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10 minutes ago, EvanManManMan said:

Then why did you say Fable (I think) cased me. Or am I misreading.

And saying somebody is guilty until proven innocwnt is a mentality I like to use as mafia so I would get that out of your head if you are town


Fable listed you as his second favourite lynch. Didn't quote posts or anything


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Welcome to Zeo’s wall-post cause part 2 I’m a busy fuck who only just had the time to finish this so now here’s my thoughts on everything from page 8 to page 9.

On 6/19/2018 at 9:14 AM, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I missed it, sorry. Basically, I was going to say that a Fable lynch looks rather pointless, such that even lynching Makaze himself would be better for associatives, and that's not very productive either.


##Vote @athena_57 What do you think about Makaze not giving his reasons most of the time?

Backup in case I don't find things to prod at, which sometimes happens. It's not like I have to be stubborn about some info lynch options.

Page 8:

*Satsuma brought up Xand as a back-up for an info lynch if nothing else came up. Now that you are being heavily lynched (page 12-14), do you have anything better and why?


On 6/19/2018 at 1:57 PM, Bartozio said:

Well I think your flow of thinking was weird. For one, "I'm scum for being annoyed, but your reasons (I'm town for showing annoyance) are good enough to not suspect you". For two, I asked a question, an obvious question with a question mark mind you, and apparently I'm the one who wanted to break off communication.

I explained one. for two: reacting seriously to jokes like this is a pretty good way to stop them from continuing. A rvs wagon on me isn't going to start when you already explained why all of his reasons are reaching. If you actually didn't get he was joking, you didn't break of the interaction, sure.

Page 9:

*Bartozio keeping on Xand for what I feel was initially a very weird reason ((I couldn’t follow the logic of your initial post where you lynched him, even after a few read throughs)). On this here, though, my question is, why is Xand stopping jokes from occurring a bad thing? Is that not a good place for Athena to stop with the jokes and have a serious discussion about gamestate (although still very early in RVS phase) rather than continuing something that doesn’t help?


22 hours ago, Fable said:


Rapier/Mack/Athena/Bomb Moss 



I don't know how I feel about the fact that my top wolf read is shading my other wolf read lol. 

*I assume this is a reads list with most town up top and most scum at the bottom. I find it interesting you and Makaze find Evan as the second biggest scumread (aside from each other) and that I am in the same cat as Fenrir and Satsuna. Idk if you mean this to be neutral (in which case I fit but Fenrir and Satsuna at least have more content that others have pointed out is either scummier or townier while I have nothing). If you mean this to be scum sided, I feel I should be lower, as my content is non-existent at this point. Idk if you explain it in a later page, but what is with this categorization? I need an explanation to understand what you are trying to say.


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More incoming, just breaking it up to allow people to respond before DL and give me more to work with once I get into the later pages. In particular, 12-13, which I have a lot to talk about. 


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IDt I'll be able to be here for EoD; going to try to do a full reread of the game overnight. I'm on the Metro now though, so let's see how much I can get through.

@XnadrojX and @athena_57, what're your thoughts on each other? For something more specific, Xnad what do you think of Athena's initial townread on you and Athena what do you think of Xnad's response to Bartozio?

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3 minutes ago, Fenrir Aesir said:

IDt I'll be able to be here for EoD; going to try to do a full reread of the game overnight. I'm on the Metro now though, so let's see how much I can get through.

@XnadrojX and @athena_57, what're your thoughts on each other? For something more specific, Xnad what do you think of Athena's initial townread on you and Athena what do you think of Xnad's response to Bartozio?

II already said this multiple times. I felt his omgus-y reaction was likely to come from town and despite disagreeing with some of his points, I think nadroj believes them. He's most likely town.

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Just now, EvanManManMan said:

This post pings me as scummy. There shouldn't be an issue with analyzing RvS posts and it tends that mafia makes these posts more than town

There is nothing to support this.

What I have seen many times before is wolves trying to push something small in RVS and make it bigger than it is. 

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4 minutes ago, Fable said:

There is nothing to support this.

What I have seen many times before is wolves trying to push something small in RVS and make it bigger than it is. 

How is there nothing to support this if it's a trend that I've observed when playing mafia. I know what I am talking about here. Another little theory thing that applies here is that mafia don't like town getting townread for bad reasons, which RvS typically spawns. I think disliking of RvS reads is a scummy thing to do.

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Evan, if you haven't already, please read my thoughts about you on page 12's wallpost and reply. I see you are quoting later stuff, but I would like to see some answers to my talk about you. 


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12 minutes ago, athena_57 said:

Like, rapier, why the fuck do you not engage me for the entirety of day 1 and then drop these apparently long standing issues on me at the time I said I would leave.

I thought you had moved on from trying to witch hunt people who had voted you, but then you just asked Makaze if he thought there was scum on your wagon because you got scum vibes out of it. If anything, your content was getting better when you went for Satsuma (I agree with some of your points about him, and I quoted them in an earlier post too), but I'm not taking that attempt to set up people who voted you as scum forcibly lightly.

Sorry if I took too long to answer. Also, good night.

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1 minute ago, EvanManManMan said:

How is there nothing to support this if it's a trend that I've observed when playing mafia. I know what I am talking about here. Another little theory thing that applies here is that mafia don't like town getting townread for bad reasons, which RvS typically spawns. I think disliking of RvS reads is a scummy thing to do.

That's retarded, 

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The way that Fable responded to Makaze voting again was scummy. They said "why are you obsessed with me" which shows that they care more about being scumread than why they are being scumread, which is something mafia does.

And I really liked the way that Makaze was interrogating Mack on page 5. 

I disliked Stasuma's first post about Makaze tunneling me. They weren't. If anything they were tunneling Fable. It seems defensive of me where they don't need to be.

Right now I am at Athena Bartozio Junk Makaze Mack as town and Xandroj Rapier Fable and Satsuma as scum

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The replies you were making ((responding to Fable's "that's retarded")) are on this page, making me think you had skipped over a lot and was just planning to respond to what is posted in the last hour. 

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On 6/18/2018 at 10:34 PM, Fenrir Aesir said:


@EvanManManMan any other reads currently? What do you think of Junk/Makaze's suspicion towards you? Why do you think Makaze had an FoS on you? I think you're either unintentionally or intentionally misinterpreting Junk's argument against you, as he made it pretty clear that the primary issue wasn't with your lack of an RVS vote but more to do with feeling your first post was a sort of fake confusion. I'm curious as to your Rapier vote as well and the case for town!Athena.

Junk's suspicion on me is eh but I think it is kinda villagery. I don't think Makaze actually had raisining behind his FoS on me. As for my Rapier vote, he stood out to me as flat. His early game play was just really lack luster and I wanted to see something contentful from him. I have new reason to scumread Rapier which I explained as well as my Athena read.

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@Rapier re: question about AIs, I mistakenly interpreted your earlier comment about Athena/Bartozio as serious, which was why I initially asked where you were heading with it. Is there a reaction you got that stood out to you wrt discerning Athena's alignment though?

I've established my having this sentiment already, but I feel like Fable's ignoring a lot of what Makaze says that doesn't relate to him (Fable) specifically. Yes, Makaze hasn't been explaining his reads initially but when prompted to he tends to give further insight, which goes against the idea that he "thinks he's above having to explain his reads." I also don't think Makaze seems concerned with "bulldogging a lynch," something which I referenced earlier (his questions towards Mackc2 seem focused towards determining alignments). I'm not sure what I think of this, as Fable seems primarily concerned with Makaze's attitude towards only Fable himself as opposed to the rest of the thread which is NAGL, but I also think scum!Fable is capable of making a better case if he's pushing for a Makaze lynch.

I'm switching trains, should be back on soon.

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