowering the cooldown and him having one of the most broken skills: Steady Breath, with it he can trigger Aether in just two hits so long as he can double (Quick Riposte or a -breaker skill) and is attacked first, Urvan also lowers the damage from ALL follow up attacks by 80% and Beorc's Blessing to negate both mounted and flyer buffs, you've got the perfect check for things like Reinhardt and S!Corrin in the arena, only problem is that he's so slow and he will be doubled a lot and his resistance is very on the low side of things, he's also the only Ike as of now that does NOT have Distant Counter in his weapon, but because of his high defense and also Urvan's damage mitigation effect, he doesn't need to worry that much so long as he can live to do the kill, 9/10


  • Brave Lyn: Being our first mounted archer, with Sacae's Blessing equipped to negate both Distant Counter and weapons melee with this skill, having the third highest attack among archers, tying for fastest archer with Bownoka (thanks to that +3 speed in their weapons), Lyn can dish out massive damage against anyone if she's given a Brave Bow+, if not, her weapon Mulagir is a first as it's able to negate buffs, in her case mages will need to think twice about attacking her, even if they did hit her, her resistance is also pretty decent at best and with horse buffs, she is unstoppable, no wonder people build a lot of characters with Raven/Bowbreaker, that's basically the only way to take care of Lyn, unless you get up close and personal with her since she does have a pathetic defense stat and despite having a decent resistance, her HP is not so decent as it's the second lowest HP for archers, but if anything, she can dish out massive damage, pair her up with Reinhardt and it will be a fun match, 9/10
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Brave Ike. His stat spread focuses on Atk and Def with average Hp, below average Spd and terribad Res. Brave Ike is the start of gen 2 BST and it shows with his pretty high stats. His job is that of a tank thanks to his Prf weapon Urvan, which reduces the damage taken by consecutive hits by 80%. This lets B!Ike survive even the strongest of mages, of course this weapon comes with the cost of being useless against non-brave/non-Desperation units if one decides to run Distant Counter. Despite his great stats B!Ike hasn't aged very well in this meta, even with his great bulk he gets destroyed by common red units like Zelgius/Ayra/Tiki and due to how his weapon works he tends to be a sitting duck in the face of teams with dancers. B!Ike is still a unit worth investing into if only for his score potential but in terms of performance he has seen better days.

Rating: 7/10

Brave Lyn. The unit that gave Reinhardt a run for his money in terms of being a cancer to the meta. Her stats focus on Atk/Spd with above average Res and awful Def. She also is the only ranged cavalier with boosted BST making her the only viable option in the highest tiers if one really wants to use a mounted ranged unit (note that highest is whale-armor land, not staying in tier 20). Her Prf weapon Mulagir has seen better days, it was better in the days of Blade tome spam but with the increase in bulk it has lost in utility making the standard Firesweep Bow and Brave Bow the better choices. Now, being a horse archer is pretty nifty but it isn't enough to make a unit OP, what pushes B!Lyn into that territory is her exclusive skill Sacae's Blessing which renders every form Distant Counter moot with the exception of dragons. B!Lyn has low physical bulk but she cares very little about this thanks to Sacae's Blessing (or Firesweep Bow, but this one is starting to show it's age) which coupled with her high Mov lets her deal tons of damage without any kind of cost. The increase in bulk in the meta, dragons adaptative damage and trenches have made her life harder but that doesn't stop her from being a threat just like Reinhardt is, although the latter is in a better spot thanks to targetting the generally lower Res stat.

Rating: 9/10

Edited by Alexmender
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  • Physically focused stat line, with good Atk and Def, mediocre Spd, and low Res.
    • Urvan (Accelerates special trigger, 80% mitigation when consecutive hits are received) is a solid defensive tool, allowing him to weather out Brave weaponry and Desperation users.
    • He has the Atk stat to run a Brave Axe set on offense if you really want him to (very strong blue, mediocre green matchups), but plenty of bulky greens will wall him.
    • Very strong blue, passable green matchups on defense with a DC set. He can instead use his natural Steady Breath to focus on one-range matchups, with similar results.
  • He has some Panic Ploy capability with his HP stat.

Overall, I give him 7 for combat (very strong blue, passable green defense matchups), and 1 for support (basic field/combat buff, Panic Ploy capability), for a total rating of 6.5/10.


  • Offense focused stat line, with good Spd, decent Atk and Res, and poor Def.
    • Mulagir (Speed +3, negates field buffs on tome-users) is a decent offense weapon, allowing her to check mages (especially -blade mages).
    • She has a strong offense performance with Hone Cavalry active, but will falter in the face of well-built dragons and armors. Firesweep Bow and Sacae's Blessing mitigate her loss counts, but she is still lacking on the KO front.
    • Mediocre defense matchups due to her lower defensive stat line.
  • As a cavalry unit, she can provide cavalry field/combat buffs for her allies. She has some ploy capability with her Res stat.

Overall, I give her 8 for combat (strong offense performance, but struggles against prominent dragon and armor threats), and 1.5 for support (cavalry field/combat buff, some ploy capability), for a total rating of 7.5/10.

I was too harsh on some of the infantry bows. 8 is a fine spot for Lyn's combat score given my ORKO-focused criteria, though.


Scoring method:


Units are evaluated based on both their combat performance and their team support capabilities (i.e. their whole contribution to a team).

  • Combat performance is judged by matchups, especially against enemies that are at triangle disadvantage or neutral to the unit. Performance against more relevant meta threats is more valuable than performance against units that are rarely seen. Triangle Adept sets are not considered, though they might be noted. Scale of 0 to 10.
    • Sustainability and filling a useful niche are given small bonuses, when applicable.
    • I will look at least one PP-focused and one EP-focused skill set for each unit, but only evaluate based on performance for whichever phase I deem the unit to be stronger on.
  • Support capabilities are decided by how much support a unit can provide (without horribly compromising their combat capabilities), and how valuable I feel that support is. Scale of 0 to 3.
  • At the end, the combat and support scores will be weighted (with a heavy focus on combat performance), combined, and rounded to the nearest .5 to obtain the total rating. Dancers and Singers will get +1 point to their total rating (not to exceed 10), because I value Dance/Sing utility highly.

This method of evaluation essentially compares each unit to a hypothetical "god unit" who is stellar at everything, instead of each unit to each other.

All my ratings.

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Brave Ike - His stats aren't notable in the face of most Axe infantry, and they look worse since his weapon can't be refined. However, Urvan's Deflect Everything effect is still quite nice if you can live with him not equipping DC. It's not like Steady Breath is a sub optimal A skill. But at the end of the day I prefer Dorcas who can combine both DC and Steady Breath. Beorc's Blessing is handy for allowing him to survive blade tome cavs and fliers but those aren't as common as armor knights and dragons in today's meta. Speaking of armor knights, there's a ton of incredible axe armor units with more impressive stats than Ike. And if you're running any infantry than I assume it's a mixed emblem team that will always benefit from such units over Ike.  8 out of 10. Urvan and Beorc's Blessing provides some build versatility and great performance in Arena Defense but he's still held back by his class and the meta of incredible swords and dragons.

Brave Lyn - Like Hinoka, her personal weapon allows her to reach 38 speed at base which is unmatched among archers. Despite her horse, she has the same BST tier as the launch archers, though she does fall behind Hinoka in terms of scoring in this department. Mulagir itself and Sacea's Blessing are both worth applying together. Ignoring DC from non dragons is obviously still meta relevant, and mulagir's effect can surprise people trying to cruise through on their blade tomes when it comes to Arena Defense. Brave Lyn makes for a fearsome firesweep archer with access to many varieties of buffs by virtue of not being infantry. It also lets her attack those damned dragons without dying. Lyn's Resistance stat was quite good, allowing her to survive fights with Nowi before the weapon refinery, and fights with mages that weren't speced for OHKOs. Nowadays that Resistance stat is almost totally a waste of her BST unless you want to try ploying some units. 8.5 out of 10. Whether you keep her unique weapon and skills, or opt for a firesweep build, Lyn always finds a way to contribute by avoiding counterattacks. That consistency is quite valuable for Arena Offense.

Past Ratings

  1. Alfonse - 3
  2. Marth - 7
  3. Sharena - 3
  4. Jagen - 1
  5. Anna - 4.5
  6. Barst - 3
  7. Cain - 4
  8. Draug - 7.5
  9. Gordin - 5
  10. Jeorge - 5.5
  11. Abel - 5.5
  12. Linde - 9
  13. Minerva - Abstain
  14. Merric - 3.5
  15. Maria - 6
  16. Wrys - 3.5
  17. Ceada - Abstain
  18. Ogma - 4
  19. Catria - 4
  20. Est - 6
  21. Sheena - 6.5
  22. Cecilia - 4
  23. Clarine - 6.5
  24. Matthew - 4
  25. Palla - 2.5
  26. Roy -7
  27. Gwendolyn - 7.5
  28. Shanna - 4.5
  29. Bartre - 7
  30. Fae - 7.5
  31. Serra - 4
  32. Lissa - 2
  33. Y!Tiki - 8
  34. Lilina - 7
  35. Florina - 1.5
  36. M!Robin - 3.5
  37. Hector - 8
  38. Raven - 8.5
  39. Gaius - 4 
  40. Virion - 3.5
  41. Raigh - 1.5
  42. Sophia - 3.5
  43. Sully -2.5
  44. Cordelia -7
  45. Hawkeye - 5.5
  46. Nino - 8
  47. Felicia - 6.5
  48. Jakob - 1
  49. Fir - 4
  50. Eliwood - 5.5
  51. Donnel - 3.5
  52. Nowi - 8.5
  53. Frederick - 6.5
  54. Cherche - 7.5
  55. Saizo - 4
  56. Kagero - 4.5
  57. Lyn - 7
  58. Chrom - 5
  59. F!Corrin - 7
  60. Azura - 6.5
  61. Gunter - 3
  62. Camilla - 5.5
  63. Azama - 6.5
  64. Setsuna - 3.5
  65. Stahl - 2.5
  66. Lonqu - 3
  67. Hinoka - 7.5
  68. Oboro - 2.5
  69. Beruka - 6
  70. Arthur - 2
  71. Takumi - 5.5
  72. Sakura - 3
  73. Olivia - 7
  74. Henry - 2
  75. Subaki - 4.5
  76. Peri - 6.5
  77. Niles - 1.5
  78. Elise - 7.5
  79. Tharja - 5
  80. A!Tiki - 8
  81. Odin - 1 
  82. Effie - 7.5
  83. Lucina - 7
  84. M!Corrin - 6
  85. Ryoma - 5.5
  86. Hinata - 4.5
  87. Hana - 5.5
  88. Laslow - 3
  89. Selena - 2
  90. Leo - 2
  91. Eirika - 5
  92. Seliph - 5.5
  93. Ephraim - 7
  94. Julia - 6
  95. Eldigan - Abstain
  96. Sanaki - 6.5
  97. Reinhardt - 8
  98. Olwen - 5.5
  99. Lachesis - 3
  100. Klein - 4
  101. Karel - 6.5
  102. Ninian - 7
  103. Lucius - 4.5
  104. Rebecca - 2.5
  105. Priscilla - 4
  106. Jaffar - 3.5
  107. Alm - 9
  108. Lukas - 7.5
  109. Clair - 7
  110. Faye - 5.5
  111. Ike - 6
  112. Titania - 3.5
  113. Soren - 4
  114. Mist - 2.5
  115. Celica - 7
  116. Mae - 6.5
  117. Boey - 3.5
  118. Genny - 6
  119. Luke - 3.5
  120. Katarina - 5.5
  121. Athena - 3.5
  122. Roderick - 6
  123. Gray - 5
  124. Saber - 3
  125. Mathilda - 3
  126. Delthea - 6.5
  127. Sonya - 4.5
  128. Leon - 6
  129. Seth - 2
  130. Tana - 7
  131. Amelia -8
  132. Innes - 6
  133. Brave Roy - 6.5
  134. Brave Lucina - Abstain
  135. Brave Ike - 8
  136. Brave Lyn - 8.5

Ratings I would change in retrospect: Gordin would be a 2.5 and Jeorge a 4, Cain would be a 3, Cecilia would be a 3.5. Linde would be 7. And I'd drop Matthew and Saizo to 3.5. Beruka would be a 7. Caeda I'd rate a 5.5 now that I've been using her at 5 star. Leo I'd bump up to a 3. Hector is a 7.5 because he's been powercreeped again.


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Brave Ike- 8/10

Solid unit, doesn't really need anything outside of maybe reposition/swap/etc. Functions well with Heavy Blade as a seal. Pretty good, even at neutral.

Brave Lyn- 8/10

Doesn't outright want anything added onto her except maybe reposition/swap, glimmer, and maybe a ploy skill added for her C slot/seal slot.


These two are foolproof for f2p players and are amazingly handy for all sorts of content. They're even good fodder.

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Brave Ike - Of the original 4 he originally saw the most use from me. However, as time went on he dropped off pretty hard. Simply put he has the typical Axe statline. High HP/ATK/DEF middling speed and low res. So his competition mostly deviates a point here or there. Even before the enhanced BST era we have Bartre who has 6 more HP, same attack, 3 less speed, 2 less defense, and 7 less res. Of those stats the only one Bartre actually cares about that is less is the defense. And 2 points isn't huge. Of course Bartre doesn't have Urvan, Steady Breath(natively), or Beroc's Blessing. Not a bad unit by any means but stat wise he doesn't particularly stand out. Michalis is Brave Ike with 2 less Attack and speed and 1 less res. Cherche and Gerome basically trade a bit of speed/defense for more attack. And even Frederick is close. 2 attack and 1 defense more at the cost of 2 speed and 6 Res. As such Ike can only stand out due to his being the source of Steady Breath and his uniques. And as interesting as they are they just don't translate to easier wins most of the time. And lets be honest, surviving in heroes is far less important than killing in one round. Anyways his uniques, while maybe not super op, are hardly useless, even if you discount Urvan's damage reduction it is still a 16mt Killer type weapon, and his stat line while not quite as min-maxed as some axes is still a solid one. So 7.5/10. If I knew how to use him well maybe he would bump up another half point, but I just find him awkward.

Brave Lyn - The queen of the first CYL. A challenger that even Reinhardt had to admire. But as times march on and durability ever so slowly inches upward she finds herself having more and more difficulty dispatching in one round. As a ranged horse capable of abusing brave effect she is certainly a valued contender. However, unlike Reinhardt, she hits the defensive stat that is likely to be higher. So even though Reinhardt effectively has the same attack(1 less attack but dire thunder has 1 more might than brave bow) he will normally hit harder. He can also more safely target dragons. Her uniques are really well suited for what she wants to do so even though there are other archers with a similar statline she can stand out. Add this to her being the only 3 move archer with her statline and unlike Ike she does have a niche no one else can reliably fill. However, if you want to give up the 1 move you have Hinoka who has a type with arguably even better mobility. And in the lesser mobility infantry you have Bridal Cordelia who has a couple points more attack at the cost of RES and Innes who trades 1 speed and 4 points of defense for 3 points of RES. Not a great trade, but such is the cost of having lower BST. That said the mobility is a HUGE advantage. As such I can easily justify putting her at the top of the archer squad with a 9/10. This almost makes me think I should have pushed Innes a touch higher due to similar statlines, but Mobility and much better uniques should indeed equal a notably higher score.

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Ike: Brave Mercenary (7/10)
+ Good Atk, Def, and HP
+ Excellent prf weapon that synergizes well with his native Steady Breath
+ Is anti-meta to an extent (Beorc's Blessing affects fliers and cavalry)
- Mediocre at best Spd and poor Res; he is prone to being doubled by fast units and his prf weapon may not prevent him from being KO'd by mages
- If given DC, Urvan's passive effect would only work against Brave projectile weapons (Brave Bow, Dire Thunder)
- Beorc's Blessing has no effect on infantry and, especially, armored units
- 5*-locked, making merges and IV hunting difficult
- Is generally seen as a premium fodder unit (for Steady Breath) rather than a potential combat unit

Lyn: Brave Lady (8/10)
+ Good Atk and Spd
+ Decent Res, allowing her to be a decent user of Res-based Ploy skills
+ Sacae's Blessing shuts down DC (and actually helps makes DC balanced in a way)
+ As a ranged cavalry unit, she has excellent range and mobility.
+ Excellent base kit; Lyn is very good out of the box, lacking only an assist skill
+ If the player is willing to invest in her, Lyn can be devastating with the Brave Bow+ or the Firesweep Bow+.
+ Mulagir grants a Spd buff, has great Mt, and can allow Lyn to bait an enemy mage not running a Wolftome.
- Mediocre HP and low Def, making her physically frail. Her mediocre HP also means that she can't take repeated hits from magic attacks. Her bulk is further compromised if she were to run Life and Death in her A-slot over her native Swift Sparrow.
- Dragons are commonly seen as the bane of her existence as Sacae's Blessing does not apply to Lightning Breath or Expiration (or DC breath weapons). Firesweep Bow can sidestep this issue though many dragons are physically bulky and Faye is a 5*-locked unit; getting the Firesweep Bow will not not easy.
- 5*-locked, making merges and IV hunting difficult
- Ranged cavalry BST
- If optimized for Arena scoring, Lyn would had to have very suboptimal (gameplay-wise) IVs - she has to be +HP and -Atk or -Spd.
- For some players, she may be seen as a premium fodder unit (for Swift Sparrow) rather than a good PvE unit.

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Brave Ike

Infantry axe with the gimmick of almost nullifying consecutive attacks. His base kit seems built with the intention of tanking 2 ranged hits then retaliating with a threaten def boosted aether. But of course, this doesn't always work out, and he's liable to get one shot by quite a few mages. As such, these days he's mostly relegated to melee tank. It doesn't help that his personal skill is a niche pick and his weapon synergises poorly with DC. Steady breath is an amazing skill but he isn't even the best user of it.

He still has great combat performance against physical units and blue mages but falters against several swords. Dragons also wreck him by targeting his poor res.

However it's his competition that hurts him most as he lacks built in DC like his competitor Dorcas and isn't a very good candidate for the skill. He also lacks armor BST or flying movement. I do like that his weapon shuts down desperation and brave builds but even those aren't as common anymore. 

Overall a solid unit who can cover a team's green tank role, but there are better options now, and he's no longer living the glory days of his introduction. At least he doesn't require much investment to reach full potential. 8/10 if I'm generous.

Brave Lyn

One of two cavalry archers in the game. She has high speed boosted by her default weapon and horse buffs allowing her to double nearly every enemy she attacks. Decent base Atk helps secure those kills but her greatest strength and the reason why she terrorised the arena when she arrived is Sacae's blessing, which nullifies physical DC. This reduces her counters to just dragons and bulky mages/archers. If she keeps her prf weapon she even nullifies visible buffs on those mages meant to counter her.

However her weapon is still a really niche one and mediocre at best, like most bows that aren't Brave/Firesweep. Like most archers now, her ability to score ORKOs is greatly hindered by the overall rise in the bulk of the meta, especially if she chooses to run the lower mt brave or firesweep bows. Her sacae's blessing also isn't as effective anymore due to dragons becoming increasingly common, who all counter her due to not having triangle advantage over any of them. 

While she did shape the meta for a time, and still requires a counter on every arena team, her counters have gone from being niche picks specifically for beating her (Raven mages) to very common units found on nearly every arena team (dragons)

She's still a force to be reckoned with at lower scoring tiers due to accessibility and ease of building, but is mostly now a gatekeeper unit for beginner arena teams. She would have been a 10 at release but now I'd give a 9 for combat -0.5 for trenches and horse buff dependence for a total of 8.5/10

I noticed I haven't brought up trenches until now, which really hinder horses and almost makes them feel like a liability to use. People rag on infantry units a lot but honestly they've really not as bad as some make them out to be. The only mov type I'd put as solidly superior is fliers.


Edited by Korath88
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12 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

@Zangetsu On your Lucina paragraph, is there supposed to be a rating somewhere in there?

Right, I was just kinda giving my 2 cents on this & that was about it. If I had to really had to give it a rating it would 9/10.


Brave Lyn:

Holy crap, she's good. Pretty sure everyone is going to do a better job on explaining, but my 2 cents anyways. She's one shot like nobodies business with a absurd speed on top of an already solid ATK stats. But she's not invincible as Armor & Dragon Emblem shows. She can barely take hit & if anything else risk getting one shot herself.  Lyn desperately needs allies to cover her shortcomings. She's still one of the most reliable units there is to the point her Legendary counterpart just looks silly in comparison.

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Brave Ike


He who Stands Firm in the Radiance with Urvan. High Attack and moderatly good Defense, with forsaken Resistance, below-average Speed, and HP that's middling enough not to be usable with Panic Ploy/some Infantry Pulse, Brave Ike is clearly meant to be a defensive unit, especially given his base kit.

Urvan set the standards of weaponry that protects the wielder from certain kinds of attacks, making Ike able to take hits from attacks he can't counterattack. In most cases, it's the first hit of a 2-hit attack that Ike has to worry most about, not both as a whole. Furthermore, Ike is the sole inheritor of Steady Breath, the worlds most overpowered enemy-phase skill. +4 Defense and +1 Special Charge when being attacked, Ike will usually have Aether ready and offset any damage he had taken in combat. Beorc's Blessing disables the Field Buffs of Cavalry and Flying allies, and Threaten Defense butters up the opponent who didn't die in the first round of combat.

Beorc's Blessing isn't to be underestimated, as at the time Reinhardt was still a meta-defining threat, plus disabling the bonuses that Cavalry love so much was a boon that Ike could learn to enjoy, but the skill can still be replaced with Quick Riposte, which will let him trigger Aether in the first round of combat, if you don't want to give Ike exclusive rights to the sacred seal. As for Specials, Bonfire will always trigger between Urvan's Special Charge bonus and Steady Breath.

The bads of Ike are how weak he is to one-hit wonders, such as Sanaki and Lilina, since Urvan only protects him from consecutive attacks. Again such as Sanaki and Lilina, he is still vulnerable to Magic in many forms: Even Reinhardt remains capable of doing Ike in if he isn't careful. Going for a Distant Counter set has two drawbacks: One is the obvious in that you drop Steady Breath, but the other is that Ike becomes much more vulnerable to mages who can double Ike, and that leads on to how slow Ike is: Most any meta unit can double him, and melee units won't care about the effect of Urvan unless they are using a Firesweep weapon. Finally, Ike is hindered by Infantry having some of the worst advantages of a defensive unit, not having ready access to strong buffing options outside of Tactic or Wave skills and being hindered by movement penalties if a forest is nearby.

Still, Ike is a powerful and bulky unit. Keep at least one of him around, you won't be disappointed.

Rating: 8.5 Ike has a deadly mix of bulk and power between his stats and base kit, which work together to keep Ike alive throughout the battle and take hits that some other units would remain wary about. Keep him away from really strong mages, since he can't do much about the first hit of an attack being powerful, but he otherwise is a potent defensive force.


Brave Lyn


She who Dances on the Silent Winds with Mulagir, Lyn defined Ranged Cavalry and is one of the most potent forces in the game.

Her Attack is somewhat average, her Speed is great, and her defenses... well, don't leave her in range of melee units, maybe don't rush blindly into most mages.

Her base kit is so usable by default, it's almost unfair to every other unit in the game. Mulagir boosts her already high Speed while also disabling all field buffs on Tome-wielding foes, rendering Bladetome attempts to power through Lyn meaningless since her Resistance is decent. Swift Sparrow on top of her good Attack and Speed is just downright crippling, while Attack Smoke is good but not much to speak about on certain Lyn builds. Sacae's Blessing is downright mean, and rends the effects of Distant Counter on Swords, Lances, and Axes moot: the only units who can counterattack her with Mulagir and Sacae's Blessing are Ranged units and Manaketes. Draconic Aura is bad, replace it with Luna or Moonbow.

Offensive Bows might not be the same as they once were, but Lyn can still pull off some dangerous combos with the bows that exist. Mulagir is always a good bow to begin with, but the Brave Bow can enable Lyn to pull off a Quad hit set thanks to her high Speed and access to Cavalry buffs. Firesweep Bow rends Sacae's Blessing useless, but also makes her into the longest-reaching Firesweep user in the game. Life and Death can replace Swift Sparrow if need be, and Attack Smoke can be replaced with a more standard C skill like Hone/Fortify Cavalry. Draconic Aura is bad, replace it with Luna or Moonbow.

Her greatest enemy? Manaketes. Not so much in the past, but now that Manaketes have access to forged Breaths, Lyn can't do anything to the common defensive builds on most Manakete units and dies in one hit thanks to her horrid defensive stats. She's also vulnerable to Raven Adepts, who aren't affected by Sacae's Blessing and power through her decent Resistance. Horse-slaying weaponry with the Special refine can also rend her Cavalry buffs useless while also killing her instantly, though I'd say Raven Adepts are more frightening. Sacae's Blessing is powerful, but it also means Lyn has to sacrifice the utility of disabling Distant Counter if she wants any of the more offensive B passives. Lastly, Lyn's Ploy gameplay IMO is the weakest of the games potent Ploy users, where it's usable but it really doesn't trigger on as many units as Lyn would like it to, and in fact enemy Ploys are more likely to trigger on her.

Still, she defines what it means to be a Bow user and a Ranged Cavalry, and nothing bad I have to say about Brave Lyn or the shifts in game mechanics/meta can change that fact.

Rating: 9/10 Lyn has oppressive stats and an oppresive base kit under the right hands, and is able to ignore Distant Counter on non-Manakete melee units. Throw in Cavalry buffs and alternate Bow options, and many of her negatives seem like small chips in the base of an otherwise perfect marble statue.

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1 hour ago, Zangetsu said:

Brave Lyn:

Holy crap, she's good. Pretty sure everyone is going to do a better job on explaining, but my 2 cents anyways. She's one shot like nobodies business with a absurd speed on top of an already solid ATK stats. But she's not invincible as Armor & Dragon Emblem shows. She can barely take hit & if anything else risk getting one shot herself.  Lyn desperately needs allies to cover her shortcomings. She's still one of the most reliable units there is to the point her Legendary counterpart just looks silly in comparison.

Should there be a rating here, too?

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5 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Should there be a rating here, too?

Again, I don't think my judgement should be a factor here since I'm not nearly as dedicated as everyone is. If I had to give a rating it would be 9.5 because how reliable she is. Lyn would've been 10 if it wasn't for poor constitution 

Edited by Zangetsu
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2 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

Right, I was just kinda giving my 2 cents on this & that was about it. If I had to really had to give it a rating it would 9/10.

I was just making sure you hadn’t forgotten it.

59 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Again, I don't think my judgement should be a factor here since I'm not nearly as dedicated as everyone is. If I had to give a rating it would be 9.5 because how reliable she is. Lyn would've been 10 if it wasn't for poor constitution 

You’re dedicated enough to put together a paragraph’s worth of review; you might as well assign a number to it.

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Count my vote for BH!Lyn.

Here is how my criteria are rated:


Armor units are 0/10. Infantry units are 5/10. Cavalry units are 8/10. Flying units are 9/10. Units with unique mobility skills will bump up their score.
Melee units are 0/10. Distant Counter Weapon melee units are 5/10. Ranged units are 10/10.
Player Phase General Performance (Raw):
This is based on the W:L:I ratio. Enemies will have a set up of +5, +Spd, Moonbow, and Fury. The unit will be +0, may not use Breakers, and will not have Chills or Ploys activate. Units may have access to buffs (usually, +4 to any two stats for infantry and armors, and 6/6/0/0 or 0/0/6/6 for cavalry and fliers). I would also list the build used to achieve that ratio. I think the following formula is pretty reasonable:
(W%) - (L%*0.25) = Raw Performance
Player Phase General Performance (Weighted):
Since most units can get a raw performance score of at least 5, setting 5 as 0 for the weighted performance makes more sense in judging how good a unit is.
(Raw Performance - 5) * 2 = Weighted Performance
Player Phase General Performance (Independence):
This just means how reliant the unit is on buffs. If I take off the buffs and the unit still performs pretty well, they will get a good score. The formula is that same as the raw performance:
(W%) - (L%*0.25) = Independence
Player Phase Adjusted Performance (Raw):
This is pretty much the same as general performance, except I take out certain classes of enemies. I will generally take two of the following classes of enemies out: Red, Blue, Green, Colorless, Melee, Ranged, Physical, Magical. Melee units I am testing will generally have ranged enemies taken out and vice versa. Units will also have the color that they are weak against taken out; colorless units usually would not have any color taken out, although they may have physical or magical enemies taken out.
Player Phase Adjusted Performance (Weighted):
See Above.
Player Phase Adjusted Performance (Independence):
See Above.
Player Phase Performance:
I consolidate the above scores into one score. If I took more than 2 classes out in the adjusted section, each additional class taken out will reduce the Adjusted Performance by 1 point. On the other hand, if I took 1 or 0 classes out, the unit will receive an additional 0.5 or 1 point.
(Weighted General * 0.8) + (Raw General * 0.1) + (Independence General * 0.1) =  General Performance
(Weighted Adjusted * 0.8) + (Raw Adjusted * 0.1) + (Independence Adjusted * 0.1) - [Classes Taken Out] + [Classes Added In] = Adjusted Performance
(General Performance + Adjusted Performance) * 0.5 = Player Phase Performance
Enemy Phase General Performance (Raw):
See Above.
Enemy Phase General Performance (Weighted):
See Above.
Enemy Phase General Performance (Independence):
See Above.
Enemy Phase Adjusted Performance (Raw):
See Above.
Enemy Phase Adjusted Performance (Weighted):
See Above.
Enemy Phase Adjusted Performance (Independence):
See Above.
Enemy Phase Performance:
See Above.
Ease of Use:
This is an average of the mobility and range scores.
This is just Player Phase performance or Enemy Phase performance, whichever is higher.
Most units by default will be 0/10. Units with 30+ Res start from 1/10. Debuffers (dagger, staff, and breath units) start from 1/10. Healers (staff units and units with access to healing skills like Recover Ring) start from 1/10. Buffers start from 3/10. Fliers start from 4/10. Dancers/Singers start from 5/10. Other unique support skills may further boost their score.
If the unit has some unique application or fun build, it will be noted here.

This just means how familiar I am with this particular unit or type of unit in Arena. If it is a low number, that means you should take the following rating number with a grain of salt since I do not have much experience with this particular unit and/or type of unit.
The rating is how good I think a unit is. Here is how I weigh each criterion:
Ease of Use 4/10
Performance: 5/10
Support: 1/10
Other: If the unit got some unique application or fun build, they will get a boost to their rating.

Ease of Use 3/10
Performance: 6/10
Support: 1/10
Other: If the unit got some unique application or fun build, they will get a boost to their rating.

Ease of Use 2/10
Performance: 7/10
Support: 1/10
Other: If the unit got some unique application or fun build, they will get a boost to their rating.

1. A unit's build in raw performance will not take into account a unit's support build, Raven build, or any other builds. Likewise, a unit's ease of use, support, and other criteria will not take into account the unit's raw performance build.
2. The build used in raw/weighted performance might not be the build with the best score. If there is an alternative build with a slightly less performance but much higher independence, that build will be used instead.
3. Axe and dagger versions of Wo Dao are not available in the regular summoning pool yet, but I think they will be added in the future, so I am using Giant Spoon and Lethal Carrot.

Experimental Stuff:

Revised Ease of Use:


1 Movement = 0
2 Movement = 2
3 Movement = 3
Go on Trenches = +0.5
Unimpeded by Trenches = +0.5
Go on Forests = +0.5
Unimpeded by Forests =+0.5
Go on Obstacles = +0.5
Unimpeded by Obstacles = +0.5
Exclusive Movement Effects = +1

Armor = 2 = 0.5+0.5+0.5+0.5
Infantry = 3.5 = 2+0.5+0.5+0.5 = 3.5
Cavalry = 3.5 = 3+0.5 = 3.5
Flier = 5 = 2+0.5+0.5+0.5+0.5+0.5+0.5

Weapon Range:

Melee = 0
Distant Counter = 2
Ranged = 4

I have a strong bias for non-armor Player Phase ranged units. My experience with melee and armor units in Arena is pretty minimal, so my rating for them is mostly based on theory. My Arena core consists of BH!Lyn, Reinhardt, and Olivia. I am usually in Tier 20, but I may drop to Tier 19 if I do not fish for points.




— — — — — — — ◆Red◆ — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — ◾Blue◾ — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — ⬟Green⬟ — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — ●Colorless● — — — — — — —

Mobility: /10
Range: /10
Player Phase Raw Performance: /10 — #:#:#
Player Phase Weighted Performance: /10
Player Phase Independence: /10 — #:#:#
[+Boon, -Bane, Weapon, Special, A, B, Sacred Seal, #/#/#/#]
Enemy Phase Raw Performance: /10 — #:#:#
Enemy Phase Weighted Performance: /10
Enemy Phase Independence: /10 — #:#:#
[+Boon, -Bane, Weapon, Special, A, B, Sacred Seal, #/#/#/#]

Ease of Use: /10
Performance: /10
Support: /10
Other: /10

Familiarity/Experience: /10
Rating: /10


_______ got bad/okay/good/stellar combat performance.

She/He can the support the team with Ploys.

She/He can support the team with daggers/Light Breath and Dark Breath.

She/He is a great mobility support unit as a flier.

She/He can also run Firesweep-Hit and Run as a flier unit.

She/He can run a Firesweep-Poison Strike-Poison Strike.

She/He can run Wrathful Staff-Dazzling Staff to emulate Firesweep archers.

She/He can run a Raven set.

— — — — — — — ◆Red◆ — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — ◾Blue◾ — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — ⬟Green⬟ — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — ●Colorless● — — — — — — —

Mobility: /10
Range: /10

Player Phase General Performance (Raw): /10 — #:#:#
Player Phase General Performance (Weighted): /10
Player Phase General Performance (Independence): /10 — #:#:#
[+Boon, -Bane, Weapon, Special, A, B, Sacred Seal, #/#/#/#]
Player Phase Adjusted Performance (Raw — No Red/Blue/Green/Colorless/Melee/Ranged/Physical/Magical): /10 — #:#:#
Player Phase Adjusted Performance (Weighted — No Red/Blue/Green/Colorless/Melee/Ranged/Physical/Magical): /10
Player Phase Adjusted Performance (Independence — No Red/Blue/Green/Colorless/Melee/Ranged/Physical/Magical): /10 — #:#:#
[+Boon, -Bane, Weapon, Special, A, B, Sacred Seal, #/#/#/#]
Player Phase Performance: /10

Enemy Phase General Performance (Raw): /10 — #:#:#
Enemy Phase General Performance (Weighted): /10
Enemy Phase General Performance (Independence): /10 — #:#:#
[+Boon, -Bane, Weapon, Special, A, B, Sacred Seal, #/#/#/#]
Enemy Phase Adjusted Performance (Raw — No Red/Blue/Green/Colorless/Melee/Ranged/Physical/Magical): /10 — #:#:#
Enemy Phase Adjusted Performance (Weighted— No Red/Blue/Green/Colorless/Melee/Ranged/Physical/Magical): /10
Enemy Phase Adjusted Performance (Independence — No Red/Blue/Green/Colorless/Melee/Ranged/Physical/Magical): /10 — #:#:#
[+Boon, -Bane, Weapon, Special, A, B, Sacred Seal, #/#/#/#]
Enemy Phase Performance: /10

Ease of Use: /10
Ease of Use EX: 2|3.5|5|||4|5.5|7|||6|7.5|9 /10
Performance: /10
Support: /10
Other: /10

Familiarity/Experience: /10
Rating: /10
Rating EX: /10


_______ got bad/okay/good/stellar combat performance.

She/He can the support the team with Ploys.

She/He can support the team with daggers/Light Breath and Dark Breath.

She/He is a great mobility support unit as a flier.

She/He can also run Firesweep-Hit and Run as a flier unit.

She/He can run a Firesweep-Poison Strike-Poison Strike.

She/He can run Wrathful Staff-Dazzling Staff to emulate Firesweep archers.

She/He can run a Raven set.


— — — — — — — ●BH!Lyn● — — — — — — —

Mobility: 8/10
Range: 10/10

Player Phase General Performance (Raw): 8.87/10 — 236:7:21
Player Phase General Performance (Weighted): 7.75/10
Player Phase General Performance (Independence): 5.64/10 — 153:16:95
[+Atk, -Def, Brave Bow, Moonbow, Life and Death, Sacae's Blessing, Quickened Pulse, 6/6/0/0]
Player Phase Adjusted Performance (Raw — No Melee): 9.61/10 — 111:2:2
Player Phase Adjusted Performance (Weighted — No Melee): 9.22/10
Player Phase Adjusted Performance (Independence — No Melee): 8.07/10 — 96:13:6
[+Atk, -Res, Brave Bow, Moonbow, Death Blow, Guard, Quickened Pulse, 6/6/0/0]
Player Phase Performance: 8.39/10

Enemy Phase General Performance (Raw): /10 — 199:46:19
Enemy Phase General Performance (Weighted): /10
Enemy Phase General Performance (Independence): /10 — 107:99:58
[+Atk, -Res, Slaying Bow [Def], Luna, Close Counter, Quick Riposte, Speed +3, 6/6/0/0]
Enemy Phase Adjusted Performance (Raw — No Red/Blue/Green/Colorless/Melee/Ranged/Physical/Magical): /10 — 106:5:4
Enemy Phase Adjusted Performance (Weighted— No Red/Blue/Green/Colorless/Melee/Ranged/Physical/Magical): /10
Enemy Phase Adjusted Performance (Independence — No Red/Blue/Green/Colorless/Melee/Ranged/Physical/Magical): /10 — 92:15:8
[+Atk, -Res, Guard Bow [Spd], Moonbow, Fury, Quick Riposte, Attack +3, 6/6/0/0]
Enemy Phase Performance: /10

Ease of Use: 9/10
Performance: 8.39/10
Support: 0/10
Other: 10/10

Familiarity/Experience: 10/10
Rating: 9/10


BH!Lyn got stellar combat performance. She can run Firesweep-Poison Strike-Poison Strike.

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Brave Lyn 8.5/10
The other scourge of the Arena. Besides having the 2nd best offensive stat spread among the Archers Lyn has the notable distinction of being mounted which equals superior mobility and access to cavalry buffs. Her own personal skills allows her to engage all physical units without fear of retaliation, pretty much meaning she can deal free damage while her team keeps her on the move.
The problem is that units became bulkier, restricting terrain was introduced and her Sacae's Blessing doesn't affect the Dragons which became another meta threat. All of these made her arguably age worse than Reinhardt who can still fry everything with his Dire Thunder.
Nonetheless Firesweep!Brave Lyn is still quite dangerous and remains something that shouldn't be taken lightly.


Brave Ike: 7.78
Brave Lyn: 8.69

Elincia, Lost Princess


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

Amiti ( Inflicts Spd-2. If unit initiates combat, unit attacks twice. )
Ardent Sacrifice
( - )

Death Blow
Flier Formation
( - )

Oscar, Agile Horseman


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

Sapphire Lance+
Rally Spd/Def
( - )

( - )
Spur Spd/Def


Edited by The Priest
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Elincia - 34 Atk is as high as fliers go (PUN INTENDED), but for all intents and purposes, her 36 speed is 34.  Couple that with flier buffs and her innate Death Blow, and enemies will be facing 61 Atk, twice.  +Spd can consider a cheesy quad build with Life and Death and Desperation (the latter which can be reached via Ardent Sacrifice).  She's frail, and her B skill screams flier teams, but she's quite the terror when built right.  9/10

Oscar - You're Rody, and he's the guy your girlfriend told you not to worry about.  The only horse that can tie his Atk/Spd combo is Finn and Cordelia when she attacks - everyone else is strictly inferior in one offensive stat or the other (as in, he beats out Abel/Peri in speed, and Rody/Sully in attack).  Sapphire Lance means that he can tank just about every red, and Lancebreaker gives him the ability to bait most lance-wielders.  Still, 33 Attack is a bit above average these days, and there's other non-infantry lances with better offensive stats (like release Cordelia).  He's good for a cavalry lance, but not terribly outstanding in the grand scheme of things.  7/10

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