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Chaos reigns when I take the reins! - Let's play Tear Ring saga, Ironman mode, while being terrible at Fire Emblem!

Saint Rubenio

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Part 42 - Shigen dies for ~15 turns.

Please forgive me for the delay. Nothing bad this time, I've just been... waaaay too much into Berwick Saga. Few games have caught me so badly to the point where they're all I play for days. This is one of them. Chapter 7 of 8 translated chapters now. Aethin, I know the chance of you reading this is 0.000001%, but... oh, God, release the full thing...! I need more Berwick! More! MORE!

People argue here:

On 24/3/2019 at 3:21 PM, BrightBow said:

I do like Zach a lot. Sure, he is too slow on most maps but his massive bases ensure you can just deploy him whenever it's convenient without having to worry about him falling behind in terms of stats. Heck, he is actually a fair bit more durable then Barbarossa. Slower, sure. But nothing that is fast enough to double Zach has the power to get through that 18 defense, let alone drain all of his 50 HP.

I mean, if Barbarossa was any more durable, he'd be invincible. They needed to make him beatable somehow, right? But I agree, Zach is quite the badass, even if he, uh, has a rather remarkable lack of character. Of any sort of character.


On 24/3/2019 at 3:21 PM, Pengaius said:


I continue not to get the point, but that may be because I have an actual taste in music.

...what do you mean, no? Crazybus's theme is the new 5th Symphony, and that's final!

More like when a Deus Ex Machina is needed

How dare you! Criticizing my skills as a writer...! Show some goddamned respect!

Deus Ex Zachina, you mean.

Good one. Clap clap.

It'd kill her. Ruben we get it she is dead, gone, mo shinderu totally and completely super PERMENANTLY mega Bites Za Dusto. Except that she's gonna be totally fine thanks to the magic rock of horrible gameplay-story integration. 

I agree, it is the magic rock of horrible gameplay-story integration. In fact, here's a fun fact: if she doesn't die, Krishna tries to fix the plot by stealing it. Since she's dead, though, Holmes's story will be even more hopelessly broken than when it was "just" Attrom dead.

Beg then.

Well don't fare well if you so wish not to! It's not my problem.


On 24/3/2019 at 3:32 PM, Mad-manakete said:

To Arkis credit, he didn't lead the team into an area with the goddamn witch dragon.

Yeah, I guess that does put him a little above Holmes.

Cecille refusing to get defense or HP until she couldn't survive against enemies forcing me to bench her for the original edgelord who proceeded to nearly get killed in Khaiden due to a screw up goes a good way to it. Then it kind of breaks it in half by the fact you've avoided that archetype like the plague... and he survived what should have been my first fatality by all rights.

I always avoid that archetype like the plague. Pretty much the only "earlygame killing edge swordsman" I've ever brought myself to use is Joshua, and even then I usually prefer Marisa because she's hot she's a great character and it's fun to train her!

I don't know. That plan makes no sense. Kind of makes you wonder if he does everything in such a round-about convoluted way. Like he asks a maid to prepare breakfast, but deliberately sets up a bunch of traps in the kitchen and arranges for her to be forced to go on a shop by already having all the food elsewhere so he can make his own breakfast so that when she gets back from the store it's time for lunch and she prepares that for him instead. Then never explains it because she has to beat him in battle first for some reason. Actually, maybe Rudolf's plan was also a suicide. Kill two birds with one stone.

You know what? I think I know: Rudolf was manipulated by Gotoh! Think about it, who else do we know does things in roundabout, convoluted ways for no good reason? Gotoh! Who is responsible for the deaths of Frey, Cecille, Wrys and Darros? Gotoh! Who is responsible for literally killing my ironmanning of FE12 maniac because I just couldn't take all the deaths in his fucking portion of the game? Gotoh! WHO CAUSED GHARNEF TO BE A THING!? GOTOH! WHO DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE DECENCY TO JOIN AT THE END OF FE12 TO COMPENSATE FOR ALL THE SHIT HE PULLED THROUGHOUT THE GAME!? WHO KILLED MY DANCER!? GOTOH! GOTOH, GOTOH, GOTOOOOHHHHH GOOOD DAAAAMNNNN YOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!


Yeah. Gotoh's the real villain of FE2. And 3. And, by extension, 11, 12 and 15 too. And 4, 4 is also his fault, Manfroy's him in disguise. And 5? Why do you think we can never see Veld's face that well? That's right, Gotoh's his fashion advisor. 6... 6 is entirely Merlinus's fault for not bringing Jerrot and co. back with him in chapter 7, so Gotoh gets a pass -- but 7? You bet your ass it's his fault that that game's story sucks so much ass! And 8? Uh... I guess... he is the Fire Emblem, and the Fire Emblem is the reason Lyon went nuts! That's right! Gotoh is the main villain of FE! I will sink with this ship if I must! Gotoh will die, I swear it!

Reminds me of that meme with the app where it compares a user's face from a photo to a work of art, and the unfortunate man whose face got ""74% match" with Michaelangelo's David's crotch.

I would believe that'd be a good time to commit suicide, myself.

To be fair, Keiran is practically comedy gold. He takes the "reckless red Cavalier" to it's ultimate end-point of being an idiot, a braggart and a hazard to his own health (which is backed up by the fact he's a good unit in PoR). His supports with the Green Cavalier, Oscar, show he considers Oscar his "rival", though it's not reciprocated at all. His supports with Rhys subvert the character growth of a typical support chain in comedic fashion, as Rhys, being a level-headed healer, tries to stop him wrecklessly endangering himself. When you think Rhys has achieved the impossible as Keiran promises to take it easy with his training in future, suddenly Keiran sights a bear and runs off to wrestle it. Guy is both a good unit and flat entertaining. Definitely a worthwhile investment... well in PoR.

Sounds like the kind of guy who should definitely not be put in charge of an army... although, I would put him in charge over SOME people...

Muvphmfm o...

Gmhhyxnn oSomething wrong, Holmes?

Muvphmfm oI don't know what it is, but I feel like something's staring at me from beyond the skies... and whatever it is, they don't like me very much.

Gmhhyxnn oCan you blame 'em, Holmes?

Muvphmfm oWhy did I even name you my first mate, Shigen?

Like the fact he's pretty useful in a certain BS Fire Emblem map, a solid option for Parthia if you didn't train someone else in New Mystery, and using/praising him is just a smart thing to do on these forums for reasons? Or the fact I've been let down by Gordin before in Shadow Dragon, and he gives me a second chance for a green haired-sniper.

There's also the fact that he nearly shoots the avatar's head off thrice. That's always nice to read.

I would have taken Darkwing Duck, and switched the bill for a hawk's beak.


I have a tendency to say "any" thanks to that scene in Final Fantasy X where Laughing Sports Man explains how he got his name.

I both want to see that and don't.

Charlie is basically the Valentian third cousin of Sid, a character who wields a lance and goes into a battle he can't hope to win bravely, winning the player's heart and a name.

I mean, the guy became a pretty relevant character in the side story, so there's that. But he's also taken way more beatings than anybody deserves. And he's dead.

Let's see. I wish that you deliver upon this wish with absolutely no incompetence


This is worse plagiarism than that "Turbo The Porcupine" game that second hand game store used to have.

Is it bad that I kinda like that name better?

Tom is clearly a tank. How is that not a use?

I don't know, ask the pros! They're the ones who mindlessly hate on the tank.

The Goddess protec the plot.

J015avhm o / 10.

Lovely line.

Wait... Maria's here too? I knew she was pretty much gone mentally after that Michalis incident, but why the hell is she here? Can Matthis and Frost resolve old plot points?

Holmes's route is so bad, it ruins the fanfic too.

Obviously he has X-ray vision. Which is how... nope. I don't even have something to attribute to it. This one's a bust.

Sigh... Holmes.

This is Holmes. The thought's probably something like "hey, why did we try and fight that witch dragon anyway?". You know something that took this long to occur to him.

Maybe he's still wondering why Runan went to Isura. Still hasn't realized he was just there to visit him.

So do we get a recolour that calling retarded would be an insult to those geniunely mentally handicapped?

Oh, thank goodness, no. That's the one difference. Poor Orlo, he deserved better than to be remembered as the secret twin of that... abomination!


On 24/3/2019 at 5:47 PM, Dayni said:

My point is, never enough.

Yeah, well, I needed space for Dougy.

Lot was a Lot. He wasn't enough though, especially with the amount of replacements you had to have.

Yeah, well, I needed space for Dougy.

Well, sometimes I want to see a meme unit get his chances. :P

Yeah, well, I needed space for Dougy.

Didn't say otherwise, just wanted to point out that one because I liked it.

Yeah, well, I needed space for Dougy.

Okay, I'll stop now.

At least get me name right if you're planning on using it in a manner like that.

Don't worry, I'll try harder from here on out, Naidy.

...the "a"'s still right! Drat, double drat, and triple drat!

And why would you want someone you liked so much for memeing on me? :P

I said it, to spite you! Can't you read?

Suddenly, telepathy!

Is everyone just mind reading each other?

Nah, just Shigen, and it's not mind-reading, it's only natural to think Holmes is an idiot.


Yeah! I... wish I got the reference. As usual.


Also, Maria? Maeve? Do all these kids have birth names beginning with M?

I mean, there's Neyfa. I guess an N's close enough, but then you've got (spoiler)


Tia. Can't explain that one, can ya?

Dammit Kaga.

I should be keeping score.

Dammit Kaga: 510939321951954

Except it's -510939321951953 for Berwick. I'm enjoying that one far too much.

So the end result is...

Dammit Kaga: 1

You created Holmes, you chinese bastard.

She didn't, did she?

I mean, no, but... c'mon, let me complain in peace.

Woah, when did Holmes care for Katri's wellbeing?

Maybe he suffered a stroke.

Zach here never learned diplomacy. 

As we know based on events.

Hey, he doesn't have a character or a personality, spare him some slack.

That's a clever play.

Ahab probably could have gotten him killed since though, once he'd built up enough loyal support.

Maybe he never did, given that he's been going around stealing medicine from kids to get one mage to join him.

I believe this is your reaction to this revelation.

Surprisingly close.

No, but then again Norton was the same.

What's with this game's armors being so weird?

It's like she has plot armour.

Oh wait.


What indicated she would be?

Nothing as of yet.

Or get him imprisoned for over a decade and cause a second Ahab to reign over Salia.

I mean with a name like that it's bound to happen.

Come now, I like Lionheart, I'd never do that.

Ahab, how could you be such a hypocrite?

Oh who am I kidding, of course he'd do it the rat bastard.

...oh my God, I'm only just now realizing that! That's right, the bastard's a fucking hypocrite on top of it all! Damn, that moment's even better than I thought it was!

..... Well, he could mean it. He had done so with Zach so far.

Also, that sounds like a legit threat that could work if Guenchaos didn't seem more OP than Nergal.

He is more OP than Nergal, but a harsher-than-average breeze of wind would make Nergal go WHAY!? WHAY MUST I LOSE?!, so...

Lydia might need a therapy session.

Or a dozen, whatever's called for.

That's a solution, I guess.


The reunion is gonna suck so hard.

I'll make it suck as much as I can.

Did Arran fuck up again?

Or is this the same thing driving him to death?

Who knows...





I'll see myself out.

You... oh, goodness gracious. And the worst part is that I liked it.

So seemingly nothing new, but who knows?

You do @Saint Rubenio

You bet I do. Unlike in my past LPs, I've got everything more or less laid out from here on out. I know exactly what's going to happen. That's the problem with being the showrunner, it's mighty difficult to avoid running into spoilers. Plot points literally do not exist until you spoil them for yourself!

Could be worse, they could be listening to Simple Plan at full blast.

Simple Plan...?


...gah! My wrists! They've... they've opened themselves up! I need to patch myself up! Somebody... first aid... backup...!

Methinks this is part of that mountain range that Lyn passes my in BS. Talivar Mountains, I think.

Yep, I finally have a comparison to Bizzaro Sacae for the first time in a while.

Oh, so this is where it all began.

Does that mean Ahab is a descendant of Batta the Beast? Oh, Christ...

Wow Katri, she should probably leave him with the sweet F All he's done for her.

Maybe that reset hit her harder than we thought.

Poor Katri never recovered from that skeleton sword to the vagina. She grew dependent of a man who was too much of a dumbass to lead her to a good doctor. And so, together they spiralled down into a world of madness and criminal stupidity.


On 24/3/2019 at 10:17 PM, Hawkwing said:

As one of the few people who understands Rudolf's plan, it actually isn't that bad. By giving support to one side of a recent civil war in Zofia, he escalated the conflict significantly, turning it from an internal affair to a continental one. What Rudolf was seeking was a total war on both sides that no matter who won, the entire continent would have to be conquered in order for the conflict to be resolved. And if the victor wanted to keep it united, they would need to learn the other sides virtue (I.E. Rigel would need Mila's love and compassion in order to win over the people of Zofia and prevent them from rebelling, and Zofia would need Duma's strength and discipline in order to overcome the mighty Rigelian army and, again, keep the people from rebelling) which was perhaps the main goal of the entire war. And Rudolf was willing to play the role of the villain if that was needed.

Alm was a far riskier yet extremely rewarding part of that plan. Even if Rudolf didn't put much stalk into the prophecy himself, he knew that there were people in the Duma Faithful who would, and some of those people would be fanatical enough to kill a child. Plus, if it were true, then he had a way of eliminating Duma, who was at this point almost entirely insane and a husk of his former self, and Mila was well on the path to reaching the same fate. Rudolf couldn't kill the mad god himself, because that would raise questions and chaos over why the emperor would slay their patron deity, not to mention the massive opposition by the Duma Faithful. Thus, Rudolf gave Alm to Mycen in the hopes that the boy would grow strong and balanced in the virtues of both nations, and that he would one day even slay Duma. Because it was war, Alm was at risk at dying at any moment, but the reward would be that a balanced hero could wield the Falchion and put Duma to rest, ending the gods reign.

There's just one thing I don't understand.

Rudolf was willing to play the role of the villain if that was needed.

Then why in the world did he not kill the Mad God by himself?!

Rudolf couldn't kill the mad god himself, because that would raise questions and chaos over why the emperor would slay their patron deity, not to mention the massive opposition by the Duma Faithful.

If he was willing to play the role of the villain, and he had so many loyal men willing to follow him to the death if needed be, then why not just go there, kick some Duma Faithful ass and do the foul deed himself?! He was going to go down in history as a villain either way, but instead of taking matters into his own hands, he decided to wait for 20 years and pray that Alm didn't succumb to a random illness! Healthcare in the Middle Ages of Anime wasn't at its peak, exactly! Literally anything could've happened to Alm that Mycen would've been able to do jack about, and then what?

Except the modern FE character (usually) has some depth under their one-dimensional facade. Faye unfortunately doesn't. And the reason she doesn't have any alts is simply because she's is modestly dressed.

Faye is a modern FE character, though. She was nowhere to be seen in the original.

Use the Fox picture. I wasted attachment space for that. Well, maybe not wasted, as I used the Panne one several times, so I might bring it again.

Hey, don't feel bad. Back when I was still a noob and had no idea how forums worked, I wasted 99% of my attachment space for the first three updates of the FE12 LP. Now I can't even delete those because I don't want the FE12 LP to look even shittier than it already does.

That... is surprisingly literal, but I don't blame you for taking it. At least it's obvious who it will be referring to.

Right? It's like when I used Butterman for Butterman. Totally obvious.

Depite having never watched the show (in fact, I first leared about it)

I never watched it either, so there's that.

Agreed. Specially since it limited their options if they wanted to go back and change things, or rewrite/add a support.

I enjoy the games story, but I do wonder at points when a flaw is present because of the writers making a mistake or because time and money constraints didn't allow them to fix issues or go in as much depth or detail as they would have liked.

Well, small flaws don't ruin entire games, most of the time.

Eh, I don't understand it in the first place, but the picture was kinda funny, so it's okay.

Hah, good, then. Mission sorta accomplished.

It was also on the Last Bastion level. A map that extremely simple in design... but damn is it efficient for the purpose of being a defense fort that limits the offensive armies options.

I see.

Funnily enough, Gaiden/Echoes takes place one year after Shadow Dragon, and one year before Mystery of the Emblem. Given the kind of travel that takes place in this story, that may actually be  LP canon. Maybe.

I mean, we still have no idea why plot!me exists. I just sort of popped up one day in FE12. Maybe that'd make for a solid excuse to play FE11.

I would, but I have to go to Tosche station to pick up some power converters.

Tosche? That's even uglier than the names of FE11 bosses! And FE11's the game with Grigas in it! Grigas!

In that case, I should probably start subtly hinting at random things I want to see you photoshop together...

Isn't that what tends to happen? I read something funny, and I just make an edit for it.

Considering how priceless salt was in the past, I would not be surprised if mythical legends were brought up about it.

But was it as priceless as bags are?

On the subject of bags: in Berwick Saga, bags are actual items that can be used to store up to 8 other items and weapons within. There's no convoy in that game, so bags are quite valuable. Not just from a practical viewpoint, however, since they can be sold for a whopping 2000 gold. They're some of the most valuable items in the game that you can sell, surpassing all but the rarest weapons. For reference, an ornate treasure chest full to the brim with gold and jewelry (that's the game's vendor trash) is 5000. Not even three times the price of an empty cloth bag.

Considering that Berwick takes place in Lieberia thousands of years after Tear Ring, I'm going to guess Bagman and his descendants kept busy.

I remember them.

I also remember the immense anger and frustration that occurred immediately afterwards.

Hard to forget. At least for me. Everyone was always yapping away about how Percy was going to save the LP before long, but in truth, it was that one Marcus level that saved the LP. And my sanity.

I have to agree here. Ironmanning Awakening was a unique experience, and I honestly don't see myself turning classic mode off for that game now. And a critical hit killing Libra legitimately made playing through the final parts of the game sorrowful. And Donnel would have (barely) survived dying if he had gained a single point of defense when he leveled up. It really does change how one looks at the gae

Yeah, losing someone you like is always a huge downer.

On the other hand, when I ironmanned the game on hard mode, my reactions to Nowi, Tharja, and Gregor dying amounted to "meh". Didn't help they were pretty average at the point of their death.

Aaaaaand yeah, that's also a thing. Remember when I sacrificed Clarine to ensure Dorothy's survival? And when I sacrificed Rutger for... no reason at all? Yeah.


I like how they use Rennac of all people as an example of a guy that's hard to recruit. Really? I mean, yeah, he's annoying, but then there's Cath who's annoying times three!

Another thing I like is how Nino is literally a prop.

Also, fun fact: if you google "fire emblem rennac" and scroll down a little, you'll find this picture. Interesting. Poor guy's not that popular. It's quite telling that a lot of people say that Carcino doesn't get any playable characters as an argument to how irrelevant it is, completely forgetting that Rennac is, in fact, from Carcino.

I would have mentioned that originally, but I recalled the importance of tithing goes much deeper than just providing to the church with money, and how Jesus stated that the widow who gave two coins gave more than the men who donated their large riches, for the widow gave all she had to God. I didn't really find a way to state that without making it seem... critical, I suppose? Despite that not being the intent.

Oh, so you're calling me an atheist, is that it? You think you're so high and mighty, eh? Well, let me tell you something...


In other words, people who don't have their sprite disappear into thin air when they die.

Eyup. Basically, she can only save the guys the plot wants saved. For some reason, that includes Maerchen.

Reminds me of Alms birthmark that people can supposedly notice, despite the fact that he's wearing a glove. The only time I can think of it being reasonable (outside of the prologue) is when Berkut injures Alms hand in a cutscene, but even that's a lackluster excuse.

"Ahah! Look there, I see your birthmark!"


"Nothing but lies... lies LIES LIES LIES LIEEEEEEEESSSSSS!"

Part of me want's to say that this is a sign that Holmes is going through character development, or at least has more depth to him that what appears at first. Yet I can't shake the nagging feeling that he's still not over her summoning a bunch of zombies bringing her parents back.

He probably isn't over the time Runan made him trip when they were 5, even though it was Holmes that ran into Runan's leg. Presumably after being kicked in the butt by Eugen.

Huh, so this casual talking man is much more clever than he appears...

Very much so.

The last one is a two-parter.

That makes it three, then. Holmes is bad at counts.

Uh... Holmes? You do realize that privateers make most of their profit from wars, right? Heck, you can't even really become a privateer without a Letter of Marque, which is authorization to sink and raid enemy ships and give some of the treasure to the original nation. There are only so many pirates in the world that everyone hates, and they aren't always the most reliable source of income. Heck, one of said pirates is part of your army!

I think you would've most likely lost Holmes after the "Holmes?" part.

They may not be pirates, but maybe Holmes should rename his group to be "Freelance Mercenary Treasure-Hunters. Hire by Land or Sea."

Or "Shigen and the idiot. He's the reliable one. I shoot things."

That... dang...

I wish I could say something more substantial, but Ahab is definitely living up to his namesake of being a bad guy (although the Biblical Ahab humbled himself several times, and his wife, Jezebele, was the scheming one).

I tend to think more Moby Dick's Captain Ahab than the bible when I see the name Ahab.

In any case, yeah, the guy's pretty damn awesome. Like I said, this game's Orlo, though that's perhaps a bit of an unfair comparison for ol' Orlo. Orlo was a one-timer who managed to be awesome. We've been hearing of Ahab ever since we first saw Lionheart, and he's definitely living up to the hype. What I'm trying to say is, they're both great.

That... is even more genius.

Are we sure Thawn or Xanatos didn't jump franchises inbetween media?

They lost all their hair in the process, but fuck me if that beard isn't absolutely great.

The up and down of incredibly pragmatic villains.

Indeed. This guy'd find a way to convince those generic Gerxies that he's the reincarnation of Gerxel, given enough time. We can't let that happen.

I like the exchange of both sides here. It's a begrudging team-up, and both sides have to keep their end of the bargain or face the consequences.

I sure wonder how the situation will fix itself...


On 25/3/2019 at 5:51 AM, eclipse said:

Zach kinda reminds me of Jagen if the latter grew his hair out.

Jagen's hair is quite long, actually, it's just Heroes that got him wrong. Frankly, I like his Heroes art, but when you really stop to analyze it in detail, it barely looks anything like Jagen.

In actuality, Zach is more like Jagen if he had a receeding hairline and a completely bald personality. No, not bold, bald, as in, there is none.


On 25/3/2019 at 8:19 AM, Mad-manakete said:

Still would be weird if it were, because Sid's from Elibe. But then can it really be weirder than the fact we got reincarnation children in Fates?

Given the state of the LP canon, that might just be it, since we've established Archanea and Valentia coexist with Elibe.

Honestly, I feel that Rudolf's plan makes more sense in Gaiden by virture of being less dependent on Alm. Echoes, by addition of the birthmarks & prophecy really increased the importance of Alm and Celica to the plan, when in Gaiden it was just kind of a happy bonus that Rudolf's son was the one to see it through and any sufficiently strong leader from Zofia would have done the job. Long story short, the Gaiden version kind of hedged his bets in numerous ways not the least of which was sending one of his most skilled men to Zofia to train his son, giving them a potential champion, while the Echoes version was more putting all his eggs in one basket due to a prophecy.

To be fair, Gaiden barely had a story due to NES shenanigans, so you could basically just assume the best case scenario.

Kind of funny in that it's the first thing I think of every time I see your user name. Kind of like mine was a pun on "Mad-man"... with a Fire Emblem twist of course.

What is the first thing you think of when you see my user name? Piles of dead bodies?

In retrospect, the fact neither Law or her parents ever died makes that battle even more pointless. Which reminds me. Why doesn't the Aum staff work on plot deaths in Shadow Dragon and New Mystery? I mean you'd think Marth could have used it to bring his mother or father back, or Lorenz, or Boah, or maybe a non-possessed Hardin. Honestly, being me, I might have used it to bring an enemy I hated back just so I could kill them a second time, if I could think of one worth it. Damn story and gameplay segregation to hell.

Bringing back Hardin wouldn't have done any good, even if he was no longer possesed. The only thing the people of Archanea knew was that Hardin became a mad tyrant who killed countless innocents, one of which nearly was Princess Nyna herself. He would've gotten lynched. Not to mention, even if he was somehow forgiven for his crimes, Hardin would likely despise himself for all he'd done, possesed or not, and he'd still be heartbroken because Nyna never loved him, much less after he had her whisked away by an insane megalomaniac to be sacrificed to the Shadow Dragon. He probably would've ended up dead again, either by the hand of the people, or his own. It was best to let him rest.

Lorenz, on the other hand... the man deserved to live. I can understand Marth not wanting to be so selfish as to use the Aum to bring back his own mother, but seeing Lorenz alive again would've made many Grustians very happy. And me. Mostly me.


On 26/3/2019 at 8:25 PM, Hawkwing said:

On the other hand, it appears like "prophesy 'chosen one' bullcrap" at first glance, which annoys me when people use that to criticize Echoes story, even though I understand why they do. We also don't know whether or not Rudolf had any back-up plans in the event that Alm died. It doesn't help that it is a factor that breaks the games aesop from a narrative standpoint, although seeing the in-universe consequences is one of the main reasons why I am intrigued by the possibilities of a sequel.

To the remake of a NES game? Not likely.

And my username came about from playing a online web game about the Warriors book series. I received the name "Hawkpaw", and I half jokingly suggested what my warrior name would be (since the suffix of a cats name depends upon their rank. A kitten is Sandkit, apprentice is Sandpaw, warrior is Sandstorm, etc.). He suggested "Hawkwing" and the name stuck. I also went by Ratchet54, but I use that username less oten nowadays due to me never having played the Ratchet & Clank series and because not every website requires numbers in the username.

Huh, cute story.

Similar deal with why Alm or Celica never bring their relatives back using the sacred springs. I can understand why it's not a common occurrence, seeing as they're located in monster filled dungeons after all, but it seems to be a plot hole in anything that has resurrection as a gameplay element (except for Planescape: Torment, but that's because it's a major plot point why the protagonist cannot die).

Yeah, while reviving is great in ironman runs, it tends to make little sense.


Also, did something happen with the pictures, or is that just my computer not liking certain images again?

I see everything right, so I guess it's you.


On 27/3/2019 at 10:11 AM, BrightBow said:

The bigger, fundamental problem with the existence of a prophecy is that it goes against the whole "mankind moving past the influence of the gods" theme. Because a prophecy means that "destiny" is at play. And "destiny" means things are decided by a higher power, in other words: the gods.

How ironic.


On 27/3/2019 at 12:09 PM, Mad-manakete said:

I always figured there was a time limit to it, and characters that die too long before the game are thereby out of reach due to their soul passing on or something. So, while I could see Marth's father being too long dead due to dying before the prologue, the fact that Marth's mother would have been executed either during or after the prologue and you can resurrect non-sacrifice characters who die in the prologue, I'd say she should be fine. Likewise as a character can die in chapter 1 of New Mystery, you can bring them back, making the major story deaths like Hardin, Boah and Lorenz applicable as well.

For Alm and Celica, I'm not sure how long before the game Lima dies, but her siblings and mother are most likely too long. Lima could technically be by virtue of being before you can have a real fatality. One could argue you could bring back Rudolf, Rinoa or Fernand. Maybe Berkut. But the possibility of any of them being hostile on being brought back is there, due to Rudolf having planned to die, Fernand having been a bit of a dick, and Rinoa being in that fire state when she died. Berkut would likely still be insane.

Fates may be the most clear seeing as you can only use Bifrost on the same battle as someone dies, thus avoiding plot-holes, as any story deaths occur sufficiently before it falls into your possession. Ironic, that Fates may be the best at not making a plot problem with that.

Kudos to Fates! A shame the "only in-chapter deaths can be undone" restriction makes the thing completely useless.

My entire problem is that it feels like he didn't have a backup plan. Here's my idea for a twist, Alm was the backup plan to Berkut, who would have succeeded Rudolf if he learned the compassion and humility needed to rule both countries, which he failed to do, poetically making it so Berkut's belief he was never to be king is false because it's entirely his own fault that Alm ended up being king instead because he failed to learn the lessons he needed. I don't think a prophecy was needed for that reason. If you make Alm being sent away part of a contingency plan, then you've got reason for him being sent away without it looking like over-trust in a prophecy that mightn't even play out. Rudolf then comes across as a better planner, Berkut's fate becomes poetic, and Alm isn't some chosen one but just what Berkut could have been had he been a better man. Of course, even then I'm admittedly working with one of the writing's greatest successes. Berkut was well done as it is.

I do like your idea better, honestly.

On an unrelated note, I once cared for a sick hawk when I was in high-school (I believe it was a brown goshawk off memory). It didn't make it in the end as it's illness was alas from eating rats that a neighbour poisoned (Lyn's grandfather's line about too much poison for too long fits oddly well here, even if his survival was a difference), but it trusted me enough to perch on my hand so I could feed it chicken, something it simply wouldn't do for others. I've still got two of it's feathers as a keepsake. Not much to do with anything, but I thought I'd relate it anyway.

Aww... that's such a cute story, if it had a sad ending. I'm sorry.


People die here:

Qy8rcmoi o

It's the map. Apparently Ahab lives in those ruins. Don't question the logic behind that.

Ahab has few forces, but they're top-notch.

9bdecpcs oHyy3nrpl oUidwwib0 o

For starters, everyone but the pegasi and the archer (who has an arbalest, by the way) has iron shields. This makes them harder to get through than they've any right to be.

Kv6e67j0 o

The pegasi are no slouches, either. Pilums are scary. And before long, we'll be swimming in reinforcements just like this. This chapter's easy to break, but if you let things get out of hand, it can go from 0 to 100 really fast.

95oeijqx o

Ahab himself's not quite as much of a fighter as he is a mastermind. He's got a great weapon, but that's about it. However...

Odxbcsvq o

He's hiding behind this. On top of having 70 uses and 15 might, the Sunflame increases Rishel's defense by 10. He's got a base defense of 16 when using the thing. Yeah. Oh, and he's also got meteor to blow us up from 5 tiles away. Both these things'll be amazing when we actually get him on our side, but for now, it just means we can't get close to Ahab at all.

Lj6w7qzl o

So it begins.

D8lvdm13 oK3fycto8 o

Part of the problem of having started to play Berwick now is that this game looks a whole lot uglier now. Seriously, that game's animations are top notch. Another part of the problem is that the translation's not yet complete and it makes me want to cut my dick off to be able to focus on a lesser pain.

...sshh... gah! Ruben, stop it! You're here to play Tear Ring, not Berwick. Contain yourself!

9wvtv2ff o

Anyhow, while playing this chapter, I got lazy. See the title? Yes, that is the strategy I employed here.

Oaoaadqt o

See this? This is this chapter. Ahab may be nothing short of a genius, but he didn't take one thing into account: the fact that Kaga only learned what a balance is in the game that came out after this one.

Bmj6cvqe o

Although, I did kinda ruin the sword by the end of the whole thing.

Sr6dowyo oXynwdolk oMlbrs3ky o

Still, check this out! What would I do now, if I didn't have an invincible swordsman?

...yes, I would use my other invincible swordsman. But Zach's movement is an issue.

Us766n0f o

The pegasi that appeared behind us don't have pilums, which is nice, but they do some mean damage, which is not nice.

Svdskzkz o

Not wanting my best boi to get a face full of lance, I have Maruj do his thing from afar.

8szg77b7 o

There we go. Enemy down.

Uj9qpm8h o

Holmes does things too I guess.
Fu5xcmxb o3bfgleca o

Zachariah follows suit. I still cannot believe that he's playable. This is one thing that I kinda sorta miss in Berwick in an ironic way. Things actually make sense there (more than in most FE games, actually!). Think the Star Wars original trilogy, whereas this is Kaga's answer to the prequels. Inferior, to be sure, but so delightfuly dumb...

Oi0hiygr oRsvtgixl oUjeppysf o

C'mon, Zach, now you're just showing off, she couldn't hurt you anyway.

I6hlnrfp o


8kmzfe3b oDt9ojzol oS36gjoko o

To be frank, my favourite thing about Zach is his sprite. Look at that, it's so majestic. As much of a sucker for green as I always am, I cannot deny that Zach's red is beautiful.

Pwzb6xzj oTtyofrse o

Contrary to all my expectations, Shigen actually did a great job dodging in this chapter.

Ybmwsoar oDicbicwo o

Alas... that counter hasn't moved for too long. Oh, but today it'll move enough for one lifetime or three.

Bp5bzhbq o

It didn't stop at his "death", though. They continued to rain pilums down on him.

F9mnmows o

For all the good it did 'em! Hwahahahahahah... aw, yeah. I'm already looking forward to when... oh, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Cpzfrt7f o

Jeez, stop!

Pclnvn8j oD9vjmsgi oMws9tbg2 o

Goodness gracious. Thank God for Shigen, eh? If he wasn't there, they'd all be going after, I don't know, Holmes. No, wait, that's good...

Nhasvlm2 o
Lq2hwlef o
S1vbol9c o

Everyone's in a critty mood today. So long as it's not the enemy...

Nkvwwmvg oAjqibrwx oXtag8kx4 o

Lionheart, no! I wanted you to Jeigan that guy for Esther!

Ghw93kze o

That's a funny frame.

Dn2jg555 o4uj1j58j o

So long, arbalesto! No more long-range shootings for you!

Jdx86w34 o

I don't even know who this is. Maybe a Knight. What matters is that now the true lesson begins!

0nuyybvk o

A level.

U8jfv0dm o

Very Holmes. His shooting arm is the only good thing about him.

C2vzhasj o

Another turn gone. Lionel and Kreiss are heading north. You'll see why soon enough.

Ca3voeyu oSok8lil3 o8qbb52qm o

I mean, I know this is cheap, but I lost Renee. I'm entitled to some crappy tactics here and there.

Olrv3xzu oXeihpbgg oKdby0xm8 o

I don't really like that spot for those guys, but oh well, y'know what they say about beggars...

Kowslo6l o1rxd0gk5 oQ085zm8a o

Up north, Lionel is under attack.

M6cel9pf oUvwj5aug oAzfw78em o

Yeah, they cannot keep up.

R5gu5iq8 o

Oh, dear! Shirous!

1plvs3ta oY5yda4au o

Might as well check out what Lionel's sword stance looks like. It's a little wonky. What's up with that second frame? He looks so uncomfortable.

2xgwz1ld oOyl024fc o

Kreiss doesn't care that these guys are supposed to be speedy. He just gets stabbing groins, as only he knows how to.

Jiqcak3z o

I want nothing to do with fliers that have 25 might. Swat 'em down, you useless bastard!

4iamnzga oKlqcjp7a o

This frame is too much, I swear. The plane'll be missed, but so long as I can keep getting shots of this one frame...

3e4rqekj oGjqqlocf oJydaszct o

To be honest, I expected this update to be a little bit more interesting. Oh, well. As uneventful as it's currently being, it'll get juicier later.

Vgfgxybg o

Seriously though, if it wasn't for Shigen, I'm pretty sure we'd be having a heck of a lot of trouble.

Mbr13t39 oUsdyocr9 oSptisu3b o

Aaaand there he goes again. He's the MVP of the day, without a doubt. A fact I don't particularly like, he's too high-tier for my tastes. But his godlike character more than makes up for that.

Vl3wzxxb o

Besides, I'm not going to lie, I like indulging in some high-tier losers from time to time. They aren't quite as satisfying, but damn, look at that. It helps that I don't hate this man's guts.

5vlzehna o

Jeez. If nothing else, I now know where one of Hammerne's uses is going to. I barely ever use that thing in this game, anyway.

Vwaciej8 oTkbspcai oBgxuvtcl o

Good round of dodges, everybody.

C4lzc2ps oTj2rzrlw o

Ah, lil' hiccup there, but no worries.

Yqzj2lec o

Oh, hey there! What's this?

Imrpsapw o

He goes into Salia Castle through the backdoor that totally exists behind that wall. Try not to think to hard about it. You might realize that Narcus just sort of walked up a cliff without breaking a sweat. God forbid!

Gcwpgpbp oEyjo7emj o

Swox3h53 o Calm down, kid. Take some deep breaths, then tell me what's going on.

Swox3h53 o Hmm... Huh... Well, that's no good...

Swox3h53 o First things first, I'm here to bust you out. We can worry about Rishel afterward.

8hjyjt84 oWe have to help him, Narcus! It's all my fault...

0zfd96rn o Yeah, how dare you get him medicine to stop him from dying? You should've just let him die, or better yet, drown at the Plot River. You silly goose!

Mlshbhzr oLfjt36oh o

Annoyingly, they go in the opposite way I want them to.

L8vlcr4b o

8hjyjt84 oYou're leaving!? Help me, Narcus! I can't do this by myself!

Swox3h53 o Sure you can! Just go let Rishel know that you've escaped, and he won't have to fight anymore. Easy-peasy!

0zfd96rn o Yes, except for the part where your friend gets skewered for her troubles, Rishel torches Lionheart and everyone else without realizing she's dead, and then Ahab has him killed. Though, I suppose I should've expected no less from you.

Swox3h53 o Now go show your man that you can take care of yourself, to! I'm rooting for you!

Sfzatezk o

0zfd96rn o Aaaaaaaand he's off again. That's, what, three times he's not joined us when he probably should've? At this rate, he'll join in the final chapter!

Eko10ysf o

Anyhow, Bud.

HP 40% - Strength 15% - Skill 30% - Speed 45% - Defense 13% - Magic 35% - Luck 55% - Mastery 40%

Bud's Juni 2.0, except she has a strength growth that procs once in a blue moon, and learns a merely good skill that's sorely overrated at level 40. I've never used her, and I don't plan on ever doing so. Frankly, she's mostly a RecruitRishelBot.

Atzujxzj oF7tc1dzt o

An unremarkable critical.

3n3lwn1z o

An unremarkable level...

Fw1q5xjl oX4p9rryg o

Zach doesn't play around, does he? He's too old for that. Or maybe he just thinks the red effect from Pavise suits his red armor. Well, I won't judge.

S63ytev1 o

Lionheart isn't doing all that much, but he'll get the boss kill. It's important that he gets the boss kill. You'll see why.

K7sacmv6 oLlfn7ovy o

Tom kills something. Always a wondrous sight to behold.

Izhnm44e oRszde7s6 o

Garo busts out the Dolharken. With over 90 uses, I don't see any reason to preserve it like it's a FE6 legendary.

1ih7hmyv oQpz2hyii oHr8d08aj o

It's really helping things that I'm getting lucky beyond belief. Perhaps this is Footballman's way of thanking me for saving him and Blaad? Ah, shucks. I know I said I can't give him more money, but... ah, what the heck, I'll find a way. I need to remain in his good books. Designs as godly as his are rare. Mostly because few people have the balls to draw something like that and go "oki dokey, good to go, put it in your war drama where people die and girls get kidnapped".

5qmeaffz o2qsisgri o

You know, I've been thinking about it, and I might just ask you guys to vote on who should get the first Knight's Crest. Out of Esther and San, of course, we know your opinion on the matter, Butterman.

Kktkamqg oOn6sb6ot o

I was bored, so I decided to do this. This proved to be a very bad idea about five minutes after the deed.

Jlph92kq oIvuglttw oNl8xemim o

The army tears people to shreds.

Hl3wgawa o


Plqtgbsz o

Maruj's ability to get fuck all in terms of stats yet remain relevant is nothing short of impressive.

Thfvflc7 o

Sadly, though, he's going to be getting a strong competitor in just a few turns. The flags are Rishel's range. He doesn't move, but Meteor covers a lot of range.

Lafpu9x6 o

The skeletons head north. That'll be the last time they ever do what I want them to.

Hnqch7km oMb7do1ph oIkp0yexu o

So long as he holds the Dolharken, Garo will be virtually unstoppable. It's not quite as impressive as Lot, I mean, Lot didn't require anything to be invincible, but still! Lovely, Garo, just marvelous.

Qflirllv oQm4xigtt oNqxzdqxa o

That's about the last remarkable thing that happens.

Mnnidxxi o

I attempted to use Tom to destroy the last Knight's shield.

Mbrza63q oRapmscy1 o

But Tom wanted to contribute, and I, for one, don't feel like stopping him. Considering I'm one of, what, 4 people who have ever used him, I can understand he wants to do the best he can.

Nwmqqxnf o

I really don't know who to give the one sure-fire move potion to. Garo's movement is one of his biggest drawbacks, and he's the only dedicated axe user I got, but on the other hand, the prospect of a 7 move tank is just... so positively delightful...

Djmw0kvs o

Anyhow, Esther will be making her way north to kill that one helpless Nomad.

Znnko9e1 oNyoae3cd o

Ah, yeah. There we go. The skeletons are here to ruin everything for me. At least it's just one.

Vuavvr3w o

Rishel uses the second boss theme, so get it ready. That way you give me views. I mean, it's not even monetized, I have no idea how that works, but views fuel my ego.

Icycwnkv o7q3hptzf oOcyhvdph o

The meteor isn't animated and it moves way too slow, and the explosion's way too delayed. You failed, TRS, I'm sorry.

Tfaq2vm3 oCggr8nxl o

Oh, goodness gracious... why in the world did I even summon those things?!

Nvaev2yl oMaarf0ai o

At least it's over now. The Sunflame's effective against monsters, on top of everything else, so there was no way that ugly bonehead could've made it out of there.

Zzegex9j o

Oh, look. Reinforcements.

Qjipeb0s o

There! Nearly a level out of that!

6iadlazg o

Julia Jeigans the new one.

Rzwm1mg4 oEtmqted5 o


Zdvnfuux o

Oh, crap! They've learnt their lesson! They aren't going after Shigen anymore!

F7ujdt0m oUaruprjk oHr6njya0 o

Holmes gets harassed and gang-raped by maidens. If it was the other way around, people'd be angry. As is, people are happy. Some might even find it arousing. That is the world we live in.

Me? I'm a simple man. I see Holmes getting hurt, I like.

Kuhff29n o

These female predators are really incompetent, I have to say. Come now, you had a perfect wall to pin him helpless, but you just had to leave him the perfect opening to run crying to Daddy Zachariah. Damnit! I need better enemies to kill Holmes! Tear him to peaces! Break him apart! Defenestrate him!

Uh, I mean... kill him, but with love. Yes, that oughta do.

D0uhnn7l o

Up north, Esther gets a level up.

Imnvfwku o


Fbjqcn1s o

Maybe you'll have better luck avenging your dignity?

Jgaeps0y o

Yeah, that won't do. Thin line, Holmes. Very thin line. Your stats are the only reason I endure you, and you're only my third best Archer. Out of four. And the fourth's the tank, he's going nowhere. Keep this up, and I shall be forced to reenact today's events. That means I'll have you gang-raped again.

Okay, okay, I'll lay off the rape jokes now. Sorry.

3kvwq89h o

This is all that happens this turn.

Gx4ajeks oUz9v7fo9 o

Then Holmes gets penetrated by multiple women again. I know I said I'd lay off, but come now, do you still expect me to fulfill my promises?

9bhzsckr oVf7pynsg o

Help has arrived. In time, sadly.

Qde4ygj4 o

Ah, well. This being you, Garo, I can let a dud or two slide.

Qlgbfekv o8mx7y45y o

Oh, c'mon! Skeletons, cease your coming after Rishel!

Zcu1flqa o

Go quickly, Bud!

E1rf84lf o

Uggd5dsm oBud! You escaped!

8hjyjt84 oYeah, my friend Narcus got me out...

Uggd5dsm oThank goodness... You see what happens when you steal, Bud? You get into crazy messes like this!

0zfd96rn o Let's be honest now, Rishel. Ahab would've found a way, even if she was the purest little girl of them all.

8hjyjt84 oI'm sorry... I promise I won't do it again.

Uggd5dsm oThank you, Bud... Right now, I'm just glad you're all right.

Em4unqgu oBk6wlxcj o

HP 55% - Magic 30% - Skill 40% - Speed 35% - Defense 20% - Strength 0% - Luck 15% - Mastery 30%

Rishel is the last unpromoted Mage in the game, and without question, the best of the bunch. With good base stats, an absolutely bonkers personal tome, one more move than the other Mages (for whatever reason), and Terra and Vantage for good measure, Rishel's a really solid spellcaster all around. I never used him. Tried once, but he died. Yeah, don't ask how I pulled that off. I sure hope the story goes differently this time around, unlike what happened with Sharon.

K4mf2jde o

The time has come, Viceroy!

Bmjjo2zh o

Lionheart will be the one to do it.

Xvgirop6 o

Better hurry up and get Lionheart in front of Ahab. Otherwise, these skeletons will ruin everything!

Qf0xctvv o


...I can't put Lionheart in front of Ahab, because that one stairs tile cannot be traversed on horseback. Nice.

Svsl6jsx o

What do you think? C'mon, Ahab, you're smarter than this.

By the way, he uses the second boss theme, like Rishel. So ----------> !!!! CLICK HERE TO GIVE YOUR FAVOURITE LPER POINTLESS VIEWS !!!! <---------------

Ptkbhrxb oQjukvtz4 o

Well, if nothing else, they're doing a good job at Jeiganing him.

Ulpeprcc o


Cyk2ania oXslicdgh oJfqi0vsp o

My beautiful brave sword uses...!

Xzqedq8p o

Okay, finally! He does enough damage to kill in two blows. Ahab, your seconds are numbered!

Ne1aisjn o

1pcfv1ay oThis day has been fifteen years coming.

Irgnjigb oRaziel the Lionheart... You're just like Lord Robert. Why can't you understand?! I'm only doing what needs to be done! How long will you continue to torment me!?

1pcfv1ay oWhat needs to be done?! You've brought this kingdom near to ruin, and you've allowed the Empire to run free inside our borders!

Kubf55si o

Ahahah! Hell yeah! Do it, Lionheart!

O7rxnovo o


...er... excuse me?

...! 7 - 3 = 4!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ruben, you... gaah! You fucking idiot, Ruben, damnit all! And the only one in range is Shigen, and he'll kill Ahab no matter what... rats! Can't I go one chapter without making a fool of myself?!

Uethx2aj o

Time to improvise. Surely even Bud could take two shots from Ahab, right?

Rz1c97yc o

Okay, I'll be entirely forthcoming with you here. I was fully ready to just play this for laughs, rewind after she inevitably died, and then think something else up.


Xyyfkryz o

Heh. Guess the Goddess does protec sometimes.

Call it cheating, if you will. I don't care, I'm just realizing how hilarious that picture is. Seriously, look at that. Bud's employing the time-tested tactic "if I don't see you, you can't hurt me!". And the best part is that it worked. Then again, Ahab doesn't seem all that interesting in killing her. He's just... pointing his sword at the sky? Maybe he's seeing flying whales.

Jmcvgadx o

That was a lot less epic than I would've liked, but whatever, it's over.

Irgnjigb oKuh... You imbeciles...!

...is what he would've said if he was killed by someone other than Lionheart. However, since it was Raziel that got the finishing blow (just barely so, too)...

Zcl4gcxv oWlnnevj3 o
78gm7vli oSbcjsvbg oJkqnzdtx o
G4xkam2n oXb9umvmh o
4m3gm3ut o
Tzhiatm3 oNfskk2y2 o
Em4ou9ex o


D5rlbjuh o

And suddenly, the one-dimensional, if well-written, villain has depth. Did you see that coming? If you didn't read any of that, go back and read it. It's great.

I don't think he was lying there. Guy was already dead, he had no reason to lie anymore. Don't get me wrong, he was obviously a piece of shit who took advantage of his station at every turn. However, the fact that he actually had good intentions once... in the end, as much as he let himself become a corrupt asshole, it seems he truly cared for his country at some point. Enough that he was willing to murder a baby so as not to let a tragedy like Kranion to repeat itself. Enough that he was fine with playing the part of the villain if it meant his country could live on. Not just that, but he spared his brother's life. Seems like there was some kindness left in that black heart of his. He went about it all in awful ways (there were better ways to solve the situation that didn't involve child murder and throne usurping), but you know what they say about good intentions and the way to hell, right?

I don't know, it's small stuff, but I just love how complete this character is. Absolutely amazing. My highest regards. Holmes may not've gotten Barbarossa, but getting Ahab's already light years beyond what he ever deserved.

L0hhvijt o

And to top all that off, Lionheart gets a decent level. Really digging the strength, my friend, keep it up!

W3q7woef o

Nice! Thanks, Ahab. We'll put it to good use.

That's a wrap. Next time, we'll get text and skirmishes all the way up to the route split. Interesting things will occur there, so I recommend that you stay vigilant. Nothing else, but to say "farewell". If you'll excuse me, I need to get counting the amount of times Shigen died today. Let's see... 1... 2... someone please do me a solid and count them for me as well, I'm probably going to make a mistake here.

Death count: Attrom

Reset count: 2 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 6


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Zach's awesome sprite would probably be reason enough for me to use him.

On top of everything else, the Sunflame has 1-3 range too. Because why bother with a personal weapon that can't do everything?
It's funny how special weapons not only seem to get stronger but also more durable the later you get into the game.

And I didn't know Ahab had a special death quote. That's pretty damn awesome.

Edited by BrightBow
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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well don't fare well if you so wish not to! It's not my problem.

I'll have you know that I fared quite poorly, did you know it's possible to trip on the same tree root four times 

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He goes into Salia Castle through the backdoor that totally exists behind that wall. Try not to think to hard about it. You might realize that Narcus just sort of walked up a cliff without breaking a sweat. God forbid!

What if he changed his appearance to that of a door and basically led bud open it to get out

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, I've been thinking about it, and I might just ask you guys to vote on who should get the first Knight's Crest. Out of Esther and San, of course, we know your opinion on the matter, Butterman.

The current choice is between "Julia's chip damage but more move and no Draco" and “will die to anything mildly threatening" I'd recommend you train Arkis in some skirmishes and allow us to do one vote alongside the route split, for who gets the knight crest, I think there was a fourth unit that could use a knight crest, but I can't remember, did he die offscreen?


Well uh since I don't really have too much to say about the update, let me just add that Ahab did nothing wrong



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9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I agree, it is the magic rock of horrible gameplay-story integration. In fact, here's a fun fact: if she doesn't die, Krishna tries to fix the plot by stealing it. Since she's dead, though, Holmes's story will be even more hopelessly broken than when it was "just" Attrom dead.

That'd make using it on her REALLY poetic. She gets a use of it, though obviously not in the way intended. I'm guessing she wanted it to resurrect a certain dead lover on the off chance it'd work.


9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Yeah, I guess that does put him a little above Holmes.

Not to mention trying to fight it when it showed up. Arkis didn't do that either. Or insult potential allies. Or let Katri revive not one but two foes and let her be unsupervised with one of them even though everything turned out for the best. Really, Holmes is lucky he beats out Martel at this point. Elibean Martel of course.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's right! Gotoh is the main villain of FE! I will sink with this ship if I must! Gotoh will die, I swear it!

Being around Ahab is turning you into his namesake. Though in retrospect, I could totally see Gotoh, being the round-about kind of prick he is deliberately getting Gharnef to go down the path of evil for the sake of making a villain to unite the continent against so there could be peace. Just like Rudolf's plan. So maybe there's something to that. Wonder if he had anything to do with that alchemist that made the experiment/proto-Grima in the Labryinth at Thabes thus causing Awakening as well. If I was going to tie him to FE4 & 5, it'd be through the fact he's a divine dragon and the fact a certain Dragon named Loptyr ended up over in Jugdral due to the actions of Naga millenia back. I'd say Gotoh was probably involved somehow. After that though, you're pushing into "from hell's heart I stab at thee" territory. Or Frollo thinking Esmeralda is a witch... something he ironically didn't in the book. He knew full well she wasn't and just accused her to put her in the "be mine or you will burn" situation.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I both want to see that and don't.

Laughing Sports Man is the real name of the character people online keep referring to as "Tidus" for some reason. I don't know why, because he's not called that once in the entire game. Maybe it's something to do with X-2? I haven't played that one. Anyway, there's that infamous scene where it becomes apparent why he's called Laughing Sports Man when he cackles like a seagull with a severe mental handicap after being asked to laugh. It's meant to be awkward because it's a forced laugh, but it does it's job too well.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Is it bad that I kinda like that name better?

No. This game is so under-appreciated. I mean, really.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You created Holmes, you chinese bastard.

Isn't it highly offensive to call Asians a different type of Asian? I mean the term "gook" is offensive because it originally referred to HanGuk province in South Korea but it gets thrown at Chinese and Japanese and other people not from the actual province ever since it was coined in the Korean War because they fail to make the distinction. Not that Kaga doesn't kind of earn it. Then for all I know he's actually Chinese and just was in Japan.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But was it as priceless as bags are?

On the subject of bags: in Berwick Saga, bags are actual items that can be used to store up to 8 other items and weapons within. There's no convoy in that game, so bags are quite valuable. Not just from a practical viewpoint, however, since they can be sold for a whopping 2000 gold. They're some of the most valuable items in the game that you can sell, surpassing all but the rarest weapons. For reference, an ornate treasure chest full to the brim with gold and jewelry (that's the game's vendor trash) is 5000. Not even three times the price of an empty cloth bag.

Considering that Berwick takes place in Lieberia thousands of years after Tear Ring, I'm going to guess Bagman and his descendants kept busy.

This fits quite well with LP Cannon.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, losing someone you like is always a huge downer.

I know too well, given the first time I tried an Ironman, I got myself into a situation where I had to choose between letting Barst die, or putting Wrys in harms way to heal him. I learned a lot from that.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, fun fact: if you google "fire emblem rennac" and scroll down a little, you'll find this picture. Interesting. Poor guy's not that popular. It's quite telling that a lot of people say that Carcino doesn't get any playable characters as an argument to how irrelevant it is, completely forgetting that Rennac is, in fact, from Carcino.

I can see why. In my Sacred Stones Ironman, where I tried to up the difficulty by using a team of characters I hadn't used seriously before... that meant using him as my thief. Guess who was pretty much just a utility unit due to being unable to kill enemies without insane amounts of help?

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What is the first thing you think of when you see my user name? Piles of dead bodies?

Order of Ecclesia. Which coincidentally is the first game I ever bought on my EB World card, as I got an e-mail reminding me.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kudos to Fates! A shame the "only in-chapter deaths can be undone" restriction makes the thing completely useless.

I wouldn't say completely. You could, say, use it to repair a glass canon, so to speak, after having them deal a tonne of damage to a boss that one-shots them. Besides, with access to the convoy by the lord, and the fact the Maid/Butler classes required to use it each have representatives that boost the lord when paired up thanks to their abilities, I'd say that it becomes more of an option.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
R5gu5iq8 o

Oh, dear! Shirous!

0/10. Worst fantasy race ever.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The meteor isn't animated and it moves way too slow, and the explosion's way too delayed. You failed, TRS, I'm sorry.

At least Rishel can cast it without dying.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Holmes gets harassed and gang-raped by maidens. If it was the other way around, people'd be angry. As is, people are happy. Some might even find it arousing. That is the world we live in.

Do they have surgical attachments? Is it Holmes fetish? So many questions. So many answers I don't want.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

1pcfv1ay oThis day has been fifteen years coming.

Irgnjigb oRaziel the Lionheart... You're just like Lord Robert. Why can't you understand?! I'm only doing what needs to be done! How long will you continue to torment me!?

I know a Robert who looks just like Lionheart. I was going to write it off as coincidence, but now I think Kaga is a dirty time-thief. Taking events from my life to pad out his games.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe he's seeing flying whales.

Spoiler. TRS takes place during Final Fantasy IV https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Lunar_Whale

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 6


Edited by Mad-manakete
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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, well, I needed space for Dougy.

Okay, I'll stop now.

Douglas isn't much of a meme though.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't worry, I'll try harder from here on out, Naidy.

....You just ran into a nickname for my sister.

I don't know whether to be impressed or .

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...the "a"'s still right! Drat, double drat, and triple drat!


9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I said it, to spite you! Can't you read?

But that'd spite Douglas then.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah! I... wish I got the reference. As usual.


Not everything's Roundaout.

Me referencing a dumb internet video about them having "their brand", which got an FE reference the moment people got far enough in Awakening.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dammit Kaga: 510939321951954

Except it's -510939321951953 for Berwick. I'm enjoying that one far too much.

So the end result is...

Dammit Kaga: 1

You created Holmes, you chinese bastard.

I'm pretty sure it's > 1 at this point.

Also pretty sure that calling a Japanese person Chinese (and visa versa) 

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe he never did, given that he's been going around stealing medicine from kids to get one mage to join him.

I mean, he had 15 years. He probably could have done better.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...oh my God, I'm only just now realizing that! That's right, the bastard's a fucking hypocrite on top of it all! Damn, that moment's even better than I thought it was!

Ahab for you.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He is more OP than Nergal, but a harsher-than-average breeze of wind would make Nergal go WHAY!? WHAY MUST I LOSE?!, so...

I mean far as I remember (Endgame TRS spoilers):


We don't get to fight Guenchaos in human form. So we can't really say.

The real reason Nergal feels weak is that he's invested a lot of the quintessence he harvested into a gate. Also, he's not that weak. A harsher than average beam of light though......

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You... oh, goodness gracious. And the worst part is that I liked it.

Sometimes I try.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You bet I do. Unlike in my past LPs, I've got everything more or less laid out from here on out. I know exactly what's going to happen. That's the problem with being the showrunner, it's mighty difficult to avoid running into spoilers. Plot points literally do not exist until you spoil them for yourself!

Well, least you didn't let anything slip there.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Simple Plan...?


...gah! My wrists! They've... they've opened themselves up! I need to patch myself up! Somebody... first aid... backup...!

Yeah, that's why I'd avoid listening to them in future.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, so this is where it all began.

Does that mean Ahab is a descendant of Batta the Beast? Oh, Christ...

No, it doesn't.

If anything he'd be more likely related to one of these fine gentlemen:


(Why yes, this is an old edit. I don't care.)

Batta wasn't ever hinted to come from them there mountains.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Odxbcsvq o

He's hiding behind this. On top of having 70 uses and 15 might, the Sunflame increases Rishel's defense by 10. He's got a base defense of 16 when using the thing. Yeah. Oh, and he's also got meteor to blow us up from 5 tiles away. Both these things'll be amazing when we actually get him on our side, but for now, it just means we can't get close to Ahab at all.

16 Def.

What is he, an armoured mage?

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
See this? This is this chapter. Ahab may be nothing short of a genius, but he didn't take one thing into account: the fact that Kaga only learned what a balance is in the game that came out after this one.

Kaga: Makes an SRPG series that somehow survives to this present day on its tactical nous and character (other things were involved in its revival, but still)

Also Kaga: Makes 6 SRPGs that make balance look like an impossible dream, gives infinite range warp and made Nuibaba's Horror House, C3 BII Mystery and C22 Thracia.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Zachariah follows suit. I still cannot believe that he's playable. This is one thing that I kinda sorta miss in Berwick in an ironic way. Things actually make sense there (more than in most FE games, actually!). Think the Star Wars original trilogy, whereas this is Kaga's answer to the prequels. Inferior, to be sure, but so delightfuly dumb...

Except he got to make his prequels freely.

I'm also going to admit I'm not a fan of the comparison to the prequels for FE, as it implies Kaga era FE had a Jar-Jar. Alongside a lot of other things.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
F9mnmows o

For all the good it did 'em! Hwahahahahahah... aw, yeah. I'm already looking forward to when... oh, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

See, this is a good unit.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ghw93kze o

That's a funny frame.

He's coming for your ice cream! Everyone, run!

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Aaaand there he goes again. He's the MVP of the day, without a doubt. A fact I don't particularly like, he's too high-tier for my tastes. But his godlike character more than makes up for that.

Vl3wzxxb o

Besides, I'm not going to lie, I like indulging in some high-tier losers from time to time. They aren't quite as satisfying, but damn, look at that. It helps that I don't hate this man's guts.

Shigen: Man who can't die.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Yqzj2lec o

Oh, hey there! What's this?

Imrpsapw o

He goes into Salia Castle through the backdoor that totally exists behind that wall. Try not to think to hard about it. You might realize that Narcus just sort of walked up a cliff without breaking a sweat. God forbid!

I don't think he's climbing up a sheer cliff face here: he seems to be walking up a less steep slope, then finding the one place in the back of the fort he can either slip right into or unlock. Still pretty impressive.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Eko10ysf o

Anyhow, Bud.

HP 40% - Strength 15% - Skill 30% - Speed 45% - Defense 13% - Magic 35% - Luck 55% - Mastery 40%

Bud's Juni 2.0, except she has a strength growth that procs once in a blue moon, and learns a merely good skill that's sorely overrated at level 40. I've never used her, and I don't plan on ever doing so. Frankly, she's mostly a RecruitRishelBot.

Not even as a chest-opener on Runan's route if needed?

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
2qsisgri o

You know, I've been thinking about it, and I might just ask you guys to vote on who should get the first Knight's Crest. Out of Esther and San, of course, we know your opinion on the matter, Butterman.

Probably San.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Kktkamqg oOn6sb6ot o

I was bored, so I decided to do this. This proved to be a very bad idea about five minutes after the deed.

I mean, she's raising the dead.

That should be something that you realise not to do beforehand.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Tfaq2vm3 oCggr8nxl o

Oh, goodness gracious... why in the world did I even summon those things?!

Because you are a genius.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uggd5dsm oThank goodness... You see what happens when you steal, Bud? You get into crazy messes like this!

0zfd96rn o Let's be honest now, Rishel. Ahab would've found a way, even if she was the purest little girl of them all.

Ahab: robber of thieves.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Em4unqgu oBk6wlxcj o

HP 55% - Magic 30% - Skill 40% - Speed 35% - Defense 20% - Strength 0% - Luck 15% - Mastery 30%

Rishel is the last unpromoted Mage in the game, and without question, the best of the bunch. With good base stats, an absolutely bonkers personal tome, one more move than the other Mages (for whatever reason), and Terra and Vantage for good measure, Rishel's a really solid spellcaster all around. I never used him. Tried once, but he died. Yeah, don't ask how I pulled that off. I sure hope the story goes differently this time around, unlike what happened with Sharon.

He has 16 defence with his tome.

If you're stuck for mages, why not him? If you're not, still why not him?

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ptkbhrxb oQjukvtz4 o

Well, if nothing else, they're doing a good job at Jeiganing him.

Hmmmm..... a skeleton who's decent ad Jeiganing.

Deke, is that you?

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, I'll be entirely forthcoming with you here. I was fully ready to just play this for laughs, rewind after she inevitably died, and then think something else up.


Wow, that's a thing.

You cheat-

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Xyyfkryz o

Heh. Guess the Goddess does protec sometimes.

I guess she does.

This is why Krishna died.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Call it cheating, if you will. I don't care, I'm just realizing how hilarious that picture is. Seriously, look at that. Bud's employing the time-tested tactic "if I don't see you, you can't hurt me!". And the best part is that it worked. Then again, Ahab doesn't seem all that interesting in killing her. He's just... pointing his sword at the sky? Maybe he's seeing flying whales.

8hJyjT84_o.png"No, I can't see your sword. So you can't hit me."

irGnJigB_o.png*Plays at missing

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
78gm7vli oSbcjsvbg oJkqnzdtx oG4xkam2n oXb9umvmh o4m3gm3ut oTzhiatm3 oNfskk2y2 oEm4ou9ex o

Well shit, Ahab did have his limits.

Not enough to not keep his brother in the dungeon, but still.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
And suddenly, the one-dimensional, if well-written, villain has depth. Did you see that coming? If you didn't read any of that, go back and read it. It's great.

I don't think he was lying there. Guy was already dead, he had no reason to lie anymore. Don't get me wrong, he was obviously a piece of shit who took advantage of his station at every turn. However, the fact that he actually had good intentions once... in the end, as much as he let himself become a corrupt asshole, it seems he truly cared for his country at some point. Enough that he was willing to murder a baby so as not to let a tragedy like Kranion to repeat itself. Enough that he was fine with playing the part of the villain if it meant his country could live on. Not just that, but he spared his brother's life. Seems like there was some kindness left in that black heart of his. He went about it all in awful ways (there were better ways to solve the situation that didn't involve child murder and throne usurping), but you know what they say about good intentions and the way to hell, right?

I don't know, it's small stuff, but I just love how complete this character is. Absolutely amazing. My highest regards. Holmes may not've gotten Barbarossa, but getting Ahab's already light years beyond what he ever deserved.

Ahab > Barbarossa. 

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Huh, so the pictures are working now. I wouldn't be surprised if it's some quirk dependent on which internet network I'm using at the moment or something like that.

On 3/27/2019 at 5:11 AM, BrightBow said:

The bigger, fundamental problem with the existence of a prophecy is that it goes against the whole "mankind moving past the influence of the gods" theme. Because a prophecy means that "destiny" is at play. And "destiny" means things are decided by a higher power, in other words: the gods.

Aye. While I do appreciate the narrative irony, there is the question of whether it was needed in the first place.

On 3/27/2019 at 7:09 AM, Mad-manakete said:

My entire problem is that it feels like he didn't have a backup plan. Here's my idea for a twist, Alm was the backup plan to Berkut, who would have succeeded Rudolf if he learned the compassion and humility needed to rule both countries, which he failed to do, poetically making it so Berkut's belief he was never to be king is false because it's entirely his own fault that Alm ended up being king instead because he failed to learn the lessons he needed. I don't think a prophecy was needed for that reason. If you make Alm being sent away part of a contingency plan, then you've got reason for him being sent away without it looking like over-trust in a prophecy that mightn't even play out. Rudolf then comes across as a better planner, Berkut's fate becomes poetic, and Alm isn't some chosen one but just what Berkut could have been had he been a better man. Of course, even then I'm admittedly working with one of the writing's greatest successes. Berkut was well done as it is.

Rudolf may have tried to enact the "unite both countries through conquest" plan earlier in the story, when Rigel invaded Zofia after King Lima IV went back on his word to provide his neighbor with food during their famine. They did conquer a fair chunk of northern Zofia after all. The fact that Zofia later surrendered, along with it being a war for resources instead of conquest, meant that Rudolf couldn't extend the conflict without severe backlash, so he accepted the surrender and waited until the next war arose.

I really like your idea. I'm curious how it would look implemented into the actual story.

On 3/27/2019 at 7:09 AM, Mad-manakete said:

On an unrelated note, I once cared for a sick hawk when I was in high-school (I believe it was a brown goshawk off memory). It didn't make it in the end as it's illness was alas from eating rats that a neighbour poisoned (Lyn's grandfather's line about too much poison for too long fits oddly well here, even if his survival was a difference), but it trusted me enough to perch on my hand so I could feed it chicken, something it simply wouldn't do for others. I've still got two of it's feathers as a keepsake. Not much to do with anything, but I thought I'd relate it anyway.

That's a really neat story. I wish I could say more, but still; Thank you for sharing.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Part 42 - Shigen dies for ~15 turns.

Dullahan will be very done with your incompetence by the end of this level. And Shigen will have experienced dying so many times that he'll be surprised by his actual death.

Also, there are two Part 41's

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Please forgive me for the delay. Nothing bad this time, I've just been... waaaay too much into Berwick Saga. Few games have caught me so badly to the point where they're all I play for days. This is one of them. Chapter 7 of 8 translated chapters now. Aethin, I know the chance of you reading this is 0.000001%, but... oh, God, release the full thing...! I need more Berwick! More! MORE!

I suppose we can start guessing what the next Saint Rubenio Lets play will be.


Indiana Jones and The Emperors Tomb


On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oWhy did I even name you my first mate, Shigen?

Because deep down, Holmes knows that he needs someone to be brutally honest with him and point out his stupidity.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

You created Holmes, you chinese bastard.

Isn't Kaga Japane-

18 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

Isn't it highly offensive to call Asians a different type of Asian? I mean the term "gook" is offensive because it originally referred to HanGuk province in South Korea but it gets thrown at Chinese and Japanese and other people not from the actual province ever since it was coined in the Korean War because they fail to make the distinction. Not that Kaga doesn't kind of earn it. Then for all I know he's actually Chinese and just was in Japan.

14 hours ago, Dayni said:

Also pretty sure that calling a Japanese person Chinese (and visa versa) 

...Never mind.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

If he was willing to play the role of the villain, and he had so many loyal men willing to follow him to the death if needed be, then why not just go there, kick some Duma Faithful ass and do the foul deed himself?! He was going to go down in history as a villain either way, but instead of taking matters into his own hands, he decided to wait for 20 years and pray that Alm didn't succumb to a random illness! Healthcare in the Middle Ages of Anime wasn't at its peak, exactly! Literally anything could've happened to Alm that Mycen would've been able to do jack about, and then what?

Perhaps I should rephrase that as "not afraid to be ruthless yet just if it will accomplish his end goal".

And Rudolf had several reasons for why he didn't just kill Duma himself. For one, "invade a continent!" and "kill our patron god!" are two very different orders to give soldiers. Two, the Duma Faithful were a legitimate religion for several centuries, only in recent decades devolving into a cult, meaning some people would still be reluctant to destroy them. Three, only Rudolf and a select few other people knew that Duma had gone insane, and that's not always an excuse people will believe for killing someone.

Also, certain people in the Rigel royal line can wield the Falchion, so if Alm died, but the continent was reunited, then he'd just need pass on the plan to people he trusted in order to train another person to slay Duma.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

But was it as priceless as bags are?

On the subject of bags: in Berwick Saga, bags are actual items that can be used to store up to 8 other items and weapons within. There's no convoy in that game, so bags are quite valuable. Not just from a practical viewpoint, however, since they can be sold for a whopping 2000 gold. They're some of the most valuable items in the game that you can sell, surpassing all but the rarest weapons. For reference, an ornate treasure chest full to the brim with gold and jewelry (that's the game's vendor trash) is 5000. Not even three times the price of an empty cloth bag.

Considering that Berwick takes place in Lieberia thousands of years after Tear Ring, I'm going to guess Bagman and his descendants kept busy.

I am overjoyed to see that LP canon predicted the actual canon.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, losing someone you like is always a huge downer.

There's definitely a difference between hearing that a character is good and has such-and-such a backstory, and seeing it for yourself. Libra was one such example.

Also, certain solo ending just become downright tragic in the context that a loved one died.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how they use Rennac of all people as an example of a guy that's hard to recruit. Really? I mean, yeah, he's annoying, but then there's Cath who's annoying times three!

I'd chalk that up to the artist only playing the games with worldwide releases.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, so you're calling me an atheist, is that it? You think you're so high and mighty, eh? Well, let me tell you something...

I already knew that. My original post came off as being critical that you would save your money instead of giving to charity, despite that not being my aim. Granted, the lesson about giving up material things and instead putting our faith in God to supply our needs is extremely important, but I also understand that footballman and the games church is fictitious. My tone would be much different if we were discussing real life.

Then again, there us also the lesson about trusting a man with little, and you will see what they will do when given much...

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

"Ahah! Look there, I see your birthmark!"


"Nothing but lies... lies LIES LIES LIES LIEEEEEEEESSSSSS!"

Honestly, the cutscene itself doesn't even come close to living up to that.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Or "Shigen and the idiot. He's the reliable one. I shoot things."

Don't forget Tom the Tank Engine and The Roger The Paladin.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

What is the first thing you think of when you see my user name? Piles of dead bodies?

A play on someones real name (there's actually a Ruben in my Technical Writing class. He works in a casino) and the addition of being a saint, despite that only being because you liked playing TF2 medic and not because you were actually sainted.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

He's hiding behind this. On top of having 70 uses and 15 might, the Sunflame increases Rishel's defense by 10. He's got a base defense of 16 when using the thing. Yeah. Oh, and he's also got meteor to blow us up from 5 tiles away. Both these things'll be amazing when we actually get him on our side, but for now, it just means we can't get close to Ahab at all.

A weapon with 70 uses.

Kaga is not good at subtly hinting at which units he wants players to use, is he?

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Zachariah follows suit. I still cannot believe that he's playable. This is one thing that I kinda sorta miss in Berwick in an ironic way. Things actually make sense there (more than in most FE games, actually!). Think the Star Wars original trilogy, whereas this is Kaga's answer to the prequels. Inferior, to be sure, but so delightfuly dumb...

It seems that Kaga learned from his mistakes, it seems. Although now it raises the questions of if Tear Ring Saga made any awesome spin-off games set in the same universe.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
F9mnmows o

For all the good it did 'em! Hwahahahahahah... aw, yeah. I'm already looking forward to when... oh, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Thou have my curiosity.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
1plvs3ta oY5yda4au o

Might as well check out what Lionel's sword stance looks like. It's a little wonky. What's up with that second frame? He looks so uncomfortable.

I forgot that the killing edges in this game were black.

I also had to zoom in to see whether or not Lionel was even holding the sword in the first picture.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Imrpsapw o

He goes into Salia Castle through the backdoor that totally exists behind that wall. Try not to think to hard about it. You might realize that Narcus just sort of walked up a cliff without breaking a sweat. God forbid!

Maybe one of his ancestors was a Skyrim horse. Or somebody used rope for once in this game.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Swox3h53 o Calm down, kid. Take some deep breaths, then tell me what's going on.

Swox3h53 o Hmm... Huh... Well, that's no good...

Age old "skip information the player already knows about" trick.

At least he ins't repeating what the person is saying.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
S63ytev1 o

Lionheart isn't doing all that much, but he'll get the boss kill. It's important that he gets the boss kill. You'll see why.

Let me take a guess: He gets exclusive boss dialogue?

Might even have his ending change, considering how Kaga does things.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Izhnm44e oRszde7s6 o

Garo busts out the Dolharken. With over 90 uses, I don't see any reason to preserve it like it's a FE6 legendary.

And the only change is his axe is a little reddish.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Kktkamqg oOn6sb6ot o

I was bored, so I decided to do this. This proved to be a very bad idea about five minutes after the deed.

I take it because the summoned units either died in one or two turns or never saw any action? Or the just blocked the way to proceed?

That's usually what happens to me.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Hl3wgawa o


Relevantly Irrelevant

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rishel uses the second boss theme, so get it ready. That way you give me views. I mean, it's not even monetized, I have no idea how that works, but views fuel my ego.

Ah yes. All 68 views at the time of writing.

I wouldn't be surprised if @Pengaius made an account just to say that.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Icycwnkv o7q3hptzf oOcyhvdph o

The meteor isn't animated and it moves way too slow, and the explosion's way too delayed. You failed, TRS, I'm sorry.

Guess they can't all be winners.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
F7ujdt0m oUaruprjk oHr6njya0 o

Holmes gets harassed and gang-raped by maidens. If it was the other way around, people'd be angry. As is, people are happy. Some might even find it arousing. That is the world we live in.

...Really? Of all the things to joke about, you chose that?

You could have talked about how he's now Swiss cheese from how much he's being stabbed...

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Me? I'm a simple man. I see Holmes getting hurt, I like.

I would say that you could enter him into the Mortal Kombat tournament, but that's a fight to prevent the Earth from being conquered, so...

How 'bout you enlist him into the Killer Instinct tournament instead? He'll be punched and kicked 20-40 times in a row if when he loses the fight. And it'll be set to awesome music!

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Kuhff29n o

These female predators are really incompetent, I have to say. Come now, you had a perfect wall to pin him helpless, but you just had to leave him the perfect opening to run crying to Daddy Zachariah. Damnit! I need better enemies to kill Holmes! Tear him to peaces! Break him apart! Defenestrate him!

Uh, I mean... kill him, but with love. Yes, that oughta do.

Keep that up and I might say "you're next".

Remember that?


I tried quoting the original time I posted that, but Serenes Forest wouldn't let me. I also tried to look it up faster, to no luck, so I found it manually.

Also I did a google search, and found this:


Make of that what you will.


On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, okay, I'll lay off the rape jokes now. Sorry.

Apology accepted.

Don't do it again.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Gx4ajeks oUz9v7fo9 o

Then Holmes gets penetrated by multiple women again. I know I said I'd lay off, but come now, do you still expect me to fulfill my promises?



Image result for mortal kombat X kenshi fatality gif

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Em4unqgu oBk6wlxcj o

HP 55% - Magic 30% - Skill 40% - Speed 35% - Defense 20% - Strength 0% - Luck 15% - Mastery 30%

Rishel is the last unpromoted Mage in the game, and without question, the best of the bunch. With good base stats, an absolutely bonkers personal tome, one more move than the other Mages (for whatever reason), and Terra and Vantage for good measure, Rishel's a really solid spellcaster all around. I never used him. Tried once, but he died. Yeah, don't ask how I pulled that off. I sure hope the story goes differently this time around, unlike what happened with Sharon.

I am morbidly curious in how you managed to pull that off.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Still at 68 views.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ne1aisjn o

1pcfv1ay oThis day has been fifteen years coming.

Irgnjigb oRaziel the Lionheart... You're just like Lord Robert. Why can't you understand?! I'm only doing what needs to be done! How long will you continue to torment me!?

1pcfv1ay oWhat needs to be done?! You've brought this kingdom near to ruin, and you've allowed the Empire to run free inside our borders!

Kubf55si o


On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Xyyfkryz o

Heh. Guess the Goddess does protec sometimes.

Call it cheating, if you will. I don't care, I'm just realizing how hilarious that picture is. Seriously, look at that. Bud's employing the time-tested tactic "if I don't see you, you can't hurt me!". And the best part is that it worked. Then again, Ahab doesn't seem all that interesting in killing her. He's just... pointing his sword at the sky? Maybe he's seeing flying whales.

Maybe Ahab knows that aiming for the head is a wise move in combat, but decided for some reason to stab instead of slash?

The duke class is looking more and more pathetic every time it appears.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
78gm7vli oSbcjsvbg oJkqnzdtx o
G4xkam2n oXb9umvmh o
4m3gm3ut o
Tzhiatm3 oNfskk2y2 o
Em4ou9ex o

I think I may have been watching Far Cry 2's healing animations too much lately, since my first thought was that Ahab would rip the arrow out of his chest and continue fighting.

On 3/28/2019 at 6:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

And suddenly, the one-dimensional, if well-written, villain has depth. Did you see that coming? If you didn't read any of that, go back and read it. It's great.

I don't think he was lying there. Guy was already dead, he had no reason to lie anymore. Don't get me wrong, he was obviously a piece of shit who took advantage of his station at every turn. However, the fact that he actually had good intentions once... in the end, as much as he let himself become a corrupt asshole, it seems he truly cared for his country at some point. Enough that he was willing to murder a baby so as not to let a tragedy like Kranion to repeat itself. Enough that he was fine with playing the part of the villain if it meant his country could live on. Not just that, but he spared his brother's life. Seems like there was some kindness left in that black heart of his. He went about it all in awful ways (there were better ways to solve the situation that didn't involve child murder and throne usurping), but you know what they say about good intentions and the way to hell, right?

I don't know, it's small stuff, but I just love how complete this character is. Absolutely amazing. My highest regards. Holmes may not've gotten Barbarossa, but getting Ahab's already light years beyond what he ever deserved.

Aye. Enemies that have depth are a rarity in these kind of games. He may not of had the most screentime, but he made the most of it.

He also didn't die like the Biblical Ahab, where he went into battle disguised as a random soldier, was rounded by a random archer, and died making it back to the city. And dogs drank his blood when his chariot was washed with water taken from a pool of prostitutes.

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On 3/29/2019 at 8:51 PM, Dayni said:


I would play this. Then again, I may be one of the only people who think the CD-i Zelda's don't look that bad. I imagine the controls suck given reviews, but the backgrounds are nice.The spritework is nice... even if the cutscenes are so bad they're good. Mind you I actually got to play Hotel Mario at a game convention the other year, and I think it's actually not bad at all... as long as you expect Wrecking Crew or the Mario Bros Arcade or Donkey Kong instead of Super Mario World. If they re-released the CD-i games on switch for the sort of prices they do the arcade archives games, I'd buy at least 3 of them. Not sure about Zelda's adventure. That one's pretty ugly.

11 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Isn't Kaga Japane-

On 3/29/2019 at 8:51 PM, Dayni said:

Also pretty sure that calling a Japanese person Chinese (and visa versa)

Kind of feel like an asshole for pointing it out now that it's been pointed out twice more. I really just wanted an excuse to tell the origin of a certain racial slur because I find it pretty dumb that it just came out of a bastardization of the name of a province. Mind, my favorite racial slurs both occur to my own ancestry (as one would expect really) because one is literally "Cheese-eating surrender monkey", and lord knows it's impossible for me to believe it's supposed to be offensive because it's so ridiculous.

11 hours ago, Hawkwing said:


I really like your idea. I'm curious how it would look implemented into the actual story.

An idea I had for that would have been Alm being able to find journals in Rigel Castle (kind of optional lore) that would reveal it. This would skip the need for a cutscene reveal, give more insight into Rudolf, reward exploration of the Castle (provided they were put in a secret room opened by interacting with something, or somewhere that was canonically only for the king), and as said, make it so you knew Berkut's ambitions were not merely thwarted by your actions, but his own, thus making his descent into madness less collateral damage of Rudolf's plan but a failure of both Rudolf and Berkut... a moral lesson in it's own right. Though it kind of was as it is. Mind you, I do have the advantage of looking at the story after it's been out, not having been involved in it's production, and not having time constraints to come up with this and make it work. I also, have a larger base story to work off than the game's writers did thanks largely to their own work. So it is kind of a hindsight thing.

11 hours ago, Hawkwing said:
On 3/27/2019 at 9:09 PM, Mad-manakete said:


That's a really neat story. I wish I could say more, but still; Thank you for sharing.

I have a bit of a track record with animals honestly. There was a turtle my brothers and I saved after it damaged it's flippers by getting it to the vet one year when we were on vacation. Still have photos of that somewhere. One of my past dogs was literally abandoned by some girls after their failed attempts at selling it in a public place ended in them leaving it and driving off in frustration. My current dog had prior owners who had to give him up due to circumstances, and due to an incident where he was mauled by some staffies, he takes weeks to trust people, so they were expecting it to take a while for him to get used to me. Cue him greeting me by licking my hand and being full on pressing his head into my beard to cuddle me a half hour after meeting him. It's ironic that I've been known to accidentally intimidate or at the least freak out humans, but I seem to gain trust from animals that are usually wary of humans.

11 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

I think I may have been watching Far Cry 2's healing animations too much lately, since my first thought was that Ahab would rip the arrow out of his chest and continue fighting.

Which is incidentally a terrible idea. Speaking from what I was taught, you should always leave the part of the arrow in the body IN THE BODY. It's fine to cut off the bits outside to make yourself more mobile, but that thing is going to block a lot of bloodflow while in and possibly prevent you bleeding out. You rip it out and that protection is gone. Internal bleeding.

Speaking of, in his FE 12 Iron Man during the prologue, @Saint Rubenio asked about how you could possibly have fake arrows for training. Today I came across two options. One is the sponge arrow, which I find the less likely of the two. Think paintball, but with arrows. These suckers are designed so you soak them in paint and shoot them at each other and the paint shows if you got hit and where. https://www.alibaba.com/showroom/sponge-arrow.html
The second option, which seems more likely in Marth's time and given that one chapter where you had to fight bandits, is the type I forget the exact name of, but it had a metal rectangular prism at the head (which would throw the balance off compared to a normal arrow). This sucker is more designed for hunting, when you have a pelt you don't want to damage because there's not much or want to take the prey alive and are merely trying to stun it. But the point is, because it's a head, it can be switched for a more standard head (thus also explaining why Ryan's training arrows and regular arrows deplete at the same rate. It's the same shafts with different heads). I imagine you could probably use them for training with live foes, and that they'd hurt enough not to be able to fake not being hit. I wanted an excuse to bring it up now that I know that.

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4 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

Mind, my favorite racial slurs both occur to my own ancestry (as one would expect really) because one is literally "Cheese-eating surrender monkey", and lord knows it's impossible for me to believe it's supposed to be offensive because it's so ridiculous.

Ah yes, des singes mengeurs de fromage. Truly a bizzare insult, where as my people are commonly "called paddy" which is kind of a dumb insult as were being called the name of our patron saint go figure. 

Interesting to know that you are of French descent. 

4 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:

An idea I had for that would have been Alm being able to find journals in Rigel Castle (kind of optional lore) that would reveal it. This would skip the need for a cutscene reveal, give more insight into Rudolf, reward exploration of the Castle (provided they were put in a secret room opened by interacting with something, or somewhere that was canonically only for the king), and as said, make it so you knew Berkut's ambitions were not merely thwarted by your actions, but his own, thus making his descent into madness less collateral damage of Rudolf's plan but a failure of both Rudolf and Berkut... a moral lesson in it's own right. Though it kind of was as it is. Mind you, I do have the advantage of looking at the story after it's been out, not having been involved in it's production, and not having time constraints to come up with this and make it work. I also, have a larger base story to work off than the game's writers did thanks largely to their own work. So it is kind of a hindsight thing.

I wish, I've interacted with literally every object and background in the game with both Alm and Celica, the interactions are the only lines in the game that are not voiced (I'm counting NPCs as part of this), so it's likely they were deemed too trivial, which is a shame, because stuff like journal entries giving lore bits (like how Desaix went about killing Lima's kids and the Rudolf thing like above) and secret rooms (stuff like having jail cells be hidden behind bookshelves, so that jailed characters felt like they were earned or safes behind a painting to give you money or even a dog leading you to an alley to get a quest or something) and stuff would be really cool in game to reward exploration. Shame it was just Alm and celica think a little. 


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17 hours ago, Pengaius said:
22 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:


Ah yes, des singes mengeurs de fromage. Truly a bizzare insult, where as my people are commonly "called paddy" which is kind of a dumb insult as were being called the name of our patron saint go figure. 

Interesting to know that you are of French descent. 

Only 1/8th... or less. I had a grandmother from the French/Italian border. So it's not entirely improbable that she wasn't at least part Italian. My other favourite racial slur was also towards the Irish and revolved around potatoes and another ethnic slur, which I found kind of lost meaning once it was just tacked onto a food type. I should know because on finding out about it my brother and I spent half an hour in a "you're a potato______". back and forth. But then, I'm only 1/16th there... or thereabouts.

17 hours ago, Pengaius said:
22 hours ago, Mad-manakete said:


I wish, I've interacted with literally every object and background in the game with both Alm and Celica, the interactions are the only lines in the game that are not voiced (I'm counting NPCs as part of this), so it's likely they were deemed too trivial, which is a shame, because stuff like journal entries giving lore bits (like how Desaix went about killing Lima's kids and the Rudolf thing like above) and secret rooms (stuff like having jail cells be hidden behind bookshelves, so that jailed characters felt like they were earned or safes behind a painting to give you money or even a dog leading you to an alley to get a quest or something) and stuff would be really cool in game to reward exploration. Shame it was just Alm and celica think a little. 

I know. The thing is, I can forgive it, because it's true to the Famicom game in that it didn't do anything particularly special about it. Won't stop me from lamenting the idea.

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Part 41 - How much weight... can you handle?

I reply to you:

On 28/3/2019 at 11:52 PM, BrightBow said:

Zach's awesome sprite would probably be reason enough for me to use him.

Rmilunzs o

On top of everything else, the Sunflame has 1-3 range too. Because why bother with a personal weapon that can't do everything?
It's funny how special weapons not only seem to get stronger but also more durable the later you get into the game.

Rmilunzs o

And I didn't know Ahab had a special death quote. That's pretty damn awesome.

Rmilunzs o


On 29/3/2019 at 1:57 AM, Pengaius said:

I'll have you know that I fared quite poorly, did you know it's possible to trip on the same tree root four times 

Rmilunzs o

What if he changed his appearance to that of a door and basically led bud open it to get out

Rmilunzs o

The current choice is between "Julia's chip damage but more move and no Draco" and “will die to anything mildly threatening" I'd recommend you train Arkis

Rmilunzs o

I think there was a fourth unit that could use a knight crest, but I can't remember, did he die offscreen?

Rmilunzs o

Well uh since I don't really have too much to say about the update, let me just add that Ahab did nothing wrong

Rmilunzs o


On 29/3/2019 at 8:18 AM, Mad-manakete said:

That'd make using it on her REALLY poetic. She gets a use of it, though obviously not in the way intended.

Rmilunzs o

I'm guessing she wanted it to resurrect a certain dead lover on the off chance it'd work.

Rmilunzs o

Not to mention trying to fight it when it showed up. Arkis didn't do that either. Or insult potential allies. Or let Katri revive not one but two foes and let her be unsupervised with one of them even though everything turned out for the best. Really, Holmes is lucky he beats out Martel at this point. Elibean Martel of course.

Rmilunzs o

Being around Ahab is turning you into his namesake.

Rmilunzs o

Though in retrospect, I could totally see Gotoh, being the round-about kind of prick he is deliberately getting Gharnef to go down the path of evil for the sake of making a villain to unite the continent against so there could be peace. Just like Rudolf's plan. So maybe there's something to that. Wonder if he had anything to do with that alchemist that made the experiment/proto-Grima in the Labryinth at Thabes thus causing Awakening as well. If I was going to tie him to FE4 & 5, it'd be through the fact he's a divine dragon and the fact a certain Dragon named Loptyr ended up over in Jugdral due to the actions of Naga millenia back. I'd say Gotoh was probably involved somehow. After that though, you're pushing into "from hell's heart I stab at thee" territory. Or Frollo thinking Esmeralda is a witch... something he ironically didn't in the book. He knew full well she wasn't and just accused her to put her in the "be mine or you will burn" situation.

Rmilunzs o

Laughing Sports Man is the real name of the character people online keep referring to as "Tidus" for some reason. I don't know why, because he's not called that once in the entire game. Maybe it's something to do with X-2? I haven't played that one. Anyway, there's that infamous scene where it becomes apparent why he's called Laughing Sports Man when he cackles like a seagull with a severe mental handicap after being asked to laugh. It's meant to be awkward because it's a forced laugh, but it does it's job too well.

Rmilunzs o

No. This game is so under-appreciated. I mean, really.

Rmilunzs o

Isn't it highly offensive to call Asians a different type of Asian? I mean the term "gook" is offensive because it originally referred to HanGuk province in South Korea but it gets thrown at Chinese and Japanese and other people not from the actual province ever since it was coined in the Korean War because they fail to make the distinction. Not that Kaga doesn't kind of earn it. Then for all I know he's actually Chinese and just was in Japan.

Rmilunzs o

This fits quite well with LP Cannon.

Rmilunzs o

I know too well, given the first time I tried an Ironman, I got myself into a situation where I had to choose between letting Barst die, or putting Wrys in harms way to heal him. I learned a lot from that.

Rmilunzs o

I can see why. In my Sacred Stones Ironman, where I tried to up the difficulty by using a team of characters I hadn't used seriously before... that meant using him as my thief. Guess who was pretty much just a utility unit due to being unable to kill enemies without insane amounts of help?

Rmilunzs o

Order of Ecclesia. Which coincidentally is the first game I ever bought on my EB World card, as I got an e-mail reminding me.

Rmilunzs o

I wouldn't say completely. You could, say, use it to repair a glass canon, so to speak, after having them deal a tonne of damage to a boss that one-shots them. Besides, with access to the convoy by the lord, and the fact the Maid/Butler classes required to use it each have representatives that boost the lord when paired up thanks to their abilities, I'd say that it becomes more of an option.

Rmilunzs o

0/10. Worst fantasy race ever.

Rmilunzs o

At least Rishel can cast it without dying.

Rmilunzs o

Do they have surgical attachments? Is it Holmes fetish? So many questions. So many answers I don't want.

Rmilunzs o

I know a Robert who looks just like Lionheart. I was going to write it off as coincidence, but now I think Kaga is a dirty time-thief. Taking events from my life to pad out his games.

Rmilunzs o

Spoiler. TRS takes place during Final Fantasy IV https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Lunar_Whale

Rmilunzs o


Rmilunzs o


On 29/3/2019 at 11:51 AM, Dayni said:

Douglas isn't much of a meme though.

Rmilunzs o

....You just ran into a nickname for my sister.

I don't know whether to be impressed or .

Rmilunzs o


Rmilunzs o

But that'd spite Douglas then.

Rmilunzs o

Not everything's Roundaout.

Me referencing a dumb internet video about them having "their brand", which got an FE reference the moment people got far enough in Awakening.

Rmilunzs o

I'm pretty sure it's > 1 at this point.

Rmilunzs o

Also pretty sure that calling a Japanese person Chinese (and visa versa) 

Rmilunzs o

I mean, he had 15 years. He probably could have done better.

Rmilunzs o

Ahab for you.

I mean far as I remember (Endgame TRS spoilers):

  Reveal hidden contents

We don't get to fight Guenchaos in human form. So we can't really say.

The real reason Nergal feels weak is that he's invested a lot of the quintessence he harvested into a gate. Also, he's not that weak. A harsher than average beam of light though......


Rmilunzs o
Say "This divine lightning shall pierce the skies!" if you actually bothered reading this far and opening this spoiler!

Sometimes I try.

Rmilunzs o

Well, least you didn't let anything slip there.

Ruben dies at the end. Albertus hooks up with Margaret. Sid is revived but nobody else.

Yeah, that's why I'd avoid listening to them in future.

Rmilunzs o

No, it doesn't.

If anything he'd be more likely related to one of these fine gentlemen:


(Why yes, this is an old edit. I don't care.)

Rmilunzs o

Batta wasn't ever hinted to come from them there mountains.

Rmilunzs o

16 Def.

What is he, an armoured mage?

Rmilunzs o

Kaga: Makes an SRPG series that somehow survives to this present day on its tactical nous and character (other things were involved in its revival, but still)

Also Kaga: Makes 6 SRPGs that make balance look like an impossible dream, gives infinite range warp and made Nuibaba's Horror House, C3 BII Mystery and C22 Thracia.

Rmilunzs o

Except he got to make his prequels freely.

I'm also going to admit I'm not a fan of the comparison to the prequels for FE, as it implies Kaga era FE had a Jar-Jar. Alongside a lot of other things.

Rmilunzs o

See, this is a good unit.

Rmilunzs o

He's coming for your ice cream! Everyone, run!

Rmilunzs o

Shigen: Man who can't die.

Rmilunzs o

I don't think he's climbing up a sheer cliff face here: he seems to be walking up a less steep slope, then finding the one place in the back of the fort he can either slip right into or unlock. Still pretty impressive.

Rmilunzs o

Not even as a chest-opener on Runan's route if needed?

Rmilunzs o

Probably San.

Rmilunzs o

I mean, she's raising the dead.

That should be something that you realise not to do beforehand.

Rmilunzs o

Because you are a genius.

Rmilunzs o

Ahab: robber of thieves.

Rmilunzs o

He has 16 defence with his tome.

If you're stuck for mages, why not him? If you're not, still why not him?

Rmilunzs o

Hmmmm..... a skeleton who's decent ad Jeiganing.

Deke, is that you?

Rmilunzs o

Wow, that's a thing.

You cheat-

Rmilunzs o

I guess she does.

This is why Krishna died.

Rmilunzs o

8hJyjT84_o.png"No, I can't see your sword. So you can't hit me."

irGnJigB_o.png*Plays at missing

Rmilunzs o

Well shit, Ahab did have his limits.

Not enough to not keep his brother in the dungeon, but still.

Rmilunzs o

Ahab > Barbarossa. 

Rmilunzs o


On 30/3/2019 at 2:37 AM, Hawkwing said:

Huh, so the pictures are working now. I wouldn't be surprised if it's some quirk dependent on which internet network I'm using at the moment or something like that.

Rmilunzs o

Aye. While I do appreciate the narrative irony, there is the question of whether it was needed in the first place.

Rmilunzs o

Dullahan will be very done with your incompetence by the end of this level. And Shigen will have experienced dying so many times that he'll be surprised by his actual death.

Rmilunzs o

Also, there are two Part 41's

Rmilunzs o

I suppose we can start guessing what the next Saint Rubenio Lets play will be.

  Reveal hidden contents

Indiana Jones and The Emperors Tomb

Rmilunzs o

Because deep down, Holmes knows that he needs someone to be brutally honest with him and point out his stupidity.

Rmilunzs o

Isn't Kaga Japane-

...Never mind.

Rmilunzs o

Perhaps I should rephrase that as "not afraid to be ruthless yet just if it will accomplish his end goal".

And Rudolf had several reasons for why he didn't just kill Duma himself. For one, "invade a continent!" and "kill our patron god!" are two very different orders to give soldiers. Two, the Duma Faithful were a legitimate religion for several centuries, only in recent decades devolving into a cult, meaning some people would still be reluctant to destroy them. Three, only Rudolf and a select few other people knew that Duma had gone insane, and that's not always an excuse people will believe for killing someone.

Also, certain people in the Rigel royal line can wield the Falchion, so if Alm died, but the continent was reunited, then he'd just need pass on the plan to people he trusted in order to train another person to slay Duma.

Rmilunzs o

I am overjoyed to see that LP canon predicted the actual canon.

Rmilunzs o

There's definitely a difference between hearing that a character is good and has such-and-such a backstory, and seeing it for yourself. Libra was one such example.

Rmilunzs o

Also, certain solo ending just become downright tragic in the context that a loved one died.

Rmilunzs o

I'd chalk that up to the artist only playing the games with worldwide releases.

Rmilunzs o

I already knew that. My original post came off as being critical that you would save your money instead of giving to charity, despite that not being my aim. Granted, the lesson about giving up material things and instead putting our faith in God to supply our needs is extremely important, but I also understand that footballman and the games church is fictitious. My tone would be much different if we were discussing real life.

Rmilunzs o

Then again, there us also the lesson about trusting a man with little, and you will see what they will do when given much...

Rmilunzs o

Honestly, the cutscene itself doesn't even come close to living up to that.

Rmilunzs o

Don't forget Tom the Tank Engine and The Roger The Paladin.

Rmilunzs o

A play on someones real name (there's actually a Ruben in my Technical Writing class. He works in a casino) and the addition of being a saint, despite that only being because you liked playing TF2 medic and not because you were actually sainted.

Rmilunzs o

A weapon with 70 uses.

Kaga is not good at subtly hinting at which units he wants players to use, is he?

Rmilunzs o

It seems that Kaga learned from his mistakes, it seems. Although now it raises the questions of if Tear Ring Saga made any awesome spin-off games set in the same universe.

Rmilunzs o

Thou have my curiosity.

Rmilunzs o

I forgot that the killing edges in this game were black.

I also had to zoom in to see whether or not Lionel was even holding the sword in the first picture.

Rmilunzs o

Maybe one of his ancestors was a Skyrim horse. Or somebody used rope for once in this game.

Rmilunzs o

Age old "skip information the player already knows about" trick.

At least he ins't repeating what the person is saying.

Rmilunzs o

Let me take a guess: He gets exclusive boss dialogue?

Rmilunzs o

Might even have his ending change, considering how Kaga does things.

Rmilunzs o

And the only change is his axe is a little reddish.

Rmilunzs o

I take it because the summoned units either died in one or two turns or never saw any action? Or the just blocked the way to proceed?

Rmilunzs o

That's usually what happens to me.

Rmilunzs o

Relevantly Irrelevant

Rmilunzs o

Ah yes. All 68 views at the time of writing.

Rmilunzs o

I wouldn't be surprised if @Pengaius made an account just to say that.

Rmilunzs o

Guess they can't all be winners.

Rmilunzs o

...Really? Of all the things to joke about, you chose that?

You could have talked about how he's now Swiss cheese from how much he's being stabbed...

Rmilunzs o

I would say that you could enter him into the Mortal Kombat tournament, but that's a fight to prevent the Earth from being conquered, so...

How 'bout you enlist him into the Killer Instinct tournament instead? He'll be punched and kicked 20-40 times in a row if when he loses the fight. And it'll be set to awesome music!

Rmilunzs o

Keep that up and I might say "you're next".

Remember that?

Rmilunzs o

  Reveal hidden contents

I tried quoting the original time I posted that, but Serenes Forest wouldn't let me. I also tried to look it up faster, to no luck, so I found it manually.

Also I did a google search, and found this:


Make of that what you will.

Rmilunzs o

Apology accepted.

Don't do it again.

Rmilunzs o


  Reveal hidden contents

Image result for mortal kombat X kenshi fatality gif

Rmilunzs o

I am morbidly curious in how you managed to pull that off.

Rmilunzs o

Still at 68 views.

Rmilunzs o


Rmilunzs o

Maybe Ahab knows that aiming for the head is a wise move in combat, but decided for some reason to stab instead of slash?

The duke class is looking more and more pathetic every time it appears.

Rmilunzs o

I think I may have been watching Far Cry 2's healing animations too much lately, since my first thought was that Ahab would rip the arrow out of his chest and continue fighting.

Rmilunzs o

Aye. Enemies that have depth are a rarity in these kind of games. He may not of had the most screentime, but he made the most of it.

Rmilunzs o

He also didn't die like the Biblical Ahab, where he went into battle disguised as a random soldier, was rounded by a random archer, and died making it back to the city. And dogs drank his blood when his chariot was washed with water taken from a pool of prostitutes.

Rmilunzs o


On 30/3/2019 at 2:11 PM, Mad-manakete said:

I would play this. Then again, I may be one of the only people who think the CD-i Zelda's don't look that bad. I imagine the controls suck given reviews, but the backgrounds are nice.The spritework is nice... even if the cutscenes are so bad they're good. Mind you I actually got to play Hotel Mario at a game convention the other year, and I think it's actually not bad at all... as long as you expect Wrecking Crew or the Mario Bros Arcade or Donkey Kong instead of Super Mario World. If they re-released the CD-i games on switch for the sort of prices they do the arcade archives games, I'd buy at least 3 of them. Not sure about Zelda's adventure. That one's pretty ugly.

Rmilunzs o

Kind of feel like an asshole for pointing it out now that it's been pointed out twice more. I really just wanted an excuse to tell the origin of a certain racial slur because I find it pretty dumb that it just came out of a bastardization of the name of a province. Mind, my favorite racial slurs both occur to my own ancestry (as one would expect really) because one is literally "Cheese-eating surrender monkey", and lord knows it's impossible for me to believe it's supposed to be offensive because it's so ridiculous.

Rmilunzs o

An idea I had for that would have been Alm being able to find journals in Rigel Castle (kind of optional lore) that would reveal it. This would skip the need for a cutscene reveal, give more insight into Rudolf, reward exploration of the Castle (provided they were put in a secret room opened by interacting with something, or somewhere that was canonically only for the king), and as said, make it so you knew Berkut's ambitions were not merely thwarted by your actions, but his own, thus making his descent into madness less collateral damage of Rudolf's plan but a failure of both Rudolf and Berkut... a moral lesson in it's own right. Though it kind of was as it is. Mind you, I do have the advantage of looking at the story after it's been out, not having been involved in it's production, and not having time constraints to come up with this and make it work. I also, have a larger base story to work off than the game's writers did thanks largely to their own work. So it is kind of a hindsight thing.

Rmilunzs o

I have a bit of a track record with animals honestly. There was a turtle my brothers and I saved after it damaged it's flippers by getting it to the vet one year when we were on vacation. Still have photos of that somewhere. One of my past dogs was literally abandoned by some girls after their failed attempts at selling it in a public place ended in them leaving it and driving off in frustration. My current dog had prior owners who had to give him up due to circumstances, and due to an incident where he was mauled by some staffies, he takes weeks to trust people, so they were expecting it to take a while for him to get used to me. Cue him greeting me by licking my hand and being full on pressing his head into my beard to cuddle me a half hour after meeting him. It's ironic that I've been known to accidentally intimidate or at the least freak out humans, but I seem to gain trust from animals that are usually wary of humans.

Rmilunzs o

Which is incidentally a terrible idea. Speaking from what I was taught, you should always leave the part of the arrow in the body IN THE BODY. It's fine to cut off the bits outside to make yourself more mobile, but that thing is going to block a lot of bloodflow while in and possibly prevent you bleeding out. You rip it out and that protection is gone. Internal bleeding.

Rmilunzs o

Speaking of, in his FE 12 Iron Man during the prologue, @Saint Rubenio asked about how you could possibly have fake arrows for training. Today I came across two options. One is the sponge arrow, which I find the less likely of the two. Think paintball, but with arrows. These suckers are designed so you soak them in paint and shoot them at each other and the paint shows if you got hit and where. https://www.alibaba.com/showroom/sponge-arrow.html
The second option, which seems more likely in Marth's time and given that one chapter where you had to fight bandits, is the type I forget the exact name of, but it had a metal rectangular prism at the head (which would throw the balance off compared to a normal arrow). This sucker is more designed for hunting, when you have a pelt you don't want to damage because there's not much or want to take the prey alive and are merely trying to stun it. But the point is, because it's a head, it can be switched for a more standard head (thus also explaining why Ryan's training arrows and regular arrows deplete at the same rate. It's the same shafts with different heads). I imagine you could probably use them for training with live foes, and that they'd hurt enough not to be able to fake not being hit. I wanted an excuse to bring it up now that I know that.

Rmilunzs o


On 30/3/2019 at 7:15 PM, Pengaius said:

Ah yes, des singes mengeurs de fromage. Truly a bizzare insult, where as my people are commonly "called paddy" which is kind of a dumb insult as were being called the name of our patron saint go figure. 

Rmilunzs o

Interesting to know that you are of French descent. 

Rmilunzs o

I wish, I've interacted with literally every object and background in the game with both Alm and Celica, the interactions are the only lines in the game that are not voiced (I'm counting NPCs as part of this), so it's likely they were deemed too trivial, which is a shame, because stuff like journal entries giving lore bits (like how Desaix went about killing Lima's kids and the Rudolf thing like above) and secret rooms (stuff like having jail cells be hidden behind bookshelves, so that jailed characters felt like they were earned or safes behind a painting to give you money or even a dog leading you to an alley to get a quest or something) and stuff would be really cool in game to reward exploration. Shame it was just Alm and celica think a little. 

Rmilunzs o


On 30/3/2019 at 9:20 PM, eclipse said:

The obvious answer is to use Maruj and Rishel together!  Since Alicia's a terrible person and all.

Rmilunzs o


I update the thread:


With all the references to TLP, I'm sure you're expecting a joke TLP update to celebrate April Fools.

2qtrwwj1 o

AHA DOUBLE APRIL FOOLS it's actually this game. Gotcha'll. I am a winner is me! Good thing you cannot talk back to tell me you were expecting this game because of all the Indyfaces.

Qu4bawg1 o

My save file is called Ruben, can you believe it?

Jppdn7gi o

Today we're gonna play "Ascent to Adventure", because I want to ascend to adventure.

J9cseqs8 o

We're off! For whatever reason, whenever you go into a level in this game, the camera goes into a hole in the ceiling. Maybe this is part of the ascent?

Meq9728b o

So the nazis got me trapped in here, but I know what to do.

Wogjochr o


Pumk3g3u o

...I didn't think this one through, did I

1toxbxcq o


Mn6wotdz o

Damnable doorknob! You're worse than a horseman!

Jucdfs0x o

A lil' bit o' lead should fix this issue!

Gw17r7nx o

Aim for the doorknob, Indy!

Hizm8lom o

No-- the doorknob, Indy! No, stop, stop!

66bkdnz1 o

Crap. Outta bullets. Blistering balderdashes!

Ambkxe7z o

Oh, hey. Thanks for opening that for me, kind gentlemen.

Qqxxwwxv o


Ywiqymyo o

Give me that MP-40. You obviously can't handle that much weight.

Lynitioa o

And now, say goodbye to your shin!

Mqsaj59x o

And again! It'll be a broken mess by the time I'm done with you!

Wl433ege o

JESUS! Calm down, Clint Eastwood, I'm just trying to kill your partner!

Pz1wtj9g o

Speaking off, he's down.

Ris8ibng o

Hey, where'd Clint Eastwood go?

R89igamv o


Nrmfwedn o

Ergh... fancy meeting you here!

7dr2i90a o


Uu31dlf4 o

Bastard, piece of shit, that Clint Eastwood...! And now I have to face the door again!

Spjacmzb o


Eg7yz9p0 o

Huh. Would you look at that, it worked.

5ulli93z o

That one time I died to my own granade has given me an idea. Catch, Clint!

Jsgf2g5m o


K6gxhhvh o


Cjvlve9k o


Pi7beky8 o

Clint's still alive!? How?! I call hacks.

W9hzwuga o

Goddamnit, c'mere. Prepare to be thrown over the railing!

Oryjb14m o


Teh6ysuh o

Uh... I actually meant... uh... y'know, let's move on.

Kgxk4wip o

Don't tell me what to do, game!

Hui8luuz o

GOODNESS! The game really doesn't like that I ignored it. It has spawned nazis behind me!

Vaodxi3q o

I am a master of stealth. Stealth level 71240213084832104634623469413.

Dfxr1j6n o

WOOSH! Like the swift wind, I am gone! Ignore the fact that I got shot twice or thrice.

Heqrgnwl o

Na nara naaaaaaaa na naraaaaaaaaa na nara naaaaaaaa na nara na naaaa!

That was the Indiana Jones theme by me. You liked it?

Oilqe861 o

Mission accomplished. Should be easy from here on out.

Noe6seni o


1cgvduku o
5tvmexgo o

Oh, he slipped and fell. Pfah. Idiot.

Xq45jrfn o

Time to go down.

Cv4jifre o

Oh, look, more people. Howdy, stranger! How may I help--

Mueu3s9b o

Why is everyone a dick in this place?

Vebkyuym o

And now I'm being sexually assaulted! Icky! SOMEONE SAVE MEEEEEEEEE-EEEE-EEEEE-EEEEE!!!!!!!!

8jthxxm2 o

Jesus Christ on a bike, I said "save me", not "blow me to bits alongside my rapist so we may go to Hell together"!

Dn4exfyo o

Anyway, I'll ignore the rest of 'em. Surely no harm can come out of that. What does this do, I wonder?

Zdz9kl6w o

Oh, I see. That'll be my ride outta here.

Df9he5in o

Jesus, I'm shot! I'm shot! Oh, but he's alone... I'll destroy him!

Lywhbszf o

Me and my fucking mouth...

Lttghcnr o

Oh, no, not another one of those! VADE RETRO, GRANADA!

Tcysfweu o

Oh, nice. He threw it a wee bit too far. Pft. Idiot.

Pdjki5i6 o

GAH how dare you try to sucker-punch me while I marveled at your stupidity? You must DIE!

Ibdbg5sd o

Say goodbye to your bollocks for that!

Bvyzolf4 o

And now, down you go! Enjoy the trip down!

Snhyxtjv o

Still alive, are you? Well, then. I'll let you squirm for a little while before I kick you into oblivion!

A2bebzop o

A-Augh! No, how could you get back up so fast?!

Rvoryc7g o

This guy's a ninja. Joke's on him, tho: my ride is here!

Uvuhod5n o

Get off me, I'm leaving!

H2jovc0j o

The game warped me up here. Mighty nice of it.

J3qavrtr o

Drat, the enemies are too far away for this machine gun. Stupid early-XXth century guns!

Fo3skhhz o

Shit, assault planes! I should've listened to the game, shouldn't I? Maybe there's something I can use to bring them down downstairs, like a... nuclear warhead or something!

E4cwhsr8 o


8mgfpmjo o

You're the bane of my existance, ninja... you're worse than a horseman!

Nuqqezyq o


I8scnt8k o




Update's over. Go home, everyone. I have to kill myself.

Real update in a couple days.


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On 3/30/2019 at 1:11 PM, Mad-manakete said:

I would play this. Then again, I may be one of the only people who think the CD-i Zelda's don't look that bad. I imagine the controls suck given reviews, but the backgrounds are nice.The spritework is nice... even if the cutscenes are so bad they're good. Mind you I actually got to play Hotel Mario at a game convention the other year, and I think it's actually not bad at all... as long as you expect Wrecking Crew or the Mario Bros Arcade or Donkey Kong instead of Super Mario World. If they re-released the CD-i games on switch for the sort of prices they do the arcade archives games, I'd buy at least 3 of them. Not sure about Zelda's adventure. That one's pretty ugly.

Honestly, the cutscenes from the CD-i games are mostly memeworthy at this point for me.

Gameplay's a bit grindy too from what I can tell.

On 3/30/2019 at 1:11 PM, Mad-manakete said:

Kind of feel like an asshole for pointing it out now that it's been pointed out twice more. I really just wanted an excuse to tell the origin of a certain racial slur because I find it pretty dumb that it just came out of a bastardization of the name of a province. Mind, my favorite racial slurs both occur to my own ancestry (as one would expect really) because one is literally "Cheese-eating surrender monkey", and lord knows it's impossible for me to believe it's supposed to be offensive because it's so ridiculous.

That's something that could be pulled up into the whole wide menagerie of discussion around privilege, stereotyping and the putting down of those who it would be argued have no need for more of it, not even from light ribbing.

It's a mess I don't pretend to want to get too deep into nor am I as well educated on as as I feel I would have to be.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
  Reveal hidden contents
Rmilunzs o
Say "This divine lightning shall pierce the skies!" if you actually bothered reading this far and opening this spoiler!


This divine lightning shall pierce the heavens!

(I do not have to quote you faithfully!)

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Rmilunzs o


I have so many questions.

Do you not want replies anymore? Is this really only a shitpost?

(Then I made the mistake of opening it up. April fool is me I guess.)

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Nrmfwedn o

Ergh... fancy meeting you here!

This is a memeworthy image.

I'll have to do something. This is not the update for it.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Vebkyuym o

And now I'm being sexually assaulted! Icky! SOMEONE SAVE MEEEEEEEEE-EEEE-EEEEE-EEEEE!!!!!!!!

Oh no, it's the rapey nazi ghost. Get Mystery Incorporated on the case!

(My niece is a huge fan, it comes up pretty often.)

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This divine lightning shall bake some pies

Oh and don't forget to add Indiana Jones to the death counter

Edited by Pengaius
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Well, I got paint.net a few days ago. Haven't done much of anything with it yet, but I'll probably post something random I've made in the near future.

On 3/30/2019 at 9:11 AM, Mad-manakete said:

I would play this. Then again, I may be one of the only people who think the CD-i Zelda's don't look that bad. I imagine the controls suck given reviews, but the backgrounds are nice.The spritework is nice... even if the cutscenes are so bad they're good. Mind you I actually got to play Hotel Mario at a game convention the other year, and I think it's actually not bad at all... as long as you expect Wrecking Crew or the Mario Bros Arcade or Donkey Kong instead of Super Mario World. If they re-released the CD-i games on switch for the sort of prices they do the arcade archives games, I'd buy at least 3 of them. Not sure about Zelda's adventure. That one's pretty ugly.

Interestingly, Zelda's Adventure used a mixture of hand-drawn environments and miniature models for the game. The models actually look pretty dang good, and the "old man" seen in the beginning cutscene of the game is actually a prosthetic instead of a real person. Unfortunately, the games compression size mean that they look rather ugly in the game itself.

You can read more about it here: http://www.nintendoplayer.com/interview/zeldas-adventure-jason-bakutis/

On 3/30/2019 at 9:11 AM, Mad-manakete said:

An idea I had for that would have been Alm being able to find journals in Rigel Castle (kind of optional lore) that would reveal it. This would skip the need for a cutscene reveal, give more insight into Rudolf, reward exploration of the Castle (provided they were put in a secret room opened by interacting with something, or somewhere that was canonically only for the king), and as said, make it so you knew Berkut's ambitions were not merely thwarted by your actions, but his own, thus making his descent into madness less collateral damage of Rudolf's plan but a failure of both Rudolf and Berkut... a moral lesson in it's own right. Though it kind of was as it is. Mind you, I do have the advantage of looking at the story after it's been out, not having been involved in it's production, and not having time constraints to come up with this and make it work. I also, have a larger base story to work off than the game's writers did thanks largely to their own work. So it is kind of a hindsight thing.

Huh, I never really thought about having things like journals be present in the "visual novel" mode. It could certainly make up for what they couldn't do with voice acting, and might be a good way to show another perspective on things. If something similar to that comes back in a future Fire Emblem game, I hope they expand upon it.

On 3/30/2019 at 2:15 PM, Pengaius said:

I wish, I've interacted with literally every object and background in the game with both Alm and Celica, the interactions are the only lines in the game that are not voiced (I'm counting NPCs as part of this), so it's likely they were deemed too trivial, which is a shame, because stuff like journal entries giving lore bits (like how Desaix went about killing Lima's kids and the Rudolf thing like above) and secret rooms (stuff like having jail cells be hidden behind bookshelves, so that jailed characters felt like they were earned or safes behind a painting to give you money or even a dog leading you to an alley to get a quest or something) and stuff would be really cool in game to reward exploration. Shame it was just Alm and celica think a little. 

Didn't think of secret rooms, either. I think one or two were present in the original Gaiden, so that was a missed opportunity.

On 3/30/2019 at 9:11 AM, Mad-manakete said:

I have a bit of a track record with animals honestly. There was a turtle my brothers and I saved after it damaged it's flippers by getting it to the vet one year when we were on vacation. Still have photos of that somewhere. One of my past dogs was literally abandoned by some girls after their failed attempts at selling it in a public place ended in them leaving it and driving off in frustration. My current dog had prior owners who had to give him up due to circumstances, and due to an incident where he was mauled by some staffies, he takes weeks to trust people, so they were expecting it to take a while for him to get used to me. Cue him greeting me by licking my hand and being full on pressing his head into my beard to cuddle me a half hour after meeting him. It's ironic that I've been known to accidentally intimidate or at the least freak out humans, but I seem to gain trust from animals that are usually wary of humans.

Huh. I enjoy hearing those kind of stories. Thanks for sharing.

I wish I could think of more to say. Now I know how Saint Rubenio feels, even if he has more experience hiding it.

On 3/30/2019 at 9:11 AM, Mad-manakete said:

Which is incidentally a terrible idea. Speaking from what I was taught, you should always leave the part of the arrow in the body IN THE BODY. It's fine to cut off the bits outside to make yourself more mobile, but that thing is going to block a lot of bloodflow while in and possibly prevent you bleeding out. You rip it out and that protection is gone. Internal bleeding.

I know. I've read several times before, actually. Heck, I'm still waiting for the day when a fictional character is stabbed, makes a mighty effort to rip the thing lodged in their chest out, appears like they'll say something epic afterwards, and then die of blood loss moments afterward (Black Panther is probably the most recent example of it being played realistically. A person that was stabbed actually lives for a while afterwards, and dies when they remove the blade).

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Part 41 - How much weight... can you handle?

Now there are three part 41's.

I feel like I had an unintentional hand in this.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Rmilunzs o

I waited four days for this?!?

On the bright side, I only have one thing to reply to.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Qu4bawg1 o

My save file is called Ruben, can you believe it?

It seems like there's some story behind the name "DRAPEARL".

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Jppdn7gi o

Today we're gonna play "Ascent to Adventure", because I want to ascend to adventure.

Ey! I remember this level! Not the name of it, but I remember what you do here.

I also remember falling off the gondola a few times in the next level. Either by mistiming the jump or being unfortunate when escaping from a block.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Meq9728b o

Where did Indy get the harpoon gun?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Pumk3g3u o

...I didn't think this one through, did I

Not at all.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Jucdfs0x o

A lil' bit o' lead should fix this issue!

The revolver is the most powerful handgun in the game.

Ammo for it is also rare in every level except the first few.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hizm8lom o

No-- the doorknob, Indy! No, stop, stop!

Guess he forgot to enter first person mode.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Wl433ege o

JESUS! Calm down, Clint Eastwood, I'm just trying to kill your partner!

Maybe you should have apologized for laughing at his mule.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Nrmfwedn o

Ergh... fancy meeting you here!

I know what you're thinking: 'Did he fire six shots or only five?' Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?'

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
7dr2i90a o


Huh, guess it was five after all.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
5ulli93z o

That one time I died to my own granade has given me an idea. Catch, Clint!

Jsgf2g5m o


It's Clint Eastwood. What where you expecting to happen?

Also, "Granade".

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Cjvlve9k o


I thought you said you didn't like using guns in this game?

Guess desperate times call for desperate measures.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pi7beky8 o

Clint's still alive!? How?! I call hacks.

Considering he survived filming The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, is that really so surprising?

Eli Wallace really earns the award for surviving that movie, though.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
W9hzwuga o

Goddamnit, c'mere. Prepare to be thrown over the railing!

Oryjb14m o


The wall rebounding physics are so much fun in this game.

Unless you wanted to beat them up against the wall. Then it's annoying. At least it does damage.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Kgxk4wip o

Don't tell me what to do, game!

You're going to regret that.

Also, I never understood the thought process behind having a runway go into a cave. Seems like it would only increase the chance of accidents for both takeoff and landing.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hui8luuz o

For some reason, Indy's pose here reminds me of this:


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Vaodxi3q o

I am a master of stealth. Stealth level 71240213084832104634623469413.

So stealthy, Indy's arm can pretend to be a door, and no one notices.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Heqrgnwl o

Na nara naaaaaaaa na naraaaaaaaaa na nara naaaaaaaa na nara na naaaa!

That was the Indiana Jones theme by me. You liked it?

I found this theme to be more fitting.

(I wish I knew where they got the music. It wouldn't surprise me if they made it themselves, though).

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Noe6seni o


Oh, I remember those guys.

I forgot how I fought them, though. Probably filled them full of lead.

Also, the joys of unjamming a flamethrower:


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
5tvmexgo o

Oh, he slipped and fell. Pfah. Idiot.

I laughed much harder than I should have at this.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Xq45jrfn o

Time to go down.

I thought you would show off Indy pulling it with his crotch?

Also, why is the water meter present?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Vebkyuym o

And now I'm being sexually assaulted! Icky! SOMEONE SAVE MEEEEEEEEE-EEEE-EEEEE-EEEEE!!!!!!!!

So that's what s*xual assault looks like...


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Lywhbszf o

Me and my fucking mouth...

Since when did enemies in fiction ever neglect an unscheduled departure/arrival?

It's about the only thing they're competent at.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Lttghcnr o

Oh, no, not another one of those! VADE RETRO, GRANADA!


Not certain what I was expecting there.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Tcysfweu o

Oh, nice. He threw it a wee bit too far. Pft. Idiot.

Well, German stick grenades could be thrown pretty far. About ten meters farther than American ones, if I recall correctly from the Close Combat manual.

Must not be a grenadier, though, because people trained in how to use them were pretty efficient with them.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Fo3skhhz o

Shit, assault planes! I should've listened to the game, shouldn't I? Maybe there's something I can use to bring them down downstairs, like a... nuclear warhead or something!

Huh, so that's what happens if any get through.

I learned something new today.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
8mgfpmjo o

You're the bane of my existance, ninja... you're worse than a horseman!

And forum ninja's are worse than both.

I swear, I still don't know what I did to anger them, or why they're so determined to hang onto that grudge.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Nuqqezyq o


"Ruben, you can't do that! You've changed history! You've created a Time Paradox!"

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
I8scnt8k o


Better add Indiana Jones to the death count.


Well, I had fun reading this. Also, my search bar looked like this by the end:


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11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


AHA DOUBLE APRIL FOOLS it's actually this game. Gotcha'll. I am a winner is me! Good thing you cannot talk back to tell me you were expecting this game because of all the Indyfaces.

Yeah... you kind of telegraphed that.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Update's over. Go home, everyone. I have to kill myself.

Real update in a couple days.

Can't wait for this to be someone's strange dream in the main LP.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

That's something that could be pulled up into the whole wide menagerie of discussion around privilege, stereotyping and the putting down of those who it would be argued have no need for more of it, not even from light ribbing.

It's a mess I don't pretend to want to get too deep into nor am I as well educated on as as I feel I would have to be.

I'm of the school of thought that a slur is only as bad as the context it's used in. If it's used thoughtlessly or with intent to insult, that's actually bad. If it's used in the context of mocking the ridiculousness of the slur (and believe me, some slurs have outright stupid origins and only manage to be offensive because of their history), it's kind of taking their power away. Mind that's something that can't just be done by one person. Society as a whole will have to grow, and I don't have the greatest faith in that.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Honestly, the cutscenes from the CD-i games are mostly memeworthy at this point for me.

Gameplay's a bit grindy too from what I can tell.

The cutscenes are legendary. To the point I just want Morshu and King Harkinian in a mainline Zelda even though it'll never happen. As for the grindy gameplay... well, let's face it. The level up system in Zelda II: Adventure of Link kind of had the same effect as gathering the snowball/fireball items (I've watched full LPs from The Half-Blind Gamer on youtube, and while that item only applies to Faces of Evil, the point is there's item grind). If I can cope with that, I can cope with this

5 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Interestingly, Zelda's Adventure used a mixture of hand-drawn environments and miniature models for the game. The models actually look pretty dang good, and the "old man" seen in the beginning cutscene of the game is actually a prosthetic instead of a real person. Unfortunately, the games compression size mean that they look rather ugly in the game itself.

You can read more about it here: http://www.nintendoplayer.com/interview/zeldas-adventure-jason-bakutis/

That's a shame. It shows actual effort went into the game. It makes me feel worse about it being mocked relentlessly now. I guess if they ever re-release the CD-i games I'm getting the whole set now.

5 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Huh. I enjoy hearing those kind of stories. Thanks for sharing.

I wish I could think of more to say. Now I know how Saint Rubenio feels, even if he has more experience hiding it.

Some stories don't really need comment, because the telling is it's own reward. On a side note, the dog I mentioned who was cautious of new people? He always sits next to me when I'm working on my laptop. So in a way, he does tie back into these updates because he's always with me when I read them or comment.

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You made Tom jealous, hence why he punched you off of a cliff.  TRS doesn't have guns. . .yet!

Edited by eclipse
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Part 43 - This time for real.

It's a tragedy, everybody.

I'm fresh out of Berwick.

I need more Berwick.

That is all.

I reply to you (yes, these are the actual replies):

On 28/3/2019 at 11:52 PM, BrightBow said:

Zach's awesome sprite would probably be reason enough for me to use him.


On top of everything else, the Sunflame has 1-3 range too. Because why bother with a personal weapon that can't do everything?
It's funny how special weapons not only seem to get stronger but also more durable the later you get into the game.

Kaga just stopped trying.

And I didn't know Ahab had a special death quote. That's pretty damn awesome.

Yeah, it's an excellent way to top off his character.


On 29/3/2019 at 1:57 AM, Pengaius said:

I'll have you know that I fared quite poorly, did you know it's possible to trip on the same tree root four times 

It's not just possible but also plausible, when you're the same person who thinks a man can be made out of Arkis.

What if he changed his appearance to that of a door and basically led bud open it to get out

That's... nah, can't be. He's not smart enough for that.

The current choice is between "Julia's chip damage but more move and no Draco" and “will die to anything mildly threatening" I'd recommend you train Arkis

Yeah, you lost me already.

I think there was a fourth unit that could use a knight crest, but I can't remember, did he die offscreen?

Not gonna lie, it took me a minute to remember Billford.

Well uh since I don't really have too much to say about the update, let me just add that Ahab did nothing wrong

Of course you'd say that, master of memes.


On 29/3/2019 at 8:18 AM, Mad-manakete said:

That'd make using it on her REALLY poetic. She gets a use of it, though obviously not in the way intended.

I wager that's going to be the direction those special scenes I mentioned will be headed. It's only logical.

I'm guessing she wanted it to resurrect a certain dead lover on the off chance it'd work.

Yep, bull's eye.

Not to mention trying to fight it when it showed up. Arkis didn't do that either. Or insult potential allies. Or let Katri revive not one but two foes and let her be unsupervised with one of them even though everything turned out for the best. Really, Holmes is lucky he beats out Martel at this point. Elibean Martel of course.

It's difficult to beat Elibean Martel, but Holmes is problematically close to it.

Being around Ahab is turning you into his namesake.

What are you on about? I've had these feelings in my heart since long before I even knew who Ahab was!

Though in retrospect, I could totally see Gotoh, being the round-about kind of prick he is deliberately getting Gharnef to go down the path of evil for the sake of making a villain to unite the continent against so there could be peace. Just like Rudolf's plan. So maybe there's something to that. Wonder if he had anything to do with that alchemist that made the experiment/proto-Grima in the Labryinth at Thabes thus causing Awakening as well. If I was going to tie him to FE4 & 5, it'd be through the fact he's a divine dragon and the fact a certain Dragon named Loptyr ended up over in Jugdral due to the actions of Naga millenia back. I'd say Gotoh was probably involved somehow. After that though, you're pushing into "from hell's heart I stab at thee" territory. Or Frollo thinking Esmeralda is a witch... something he ironically didn't in the book. He knew full well she wasn't and just accused her to put her in the "be mine or you will burn" situation.

Yeah, well, I'm accusing Gotoh of being a mass murderer for forcing me to through the dragon arc of FE12, killing countless innocents pointlessly, to force him into a "fuck you or you will burn" situation. How about that?

Laughing Sports Man is the real name of the character people online keep referring to as "Tidus" for some reason. I don't know why, because he's not called that once in the entire game. Maybe it's something to do with X-2? I haven't played that one. Anyway, there's that infamous scene where it becomes apparent why he's called Laughing Sports Man when he cackles like a seagull with a severe mental handicap after being asked to laugh. It's meant to be awkward because it's a forced laugh, but it does it's job too well.

I just checked it out. Sounds an awful lot like me every time one of my units dies.

No. This game is so under-appreciated. I mean, really.

This can't be real. You're pulling my leg, thankfully.

Isn't it highly offensive to call Asians a different type of Asian? I mean the term "gook" is offensive because it originally referred to HanGuk province in South Korea but it gets thrown at Chinese and Japanese and other people not from the actual province ever since it was coined in the Korean War because they fail to make the distinction. Not that Kaga doesn't kind of earn it. Then for all I know he's actually Chinese and just was in Japan.

Heheheheh, exactly.

This fits quite well with LP Cannon.

Cannon? But is it a loose cannon?

I know too well, given the first time I tried an Ironman, I got myself into a situation where I had to choose between letting Barst die, or putting Wrys in harms way to heal him. I learned a lot from that.

Ironmanning's a bitch a lot of the time like that, yes.

I can see why. In my Sacred Stones Ironman, where I tried to up the difficulty by using a team of characters I hadn't used seriously before... that meant using him as my thief. Guess who was pretty much just a utility unit due to being unable to kill enemies without insane amounts of help?

Yes, Rennac, Dozla and L'Arachel all somehow manage to be bad units in FE8 of all games. Says a lot about them. L'Arachel's a healer, though, so her life's easier, and Dozla can be salvaged, which is great because I absolutely love him as a character. Rennac... I like him enough, but he's just kinda there in case you want Colm to go Assassin for whatever reason.

Order of Ecclesia. Which coincidentally is the first game I ever bought on my EB World card, as I got an e-mail reminding me.

Hahahahah... ah, Order of Ecclesia. One of my favourite platformers of all time, as I've said multiple times in the past. It does get pretty goddamned crazy in the higher difficulties, though. Never beat Dracula on Albus Hard Mode Max Lv.1, he was a complete brick wall and I just didn't have the patience.

Not that it matters. Ecclesia's high point, for me, is Albus and Barlowe. Everything after that is just a nifty little bonus.

I wouldn't say completely. You could, say, use it to repair a glass canon, so to speak, after having them deal a tonne of damage to a boss that one-shots them. Besides, with access to the convoy by the lord, and the fact the Maid/Butler classes required to use it each have representatives that boost the lord when paired up thanks to their abilities, I'd say that it becomes more of an option.

Ah, I understand.

0/10. Worst fantasy race ever.

Hey at least they're not Arkises.

At least Rishel can cast it without dying.


Do they have surgical attachments? Is it Holmes fetish? So many questions. So many answers I don't want.

Holmes is depraved enough to be into that.

I know a Robert who looks just like Lionheart. I was going to write it off as coincidence, but now I think Kaga is a dirty time-thief. Taking events from my life to pad out his games.

I think your acquaintance might just be Robert of Salia. He pulled a Camus and swam all the way to France.


Spoiler. TRS takes place during Final Fantasy IV https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Lunar_Whale

Oh, goodness gracious.


'Tis I, Saint Rubenio: Self-proclaimed worst tactician ever and part-time universe destroyer!


On 29/3/2019 at 11:51 AM, Dayni said:

Douglas isn't much of a meme though.

That's because he's a seriously great character. The best of the best, as the king deserves.

....You just ran into a nickname for my sister.

I don't know whether to be impressed or .

I think you should be . Being   is usually a good idea.



Yeah, sounds good, Martin.

Now's when you're actually called Martin and I'm amazed at myself.

But that'd spite Douglas then.

Shut up, it makes sense in my head.

Not everything's Roundaout.

Me referencing a dumb internet video about them having "their brand", which got an FE reference the moment people got far enough in Awakening.

Ah. I, think I understand.

I'm pretty sure it's > 1 at this point.

Yeah, kinda.

Also pretty sure that calling a Japanese person Chinese (and visa versa) 

...is a nice thing to do? Of course, I knew that. Heheh...

I mean, he had 15 years. He probably could have done better.

Hey, everyone and their mom knew he was an usurper. He did what he could.

Ahab for you.

I mean far as I remember (Endgame TRS spoilers):

  Reveal hidden contents

We don't get to fight Guenchaos in human form. So we can't really say.

The real reason Nergal feels weak is that he's invested a lot of the quintessence he harvested into a gate. Also, he's not that weak. A harsher than average beam of light though......



I mean, a dying Elbert manages to wreck Nergal with an out-of-nowhere dagger. Just a thought.

Guenchaos, on the other hand, wastes no time and kills not just one but three Athoses by himself, warps all over the continent actually doing some work by himself, and eventually WINS. Sure, Gerxel was stopped after the fact, but the undeniable truth is that, for a few fleeting moments, he had won.

And that's why I like Guenchaos.

Sometimes I try.

Damn you for trying!

Well, least you didn't let anything slip there.

Heh, I wouldn't do that, now, would I?

Yeah, that's why I'd avoid listening to them in future.

Duly noted.

No, it doesn't.

If anything he'd be more likely related to one of these fine gentlemen:


(Why yes, this is an old edit. I don't care.)

Jesus Christ. Is Hausen obsessed with dinner, too?

Batta wasn't ever hinted to come from them there mountains.

Batta wasn't ever hinted to be anything other than a tutorial bossman.

16 Def.

What is he, an armoured mage?

Not really, he has more movement than his fellow Mages.

Kaga: Makes an SRPG series that somehow survives to this present day on its tactical nous and character (other things were involved in its revival, but still)

Also Kaga: Makes 6 SRPGs that make balance look like an impossible dream, gives infinite range warp and made Nuibaba's Horror House, C3 BII Mystery and C22 Thracia.

Ah, but did he ever learn from those 6 SRPGs. I hate to be so repetitive, but AETHIN, PLEASEEEEEE FINISH THE TRANSLATION! I'M ON MY KNEES HERE, SEE?!

Except he got to make his prequels freely.

I'm also going to admit I'm not a fan of the comparison to the prequels for FE, as it implies Kaga era FE had a Jar-Jar. Alongside a lot of other things.

Well, I mean, I wasn't including KagaFE in my comparison, it was just TRS as the prequels and Berwick as the OG trilogy. TRS has Holmes, so my point stands.

See, this is a good unit.

A shame. I should be using the bad ones only...

He's coming for your ice cream! Everyone, run!

Hwahahahah, okay, funny.

Shigen: Man who can't die.

I just hope the pain doesn't get to his head.

I don't think he's climbing up a sheer cliff face here: he seems to be walking up a less steep slope, then finding the one place in the back of the fort he can either slip right into or unlock. Still pretty impressive.

That random Shaggy clip. Amazing.

Not even as a chest-opener on Runan's route if needed?

Nope. (Spoilers) is more than enough for that.

Probably San.

Probably. We'll see, I'll repeat the question today.

I mean, she's raising the dead.

That should be something that you realise not to do beforehand.

Damnit, don't judge me!

Because you are a genius.

I thought we'd established that three games ago, when I made Est wait instead of talk to Abel, resulting in Abel's death. And still it was a better fate for him than living to have his life ruined by Est.

Ahab: robber of thieves.

Hwahahah, perfect.

He has 16 defence with his tome.

If you're stuck for mages, why not him? If you're not, still why not him?

When did I ever say I won't use him? Do you just assume good unit = not using? I mean, it's a fair assumption, but Rishel's cool, so I'd be down to using him. It's not my fault most good units are assholes or blank slates!

Hmmmm..... a skeleton who's decent ad Jeiganing.

Deke, is that you?

Oh, goodness. That was among the stupidest deaths in my LP.

Wow, that's a thing.

You cheat-


I guess she does.

This is why Krishna died.

To protec Bud.

Goddess? You're a fucking bitch.

8hJyjT84_o.png"No, I can't see your sword. So you can't hit me."

irGnJigB_o.png*Plays at missing

Yes, that is what happened, indeed.

Well shit, Ahab did have his limits.

Not enough to not keep his brother in the dungeon, but still.

It's something.

Ahab > Barbarossa. 

To be honest? In some ways, yes. They're hard to compare, since they serve vastly different purposes, but Ahab did get a whole lot more build-up, and the reveal that all he did was because he was worried about his country to a fault was absolutely awesome.

Ah, what a shame that he's already gone. Thankfully, we're about to enter a stretch of good bosses for Holmes, even if none of them reach Ahab's epic. And then, in the endgame... it's off to the worst bosses in the history of mankind for us. Ah, well.


On 30/3/2019 at 2:37 AM, Hawkwing said:

Huh, so the pictures are working now. I wouldn't be surprised if it's some quirk dependent on which internet network I'm using at the moment or something like that.

Probably so.

Aye. While I do appreciate the narrative irony, there is the question of whether it was needed in the first place.

Indeed, there is such a thing as too much new things.

Dullahan will be very done with your incompetence by the end of this level. And Shigen will have experienced dying so many times that he'll be surprised by his actual death.

Let's hope it doesn't come sooner than it needs to.

Also, there are two Part 41's

Drat! Bollocks, blistering barnacles! A thousand thundering typhoons, I knew I'd make this mistake again at some point!

I suppose we can start guessing what the next Saint Rubenio Lets play will be.

  Reveal hidden contents

Indiana Jones and The Emperors Tomb

Welcome to today's episode of IJET. Today, Indy becomes Spiderman.


Also, gotta love how you totally called the april fools update..

Because deep down, Holmes knows that he needs someone to be brutally honest with him and point out his stupidity.

Maybe he's not such an idiot af-- nope.

Isn't Kaga Japane-

...Never mind.

Heheheh... yeah.

Perhaps I should rephrase that as "not afraid to be ruthless yet just if it will accomplish his end goal".

And Rudolf had several reasons for why he didn't just kill Duma himself. For one, "invade a continent!" and "kill our patron god!" are two very different orders to give soldiers. Two, the Duma Faithful were a legitimate religion for several centuries, only in recent decades devolving into a cult, meaning some people would still be reluctant to destroy them. Three, only Rudolf and a select few other people knew that Duma had gone insane, and that's not always an excuse people will believe for killing someone.

Also, certain people in the Rigel royal line can wield the Falchion, so if Alm died, but the continent was reunited, then he'd just need pass on the plan to people he trusted in order to train another person to slay Duma.

Hmm. Makes sense enough, I suppose. Though it still feels rather convoluted.

I am overjoyed to see that LP canon predicted the actual canon.

So was I.

There's definitely a difference between hearing that a character is good and has such-and-such a backstory, and seeing it for yourself. Libra was one such example.

Yes, I know the feeling.

Also, certain solo ending just become downright tragic in the context that a loved one died.

I also know this feeling.

I'd chalk that up to the artist only playing the games with worldwide releases.

That's probably it. Otherwise, Xavier would definitely have made an appearance. And Dougy. Can't forget ol' Dougy.

I already knew that. My original post came off as being critical that you would save your money instead of giving to charity, despite that not being my aim. Granted, the lesson about giving up material things and instead putting our faith in God to supply our needs is extremely important, but I also understand that footballman and the games church is fictitious. My tone would be much different if we were discussing real life.

Hey, in real life I'd first and foremost do some research into the charity. Too many phony charities out there.

Then again, there us also the lesson about trusting a man with little, and you will see what they will do when given much...

What? Are you judging me again? Feel bad now, I compell you!

Honestly, the cutscene itself doesn't even come close to living up to that.

Why... why is it so... bad!?

"ohhhhh :O my mistake -_-











Don't forget Tom the Tank Engine and The Roger The Paladin.

Maruj the MLG pro, too.

A play on someones real name (there's actually a Ruben in my Technical Writing class. He works in a casino) and the addition of being a saint, despite that only being because you liked playing TF2 medic and not because you were actually sainted.

We need to correct that. Everybody in the thread, quickly, erect shrines in my name. Saint me!

A weapon with 70 uses.

Kaga is not good at subtly hinting at which units he wants players to use, is he?

Noooot very.

It seems that Kaga learned from his mistakes, it seems. Although now it raises the questions of if Tear Ring Saga made any awesome spin-off games set in the same universe.

Barbarossa & Eugen: Superbeard Saga.

Xzs5pmw9 o

Thou have my curiosity.

A good thing to have.

I forgot that the killing edges in this game were black.

I also had to zoom in to see whether or not Lionel was even holding the sword in the first picture.

I mean, in your defense, when was the last time I used a killing edge?

Maybe one of his ancestors was a Skyrim horse. Or somebody used rope for once in this game.

Narcus is the true adventure protagonist in this game.

Age old "skip information the player already knows about" trick.

At least he ins't repeating what the person is saying.

Repeat what the person is saying...?

God, it's annoying even when you do it yourself.

Let me take a guess: He gets exclusive boss dialogue?

Ding ding ding ding!

Might even have his ending change, considering how Kaga does things.

Ah, we'll find out about that.

And the only change is his axe is a little reddish.

Purplish, I'd say.

I take it because the summoned units either died in one or two turns or never saw any action? Or the just blocked the way to proceed?


That's usually what happens to me.

Summoning is only good in FE8 because you can control the summons. And still it is useless because the game's so easy.

Relevantly Irrelevant

Those games are awesome.

Ah yes. All 68 views at the time of writing.

Hey, shut up, I'm on my way to stardom here!

I wouldn't be surprised if @Pengaius made an account just to say that.

If he did, he would've used the butterman picture, so I'm thinking he already had it.

Guess they can't all be winners.

That's the way of life.

...Really? Of all the things to joke about, you chose that?

You could have talked about how he's now Swiss cheese from how much he's being stabbed...

Come now, it can't always be about the violence. Harsh as though it may be, we must tackle the psychological side of things from time to time.

I would say that you could enter him into the Mortal Kombat tournament, but that's a fight to prevent the Earth from being conquered, so...

How 'bout you enlist him into the Killer Instinct tournament instead? He'll be punched and kicked 20-40 times in a row if when he loses the fight. And it'll be set to awesome music!

I don't know if that's the stupidest or the best thing ever. I'll go with "both".

Keep that up and I might say "you're next".

Remember that?

I do!

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I tried quoting the original time I posted that, but Serenes Forest wouldn't let me. I also tried to look it up faster, to no luck, so I found it manually.

Also I did a google search, and found this:


Make of that what you will.

16 chickens on a trampoline? What...?

Apology accepted.

Don't do it again.



  Reveal hidden contents

Image result for mortal kombat X kenshi fatality gif

Aha, victory!

Can I just say I don't understand the physics behind that? How's the sword flying?

I am morbidly curious in how you managed to pull that off.

No idea.

Still at 68 views.

Damn y'all! You're bad at fueling my ego!



Maybe Ahab knows that aiming for the head is a wise move in combat, but decided for some reason to stab instead of slash?

The duke class is looking more and more pathetic every time it appears.

Yeah, these guys definitely should not be fighting.

I think I may have been watching Far Cry 2's healing animations too much lately, since my first thought was that Ahab would rip the arrow out of his chest and continue fighting.

Oh, goodness. You're waaaayy too much into gore. I would worry, if I was to be your next girlfriend.

Aye. Enemies that have depth are a rarity in these kind of games. He may not of had the most screentime, but he made the most of it.


He also didn't die like the Biblical Ahab, where he went into battle disguised as a random soldier, was rounded by a random archer, and died making it back to the city. And dogs drank his blood when his chariot was washed with water taken from a pool of prostitutes.

I mean, he did get killed by an Archer. Not sure about the blood-drinking dogs, though.

Also... pool of prostitutes? What's wrong with the Bible's author?


On 30/3/2019 at 2:11 PM, Mad-manakete said:

I would play this. Then again, I may be one of the only people who think the CD-i Zelda's don't look that bad. I imagine the controls suck given reviews, but the backgrounds are nice.The spritework is nice... even if the cutscenes are so bad they're good. Mind you I actually got to play Hotel Mario at a game convention the other year, and I think it's actually not bad at all... as long as you expect Wrecking Crew or the Mario Bros Arcade or Donkey Kong instead of Super Mario World. If they re-released the CD-i games on switch for the sort of prices they do the arcade archives games, I'd buy at least 3 of them. Not sure about Zelda's adventure. That one's pretty ugly.

To be fair, a lot of these "worst games ever" are really only known as such due to famous game reviewers such as the AVGN. I really like James and his reviews, but a lot of the games he reviewed aren't all that bad. Some don't even come close to it, actually.

Kind of feel like an asshole for pointing it out now that it's been pointed out twice more. I really just wanted an excuse to tell the origin of a certain racial slur because I find it pretty dumb that it just came out of a bastardization of the name of a province. Mind, my favorite racial slurs both occur to my own ancestry (as one would expect really) because one is literally "Cheese-eating surrender monkey", and lord knows it's impossible for me to believe it's supposed to be offensive because it's so ridiculous.

"Cheese-eating surrender monkey"


Ah, so you're french! C'mon, confess! Surrender your nationality to me, ya cheese-eating surrender frenchie-monkie!

(fun fact, I'm half-french myself, but I don't know a lick of french yet I'm pretty good at english. Funny how that works)

An idea I had for that would have been Alm being able to find journals in Rigel Castle (kind of optional lore) that would reveal it. This would skip the need for a cutscene reveal, give more insight into Rudolf, reward exploration of the Castle (provided they were put in a secret room opened by interacting with something, or somewhere that was canonically only for the king), and as said, make it so you knew Berkut's ambitions were not merely thwarted by your actions, but his own, thus making his descent into madness less collateral damage of Rudolf's plan but a failure of both Rudolf and Berkut... a moral lesson in it's own right. Though it kind of was as it is. Mind you, I do have the advantage of looking at the story after it's been out, not having been involved in it's production, and not having time constraints to come up with this and make it work. I also, have a larger base story to work off than the game's writers did thanks largely to their own work. So it is kind of a hindsight thing.

I really do dig your idea better than what we got, though I suppose I'm not the most knowledgable person when it comes to Valentia.

Here's a question that's been on the minds of me and my friends for a while, that you can improve on: how in the world did Camus excuse himself from Tatiana's side for over a full year to don the universe's worst disguise, go off to Archanea and break Nyna's heart all over again? Because it is stated in Book 2 that the War of Heroes took over a year, and that's not even counting the time he had to spend travelling from Valentia to Archanea and back. Did he tell her he was on vacation or something?

I have a bit of a track record with animals honestly. There was a turtle my brothers and I saved after it damaged it's flippers by getting it to the vet one year when we were on vacation. Still have photos of that somewhere. One of my past dogs was literally abandoned by some girls after their failed attempts at selling it in a public place ended in them leaving it and driving off in frustration. My current dog had prior owners who had to give him up due to circumstances, and due to an incident where he was mauled by some staffies, he takes weeks to trust people, so they were expecting it to take a while for him to get used to me. Cue him greeting me by licking my hand and being full on pressing his head into my beard to cuddle me a half hour after meeting him. It's ironic that I've been known to accidentally intimidate or at the least freak out humans, but I seem to gain trust from animals that are usually wary of humans.

You're the saint here. You should call yourself Saint-Manakete, and I should rename myself to Ruben. Just Ruben. That won't get confusing at all. Just like it's not confusing in my class, where there's two "Ruben Fernandez"s and one "Ruben Fernandes". I'm not even kidding.

The teachers mostly know me as "Ruben Saiz", since in Spain, we actually have the sense to give people two surnames (the second being the mother's maiden name) so it's harder to get two people with the same exact names. Good call there, kinda proud of my fair nation of bullfighting and paellas in that aspect.

No complaints here, Fernandez's the most generic spanish surname, whereas Saiz sounds like a name befitting of a badass conquistador. Thanks, mom!

...crap, I just disclosed my full name on the internet! I will now be raped by the bad interwebs peepz! Oh, noes! Woe is me!

Nah, but really, you won't find anything with my name. In fact, you'd probably get more milleage out of Saint Rubenio. I just tried my full name, and the only thing that came up were a bunch of social media accounts that don't even belong to me. You can actually get to my Steam by googling Saint Rubenio. I haven't updated my profile description in years, so I still have the cringey hipster bullshit 15-year-old me wrote. Also, artworks I did on Gmod.


Oh, and this is the third picture that comes up, right after one of my artworks from Steam and Barlowe. Google, you piece of crap...

Which is incidentally a terrible idea. Speaking from what I was taught, you should always leave the part of the arrow in the body IN THE BODY. It's fine to cut off the bits outside to make yourself more mobile, but that thing is going to block a lot of bloodflow while in and possibly prevent you bleeding out. You rip it out and that protection is gone. Internal bleeding.

From what I've gathered, that doesn't just apply to arrow wounds. Knives, poles... anything stabby should stay in, because so long as it's there, it acts as a plug for the blood. You take it out, and this happens, basically.

Speaking of, in his FE 12 Iron Man during the prologue, @Saint Rubenio asked about how you could possibly have fake arrows for training. Today I came across two options. One is the sponge arrow, which I find the less likely of the two. Think paintball, but with arrows. These suckers are designed so you soak them in paint and shoot them at each other and the paint shows if you got hit and where. https://www.alibaba.com/showroom/sponge-arrow.html
The second option, which seems more likely in Marth's time and given that one chapter where you had to fight bandits, is the type I forget the exact name of, but it had a metal rectangular prism at the head (which would throw the balance off compared to a normal arrow). This sucker is more designed for hunting, when you have a pelt you don't want to damage because there's not much or want to take the prey alive and are merely trying to stun it. But the point is, because it's a head, it can be switched for a more standard head (thus also explaining why Ryan's training arrows and regular arrows deplete at the same rate. It's the same shafts with different heads). I imagine you could probably use them for training with live foes, and that they'd hurt enough not to be able to fake not being hit. I wanted an excuse to bring it up now that I know that.

Oh, wow. After a year and half, that question has finally been answered.

Now, can you give me an explanation for the mock fire Merric was rocking? I am all ears.


On 30/3/2019 at 7:15 PM, Pengaius said:

Ah yes, des singes mengeurs de fromage. Truly a bizzare insult, where as my people are commonly "called paddy" which is kind of a dumb insult as were being called the name of our patron saint go figure. 

We spaniads are simple. We just call one another "big goats". It doesn't really make sense in context, either, it's just used as an insult for no real reason.

Interesting to know that you are of French descent. 

Now that we know his nationality, we can go and kidnap him as the bad internets people that we secretely are! r/grandmoms.

I wish, I've interacted with literally every object and background in the game with both Alm and Celica, the interactions are the only lines in the game that are not voiced (I'm counting NPCs as part of this), so it's likely they were deemed too trivial, which is a shame, because stuff like journal entries giving lore bits (like how Desaix went about killing Lima's kids and the Rudolf thing like above) and secret rooms (stuff like having jail cells be hidden behind bookshelves, so that jailed characters felt like they were earned or safes behind a painting to give you money or even a dog leading you to an alley to get a quest or something) and stuff would be really cool in game to reward exploration. Shame it was just Alm and celica think a little. 

Missed opportunities.


On 30/3/2019 at 9:20 PM, eclipse said:

The obvious answer is to use Maruj and Rishel together!  Since Alicia's a terrible person and all.

I already planned on doing so. Maruj, Rishel, Meriel and Lee will be my mage corps. Alicia can stay home and try to get daddy to notice her.


On 1/4/2019 at 7:24 PM, BrightBow said:

That's what you get for hurting people just because you don't like their political opinions.

I'd say something witty, but this topic could get me banned, so like Spain in WWII, I elect to remain neutral. Hey, if it worked for Franco, it might as well work for me.


On 1/4/2019 at 7:37 PM, Dayni said:

Honestly, the cutscenes from the CD-i games are mostly memeworthy at this point for me.

Is there anybody who seriously likes them? I mean, I love 'em, but...

Gameplay's a bit grindy too from what I can tell.

All I know about that is what the AVGN says. Though, I have to say, Hotel Mario never looked that bad to me. Arcadey and simple, for sure, but since when is that such a terrible, terrible thing?

That's something that could be pulled up into the whole wide menagerie of discussion around privilege, stereotyping and the putting down of those who it would be argued have no need for more of it, not even from light ribbing.

It's a mess I don't pretend to want to get too deep into nor am I as well educated on as as I feel I would have to be.

You know, it's kinda awkward to stand here as all this serious discussion unfolds when I just casually threw the slur out for a joke.

At least Kaga's not black. That could've been bad...

This divine lightning shall pierce the heavens!

(I do not have to quote you faithfully!)

Damn you, you made an April Fool out of me!


I have so many questions.

Do you not want replies anymore? Is this really only a shitpost?

(Then I made the mistake of opening it up. April fool is me I guess.)

Hah! I made an April Fool out of you!

In all seriousness, though. I thought that, after the third part 41 and the TLP meme title, it should've been quite obvious what this was all about.

This is a memeworthy image.

I'll have to do something. This is not the update for it.

Hah, yeah. Probably my favourite part of the entire update.

Oh no, it's the rapey nazi ghost. Get Mystery Incorporated on the case!

(My niece is a huge fan, it comes up pretty often.)

Why is it a ghost, though? It touched Indy for real.


On 1/4/2019 at 8:05 PM, Pengaius said:

This divine lightning shall bake some pies

Then I take it you didn't read my message, since you didn't quote the line. For shame!

Oh and don't forget to add Indiana Jones to the death counter

This made me laugh far too much. Something about the way you said it just killed me. Oh, my God...


On 2/4/2019 at 1:58 AM, Hawkwing said:

Can I just say that I love how you managed to pull a huge reply out of your ass for the friggin April Fools update?

Well, I got paint.net a few days ago. Haven't done much of anything with it yet, but I'll probably post something random I've made in the near future.

Nice. Good luck learning how to use it.

I wish I could think of more to say. Now I know how Saint Rubenio feels, even if he has more experience hiding it.

I just sneakily delete the things that I can't really reply to. Mainly conversations between the readers. Ever noticed?

I know. I've read several times before, actually. Heck, I'm still waiting for the day when a fictional character is stabbed, makes a mighty effort to rip the thing lodged in their chest out, appears like they'll say something epic afterwards, and then die of blood loss moments afterward (Black Panther is probably the most recent example of it being played realistically. A person that was stabbed actually lives for a while afterwards, and dies when they remove the blade).

Once again...

Now there are three part 41's.

I feel like I had an unintentional hand in this.

I can confirm, yes you did.

I waited four days for this?!?

On the bright side, I only have one thing to reply to.

And now you have many, many things to reply to!

It seems like there's some story behind the name "DRAPEARL".

I tried out the Dragon's Pearl mod with that save. Got up to the Prague boss. Worst designed boss I've ever played, it was completely impossible except for a very specific, very luck-based strategy that took an hour to pull off. The last thing I got out of that mod was the acid drinking glitch. I figured that was a good enough note to end things on. Not like I could've beaten that shitty boss.

Ey! I remember this level! Not the name of it, but I remember what you do here.

I also remember falling off the gondola a few times in the next level. Either by mistiming the jump or being unfortunate when escaping from a block.

You're remembering wrong. The level you speak of is the one where Indy's disguised as a nazi, and you go into a maze of power generators, and it's followed by the level where you do parkour over gondolas. This is the last level of the Peng Lai section, you just go straight to the Black Fortress after that.

Where did Indy get the harpoon gun?

First level of Peng Lai. Never used it up.

Not at all.


The revolver is the most powerful handgun in the game.

Ammo for it is also rare in every level except the first few.

Good thing I already beat the game, then.

Guess he forgot to enter first person mode.

Ah, this game's wonky first person. Going into it after dying will always be a classic.

Maybe you should have apologized for laughing at his mule.

Oh, dear.

I know what you're thinking: 'Did he fire six shots or only five?' Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?'

Yeah, I saw this one coming.

Huh, guess it was five after all.

Damn you, Clint!

It's Clint Eastwood. What where you expecting to happen?

I don't know, something else?

Also, "Granade".

Hey, it was an April Fools update. We could always say you're an April Fool for falling for the typo.

I thought you said you didn't like using guns in this game?

Guess desperate times call for desperate measures.

It's Clint Eastwood, I cannot face him through normal means.

Considering he survived filming The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, is that really so surprising?

Yes, I am more powerful than the good, the bad and the ugly put together.

Eli Wallace really earns the award for surviving that movie, though.

I suppose he does, but still I am more powerful.

The wall rebounding physics are so much fun in this game.


Unless you wanted to beat them up against the wall. Then it's annoying. At least it does damage.

Annoying? Never. It's always a shame when enemies die in this game. I wish I knew how to give them more health.

You're going to regret that.

Also, I never understood the thought process behind having a runway go into a cave. Seems like it would only increase the chance of accidents for both takeoff and landing.

I mean, they've got a machine gun conveniently placed in case anybody's feeling like shooting the planes down.

For some reason, Indy's pose here reminds me of this:


That's because that's exactly what he does.

So stealthy, Indy's arm can pretend to be a door, and no one notices.


I found this theme to be more fitting.


(I wish I knew where they got the music. It wouldn't surprise me if they made it themselves, though).

I don't think it'd be that hard to make that particular rendition of the theme.

Oh, I remember those guys.

I forgot how I fought them, though. Probably filled them full of lead.

I just tank some fire, and then punch them.

Also, the joys of unjamming a flamethrower:


Ah, yes. So much fun.

I laughed much harder than I should have at this.

Victory, then!

I thought you would show off Indy pulling it with his crotch?

Also, why is the water meter present?

I tried to show it off, but it requires going into the drinking animation so both Indy's hands are occupied, and by this point in the game I never have water.

So that's what s*xual assault looks like...

Kinda yes.

Since when did enemies in fiction ever neglect an unscheduled departure/arrival?

It's about the only thing they're competent at.

That much is true.


Not certain what I was expecting there.

It's latin, actually. Means "get back!". Granada's just grenade in spanish.

Well, German stick grenades could be thrown pretty far. About ten meters farther than American ones, if I recall correctly from the Close Combat manual.

Must not be a grenadier, though, because people trained in how to use them were pretty efficient with them.

He's a ninja. Probably more used to shurikens.

Huh, so that's what happens if any get through.

I learned something new today.

Considering how easy it is to not let them through... I normally don't have the patience, so I just shoot them down at the gondola.

And forum ninja's are worse than both.

I swear, I still don't know what I did to anger them, or why they're so determined to hang onto that grudge.

Now I'm curious.

"Ruben, you can't do that! You've changed history! You've created a Time Paradox!"


Better add Indiana Jones to the death count.

Well, two people said it, I suppose I better do it now!


Well, I had fun reading this.

If you had as much fun as I did writing it, then it's a win-win.

Also, my search bar looked like this by the end:




On 2/4/2019 at 7:12 AM, Mad-manakete said:

Yeah... you kind of telegraphed that.


Can't wait for this to be someone's strange dream in the main LP.

Eh, I don't know, it's gotten pretty serious as of late. Would be mighty weird if someone just jumped and went "hey, I dreamed of Indiana Jones yesterday!" when half the team is dead.

I'm of the school of thought that a slur is only as bad as the context it's used in. If it's used thoughtlessly or with intent to insult, that's actually bad. If it's used in the context of mocking the ridiculousness of the slur (and believe me, some slurs have outright stupid origins and only manage to be offensive because of their history), it's kind of taking their power away. Mind that's something that can't just be done by one person. Society as a whole will have to grow, and I don't have the greatest faith in that.

Soooooo that means the way I used it makes me a nazi, or not?

The cutscenes are legendary. To the point I just want Morshu and King Harkinian in a mainline Zelda even though it'll never happen. As for the grindy gameplay... well, let's face it. The level up system in Zelda II: Adventure of Link kind of had the same effect as gathering the snowball/fireball items (I've watched full LPs from The Half-Blind Gamer on youtube, and while that item only applies to Faces of Evil, the point is there's item grind). If I can cope with that, I can cope with this

Harkinian in a mainline Zelda would be amazing.

Some stories don't really need comment, because the telling is it's own reward. On a side note, the dog I mentioned who was cautious of new people? He always sits next to me when I'm working on my laptop. So in a way, he does tie back into these updates because he's always with me when I read them or comment.

You should rename yourself to "Mad-Manakete and the Doggo".


On 2/4/2019 at 10:38 AM, eclipse said:

You made Tom jealous, hence why he punched you off of a cliff.  TRS doesn't have guns. . .yet!

Hold your horsemen, what? The ninja was Tom? Wait a minute, let me just... bring up the cover here...

Dynfqpxd o

Hmmm... no, I don't think that's Tom. Tom doesn't wear a mask. That's like saying Sirius is Camus. Pfah!

Why, yes, I just wanted to make a cover for the April Fools update and latched on to the first excuse that I could find.


I update the thread (yes, this is the real update):


Hello. I'm tired as hell and that's why it's taking me so long to update. For those who aren't europeans, we have a thing called "clock change" here. Basically what happens is that the European Parlament forces people to move their clocks one hour forward around this time of the year, so as to fuck up everyone's sleeping schedules for a week. Also, I'm completely behind in my programming class because the teacher decided it was a good idea to start teaching full-speed ahead in the middle of the exam week, and I've got a failed subject that I'm going to fail again in the retake because I'm tired as hell and I hate that subject because it doesn't even have anything to do with computers. Also I ran out of Berwick and that's the most horrible part about it all.

Life goes on, whether or not I fail at school, but what good is that if I don't get to play Berwick!? Fuck!

Okay, rant's over, let's get reading.

EDIT: Ruben from the future here. I'm proofreading the update and I just wanted to say that this is cringe af. Ruben from the editing room, edit that out, please.

EDIT: Ruben from the editing room here. Fuck you, Ruben from the future.

EDIT: Ruben from the future here. Right back at you, Ruben from the editing room.

EDIT: Ruben from the editing room here. Why am I called "Ruben from the editing room" when we don't even have an editing room? Can you give me an answer to that question, everyday Ruben?


EDIT: Ruben from the editing room here. I don't know why I expected anything else...

EDIT: Self-aware Ruben here. This joke has gone on for too long. Let us continue with the game.

EDIT: Ruben from the future here. Agreed.

D6nqbtkv oY2q5k5yu o

Last time, we had just defeated Ahab. Manly tears were shed. Today, it's time for some more stupidity, courtesy of Holmes. What do you mean, you? You did jack shit! You got raped by Pegasus Knights and that's about it! Shigen, Zach, Garo and Lionheart did everything, while the others helped Esther level up!

Muvphmfm oWhoops, this is no time to get distracted! C'mon, Katri! To the dungeons! We've got royalty to save!

Av55thc9 o

0zfd96rn o By the way, you know how Norton was randomly plot-relevant way after his recruitment back in Codha's downfall? How characters will occasionally have supportive moments, party, have fights to the death? How even the friggin' NPCs feel like human beings who do things? Well, no such luck with Zach. Zach just vanishes from the face of the earth all the way until the ending, where he gets a whopping two lines. No, I'm not even kidding. They didn't even try to do anything with their Deus Ex Machina character.

Njdtyjkp oI'm here!

U7os55u0 o

Njdtyjkp oDon't say that, Holmes! You're scaring me!

Muvphmfm oSorry, I'm sure it's fine. If this does lead to a dungeon, I'm sure it's been cleared of monsters for years.

Njdtyjkp oOkay...

Y5zvhsan o

0zfd96rn o Guess this is the king. Cute, uh... poncho?

D276aybk oBack! Back, you fiends! Not a single step further! You won't lay a single hand on the queen!

Ner9zyrw o

Hjsonnj6 oYou know as well as I that he must be gone, and that means Ahab has no more use for us. We've lost our only hope of seeing our little girl ever again... There's no point in going on anymore...

0zfd96rn o You'd be surprised if you knew what Ahab's true colors were.

D276aybk oYou mustn't give up, Maria!

0zfd96rn o Also, yes, the queen's name is the same as Katri's original name. Who bets this will get confusing?

D276aybk oWe must believe in General Zachariah! Our little Maria is alive, and one day, we will see her again! Until that day comes, we mustn't lose hope!

0zfd96rn o Friendly reminder that they're sure Ahab has sent Holmes to put an arrow between their eyes. At this point, you'd think one of them would've noticed Holmes hasn't tried to shoot them in the middle of their tragic monologues.

P1zzgcas o Then again, this is Holmes we're talking about... maybe he's doing just that.

Ec9p1cxq o

D276aybk oWhat... What did you just say?

Hjsonnj6 o...Maria? It's you, isn't it?

x9WnRkz.pngDo not be fooled, my dear! This is surely one of my brother's tricks!

Hjsonnj6 oNo, I know it... I can see it in her face! This girl is our daughter! O Blessed Yutona, thank you! I give thanks to your benevolence from the bottom of my heart!

0zfd96rn o So a random girl who looks nothing like either of you runs down here after Zachariah suspiciously disappeared, alongside a dumbass who's likely covered in blood and armed, and tells you that she's conveniently your daughter, and you just believe her? What do you mean, you can "see it in her face"? She looks nothing like you! Guess we know which parent Katri took after.

Njdtyjkp oMother...

Hjsonnj6 oMy darling little Maria... Just look at you! You've grown up to be so beautiful!

Njdtyjkp oMother! Father!

0zfd96rn o You know, just once I'd like for this "adopted son/daughter finds daddies" to go on an entirely different direction: make the daddies be complete dickheads. That would be interesting to watch.

Yxccrd7y o

0zfd96rn o Of course, it wouldn't be Holmes route without Holmes being a waste of space. I like to imagine Dagnell taking his eyes off of Katri and staring at Holmes, thinking "who in the world is this insolent imbecile?".

Dvtskrxn o

0zfd96rn o Juni shows up to say one line, but Zachariah is nowhere to be found. Why are you so bad at things sometimes, Kaga?

D276aybk oYou there, boy... Who are you? It appears that I am greatly indebted to you for bringing my daughter back to me.

4lt3brpp o Again with this! He did absolutely nothing! It was all pure chance!

D276aybk oPlease, I would love to hear how you came to know her, and how you managed to find us.

Muvphmfm oI'll tell you the whole story... but only once we get out of this dingy cell! The air in this place is so damn stuffy.

Elz87zqi o
Btrrb4tv o

D276aybk oIt has been bearable, thanks to Zachariah. He's risked his life time and time again just to check in and bring us extra food. I don't know what we would've done without him looking out for us.

0zfd96rn o I just can't get over that. It's like he doesn't even exist anymore!

U1xkdkyy o

1pcfv1ay oIf I hadn't spent so much time away from Castle Salia to be with Lan back then, I could've been there to protect you. You've suffered for such a long time, and I haven't even been aware of it! Please forgive me...

D276aybk oLionheart, there's nothing to forgive. From what I hear, you've proven your loyalty and devotion to this kingdom a thousand times over during our absence. I only wish I could've watched you become the fine leader that you are today. I feel proud to call you my brother-in-law.

Hjsonnj6 oI agree completely. You and Robert stayed loyal to Salia, even as Ahab's forces were overwhelming us. We could ask nothing more of you.

Oaqccj0d o

Hjsonnj6 oHeaven knows what regrets he must've had... How are Lady Claris and the girls doing, by the way? I do hope they're all right...

1pcfv1ay oVerna, Martel and Frau have all grown up and have become splendid Pegasus Knights.

0zfd96rn o Uh...

1pcfv1ay oLady Claris is in good health, too, although I am sad to say that her father Sage Octavus was killed.

D276aybk oKilled?! What in the world happened?

1pcfv1ay oI'm not privy to all of the details, but Lady Claris will be able to tell you. Your Majesties, allow me to take you to the hidden village where she is staying.

P25bqpki o

That was pretty cool. Lionheart should've been the second lord. All the scenes where he's there are so much better than the ones where he isn't there.

Hd9bvpbm o

Uggd5dsm oI'm going to go back to Blaad. I have to find my little sister Meriel.

Muvphmfm oMeriel... Where have I heard that name...?

0zfd96rn o Er... nowhere?

Muvphmfm oIs that the girl who ran away from Blaad, who that Renee lady went looking for? She was looking for her brother, I think... Would that be you?

Uggd5dsm oHave you met my sister!?

Nxykeht2 o

4lt3brpp o ...oh, good lord... they didn't even bother changing this scene to reflect Attrom's death...!

P1zzgcas o Fun fact: in Berwick, a lategame boss appears in chapter 3 temporarily. He's nearly impossible to kill. Just nearly, though, there are a couple ways to get there. So what happens when he dies? Game over? The game implodes? Nope: Kaga added a bunch of events and alternative scenes in case the player managed to bring the boss down, and even some gameplay stuff related to a certain character changes if you pull it off. That's just one tiny example of how tightly written and designed that game's plot, characters and world are. How he went from one character's death breaking the story beyond repair to that is beyond me. Berwick truly was his masterpiece. I need the full translation and I need it five days ago, when I got to the end of the current version. Can you tell?

Muvphmfm oYou said your name was Rishel, right? Why don't you come along with us? We're traveling all around this region, so we could help you look for your sister. Besides, I highly doubt you'll find anything if you just go back to Blaad.

0zfd96rn o Holmes, for the love of-- that's a... good... idea? How!? Is Shigen hiding in some bushes, whispering good ideas into his ear?

Uggd5dsm oYeah, you're probably right...

Frzt1nyc o

Muvphmfm oI dunno what you're hoping to gain by coming along, but we could always use another thief. Welcome aboard, little man!

8hjyjt84 oWhat are you, blind?! I'm a girl!

Muvphmfm oReally? Could've fooled me.

P1zzgcas o Okay, I've got to hand it to you, Holmes, I just love the way you just nonchalantly shot her down. Kudos to you. You're being uncharacteristically non-infuriating in this scene. Keep it up, if you please.

Muvphmfm oWell, you're welcome regardless.

Bgpnyssd o

We've got a skirmish before we reach Runan. If you've the habit of skipping skirmishes, don't do the same with this one: something extremely important will happen in it.

Ipzcnid6 o

Muvphmfm oWhat a pain... time to hack our way back through more monsters to get out of this place...

0zfd96rn o I really don't know what the point of this is. We're supposed to be going south to the Hidden Village to get King Dagnell and Queen Mario to meet Claris, something we do after the skirmish is over, so this line makes no sense at all.

Ruben from the future here. I thought of correcting that typo, but on second thought... nah.

J09iowj2 o

All right, time to do some explaining. The time has come for me to quote myself. Gimme a second... ah, here we go.

On 25/11/2018 at 2:04 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

- All deaths will be counted, with one exception, which I will explain if it happens. Suffice to say, if it does happen, it really won't be much of a death at all.

On 15/1/2019 at 4:50 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

There's one more drawback, which is actually a really clever one, but we won't be seeing that one for a while. I'll be sure to let you know when the time comes.

Remember these? The first is one of the rules from the OP, and the second is one of the drawbacks that Dullahan has, which I vaguely described back when Shigen first joined.

You know how Dullahan makes Shigen virtually invincible, and using it correctly can potentially break the game in half? Well, here's the kicker: if Shigen dies before the second split, you get something extremely great. And you don't even lose Shigen, either. It'll make sense in context.

Of course, the fact that Shigen's such a good unit, coupled with Dullahan's existance, makes it so that, unless you know of this beforehand or are extremely bad at FE (shut up, I know), you'll completely miss this. See what I meant with the "really clever" drawback? Missing out on this is not gamebreaking, by any means, but what you're given if you do it is so good, it's just stupid not to take it once you know about it. Again, you'll understand when the time comes. Not this update, the next.

Had Shigen died before today, I would've counted his death like any other. However, this is the final chance we get to kill Shigen off, and he returns right after the route split, which is right after this. Therefore, just like I stated in the OP, this won't be much of a death at all. Add to that that I'm doing this intentionally, and, well, I don't believe this is a death count-worthy death. Thus, it won't get added to the death count.

Iuphsbcq o

Safely deprived of his weapons, Shigen will begin walking forward towards his destiny next turn. I'm not sure if he keeps his weapons upon returning or if they're lost. Pretty sure Dullahan is safe, but I don't know about the others, and I don't want him to accidentally destroy the entire map by himself (we all know he's perfectly capable of it), so best be safe than sorry.

O67q85y1 o7l60fjo7 o

Gargoyles... he's all yours.

Fkmhv3qf o

Sorry, Shigen... be it that there was a better way, but the reward for this is just too much fun to ignore.

Vf7weu0l o

Oh, of course, he doesn't want to die. Should've seen that coming.

66tizy7n o45shtvn7 o3hp4tanq o


Quyifgoq o

Well, fuck me sideways, I thought this'd take so much longer... apparently not!

01nq2xs1 oT7e34mi4 oZ2raav72 o

Why did I have to open my big mouth?

Modcqrew o


7wht8w80 o

Ah, finally! This Gargoyle, man...!

Asm1goxj o

Very emotional, but I just spoiled your survival to the audience, so it doesn't work. Not that the sadness would've lasted much longer, even if I had done a good job at pretending I just accidentally killed you (let's face it, it would've been nearly impossible for me to do that, with how awesome Shigen is). In fact, the drama would've been over in exactly...

Xr6njpai o

3... (notice that he's still standing?)

Lhtpz1ja o9u5tkfwq oTabg9pd7 o

2... (Holmes actually caring? It's more likely than you'd think. Shigen's his best friend, and it shows)

Fvouzxcj o


Jcnupzyw o9z2vkoa8 o


...you know? I think Silva might've just been defeated. May thunder strike me down if that isn't the greatest design in this whole, ugly-ass game! And no, it's not because boobs, I mean, c'mon, look at that! She's absolutely gorgeous! Again, not from a sexual kind of viewpoint... I-I mean, from that point of view as well, but not just that... what I am trying to say is that, since she's actually well-drawn and not footballman-drawn, then... ergo...!

Okay, she's hot, you happy now? Girls of the thread and Hawkwing, give me a hand here and tell me that her design's awesome, and that it's not just me digging the black leather.

It also doesn't help that she's stealing Eugen's pose, which makes me think of Eugen, which makes me need a cold shower, more than anything else. Urgh...

Lzl0laox o

Anyway, Best Design In The Entire Game warps away with Shigen.

To be brutally honest, though, I still feel like Kate's got a bit more charm to her. One of these days I'm gonna have to do a top 10 TRS designs. Maybe when we're closer to the end and have seen all the designs.

Jokes aside, though. You think she's hot now? Just you wait until next update. She's gonna make all panties wet next update.

0konhr3k o

Clean-up time.

Jfjl4k40 oNtoppdps o


Wch7fbuw o

I will skip this.

Cz9lavnb o

This, though, I will show off. Notice how his sprite is different from Maruj's. Worse than Maruj's, to be precise.

Lklcrs2v oTwaffwrq o

Don't get me wrong, it's a cool sprite, but it lacks Maruj's airborne charm.

O4cqyxze o285ff3it o

As for Sunflame, it's about as terrible as Starlight. Rishel casts a sun that makes the floor beneath the enemy burst into flames. As dumb as it is, Sylph's at least creative.

6ky1i9ft o

Esther nearly died. Only nearly, though, thank goodness.

Edap2wef o

Zach got a level. Look, it's his personality and story relevance, made into a level!

U1qg0cv9 o

One of the Gargoyles dropped a bag. Perhaps I could use this to play with Bagman and pay off Footballman next time we go to Blaad?

Iliwpnj9 oOzziwu6j o

And with this crit, the map and Esther's levelling career are over.

Asv04ggj o1xdg2fpq o

C'mon! I was nearly set on promoting San, and now I don't know anymore!

I'll listen to you guys' opinions on this matter, but I personally think Esther needs the promotion way more. The boost to her offensive stats would do her wonders, and with her great defense, she'll be a force to be reckoned with, while San can afford to spend a couple more chapters unpromoted, thanks to her great stats everywhere except for defense (I mean, that never did stop Runan, did it?). Again, I'll keep what you think in mind, but I don't see myself making a vote for this anymore, like I originally said I would. The answer seems quite clear to me.

Sdr7knog o
Zqn24ygm o

At last, we'll get to see our favourite Lord-advisor duo again! Eugen's second best scene in the entire game actually takes place here. Take care not to miss it.

Zoj1uc0s o0z10pp7i o

Old guy sums up the plot of the update. I like how he felt the need to remind Claris that she thinks that her late husband's sister is dead.

E7ffcz4a oI see... That is indeed wonderful!

Ha0dg21k oYutona must have been watching over them all this time...

P9tj5nha o

E7ffcz4a oThank you, Your Majesty. I am overjoyed to see you alive and well.

D276aybk oHah, you're as formal as ever, milady. It's wonderful to finally get some fresh air! We've been cooped up in that cell for ages... It's taking some getting used to, seeing everyone for the first time in fifteen years. Everyone's got more than a few wrinkles now, ourselves not least of all.

0zfd96rn o Frankly, I cannot imagine being imprisoned for 15 years. Forgive me if I sound like a brat here, but how does one endure the boredom? The "more pressing things to be worried about" excuse's bound to fall apart as time passes by. I think I'd be begging for the sweet embrace of death after just standing around with my thoughts for years.

E7ffcz4a oIndeed, time marches on for all of us... Your Majesty, I've heard that you have reunited with Princess Maria. What a surprise it must be to see her as a young woman!

Hjsonnj6 oYes, thanks to the efforts of Sir Holmes and General Zachariah, our dear Maria has been returned to us...

0zfd96rn o And God. Don't forget God. He played a very important part, considering this whole thing's just been one dumb Deus Ex Machina after another.

Hjsonnj6 oThough calling her Katri instead of Maria has been taking some getting used to!

0zfd96rn o She was taken from you when she was a baby, fifteen years ago. There's nothing to get used to, you never had the time to call her any names!

Hjsonnj6 oZachariah left her in the care of a bishop from Mahl, far away from Ahab's clutches. I wish to meet with him soon so that I might thank him for all he's done for her.

E7ffcz4a oI see...

Nwvwwoeh o

0zfd96rn o Wait, "and the princess"? The princess's a playable character, she can't stay here! That's not allowed!

E7ffcz4a oFrom here, we can send messengers across Salia to announce to your people that you still live, and the country will surely begin to reunite under your banner. Finally, the kingdom can begin to heal...

D276aybk oOf course, I'd be honored to. Despite the hardships we've endured, I've never forgotten our duty to our citizens.

Txcinrdp o


G5e9y5z4 o

Um606rva oHolmes!?

Muvphmfm oDon't look so surprised. I've been busy doing things in the area, so I just thought I'd drop by.

4lt3brpp o Wha-- but we were coming here because the King and the Queen were supposed to... you... what...? Why does Holmes's excuse for coming here have to change every five minutes!?

Muvphmfm oOh, here... As promised, I got you a bunch of new weapons and gear.

4lt3brpp o When!? I never had the cash to buy weapons! You didn't get him shit!

44xmowk3 o


Muvphmfm oHa, and people call me blunt! It's good to see you too, Runan. C'mon, let's celebrate the revival of Salia! We'll find a nice bar and drink till sunrise!

P1zzgcas o Heh, if you really believe people only call you "blunt", then you probably should have your ears checked, my friend. And your brain, but that goes without saying.

Vwj8dfxq o

I5vnzp4w o

0zfd96rn o ...this doesn't look very reassuring.

Phz7nok8 oI started to get worried when you stopped sending your regular reports, so I thought I'd pay you a visit. You haven't abandoned your mission, have you?

Rqqssoyw oOf course not...

4wffp0jy o

0zfd96rn o ...well.

Phz7nok8 oWhatever you say, Zieg... Regardless, His Excellency wanted me to tell you that your mission is complete. There are more pressing tasks for us ahead, and we need every one of our warriors.

Rqqssoyw oI... understand... As His Excellency commands.

Vb3r3wee o

Ih49ob2i oIt's Zieg, milord! He's simply vanished! Surely he hasn't deserted...

Um606rva oZieg... had he been planning this?

Ih49ob2i oYou don't appear surprised, Lord Runan. Do you know something I do not?

Um606rva oWell, thanks to Lady Kate, it seemed that Zieg was starting to become more open. He would talk with others, and he genuinely appeared to be enjoying himself. But several weeks ago, he started pushing everyone away again, even Lady Kate. I can't help but feel that this is related...

0zfd96rn o Gee, I sure wish we had gotten to see those developments! If this was Berwick we would've

Qae3v6ut oPklhqckb o

Um606rva oI'm afraid so, Lady Kate. We're still looking for him, but...

Dymo2jvo oZieg... Where have you gone...?

Um606rva o.......

Dymo2jvo oIt must've been the Cult of Gerxel! They've kidnapped him for deserting them! Please, Lord Runan! We have to rescue him!

Um606rva oLady Kate...

0zfd96rn o So yeah, you know how I've been avoiding him like the plague because he's "too OP for my tastes"? Well... to tell you the truth, it was just really convenient that I'd garnered a reputation of avoiding good units in my past LPs, giving me the perfect excuse to avoid this guy without arising suspicions. The truth is, Zieg leaves. And no, he doesn't come back. And no, the exp waste isn't the only downside to using him. This won't be the last time we see him, of course, but for now, let's just appreciate how Kaga just completely turned every FE convention upside down.

H7a2gbmg o

0zfd96rn o You know how that scene was absolutely amazing and threw everything we thought we knew about FE right out of the window? Well, get ready everyone, because this is, unless I'm forgetting something, the second most unbearable plotdump in the entire game. Goodness, is it bad. There are interesting things sprinkled here and there, but it's just such a dense brick of words, that it's really hard to swallow the good parts.

A3liakj5 oHuh...? Ah, Rishel!

Uggd5dsm oSo it is you! I thought I recognized that hair of yours.

A3liakj5 oI'm glad to see you safe, Rishel. I've been worried ever since I heard you left the temple in Blaad.

Uggd5dsm oI almost didn't make it. I was found by the Cult's sorcerers, and they cornered me on a cliff over the Reeve River. One of their spells caught me in the leg, and I fell down into the rapids. I blacked out at that point. The current must've taken me several miles at least, since I ended up in Salia. I woke up in a little house owned by a girl named Patricia.

0zfd96rn o It's always great to see how fictional works seem to be utterly convinced that water equals absolute safety no matter what. In this case, I can give them a pass because I can assume that Narcus caught him after he blacked out and it was him that carried him for "several miles, at least", but still, not the peak of human intelligence, this logic.

A3liakj5 oWhy didn't you tell anyone where you were? We were all so worried about you!

Uggd5dsm oI hit my head when I fell in the river, and it's taken me a while to get all of my memories straight. I've only been back to my old self for the past couple of weeks.

0zfd96rn o It's like Frey, except he was downed in one shot instead of going out like a badass and surviving death, and on top of that the game can't make up its mind on what he's been up to or for how long.

A3liakj5 oMeriel was worried about you, too, so she ran away to find you... Wait here, I'll go get her!

Xtfvmpko oFdgo3jz7 o

Uggd5dsm oMeriel...

X4svuaba oDon't ever do anything like that again... Promise me...

0zfd96rn o I'd say "he can't promise something like that", but I still have no idea what the heck happened to him, exactly, so...

Uggd5dsm oI promise, Meriel. I'm here now, so please don't cry anymore. Come on, let me see your pretty smile.

X4svuaba oIt's your fault I'm crying! *sniff*...

Uggd5dsm oThere, there...

0zfd96rn o I know this isn't a good time, but friendly reminder that Attrom is dead and so is Renee.

Uggd5dsm oI'm glad that you're safe too, Maeve. I was worried Guenchaos had caught you.

Tdke73ly o

0zfd96rn o ...oh, dear. Is she talking about what I think she is?

Uggd5dsm oHe did?! How did you escape?

X4svuaba oWe've got a lot to catch you up on, Rishel. We'll tell you the whole thing later, but for now you should know that Maeve is currently going by the name "Enteh".

0zfd96rn o She's also doing the world's worst job ever at being undercover. C'mon, even Guenchaos knew exactly where she was and sent Zieg to keep tabs on us while he focused on the Shamans that are actually difficult to catch.

Uggd5dsm oEr, right... So much has changed over the last two years...

P1zzgcas o But you know what? As much as I'm complaining about it, at least the game's consistent with this particular plot point. No such luck with a certain other matter...

Bqu3p2vr o

4lt3brpp o Gah! What are you doing here?! I thought you were back in Erial, alongside that one very edgy-looking shopkeep!

Uggd5dsm oMartel!?

0zfd96rn o Sadly, yes. I'm not even doing the old and tired Martel joke here, Martel's the whole reason the game's second worst exposition dump happens. Sigh... my wrists...

P1zzgcas o However, do not despair! Eugen's second best scene in the entire game happens right after this painful experience, so we must hold together! Also, do attempt to stay awake. I know full well it's going to be hard, but there are cool things to be seen here.

Uggd5dsm oWow, have you grown up! It's been years since I've seen you! Yes, I'm feeling fine. Sorry for worrying you.

Rzfzyvym oWhen we all heard about the invasion of the Water Shrine, Grandfather was very worried about you and Meriel.

Uggd5dsm oWorried about his legacy, you mean. Did you know that Grandfather named me his successor the day after Uncle Andre died? His son was just killed, and all he could think about was who to replace him with.

0zfd96rn o That's another name we can strike out of the list of the Six Sages. With this, we have a whopping one confirmed living Sage and one whose fate will be confirmed in about five minutes.

Rzfzyvym oI don't think Grandfather saw it that way. I think it was just an easy decision. Out of all his descendants, you were the obvious best candidate.

Uggd5dsm oI suppose you're right... Even if Andre was the oldest, there's no way Renee would've followed in his footsteps. Though he could've easily chosen you, or any of us grandchildren.

Rzfzyvym oTrue, but you are the first son of Aunt Rosa, his next-oldest child. Besides, Meriel has always taken after your father's line of light magic, not fire magic.

Uggd5dsm oI honestly can't understand why Meriel wants to continue his studies...

Rzfzyvym oIt's not just his, it's also your other grandfather Sage Maios's.

4lt3brpp o I, Saint Rubenio, Self-proclaimed worst tactician ever and part-time universe destroyed, am currently in the process of losing my mind, which is to say, I'm going fucking nuts, because this scene, the one where Rishel discusses his family tree with Martel, from Tear Ring Saga, Kaga's FE game he made for the PS1 (PlayStation 1, made by Sony, a business) after leaving IntSys (Intelligent Systems, another business), is the most boring thing in the history of the world, a fact that is the same as saying that it is unpleasant to read due to its expository nature. One of you readers, including but not limited to, Dayni, Hawkwing, Eclipse, Brightbow, Butterman, Mad-Manakete, and the lurkers, please do send help (a means to prevent me from losing my sanity) so that I may continue to enjoy this scene that is still going.

Rzfzyvym oAnd besides, Uncle Narith was a great man...

Se3finn4 o

P1zzgcas o Okay, got to hand it to 'em, that was a great exchange.

Rzfzyvym oYou're referring to the incident with Maeve?

0zfd96rn o Yes, he is, but he'll still tell you all about it. How are we going to find out otherwise?

Uggd5dsm oOf course. Father was always a little funny in the head, but when Maeve was born with the Brand of Yutona, he completely lost it. When Grandfather Maios was away, he conspired with King Badoum to keep Maeve locked away in the Water Shrine so that they wouldn't have to worry about Mousa. Not even Queen Elena, his own sister, knew about it. After Maeve's "disappearance", she lost the will to live. When Sage Maios returned eight years ago, he foudn Maeve and released her. My mother killed herself when she found out what Father had done. When I saw Maeve for the first time, she was so weak she couldn't even walk, even though she was ten years old. It was a pathetic sight. I was still just a child, too, but I seethed with anger at my father's crimes. Even so, I couldn't do anything but cry. Meriel and I embraced her, and the three of us cried together.

Rzfzyvym oDidn't you and Meriel live at the Shrine? How did neither of you know she was being kept there all that time?

Uggd5dsm oWe lived in a mansion nearby in Rimne. Father never let us go to the Shrine. It was only after Maeve was released that Grandfather Maios arranged for her, Meriel, and me to live there with the clergy. We grew up like siblings after that. What I wouldn't give to go back to then...

Rzfzyvym oSo, what happened to Narith?

Uggd5dsm oHe was banished from the Water Shrine by Grandfather Maios and entered the service of King Badoum. He became a "Heretic Hunter", rounding up Zoans to have them put in camps and executed.

Hj2x8jgj o

0zfd96rn o ...zzz... zzz...

0zfd96rn o ...mmmnng... wa... wha...? Oh, yeah... yes, uh... tl;dr: Rishel's father Narith and the old king of Reeve kept Enteh imprisoned out of fear of Mousa, much like that arsehole Gotoh did with Tiki in Book 2. When he found out, the Sage of the Fire Shrine, Maios, banished Narith. Narith entered the service of King Badoum, and died fighting the Runeblade of Zoa. Rishel hates his father for what he did to Enteh. It has taken me three lines to convey this information to you, and that's counting the Gotoh hate and the part where I was sleeping. We aren't even half-way through the infodump. I want to die.

Rzfzyvym oDid you really feel nothing when you heard that he passed away?

Uggd5dsm oMaeve said the same thing to me. When she heard about my father's death, she would not stop weeping for days. I'll never understand it. Why would she mourn a man like him after all that he did to her? Good riddance, I said.

Rzfzyvym oDid Meriel hate your father as much as you did?

Uggd5dsm oNo, Meriel was too young to understand what had happened when Father was banished.

Kipyyo4e o

0zfd96rn o I hate this. I hate this, because I actually like this whole subplot, and Rishel's obvious hatred for his father is well done. It's just the fact that it's all so piss-poorly conveyed!

Rzfzyvym o......

Uggd5dsm oDo you think I should tell her the truth? Should I wait a little longer? I don't know what to do, to be honest.

Rzfzyvym oIt's hard to say... But you have to tell her eventually.

Uggd5dsm oYou're right...

Oeraihnh o

0zfd96rn o Oh, what's that? You think that was a perfectly organic and great place to end the scene? Well, nope! Just because you got lost at around paragraph nº 5 of The Nariz Bible doesn't mean the game's about to let up!

Uggd5dsm oWhat about you or one of your sisters? Why couldn't you do it? Even if mother was Grandfather's third child, she's an excellent mage.

Rzfzyvym oAre you kidding me? The three of us are all terrible at magic! Besides, we all looked up to Aunty Liza and Father too much. None of us would've ever been happy if we hadn't become knights ourselves. Mother was against it at first, though. She wanted one of us to at least continue the family tradition of fire magic, but she eventually gave in. And as for our last cousin, I know you wouldn't want to force little Sasha to undergo all the training you've been through. She's going to become a pegasus knight like us and her mother, anyway.

P1zzgcas o Actually, she's had you beat for a long while now. She's got a huge wyvern now! Always an endearing sight to watch them on the battlefield, one gnashing the enemies' throats and ripping them out, the other gazing in horror and disgust. Take a guess which one is Sasha.

Rzfzyvym oAnd so, Rishel, you're the only one of us who could possibly succeed Grandfather. Don't worry! You'll make a great Fire Sage!

K2d3roju o

Rzfzyvym oHee hee... No, I push my problems on you BECAUSE I know you're so reliable! But I won't leave everything to you, Rishel. We'll all pitch in to help you out. I'll be cheering for you the whole way!

0zfd96rn o And just as it was getting mildly entertaining, it just abruptly ends. But I'll take that over Rishel rambling about tangents again.




O7d2thyl o
Gfl3qx5b o
Ysmopzic o
Necwjbhi o
Pqhadvrt o
Tiahnmsp o
Cxh81d8a o
9cfaoqhj o
8wdnflbv o
Ls0sfo5u o
Dcndtqop o
Hxpe40gn o
Sfmehziz oQuf1bvgf o
Ofvr0myt o

D3xh2pag o

Pe4hjbcd o

Q8belucp o
Gjqdxibq o
Zlt7piod o
Hjwo851p o




Qa8rgelm o

F4aswdy8 oOH! OOOHHH! It's here everyone! Hold on to your panties, 'cause this is gonna be great.

Muvphmfm oGet outta here, Eugen! We don't want your kind here! Let us kids have our fun, and take your old man business somewhere else!

Ih49ob2i oAre you drunk, Holmes? It certainly smells like it, but with you I never can tell...


Ih49ob2i oRegardless, Lord Runan is an irreplaceable member of our company, and I'll thank you not to lead him down the road of debauchery.

F4aswdy8 oDAAAAAYUM, MAN! He got rekt! And it's not even close to what's going to happen to him in about ten seconds!

G6bwpi5h o
C5fzpi5l o

F4aswdy8 o Oh man.


Eugkjbjm o
Oonwwohe o




Xntledym o

F4aswdy8 o ...

Gpp9eoj4 oGwrvhqog o

F4aswdy8 o ...

F4aswdy8 o ...can I see that again?

Xntledym o

F4aswdy8 o Okay, one more time.

Xntledym o

F4aswdy8 o ...to hell with it, just spam it.

Xntledym oXntledym oXntledym oXntledym oXntledym oXntledym oXntledym oXntledym oXntledym o

F4aswdy8 o Ladies and gentlemen, Eugen, he who cannot swing a sword anymore: knocks one of the main characters on his ass out cold with a single punch to the face.

Gpp9eoj4 oGwrvhqog o

F4aswdy8 o And this is just the icing on the cake. Oh my God. That was so cathartic... Eugen, you're the true Übermensch.

Njdtyjkp oUm... Please forgive him, Mr. Eugen! If Holmes hadn't been drinking so much, I know he never would've said such things...

F4aswdy8 o He would have, and he would've gotten dropped in one hit just the same.

Um606rva oI remember you! You're that girl we met on Isura, right?

Njdtyjkp oY-Yes! My name's Katri!

Um606rva oKatri, got it. Please take good care of Holmes.

Njdtyjkp oI will, Lord Runan!

F4aswdy8 o He's gonna need it. Guy was already braindead, and now he's literally braindead!

F4aswdy8 o ...I love Eugen, man. Say what you will about this game, but there's no way anyone can deny that this is the single best advisor type of character ever in anything. Who cares if Seth can solo FE8? He was the blankest slate ever! He never would've clocked Ephraim into next sunday! But Eugen would've, and the best part is, he would've won. My goodness. Why don't we just send him alone against Guenchaos? Between his sass, his unparalleled strength, and his horrible plans, I can't imagine him taking more than a couple days to overthrow the Cult of Gerxel and Canaan both.

F4aswdy8 o And you know what the best part about this is? This isn't even his best scene. Ooohhh, no. His best scene's in the final chapter, and let me tell you, while it only surpasses this one by a microscopic margin in my eyes, it's just... oh, goodness gracious. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Wlzcnj5h o

F4aswdy8 o Who cares about that!? The only thing I want to exchange is wedding rings with you, Eugen! Just fucking marry me, you absolutely magnificent man, god fucking damnit! Call me all the names you want, Eugen is the perfect human being and you cannot change my mind! Not now, not ever!

P1zzgcas o ...haah... haah... okay. Let's calm down. Phew... man, that was the greatest thing ever. Ahahah...




5ldxgzus o
L8wvrs9e o
Adqj4bsh o
Xkeflied o
Dapmw7oy o
8h8romws o
Pmy9oxq0 o
Gg5syo7e o
8zi2bzqg o
Kykykken o
Dapanw9m o



Yeizdbsd o
Bi2catui o
Hifvllkw o
Vloq3vsv oK9vr8zdb o
Jkt0ghb0 o
Afvpsbha o
G0qszxg6 o
5ezslyuh o
Lojnnz9c o
Blrlw6qq o
6ufylfvz o
Uehk3oub oEdvkwd9y o
Xhxe2hhx o
Y2sus7et oGsidh2tm o



Ig4qwj9f o
Z1kewvhc o
9s5ztind o8fhrkfr1 o
3dwynjo2 oDncazs8t o
Qvrxvtgc o8fplabjb o
Zxleyitx o
Onbjxngz o
Cfqcm7ad o
Uftvuf6b oNdmkrght o
Fjsxp98u o
Euma3hjv o
Hvigjpxe o
Ufmymuba oQkovrs7s o
Mwcef8cd o
Hpvzbavi o
G4hc4fvj o
Gij9eodz oHdtxwtmh o
W2a9iepk o
8w2i9gag o
Oyjlqm7r o
Axqifeud o
Kzjg8boc o
Kiqexzfr o
Hvsi6s7d o
Xn0q1jjc o
8dcduavh o
Jet8ectw o
Focsgpjk o
Cgoclync o
2danderq o
41ck27hx o
Bhag3nib o
Safq5mym o






B8tb1l5i o

Anyway. Time for this. Here's the whole cast, for reference:

Zb5f1yoj oZaijay3h o2ppwt5tk o

Like last time, I will let you vote. However, unlike last time, I will force two things that I simply cannot allow to go differently. Sorry, but I'm not about to let you evil asshats ruin Kreiss's romance (on purpose or by accident). One of the requirements is that he goes with Runan here, so that's what he'll be doing. As well, remember how, way before Rishel's Bible and Best Scene Ever, Claris proposed that the rulers of Salia remain in the Hidden Village for the time being alongside their daughter? The game was serious about it: Katri will leave the team right after the route split. This means Holmes will need a healer. A better healer than Plum, of course (if she's deployed, she'll spend more time dancing anyway). More on that later.

Please keep in mind that, unlike last time, there's no indoor focus on either route. In fact, Runan's route is the one that gets the one indoor main map of this portion of the game. High movement is still appreciated in Runan's route, just not as much as last time. Just as before, though, I would recommend sending more of our stronger units with Runan.

Lastly, I've changed my mind again and have decided to let you vote on whether to promote San or Esther first. I still think Esther should get it, but I'll leave it up to you, that way I cannot be held responsible for it.

My recommendations will be in bold, while the forced decisions will also be underlined. Just as before, my own "votes" will break any ties that may come to exist, and you'll have... let's say until saturday to decide. Maybe I'll give you another day, depending on the amount of votes.

Let us begin.

- Kreiss with Runan.

- At least one healer must go with Holmes. Enteh cannot be moved from Runan's team, so it'll have to be either Lee or Mel. Keep in mind that moving Mel will require moving the one and only The Roger as well.

- Arkis with Runan.

- Julia with Runan.

- Rishel and Meriel with Runan.

- Lionel and Leonie with Runan. (I know this one seems rather strange, but please, please please please, if nothing else, let me have this one)

- Mintz with Runan.

- Sasha, Norton, Raphael and Kate with Runan.

- Lee with Runan.

- Tom and Garo with Holmes.

- The Mel The Trobadour and The Roger The Paladin with Holmes.

- Raquel with Holmes.

- Maruj with Holmes.

- Lionheart and Plum with Holmes.

And that's that! Nothing else, folks, it's all over! I'll see you next time, when we'll get to see what our teams for the second split will be looking like, and  just what happens with Shigen and that lovely lady of his. Take care to be here and ready to read, and keep those votes coming! Buh-byeeeee!

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

Reset count: 2 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 6



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So Sasha really is related to the other Pegasus Knights, huh?

I do like how all the sisters were like "Screw family responsibility, we're going to become knights." It's not how you'd usually expect these things to go.

And I hear you. Berwick withdrawal really is the worst.

Edited by BrightBow
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54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I think you should be . Being   is usually a good idea.


I mean, I brought this on myself. I'd say I should be impressed.

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Yeah, sounds good, Martin.

Now's when you're actually called Martin and I'm amazed at myself.


54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...is a nice thing to do? Of course, I knew that. Heheh...


Still annoyed I forgot that sentence and couldn't edit it. For the second time.

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
  Reveal hidden contents

I mean, a dying Elbert manages to wreck Nergal with an out-of-nowhere dagger. Just a thought.

Guenchaos, on the other hand, wastes no time and kills not just one but three Athoses by himself, warps all over the continent actually doing some work by himself, and eventually WINS. Sure, Gerxel was stopped after the fact, but the undeniable truth is that, for a few fleeting moments, he had won.

And that's why I like Guenchaos.


(I'm in an arguing rant here, sorry)

Wastes no time? He took most of his life to pull this off! His plan also involves recreating an empire to pull this off, so he could also be accused of theft from Manfroy and Gharnef he's pretty reliant on using the Zoans and things falling into place for his plan to work. He's certainly been thorough, but if something went wrong and he'd been caught earlier on there's a good chance he'd never get to the stage we see him at, leading the resurgent Gerxel cult and influencing Canaan while building up to his endgame.


Besides, he didn't even actually win, because he didn't get that seal fully broken and 3 dicks and a pussy got their pokes in.

If it weren't for a certain person though.... (And that is why Tia and Sennet needed their stories told.)

To be fair, he did this within a mortal lifespan. As an aside, one thing in Nergal's favour is he'd pushed against mortality, not to knock what Guenchaos does does in his mortal lifespan. On Elbert, Guenchaos's defence comes from the Zahaak, which opponents can't counter, while what Elbert did couldn't have been stopped even with the Zahaak as Elbert initiated (sacrificing himself as Kaga intended). Nergal with that would be about as dangerous honestly.

Aside No. 2, Guenchaos's influencing dragons is also something he has in his favour, considering how much of his plans used that at least once (but then again bloody POEM could do this, isn't not like Guenchaos was unique here). Imagine if Nergal had that to work with, Elibe would have been cinders.

It's not like Nergal only had his servants doing things, but for him his main goal was getting everything together as needed, no need for keeping an empire up (which he had morphs like Denning deal with. That you can hold against Nergal though). He was also enough of a threat that Athos (who'd probably break several of these sages himself at once, be honest because he's just ridiculous) had struggled to hold him off. Nergal had 2 far more powerful sages while Guenchaos had 6, most of whom were past their prime and seemingly frail enough to be easy targets. His goals also differ from Guenchaos's, both before and after Nergal want crazy: Nergal wanted to be strong enough to actually contain the dragon's power after bringing them in, which would require actually having enough to pull both tasks off and meant he needed sufficient quintessence he couldn't spend on murdering the Lycian dolts. Guenchaos only needed to be a strong as his human threats.


Guenchaos wanted to just kill everyone as a dragon and live with his dragon gf forever.

I'll be honest, if it weren't for the extenuating circumstances Guenchaos could actually have been boring. He's the more tragic villain, but I still feel more sympathy for Nergal when you get down to it: Guenchaos hadn't gone completely mad, he'd been more sane and an out and out nihilist due to his events. Probably doesn't help he never got a dose of pain from an equal (the coward).

(To be fair, I'm being harsh on Guenchaos here. I don not hate him, just feel that Nergal isn't as terrible as he's made out to be. Oh, he's probably not the top tier of FE main villains, don't get me wrong.)

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Jesus Christ. Is Hausen obsessed with dinner, too?

Why do you think he was poisoned?

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, but did he ever learn from those 6 SRPGs. I hate to be so repetitive, but AETHIN, PLEASEEEEEE FINISH THE TRANSLATION! I'M ON MY KNEES HERE, SEE?!

An actual good Thracia translation will be out sooner (No, that's not a joke. Project Exile is 5 chapters away and that's a bit less text than what Berwick uses.)

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I mean, I wasn't including KagaFE in my comparison, it was just TRS as the prequels and Berwick as the OG trilogy. TRS has Holmes, so my point stands.

I still think it doesn't stand.

Holmes didn't doom the galaxy.

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nope. (Spoilers) is more than enough for that.

I'll admit I've forgotten. Till later then.

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

When did I ever say I won't use him? Do you just assume good unit = not using? I mean, it's a fair assumption, but Rishel's cool, so I'd be down to using him. It's not my fault most good units are assholes or blank slates!

Well, you yourself wanted to use only bad units.....

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, goodness. That was among the stupidest deaths in my LP.

I mean, it's still not as maddening as with Raigh.

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, what a shame that he's already gone. Thankfully, we're about to enter a stretch of good bosses for Holmes, even if none of them reach Ahab's epic. And then, in the endgame... it's off to the worst bosses in the history of mankind for us. Ah, well.

I mean, are any of them Anankos?

Then no, they really fucking aren't.

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why is it a ghost, though? It touched Indy for real.

His hands go through Indy.

Indy didn't give consent!

55 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hello. I'm tired as hell and that's why it's taking me so long to update. For those who aren't europeans, we have a thing called "clock change" here. Basically what happens is that the European Parlament forces people to move their clocks one hour forward around this time of the year, so as to fuck up everyone's sleeping schedules for a week. Also, I'm completely behind in my programming class because the teacher decided it was a good idea to start teaching full-speed ahead in the middle of the exam week, and I've got a failed subject that I'm going to fail again in the retake because I'm tired as hell and I hate that subject because it doesn't even have anything to do with computers. Also I ran out of Berwick and that's the most horrible part about it all.

I mean, it's happened elsewhere.

Unlike most places, not for much longer.

58 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

x9WnRkz.pngDo not be fooled, my dear! This is surely one of my brother's tricks!

I'm disappointed you didn't edit this sprite.

Also, on their reactions, maybe they'd accepted death mentally but couldn't take just offing themselves.

58 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o You know, just once I'd like for this "adopted son/daughter finds daddies" to go on an entirely different direction: make the daddies be complete dickheads. That would be interesting to watch.

Well it'd be new to FE as a whole I think.

(There's something similar in RD apparently. I haven't gotten that far though)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

D276aybk oIt has been bearable, thanks to Zachariah. He's risked his life time and time again just to check in and bring us extra food. I don't know what we would've done without him looking out for us.

0zfd96rn o I just can't get over that. It's like he doesn't even exist anymore!

Maybe the game assumed he died to Ahab.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o Fun fact: in Berwick, a lategame boss appears in chapter 3 temporarily. He's nearly impossible to kill. Just nearly, though, there are a couple ways to get there. So what happens when he dies? Game over? The game implodes? Nope: Kaga added a bunch of events and alternative scenes in case the player managed to bring the boss down, and even some gameplay stuff related to a certain character changes if you pull it off. That's just one tiny example of how tightly written and designed that game's plot, characters and world are. How he went from one character's death breaking the story beyond repair to that is beyond me. Berwick truly was his masterpiece. I need the full translation and I need it five days ago, when I got to the end of the current version. Can you tell?

In many ways Vestaria feels like a letdown, Berwick would have been truly amazing to see localised (Maybe we should contact Enterbrain about this, I think they'd still have the rights.)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

8hjyjt84 oWhat are you, blind?! I'm a girl!

Muvphmfm oReally? Could've fooled me.

P1zzgcas o Okay, I've got to hand it to you, Holmes, I just love the way you just nonchalantly shot her down. Kudos to you. You're being uncharacteristically non-infuriating in this scene. Keep it up, if you please.

Holmes actually being a bit funny.

*Looks outside

Nope, no apocalypse yet.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Remember these? The first is one of the rules from the OP, and the second is one of the drawbacks that Dullahan has, which I vaguely described back when Shigen first joined.

You know how Dullahan makes Shigen virtually invincible, and using it correctly can potentially break the game in half? Well, here's the kicker: if Shigen dies before the second split, you get something extremely great. And you don't even lose Shigen, either. It'll make sense in context.

Of course, the fact that Shigen's such a good unit, coupled with Dullahan's existance, makes it so that, unless you know of this beforehand or are extremely bad at FE (shut up, I know), you'll completely miss this. See what I meant with the "really clever" drawback? Missing out on this is not gamebreaking, by any means, but what you're given if you do it is so good, it's just stupid not to take it once you know about it. Again, you'll understand when the time comes. Not this update, the next.

Had Shigen died before today, I would've counted his death like any other. However, this is the final chance we get to kill Shigen off, and he returns right after the route split, which is right after this. Therefore, just like I stated in the OP, this won't be much of a death at all. Add to that that I'm doing this intentionally, and, well, I don't believe this is a death count-worthy death. Thus, it won't get added to the death count.

I've been waiting for this fucking moment.

It also means you're getting a unit who can be hilariously broken. Oh boy I can't wait.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Jcnupzyw o9z2vkoa8 o


...you know? I think Silva might've just been defeated. May thunder strike me down if that isn't the greatest design in this whole, ugly-ass game! And no, it's not because boobs, I mean, c'mon, look at that! She's absolutely gorgeous! Again, not from a sexual kind of viewpoint... I-I mean, from that point of view as well, but not just that... what I am trying to say is that, since she's actually well-drawn and not footballman-drawn, then... ergo...!

Okay, she's hot, you happy now? Girls of the thread and Hawkwing, give me a hand here and tell me that her design's awesome, and that it's not just me digging the black leather.

It also doesn't help that she's stealing Eugen's pose, which makes me think of Eugen, which makes me need a cold shower, more than anything else. Urgh...

I mean, her design's alright and all, but her gameplay...... I can't wait to discuss it!

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Asv04ggj o1xdg2fpq o

C'mon! I was nearly set on promoting San, and now I don't know anymore!

I'll listen to you guys' opinions on this matter, but I personally think Esther needs the promotion way more. The boost to her offensive stats would do her wonders, and with her great defense, she'll be a force to be reckoned with, while San can afford to spend a couple more chapters unpromoted, thanks to her great stats everywhere except for defense (I mean, that never did stop Runan, did it?). Again, I'll keep what you think in mind, but I don't see myself making a vote for this anymore, like I originally said I would. The answer seems quite clear to me.

I'll still consider San, but who knows, I could be wrong.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
44xmowk3 o


Um606rva oI can't believe I'm having to lie about that but smile and wave.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Um606rva oWell, thanks to Lady Kate, it seemed that Zieg was starting to become more open. He would talk with others, and he genuinely appeared to be enjoying himself. But several weeks ago, he started pushing everyone away again, even Lady Kate. I can't help but feel that this is related...

0zfd96rn o Gee, I sure wish we had gotten to see those developments! If this was Berwick we would've

I mean, I think there was a bit.

Nowhere near as developed as would be great, but still.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o So yeah, you know how I've been avoiding him like the plague because he's "too OP for my tastes"? Well... to tell you the truth, it was just really convenient that I'd garnered a reputation of avoiding good units in my past LPs, giving me the perfect excuse to avoid this guy without arising suspicions. The truth is, Zieg leaves. And no, he doesn't come back. And no, the exp waste isn't the only downside to using him. This won't be the last time we see him, of course, but for now, let's just appreciate how Kaga just completely turned every FE convention upside down.

Zeig: The actual traitorous dick.

(I've been waiting to say that)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

4lt3brpp o I, Saint Rubenio, Self-proclaimed worst tactician ever and part-time universe destroyed, am currently in the process of losing my mind, which is to say, I'm going fucking nuts, because this scene, the one where Rishel discusses his family tree with Martel, from Tear Ring Saga, Kaga's FE game he made for the PS1 (PlayStation 1, made by Sony, a business) after leaving IntSys (Intelligent Systems, another business), is the most boring thing in the history of the world, a fact that is the same as saying that it is unpleasant to read due to its expository nature. One of you readers, including but not limited to, Dayni, Hawkwing, Eclipse, Brightbow, Butterman, Mad-Manakete, and the lurkers, please do send help (a means to prevent me from losing my sanity) so that I may continue to enjoy this scene that is still going.

I see the exposition swamp still catches people.

Also, I get first mention. I don't know how to feel about that (probably better than Butter Pengaius). I'll get some more of that Shaggy stuff.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Kipyyo4e o

0zfd96rn o I hate this. I hate this, because I actually like this whole subplot, and Rishel's obvious hatred for his father is well done. It's just the fact that it's all so piss-poorly conveyed!

Man, Kaga was hit and miss on his people interactions, even at this late stage.

I have to assume he got better by Berwick. He had 4 years after this game.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o Actually, she's had you beat for a long while now. She's got a huge wyvern now! Always an endearing sight to watch them on the battlefield, one gnashing the enemies' throats and ripping them out, the other gazing in horror and disgust. Take a guess which one is Sasha.

I mean, Sasha doesn't have the beck for it, so I say you're wrong on that face being horror and disgust.

(Don't worry, I'd make the same mistake.)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Necwjbhi oPqhadvrt o

I think she just did, no point in lying about it.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
8wdnflbv oLs0sfo5u o

This could have went down worse.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Zlt7piod oHjwo851p o

Mayheps I was right on there being something new.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oGet outta here, Eugen! We don't want your kind here! Let us kids have our fun, and take your old man business somewhere else!

Ih49ob2i oAre you drunk, Holmes? It certainly smells like it, but with you I never can tell...


This is how it starts?

Well shit, Eugen's 

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Xntledym o

F4aswdy8 o ...

I think it needed some visual/audio cue:

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Gwrvhqog o

F4aswdy8 o ...

F4aswdy8 o ...can I see that again?

No, but I think the Takumi Plop is about the same as how Holmes reacted.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

F4aswdy8 o ...I love Eugen, man. Say what you will about this game, but there's no way anyone can deny that this is the single best advisor type of character ever in anything. Who cares if Seth can solo FE8? He was the blankest slate ever! He never would've clocked Ephraim into next sunday! But Eugen would've, and the best part is, he would've won. My goodness. Why don't we just send him alone against Guenchaos? Between his sass, his unparalleled strength, and his horrible plans, I can't imagine him taking more than a couple days to overthrow the Cult of Gerxel and Canaan both.

I mean, Titania, but still, best of the ones who can't fight? Probably.

Unfortunately, Guenchaos has Zahaak to prevent Eugen's sass.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Adqj4bsh oXkeflied o

I miss Matthis the goof who was useless.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hifvllkw oVloq3vsv o

Man continuity lockout's affecting the characters!

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uehk3oub oEdvkwd9y o

I mean, Arran knows what shit feels like, even if he didn't see the person he was the most interested in get downed by hundreds of arrows.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ig4qwj9f oZ1kewvhc o

I fucking knew something was up.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9s5ztind o8fhrkfr1 o

.....Did they really let Progeny of Etzel take this?

This could only end-

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

3dwynjo2 oDncazs8t o

Pretzel: The man who let the idea of others equal to Marth ruin him.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Qvrxvtgc o8fplabjb oZxleyitx o

Why does this sound like Pretzel got some malign help?

If so, where?

(And I thought Douglas having to be by the king's side made him do mad things)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Onbjxngz o
Cfqcm7ad o

Can't have to chase after the king if he can't move, right?

(And fuck me, Marth being aware of being a statue. That's fucked right up)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Uftvuf6b oNdmkrght o
Fjsxp98u o

Oh shit, it's the yandere ending.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ufmymuba oQkovrs7s o

Oh jeez, are you ready to start praising Pesco as perfect?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Mwcef8cd oHpvzbavi o
G4hc4fvj o

I mean, it certainly would be.

Seeing everyone else just die horribly.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Gij9eodz oHdtxwtmh oW2a9iepk o

Well, he certainly can't redeem himself in his alternate timeline.

(Would Matthis have saved the world there?)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Jet8ectw oFocsgpjk oCgoclync o

Dangit Matthis, ruining best manakete.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Like last time, I will let you vote. However, unlike last time, I will force two things that I simply cannot allow to go differently. Sorry, but I'm not about to let you evil asshats ruin Kreiss's romance (on purpose or by accident). One of the requirements is that he goes with Runan here, so that's what he'll be doing. As well, remember how, way before Rishel's Bible and Best Scene Ever, Claris proposed that the rulers of Salia remain in the Hidden Village for the time being alongside their daughter? The game was serious about it: Katri will leave the team right after the route split. This means Holmes will need a healer. A better healer than Plum, of course (if she's deployed, she'll spend more time dancing anyway). More on that later.

Please keep in mind that, unlike last time, there's no indoor focus on either route. In fact, Runan's route is the one that gets the one indoor main map of this portion of the game. High movement is still appreciated in Runan's route, just not as much as last time. Just as before, though, I would recommend sending more of our stronger units with Runan.

Lastly, I've changed my mind again and have decided to let you vote on whether to promote San or Esther first. I still think Esther should get it, but I'll leave it up to you, that way I cannot be held responsible for it.

My recommendations will be in bold, while the forced decisions will also be underlined. Just as before, my own "votes" will break any ties that may come to exist, and you'll have... let's say until saturday to decide. Maybe I'll give you another day, depending on the amount of votes.

No Katri? Maybe this way she can get over Holmies.

I'll vote San to spite you. :P

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

- Kreiss with Runan.

- At least one healer must go with Holmes. Enteh cannot be moved from Runan's team, so it'll have to be either Lee or Mel. Keep in mind that moving Mel will require moving the one and only The Roger as well.

- Arkis with Runan.

- Julia with Runan.

- Rishel and Meriel with Runan.

- Lionel and Leonie with Runan. (I know this one seems rather strange, but please, please please please, if nothing else, let me have this one)

- Mintz with Runan.

- Sasha, Norton, Raphael and Kate with Runan.

- Lee with Runan.

- Tom and Garo with Holmes.

- The Mel The Trobadour and The Roger The Paladin with Holmes.

- Raquel with Holmes.

- Maruj with Holmes.

- Lionheart and Plum with Holmes.

I don't see any objections here (Yep, I'm on board with all these).

As an aside for the rest:

Whichever of San/Esther is promoted should go with Runan, the other with Holmes.

Zachariah and Alicia could be useful for Runan.

The thieves will have their uses on a certain map for Runan (considering one of them has an inaccessible even, I think at least one will do).

The others can stick with Holmes (And yes, please try Frau).

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

Reset count: 2 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 6


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I don't really have anything to say about the whole textdump sorry

My picks for the route split


Runan and the crew you're forcing on him, Arkis with the knights crest, Rossellini (to set kills up for Arkis) those not with Holmes.

Holmes: Sasha, Norton, Kate, Tom, Julia, Garo, Leonie, Mintz, Esther, San, Maruj, Rishel, Plum, Lee, Meriel, Lionheart, Raphael, Raffin, the Lance dude who can gain mov, and everyone else goes with Runan 

Oh sweet crap it's supposed to say Rishel not Rossellini, how does that even happen?

Edited by Pengaius
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10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, Laughing Sports Man is a better character name than "Cloud" or "Squall" because it's not a random meteorology term.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This can't be real. You're pulling my leg, thankfully.

Sort of. See, it originates from the fact my brother once played a trick where he took a "Superior Spider-man" flier from a comic store and put it in the front of a copy of the Deadpool game in a store and it just stayed like that because no one cared. So I decided to one up him by taking something I'd previously made as a shitpost about Sonic fan characters and printing it, and throwing it into a box for Sonic the Hedgehog for the Mega Drive at a Retro Game Store. Later that copy sold, and to my surprise recently turned up again, picture and all at a pawnbroker... before selling again. Doing a google search, it also appears to have had an outing on 4chan at some point.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, Rennac, Dozla and L'Arachel all somehow manage to be bad units in FE8 of all games. Says a lot about them. L'Arachel's a healer, though, so her life's easier, and Dozla can be salvaged, which is great because I absolutely love him as a character. Rennac... I like him enough, but he's just kinda there in case you want Colm to go Assassin for whatever reason.

Dolza was in that run by coincidence. He suffered from not being able to double during the latter half of the game, needed that ward that prevents crits due to having 4 luck, and was doubled by most enemies. Meant buying a lot of killer axes so he could just one shot things as much as possible... and picking his battles carefully. Rennac's biggest use there was as a support bot for Dolza

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahahah... ah, Order of Ecclesia. One of my favourite platformers of all time, as I've said multiple times in the past. It does get pretty goddamned crazy in the higher difficulties, though. Never beat Dracula on Albus Hard Mode Max Lv.1, he was a complete brick wall and I just didn't have the patience.

Not that it matters. Ecclesia's high point, for me, is Albus and Barlowe. Everything after that is just a nifty little bonus.

Honestly, when it comes to Castlevania, I like most of the series. Not so much the Adventure on Game Boy, Castlevania 64 (Legacy of Darkness is actually playable though), Lament of Innocence or Lords of Shadow 1&2.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I think your acquaintance might just be Robert of Salia. He pulled a Camus and swam all the way to France.

Improbable on the grounds that despite that French grandmother, I've never been anywhere near France.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I thought we'd established that three games ago, when I made Est wait instead of talk to Abel, resulting in Abel's death. And still it was a better fate for him than living to have his life ruined by Est.

Though when you think about it, his life was still ruined by Est. It just was the type to lead to a quick death this time.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, a lot of these "worst games ever" are really only known as such due to famous game reviewers such as the AVGN. I really like James and his reviews, but a lot of the games he reviewed aren't all that bad. Some don't even come close to it, actually.

Castlevania II comes to mind. Sure it's cryptic, but if it didn't exist, Metroidvania's wouldn't have been inspired by it. Then Ecclesia wouldn't exist. Neither would the Morning Sun quote seeing as it originates from Castlevania II and was referenced in Ecclesia.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"Cheese-eating surrender monkey"


Ah, so you're french! C'mon, confess! Surrender your nationality to me, ya cheese-eating surrender frenchie-monkie!

(fun fact, I'm half-french myself, but I don't know a lick of french yet I'm pretty good at english. Funny how that works)

Only part French. Which leads to a funny story where my younger brother was mocking the French, got told he was 1/8th French, and responded that he'd drain 1/8th of his blood so he wouldn't be. Something I continue to mock to this day.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Here's a question that's been on the minds of me and my friends for a while, that you can improve on: how in the world did Camus excuse himself from Tatiana's side for over a full year to don the universe's worst disguise, go off to Archanea and break Nyna's heart all over again? Because it is stated in Book 2 that the War of Heroes took over a year, and that's not even counting the time he had to spend travelling from Valentia to Archanea and back. Did he tell her he was on vacation or something?

I have no idea. It's the real mystery of the Emblem

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nah, but really, you won't find anything with my name. In fact, you'd probably get more milleage out of Saint Rubenio. I just tried my full name, and the only thing that came up were a bunch of social media accounts that don't even belong to me

I'm in a fairly good position with not being found namewise. I recently had a trip to a doctor where a patient with the same name got mixed up with me and they seriously asked if I was born in 1933 as a consequence. Leading to jokes about me being older than my own parents.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Now, can you give me an explanation for the mock fire Merric was rocking? I am all ears.

Obviously he had real fire, because he just walked onto the site. But it's fine, because they were fighting bandits. Best I can guess after that is that mages have some sort of control over the intensity of their spells and it's gameplay/story segregation that they don't let them become fatal. To be honest, explaining magic becomes either a cop-out or a contradiction in all but the rarest cases.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Now that we know his nationality, we can go and kidnap him as the bad internets people that we secretely are! r/grandmoms.

It'd be hilarious if you went to France and kidnapped some random thinking it were me. "You have a dog. You must be the right guy".

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why is it a ghost, though? It touched Indy for real.

Reminds me of the old (late 1800s) theory I read about poltergeists and the fact they were actually psychic manifestations of women's repressed sexual urges. Upon the theory being countered by an account of a single man being tormented by poltergeists, the writer of said theory claimed that the man must be a homosexual and it still counts. While there was no account as to whether the man in question was, I find it funny how it's "well how do you explain me then" "you must be gay". Wonder why occultism isn't considered a credible science with that method.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Soooooo that means the way I used it makes me a nazi, or not?

Didn't you just elect to remain neutral?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Harkinian in a mainline Zelda would be amazing.

Closest we ever got was the toilet hand in Majora's Mask who has his "Ho. You saved me" line from Wand of Gamelon. Not that I didn't already do a far from the forest thread about that claiming it was him. Coincidentally, the deku scrubs at the deku play spot in North Clock Town have the "just so long as you have enough Rupees" paraphrase of Morshu's line. Not to forget his mustache. I know it's probably a coincidence, but I can't help but wonder some times.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, just once I'd like for this "adopted son/daughter finds daddies" to go on an entirely different direction: make the daddies be complete dickheads. That would be interesting to watch.

How are they "daddies" when one of them is female? I'm so confused. Is there something Maria senior isn't telling us?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I really don't know what the point of this is. We're supposed to be going south to the Hidden Village to get King Dagnell and Queen Mario to meet Claris, something we do after the skirmish is over, so this line makes no sense at all.

Nevermind. Queen Mario it is.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lhtpz1ja o9u5tkfwq oTabg9pd7 o

He didn't read the spoilers, and is a better man for it.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I know this isn't a good time, but friendly reminder that Attrom is dead and so is Renee.

But you just said that in fiction water = safety. What did Renee fall in?

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So yeah, you know how I've been avoiding him like the plague because he's "too OP for my tastes"? Well... to tell you the truth, it was just really convenient that I'd garnered a reputation of avoiding good units in my past LPs, giving me the perfect excuse to avoid this guy without arising suspicions. The truth is, Zieg leaves. And no, he doesn't come back. And no, the exp waste isn't the only downside to using him. This won't be the last time we see him, of course, but for now, let's just appreciate how Kaga just completely turned every FE convention upside down.

So basically Orson but with enough chapters to actually matter, and a consequence of use other than exp waste.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

 Yes, he is, but he'll still tell you all about it. How are we going to find out otherwise?

He's assumed that Martel's name means she's stupid and has forgot, even though she made reference to it. On a side note, seems like Martel is a name just destined to cause something to go wrong, whether it's the dumbest plan in the history of Fire Emblem, or a literal family tree discussion. I can't help but wonder if Kaga's notes didn't say "Martel causes dumb exposition" and IS just winged it off that for a chapter of Binding Blade.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Always an endearing sight to watch them on the battlefield, one gnashing the enemies' throats and ripping them out, the other gazing in horror and disgust. Take a guess which one is Sasha.

That poor Wyvern didn't know what it signed on for.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gwrvhqog o

And on that day, Holmes got brain damage. Whether it would make him more or less intelligent time could only tell.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

8fhrkfr1 o

Why can I see this alternate world Pretzel as a future villain? The horror of watching a bad joke turn into a nightmare.

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12 hours ago, Pengaius said:

Runan and the crew you're forcing on him, Arkis with the knights crest, Rossellini (to set kills up for Arkis) those not with Holmes.

Are you trying to get Ruben to kill Arkis out of spite?

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On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

It's a tragedy, everybody.

I'm fresh out of Berwick.

I need more Berwick.

That is all.

Yeah, I saw you mention that elsewhere.

I don't know the full extent of how playing that game will affect this lets play. Other than fewer delays.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Welcome to today's episode of IJET. Today, Indy becomes Spiderman.


Indy-Jones, Indy-Jones, does whatever an archaeologist does.
Throw the whip, over pits. He punches nazi's until they die.
Watch out, here comes Indy-Jones.

Is he strong? Listen Bud. He survived a nuke that wasn't a dud.
Can he swing, from a whip? You saw from the camera that was under the "pit".
Hey there, it's Indiana Jones.

In the chill of the night, there are snakes at the site.
He faces his fears to do what's right, and saves the day every time.

Indy-Jones, Indy-Jones, famous archaeologist Indiana Jones.
Wealth and fame, he ignores, seeing it in a museum is its own reward.
Look out, here comes Indiana Jones.

Indy-Jones, Indy-Jones, famous archaeologist Indiana Jones.
Wealth and fame, he ignores, punching nazi's is its own reward.
To him, searching temples is a career, in places where men run from fear
You'll find Indiana Jones!


I actually made that up on the spot, although I referenced the original song several times.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, gotta love how you totally called the april fools update..

I'm curious when it was made now. And if you'd actually do a full lets play of the game one day.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hmm. Makes sense enough, I suppose. Though it still feels rather convoluted.

Honestly, it's just Alm's part and the plan to eventually kill the gods that's convoluted. The idea of starting a total war to unite the continent is much more straightforward, and the part I like more.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, in real life I'd first and foremost do some research into the charity. Too many phony charities out there.

Agreed. It is important to "be as shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves."- Matthew 10:16 (not the full verse).

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

What? Are you judging me again? Feel bad now, I compell you!

More a half-joke about wisdom looking observing many angles of life. I'll let the only one qualified to be the judge do that job.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Why... why is it so... bad!?

I don't know. Honestly, the only one that doesn't look like crap is the very first one, which is pretty much just a quick sword fight, and the models look much better in action than standing still. Well, okay, the cutscene where Jedah and Duma first converse is alright, but that's only because it's short and there's not much to it. And animation in the start up menu is nice, but again, it's simple and there's not much to critique. None of these have voice acting the the scene itself, either.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Barbarossa & Eugen: Superbeard Saga.

Xzs5pmw9 o

This was worth the wait.

This was worth every wait.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Narcus is the true adventure protagonist in this game.

Might explain why he's alone so much. And why he can think he can get away with stealing from Eugen. To Narcus, he was just an NPC quest giver that would only appear once or twice, and he may as well take the Elder Scrolls route towards heroism while he has the chance.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Purplish, I'd say.

Lets compromise and say purplish-red.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Summoning is only good in FE8 because you can control the summons. And still it is useless because the game's so easy.

I mean, the abundance of healing items and skills in Gaiden/Echoes mean that the cost of summoning them is pretty small, so there's not really a penalty for doing so. And they do have a use as distraction cannon fodder, and are downright necessary when fighting the first necrodragon.

 Genny's soldiers do become less useful as the game goes on, though, because soldiers are stuck with 4 move and are killed pitifully easily. Tatiana's Pegasus knights have a similar problem of dying easily, but at least their flying makes up for it. And Silque has the opposite problem of summoning Dread Fighters (I.E. the best class in the game), which mean that they can kill things a little too easily. Although a cleric having a summonable army of ninja's in hilarious to think about.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Those games are awesome.

They are. I know they're in the middle of making the sixth and final game, as well as remastering the previous ones.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, shut up, I'm on my way to stardom here!

Now at 74 views.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Come now, it can't always be about the violence. Harsh as though it may be, we must tackle the psychological side of things from time to time.

Violence is versatile in how it can be applied. It can be cartoony, realistic, gory, bloodless. It can be used for a wide variety of purposes, such showing that war is hell, or disgusting people, or getting genuine laughs with slapstick, and countless other examples.

Meanwhile, sexual topics are about the same crap every time. All it gets is a new coat of paint every few years.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know if that's the stupidest or the best thing ever. I'll go with "both".

Killer Instinct is pretty much "Combos: The Video Game". And I love it, even if I don't have the ability to play it at the moment.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

16 chickens on a trampoline? What...?

I'm more surprised by how the rest somehow fit God in there. I have no idea what the context is from those few phrases, but it is fun it think about.

Also, I looked at that book out of curiosity. It's one of those "we name a book after one scene in our lives" kind of things.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


Except I never let my guard down. I only accepted the apology and gave a warning.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Can I just say I don't understand the physics behind that? How's the sword flying?

Magic sword and telekinesis.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Damn y'all! You're bad at fueling my ego!

Humility is a virtue.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, goodness. You're waaaayy too much into gore. I would worry, if I was to be your next girlfriend.

I am paradoxical on violence. I hate it when things that could be rated T get an M rating just because they add blood or swearing, yet I can look at both over-the-top and down-to-earth examples of gore without flinching, and yet I am still disgusted by medical scenes in TV Shows and movies. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Also, I don't plan on ever getting married, so scaring a girlfriend is impossible.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, he did get killed by an Archer. Not sure about the blood-drinking dogs, though.

Also... pool of prostitutes? What's wrong with the Bible's author?

It was written by several different prophets, disciples, and record keepers since pretty much the literal beginning of time.

And that's not the strangest example of justice in the Bible.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Here's a question that's been on the minds of me and my friends for a while, that you can improve on: how in the world did Camus excuse himself from Tatiana's side for over a full year to don the universe's worst disguise, go off to Archanea and break Nyna's heart all over again? Because it is stated in Book 2 that the War of Heroes took over a year, and that's not even counting the time he had to spend travelling from Valentia to Archanea and back. Did he tell her he was on vacation or something?

Camus asked Conrad for his mask, to which he replied "are you serious?", to which Zeke took and ran with.

And he remained faithful to his wife, and probably told her that he had loose ends to take care of. It does say that he always returned to her in Tatiana's ending. Although if she dies, then Camus has all the time in the world for Mystery of the Emblem.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

...crap, I just disclosed my full name on the internet!

I mean, I kinda guessed that when I saw your youtube username.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Nah, but really, you won't find anything with my name. In fact, you'd probably get more milleage out of Saint Rubenio. I just tried my full name, and the only thing that came up were a bunch of social media accounts that don't even belong to me. You can actually get to my Steam by googling Saint Rubenio. I haven't updated my profile description in years, so I still have the cringey hipster bullshit 15-year-old me wrote. Also, artworks I did on Gmod.

Same situation, although that's more because I share my name with the first recorded person in my family line than anything else. That, and SF is really the only "social media" presence I have.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

From what I've gathered, that doesn't just apply to arrow wounds. Knives, poles... anything stabby should stay in, because so long as it's there, it acts as a plug for the blood. You take it out, and this happens, basically.

Darn you, youtube "sign in to watch this"! Don't you know that my suggestion box is as chaotic enough as it is?!

I'll probably watch someones reaction to it or something to get around it.


I don't know what I'm more surprised by; the fact that you know what this is, or that a show this morbid exists.

I am curious about how much blood the human body actually spurts when dead. In fiction, it either seems to be too much or too little.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Can I just say that I love how you managed to pull a huge reply out of your ass for the friggin April Fools update?

It helps that I played the game before. And because it was April Fools, I could get away with goofier comments.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Nice. Good luck learning how to use it.

Well I made these two/three things so far:



I'm not a big fan of that magic wand thing. It's a little to frigidity to get a use out of, and I end up erasing stuff by hand most of the time.

Still, I really like how this one turned out.



(I feel like this whenever I post pictures. Darn you, attachment space)

I had to screenshot the trampoline ones because otherwise they looked like this:





Isn't technology a joy?

Not certain which one I like more. The first one looks a little like the taguel sunk into the trampoline, but the second looks more obvious that I pasted something there, not to mention the shading issues that I swear will be my worse nightmare when drawing anything electronically.


On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I just sneakily delete the things that I can't really reply to. Mainly conversations between the readers. Ever noticed?

I have. And considering how long these take to come out at times, I do not blame you in the slightest.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

And now you have many, many things to reply to!

For better and worse. I'm at the two-hour-thirty-minute mark of writing at the moment.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

You're remembering wrong. The level you speak of is the one where Indy's disguised as a nazi, and you go into a maze of power generators, and it's followed by the level where you do parkour over gondolas. This is the last level of the Peng Lai section, you just go straight to the Black Fortress after that.

Right. I hated that power generator maze. I have not played this game in too long.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

First level of Peng Lai. Never used it up.

Guess you just chopped up the sharks with the machete like I do.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, it was an April Fools update. We could always say you're an April Fool for falling for the typo.

The joke excuse. Hilarious, but it can have a darker side depending on how it's used.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Annoying? Never. It's always a shame when enemies die in this game. I wish I knew how to give them more health.

Well, annoying that you failed to throw them over the edge. No matter the video game, that will never get old.

Your version of Vahalla would be you playing the game for all eternity with foes that would never die, wouldn't it?

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I tried to show it off, but it requires going into the drinking animation so both Indy's hands are occupied, and by this point in the game I never have water.

Right, I forgot that it was the second game I played where canteens have magical healing powers.

Man, I need to play this game again. Perhaps once I have the thing known as free time again.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

It's latin, actually. Means "get back!". Granada's just grenade in spanish.

I see. So it wasn't a typo earlier...

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Now I'm curious.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

A good thing to have.

Its a joke about how many times I've been ninja'd in forum games. It's almost as if I haven't officially participated in topic until someone posts seconds before I do.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


I think I accidentally exited out of a God of War 4 video of all the bosses (haven't played the game, but the spectacle is fun to watch) and Blustone's April Fools day joke, so that wasn't even all of them. I am curious if there is some truth to the joke that White Island will come to Steam, though, as the fishing minigame joke they made last year eventually became an actual thing.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Dynfqpxd o

Hmmm... no, I don't think that's Tom. Tom doesn't wear a mask. That's like saying Sirius is Camus. Pfah!

Why, yes, I just wanted to make a cover for the April Fools update and latched on to the first excuse that I could find.

This is worth the price of admission alone.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hello. I'm tired as hell and that's why it's taking me so long to update. For those who aren't europeans, we have a thing called "clock change" here. Basically what happens is that the European Parlament forces people to move their clocks one hour forward around this time of the year, so as to fuck up everyone's sleeping schedules for a week.

So daylight savings time, basically?

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, rant's over, let's get reading.

EDIT: Ruben from the future here. I'm proofreading the update and I just wanted to say that this is cringe af. Ruben from the editing room, edit that out, please.

EDIT: Ruben from the editing room here. Fuck you, Ruben from the future.

EDIT: Ruben from the future here. Right back at you, Ruben from the editing room.

EDIT: Ruben from the editing room here. Why am I called "Ruben from the editing room" when we don't even have an editing room? Can you give me an answer to that question, everyday Ruben?


EDIT: Ruben from the editing room here. I don't know why I expected anything else...

EDIT: Self-aware Ruben here. This joke has gone on for too long. Let us continue with the game.

EDIT: Ruben from the future here. Agreed.

Ah, these jokes. They rarely get old.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Y2q5k5yu o

Last time, we had just defeated Ahab. Manly tears were shed. Today, it's time for some more stupidity, courtesy of Holmes. What do you mean, you? You did jack shit! You got raped by Pegasus Knights and that's about it! Shigen, Zach, Garo and Lionheart did everything, while the others helped Esther level up!

Holmes will take any participation award.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o By the way, you know how Norton was randomly plot-relevant way after his recruitment back in Codha's downfall? How characters will occasionally have supportive moments, party, have fights to the death? How even the friggin' NPCs feel like human beings who do things? Well, no such luck with Zach. Zach just vanishes from the face of the earth all the way until the ending, where he gets a whopping two lines. No, I'm not even kidding. They didn't even try to do anything with their Deus Ex Machina character.

Poor Zach. He learned the art of ninja ones way out of the plot, but forgot to learn how to come back in.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

U7os55u0 o

Why would gargoyles have nests?

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Y5zvhsan o

0zfd96rn o Guess this is the king. Cute, uh... poncho?

He doesn't look like he spent years in a cell. Heck, my hair is more messed up when I wake up in the morning.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o You'd be surprised if you knew what Ahab's true colors were.

Wonder if it will be brought up in the inevitable "fade to black to explain something the player already knows".

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

x9WnRkz.pngDo not be fooled, my dear! This is surely one of my brother's tricks!


On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o So a random girl who looks nothing like either of you runs down here after Zachariah suspiciously disappeared, alongside a dumbass who's likely covered in blood and armed, and tells you that she's conveniently your daughter, and you just believe her? What do you mean, you can "see it in her face"? She looks nothing like you! Guess we know which parent Katri took after.

Which parent indeed.

I wonder what a family trip would look like with them and how painful it would be to watch.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o You know, just once I'd like for this "adopted son/daughter finds daddies" to go on an entirely different direction: make the daddies be complete dickheads. That would be interesting to watch.

I think this trope is actually common, but it depends on where you look.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Dvtskrxn o

0zfd96rn o Juni shows up to say one line, but Zachariah is nowhere to be found. Why are you so bad at things sometimes, Kaga?

I forgot Juni existed. Not really, but I just remembered her as "bad back-up thief".

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

D276aybk oYou there, boy... Who are you? It appears that I am greatly indebted to you for bringing my daughter back to me.

4lt3brpp o Again with this! He did absolutely nothing! It was all pure chance!

The king doesn't know that... yet.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

D276aybk oIt has been bearable, thanks to Zachariah. He's risked his life time and time again just to check in and bring us extra food. I don't know what we would've done without him looking out for us.

0zfd96rn o I just can't get over that. It's like he doesn't even exist anymore!

It's as if it he was supposed to die, had his life prolonged for a while longer by Katri, told us what we know, and then died anyway afterwards. That, or he left to wander and not actually join you.

Wonder if it was a last minute change to have Zachariah be playable.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That was pretty cool. Lionheart should've been the second lord. All the scenes where he's there are so much better than the ones where he isn't there.

Agreed. Ah, the days when DLC wasn't a thing. How we miss you, despite your imperfections.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oMeriel... Where have I heard that name...?

0zfd96rn o Er... nowhere?

On Runan's route.

Seems like a mistake on Kaga's part. Even he preferred Runan, it seems.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o Fun fact: in Berwick, a lategame boss appears in chapter 3 temporarily. He's nearly impossible to kill. Just nearly, though, there are a couple ways to get there. So what happens when he dies? Game over? The game implodes? Nope: Kaga added a bunch of events and alternative scenes in case the player managed to bring the boss down, and even some gameplay stuff related to a certain character changes if you pull it off. That's just one tiny example of how tightly written and designed that game's plot, characters and world are. How he went from one character's death breaking the story beyond repair to that is beyond me. Berwick truly was his masterpiece. I need the full translation and I need it five days ago, when I got to the end of the current version. Can you tell?

The inevitable Saint Rubenio Lets Play will be a joy to see, I can tell. Even if it may be several months to a year, it'll be worth the wait.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oYou said your name was Rishel, right? Why don't you come along with us? We're traveling all around this region, so we could help you look for your sister. Besides, I highly doubt you'll find anything if you just go back to Blaad.

0zfd96rn o Holmes, for the love of-- that's a... good... idea? How!? Is Shigen hiding in some bushes, whispering good ideas into his ear?

Nah, Holmes is just aiming to add another sidequest to his quest list. It's always a good idea to get some extra rewards on the way towards completing the main objective, is it not?

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o I really don't know what the point of this is. We're supposed to be going south to the Hidden Village to get King Dagnell and Queen Mario to meet Claris, something we do after the skirmish is over, so this line makes no sense at all.

Ruben from the future here. I thought of correcting that typo, but on second thought... nah.

Please make this type consistent throughout the LP. Please.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Remember these? The first is one of the rules from the OP, and the second is one of the drawbacks that Dullahan has, which I vaguely described back when Shigen first joined.

You know how Dullahan makes Shigen virtually invincible, and using it correctly can potentially break the game in half? Well, here's the kicker: if Shigen dies before the second split, you get something extremely great. And you don't even lose Shigen, either. It'll make sense in context.

Of course, the fact that Shigen's such a good unit, coupled with Dullahan's existance, makes it so that, unless you know of this beforehand or are extremely bad at FE (shut up, I know), you'll completely miss this. See what I meant with the "really clever" drawback? Missing out on this is not gamebreaking, by any means, but what you're given if you do it is so good, it's just stupid not to take it once you know about it. Again, you'll understand when the time comes. Not this update, the next.

Had Shigen died before today, I would've counted his death like any other. However, this is the final chance we get to kill Shigen off, and he returns right after the route split, which is right after this. Therefore, just like I stated in the OP, this won't be much of a death at all. Add to that that I'm doing this intentionally, and, well, I don't believe this is a death count-worthy death. Thus, it won't get added to the death count.

That... I... question what the thought process behind this was, but it seems like there was an aim to make sure that it was balanced and that the player wasn't screwed over for not doing something obscure.

Shame you would only find this out by accident or by looking it up somewhere.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Asm1goxj o

Very emotional, but I just spoiled your survival to the audience, so it doesn't work. Not that the sadness would've lasted much longer, even if I had done a good job at pretending I just accidentally killed you (let's face it, it would've been nearly impossible for me to do that, with how awesome Shigen is). In fact, the drama would've been over in exactly...

Guess he is somewhat surprised by his death after all.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Lhtpz1ja o9u5tkfwq oTabg9pd7 o

2... (Holmes actually caring? It's more likely than you'd think. Shigen's his best friend, and it shows)

Well, when your friend has a weapon that prevents them from dying, I imagine that their actually death would be difficult to accept.

Except Shigen doesn't die from this.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

9z2vkoa8 o


...you know? I think Silva might've just been defeated. May thunder strike me down if that isn't the greatest design in this whole, ugly-ass game! And no, it's not because boobs, I mean, c'mon, look at that! She's absolutely gorgeous! Again, not from a sexual kind of viewpoint... I-I mean, from that point of view as well, but not just that... what I am trying to say is that, since she's actually well-drawn and not footballman-drawn, then... ergo...!

Okay, she's hot, you happy now? Girls of the thread and Hawkwing, give me a hand here and tell me that her design's awesome, and that it's not just me digging the black leather.

It's alright. 

Sonya has the better costume for being a recruitable dark mage.

Why was I mentioned?

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Cz9lavnb o

This, though, I will show off. Notice how his sprite is different from Maruj's. Worse than Maruj's, to be precise.

His idle pose makes it look like he's going to do one of those stupid walks where they swing their arms left and right in an exaggerated manner.

It does lack Maruj's charm, I agree.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
O4cqyxze o285ff3it o

As for Sunflame, it's about as terrible as Starlight. Rishel casts a sun that makes the floor beneath the enemy burst into flames. As dumb as it is, Sylph's at least creative.

Why does it look like a medieval tapestry sun?

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Edap2wef o

Zach got a level. Look, it's his personality and story relevance, made into a level!

This got a bigger laugh out of me than it should. Poor Zach.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Frankly, I cannot imagine being imprisoned for 15 years. Forgive me if I sound like a brat here, but how does one endure the boredom? The "more pressing things to be worried about" excuse's bound to fall apart as time passes by. I think I'd be begging for the sweet embrace of death after just standing around with my thoughts for years.

Prayer, grace, and patience are how you get through years of imprisonment. Admittedly, those are more effective if you're being imprisoned because of your faith.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o And God. Don't forget God. He played a very important part, considering this whole thing's just been one dumb Deus Ex Machina after another.

He always plays an important part. Even though it's a can of worms using Him in fiction.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oOh, here... As promised, I got you a bunch of new weapons and gear.

4lt3brpp o When!? I never had the cash to buy weapons! You didn't get him shit!

He pockets part of the treasure because of the "captains share", is my guess.

That, or he bought the equipment weeks/months ago.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


It's sad that it's so hard to miss, you have to point it out.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Gee, I sure wish we had gotten to see those developments! If this was Berwick we would've

Telling instead of showing seems to be a common issue with these kind of games. And Berwick is becoming more and more interesting the more details we're given about it (which is nil, other than you love it).

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o So yeah, you know how I've been avoiding him like the plague because he's "too OP for my tastes"? Well... to tell you the truth, it was just really convenient that I'd garnered a reputation of avoiding good units in my past LPs, giving me the perfect excuse to avoid this guy without arising suspicions. The truth is, Zieg leaves. And no, he doesn't come back. And no, the exp waste isn't the only downside to using him. This won't be the last time we see him, of course, but for now, let's just appreciate how Kaga just completely turned every FE convention upside down.

While I'm fine with these from a narrative standpoint, I always disliked the gameplay aspect of this in games that have experience or levels and things like that. It means that precious resources go to waste the first time you play, and every other time it becomes unintentionally hilarious just how much you'll avoid using them.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o You know how that scene was absolutely amazing and threw everything we thought we knew about FE right out of the window? Well, get ready everyone, because this is, unless I'm forgetting something, the second most unbearable plotdump in the entire game. Goodness, is it bad. There are interesting things sprinkled here and there, but it's just such a dense brick of words, that it's really hard to swallow the good parts.

Who boy. It's going to be an exposition dump update, won't it?

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o It's always great to see how fictional works seem to be utterly convinced that water equals absolute safety no matter what. In this case, I can give them a pass because I can assume that Narcus caught him after he blacked out and it was him that carried him for "several miles, at least", but still, not the peak of human intelligence, this logic.

Videogames: You fell from the highest mountain of the game? Don't worry, you won't take any damage if you land in the small pool at the bottom.

Also Videogames: You merely touched the water, watch as your HP quickly goes to zero!

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o I know this isn't a good time, but friendly reminder that Attrom is dead and so is Renee.

Godspeed Ruben. Godspeed.

I'm starting to wonder how much they affect this plot after all, now.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Sadly, yes. I'm not even doing the old and tired Martel joke here, Martel's the whole reason the game's second worst exposition dump happens. Sigh... my wrists...

P1zzgcas o However, do not despair! Eugen's second best scene in the entire game happens right after this painful experience, so we must hold together! Also, do attempt to stay awake. I know full well it's going to be hard, but there are cool things to be seen here.

*Inward screaming followed by outward rejoicing*

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

4lt3brpp o I, Saint Rubenio, Self-proclaimed worst tactician ever and part-time universe destroyed, am currently in the process of losing my mind, which is to say, I'm going fucking nuts, because this scene, the one where Rishel discusses his family tree with Martel, from Tear Ring Saga, Kaga's FE game he made for the PS1 (PlayStation 1, made by Sony, a business) after leaving IntSys (Intelligent Systems, another business), is the most boring thing in the history of the world, a fact that is the same as saying that it is unpleasant to read due to its expository nature. One of you readers, including but not limited to, Dayni, Hawkwing, Eclipse, Brightbow, Butterman, Mad-Manakete, and the lurkers, please do send help (a means to prevent me from losing my sanity) so that I may continue to enjoy this scene that is still going.

You can do it Ruben! Never give up! The rewards are worth it! You have brought great joy to your readers across the world, both vocal and silent! You can do it!

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Uggd5dsm oOf course. Father was always a little funny in the head, but when Maeve was born with the Brand of Yutona, he completely lost it. When Grandfather Maios was away, he conspired with King Badoum to keep Maeve locked away in the Water Shrine so that they wouldn't have to worry about Mousa. Not even Queen Elena, his own sister, knew about it. After Maeve's "disappearance", she lost the will to live. When Sage Maios returned eight years ago, he foudn Maeve and released her. My mother killed herself when she found out what Father had done. When I saw Maeve for the first time, she was so weak she couldn't even walk, even though she was ten years old. It was a pathetic sight. I was still just a child, too, but I seethed with anger at my father's crimes. Even so, I couldn't do anything but cry. Meriel and I embraced her, and the three of us cried together.

Dang, that's, uh...

...Kaga doesn't pull punches with backstory, that's for sure.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o ...mmmnng... wa... wha...? Oh, yeah... yes, uh... tl;dr: Rishel's father Narith and the old king of Reeve kept Enteh imprisoned out of fear of Mousa, much like that arsehole Gotoh did with Tiki in Book 2. When he found out, the Sage of the Fire Shrine, Maios, banished Narith. Narith entered the service of King Badoum, and died fighting the Runeblade of Zoa. Rishel hates his father for what he did to Enteh. It has taken me three lines to convey this information to you, and that's counting the Gotoh hate and the part where I was sleeping. We aren't even half-way through the infodump. I want to die.

Please tell me this stuff isn't important. I'm skimming to save my sanity as well (and dang, I think this is the longest time I've spent writing an update thus far).

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o Actually, she's had you beat for a long while now. She's got a huge wyvern now! Always an endearing sight to watch them on the battlefield, one gnashing the enemies' throats and ripping them out, the other gazing in horror and disgust. Take a guess which one is Sasha.

That poor wyvern really bit off more than it could chew.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

8wdnflbv o

Apologies, but I'm a little too tired to really comment on these, other than they're well done as always, if sad over the recent events that transpired.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Muvphmfm oGet outta here, Eugen! We don't want your kind here! Let us kids have our fun, and take your old man business somewhere else!

Ih49ob2i oAre you drunk, Holmes? It certainly smells like it, but with you I never can tell...


Dang Eugen! I know almost no-one has taken Holmes seriously, but this is to an entire 'nother level!

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ih49ob2i oRegardless, Lord Runan is an irreplaceable member of our company, and I'll thank you not to lead him down the road of debauchery.

F4aswdy8 oDAAAAAYUM, MAN! He got rekt! And it's not even close to what's going to happen to him in about ten seconds!

If words could cause physical pain, Eugen is crittiing every time he opens his mouth.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
G6bwpi5h o
C5fzpi5l o

F4aswdy8 o Oh man.

Holmes picked the wrong guy to say that too.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Eugkjbjm o
Oonwwohe o
On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Xntledym o
Gpp9eoj4 oGwrvhqog o

Looks Like Runan want's Eugen to save his best lines to use against the enemy, and for Holmes to survive so it doesn't cause a game over.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

F4aswdy8 o Ladies and gentlemen, Eugen, he who cannot swing a sword anymore: knocks one of the main characters on his ass out cold with a single punch to the face.

The true reason why Eugen isn't allowed to fight is because he'd make the game so easy it may as well be a book.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

F4aswdy8 o ...I love Eugen, man. Say what you will about this game, but there's no way anyone can deny that this is the single best advisor type of character ever in anything. Who cares if Seth can solo FE8? He was the blankest slate ever! He never would've clocked Ephraim into next sunday! But Eugen would've, and the best part is, he would've won. My goodness. Why don't we just send him alone against Guenchaos? Between his sass, his unparalleled strength, and his horrible plans, I can't imagine him taking more than a couple days to overthrow the Cult of Gerxel and Canaan both.

Well, there are some adviser characters that I can think of that rival or surpass Eugen in snarkiness and humor, but damn if Eugen isn't up their in temrs of quality.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

F4aswdy8 o And you know what the best part about this is? This isn't even his best scene. Ooohhh, no. His best scene's in the final chapter, and let me tell you, while it only surpasses this one by a microscopic margin in my eyes, it's just... oh, goodness gracious. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

This LP will end on a high note, then. That's great to hear.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

5ldxgzus o

Once again, I'm tired. Plot. You hate Pretzel. Past events are now sadder. Outer Heaven.

Man, I need Eugens energy right now.

On 4/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

Reset count: 2 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 6

Ey, you actually added him to the death list! I can't wait to see the reactions of people who see that out of context.

And damn I think I spent 5 hours writing all this! I don't even care about any spelling errors I made.

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