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I was thinking of making an AR-D like this. How's this look? (Also yes I know Faye has bold fighter sadly) (Also I'd put Nott in place of Ephraim if I had one) 


Edited by FlyingKitsune
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4 hours ago, FlyingKitsune said:

I was thinking of making an AR-D like this. How's this look? (Also yes I know Faye has bold fighter sadly) (Also I'd put Nott in place of Ephraim if I had one) 

I’m not sure how effective it would be. It has pretty low starting range, and no refresher to assist with chasing down attacking teams. You’re giving up a lot with that combination.

For instance, it looks like an attacking team could just place someone below the defense fortress, and threaten the right defense tile. That will draw fire from Faye and Iago without being in danger of the other units. Faye doesn’t even get Triangle Attack because Catria won’t go to the threatened defense tile with canto after rallying her.

It’s also possible to do a hit-and-run on Faye (test Bolt Trap, then on the next turn, walk up and take her out from 1 range and walk away, ideally with Canto). Lack of a refresher will be especially detrimental for approaches like that, since it becomes much easier to get out of harm’s way.

Edited by LordFrigid
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Yeah I realized that it was easy to threat from below from below the fortress, and had moved Lysithea to where the healing tower was. If I had Nott, (whom I'm saving for) I would've replaced Ephraim with her and brought in near save B!Ephraim. I might swap around the traps as well. Thanks for your input!

Here's what I can do right now after some edits:

And what I hope to end up with if I get a Dedue and a Nott.

Edited by FlyingKitsune
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@Some Jerk I believe I found you in AR today. At least I'm pretty sure there's not that many people named Some Jerk that have a Silvia like yours lol. You didn't have a bonus structure at the time so I had a pretty easy time, but you had some cool units. I sent you a friend request afterwards!

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@BoaFerox And I've accepted it. Thanks for the heads-up.

Yeah, I don't put much effort into Light season. It's the season I'm in the Vault, and rather than deal with the trash fire that is Dark Mythics I just let myself fall out so I can climb back in in the vastly-easier Astra season. I should fix the bonus building though, I forgot to do that.

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  • 3 months later...

I don't think I've shown my Aether Raids teams in their most current forms yet... eh sure why not, I kinda wanna see what people have to say about them. Keep in mind that I do not enter Vault of Heaven and do not care, I just wanna play the game the way I want (and since I'm not even playing the game in these cases, I kinda just leave my Dark/Anima teams to do whatever with the best tools I have)



Brave Marth (+Atk/Spd, +10 merge, +5 Dragonflowers, S summoner support, S ally support (Muspell))
Genesis Falchion, Reposition, Shining Emblem | Distant Pressure, Special Spiral, Joint Drive Spd, Atk/Spd Solo
The superunit. With support, he is able to OHKO any unit who tries to attack him aside from only the bulkiest Blue units (and Hegemon if he is the first to attack her). His only real weakness is Hardy Bearing, which is not that common a skill I find.

Muspell (+Def, +1 merge, S ally support (Brave Marth))
Flamelick Breath, Reposition, Ignis | Distant Counter, Dragon Wall, Domain of Flame, Drive Atk
Part of the support Marth needs to dominate. The damage boosts are nice and all, but Muspell himself has been able to take out an enemy or two as well in emergency.

Fae (+Atk, +10 merge, +6 dragonflowers)
Eternal Breath [special], Reposition, Iceberg | Distant Counter, Quick Riposte, Infantry Pulse, Chill Atk
Another source of support for Marth, though not by being near him. Fae immediately sets Shining Emblem's cooldown to 0 (and the enemy tends not to have any way to counter this), and Chill Atk makes one enemy weaker in the case Marth can't OHKO them. I've been thinking about maybe giving her Even Pulse Tie to try and counter enemy Infantry Pulse teams or other enemies with AoE specials.

Summer Leonie (+Spd, +10 merge, +10 dragonflowers, bonus unit)
Firesweep Bow, Reposition, Deadeye | C Duel Cavalry 4, Poison Strike, Fatal Smoke, Poison Strike
The universal wall-destroyer. I pretty much have to have her be on both Light and Astra seasons in case of annoying Save Ball teams or Hegemons, and fortunately not many enemies carry Null C-Disrupt outside of Asc.Fjorm (who was released far after I made Leonie). The reason as to why it's Leonie specifically... eh, she was the handiest cav bow at the time.

Ullr/Bonus unit: uses default kit
If bonus unit for the week grants the additional unit slot, Ullr gets replaced. She otherwise serves as an additional missile launcher of sorts.

Peony/Bonus unit: uses default kit.
If bonus unit for the week does not grant the additional unit slot, Peony gets replaced. She otherwise provides an additional bit of Atk/Spd to Marth.

Overall strategy: Marth walks up to the enemy, Muspell keeps near, and then I win.

The biggest weakness of this team is Hardy Bearing effects and the occasional unit who has Dazzling Menace (as of current, those being Young L'arachel and Walhart), but they don't appear enough that I consider it important, plus because Nott is often on enemy teams it becomes surprisingly easy to bait them out by forcing them to get to Marth through Nott, meaning they are attacking an enemy who was not inflicted with their debuffs.



Ninja Lyn (+Atk -HP, +8 dragonflowers, bonus unit)
Tailwind Shuriken, Reposition, Moonbow | Swift Sparrow 3, Disarm Trap, Spd/Def Rein, Death Blow
First attacker.

Ninja Corrin (+Atk -Res, +3 Dragonflowers)
Nnjutsu Scrolls, Reposition, Astra | Atk/Spd Push 4, Spd/Res Far Trace, Joint Drive Atk, Blade Session
Second attacker. Between Corrin and Lyn, even some Far Save tanks have trouble surviving, though this does require the right circumstances to pull off.

Desert Azura (+Res -Def)
Dancing Flames, Gray Waves, Moonbow | Fury 4, Spd/Res Far Trace, Cross Spur Res
Dancer. With her Duo skill, it becomes possible to get 3 uses out of Corrin above, meaning in a single turn I could possibly get 5 attacks out of just 2 units. Again, this does require the right circumstances.

Reginn (+Spd, +1 merge)
Lyngheidhr, Reposition, Seidhr Shell | Swift Sparrow, Wings of Mercy, Panic Smoke
In the early game she destroys obstacles and uses Reposition to get her two allies above out of enemy fire in order to get use out of the Safety Fence. Later on, usually after triggering the right trap, she becomes able to teleport in and wipe most enemies out in one hit, and if done in the first 4 turns she can immediately run away for an added bonus. This can usually only be done once thanks to how Seidhr Shell works though. Thanks to Reginn being a permanent member of the team, I also do not need to worry about the additional unit slot.

Summer Leonie (+Spd, +10 merge, +10 Dragonflowers)
Firesweep Bow, Reposition, Deadeye | C Duel Cavalry 4, Poison Strike, Fatal Smoke, Poison Strike
Yes, I do swap Leonie's element between seasons. I don't have the ability to make a second Firesweep/Poison Strike/Fatal Smoke currently, and honestly it costs nothing anyway.

Bonus unit.
Nothing interesting to say here, I just slot in the appropriate bonus unit as needed.

Strategy: Often the first enemies to go, if possible, are enemy Duo/Harmonized units or the Duo's Hinderance. From there, there is little to prevent the enemies units from being deleted one after another by Lyn and Corrin. Of course the biggest weakness here are Far Save tanks, especially ones named Fjorm, since all of my primary attacking methods are ranged. Often I have to use Reginn to get rid of her over any other unit.


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  • 2 months later...

I was able to get into top 3K with a score of 20,968 this week. I've been scoring around the same amount for a while and I've been under 3K. I wonder if Medeus just made things slightly more difficult for people.

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  • 1 month later...

So next week is going to be our first dose of Chaos season.

So during Chaos season, does this accurately sum up how scoring works?:

In regards to lift loss from losses, if you use whoever the current bonus defensive mythic is (Yune in this case) then you'll lose 80 points of lift if no opponents were taken out. And if you don't use the single current bonus defense mythic then you lose 100 points if no opponent is taken out. But In either case, you lose 20 less points from each opponent your team does take out.

In regards to offense scoring, if you use one or more of the current bonus units then you'll get a score of 130, and if you use a team without a bonus unit then your score will be 110. And you lose 20 points for each ally that goes down in that battle.

And merges have absolutely no affect on anything in regards to scoring.

This all sound accurate? I'm so used to never having to worry about losing more than 20 points of lift per day, along with always scoring 220 from every battle (since I have all the mythics at +10 lol) that this drastic scoring difference is going to feel like a whole different mode.

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I am still confused about the scoring myself too, but I think I will get the hang of it once the Season comes and I start building my team and see the change in scoring in real time.

However, I am more concerned about the lack of Dancers/Singers I can use though for Galeforce teams. I am thinking of running two Galeforce teams, with Florina: Azura-Sky Knight being the Warp beacon running either Windsweep or Watersweep depending on the team, and the rest of the team will be pretty static; bonus unit to Smite; two Galeforcers (I really want to try Edelgard: Sun Empresses); and Dorothea: Twilit Harmony to Dance/Sing.

I think my super tank team core of Ike: Brave Mercenary and Flayn/Elmine is fine, but I might need to swap out most of my Peonys and Plumerias since I cannot use more than one copy and they do not provide a Mythic Spd buff anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So here's something about Chaos Season that was stated exactly nowhere. Since Chaos has a scoring system separate from Light and Astra, you'd expect it to not meddle with Light and Astra at all. It would just be inserted between a Light and Astra season at random, right?

Wrong. It replaces a season at random. We had Astra before this Chaos Season hit -- and now we have Astra again. Light was skipped entirely.

...Y'all know how some people like to "swing" in and out of the Vault of Heaven, using a particular season to climb back in since they can't stay there reliably? Yeah, that's fucked now. In my own case, I climb back in during Astra -- but I'm already there and can't stay, and there's no way in hell I can make the climb during Light.

So, I guess I'm done taking AR seriously now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by Some Jerk
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2 hours ago, Some Jerk said:

So here's something about Chaos Season that was stated exactly nowhere. Since Chaos has a scoring system separate from Light and Astra, you'd expect it to not meddle with Light and Astra at all. It would just be inserted between a Light and Astra season at random, right?

Wrong. It replaces a season at random. We had Astra before this Chaos Season hit -- and now we have Astra again. Light was skipped entirely.

...Y'all know how some people like to "swing" in and out of the Vault of Heaven, using a particular season to climb back in since they can't stay there reliably? Yeah, that's fucked now. In my own case, I climb back in during Astra -- but I'm already there and can't stay, and there's no way in hell I can make the climb during Light.

So, I guess I'm done taking AR seriously now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I was done long time ago. It was for me convoluted mess before now woth chaos season even more. I dont invest the time anymore necause everything got more complicated with a 3. season.


Duell Summoners the same. The Balancing is so bad that without a Duo or particular unit you are at adisadvantage. I just simply dint care anymore and have given up on beimg anywhere remotely competitiv. Imho i just should quit the game. Its a glorified unit builder/collector

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  • 3 weeks later...

I apparently really suck at this mode and don't know what I am doing. I just got to Tier 15 - and for three days in a row have lost literally every single match. I did the auto-team build and am wondering if I made a huge mistake. Apparently, my auto-build team is great though and undefeated.

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On 7/13/2022 at 10:45 AM, jameslove001 said:

I apparently really suck at this mode and don't know what I am doing. I just got to Tier 15 - and for three days in a row have lost literally every single match. I did the auto-team build and am wondering if I made a huge mistake. Apparently, my auto-build team is great though and undefeated.

Just stick with Auto Dispatch if you do not want to deal with the mode. I personally do not recommend it since you will get less rewards, but if you cannot win often enough, then Auto-Dispatch would be better.

The mode does require a lot of resources to build enough teams to tackle a variety of defenses. The first team I recommend building would be a super tank team, a Save tank team, or a mixture of the two. A super tank team with Yen'Fey as the super tank would probably be the cheapest to build.

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On 7/14/2022 at 2:16 PM, XRay said:

The mode does require a lot of resources to build enough teams to tackle a variety of defenses. The first team I recommend building would be a super tank team, a Save tank team, or a mixture of the two. A super tank team with Yen'Fey as the super tank would probably be the cheapest to build.

Thanks for your help. I wonder, as I build a more consistent team, if I need to skip the auto-create teams. I think that is where I am having problems. Is it better to forgo a little better score in order to have a team I am more comfortable with? For instance, should I get rid of a unit that doesn't bring much to the raid for someone that does such as Ash for movement or a true nuke, because the teams that have come from auto-create if had no real power to them.

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1 hour ago, jameslove001 said:

Thanks for your help. I wonder, as I build a more consistent team, if I need to skip the auto-create teams. I think that is where I am having problems. Is it better to forgo a little better score in order to have a team I am more comfortable with? For instance, should I get rid of a unit that doesn't bring much to the raid for someone that does such as Ash for movement or a true nuke, because the teams that have come from auto-create if had no real power to them.

You do not want to use Auto-Create as it generally does not make a good team.

For a basic super tank team that is relatively cheap, you want to use Yen'fey, Lucina Brave Princess and/or Flayn, and fill the rest up with whatever Light or Astra Mythics you have. In terms of pure stat boosts and support ability, the best Light Mythic would be Peony. For Astra, they would be Plumeria and Elimine. Ideally, you want to spam as many Peonys, Plumerias, and Elimines as you can for the Spd boost, but most players prefer to merge them up for better scoring and run other Mythics.

For a Galeforce team, the two best core units for the team would be Leif: Destined Scions and Dorothea: Twilit Harmony. You only need one copy of each and they do not need merges. They do require you to spend Orbs specifically for them since they are Special Heroes and you cannot just get them randomly, but the amount of bang they give for their buck is really high. For cheap options, only Eliwood and Naesala come to mind for Galeforcers.

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  • 1 year later...

Has Celica: Of Echoes made Aether Raids more difficult? Super tanking seems really risky since she can warp to your back line. Save tanking is not always viable either since Embla can shut it down. 

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