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August’s Legendary Hero - Marth: Hero-King (August 28 ~ )


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Just now, Diovani Bressan said:

Oh, I forgot Zelgius... mainly because I don't have him. But we can say Legendary Marth is the first unit to have 3 exclusive skills that are not shared between 2 or more units (at least from now, because there is the possibility of Exalted Falchion for normal Marth in the future).

Yeah, Marth is, as of now, the only unit with three skills all his own. I would be a little surprised if regular Marth never got Exalted Falchion though, given, IIRC, there was a lot of hubbub about his refinement not helping him be a better unit himself, which this'd 100% address.

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1 minute ago, bottlegnomes said:

Yeah, Marth is, as of now, the only unit with three skills all his own. I would be a little surprised if regular Marth never got Exalted Falchion though, given, IIRC, there was a lot of hubbub about his refinement not helping him be a better unit himself, which this'd 100% address.

Yes. Exalted Falchion's function is to boost unit's stats, while Refined Falchion's function is to boost allies stats. Although, i don't know if I would change my Marth's Falchion for Exalted Falchion. My infantry team don't have any visible buffs, only combat buffs, and refined Falchion is working pretty well with Drive Atk and Spd, for a +5 Atk/Spd to allies.
Also, Exalted Falchion doesn't have Renewal.

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8 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

Well,  I didn't think he would be an exalt when he gets announce & Falchion is upgraded to Exalt Falchion


It's weird that I'm not more happy about this occasion.

Can't tell if it's because he's not a free unit like the rest of the CYL or it's because Marth only allow to have one more alt before people despise him for having a 5th in the future.

I'll agree the choice of the word "Exalt" is weird, since Marth was 1000 years before that was ever a thing, could they not have come up with something like "Heroic Falchion"?

As for Marth being despised, c'mon, be happier! Being stuck in such a glum mindset isn't going to make things so enjoyable. Five alts is far away. Who knows? Maybe Marth would be the exception to that criticism?

If he wasn't well just cast it as balancing "too much modernity" favoritism- Lucina, Takumi, and Camilla alts, and "too much classic NA-EU" favoritism in the form of so many Hector and Lyn alts, with "Too much real Japan-included classic FE" favoritism. A lesson that all parts of FE are equally valuable and deserve to be represented fairly.

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Marth is definitely an interesting unit and was a good choice for legendary hero due to only having two versions when characters that are less popular have even more. Also, when I think of legendary hero, Marth comes to mind before most FE lords as he's built up a solid legendary reputation both within the community and within FE lore and history. There's also the fact that he got screwed over by split votes so him getting a legendary coinciding with the CYL2 heroes is good. 

Won't roll for him because I recently just got B! Celica and Leif so I have enough sword locked infantry. I'm also rolling for H! Micaiah so I'll be getting even more red units from that. Most of the legendary hero banner doesn't interest me.

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll agree the choice of the word "Exalt" is weird, since Marth was 1000 years before that was ever a thing, could they not have come up with something like "Heroic Falchion"?

As for Marth being despised, c'mon, be happier! Being stuck in such a glum mindset isn't going to make things so enjoyable. Five alts is far away. Who knows? Maybe Marth would be the exception to that criticism?

If he wasn't well just cast it as balancing "too much modernity" favoritism- Lucina, Takumi, and Camilla alts, and "too much classic NA-EU" favoritism in the form of so many Hector and Lyn alts, with "Too much real Japan-included classic FE" favoritism. A lesson that all parts of FE are equally valuable and deserve to be represented fairly.

I think the reason he is also showed to wield the Exalted Falchion is to point out that Marth wielded Falchion at its full power back then, but 2000 years later, Falchion needed to go through a ritual to unlock its full power, as most of its power was sealed for some unspecified reason.

Marth being despised? That absolutely should NEVER happen.

Marth deserved getting a legendary more than anyone else in my opinion.

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I think it's a pretty safe bet that normal Marth will get an Exalted Falchion refinement eventually, probably in the October update. Still, Legendary Marth is the second unit to have three uninheritable skills and the first to have multiple fully exclusive non-weapon skills.


The frustrating thing about pulling red on legendary banners is that red loses its ability to make up for its decreased focus ratio with a higher non-focus 5* ratio. On the CYL2 banner, a red orb has a 2.53% chance of being Celica and a 4.21% chance of being some other 5*, for a total of 6.74% chance of some 5*. On the upcoming legendary banner, it's a 6.89% chance of getting a focus unit but there's no non-focus. So you get a slightly higher total 5* rate, but if any of the focus units are ones you're not interested in, it gets messier. If you have one of the legendary focus units, you have a 4.60% chance of getting a new 5*. Meanwhile, if you're missing Celica and at least half the red 5*s in the regular summoning pool, your odds of getting a new 5* out of a red orb on CYL2 are at least... huh. 4.63%. Okay, that's not as big of a difference as I thought, at least for that exact situation. (Which is pretty close to mine.)

Still, it's not as good of a deal as you get with other colors on legendary banners, particularly green and colorless since their regular pool 5* rates are so low. With green and colorless, your odds of getting one of your two favorite focus units on the legendary banner are higher than the entire 5* rate on the CYL2 banner. And all colors have to deal with the odds of getting a specific desired focus unit being slightly lower on legendary banners.

Of course, for anyone who doesn't care as much about getting random new off-focus 5*s as I do, this whole thing probably isn't very meaningful.

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12 hours ago, Water Mage said:

I love that his special is called Fire Emblem! And the pattern is broken...

Well, the Binding Shield is also known as Fire Emblem XD

I’m not entirely convinced in pulling this banner. Red is the only one completely worthwhile, with green only one undesirable. The others are mostly meh. I think I’ll save my orbs for later

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Why do people seem surprised or upset that the pattern is broken? It was bound to be, really. And it was a silly pattern and silly to believe that it would keep going.

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This Marth is neat, but he is pretty underwhelming, especially with the sword units we have in this meta. And L!Hector is a much better scorer than him. Which is why I don’t expect much use out of him after week 1

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I'm definitely pulling red—not for Swordhardt or the HERO-KING (which would be a plus if either DO decide to show up), but to get two more Caeda copies. Green may be secondary, as I still need a replacement for the -Atk Valentines' Hector I've gotten.

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13 hours ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Have people been this inept at dealing with dragons that they needed this overkilling delete button for them? Was it too hard to just put, let's say, Anna in range of a Nowi and just end the turn? This is hilarious and pathetic at the same time, but whatever, let's also make Eirika look bad while we are at it. That last bit bugs me more than I expected.

Well, he'll definitely be a good unit with a very effective kit that anyone can use successfully and one of the best candidates for Tactic teams; not sure yet if I'll pull more than green, but I'll definitely avoid blue, had enough Lancinas for a while, and I know the game won't give me the other two. Same goes for green, where I'll pull Alfonse, or red, where it would be another dust-collecting and bench-warming Reinhardt, the ones I wouldn't want.

I know I should skip the banner in its entirety, but hey, I'm a sucker.


I highly doubt Anna is particularly useful in Arena except when she is a bonus unit. Nowi could have Guard. Plus, there's Myrrh, who can utilize Guidance. Great Flame and Iote's Shield further make her nearly impenetrable. 

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13 minutes ago, SuperTroll Maxim Lapierre said:

I highly doubt Anna is particularly useful in Arena except when she is a bonus unit. Nowi could have Guard. Plus, there's Myrrh, who can utilize Guidance. Great Flame and Iote's Shield further make her nearly impenetrable. 

Besides using her in bonus weeks when you don't have any other featured ones, she merely was an example against Nowi and not Myrrh, where any Falchion user and dazzle healers are easily killing her, next to a plethora of red units on EP. What my sarcastic comment was aiming at is how relatively unproblematic it is to dispatch Dragons on Enemy Phases, even without specifically teching against dragons since they generally suck during one phase, most of the time on Player Phase (speedy dragons or your Guard example are just memes for me and don't seem that threatening). Marth obviously facilitates dragon issues if you have him, there is no denying that, but he also is an absolute overkill, is all.

As for AA, Anna is perfectly useful as a Nowi counter as well, and while Marth is better as the ultimate dragon slayer regardless of color, he still seems like a unit specifically created for people struggling, even though it isn't that hard to begin with, but that might just be me.

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I like that Legendary Marth's timing lines up almost as if IS is trying to make up for him losing CYL too. "Sorry about the split votes, but here's his legendary with 3 prfs."

9 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Always thought that was a certain flying princess. 

They're both top tier girls from their games. I use and love them equally in FEH, so I can't help but give them a tie.

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43 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Besides using her in bonus weeks when you don't have any other featured ones, she merely was an example against Nowi and not Myrrh, where any Falchion user and dazzle healers are easily killing her, next to a plethora of red units on EP. What my sarcastic comment was aiming at is how relatively unproblematic it is to dispatch Dragons on Enemy Phases, even without specifically teching against dragons since they generally suck during one phase, most of the time on Player Phase (speedy dragons or your Guard example are just memes for me and don't seem that threatening). Marth obviously facilitates dragon issues if you have him, there is no denying that, but he also is an absolute overkill, is all.

As for AA, Anna is perfectly useful as a Nowi counter as well, and while Marth is better as the ultimate dragon slayer regardless of color, he still seems like a unit specifically created for people struggling, even though it isn't that hard to begin with, but that might just be me.

However, we have to also consider that many Arena Dragons are actually extremely powerful. Nowi still to this day holds a high tier in the meta, being super tough to the point that even the likes of Julia and Deirdre aren't truly able to counter her at times. 

Furthermore, as more dragons are bound to show up, such as Medeus, Bantu, etc. If they end up being really strong, then it would raise the need for Marth to be involved as well, being the ultimate Dragon Counter. 

We should also consider that Marth doesn't solely need his Binding Shield skill, but thanks to us being able to save skills and switch them up now, we can easily have more set ups played for Arena fights. 

And honestly, Binding Shield being the ultimate dragon slayer makes sense, given that in the story, the Binding Shield was specifically designed to seal the Earth Dragons. 

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22 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

Furthermore, as more dragons are bound to show up, such as Medeus, Bantu, etc

I don’t think we need to worry about old man Bantu being any sort of threat, especially if he’s hit with veteran stat penalties. Old man Dheginsea, on the other hand...

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With the cheerleader meta in arena it's not like Nowi is allowed to get kills anyway since bonus units have to kill, so it won't change my arena runs.  I just don't like the idea of a red sword countering blue Nowi so hard.  It's like if I'm playing Rock Paper Scissors and I do Paper but the other guy says "nope, Rock smashes through Paper".

The fact that his B skill doesn't even have an HP requirement like other breakers is just overkill.

Edited by Nowi's Husband
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9 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I don’t think we need to worry about old man Bantu being any sort of threat, especially if he’s hit with veteran stat penalties. Old man Dheginsea, on the other hand...

Dheginsea, Kurthnaga, Ena, Nasir, are there as well. And there could be new versions of existing dragons that power creep things.

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4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll agree the choice of the word "Exalt" is weird, since Marth was 1000 years before that was ever a thing, could they not have come up with something like "Heroic Falchion"?

"Exalted Falchion" is the localized name of the weapon in Awakening and Warriors, used to differentiate it from Sealed Falchion (Chrom's) and Parallel Falchion (Lucina's).

Its title in Japanese is 神剣 (shinken), "Divine Sword", though notably differs from Divine Tyrfing's 聖剣 (seiken), "Holy Sword" or "Sacred Sword".


17 minutes ago, Nowi's Husband said:

With the cheerleader meta in arena it's not like Nowi is allowed to get kills anyway since bonus units have to kill, so it won't change my arena runs.  I just don't like the idea of a red sword countering blue Nowi so hard.  It's like if I'm playing Rock Paper Scissors and I do Paper but the other guy says "nope, Rock smashes through Paper".

The fact that his B skill doesn't even have an HP requirement like other breakers is just overkill.

Still why my Nowi runs Triangle Adept.

Also, Assassin Bow has a Weaponbreaker without an HP requirement.

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Legendary Lucina can equip Assassin Bow as a blue weapon and get a breaker effect against Dancer Elincia with a green weapon.

Admittedly, that's a bit narrow. But breaker vs weapon triangle has always been possible (since SI released) with Tomebreaker vs Raven tome.

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5 minutes ago, Othin said:

Legendary Lucina can equip Assassin Bow as a blue weapon and get a breaker effect against Dancer Elincia with a green weapon.

Admittedly, that's a bit narrow. But breaker vs weapon triangle has always been possible (since SI released) with Tomebreaker vs Raven tome.

"Effective against flying foes.
In combat against a colorless dagger foe, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack and foe cannot make a follow-up attack."

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15 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

"Exalted Falchion" is the localized name of the weapon in Awakening and Warriors, used to differentiate it from Sealed Falchion (Chrom's) and Parallel Falchion (Lucina's).

Its title in Japanese is 神剣 (shinken), "Divine Sword", though notably differs from Divine Tyrfing's 聖剣 (seiken), "Holy Sword" or "Sacred Sword".

Wait, I thought they called Falchions Falchion in Japan too, not just in localization?

Edited by Anacybele
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38 minutes ago, Nowi's Husband said:

With the cheerleader meta in arena it's not like Nowi is allowed to get kills anyway since bonus units have to kill, so it won't change my arena runs.  I just don't like the idea of a red sword countering blue Nowi so hard.  It's like if I'm playing Rock Paper Scissors and I do Paper but the other guy says "nope, Rock smashes through Paper".

The fact that his B skill doesn't even have an HP requirement like other breakers is just overkill.

I mean is it really any different than Sigurd being a direct counter to Lyn, Reinhardt, and Hector in their heyday?

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