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Is Fury a good skill?


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I like Fury, I run it on several of my units. I think it's great in principle. +3 to all stats at the cost of 6 hp per attack. Not really a down side if it's on a flimsy unit who you don't plan to ever get attacked in the first place. But wait a second? If it's only really useful on a flimsy unit, isn't the +3 to defense and Res kind of wasted? Wouldn't I be better off just using Death Blow or Darting Blow (or Swift Sparrow if there was proper fodder for it). It seems the more specialised A skills just offer so much more than Fury. Higher stat boosts with the only downside being only player phase or enemy phase. Not to mention other really good A skills like Distant Counter and the Breath Skills. Fury is no doubt a fun skill, it's cool to think up strategies to artificially put yourself in the right HP range for other skills, but in practice, I've never felt like it's made significant difference to the usability of the units I run it with. The boosts, while theoretically great, just don't seem large enough in practice. And it's competition just seem so much better. What's your opinion on Fury and how/who do you use it?

Edited by Jotari
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Surviving the counter is kinda important for flimsy units without Firesweep type weapons. Think of something like a Nino vs Hector matchup, Fury nets her the kill here where she might otherwise be OHKOed. Surviving the counter is kinda important for flimsy units without Firesweep type weapons. Think of something like a Nino vs Hector matchup, Fury nets her the kill here where she might otherwise be OHKOed. You might also need to bait Reinhardt in a pinch, which can an iffy matchup too, so the extra bulk helps.

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This is still a Fire Emblem game, where the difference of one Attack and two Defense is all that stands between doing enough damage to kill, and taking enough damage to not die in one hit.

Nino for instance. Has glass cannon defensive ability, but she can run either Fury or LnD3. With LnD3 she is at her fastest, but with Fury she is able to take counterattacks better without dying on the first one. Sure she can't take hits well at all, but the difference is making sure she survives at least one of those hits to enable Desperation, which LnD3 renders her unable to take any.

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Its good, but not quite as good as its rate of usage would suggest and overused simply because its easy to acquire in bulk.  It would certainly be used less if it were easier to acquire skills like swift sparrow, distant counter, and ~bredth/stance.

As is, its the best A-Slot Skill that can be freely farmed off of a 4 star unit that shows up frequently in most banners. 

And its viable (if not necessarily optimal) on pretty much any offensive unit that doesn't care about tanking repeated hits, but just want to be fast and strong and able to survive 1 opening round of baiting out as much of the meta as possible at full health.  Just not a skill you want to be running on anything that you plan on doing repeated tanking.

Bonus points for good synergy with a comparably common and budget friendly F2P B-slot skill: Desperation.

On the cheap, fury + desperation can be put to viable use on pretty much any attacker. And I believe for certain units in the meta--notably the standard Nino--even with all the high end options available, fury + desperation is still the optimal build.  

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Fury is most effective in two situations:

  1. In game modes where a unit is only expected to fight one or two rounds of combat or has healing support (or a self-healing skill) and can separate rounds of combat to occur only once per turn.
  2. On units running Desperation (or other low-HP skills) that appreciate the additional defensive stats to take an attack without dying, allowing them to more safely activate Desperation. This allows you to use them to bait an attack for their first round of combat instead of needing to initiate combat yourself.

Fury is also far more flexible compared to other skills which have positioning or phase requirements, allowing you to run builds that are effective on both phases without the need for strict positioning.


I'm personally not a fan of the skill simply because I value a unit's sustain higher than most players do, and I also generally don't need the phase flexibility that Fury has over skills like Swift Sparrow or Mirror Stance.

I do, however, use it on several units, most notably Eldigan.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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21 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

Its good, but not quite as good as its rate of usage would suggest and overused simply because its easy to acquire in bulk.  It would certainly be used less if it were easier to acquire skills like swift sparrow, distant counter, and ~bredth/stance.

As is, its the best A-Slot Skill that can be freely farmed off of a 4 star unit that shows up frequently in most banners. 

And its viable (if not necessarily optimal) on pretty much any offensive unit that doesn't care about tanking repeated hits, but just want to be fast and strong and able to survive 1 opening round of baiting out as much of the meta as possible at full health.  Just not a skill you want to be running on anything that you plan on doing repeated tanking.

Bonus points for good synergy with a comparably common and budget friendly F2P B-slot skill: Desperation.

On the cheap, fury + desperation can be put to viable use on pretty much any attacker. And I believe for certain units in the meta--notably the standard Nino--even with all the high end options available, fury + desperation is still the optimal build.  

Do you think Fury is better than Death Blow?


Also, generally speaking, I know own how to use Fury. My favourite strategy is putting it on Fallen Celica to ensure she'll double pretty much anything on her first turn (though I'd probably swap it for Distant Counter if I could). I just question how much better  it is than the alternatives. Iguess it's best use is in the Arena (which I don't play much of anymore) where battles are quick and each unit will only attack a handful of times. But on things like Bound Hero Battles or Chain Challenges where unit survivability is much more important and battles last longer, the accumulated +6 damage from multiple attacks becomes more significant.

Edited by Jotari
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Fury is a budget skill plain and simple, for EP units it is the only viable budget skill since Stances and breaths and DC/CC are all 5* locked or limited, brazens could possibly become an alternative but brazen atk/def only dropped like a week ago. Same thing with player phrase, fury is like a pseudo swift sparrow with the added benefit of increasing your first round bulk at the cost of your overall bulk, would you rather be running swift sparrow? Probably but again 5* locks, you could also run life and death which has a worse downside if you are going to be countered or Darting/Death blow which leaves your other attacking stat unbuffed

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i dont use it myself but if you like running agressive builds and dont mind the hp cost it can work. me personally, i like to stick vantage on everything but thats because im weird.

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Fury is actually best mixed phase skill. And one of better skills for Enemy phase alone (Best are breaths). Bulky units like Xander don't really have problem loosing some HP when physical attacks do single digit damage on it's own and it helps compensate for low magical bulk on first encounter (or in case of units like Nino it's opposite). Anyway it's certainly not for "flimsy units".

Of course If I remember right it also adds good score for arena rating which is far from bad thing.

Edited by Tenzen12
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I like it, but wish that other skills like Swift Sparrow and such have greater availability. There is a reason that players generally run Fury, Desperation, Vantage, and Quick Riposte on many units.

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Fury is not alternative for Swift Sparow. Units that would appreciated SS usually run LoD instead. Units that runs fury would like Breaths in other hand. Though it's not like Fury doesn't have own merits even compared to breaths in some builds.


Edited by Tenzen12
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I don't think Fury is merely a budget option in some cases. It's good on mixed phase units and on some where they could use some extra bulk along with the offensive stats to help survive DC units, instead of going for a pure offensive stat A slot. Like the Nino example already given, the bump in bulk + synergy with Desperation/Vantage is nice on the right units. It's also worth noting it pairs well with some ploy users who can bump up their offenses while also helping their ploys activate as well.

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The best enemy is a dead enemy, and +3 to all stats is a huge help.  It's not for everyone, but if you can't think of anything better, Fury works just fine.

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2 hours ago, Tenzen12 said:

Of course If I remember right it also adds good score for arena rating which is far from bad thing.

Stat boost from Fury stopped adding score since April 2017.

Edited by Vaximillian
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How is +3 to every stat bar HP not great in practice? If anything, it's the HP drawback that should mean more.

It's said stat boosts, along with it's accesibility what makes it one of the best A-slots. I think part of the reason people don't hold the HP drop as a drawback is because they tend to keep into account the Arena's pacing, in which your character is likely to only enter 1-2 battles tops. In my case, I've actually been using it a lot even in the case of prolonged battles. I find it works well with mixed all-rounders (characters like Nephenee & Leif, with decent Atk and great mix of Spd + Def). In my case, I specialise it on my Charlotte & Subaki.

It's also an unfair comparison next to things like Swift Sparrow & Breath Skills; the latter of which is only effective in Enemy Phase, while Fury works on both. Vice-versa with Swift Sparrow, in which the big difference is only +1 Atk/Spd at the "cost" of an Enemy Phase.


At the risk of repeating myself; long story short, it's one of the best A-slots because of it's accesibility and great effect in spite of that. I still happen to think Distant Counter is overrated, too.

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7 hours ago, Tenzen12 said:

Fury is actually best mixed phase skill.

Mixed-phase units would prefer to run an enemy-phase passive A skill over Fury, though. Part of this is because mixed-phase units are mixed-phase because of the skills they run, and that typically means that their choice of a passive A skill is important to the role. Skills like Distant Counter and Steady Breath are typically integral to the build, and that means Fury doesn't have a place there other than as a budget option.

The kind of unit Fury is good on are player-phase units that are intended to bait on their first round of combat and then clean up shop with Desperation.

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Imagine if the damage from Fury were lethal. Win a battle then keel over from a heart attack. It's not good for your health to always be angry.

Right now my biggest problem with Fury is the extra animation involved. It can get frustrating waiting for the game to do stuff like the Fury recoil, Renewal heal, Panic Ploy application, etc.

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

Right now my biggest problem with Fury is the extra animation involved. It can get frustrating waiting for the game to do stuff like the Fury recoil, Renewal heal, Panic Ploy application, etc.

You can tap the screen to skip the animation.

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As a f2p player who has never had swift sparrow fodder and Hanas are rare for me as well, fury is good because I normally have it on hand for when I am building units that want an A skill that boosts their stats.  Would I rather run swift sparrow?  You bet, but like I said I have never had it as fodder.  If swift sparrow ever becomes easy to get I will probably swap to it instead of fury on most of my units that run fury right now, but that will probably be a long time before it happens.

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10 hours ago, Jotari said:

Do you think Fury is better than Death Blow?

Death Blow is better IMO for units running brave weapons or brave weapon effects. (i.e. I'd rather have Fury on Nino. But I'd rather have death blow on Reindhardt)

Edited by Shoblongoo
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I think it's pretty inarguable that Fury (and Darting Blow if you ask me, but that one will probably be more disputed) is probably the best budget A-slot skill in the game, both for offense AND defense. It's so good that it manages to be optimal on even some high-budget sets (IE Wrath-- arguably Brazen AtkSpd is outright better but it's rare enough to be basically off the table for anyone who isn't a whale). 

sooooo.... yeah, for general nonspecialized sets (IE Brave) it's pretty well good. 

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Fury is just very versatile.

-basically free stats for self healers such as Falchion users and Arvis.

-Synergizes with low health skills like Wrath and Desperation. Can also enable a WoM dancer to warp to them.

-Improves Ploy skills

It's pretty much a viable skill for any character with serviceable spd (or even middling if you just want to avoid doubles).


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1 minute ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

Is there a difference in Arena scoring with having L&D 3 vs. Fury 3 on a unit?

No. Those two are the same. They have the same SP cost.

Only a unit's natural BST, level, merges, Blessings, and skills' SP cost factor into scoring.

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