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Chaos reigns when I take the reins! - Let's play Tear Ring saga, Ironman mode, while being terrible at Fire Emblem!

Saint Rubenio

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All right, so I'm the one that has the problem now. I press submit, I do the captcha, and then I am redirected back to the thread... Only there's no update anywhere to be seen. No error messages or anything.

I hope this problem doesn't last. It'd really hilarious if the LP died right before the end because of technical difficulties.

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All right, so I'm the one that has the problem now. I press submit, I do the captcha, and then I am redirected back to the thread... Only there's no update anywhere to be seen. No error messages or anything.

I hope this problem doesn't last. It'd really hilarious if the LP died right before the end because of technical difficulties.

I'll give it until the end of the year. Then I do something drastic.


Like hunting a local cryptid known for it's aggressive nature and alleged strength with nothing more than a bow. Because there's no way that can possibly go wrong.


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I hope this problem doesn't last. It'd really hilarious if the LP died right before the end because of technical difficulties.

If it dies I'm punning it. 

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An update, everyone. An update on the update, not the actual update, though. I just redid the whole update, erased my cookies and tried again. Not necessarily in that order. As you can see, it didn't work.

I have one more idea. We'll see what happens tomorrow morning. If that doesn't work either, the LP is officially dead until the site is fixed, because this is completely beyond me.

Cross your fingers at home.

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52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

An update, everyone. An update on the update, not the actual update, though. I just redid the whole update, erased my cookies and tried again. Not necessarily in that order. As you can see, it didn't work.

I have one more idea. We'll see what happens tomorrow morning. If that doesn't work either, the LP is officially dead until the site is fixed, because this is completely beyond me.

Cross your fingers at home.

You could try doing multiple posts in a row. I think a mod would forgive double/triple/quadruple-posting with the submission issues. It'd be inelegant, but it worked for me elsewhere.

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Part 75 - Departure.

I like how I managed to finish the update ahead of schedule for once, but then the site shat itself and I ended up releasing it as late as ever. It's extremely frustrating, to be honest, because the next updates are all going to take a while.

Ah, but it's no biggie. I've just had to copy-paste all of the update to a separate Word file, redo all of the replies, be screwed over by ctr-z and have to do it again. Then, upon realizing there was no way to just copy the URLs of the pictures, I simply had to go to Imgbox.com and drag all 240~something images back to their places, one by one, over the course of a fucking hour. In a school day. I should probably read it over again now to see if anything's out of place, but I'm sick to death of this update, so use your imagination to fix any problems you encounter. I've done enough as it is.

If this doesn't work either, I think it'll be time to just give up. Either that, or put the update in my pendrive and try to upload it from my school computer. Now there's a thought.

To brighten the mood, I have no cursed images to share this time around. Only a cursed video. Yep, that did happen. Gotta love the 2010 video quality, too.

Take me with you:

On 9/25/2019 at 8:19 PM, BrightBow said:

Richard is the one character I loath almost as much as those self-pontificating, sociopathic avatars in Awakening and beyond. Dooming the entire world just because the girl he was crushing on didn't instantly accept. Not like she has other things to worry about or anything, what with the whole war going on and shit.
I guess Aethin's translation here must still be fairly accurate. I can of course see why he felt the need to change some stuff later on in an attempt to salvage that trainwreck. But we will be getting to that soon enough.

Okay, that's... a strong opinion, right there. Can't say I agree or disagree, the only avatars I'm familiar with are Byleth and Kris. Byleth has no character, and Kris is, for the most part, harmless.

Dooming the entire world just because the girl he was crushing on didn't instantly accept. Not like she has other things to worry about or anything, what with the whole war going on and shit.

Yeah, he is a humongous asshole. The thread shall rejoice when he dies.

I guess Aethin's translation here must still be fairly accurate. I can of course see why he felt the need to change some stuff later on in an attempt to salvage that trainwreck. But we will be getting to that soon enough.



Frankly, that's why I can't bring myself to dislike what Aethin did. I'll talk about it in detail when we get there, but I'll say this now: while I do feel that he should've been more transparent about it, his changes salvage Richard and spin him into an actually interesting and - heck - even somewhat likeable character for me. The original Richard is just... so boring. Bad guy sells out magic girl. Bad guy regrets everything and redeems himself by sacrificing life. Everyone forgives bad guy. Yawn. In my humble opinion, Aethin's Richard is so good, I could not fathom to even consider his original version as the "real" one, principles be damned.

Like I said, though, we'll come back to this later.

On a positive note, the thing with Zieg is genuine brilliant. He only ever spoke the truth except for that one tiny detail that changes everything.

This line sumarizes those three paragraphs I said in the update.

You can tell they were going for something similar with the Lopto Cult in FE4. Especially when conquering the Yied Shrine in chapter 7. But it was all very surface level. And it didn't exactly help that all the cultists actually shown on screen where still cackling evil. So it's nice to see that concept finally fully realized here.

Agreed. I also like that it's not just Zieg that's the "odd one out", so to speak, and everybody else is a crappy person. Carla is also grey, Guenchaos himself is grey, even the generic garbage bags can be explained as fanatically despising the Reevans for their oppression of their people - and rightly so, too. What Reeve did was unforgivable. It's just... all sorts of amazing.


On 9/25/2019 at 8:44 PM, eclipse said:

Well, there's Richard.  Even his green hair can't save him from being trash, morally speaking.  So there is a cartoonishly evil villain, but he doesn't look like the typical ugly one.

I mean, was there anybody who ever expected him to be good?


On 9/26/2019 at 5:32 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Dolharken is nice, 90 use Brave Axe is nice (and I should have actually used it), Killers are nice, Hammers and Poleaxes have uses.

But, there is no way to mitigate AS loss in TRS. Sure, human enemies are usually molasses, but Dolharken's 20 Wt means at very most, Samson or Barts will be looking at 3 AS. Dolharken gives them a hefty counter with 20 Mt, but they won't be ORKOing. I even question how much tankiness the damage-halving gives them, but I could be wrong on this point. But for me, none of the dedicated Axers or Lionel managed to get that much Def, I can't recall exactly why, but even with all the HP he had, Samson seemed, I dunno, squishy in Def compared others to the point it weakened Dolharken's boost?

Con made all the difference for me. Against enemies just as weak, Thracia's lot of Axers are better off than TRS's. 

That's true enough... except TRS has a good dedicated axe user, a great dedicated axe user, a great lance user that can branch into axes, Raphael and Zieg. Thracia has Orsin and... that's about it, really. The axeman selection of Thracia is, comparatively speaking, a lot worse. And like I said last update, Thracia has Pugi and not much else when it comes to good axes.

To return to the Dolharken again, it is only one Axe. Sure it and the Brave could feasibly last Samson or your other choice of primary Axe user the entire rest of the game. But one shouldn't ignore that when it comes to fancy toys, Axes didn't get every last one of them. Swords got the lionshare, with almost as nice Braves and Killers, accompanied by the Schram, the Sol, the Luna, the Lukuud.

I don't see how that's supposed to be an argument against axes. Yes, Kaga still loves swords. That doesn't detract from the fact that axemen have an axe that halves all damage that isn't exclusive to one guy, a brave axe with 90 uses that's way better than the brave sword, killer axes with way more might to better use the crit bonus, a surprisingly light and strong ranged option that doesn't require having magic...

What I'm saying is, yes, swords have very good options. But how does that prevent one from also using the good axes? That's like saying "Oh no, I already have Sierra using Sylph, so I won't give Canticle to Meriel". There's no need for such restrictions.

-Not that you need fancy toys all the time, and when it comes to commonplace weaponry, Axes are inferior by virtue of their weight. So I contend. But to be fair, I didn't have any Axe users with Runan besides Zieg, and Raphael dismissed the use of Axes out of hand. Maybe Axes are just not so good on Holmes's side.

You underestimate the speed of this game's axe users, and overestimate enemy AS. Bartz and Samson are both extremely fast, way faster than you'd expect from axe users. With 13 base speed and a 40% growth (very high for this game), Samson never has trouble doubling, unless he's using something like the Dolharken, and if you're having him use that, it's either for the survivability (which is way nicer than you give it credit for, half the damage means it takes double the hits to kill him in any situation) or for the huge might. With a killer axe? He'll double everyone but the faster monsters. Bartz and Lionel aren't very far behind, either. And thanks to the high might of axes, they'll often deal better damage than most sword users.

The low weight of swords is nice, but it does not make swords completely outclass axes.

+9.45 HP, + 3.5 Mag, -4 Skl, +0.6 Spd, Lck is average, Def is +0.15, Res is average. Angelic Robed?

Yep. Still, +3.5 magic is hilarious, especially considering she capped it four levels back.

Her Magic is a 50% growth, so you did better than average with the coin flips. She must have lost an equal amount of eyesight to gain the inner faith to grow that Magic stat, but I don't think thats a big deal.

Who cares about skill? It's light magic. The only good thing about it is that it's accurate. Which... it isn't, in FE6. But still. Elen is God.

I was joking with a factoid I read once. It was in this magazine article. An enjoyable short history of the luxurious red spice. A statistic here puts Spain at exporting 190000 kilos of saffron in 2010, but only 1500 kilos were produced in the country, the rest had to come from somewhere else. And Iran at the time produced 96% of the saffron crop. 

I understand.

I was not at all popping in politics with this, why would I ruin this topic with that odious thing? The only nukes I'd be willing to entertain is how much excessive saffron it'd take to nuke your tastebuds. 

All right, let's keep it that way.


Oh no, it's the villain I barely know!

Canaan is Rigel, not Archanea under Hardin. For Sennet must be Alm. Or, Bahanuk is proto-Brendan Reed, his brain went to total mush once a young lady, certainly young enough to be his daughter in this case, came walking by.

I thought the community had already accepted that FE7 is a blatant rip-off of TRS. There's really no need to point out that Bahanuk is proto-Brendan Reed: it's obviously what he is.

When characters stick to the exact same expression for 95-99% of the game, the one time there is a facial expression change, it ends up being atrocious. There is no excusing how poor and bizarre this is. Why didn't Runan get something similar with Enteh? Or Zieg a nice dying face as though he had achieved apotheosis?

It's really weird, I agree. Oh, well.

I don't get what you said about Zieg, though. He died destroyed by doubt, feeling like he disappointed both of the most important women in his life. How is that "apotheosis"?

Why would you ask for a kingdom that has been in utter chaos for 50 years and needs a real fixing up? Take something else, like... well actually, most of Lieberia is probably in the dumps to some extent. Canaan has been under Gerxel-manipulated rule and just lost a war, Salia has been under mixed control, Reeve was ransacked by Enteh's father and then Canaan. You should've asked for Welt, that is probably not so badly off.

It's established that rebuilding Leda has been his dream since he was a little kid. I can imagine he became obsessed enough for it to trascend a mere pursuit for power. He wanted Leda, and Leda alone.

Now this is the kind of sibling love FE needs more of! Willing to order a full-scale invasion of another country just to rescue your little brother. I mean, Guenchaos would have liked some sort of attack sooner or later to grab Princess H2O, but this is touching, albeit not exactly the right thing to do.

Can I nominate Carla for the "Sister of the Century" award? Just like I nominated Elisabeth Farnese for "Mother of the 18th Century", because she gave all Spain she had, just to get her two little boys each a throne of their own.

Sure, Carla can have the Sister of the Century award. Y'know, one of the insane cultists, who murdered a man in front of his daughter.

...this game, man.

I'll concur on on the Sorrowful Knight point. Zieg manages to have all three of:

  • A likable personality
  • Good hesitation in performing their duties
  • An understandable loyalty to a cause, which they ultimately die for

Thisis in contrast to Camus and Eldigan, who really lack the last of these three qualities of model Camushood. Or Selena Fluorspar who lacks the second quality if having the first and third.

Most Camuses tend to botch it up, honestly.

Reinhardt lacks all three, in my opinion, as he only ever seems to hesitate when it comes to fighting Olwen. The child hunts don't faze him.

Gale's... likeable enough, I guess, but his has to be the dumbest reasoning for not jumping ship. Zephiel is a madman who wants humanity to die - Bern included, Guinivere is a beacon of hope for the rest of Elibe and Bern both, his protegé and love are with her... and yet he stays because... he doesn't want to betray the king and Murdock's trust? I'm sorry, what kind of a reason is that to go along with the genocide of humanity?!

Murdock makes for a better Camus in FE6, frankly. He actually has believable personal reasons to stick to his guns, what with him being the closest thing to a friend, a brother and a father Zephiel ever knew, and the scenes where he roasts Narcian and the Etrurian traitors are awesome. Of course, he doesn't hesitate, but at least he's only lacking one. Gale lacks two, maybe even all of them.

Linus's Camusing is believable enough, but Lloyd's is not. Lloyd is smart enough to tell that Eliwood did not kill his brother. Yet he refuses to believe it and just kills himself for no reason. Meh.

Speaking of Canaan, I'm not really sure of what I actually make of their leadership.

They were there, they seemed nice enough, but I didn't really develop much tender feelings for them. They were never truly the enemy, and yet they hardly chaffed at obeying the King doing the conquest and defense despite knowing full well Gerxel controls it all and its wrong. Ernst and Barbarossa might have been a little redundant too. And I don't think they deserved to be confronting Runan, he has nothing to do with them. I'd rather have experienced Sennet's journey and placed them there.

I don't know, it's very clear from the start that everybody, from an average joe like Seamus to Prince Julius himself, were working to delay Runan's conquest. Starting with Ernst, they're actively trying to buy Sennet time. They have no reason to go against Sennet. They do have plenty of reasons to fight Runan.

They're, as odd as it might sound, Doric columns. They're classical, they look fine, they're what holds up the roof as I walk from the entrance of the journey to its conclusion (but only for Runan- Holmes has nothing to do with them, undermining the amount of limelight they get). But they don't jump out at me as splendidly artistic.

Well, that's all right. I can respect that opinion. But I disagree, I have a soft spot for these guys. Barker, especially. Man was only following orders so that he could inherit the throne, and then undo the crap Bahanuk did. It's tragic, when you consider that, due to Carla's meddling, his plan was doomed to fail from the beginning.

BTW, how much would you have wanted to experience Sennet's adventure?

On a scale from 1 to 10? Yes.

And how much would you wanted to have experienced Tia's adventure? -If they gave her a retinue beyond just Richard the Lionhearted* (lets pretend they weren't important enough to visibly make it into the Leda castle ruins battle)?

Yes, too. Give me all of the routes. All of them.

Having gone through it myself, I'd say a 3/10, pretty easy. It looks worse than it actually is. Maybe a 5/10 if you can't get to certain spots in time and then things go south.

Yeah, I meant emotionally. The chapter isn't that much of a problem.

Fair point, I forgot all those cut-in pauses with the same old quips. Maybe it stems from me having animations mostly off in Fates and SoV. Those would delay things significantly, more than any of RD's little trigger alerts that you got a critical or skill proc.

All I can say is, I miss the old animations. As fun as some of the lines are, they're just... not as good.

Similar is putting it mildly. Agreed on the handling of the Zoans.

I'd say this game has flat villains on the whole, it didn't give me much reason to think Guenchaos as anything but generic and not worth caring about. But the last two chapters do throw in real effort for improving the Gerxel villains, late much, but appreciated. Carla is psuedo-Sonia before Sonia was a thing- but far better, and Guenchaos is some sort of Gharmangal fusion. 

In this case, I'm not so sure late equals bad. They give you all the time to think of them as nothing more than insane cultists who are wrong, and then in the last minute they drop the bombshell that you're the reason they were so terrible the whole game through. It's pretty damn good, all things considered.


On 9/26/2019 at 4:10 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

So tell me, is she still worse than Barth and Macellan if she achieves that? (technically yes)

Objectively, yes... but I think she's more fun than Barth. Not sure about Macellan. That man killed the Shadow Dragon.

You mean the growths last time or the story last time? Because if we we factored both it'd probably end in her capping everything she could.

Everything. And I mean, she capped 3 stats, and even has workable speed.

It crushes your soul and leaves you a withered husk that looks like it fell out of a sarcophagus. Or at least that's how I think of Nosferatu.

Oh, Jesus...

I recently had a dream where Ferdinand Von Aegir was inexplicably in my high school year. Because fuck logic. He was complaining because we had a school ball (which, spoiler, never happened in reality and probably stems from the same source as him) and he, other than myself was the only one who couldn't get a date because all the girls were taken except one whose boyfriend (according to dream lore) died the prior week in a car crash so she was sitting this one out. This resulted in him complaining with the expected "but I am Ferdinand Von Aegir". Meanwhile I, because dream logic, removed the tuxedo I had on for the event (because apparently we both had the bright idea to get dates AT the event) and switched into normal clothes in front of everyone like it was a normal thing to do, and then left to the nearby 7/11 for a slurpee.

Ah, Ferdinand Von Aegir. Never really thought much of him. He was just... kinda there. His design is extremely generic pre-timeskip, and I despised how high and mighty he behaved. I did pity him a bit when


Edelgard stripped him of all his titles.

Then he showed up with a generic bossman, even though by all rights he should've


been killed by Edelgard by that point,

and he died. I must say, I could not relate to Dorothea's mourning of him. Guy was a douchebag. I much would've prefered to get to spare Acheron, for some reason his voice reminds me of Lionel Hutz and I love him for it. Heck, even Lorenz. At least he has a personality beyond repeating his name.

Jokes on them. It just means I don't have to buy the DLC. Because you cannot stop an object at rest. Or appeal to a fetish that's non-existent.

Yeah, correct. Unless they release something completely different, I won't be buying it either. Nor will it save the game for me.

Is that sicker than average?

Nah, saner than average.

Also love how "Arkis's fanboy" is used like an insult when it sounds the most wholesome of the lot.

He makes puns with everyone I kill. He's insane.

But the reference relates back to a post asking "what is Mt. Lady's brassiere size when in big forme" (something to do with My Hero Academia characters I don't quite know).


Regardless, it resulted in a number of omegle spy mode variations.
-"what is gannondorf's brassiere size when in pig forme"
-"what is ridley's brassiere size when too big"
-"what is shantae's brassiere size when in elephant forme" (which I once saw answered with "64DD")
and of course, my favourite
"what is malificient's brassiere size when in dragon forme"
Mind you the last one's only my favourite because I'm the idiot responsible for the poorly spelled mess.

Oh... well, I am so sorry.

Well, FE12 also confirms that he was safely recruited first. But pretty much how I consider it to work. I'd have said the same applied for Frey... except he was very obviously the canon sacrifice.

I just wanted to make the obvious dark joke.

Ah. But the thing is, we're talking something nearly a half decade ago. I'm well over it by now. Even if I've not been on a date since. When you look at it that way... it's not just dating "simulators" I seem indifferent to.

Oh, well. It's good that you haven't let it bring you down.

The fact that people read your LPs begs to differ. Entertaining people is a skill, and so is maintaining a sense of humility when doing so.

Hah! Thanks a lot for the kind words. I appreciate it.

I recall one of Ashe's supports revealed there's a rather canonical reason for his ability to pick locks. That was one of my favourite aspects of the character. But generally speaking, I felt the Blue Lions route superior to the Black Eagles and Golden Deer routes in the early game because of the fact you had characters who tied in to these early game bosses like Miklan and Lonato. Then there was Annette with Gilbert, who you got as a green unit.

Not to mention spoilers I deleted because I lost all the spoiler boxes when copy-pasting.

Yeah, the other routes don't seem to have as much of a connected cast.

Mind, poor Mike was still alive (as much as living without a head is living). One possible explanation I've seen posited was that Mike was a mutant, because people have (unfortunately) taken to attempting to replicating him for their own fifteen minutes of fame. Something I consider utterly abhorrent. None have succeeded, so the theory is that his brain-stem was positioned differently from the average chicken due to his genetics. Can't help but think this was the chicken equivalent of Ernst. I mean, surviving after being decapitated so you can serve as food is the chicken equivalent to dying standing up. It's an ultimate act of defiance to fate.

Ernst's probably taking care of Mike as a pet in the afterlife.

I wish I did not google that. So no. The silly edit is safe.

Hahahahahahahah... I'm so sorry.

Given English is my native tongue, and other kids would assume I was foreign back in my school days because I picked up an accent atypical of my own country somehow... I wouldn't be surprised. The fact they could never decide what sort of foreign I was always amused me. (I've heard assumptions from everywhere from Germany to Norway). Mind it didn't help my vocabulary was atypical of someone in that age group, you'd hear complaints about my use of the language that where entirely erroneous. Even in written form, I specifically recall being told I'd spelt "meat wrong" when I used the word "mete", despite the two being different words with different meaning. So long story short, don't worry about it. It literally can happen to anyone.

Ah, yeah, I remember being a pompous little prick when I was younger. Still am, a bit, but I try not to be so obvious about it.

Yeah, that Rattlesnake Dick joke I made way back? That turned out prophetic.

In more ways than one.

When even he recognizes he's a piece of shit.

At least he does. That puts him above the Slaver, at least.

I think he's serious for once. He's got a clear goal and knows what he's doing. This is a new Holmes.

But... the crooked smile...

I'd argue cartoonishly evil works sometimes. Lord knows my favourite villain of all time is Judge Death (who is literally a lunatic who decided only the living commit crime, so the solution to crime is to kill everyone). But sometimes having a sympathetic backstory to a villain works better. Especially if you contrast it with someone more cartoonishly evil... like Lentzenheimmer. You know, the guy even these guys hated?

Oh yeah, Lentzenheimer's this game's most straightforward villain, but I love how well-written he is at that. He managed to get literally everyone to hate him. Canaan, Reeve, the players, fuckin' Gerxel... it's amazing.

Tatus, Richard, Lentzenheimmer, Slaver, Codha, Waluigi pretending to be a Fire Emblem character to get into smash while threatening to burn Leonie at the stake. Take your pick.

Waluigi pretending to be a Fire Emblem character to get into smash.

I feel I've read this before, but it's made me cry all the same.

I saw where this was going earlier in the conversation. I mean, you don't fake a back full of scars if you're not an insane cultist.

Yeah, right.

Truly an interesting update. Though it kind of reminds me of my old jokes about Dagon being persecuted for his hat... and now it's kind of close to the truth. I really need to stop influencing reality with my jokes.

To think, perhaps the guy seriously did get persecuted for his hat... and his beliefs. And it led to him murdering Seamus.

Now, seeing as Eugen is back... and by extension a certain thieving lowlife has returned... I think it's time to unveil a song inspired by my recent discovery from the Les Miserables sound-track.

Does it have anything to do with me? I did write that song about Marth and Roger, but never got around to tell you the source...

To the tune of "Javert's Suicide" (or the Camus anthem), I present "Narcus' Suicide". Definitely not to be confused with any lost episode creepypasta. (Inspired by events long in the LP's past)

The song

A success, as usual.

You need to end the LP with a song on Eugen in general. The Holmes punch, beheading Arkis, mopping up Tatus, and the final chapter line.


On 9/27/2019 at 12:15 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

So that silly (and lazily done) edit I promised relating to misreading The Patron Saint of LP™ and misreading his comments about Spanish stereotypes.

All right...?

As said... no. Now you can guess how I misread it.

...oh, goodness gracious. I like how you didn't even take five seconds to wait for the youtube timebar to fade away before taking the screenshot.

Now, may I ask what is Palla's brassiere size in chicken forme?


On 9/29/2019 at 3:38 AM, Hawkwing said:

Test to see if this will actually post at all.

Indeed, I believe so.

...that was my original reply. Then I couldn't post it. This site is falling apart, I swear.


On 9/29/2019 at 7:27 AM, eclipse said:

Okay, so lets see if flipping the order will do anything.

Thank goodness this is a shorter update, because I'm tired of SF's bullcrap with longer posts.

Oh, well. You could always try dividing 'em into parts. Would it still be against the rules to double-post if there's no other way and the thread owner is fine with it? And, y'know, he also can't do anything because of the bugs?

Considering how often "I'll help you if I get X place as a reward" is in both fiction and real life, it isn't really all that surprising.

Although, considering said deals also tend to backfire quite often, either with backstabbing or the people in the land don't take kindly to the new leadership, Richard probably won't actually gain anything. And of course, there are 5 updates left, so...

You know, it feels weird that you, of all people, aren't asking me to tear all of his limbs out one by one. This has to be the most civil response to Richard's betrayal.

...Well, he just lost some points in his "good motive" score.


Hanging onto mementos isn't all that odd.

Having someone else wear them in a ritual, on the other hand…

Yeah, I don't understand why he wanted her to wear those clothes. Consistency? He needs her blood, nothing else.

He's... trying to squint to get a better view?


I suppose this answers the question nobody asked about what Holmes looks like from a different angle. A quick check shows that his armor also adjusts him looking forward, so it's not an entirely lazy change.

It's not lazy, it's just oddly inconsistent, as nobody else gets the perspective change.

This got a large laugh out of me, and reminded me that the game still has 80's (or is it 90's?) anime hair at points.

There are some instances of it, yes. It's not as terrible as FE4 or 3, but it's certainly not as grounded as FE5 was.

He's showing his serious side to tell everyone "no one messes with my treasure!"

Right, Katri's his "treasure". Pffft. What a stupid line that was.

This has the potential to end badly in all sorts of ways, and I'm debating on which one to place my bet.

Hoo, boy... the final updates are going to be a riot.

I am morbidly and worriedly intrigued.

There's room for both, isn't there.

Honestly, this reminds me of Solidus's situation in Metal Gear Solid 2, just replace "sympathetic" with "awesomeness". It's not a "too little, too late" kind of situation, but rather they go from "works just fine" to "became extremely intriguing characters"... right before the game is about to end.

As much as it makes future playthroughs interesting with this knowledge, it also means that we don't get to see what else the game could have done with it.

There are a few moments that change a lot in hindsight, yes. Carla did flee instead of fighting her former mentor, so that at least proves there's a heart somewhere in the middle of all that vengeful rage.

Thank you for pointing that out, because that's a twist that's dependent on paying attention to the story, and I'm bad at doing that if I'm not playing the game itself, it seems. It helps that the twist is effective even if that mistake is made.

Yeah, son or husband, either way the twist is pretty big.

Amazing how simple scenes that appeared to be building up a simple twist was actually setting up a larger one.

There was a heck of a lot more to Zieg than just "playable guy betrays because Kaga is an asshole". And I love it.

I wish I could give a more in-depth comment... but despite all it's slip ups, the story is really damn good at its heights.

Oh yeah, this story has its dumb parts, but when it's good, it's good.

This is why getting revenge on a whole people is pointless.

Indeed. Zieg's learned that the hard way.

It seems that everyone you fight in the last part of the game is either a Camus or a generic dark mage.

Hah! You're right, now that you mention it.

Either an insanely challenging side objective to keep a character alive that's possible but difficult for the player to pull off, or Kate dies no matter what even if the game presents it like it's possible to save her.

Well... neither. You'll see.

With Kaga, it could really go either way.

Oh, yeah. Kaga's kind, like that.

On 9/29/2019 at 7:27 AM, eclipse said:

Depends on the error you're getting!  A little more detail would be nice!

My thread's now a troubleshooting thread? I'm fine with that.

On 9/29/2019 at 6:00 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'll give it until the end of the year. Then I do something drastic.

  Reveal hidden contents

Like hunting a local cryptid known for it's aggressive nature and alleged strength with nothing more than a bow. Because there's no way that can possibly go wrong.

Come now, there's no need to get violent. I am sure it'll by the end of this week at the latest. I'm... I'm sure.


On 9/29/2019 at 6:16 PM, Pengaius said:

If it dies I'm punning it. 

That'd be quite the sight. Quite the sight I'd love to avoid.


21 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You could try doing multiple posts in a row. I think a mod would forgive double/triple/quadruple-posting with the submission issues. It'd be inelegant, but it worked for me elsewhere.

Frankly, I'd rather make that the last resort. It'd be so awkward to have five posts for the same update.


21 hours ago, eclipse said:

I've poked the higher-ups, because this LP will see itself out to the bitter end!

If you get it fixed in time for Aethin to release Berwick Saga, I'll be fine. Givin' ya folks quite the leeway, so make it happen, won'cha?


And you'll be very glad you did:

Bmckavgh oYe1e2hya oMhmeubpd oGvgpadhw oX19nnyvu o

A bit of inventory management.

V8uqbcdz o

Holy shit! You thought last map was dark? Take a gander at this beauty! And no, you can't tell apart walls by using the cursor. I mostly play with the terrain indicator off, but it doesn't even work in this map. The only way you can know which way to go is through trial and error. Which is a very Kaga move, all things considered. The middle team can proceed to Zieg, but the left and right teams are stuck behind doors. If you don't have a Thief, this is quite the unpleasant map.

Wfnugslu o

Thankfully, there are no stupid monsters in this map. The only Summoner is really only a healer, like the Shadow Bishop by the corner of Zieg's chamber.

0myjpeus o

There are, however, no less than five Witches in front of Zieg, and they're all toting Death of all things. 29 crit? Yeah, these can be dangerous.

D3fpnyc8 o

Kate is trapped in a cell with two zombies, but they're not a problem. More worrisome is the fact that she's in range of a Dracozombie. Also, she's green, so I can't move her.

By the way, I'd like to point out the fact that, had she been kidnapped in Holmes's route, she would've been in that one cell full to the brim with skeletons. In that route an untrained Kate is more or less fucked. Here? Even base Kate could take these weak corpses on.

6vxb0agu o

Also, fun detail: her nickname's gone back to "Welltese Knight" now that Zieg's "back". Not that he'll be "back" for very long.

Sasexrki o

Let's move.

Sasexrki o

Nice. Brilliant start. There's a wall right there.

Ncum2jny o

Might as well try to get Narcus some survivability. Those witches scare me.

Mcuwpve2 o

Oh, God... Look at this nonsense!

On 12/22/2018 at 10:20 AM, Ruminant said:


He's only slightly better than base Norton! How?!

Gz04fobb o

Eh, whatever. Let's see this spell.

8qi9sogi oBtebftcp o

Okay, pretty lights.

7gnwdiy8 o

...that's different.

Vsgvy5yx oJoz8v6qg oYqbz0vmp o

Well. It's... honestly epic. I'm glad we robbed it off the sacred tower of the game's Gotoh.

Ks0ewd9s oG9f2rpku o

These guys are not dangerous, but I'd rather Kate didn't have to spend the next ten turns or so dodging. Thus, let's deal with her direct opposition right now.

Gnaccwv6 o0ukl395o o

Leonie, meanwhile, shoots this guy down.

Gelonbm9 oGolvjob5 o

Chance-based, weaker Flurry. This is useless, as is the level it came with. But, 9 move. She's still the best Paladin. I do wonder what the logic behind her egregious move is, though... Maybe it's that she's so strong, she can lift and throw herself.

8lnmiloj o1esgk1dr o2ukwfuus o

Let's do something hilarious. There we go. That's probably the best use for the thing, considering we have a thousand Nosferatu tomes and everything else are legendaries that the hammer can't fix.

Ktiwnzm0 o

Nice. Now, please dodge the flying lizard.

Uqyz0hrk o

Oh, all right, it did not move. That is quite convenient.

Hwk0urul o4wzlxmal oJ7yvhiqh o

Brace for impact, boys and girls... five Witches are inbound!

Aqguzrg1 o

...or not.

Vc4ex6eb oAvascznv oJrc6j99j o

Okay, here's the plan. I can't remember which way is the right way, so Runan is going west, while the rest are going east.

V7babwqj o

OH Kreiss got this out of that Shadow Lancer! I didn't remember that they gave you these in this map, but I suppose it should've been obvious, in hindsight.

That's absolutely marvelous. No joke, you guys have no idea how good this is. This lovely little trinket made of gold (for... some reason) is going to ensure that I won't have to sit around doing nothing for five turns in the finale. You'll see what I mean when I get there.

Cgloybt0 o

Why am I still feeding kills to Hagar, I wonder?

Knpumrvw o

Well, he has the highest defense of the team, at any rate. It... it sure is something, eh.

8nxr7rt0 o

Hagar's team is stuck now, and they'll be there for a while, as Narcus is, quite literally, on the other side of the map.

Bg8k2pf0 o

There, now Kate's safe.

2tcrncqz o

More defense?! Ah, sure am glad I decided to forego all of my principles to use a good unit, for once! Woman knows how to buy her way into a man's heart. By warping. And the leather suit. But mostly warping.

Qwewgcow o

Man, this map is very comprehensible.

Cxmvx2vd oZh3gjqtv o

Look, reinforcements! They also spawned last turn, but I forgot.

Hk2tjngr oGwfhnbje o

With Kate safe, Sierra is free to go get rid of the healer.

Iob7rkmq o


O1b4nr6d o

Oh, son of a...

B0zdcnkc o

Of course it's this way. Well, time to backtrack, Runan.

Iywrjius oRa9dhlga o

We're making progress.

Yjtl9czp o5hk64azh o

Sasha's screwing with Norton's avoidance. Still, doesn't make him any less awesome.

0oxaz4nj o

I love how seamless his second hit animation is.

9cayob2e o

Esther will move forward a bit, now that Hagar's caught up to her, so as to lure the Dracozombie closer. Yes, he's obviously getting the kill. Who else would I give it to?

S4rzydd3 o

You guys, full speed ahead.

Lylmsnyy oRklglrim oGblbp1ry o

Sierra deals with the Dracozombie from afar, because it has a bit of crit and I hate it.

Pimzlkvo o

Esther dodged.

Vcbhp1gm oTdkjxrbn oArwv5d6q o

Ah, now that Sasha isn't nearby, Norton's stats are looking better.

Wieqtvao oQikviq7d o

You know, it feels like I've abused this spell for the past five Runan maps. Still, can you blame me? Those Witches could start moving any time now.

B5hga9lo oTjl9hdea oR0ikhbjf o

Zieg and the Witches take heavy damage. A Dracozombie and a couple soldiers die.

Vjh7pqw2 o

And now, for the finishing touches. Earthquake only has one might, but Sierra's magic is so godly, this actually only deals one less damage than Aura Rain. So much for the legendary light magic. Only as legendary as its user, I'm afraid.

3uok4brj o5mj7clpm o

Hah! Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could kill the Shadow Bishop and leave Zieg with half his health. Ah, but no, that would not work. He has an elixir.

Yksr9bei o

More importantly, those waneful Bitches-- baneful Witches, sorry, are all dead now.

Qj4ny3r9 oQ0xvijqd o

There go the soldiers as well. I think there's like, one that managed to dodge? Either way, this is quite the deadly combination of attacks.

9zyfy3dz o

Hit. Hit is fine.

Fpez8k76 o

Another key? Lovely. This will be extremely good.

X8nzlran oPpywy1n1 oBrdoodjr o

Thanks to Aura Rain, a couple of couple of slashes are enough to bring this guy down to...

Kimesi2a o

...Hagar's level.

Wnudyzmr o

Speaking of Hagar's level, it's okay. If only it was move. I know he can't get move, but... if only it was move.

Zynby1bb oSa0hogxs o

Making rapid progress.

9mcv0mpq oFydg8wh0 o

Zieg gulps down a third of his elixir, and the Bishop heals one of the lancers.

Qygfa0as o

Jikes! My Salia Spear-- I mean, my Kreiss! That's too much damage...! Now I'm so glad I killed those Witches. I am certain they would've started moving right now. That's the way Kaga works, everything is mathematically set to start happening at the worst possible time.

Q6gxmivm oFd9wp6gy o

Hwah! Outclassed!

Pf0xmlqv oPf0xmlqv o


Te4ll0lk o


P9yakbnw oIp5h5ucs o

You, get out of my face.

N43apbhu oZ92lmea9 o

You, as well! I want no threats in my map!

Xf2551c2 oWdtb9arj o

Okay, the remaining Witch should go after Norton instead of warping away to God knows where. Still not an optimal result, but...

Jmo7arly oIy8qrq25 o

Okay, this is perfect. He can't die, even from a Witch crit.

9aqkg3in oFsrcj277 o

This... doesn't look so bad, but keep in mind that, in every single one of these fights, I'm too scared shitless to remember to take a picture of the critical chance that literally everybody has against Sierra.

Fsrcj277 oPq2qane3 o

I swear, my buttcheeks are starting to look like a penis from all these close calls.

...I, uh... maybe I'll remove that line. Maybe. We'll see when I profread this.

6rgvvubv oNvpsmltr oHbgehrmp o

Hah! Norton is the best. Really, his only downside is that he doesn't get that badass cape that the Generals get. Then again, he gets six move for most of the game. Suck on that one, Billford!

Bkklhwjs o

Oh, no, you don't. You're not swarming me.

Klxsi7r3 o

You'll be the first to die. With Vantage and Sylph, I won't even have to heal her. She can deal with all the lancers before they can touch her.

Cn6phfin o2q3az9no o

You... you've hit the door, so it's time to play the waiting game.

Dx8mqiqh o

Now, unleash the light spears!

Iw01sflk o


Idxlqgvz o


Obirm5l7 o

Oh God oh God oh God...

Emo3sqbn o

Ah, Sierra didn't get attacked. How smart of them.


...gimme a second, just... taking in some air here... hhhhhhhhhhhhmph...!

Cqyvpwrw oNyh2d3rw o


Ugxwhs7i o


Ahhh... hoo, boy... I think I crapped my penis...

Hey, that's actually a pretty good punchline! I definitely need to keep the gross joke now.

Ujwluh43 oOms8asld o

You know, I've been underestimating Meriel since... forever, but come to think about it, she's been in, like, three extremely close calls, and every time she's just lived for one reason or another. This is the luckiest woman alive.

Pggrnerw o

...and now she gets a good level. Bucktooth girl wants to replace Sierra in my heart. Well, you'll have to try harder, but... God, that was amazing.

Cwc02r7y o

I am so done with the Sonnenblume and their crit spells.

Weayrj27 o

Leonie, erase them from existance!

Gpotrvb0 o

We did it. Max strength. This is it, folks. We've reached peak Leonie.

Vugpoosj oAoq2tqm4 o

Right on! Only the soldiers can appear now.

Yoej9a4r o

...oh, for crying out loud, the Bishop can use black hole right now!

Cih8dbd3 o

No problem. We've got Lee. Totally didn't die back there and I broke every self-imposed rule. Yet again.

Pyhdqq64 oKtdl8ynp o

You can die, thanks.

Zqhztfir o


Vrs34nii o5hl7nwsd o

Yes, yes, very good. A shame you're now within reach of Leonie's arrows. A deadly mistake.

P9bemnyl o

Cowards, each and every last one of you! This'll only delay the inevitable!

8hfrgcqy o

Speaking of.

4yfq7k1l o

This has to be the most overpowered unit I've ever used. Godly stats, a spell that prevents people from attacking her, Vantage to use it every time, infinite movement... and most important of all, she's actually fun to use!

Kvgp7ijy o

Not to be left behind, Norton levels up, and gains...

6voxbq00 o

More defense. Amazeballs.

Li38xnbf o

Down with you! Zieg is officially the only relevant enemy left.

Vw15knuh o

I never did mention this, but Runan gets extra movement in each of these maps thanks to Urbanite. Look at that. Cavalier move, all the cursed swords, actually good stats... He's come a long way from being the bad Lord, eh?

Upo0kljm o9pcimq5o o

Couple turns, and Kate will be back with us. It's Sasha that re-recruits her, obviously. Sasha is, after all, still a delicate little girl who's worried about her dear guardian. And, y'know, murders ten people every day.

Xcuvcyxb oK61vpzun oR8cqd7st o

The team's approaching. I should be able to block the western Witch soon, so Sierra can stop wasting Sylph uses.

Iswv6vji oO73rd2pq oZw2elkkq o

I had Meriel block the soldiers, but immediately changed my mind and had her follow Leonie out of there. I'm not too sure what to do with my guys, frankly. Zieg's the only one left, and there's only one person who could possibly get the last shot on him.

Jpxhldmn o

You are the last of your kind. Enjoy your brief life while it lasts!

A3zk0oke o

Runan's hilarious legs allow him to reach the soldiers. Lukuud, man. Never fails.

Y0j62qlc o

Now, this idiot's going to be running laps around the map in order to get all the treasure. I'm pretty sure there's an awesome bow somewhere in here, and Kate could use it.

In2cjqdb o

This will be Norton for the next few turns.

Oobl9vqe o

Ah, so you're back! Think Runan'll be an easier target?

Edokqgxu o

That, my friends...

0ifarvhw o

...is the last mistake...

Vopokylu o

Lbm0bevf o...you'll ever MAKE!

L5hwdsww o

Ih49ob2i oI've got to thank that rat Lentzenheimer. This sword is incredible! It may even be more powerful than Carluon's sword...!


Qzgpos9m oGrrr... using my sword... how dare that brat... it belongs to me... Razelia belongs to me... how can this be...!

1effsrbm oHah! You're never going to get over that, are you? Well, you've got a whole eternity to try, so...

Qzgpos9m oShut up, father!

Ih49ob2i oWhat was that? ...hm. Seems like it was just the wind. I must finally be going senile.

Qzgpos9m oThe wind!? I'll give you wind, you old bastard! Take that! And that! And that! Yaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

1effsrbm oYou're dead, boy. There's nothing you can do to them now. Maybe you should've tried harder back when you still had both your arms.

Qzgpos9m o...


M0nyypf5 o

Oh my goodness. I think he may be better than Shigen right now.

Fzlz1yrq o8ipgrqlj o

In any case, let's keep moving. Please ignore the fact that the last Witch wasn't the last of her kind, like I said.

Nud2hjcy o

Also ignore this level. It is in no way indicative of Kreiss's skill.

Gh8ahguy o

...have I mentioned that I love this girl? Because I don't think I've said it enough times to do her justice.

B7xtoxge o082chuso o

These guys are so outclassed. It's almost pitiful to see... especially now that we know they're also victims, in a way...

Ww2mzqrc o

Speaking of victims.

Kp7ckvi4 o

Dymo2jvo oLady Sasha...? No, I can't...

Opeu0fcl oPlease don't run away, Kate!

0zfd96rn o Where exactly could she even run? She's in a cell, and you're right next to her!

Opeu0fcl oI know you never would've done what you did if that man hadn't deceived you! You were only following your heart.

Dymo2jvo oMiss Sasha... I was so foolish... I can't live with myself anymore...

4lt3brpp o ...

Opeu0fcl oDon't say things like that! You're very dear to me, Kate. You've always been there for me, and now I'm going to be there for you.

8ifcvaqi o

Dymo2jvo oMiss Sasha... You'd go that far for me...?

Dymo2jvo oI understand. I will try asking Lord Runan for his forgiveness...

38ti9te7 oDon't worry, Kate. Everything's going to be fine.

1p0vks72 o

Well, at any rate, Kate's back. She's... an emotional wreck at this point, but I'm sure murdering Zieg is going to fix her, right? Right...? I'm a monster, aren't I...?

Gwfsifbh o

I am so fed up with you all. Waste of my time...

S4aoah8l oQpb7k9wd o

There, that's that nonsense dealt with.

Nvbohj6a o

She's as tanky as Kreiss, as strong as Holmes, as quick as Shigen, as masterful as Raquel, as lucky as Esther, as mobile as Sasha, badass enough to defeat Ernst...! She has everything! Well, other than a melee weapon, but frankly, I can't say I care. This girl could benchpress every other growth Archer in Fire Emblem. She could benchpress Gerxel himself! Well, no, she couldn't, but that's due to plot shenanigans.

Kpsh7qm5 o

It's profoundly stupid that there's a key inside a chest. But I'm all right with this. With three keys, I can open all the doors I'll need to open.

Pjr2y3mq o

One lancer lef-- wait, what is this? Is he trying to... lure us inside Zieg's range? That is quite clever, actually! Kudos to you, but...

Yxduqvfa o

...I caught on a bit too early.

Fn3avxqf o

40 HP.

2j523xlw o

With a bit of inventory manipulation, Kate's ready to fight again. She's only lacking that bow I mentioned early. C'mon, Narcus, chop-chop! You don't want me to tell Eugen that you've been trying to escape with his-- I mean, our money again, do you? Hurry up already!

2pql5s6b o

P1zzgcas o Runan has a talk with Kate. It's very wholesome, so I'll show it off. In fact, it's so wholesome, that...

Gsiz3acc o

F4aswdy8 o ...Runan pulls out the Runysmile for this occasion!

Lbm0bevf oLook around you, see how happy everyone is now that you've come back? There is nothing to worry about.

Dymo2jvo oLord Runan...

Ih49ob2i o...hmph. I still think she may've joined the enemy.

Llibn6rp oLet it go, will you, Eugen? There is no shame in admitting that you were mistaken.

Ih49ob2i oThat's your opinion, milord.

Dymo2jvo o...

Ug7byovr o

Well, that's really it. Until we fight Zieg, I'm just going to skip all the traveling.

Pd3bmfcm o

Well, I will show this, because it's Norton leveling up.

T3uyt7gr o

Ah, it's fine.

Ug2jjajc o

Well, you can't ever have too many of these, I guess.

Txdwqvab o

...this is so close to FE6's levels of ridiculous timing for a promotion item, that now I can't help but wonder if that, too, was in Kaga's notes. Wait, no, can't be. Solo!IntSys actually managed to one-up Kaga here. Had it been up to them, Zieg would've been carrying it, and I would've had to have Narcus steal it. Wow.

Either way, why would I promote Alicia now? At this point, I'm bound to have completely forgotten about the forth Mage!

G0gcnhaj o


H3ftzyzo o

An Esther, a Lee and a Hagar? Wow, this chest had all the loot!

I58j7743 o

Another key? Stop, I have enough now!

Kcsaq6p3 o

That's pretty good.


...wait, that's it? I was certain there's an awesome bow here! Or...

...oh, I'm an idiot! It was a monster drop, of course! I got all the good monster drops in that run, as opposed to this one, where I only got shitty ones.


H2rskxft o

That time, Kate truly needed that bow, as I'd been using Zieg quite a bit. This time, however, she can make do with the brave bow, I'm pretty sure.

1tpcddqn o

Don't get me wrong, he's still a decent challenge, thanks to his skill set, his spear, and his not-too-shabby stats. However, he should go still go down rather easily. Ergh, once that silver shield goes away. We're not getting through that 34 defense.

Npajg27k o

Let's start as we always do: with Leonie being a boss.

4n4barz0 oO0so0r6n o

How I wish I didn't have to do this, man...

Qsioov65 oWmdpcngs o

Slim chance, my friend. You face she who defeated the strongest man in Canaan. What makes you think the strongest man in Gerxel will be any different?

Zg2lgbq0 oXzpgcibw o

...oh my God she damaged him with the silver shield. Just 1 damage, I know, but still. He has 34 defense and she made it through it. I can scarcely believe it.

Ns3y0ese o

Now, time for the stupid part. It's sad that this is a legit use for Hagar. Zieg can be really scary, and Hagar and Tom are pretty much the only ones who don't need to move inside his range to attack him.

Yvnoblc6 oRvm5e7wt o

How funny would it have been if Hagar killed Zieg? Think about it, that would've made Hagar more relevant than Zachariah.

H6loncum oBq61nddf oZyhsewx2 o

There we go, everything is set.

Rmvfk4oy o

Gynr1bh8 o
Aqecjnen o

Dymo2jvo oZieg... You betrayed me...! I will never forgive you!

Rqqssoyw oThis was the only way it could end, Kate. Now, come! Let's finish this!

Azdaqcpn o

Dymo2jvo oZieg...

Rxfeqsjt o

Dymo2jvo o...why...?

Uwrg6cf2 o

Dymo2jvo oWhy did this have to happen!?

Wkpews1z o

Jhos4slk o

This is his standard death quote. I find it to be... downright amazing. Maybe even a little better than his death dialogue with Kate. Still, that's no big problem. It transitions well into...

B9oloqkg o

38oduloj o

0o3bhz6e o

Kpicnvqk o

Wqdabfei o
62wfjqth o

Hey, he's still standing! Maybe he'll live... right...? Is it too much to ask... that having Kate kill him is the secret way to re-recruit him? It works in Three Houses! And in Path of Radiance! Everyone loves those games! My signature notwithstanding!

Ygzn6fav o

Well, at any rate, he gave Kate a point of strength. Thanks, Zieg.

0upznlh3 oNe5ktlmg o

Oh, okay. The screen faded to black, and Zieg disappeared.

Yeah. He's dead. There's no way to save him.

Reftohlr o

Unlike in Holmes's version of this chapter, I don't have to move Runan to the gate. The map ends automatically after Zieg falls.

Ximuwyok o

Ih49ob2i oIt was foolish of me to trust a person with such a history as his. My sincerest apologies, Lord Runan.

Llibn6rp oIt's all in the past now, Eugen. Come on, let's keep moving.

0zfd96rn o And as one final gut punch, Runan and Eugen are completely oblivious to Zieg's true nature, and they end up thinking of him as naught but a treacherous, mad cultist. No teary "he was ackshually a gewd goy!" little spiels. He's a traitor, and that's it for everyone not named Kate. Kate probably wishes it were that simple.

Affcn3ct o

The map is over, but I'm going to do the post-chapter dialogue now, instead of in a different update. I want the next update or two (most likely two) to be focused entirely on the final chapter. Don't worry, this isn't very long.

Llibn6rp oThe Altar of Gods... Something about this place chills me to my core...

E7ffcz4a oThis was the temple where the Zoan chief Kalbazan gained the power of Gerxel, and the same place where he was struck down by the power of Yutona and Carluon. Pontiff Guenchaos is attempting to undo the death of Kalbazan and revive Gerxel's spirit anew.

Llibn6rp oBy sacrificing the Shamans...

E7ffcz4a oThat is correct. The ancient scriptures say that Yutona sealed Gerxel's spirit here at the Altar. If the blood of the Shamans--Yutona's blood--is spilled on it, the seal will weaken, and the dark god's power will return. The world will be plunged into darkness once again...

Cmullaga o

F4aswdy8 o Eugen doesn't give a rat's ass about Claris's fatalist attitude. If Gerxel returns, he knows we can smack his face in. We have him on our side, after all!

E7ffcz4a oGerxel cannot be wounded by ordinary arms. With the Shaman's blood spilt, the Guardian Dragons would be gone, so our only option would be to use the holy sword of Carluon.

Ih49ob2i oAh, I see... If it was able to slay Kalbazan before, it should be able to do it again, yes? But we only have a piece of the sword... Lady Claris, why was the sword divided in the first place?

E7ffcz4a oAre you familiar with the legend of the birth of the four kingdoms?

0zfd96rn o Oh, dear. It's time for exposition we already know.

Ih49ob2i oMore or less, yes. After the dark god was slain, Carluon and Yutona were wed, and they founded the Holy Empire of Lieberant. They gave birth to four daughters, Reeve, Salia, Leda, and Canaan. When Carluon passed away, Yutona vanished into Mt. Cielo, and the four holy kingdoms were founded around her four daughters. Is that about right?

E7ffcz4a oYes, that's correct.

Gwtvljqs o

0zfd96rn o Hey, why their husbands in particular? Why couldn't they keep the swords? You should be ashamed of yourself, Claris.

E7ffcz4a oVarunastra to Lady Reeve, Agneyastra to Lady Salia, Bhaumastra to Lady Leda, and Vayavyastra to Lady Canaan.

0zfd96rn o Vayavyastra? The fuck is that name?

Ih49ob2i oI see...

E7ffcz4a oEach sword on its own should be enough to fight Pontiff Guenchaos... but Gerxel is another matter. Lord Holmes has already claimed Agneyastra, and Lord Runan spoke of Prince Sennet acquiring Vayavyastra... But without all four, I don't think we will have the strength to fight him.

P1zzgcas o Ah, no problem! Tia can just--

0zfd96rn o Oh... right. Richard has the fourth piece.

4lt3brpp o ...bollocks.

Byyec9di o

No kidding. We're screwed if Gerxel comes back.

That's been it, folks. Next time...

Ttigdsiz o

Farewell until then.

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

                        The Roger The Paladin


Reset count: 3 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1 - Holmes: 1)

Dishonorable reset count: 1

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 7




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48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Thracia has Orsin and... that's about it, really.

Halvan! Dagdar lasts for a fairly long time, and even Ralph ain't bad filler. Brighton has Wrath to help out his lackluster stats, and a usable Sword rank for indoors. Not saying they're broken or anything, but certainly solidly usable.


48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bartz and Samson are both extremely fast,

Bartz was only okay for me in Speed, but yes, I know Samson is fast. He was closer to a Swordmaster than a Warrior or Berserker statwise for me.


48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't get what you said about Zieg, though. He died destroyed by doubt, feeling like he disappointed both of the most important women in his life. How is that "apotheosis"?

Well its tragic at least. His convictions were deeply understandably divided between two extremes, I think he qualifies for martyrdom. But of what kind? Well, it's hard to say when he is split between polar-opposite allegiances. But at the least, if a "Memorial to All Persecuted Zoans" existed, he would deserve a life-sized bronze statue there. Zoan sainthood, if divinity is too much.


48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He's only slightly better than base Norton! How?!

I showed similar disappointment when I had him turn into Vega. Does the game average Narcus's stats with the target of his copying?


48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Those Witches could start moving any time now.

I think they're just for show actually. They didn't seem to want to warp at all. Maybe they started doing so when Zieg was aggroed, but I'm not even sure of that.


46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can play the final chapter now.

Hurry, you must stop Guenchaos and the


Black Rain!

(Just pretend Guenchaos is Yashiro, and the hologram girls are: an illusion of Tita's long gone human form, Carla, and the four captive Shamans.)


The lyrics (translated) even align with Guenchaos's general motivation and beliefs:


I break through any limit keeping

me from my goal

Till the dawn of an awakened new

world under my control


I could never forget

the ice-cold memory

Yet I'll forge on with a fire burning

in me

Beyond the darkness, what awaits?

No matter what, it must be fate

I'll walk my path, blindly


Shining illusions, deceive my heart,

and try to lead me astray

But with this absolute power,

unleash it all...

and tear through the pain


I break through any limit keeping me

from my goal

I can feel the flames burning ever

higher in my soul

Hide the pain, hide the bloody shame

of your wounded love

In the end, only those with power are

the ones who rise above


In this mirror

The dream shows many cracks

And all I can do is stare

But when will I really get

The thing I do not need


This world where unfulfilled angels live

If you want, I will take on its sins


Heal this unbearable pain

To prove there is justice

No one could know this song

But I will scream it until my voice fails


Carry onward, never let the world hold

me back

If the truth stand in my way then

charge and attack!


Break through any limit keeping me

from my goal

I can feel the flames burning ever

higher in my soul

Hide the pain, hide the bloody shame

of your wounded love

In the end, only those with the power

are the ones who rise above



Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Sorry for the double post but


I can play the final chapter now.

Life is beautiful.

Also I don't have to commit suicide by cryptid. Presuming it's possible.


8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

and he died. I must say, I could not relate to Dorothea's mourning of him. Guy was a douchebag. I much would've prefered to get to spare Acheron, for some reason his voice reminds me of Lionel Hutz and I love him for it. Heck, even Lorenz. At least he has a personality beyond repeating his name.

It's funnier because Dorothea's quite cruel to him in the support conversations they have until she realizes she misjudged him. Is it bad that he's probably my favourite Black Eagle, just because he's kind of out there? I feel he, Felix, and Lorentz serve as foils for their respective lords. See, where Edelgard hates crests and the nobility system, Ferdinand's all about both. Naturally, this leads to conflicting world views. Likewise, Felix and Dimitri suffered the same grief from the same incident. But how they handle it is what makes them distinct. Felix just lets his anger out at most every turn and comes off as a jerk because of it. Dimitri bottles it all up until it explodes after chapter 11. This naturally leads to the same kind of conflicting views. Lorentz, being a very traditional noble, is the polar opposite of the less conventional Claude, mostly because Claude wasn't raised as a noble. Conflicting worldviews. I personally like there's a character in each house that is kind of an anti-thesis to the house's lord... regardless of if I like other characters better.


21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Is that sicker than average?

Nah, saner than average.

Worrying when I used to literally have "mad" in my username.


21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He makes puns with everyone I kill. He's insane.

See, that would have been a better way to put it than pointing out he's an Arkis fanboy


23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh... well, I am so sorry.

Mind I was deliberately misspelling it. As it goes I actually dropped a number of spelling and grammar errors. As we'll inevitably see if I ever upload a copy of the Shantae one I found.


36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I feel I've read this before, but it's made me cry all the same.

Fun fact. When I saved the guy's Portrait for editing on my "HercuLees" edit... I saved the portrait as "definitely not Waluigi". I later found out there's a webcomic where Waluigi actually tries to get into Smash this way. After making the joke three times. Seeing as I was doing the joke anyway, I think I'll include it. For meta.




41 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Does it have anything to do with me? I did write that song about Marth and Roger, but never got around to tell you the source...

Funny enough. Call it a butterfly effect. Or a domino effect. Or something. Reminds me, I think I need to write "One update more" soon so I can do it when we're closer. But I really should actually get around to Zach's Lament or it'll never happen.


44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...oh, goodness gracious. I like how you didn't even take five seconds to wait for the youtube timebar to fade away before taking the screenshot.

It's my subtle way of telling people I didn't do 90% of the edit (as I do have a version without the timebar funny enough). Also of seeing if anyone can work out what I lifted it from and how many consecutive life sentences I need for it.


46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Now, may I ask what is Palla's brassiere size in chicken forme?

Whatever size this is I imagine. http://www.hensaver.com/Crop-Bra.html
Weren't expecting me to have an answer were you?


52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Right, Katri's his "treasure". Pffft. What a stupid line that was.

What if Holmes turning is him taking "Serious side" a little too literally? He's showing another side.


53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Come now, there's no need to get violent. I am sure it'll by the end of this week at the latest. I'm... I'm sure.

Given said cryptid is supposed to rip the heads right off of animals... I think I've been saved from (possible) suicide. Now I have an excuse to plan if I want to try that.


59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That'd be quite the sight. Quite the sight I'd love to avoid.

When you realize Pengauis has merely had an Arkis pun in mind since day one and his insistence on his use is nothing more than a ploy to allow him to finally use it.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
V8uqbcdz o


Holy shit! You thought last map was dark? Take a gander at this beauty! And no, you can't tell apart walls by using the cursor. I mostly play with the terrain indicator off, but it doesn't even work in this map. The only way you can know which way to go is through trial and error. Which is a very Kaga move, all things considered. The middle team can proceed to Zieg, but the left and right teams are stuck behind doors. If you don't have a Thief, this is quite the unpleasant map.

I feel like this is almost a fog of war map. A Thracia fog of war map. Except the enemies are visible. Very confounding.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

nd, y'know, murders ten people every day.

To grow and to help her body count get large.
And when she is grown she'll murder ten dozen people,
So the corpses come in on a barge.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ih49ob2i oWhat was that? ...hm. Seems like it was just the wind. I must finally be going senile.

Qzgpos9m oThe wind!? I'll give you wind, you old bastard! Take that! And that! And that! Yaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

Is this a reference to my Galuf theory?


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
8ifcvaqi o


Dymo2jvo oMiss Sasha... You'd go that far for me...?

You know, this sequence is actually more touching when Sasha's a psychotic war criminal in your canon. It means that she had to have a vulnerable side. A well hidden one, yes. But one all the same.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

With a bit of inventory manipulation, Kate's ready to fight again. She's only lacking that bow I mentioned early. C'mon, Narcus, chop-chop! You don't want me to tell Eugen that you've been trying to escape with his-- I mean, our money again, do you? Hurry up already!

Narcus' suicide II


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

How funny would it have been if Hagar killed Zieg? Think about it, that would've made Hagar more relevant than Zachariah.

I think being able to hit Zieg without moving in his attack range technically qualifies him.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o And as one final gut punch, Runan and Eugen are completely oblivious to Zieg's true nature, and they end up thinking of him as naught but a treacherous, mad cultist. No teary "he was ackshually a gewd goy!" little spiels. He's a traitor, and that's it for everyone not named Kate. Kate probably wishes it were that simple.

Makes it more tragic. No one knows who he really was. It's a secret he took to the grave.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


May this be the last name on the casualty list. One who could not be avoided.

Yep. I think I'll do One Update More and Zach's Lament (if I can actually come up with lyrics) after I wake up. In a separate post. Hopefully I get to do Luck Fails if/when the Historian returns. I'm actually running out of ideas after that. Almost as much as I'm running out of chapters to work with.

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10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, that's... a strong opinion, right there. Can't say I agree or disagree, the only avatars I'm familiar with are Byleth and Kris. Byleth has no character, and Kris is, for the most part, harmless.

Yeah, as infuriating as it is that everyone has to suck up and obsess over Kris, it doesn't make him awful as a person. It's why I usually don't group him alongside Robin and Corrin. As disgraceful as New Mystery's handling of an Avatar was, Awakening and Fates managed to find a level of awful that is way beyond what I could have imagined at the time.

Sort of SPOILERS for the Final Map:


You could say they are actually quite similar to Richard: Awful people who the game insists that they are anything but.
Of course the difference is that Richard is somehow still a less extreme case then they are, given how no one actually worships the ground he walks on. Besides Tia, people tolerate him at best. He is also just another guy in Tear Ring Saga's massive cast of characters, he doesn't twist the entire world, story and characters around him like Corrin and Robin do.
And he is also not actually a player character. Because it's both insulting and quite frankly horrifying that Robin and Corrin are meant to be a self-inserts for the player.

As for Three Houses, I finally made up my mind to just not play it. It could be indefinitely better then Awakening and Fates, but that still wouldn't make it actually good. And while I'm not capable of putting up with another Robin, I can tell that I just won't have a good time with another Kris either.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

OH Kreiss got this out of that Shadow Lancer! I didn't remember that they gave you these in this map, but I suppose it should've been obvious, in hindsight.

That's absolutely marvelous. No joke, you guys have no idea how good this is. This lovely little trinket made of gold (for... some reason) is going to ensure that I won't have to sit around doing nothing for five turns in the finale. You'll see what I mean when I get there.

As good as it is that the game gives you keys here, it's kinda funny how the game makes sure you have keys when it's sooo easy to miss out on the people who can actually properly use them.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We did it. Max strength. This is it, folks. We've reached peak Leonie.

Four capped stats? Yikes.
I wonder what her stat diagram looks like.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, at any rate, Kate's back. She's... an emotional wreck at this point, but I'm sure murdering Zieg is going to fix her, right? Right...? I'm a monster, aren't I...?

Does the game actually do you a solid and put her on the same route as Sasha is in, seeing how she is the only one who can get through to her? Probably not, I'd wager. That's just not how this game rolls.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And as one final gut punch, Runan and Eugen are completely oblivious to Zieg's true nature, and they end up thinking of him as naught but a treacherous, mad cultist. No teary "he was ackshually a gewd goy!" little spiels. He's a traitor, and that's it for everyone not named Kate. Kate probably wishes it were that simple.

It's great that the game doesn't try and force you to accept him as a good guy or whatever. The character and his actions are presented as is, and it's up to the player to reflect on him. Same thing as it was with Alvis and Trabant, come to think of it.

Edited by BrightBow
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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Gz04fobb o


Eh, whatever. Let's see this spell.

   8qi9sogi oBtebftcp o


Okay, pretty lights.

  7gnwdiy8 o


...that's different.

Vsgvy5yx oJoz8v6qg oYqbz0vmp o


Well. It's... honestly epic. I'm glad we robbed it off the sacred tower of the game's Gotoh.

Man, it's not just epic. It also has correct Latin! Well, almost. It translates to "Oh Lord because comes to judge the earth...". Quia is best translated as because, and was probably mixed up with Qui, the correct pronoun that should translate to "who", making the sentence "Oh Lord who comes to judge the earth...". A little late, but we got there in the end. Also props to Morse for being 10x cooler than Gotoh if only for this spell.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
2pql5s6b o


P1zzgcas o Runan has a talk with Kate. It's very wholesome, so I'll show it off. In fact, it's so wholesome, that...

 Gsiz3acc o


F4aswdy8 o ...Runan pulls out the Runysmile for this occasion!

Lbm0bevf oLook around you, see how happy everyone is now that you've come back? There is nothing to worry about.

Dymo2jvo oLord Runan...

Ih49ob2i o...hmph. I still think she may've joined the enemy.

Llibn6rp oLet it go, will you, Eugen? There is no shame in admitting that you were mistaken.

Ih49ob2i oThat's your opinion, milord.

Dymo2jvo o...

Wow, of all the opportunities... the first TRS LP I read was on the LP Archive and the author sent Sasha on Holmes' route. I didn't find Holmes that infuriating at the time (I do find him a little more annoying now that I've read this LP, and good God did I root for Eugen in their fight) but he is a royal (republican? Whatever Granada is) douchebag there. He's really harsh on Kate for no real reason. Truly one of my least favourite Holmes moments. The fact I love Kate to death doesn't help.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There we go, everything is set.


  Rmvfk4oy o


 Gynr1bh8 o
   Aqecjnen o


Dymo2jvo oZieg... You betrayed me...! I will never forgive you!

Rqqssoyw oThis was the only way it could end, Kate. Now, come! Let's finish this!

Azdaqcpn o


Dymo2jvo oZieg...

Rxfeqsjt o


Dymo2jvo o...why...?

Uwrg6cf2 o


Dymo2jvo oWhy did this have to happen!?

Wkpews1z o

Jhos4slk o



This is his standard death quote. I find it to be... downright amazing. Maybe even a little better than his death dialogue with Kate. Still, that's no big problem. It transitions well into...


B9oloqkg o


38oduloj o


0o3bhz6e o


Kpicnvqk o


Wqdabfei o
62wfjqth o


Hey, he's still standing! Maybe he'll live... right...? Is it too much to ask... that having Kate kill him is the secret way to re-recruit him? It works in Three Houses! And in Path of Radiance! Everyone loves those games! My signature notwithstanding!

Ygzn6fav o


Well, at any rate, he gave Kate a point of strength. Thanks, Zieg.

0upznlh3 oNe5ktlmg o


Oh, okay. The screen faded to black, and Zieg disappeared.

Yeah. He's dead. There's no way to save him.

Reftohlr o


Unlike in Holmes's version of this chapter, I don't have to move Runan to the gate. The map ends automatically after Zieg falls.

Ximuwyok o


Ih49ob2i oIt was foolish of me to trust a person with such a history as his. My sincerest apologies, Lord Runan.

Llibn6rp oIt's all in the past now, Eugen. Come on, let's keep moving.

0zfd96rn o And as one final gut punch, Runan and Eugen are completely oblivious to Zieg's true nature, and they end up thinking of him as naught but a treacherous, mad cultist. No teary "he was ackshually a gewd goy!" little spiels. He's a traitor, and that's it for everyone not named Kate. Kate probably wishes it were that simple.

He thinks of his sister in his last moments. That hits home for me, as I'm a sucker for any sibling relationship. Carla may have been evil, but she truly cared about Zieg, and the reverse is just as true. Kate is just a magnificently written character and she deserves more love.

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Ah, nice! It's working for you. Now please may nothing go wrong and...

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, yeah, that's the other part of it. As far as mobile games go, it's probably the best one I've ever played, but it's also the most bottom-of-the-barrel strategy game I've seen, so the former distinction doesn't matter much.

You need to play more mobile games. Blustone has one of the best gacha systems I've seen as I mentioned before, Plague/Rebel Inc are excellent strategy games for mobile, Stick War: Legacy is a great remake of the web game, and I would go on but I don't want to list my whole game library. There are some good mobile games out there, it just depends on where you look.

On a side note, I find it interesting/annoying that the three games that have taken up the most space on my phone (Fire Emblem Heroes, Blustone, a card game I've recently been playing called Night of the Full Moon) use several pictures, have lots of text, and pretty minimal animation, yet they take up more space than the games that use physic engines, more complex animations, 3D graphics, and more.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I... have no idea, honestly. I just googled "saint of light", a picture of a guy with light behind him came up and I went "good enough!".

I took a quick look on google about him. Seems like he was part of some "new age" group.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Top 10 anime comebacks.

Welcome back, my man. Let's see if we can last till the end, shall we? If my maths are correct, we're only 5 updates away!

...5 updates away...

5 updates away, eh? I think I'll be able to make it that far. I want to see at least one lets play from beginning to end, and I'm not quitting now.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That is a fair compromise.

That I may or may not go through with. May just have to leave those going unanswered be water under the bridge.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Man, you really did have all the complications, did you not?

And I had them yet again. At least I wasn't alone this time.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Eugen: Strategist of the Mop.

Weapon: Ordinary mop, FIST (effective against pirates and blondes).

He'd be the new Reinhardt.

"Don't think of this as a broom. It is a spear with a thousand tiny points."

As flawed as the writing was, Fates has some gems. (I'm personally inbetween the "Treehouse was given a flawed script" and "Treehouse made some odd decisions" sentiments regarding the games localization.)

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Right? I didn't even make him an original Morgan, I reused the one for that one Wyvern Knight boss in Holmes's route that had two lines.

The one with Bismark who talked about stopping pirates?

I forgot what the actual lines were, but it had something to do with Valentia or Celica or something that reminded me of Gaiden. That's the only reason I remember who the heck you're talking about. I think.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I always have trouble with magical deaths. Fire burns, electricity... also burns, and wind probably cuts, but what does dark magic do, exactly?

Hmmm, water can cut at a high enough pressure, and if my quick search is anything to go by, so can wind, albeit only at a very short range. Wind could probably still do blunt damage, though, working similar to Force Push from Star Wars.

As for dark magic... honestly, other than an implosion-like effect or something that reduces the body to a lifeless husk, I don't really have any ideas for what it could do to a body.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Er, all right.

In (very recent) hindsight, I realize that those descriptions really didn't explain much, so I may as well just put the dream down here:


(Copy Pasted from Discord, by the way) :


- One of the levels in Fates appeared to take place in this dream realm, except that units could still earn experience there. The boss and seeming master of the realm tried to explain it away, but gave up. There were two or three trampolines in the area that for some reason reduced the stats of units that stayed on them, although it was the master who told Corrin this, and not the game. The net gun was added, although it was square and the effect wasn't all that impressive. It allowed units other than Niles to capture enemy units which was helpful since one of the alternative victory conditions was to capture the boss instead of killing him. A building could be added on the map similar to MyCastle, except during the fight. Three new units were unlocked by doing so; this monkey, some brown haired female that had an art style slightly different from the normal game, and this excitable guy named Yuri who was a cavalier and had a fish-themed mask and armor.

- When the master was captured, all of the 3DS shapeshifters goofily argued with each other about who would get the trampoline(s), with the reason mostly being which animal would get the most hits on youtube and the like. The master deadpanly piped in that he had three, and they could share. Cue a beat, them scrambling to have fun, and continuing the argument, albeit more jokingly this time. When Corrin asked why he told them that, the former boss asked him to wait. Abusing offscreen shenanigans, the master escaped, knocked each of the shapeshifters out in one strike, and captured them, commenting that he waited until their stats were reduced to the point they were easy pickings, and that it was  a strangely intuitive way of kidnapping even powerful opponents. Unfortunately for him, Niles saw his opportunity to recapture the master and earn some extra experience for saving others, and decked the guy in the face.

(End of pasted content)

And that's how a genre-savvy webcomic, Fire Emblem, and a meme combine in my subconscious. Also, it's thanks to this dream that I know question what the efficiency of hiding stat debuffs in recreational equipment would be.


On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Please accept my apologies.

Apology accepted.

Besides, that's one of the few edits I've made that can be used in situations outside the Lets Play, so at least I can thank you for that.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know, I just enjoy looking out for Wes Johnsons.

Ah, the flaws of voice acting with several hundred NPCs to account for. Went the opposite direction of Morrowind, for better and worse.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Imagine that.

Ih49ob2i oLord Runan, I, royal BADASS of Razelia, have arrived.

Llibn6rp o...Eugen, are you going to say that every morning?

Ih49ob2i oEvery single one of them, milord.

If it didn't risk coming off as character shilling, I wish this was in the game itself.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, okay, so you do remember the guy who hasn't showed up for the last 30 updates or so. Nice.

That's only because he looks like a Middle-Earth Elf, dresses like a Jedi, and is named after Batmans butler.

I've already forgotten if he worked for Lionheart or Richard.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Can you guess which game has maps that actually work?

8qXfZ1p5ggXrvQKQ5YuU9NMJy3hqc7zYYq2DuIEHae_URHF0-WAi6nawyQvyg7ctP4j-O2iCmr1P8S6JIomKwKNAMpt1nbp3qiBP8xgoPJ71ke3ra0d34cCFqpQ7ZHixYgongy9QBerwick saga?

4lt3brpp oBERWICK SAGA!!!

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Will you never stop picking on the guy?

I'm sorry, but I want to know what the purpose of that golden chain is and I'm surprised and impressed that they animated it during criticals.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's... that's about it for me, too. That, and this theme is way too good.

Huh, actually forgot you didn't link it last time. I enjoyed the music so much that I just let the autoplay start the next song.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Your friend is a speedrunner? Why does everyone get the cool friends? All I have is a guy who hates Luigi, another guy who hates Luigi, and a guy from the Czech Republic who doesn't really care about Luigi.

Nah, Comix Zone can be beaten in 30 minutes, although we had to use the invincibility cheat. I've been able to get to the second-to-last level without it, but I don't believe I've ever gotten further before dying.

I've also almost beaten Streets of Rage 2 on my own as well, but again died in the final area.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Are we going to go through this same routine every time I use the expression?

Maybe. I don't know of many nuances between languages besides English, so I'd rather be on the safe side regarding them.

Also, I kinda suspected you were swearing all those weeks ago.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

...recent events? I hope I'm just blowing things out of proportion, and that nothing happened to you or to anybody close to you...

No, no, nothing like that. More that reading about car crashes was one of the last things I wanted to hear about after going through city traffic for a week and driving two or three hours back home on an interstate, with a GPS and physical map occasionally saying different things. Even if it was as a joke.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


Well. r/TIHI.

If it helps any...

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Sounds... unbelievably fitting, actually. Kaga's references don't usually go anywhere, but that's actually appropriate for the holy swords of TRS--

That's not even getting into the stories (which I haven't checked out) of how it is connected to a Hindu goddess and the numerous heroes that have wielded it.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

You probably should.

And I do.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

His death game-overs, so yeah. Second option.

So... the cultists behind the door are fully expecting their brethren outside to die, and then they'll leap upon the lord when he opens a door, completely ignoring whether or not any other units will burst through?

And if Holmes dies before then, the directer yells "cut", all the "dead" actors get back up, the props are repaired, and they shoot the scene again?

Reminds me of this Awkward Zombie comic, by the way.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

How's that looking so far?

5 updates away, and I'll have seen a lets play from beginning to end, which is something I've wanted to do at least once.

Other than creating memes, I didn't really set any.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I... I didn't understand any of that, but I love it.

There's a lot more where that came from, I can tell you that.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

You want to play Halo because you dreamed of it being gory? You've got problems, man. You need to get that bloodthirsty cinnamon rollness checked, sooner or later.

Actually, the joke was more along the lines of:

"I can't tell if I'm actually hitting anything. Oh wait, blood is turned off. Let me turn it on real quick and-"


"...Yep. I'm hitting them."

But really, I'm more interested in playing Halo for the gameplay, since I know that it established several mechanics that would become staples of the FPS genre, and I've heard that it's still a damn good game in its own right. I'm also curious about the writing, since it sounds like a professional author took what a middle-schooler thought was awesome and made it into an actual story. I only know the games are bloody because, as I said originally, I've seen my father play it once several years ago and I tried out the second game a long time back.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Nor was I expecting to read it, but that was enlightening.

Thank you.

I know that it's a joke that I love blood and gore and all that, but as I've mentioned before, I do miss the days when I was put off by those things, instead of barely noticing them now. And as I said in the previous post, I am concerned that I could do the action without issue, but that the aftermath is a different story.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ergh... okay, hate to break the solemness of this whole conversation, but... if dreams are God speaking to us, what's up with wet dreams? God feelin' a lil' cheeky?

Don't remind me of wet dreams. A guy in high school tricked me into saying I had them because I thought he was talking about peeing in bed, which I have done a few times as a kid.

Anyway, what the Bible actually says about nocturnal emission:

When you are encamped against your enemies, keep away from everything impure. If one of your men is unclean because of a nocturnal emission, he is to go outside the camp and stay there. But as evening approaches he is to wash himself, and at sunset he may return to the camp. (Deuteronomy 23:11)

Leviticus 15 goes into more detail regarding what to do about unusual bodily discharges causing uncleanness.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I shall also never underestimate your ability to come up with fun facts about PAIN in any situation.

Except I'm not coming up with anything. Grabs and throws are common in pretty much every martial art. Doing the most amount of damage while exerting the least amount of energy is key in any fight, and since the ground is pretty much always there, why not use it?

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah! Maybe for you and me, but not for the people that bring in most of the dough. There's a reason we're getting fetish outfits as every single DLC.

Oh... God...

And I don't even know about any fetish outfits outside of...


...I would be really mixed if shapeshifters appeared in DLC. I liked the Beaststone and Beastrune mechanic in Fates, even if it was barebones in that game, and the school setting could mean that they could learn several different transformations instead of being stuck with one. On the other hand, their implementation into the world of Foldan would likely be a repeat of the 3DS games, which a lot of people criticized. As much as I love the Taguel, you have to scour through every little thing a character says in order to find lore about them, and even that information is easy to miss (by the way, I have actually complied everything we know about them, out of a combination of curiosity and boredom). And while I like that Fates actually has a level where you fight them (even if I dislike that level in Conquest, mostly because it has two gimmicks that would be interesting separately, but are annoying and even frustrating together), they get even less background in that game.

Unless they just gave outfits, which... who boy...

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's a brave sword. Brave swords are green in this game.

I know. I just find it to be a fun coincidence.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

How many updates of his route are there?

Excellent point.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Tom left his bandana inside the tank.

So... Tom controls his tank with his mind via his Bandanna? And when he doesn't need to drive his tank, he just leaves it inside?

Maybe that explains how he can dodge so well.

On 9/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I'm not too crazy about her, myself. Not even as a character. I despise her voice. It's just an American with bad grammar. And then I see people saying that her bad english is... somehow more realistic than other depictions in fiction? What? Excuse me? I understand that over-the-top accents can get grating, but... she has no accent at all, and that's not the way it works! Foreigners don't just speak perfectly but make grammatical errors ever so often! Heck, most (myself included) would probably be the complete opposite: Make few mistakes, but the accent's so thick that it defeats the whole purpose of speaking in english!

I think it's because Gregor already did the role of "Guy with funny accent messes up grammer", and it may have been seen as the same "gimmick" under different circumstances if they gave her an accent. I know it was a decision that the voice director made not to give Petra an accent. I think that the original Japanese just had her pause inbetween words when thinking of the correct term to use, which still kept her as a foreigner learning the language, but I suppose the localizers thought it would make her dialogue seem slow if they went that route.


With hope this will post. Spent longer than I should have writing this originally (blame getting distracted by the comic I linked and TV Tropes), and then the site acted up. Glad to get this over with.

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57 minutes ago, Goddess Serra said:

Wow, of all the opportunities... the first TRS LP I read was on the LP Archive and the author sent Sasha on Holmes' route. I didn't find Holmes that infuriating at the time (I do find him a little more annoying now that I've read this LP, and good God did I root for Eugen in their fight) but he is a royal (republican? Whatever Granada is) douchebag there. He's really harsh on Kate for no real reason. Truly one of my least favourite Holmes moments. The fact I love Kate to death doesn't help.

Let's not forget that the situations are somewhat different on both routes. In Runan's route, she simply gets kidnapped. But in Holmes' route, she actually did betray her allies by freeing Zieg.

Edited by BrightBow
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You want a mobile gacha game that blows just about all other mobile gacha games out of the water?  Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia.  Proper mercy system, meta will eventually reach the point where it's "as long as your team works together and is properly geared, they can do it", lots of FF in-jokes, plenty of resources to pull, a battle system that requires some thinking. . .it's great.

Oh, right, the LP.  No matter what, Zieg was going to regret something.  Pity that it had to be Kate that took the fall.

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On 10/2/2019 at 5:18 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Jhos4slk o

Hmm, this does make me wonder if his death quote here is any different if he was killed before he can join the party back in the Temple of Wind. Or otherwise is prevented from progressing his relationship with Kate.
I know his first appearance as a boss in Holmes' route plays out the same way, despite him not actually being a "traitor" in that case. So I don't think that any of the other dialog here would change. But boss quotes may a different matter. And on the Holmes' map, I think I tested that Kate vs Zieg doesn't play if Zieg never joined the party. But I suppose I could remember that wrong.

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On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how I managed to finish the update ahead of schedule for once, but then the site shat itself and I ended up releasing it as late as ever. It's extremely frustrating, to be honest, because the next updates are all going to take a while.

Ah, but it's no biggie. I've just had to copy-paste all of the update to a separate Word file, redo all of the replies, be screwed over by ctr-z and have to do it again. Then, upon realizing there was no way to just copy the URLs of the pictures, I simply had to go to Imgbox.com and drag all 240~something images back to their places, one by one, over the course of a fucking hour. In a school day. I should probably read it over again now to see if anything's out of place, but I'm sick to death of this update, so use your imagination to fix any problems you encounter. I've done enough as it is.

If this doesn't work either, I think it'll be time to just give up. Either that, or put the update in my pendrive and try to upload it from my school computer. Now there's a thought.

Don't worry about it. We can be patient.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, that's... a strong opinion, right there. Can't say I agree or disagree, the only avatars I'm familiar with are Byleth and Kris. Byleth has no character, and Kris is, for the most part, harmless.

Honestly, I always saw Robin as more of a surrogate for the audience than as an avatar. Their lack of history with the world and characters means they can ask questions the player might have without it coming off as an "as you know" situation, and they can interact with everyone since learning about each character is a selling point of Fire Emblem. Robin also has a rather broad personality without being a complete blank slate, and they do have story importance, although they're never the focus until near the end of the game. It's not hard to see why people either like, dislike, or don't care for Robin's implementation, especially when compared to the rest of the series.

As for Corrin, to be frank, I find the avatar worship to be easy to ignore given how obvious it is, and them having too much personality to represent the player is a complaint that always makes me scratch my head. Sure, I can understand being bothered by what the writers thought how "the player" would react, but again it's easy to ignore. As much as people complain about people "self-inserting", not once have I actually heard or seen someone actually treating Corrins actions as their own.

Doesn't mean Corrin's implementation is perfect. Far from it. The game tries way too hard to make sure they're always in the right no matter what the situation is, just because it's easy to ignore doesn't mean that the avatar worship can reach ludicrous levels, and their angsting can be annoying, even if I can't blame them for it given their situation.

Granted, this is coming from the guy that never really cared if a videogame has an avatar or not. I can get immersed in a world, sure, and I often answer how I would in real life in dialogue, but never once did I see or treat an avatar character as "me".

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, well. You could always try dividing 'em into parts. Would it still be against the rules to double-post if there's no other way and the thread owner is fine with it? And, y'know, he also can't do anything because of the bugs?

That's what I tried to do, and it wouldn't work until yesterday for some reason. I even tried posting without the links, without quoting anything, shortening the reply, seeing if it would work in PM's, and it still wouldn't post.

Also, is it just me, or is the site claiming that my original reply was eclipse's?

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, it feels weird that you, of all people, aren't asking me to tear all of his limbs out one by one. This has to be the most civil response to Richard's betrayal.

It might be because Richard hasn't physically appeared for several months in real life, and we were expecting him to screw something up. That, and his motives are something I've seen before in fiction, so while terrible, it isn't too surprising he would pull something like this. It's not like the slaver, who's actions are a lot more down to earth and commonplace.

Contrary to my apparent image, I'm not interested in everyone meeting a gory end.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

It's not lazy, it's just oddly inconsistent, as nobody else gets the perspective change.

I would find it even more odd if this is the only time this portrait is used.

I wonder if more perspective changes were planned, but they decided early on that it would take up more time and space than they wanted, so the idea got axed. Perhaps Holmes unique portrait was already in the game and coded for this scene, and the programmers decided to just leave it in?

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Right, Katri's his "treasure". Pffft. What a stupid line that was.

I'm still not over that line. I would have said that in the original reply, but thought it was a little too on the nose.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hoo, boy... the final updates are going to be a riot.

Considering there will be more than one update covering just the final chapter and the ending, I would be more surprised if it wasn't.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
V8uqbcdz o

Holy shit! You thought last map was dark? Take a gander at this beauty! And no, you can't tell apart walls by using the cursor. I mostly play with the terrain indicator off, but it doesn't even work in this map. The only way you can know which way to go is through trial and error. Which is a very Kaga move, all things considered. The middle team can proceed to Zieg, but the left and right teams are stuck behind doors. If you don't have a Thief, this is quite the unpleasant map.

So... the point of the map is to move units until they run into a wall and eventually find their way to the boss while covered in bumps and bruises?

Sounds more like the idea for a cartoon episode than a level.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

By the way, I'd like to point out the fact that, had she been kidnapped in Holmes's route, she would've been in that one cell full to the brim with skeletons. In that route an untrained Kate is more or less fucked. Here? Even base Kate could take these weak corpses on.

Interesting tidbit, but is there a reason for this?

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
6vxb0agu o

Also, fun detail: her nickname's gone back to "Welltese Knight" now that Zieg's "back". Not that he'll be "back" for very long.

Neat attention to detail, especially since it's something that most players wouldn't notice the first time around.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Mcuwpve2 o

Oh, God... Look at this nonsense!

On 12/22/2018 at 4:20 AM, Ruminant said:


He's only slightly better than base Norton! How?!

...Stupid time to ask this, but what does Narcus's class copying do to his stats again?

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Vsgvy5yx oJoz8v6qg oYqbz0vmp o

Well. It's... honestly epic. I'm glad we robbed it off the sacred tower of the game's Gotoh.

A woman looking down upon the enemy causes spears of light to erupt from the ground?

Well, you won't find me complaining about this games legendary spells being generic.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Hwk0urul o4wzlxmal oJ7yvhiqh o

Brace for impact, boys and girls... five Witches are inbound!

That is an... interesting... run and dodge animation.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
V7babwqj o

OH Kreiss got this out of that Shadow Lancer! I didn't remember that they gave you these in this map, but I suppose it should've been obvious, in hindsight.

That's absolutely marvelous. No joke, you guys have no idea how good this is. This lovely little trinket made of gold (for... some reason) is going to ensure that I won't have to sit around doing nothing for five turns in the finale. You'll see what I mean when I get there.

I take it without door keys, you either have to go the long way around since doors block the quick path, and/or some of them unlock automatically after some time has passed, but by then the enemy has already launched some terrible attack against your units?

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Knpumrvw o

Well, he has the highest defense of the team, at any rate. It... it sure is something, eh.

He... won't die of physical causes, I guess? Not easily, at any rate.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
2tcrncqz o

More defense?! Ah, sure am glad I decided to forego all of my principles to use a good unit, for once! Woman knows how to buy her way into a man's heart. By warping. And the leather suit. But mostly warping.


I had too...

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
0oxaz4nj o

I love how seamless his second hit animation is.

Seeing it in motion... yeah I can see why you call him the best swordsman in Lieberia.

And yes, I know I used the search function to find that but am still lost with the plot. Shut up.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Wieqtvao oQikviq7d o

You know, it feels like I've abused this spell for the past five Runan maps. Still, can you blame me? Those Witches could start moving any time now.

It's the second-to-last chapter anyway. Caring about durability goes out the window at this point of the game.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Yksr9bei o

More importantly, those waneful Bitches-- baneful Witches, sorry, are all dead now.

I looked up the definition of wane (because waneful isn't a word). It means to decrease in power or to become weaker.

I suppose it's an accurate description in this context.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
X8nzlran o

Insert "Interesting" screenshot comment here.

Seriously, though. Unmounted female cavalier animations are reminding me of Sasha without the flips.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I swear, my buttcheeks are starting to look like a penis from all these close calls.


On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahhh... hoo, boy... I think I crapped my penis...


On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, that's actually a pretty good punchline! I definitely need to keep the gross joke now.


On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ujwluh43 oOms8asld o

You know, I've been underestimating Meriel since... forever, but come to think about it, she's been in, like, three extremely close calls, and every time she's just lived for one reason or another. This is the luckiest woman alive.

Ah, yes. I remember the first one. Actually commented on that update while in Ohio visiting relatives. Made a joke about your luck.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Vw15knuh o

I never did mention this, but Runan gets extra movement in each of these maps thanks to Urbanite. Look at that. Cavalier move, all the cursed swords, actually good stats... He's come a long way from being the bad Lord, eh?

Character development in unit form.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
A3zk0oke o

Runan's hilarious legs allow him to reach the soldiers. Lukuud, man. Never fails.

Almost looks like he's doing a ballerina jump with said legs.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Edokqgxu o

That, my friends...

0ifarvhw o

...is the last mistake...

Vopokylu o

Lbm0bevf o...you'll ever MAKE!

Great transition

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ih49ob2i oWhat was that? ...hm. Seems like it was just the wind. I must finally be going senile.

Qzgpos9m oThe wind!? I'll give you wind, you old bastard! Take that! And that! And that! Yaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

1effsrbm oYou're dead, boy. There's nothing you can do to them now. Maybe you should've tried harder back when you still had both your arms.

Qzgpos9m o...


Man, what a burn. And he's already in hell, too.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Opeu0fcl oPlease don't run away, Kate!

0zfd96rn o Where exactly could she even run? She's in a cell, and you're right next to her!

Into the wall? It's this levels "gimmick" after all.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

8ifcvaqi o

Now that I think about it...

Did Wally leave for the final chapters? Sasha hasn't attacked anyone yet.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, at any rate, Kate's back. She's... an emotional wreck at this point, but I'm sure murdering Zieg is going to fix her, right? Right...? I'm a monster, aren't I...?

Vengeance doesn't solve anything.

Although in this case it's less for revenge and more for... a unique boss quote, I guess?

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Gsiz3acc o

F4aswdy8 o ...Runan pulls out the Runysmile for this occasion!

Sadly, if you didn't point it out, I don't think I would have noticed

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Lbm0bevf oLook around you, see how happy everyone is now that you've come back? There is nothing to worry about.

Dymo2jvo oLord Runan...

Short but sweet.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Qsioov65 oWmdpcngs o

Slim chance, my friend. You face she who defeated the strongest man in Canaan. What makes you think the strongest man in Gerxel will be any different?

Zg2lgbq0 oXzpgcibw o

...oh my God she damaged him with the silver shield. Just 1 damage, I know, but still. He has 34 defense and she made it through it. I can scarcely believe it.

That moment you boast about how badass someone is and still underestimate them.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Yvnoblc6 oRvm5e7wt o

How funny would it have been if Hagar killed Zieg? Think about it, that would've made Hagar more relevant than Zachariah.

That... is an interesting, hilarious, and sad thought.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Jhos4slk o

This is his standard death quote. I find it to be... downright amazing. Maybe even a little better than his death dialogue with Kate. Still, that's no big problem. It transitions well into...

Yeah, I actually do find this quote to be the better one. Short yet impactful.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
B9oloqkg o
38oduloj o
0o3bhz6e o
Kpicnvqk o
Wqdabfei o

Not that this one is bad, mind. Far from it.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, he's still standing! Maybe he'll live... right...? Is it too much to ask... that having Kate kill him is the secret way to re-recruit him? It works in Three Houses! And in Path of Radiance! Everyone loves those games! My signature notwithstanding!

And some of the Fates kids, although the only one I got that did so was Percy. To be fair, he kinda became the boss by accident.

On a side note, his paralogue is one of my favorite levels in Conquest. Since a group of mercenaries is attacking your army as they mistook you for bandits, if you use a dragon vein in their presence, they'll have a hilarious "oh crap!" moment as they realize they just attacked a member of the royal family, and pay you to forget anything ever happened. Since money is really tight, this leads to an interesting "risk vs reward" as you try to get as many enemy units in the Dragon Veins range as you can before activating it, and then reap in the cash as they leave the map. And if you miss a unit, well, they'll still give experience when killed.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o And as one final gut punch, Runan and Eugen are completely oblivious to Zieg's true nature, and they end up thinking of him as naught but a treacherous, mad cultist. No teary "he was ackshually a gewd goy!" little spiels. He's a traitor, and that's it for everyone not named Kate. Kate probably wishes it were that simple.

A trope that... now that I think about it, has really only appeared in Star Wars. Given that the setting takes place in galaxies with thousands of different planets, it makes sense that the more fantastical moments in the movies would sound like fiction to people that weren't part of the adventure, and even thought he died redeeming himself, Darth Vader is still seen as a tyrant by most of the galaxy. The EU uses this quite often, as do the sequel films to a lesser extent.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Cmullaga o

F4aswdy8 o Eugen doesn't give a rat's ass about Claris's fatalist attitude. If Gerxel returns, he knows we can smack his face in. We have him on our side, after all!

I would say that this is a very Eugen thing to do, if not for the fact that the attitude of "we're going to win this fight or die trying" is commonplace among badasses and heroes.

Which is just another way of saying that Eugen is badass.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Gwtvljqs o

0zfd96rn o Hey, why their husbands in particular? Why couldn't they keep the swords? You should be ashamed of yourself, Claris.

Maybe they all married swordsmen?

As much as I don't care for units wielding weapons their class doesn't allow in story sequences (I've seen it argued before that Rudolf shouldn't be wielding Falchion in a cutscene because his class uses lances), this is one of the few times were it would make some sort of sense.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Vayavyastra? The fuck is that name?

I looked it up. All I can find is that it's a weapon in Hinduism, and that's it.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Oh... right. Richard has the fourth piece.

4lt3brpp o ...bollocks.

Mandatory miniboss fight before killing the final boss?

'Course, we could always be surprised. It would be the perfect place for another twist.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's been it, folks. Next time...

Ttigdsiz o

Farewell until then.

Now I'll really prepare popcorn for next time.

On 10/2/2019 at 11:18 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

                        The Roger The Paladin

Nice touch

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44 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Into the wall? It's this levels "gimmick" after all.

You mean like when you run into an enemy in Fog of War? That's not how this works. It's just that the floor has no texture. So you need to rely on the display of your unit's movement range to see the traversable tiles.
Still stupid of course. And I am not entirely convinced that they just didn't get to apply the textures and decided to cover this up by selling it as a maze.

Edited by BrightBow
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Thank goodness things worked out in the end with posting! My condolences for the hoops you had to jump through to get it working!

With a retrospective view on the whole story of TRS, I feel like Zieg is the main core that I always liked best. Which is funny, since he was actually a pretty late addition to the story! He's not present at all, to my knowledge, in the demo versions. Imagining the story without his full subplot just seems sad. What an inferior game that would be! As a tribute to Zieg, I shall share one of the few good pieces of fan art I've found of him:



The names of the four holy swords were a bit of an issue for me, since I was on the fence for a long time on what to call them. As @Interdimensional Observer mentioned on the last page, the Japanese names all start with 聖剣 seiken "holy sword" followed by Reeve, Salia, Leda, or Canaan. (Naturally, this means that the sword Seiken Reeve was probably named after the girl, country, river, and/or word for "compassion" in Jugudi.)

Wanting to spice the names up, I looked for mythological theme naming to call them, and when Western mythology didn't give me any options I liked, I turned to the Indian epics and Vedas, which have lots of gods and weapons. From there, I picked the four weapons seeming most closely related to the elements: Agnēyāstra "fire weapon," Bhaumāstra "earth weapon," Vāyavyāstra "air weapon" and Varuṇāstra "ocean weapon." Never mind that astra often signifies a ranged weapon like a javelin, arrow, or magic spell. If you look on the FE Wikia, I wrote little descriptions of each weapon's mythological role on their respective pages.

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One Update More. (To the tune of One Day More). Because I really should get it out before the final chapter starts and it becomes irrelevant. If the colors mean something to you other than different singers... you're doing better than me on this one. Maybe. Except mandatory caricatures of Ruben, myself and @Pengaius (because how could I not change "Marius" to "Arkis"?). I'll admit that. Everyone else is kind of there to fill out space... so I've taken some creative liberty in who has what line (Pengaius got more lines than he should have for instance. I'll also note, though the orange is similar to Pengauis yellow, it's not Pengauis.)


One update more,
Another chapter another chance for tragedy.
On the road to the ending of this LP.
The low percentage chance to crit,
Makes me shudder with each hit.
One update more.

I've awaited each chapter of this Let's Play.
What shall I do when it's concluded?
Soon it will be a thing of Yesterday,
And another will be constituted.

One more update he is not used.
(Will he ever see the battlefield again?)
Instead he's always been abused.
(I'll beg and plead until you're insane.)
But you never seem to care.
(Even if you die I won't pun you)
(You're the best cav Arkis)

One update more until the storm.
(Or maybe two more posts)
Into battle Runan will lead them.
(And Holmes will join his comrade there)
When our enemies use Swarm,
(Don't give in to despair)
Will you take your place with me?
(The time is now. The chapter's here.)

One update more.
One update more until the conclusion.
The ending is drawing near.

One update more.
I'll scrape the bottom of the barrel.
I'm low on song ideas.

One update more.

Watch things go amuck.
Watch things go astray.
Never know your luck,
In a Ruben let's play.
Bad units are blessed.
A horseman sacks a town.
You can never guess,
What will go down.

One update more until the Saga's end.
Here's hoping no more units die.
Every unit must survive.
Every unit must survive.
And we know what is coming then.
And we know what is coming then.
We all know what you're planning.
Berwick is next. We know it's true.
One update more.

I've awaited each chapter of this Let's Play.
One more update he is not used.
I'm low on inspiration.
I can't finish Zach's Lament.
It leads to agitation.
The lyrics just ferment.
One update more until the conclusion.
The end is drawing near.
I'll scrape the bottom of the barrel.
I'm low on song ideas.

Never know your luck in a Ruben Let's Play.

Soon we will discover what the Goddess has in store.
One more post.
One more fray.
One update more.


Edited by The Roger The Paladin
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Part 76 - Chaos reigns, part 1

Told ya it'd take me longer to push this one. Sorry, but these final updates are going to take a bit longer than usual. It's only three more to go, though, so I think we can afford the delay, right?

This is the final instalment of cursed FE playthroughs. For now, at least.

Feast your eyes on these happenings! In delightful 144p, I have no idea why all of my videos are uploaded in such shitty quality, but okay. Actually, the one that's just Maerchen's ugly face is in HD! Fucker doesn't deserve that...

Anyway-- Indeed, it is possible for Wendy to do that! I have proven that she can be used in Hard mode. I am now proud of myself, and will continue to be for at least five more minutes.

...a shame this is the final instalment. I'm playing Thracia now, and Tanya has gotten strength in all of her first four levels, as well as a point of movement. Girl's on fire. Would've loved to do a repeat of Wendy's wonderful journey. I suppose I shall do just that, all by my lonesome.

By the way, I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge the fact that I put a lot of effort into the penis joke (pfff... no, c'mon Ruben, you can do it, you can say it with a straight face) from the last update, but everybody just sidestepped it. Not a single mention of it. Now I know what Heinz Doofenshmirtz felt when he was a child. Only instead of baking soda volcanoes, it's the car crash joke against every single other joke I make.

What I'm saying is, you're all worse than a horseman. Please laugh at my jokes. They're all I got.

Wait, you're not one of my men:

On 10/2/2019 at 6:07 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Halvan! Dagdar lasts for a fairly long time, and even Ralph ain't bad filler. Brighton has Wrath to help out his lackluster stats, and a usable Sword rank for indoors. Not saying they're broken or anything, but certainly solidly usable.

Dagdar, Dagdar I forgot about. I do feel he's a wee bit overrated, but he's very good.

Halvan's bad, Ralph's okay but is better off with swords, Dalsin is horrendous, Brighton falls off quickly and Hicks is a worse Brighton. I mean, I've used all of them except for Halvan in my two runs (probably three, once I'm done with this run of FE6), this being Thracia means everyone can be used, but it does not change the fact that they're objectively bad.

About the axes, I did forget that Thracia gets a D-rank brave axe that's available for everyone in chapter 1, which is crazy. However, it does not change the fact that, aside from that and the Phuji, there aren't any fancy axes for them to use, and unlike in TRS, axes are just worse than swords in that game. Heck, half the axemen lose axes when indoors.

Bartz was only okay for me in Speed, but yes, I know Samson is fast. He was closer to a Swordmaster than a Warrior or Berserker statwise for me.

No kiddin'. There's a reason I'm using Garo instead of him. He's too good for me.

Well its tragic at least. His convictions were deeply understandably divided between two extremes, I think he qualifies for martyrdom. But of what kind? Well, it's hard to say when he is split between polar-opposite allegiances. But at the least, if a "Memorial to All Persecuted Zoans" existed, he would deserve a life-sized bronze statue there. Zoan sainthood, if divinity is too much.

Actually, I doubt that'd be possible. The most tragic thing about it is that Zoa is all but wiped out after TRS. The "good guys" only think of him as a traitor, Kate's too conflicted about him, and his allies and friends all die. There's nobody left to remember him as anything other than a plain "bad guy".

I showed similar disappointment when I had him turn into Vega. Does the game average Narcus's stats with the target of his copying?

I have no idea how it does the maths, but let me tell you, it's not good.

I think they're just for show actually. They didn't seem to want to warp at all. Maybe they started doing so when Zieg was aggroed, but I'm not even sure of that.

I don't remember them ever warping either, but best safe than sorry.

Hurry, you must stop Guenchaos and the

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Black Rain!

(Just pretend Guenchaos is Yashiro, and the hologram girls are: an illusion of Tita's long gone human form, Carla, and the four captive Shamans.)


The lyrics (translated) even align with Guenchaos's general motivation and beliefs:

  Reveal hidden contents

I break through any limit keeping

me from my goal

Till the dawn of an awakened new

world under my control


I could never forget

the ice-cold memory

Yet I'll forge on with a fire burning

in me

Beyond the darkness, what awaits?

No matter what, it must be fate

I'll walk my path, blindly


Shining illusions, deceive my heart,

and try to lead me astray

But with this absolute power,

unleash it all...

and tear through the pain


I break through any limit keeping me

from my goal

I can feel the flames burning ever

higher in my soul

Hide the pain, hide the bloody shame

of your wounded love

In the end, only those with power are

the ones who rise above


In this mirror

The dream shows many cracks

And all I can do is stare

But when will I really get

The thing I do not need


This world where unfulfilled angels live

If you want, I will take on its sins


Heal this unbearable pain

To prove there is justice

No one could know this song

But I will scream it until my voice fails


Carry onward, never let the world hold

me back

If the truth stand in my way then

charge and attack!


Break through any limit keeping me

from my goal

I can feel the flames burning ever

higher in my soul

Hide the pain, hide the bloody shame

of your wounded love

In the end, only those with the power

are the ones who rise above


No joke, I'm looking forward to seeing it. Never remembered to wait and see how it is before. This time I will.


On 10/2/2019 at 6:55 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also I don't have to commit suicide by cryptid. Presuming it's possible.

Don't even think of doing that. The world can't lose a man versed in both the sword and the bow. You and that bald guy who makes slingshots in Youtube are the future of mankind.

It's funnier because Dorothea's quite cruel to him in the support conversations they have until she realizes she misjudged him. Is it bad that he's probably my favourite Black Eagle, just because he's kind of out there? I feel he, Felix, and Lorentz serve as foils for their respective lords. See, where Edelgard hates crests and the nobility system, Ferdinand's all about both. Naturally, this leads to conflicting world views. Likewise, Felix and Dimitri suffered the same grief from the same incident. But how they handle it is what makes them distinct. Felix just lets his anger out at most every turn and comes off as a jerk because of it. Dimitri bottles it all up until it explodes after chapter 11. This naturally leads to the same kind of conflicting views. Lorentz, being a very traditional noble, is the polar opposite of the less conventional Claude, mostly because Claude wasn't raised as a noble. Conflicting worldviews. I personally like there's a character in each house that is kind of an anti-thesis to the house's lord... regardless of if I like other characters better.

Then there's Seteth, who's a foil to every single person in the church in that he's not a moron or crippingly insane. I swear, if Hanneman didn't exist, this guy'd probably be my favourite character in the game.

Worrying when I used to literally have "mad" in my username.

Everyone here is a misfit of some kind. I don't comb my hair! See?

See, that would have been a better way to put it than pointing out he's an Arkis fanboy

Being an Arkis fanboy is the greater offense.

Mind I was deliberately misspelling it. As it goes I actually dropped a number of spelling and grammar errors. As we'll inevitably see if I ever upload a copy of the Shantae one I found.

But is any of them as epic as "I am the Roger the Paladin!"?

Fun fact. When I saved the guy's Portrait for editing on my "HercuLees" edit... I saved the portrait as "definitely not Waluigi".

Pffhahahah! Definitely not Waluigi! That's fucking hilarious.

I later found out there's a webcomic where Waluigi actually tries to get into Smash this way. After making the joke three times. Seeing as I was doing the joke anyway, I think I'll include it. For meta.

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Oh, goodness gracious...

Frankly, if Waluigi makes it to Smash before Porky Minch, I'll be mad. Have you seen the theories? There's a surprising amount of evidence supporting Porky. But of course, they probably will add something like, I don't know, Byleth. I hate to sound like the average Smash fanboy who hates everything, but I really, really would rather they didn't add even more FE swordies. Use your imagination, guys, there are hundreds of characters in this series! You don't have to add more Marth clones!

Funny enough. Call it a butterfly effect. Or a domino effect. Or something. Reminds me, I think I need to write "One update more" soon so I can do it when we're closer. But I really should actually get around to Zach's Lament or it'll never happen.

You can just post it ten updates into the Berwick thing, like you posted the Zeiss joke ten updates into this one. Make your weird-ass entrances another running joke.

It's my subtle way of telling people I didn't do 90% of the edit (as I do have a version without the timebar funny enough). Also of seeing if anyone can work out what I lifted it from and how many consecutive life sentences I need for it.

Hmm, I understand.

Whatever size this is I imagine. http://www.hensaver.com/Crop-Bra.html
Weren't expecting me to have an answer were you?

Ah... you win. That floored me and my expectations.

What if Holmes turning is him taking "Serious side" a little too literally? He's showing another side.

Oh, c'mon...

Given said cryptid is supposed to rip the heads right off of animals... I think I've been saved from (possible) suicide. Now I have an excuse to plan if I want to try that.

Sheesh, don't you get close to those things! Shoot 'em with a bow. They aren't as weak as FE makes them out to be, y'know!

When you realize Pengauis has merely had an Arkis pun in mind since day one and his insistence on his use is nothing more than a ploy to allow him to finally use it.

Well, he's fucked then, because deployment slots are limited in the final chapter and I am not wasting one for the obvious joke.

I feel like this is almost a fog of war map. A Thracia fog of war map. Except the enemies are visible. Very confounding.

A good way to describe it.

To grow and to help her body count get large.
And when she is grown she'll murder ten dozen people,
So the corpses come in on a barge.

Goodness gracious, Raphael must be so distraught...

Is this a reference to my Galuf theory?

Didn't intend for it to be, but now that you mention it...

You know, this sequence is actually more touching when Sasha's a psychotic war criminal in your canon. It means that she had to have a vulnerable side. A well hidden one, yes. But one all the same.

Huh... I suppose so, yes! I've improved the TRS experience! Everybody please love me!

Narcus' suicide II

Swox3h53 o Hmm... maybe this is my chance... no way the old geezer is catching up to me in this maze! If I just turn back and remember all the turns we took, I can--



Swox3h53 oGaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! H-how... how did you...?! You can't be serious! How'd an old fossil like you just... run through all those walls!?

Ih49ob2i oI felt something in my gut, and if there is something my gut never does, it is to lie. Now, where do you think you're going? The treasure is that way!

Swox3h53 oC-C'mon now, old man... you can just punch your way through solid concrete... why do I have to run all over the place to gather your stuff?

Ih49ob2i oBecause I own you, you little miscreant. Why should I do anything when I have you to do instead?

Swox3h53 o...

Ih49ob2i oStep out of line just one more time, and I'll put you in one of these cells, after breaking all of your limbs so you can't pick the lock!

Swox3h53 oA-Ah! S-S-Sorry, S-Sir Eugen! I'll... I'll get t-to it!

Ih49ob2i oThat's right you will. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be wishing you hadn't jumped ship back in Wellt!

Llibn6rp o...Eugen...

Ih49ob2i oWhat?

Llibn6rp o...sigh... nothing, Eugen. Nothing at all.

I think being able to hit Zieg without moving in his attack range technically qualifies him.

Sadly, yes.

Makes it more tragic. No one knows who he really was. It's a secret he took to the grave.

Kate sorta knows. A shame she has all of her own emotional problems to deal with.

May this be the last name on the casualty list. One who could not be avoided.

I sure hope so...

Yep. I think I'll do One Update More and Zach's Lament (if I can actually come up with lyrics) after I wake up. In a separate post. Hopefully I get to do Luck Fails if/when the Historian returns. I'm actually running out of ideas after that. Almost as much as I'm running out of chapters to work with.

Well, three more songs for what I think may just be three more updates is just perfect.


On 10/2/2019 at 7:03 PM, BrightBow said:

Yeah, as infuriating as it is that everyone has to suck up and obsess over Kris, it doesn't make him awful as a person. It's why I usually don't group him alongside Robin and Corrin. As disgraceful as New Mystery's handling of an Avatar was, Awakening and Fates managed to find a level of awful that is way beyond what I could have imagined at the time.


Sort of SPOILERS for the Final Map:

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You could say they are actually quite similar to Richard: Awful people who the game insists that they are anything but.
Of course the difference is that Richard is somehow still a less extreme case then they are, given how no one actually worships the ground he walks on. Besides Tia, people tolerate him at best. He is also just another guy in Tear Ring Saga's massive cast of characters, he doesn't twist the entire world, story and characters around him like Corrin and Robin do.
And he is also not actually a player character. Because it's both insulting and quite frankly horrifying that Robin and Corrin are meant to be a self-inserts for the player.



It feels really weird to see somebody talk like that about Richard when all I've known is Aethin's Richard, who's actually a decent person under all the rudeness and the arrogance. I know it's not the real one, but I prefer to think it is.

As for Three Houses, I finally made up my mind to just not play it. It could be indefinitely better then Awakening and Fates, but that still wouldn't make it actually good. And while I'm not capable of putting up with another Robin, I can tell that I just won't have a good time with another Kris either.

Well, it was fun for a while. Then it got a bit too easy. Still, if you care about the story more than I do (which I can guess you do), you probably won't have such a great time. The story has very high points, but also very low mistakes that drag it down in my eyes.

As good as it is that the game gives you keys here, it's kinda funny how the game makes sure you have keys when it's sooo easy to miss out on the people who can actually properly use them.

Oh yeah, if you lose Renee and Sierra you're screwed until SPOILERS arrives.

Four capped stats? Yikes.
I wonder what her stat diagram looks like.

Op9i3a2s oXxaptlwl o

Holy mother of God. Most of them look like these two, with slight variations.

W28cunfd o

HP exceeds the diagram's height, which is all sorts of hilarious.

Urc7qwbn o

And then there's the speed one. Pfffhwahahahahahahahahahahah... this one's downright hilarious! A perfect line upwards, and then it just peaks! Hahahahahah!

Does the game actually do you a solid and put her on the same route as Sasha is in, seeing how she is the only one who can get through to her? Probably not, I'd wager. That's just not how this game rolls.

Nope. If you made them part ways, you lose Kate.

It's great that the game doesn't try and force you to accept him as a good guy or whatever. The character and his actions are presented as is, and it's up to the player to reflect on him. Same thing as it was with Alvis and Trabant, come to think of it.

He's just so well written, it's awful that this game is so unpopular that nobody talks about him. And don't even get me started on Berwick.


On 10/2/2019 at 9:44 PM, Goddess Serra said:

Man, it's not just epic. It also has correct Latin! Well, almost. It translates to "Oh Lord because comes to judge the earth...". Quia is best translated as because, and was probably mixed up with Qui, the correct pronoun that should translate to "who", making the sentence "Oh Lord who comes to judge the earth...". A little late, but we got there in the end. Also props to Morse for being 10x cooler than Gotoh if only for this spell.

Yeah, Morse's great. Much unlike Gotoh.

Wow, of all the opportunities... the first TRS LP I read was on the LP Archive and the author sent Sasha on Holmes' route. I didn't find Holmes that infuriating at the time (I do find him a little more annoying now that I've read this LP, and good God did I root for Eugen in their fight)

Ah, I got people to root for Eugen in the great clash. My job here is done.

but he is a royal (republican? Whatever Granada is) douchebag there. He's really harsh on Kate for no real reason. Truly one of my least favourite Holmes moments. The fact I love Kate to death doesn't help.

Well, shit. I don't remember him being so bad, but then again, I may never have even sent her with Holmes at all. That would make it difficult to remember his behavior.

He thinks of his sister in his last moments. That hits home for me, as I'm a sucker for any sibling relationship. Carla may have been evil, but she truly cared about Zieg, and the reverse is just as true.

I wouldn't say she's evil as much as she's blinded by rage and an unquenchable thirst for revenge. She believes she's justified in murdering everyone who's not a Zoan because all the non-Zoans she's ever known have treated her like filth. Zieg was the same at first. The difference is that Zieg got to know Kate, a kind, honorable, brave knight who made him doubt his perception of the non-Zoans. Carla was stuck for many years with a decaying husk of a man who was dumb enough to exile his daughter because his concubine told him to do so, which only reinforced her opinion of the non-Zoans.

Kate is just a magnificently written character and she deserves more love.

I agree completely.


On 10/2/2019 at 10:15 PM, Hawkwing said:

Ah, nice! It's working for you. Now please may nothing go wrong and...

Seems not, other than the fact that you didn't even comment on the update itself.

And yet you still managed to comment on the car crash joke even though you weren't even around for it initially! Why!? Damn you, car crash joke...!

You need to play more mobile games.

No, I do not.

That said, carry on.

Blustone has one of the best gacha systems I've seen as I mentioned before, Plague/Rebel Inc are excellent strategy games for mobile, Stick War: Legacy is a great remake of the web game, and I would go on but I don't want to list my whole game library. There are some good mobile games out there, it just depends on where you look.

Oh yeah, Plague Inc! I have that one. On PC.

It's a fun little game, always fun to wipe out humanity.

On a side note, I find it interesting/annoying that the three games that have taken up the most space on my phone (Fire Emblem Heroes, Blustone, a card game I've recently been playing called Night of the Full Moon) use several pictures, have lots of text, and pretty minimal animation, yet they take up more space than the games that use physic engines, more complex animations, 3D graphics, and more.

You have your tastes in order, I see.

I took a quick look on google about him. Seems like he was part of some "new age" group.


5 updates away, eh? I think I'll be able to make it that far.

Now, it's three. Counting this one.

I want to see at least one lets play from beginning to end, and I'm not quitting now.

A commendable goal.

That I may or may not go through with. May just have to leave those going unanswered be water under the bridge.

Stop worrying about it, will you? I'm the LPer here, it's not like it's your obligation to make weekly updates, at least. I mean, nor is it mine, I'm not paid or anything, but...

Let's move on.

And I had them yet again. At least I wasn't alone this time.

I don't see how that's a good thing!

"Don't think of this as a broom. It is a spear with a thousand tiny points."

I could believe they'd add him, but only as an alt. It seems anything that isn't remotely waifuable is added only as a stupid alt. Seriously, did they have to do that to Dozla? But at least he's in...

As flawed as the writing was, Fates has some gems. (I'm personally inbetween the "Treehouse was given a flawed script" and "Treehouse made some odd decisions" sentiments regarding the games localization.)

I'm on the "Fan translation would've been better" boat.

Nah, not really, but...

The one with Bismark who talked about stopping pirates?

No, actually. He was in the following map, with that asshole Praeva. Not that I can blame you for mixing 'em up, in this case.

I forgot what the actual lines were, but it had something to do with Valentia or Celica or something that reminded me of Gaiden. That's the only reason I remember who the heck you're talking about. I think.

...I have no idea what you're talking about, so I don't think so.

Hmmm, water can cut at a high enough pressure, and if my quick search is anything to go by, so can wind, albeit only at a very short range. Wind could probably still do blunt damage, though, working similar to Force Push from Star Wars.

Why are you putting so much thought into this?

As for dark magic... honestly, other than an implosion-like effect or something that reduces the body to a lifeless husk, I don't really have any ideas for what it could do to a body.

Implosion from giant snake?

In (very recent) hindsight, I realize that those descriptions really didn't explain much, so I may as well just put the dream down here:

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(Copy Pasted from Discord, by the way) :


- One of the levels in Fates appeared to take place in this dream realm, except that units could still earn experience there. The boss and seeming master of the realm tried to explain it away, but gave up. There were two or three trampolines in the area that for some reason reduced the stats of units that stayed on them, although it was the master who told Corrin this, and not the game. The net gun was added, although it was square and the effect wasn't all that impressive. It allowed units other than Niles to capture enemy units which was helpful since one of the alternative victory conditions was to capture the boss instead of killing him. A building could be added on the map similar to MyCastle, except during the fight. Three new units were unlocked by doing so; this monkey, some brown haired female that had an art style slightly different from the normal game, and this excitable guy named Yuri who was a cavalier and had a fish-themed mask and armor.

- When the master was captured, all of the 3DS shapeshifters goofily argued with each other about who would get the trampoline(s), with the reason mostly being which animal would get the most hits on youtube and the like. The master deadpanly piped in that he had three, and they could share. Cue a beat, them scrambling to have fun, and continuing the argument, albeit more jokingly this time. When Corrin asked why he told them that, the former boss asked him to wait. Abusing offscreen shenanigans, the master escaped, knocked each of the shapeshifters out in one strike, and captured them, commenting that he waited until their stats were reduced to the point they were easy pickings, and that it was  a strangely intuitive way of kidnapping even powerful opponents. Unfortunately for him, Niles saw his opportunity to recapture the master and earn some extra experience for saving others, and decked the guy in the face.

(End of pasted content)

And that's how a genre-savvy webcomic, Fire Emblem, and a meme combine in my subconscious. Also, it's thanks to this dream that I know question what the efficiency of hiding stat debuffs in recreational equipment would be.

Why does everyone have all the nice dreams?

Apology accepted.

Besides, that's one of the few edits I've made that can be used in situations outside the Lets Play, so at least I can thank you for that.

Ahah! 69 jokes are great, see? They got the biggest Fire Emblem youtuber to where he is now!

Ah, the flaws of voice acting with several hundred NPCs to account for. Went the opposite direction of Morrowind, for better and worse.

Better, without a doubt. Wes Johnson is an unironically great actor who was given the most absurd direction. He's great fun too. You can tell the guy loves the memes.

If it didn't risk coming off as character shilling, I wish this was in the game itself.

Character shilling isn't character shilling if it's about Eugen. Then it's merely saying facts.

That's only because he looks like a Middle-Earth Elf, dresses like a Jedi, and is named after Batmans butler.

Ah. Well... you keep reading.

I've already forgotten if he worked for Lionheart or Richard.

Uh... neither, actually. He works for Sennet. At least last we heard of him. He's been gone since Barker died.

8qXfZ1p5ggXrvQKQ5YuU9NMJy3hqc7zYYq2DuIEHae_URHF0-WAi6nawyQvyg7ctP4j-O2iCmr1P8S6JIomKwKNAMpt1nbp3qiBP8xgoPJ71ke3ra0d34cCFqpQ7ZHixYgongy9QBerwick saga?

4lt3brpp oBERWICK SAGA!!!

Why the angry face, though? What, you think I'd beat you up if you did not answer Berwick Saga? Because I wouldn't. Not too badly.

...okay, I would, BUT WHAT'S SO WRONG WITH THAT!?!!?!?

I'm sorry, but I want to know what the purpose of that golden chain is and I'm surprised and impressed that they animated it during criticals.

Just appreciate it, don't question it.

Huh, actually forgot you didn't link it last time. I enjoyed the music so much that I just let the autoplay start the next song.

Yeah, it's a great theme. I know nothing more about Shining Force, but I sure do love that one song.

Nah, Comix Zone can be beaten in 30 minutes, although we had to use the invincibility cheat. I've been able to get to the second-to-last level without it, but I don't believe I've ever gotten further before dying.

I've also almost beaten Streets of Rage 2 on my own as well, but again died in the final area.

Hmm, I see. Still, you guys get all the cool friends. Although, in all fairness, my best friend does have an ancient arcade machine in his basement. It has four games, the sound doesn't work, and one of them is bugged. Still had fun that one time I was at his home.

Maybe. I don't know of many nuances between languages besides English, so I'd rather be on the safe side regarding them.

But... But I've used that phrase like ten times over the course of the LP! Pay attention!

Also, I kinda suspected you were swearing all those weeks ago.

Ergh... yeah, I do seem to recall such an instance...

No, no, nothing like that. More that reading about car crashes was one of the last things I wanted to hear about after going through city traffic for a week and driving two or three hours back home on an interstate, with a GPS and physical map occasionally saying different things. Even if it was as a joke.

I am an insensitive asshole, yeah.

If it helps any...

I just want to say that I love how the guy who gets destroyed throughout the comic is named Roy. Very fitting.

That's not even getting into the stories (which I haven't checked out) of how it is connected to a Hindu goddess and the numerous heroes that have wielded it.

Oh wow. Looks like Aethin did his homework.

And I do.

Good, good.

So... the cultists behind the door are fully expecting their brethren outside to die, and then they'll leap upon the lord when he opens a door, completely ignoring whether or not any other units will burst through?

And if Holmes dies before then, the directer yells "cut", all the "dead" actors get back up, the props are repaired, and they shoot the scene again?


Stop questioning it! I thought Eugen's resuscitatory powers were enough of an explanation, but clearly you cannot be satisfied!

Reminds me of this Awkward Zombie comic, by the way.

Ah, videogames. Such a fun thing.

5 updates away, and I'll have seen a lets play from beginning to end, which is something I've wanted to do at least once.

Once again, a commendable goal. Now, don't be getting complacent! I expect you to do the same with Berwick!

Other than creating memes, I didn't really set any.

Great life goals.

There's a lot more where that came from, I can tell you that.

I believe you.

Actually, the joke was more along the lines of:

"I can't tell if I'm actually hitting anything. Oh wait, blood is turned off. Let me turn it on real quick and-"


"...Yep. I'm hitting them."

Is this the origins story of the Bloodthirsty Cinnamon Roll?

But really, I'm more interested in playing Halo for the gameplay, since I know that it established several mechanics that would become staples of the FPS genre, and I've heard that it's still a damn good game in its own right. I'm also curious about the writing, since it sounds like a professional author took what a middle-schooler thought was awesome and made it into an actual story. I only know the games are bloody because, as I said originally, I've seen my father play it once several years ago and I tried out the second game a long time back.

Hmm. Well, Halo has never quite piqued my interest, but have fun if you do play it.

Thank you.

I know that it's a joke that I love blood and gore and all that, but as I've mentioned before, I do miss the days when I was put off by those things, instead of barely noticing them now. And as I said in the previous post, I am concerned that I could do the action without issue, but that the aftermath is a different story.

Well, if you acknowledge that, then you're good. Besides, it's really not a bad thing to be able to keep cool in the face of horrid sights, it'd help control the situation. Most of us would probably still crap our pants if we found actual gore in real life, but still. Good effort.

Don't remind me of wet dreams. A guy in high school tricked me into saying I had them because I thought he was talking about peeing in bed, which I have done a few times as a kid.

Hey, when I entered high school I had no idea what a sex was and, upon being interrogated by my peers, I claimed it was about peeing inside the girl. I got you beat when it comes to embarrassing stories, I think.

...problematically enough, that is not necessarily wrong.

Anyway, what the Bible actually says about nocturnal emission:

When you are encamped against your enemies, keep away from everything impure. If one of your men is unclean because of a nocturnal emission, he is to go outside the camp and stay there. But as evening approaches he is to wash himself, and at sunset he may return to the camp. (Deuteronomy 23:11)

Leviticus 15 goes into more detail regarding what to do about unusual bodily discharges causing uncleanness.

Wait-- but that doesn't explain anything! That only says what to do in the event of sexy dreams! It doesn't tell me what they are! I need to know, why does God make my peepee hard through pleasurable imagery!?

Except I'm not coming up with anything. Grabs and throws are common in pretty much every martial art. Doing the most amount of damage while exerting the least amount of energy is key in any fight, and since the ground is pretty much always there, why not use it?

I never meant to imply that you were coming up with anything. I truly do love the fact that you're a veritable fact book on PAIN.

Oh... God...

And I don't even know about any fetish outfits outside of...


Well, anything can be a fetish outfit, depending on the person. That said, Three Houses has swimsuits, (planned) sauna towels and student outfits for Byleth. Pretty on-the-nose, wouldn't you say?

...I would be really mixed if shapeshifters appeared in DLC. I liked the Beaststone and Beastrune mechanic in Fates, even if it was barebones in that game, and the school setting could mean that they could learn several different transformations instead of being stuck with one. On the other hand, their implementation into the world of Foldan would likely be a repeat of the 3DS games, which a lot of people criticized. As much as I love the Taguel, you have to scour through every little thing a character says in order to find lore about them, and even that information is easy to miss (by the way, I have actually complied everything we know about them, out of a combination of curiosity and boredom). And while I like that Fates actually has a level where you fight them (even if I dislike that level in Conquest, mostly because it has two gimmicks that would be interesting separately, but are annoying and even frustrating together), they get even less background in that game.

Unless they just gave outfits, which... who boy...

Let's be honest with ourselves, they would totally do that.

I know. I just find it to be a fun coincidence.

I can understand.

Excellent point.

Hahah, thanks.

So... Tom controls his tank with his mind via his Bandanna? And when he doesn't need to drive his tank, he just leaves it inside?

Maybe that explains how he can dodge so well.

You're on to something here.

I think it's because Gregor already did the role of "Guy with funny accent messes up grammer", and it may have been seen as the same "gimmick" under different circumstances if they gave her an accent. I know it was a decision that the voice director made not to give Petra an accent. I think that the original Japanese just had her pause inbetween words when thinking of the correct term to use, which still kept her as a foreigner learning the language, but I suppose the localizers thought it would make her dialogue seem slow if they went that route.

But-- foreigners are all about slowness! You can speak quickly when you don't know the language well! English Petra makes no sense!


With hope this will post. Spent longer than I should have writing this originally (blame getting distracted by the comic I linked and TV Tropes), and then the site acted up. Glad to get this over with.

A success.


On 10/2/2019 at 10:39 PM, BrightBow said:

Let's not forget that the situations are somewhat different on both routes. In Runan's route, she simply gets kidnapped. But in Holmes' route, she actually did betray her allies by freeing Zieg.

Yeah, that's right.


On 10/2/2019 at 11:25 PM, eclipse said:

You want a mobile gacha game that blows just about all other mobile gacha games out of the water?  Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia.  Proper mercy system, meta will eventually reach the point where it's "as long as your team works together and is properly geared, they can do it", lots of FF in-jokes, plenty of resources to pull, a battle system that requires some thinking. . .it's great.

You kinda lost me at "gacha", the FF in-jokes would fly straight over my head and I already have Thracia 776 for a proper mercy system (pfffhah!), but I do love me a good paragraph defending the games we love.

Oh, right, the LP. 

Ah, who cares, it's only the reason we're all here. There's no hurry, take your time.

No matter what, Zieg was going to regret something.  Pity that it had to be Kate that took the fall.

Kate was never going to get a good ending. This is Kaga.


On 10/5/2019 at 4:30 AM, Hawkwing said:




Don't worry about it. We can be patient.

Yeah, well, I couldn't. I wanted to play the final chapter already!

Honestly, I always saw Robin as more of a surrogate for the audience than as an avatar. Their lack of history with the world and characters means they can ask questions the player might have without it coming off as an "as you know" situation, and they can interact with everyone since learning about each character is a selling point of Fire Emblem. Robin also has a rather broad personality without being a complete blank slate, and they do have story importance, although they're never the focus until near the end of the game. It's not hard to see why people either like, dislike, or don't care for Robin's implementation, especially when compared to the rest of the series.

As for Corrin, to be frank, I find the avatar worship to be easy to ignore given how obvious it is, and them having too much personality to represent the player is a complaint that always makes me scratch my head. Sure, I can understand being bothered by what the writers thought how "the player" would react, but again it's easy to ignore. As much as people complain about people "self-inserting", not once have I actually heard or seen someone actually treating Corrins actions as their own.

Doesn't mean Corrin's implementation is perfect. Far from it. The game tries way too hard to make sure they're always in the right no matter what the situation is, just because it's easy to ignore doesn't mean that the avatar worship can reach ludicrous levels, and their angsting can be annoying, even if I can't blame them for it given their situation.

Granted, this is coming from the guy that never really cared if a videogame has an avatar or not. I can get immersed in a world, sure, and I often answer how I would in real life in dialogue, but never once did I see or treat an avatar character as "me".

Neither did I. I don't know enough about those games to really judge them, though, and if Three Houses is supposed to be eons ahead of them, then I think I'll pass.

That's what I tried to do, and it wouldn't work until yesterday for some reason. I even tried posting without the links, without quoting anything, shortening the reply, seeing if it would work in PM's, and it still wouldn't post.

Also, is it just me, or is the site claiming that my original reply was eclipse's?

Not for me. Might be a bug on your end. Not that it matters, the difference in size of your replies compared to everybody else's is so broad, there's no chance to mistake you for anybody else.

It might be because Richard hasn't physically appeared for several months in real life, and we were expecting him to screw something up. That, and his motives are something I've seen before in fiction, so while terrible, it isn't too surprising he would pull something like this. It's not like the slaver, who's actions are a lot more down to earth and commonplace.

Contrary to my apparent image, I'm not interested in everyone meeting a gory end.

Hmm, I see. Well, that's a bit disappointing, but I do suppose we got more than our fair share of barbarian rage back with the Slaver.

I would find it even more odd if this is the only time this portrait is used.

Could be, actually. Could be.

I wonder if more perspective changes were planned, but they decided early on that it would take up more time and space than they wanted, so the idea got axed. Perhaps Holmes unique portrait was already in the game and coded for this scene, and the programmers decided to just leave it in?

Considering there are, like, almost thirty unused portraits left in the game, I don't think space was an issue.

I'm still not over that line. I would have said that in the original reply, but thought it was a little too on the nose.

Hwahahahahahahah... hard to get over it, that was hilarious.

Considering there will be more than one update covering just the final chapter and the ending, I would be more surprised if it wasn't.

Three, to be precise. The ending's really long.

So... the point of the map is to move units until they run into a wall and eventually find their way to the boss while covered in bumps and bruises?

Sounds more like the idea for a cartoon episode than a level.

Well, as Brightbow said, you just use the movement display to see where there's a path, but I like the idea that, ingame, that translates into Norton just charging head-first into walls. Not that it'd hurt him or anything. Norton's Rock Solid, after all.

Interesting tidbit, but is there a reason for this?

Ah, no, just mentioning it. Sending Kate to Holmes is not a good idea, anyway. You miss out on the real Zieg fight.

Neat attention to detail, especially since it's something that most players wouldn't notice the first time around.

And it's not even all of it.

...Stupid time to ask this, but what does Narcus's class copying do to his stats again?

As I've already said a couple of times to other people... I haven't the faintest idea.

A woman looking down upon the enemy causes spears of light to erupt from the ground?

Well, you won't find me complaining about this games legendary spells being generic.

Hahahahahah... I dig it, myself. The goddess JPEG is a bit weird, but the light spears look amazing.

That is an... interesting... run and dodge animation.

We've already seen 'em, actually. Promoted female Paladins and Peggy Riders (except for Sasha) use Kate's animations when dismounted.

I take it without door keys, you either have to go the long way around since doors block the quick path, and/or some of them unlock automatically after some time has passed, but by then the enemy has already launched some terrible attack against your units?

Not quite. You'll see.

He... won't die of physical causes, I guess? Not easily, at any rate.



I had too...

I don't think I'd mind if Sierra did that to me. Hue hue hue hue...

...okay, you know the drill, I should probably delete that, but I'm Spanish, yada yada...

Seeing it in motion... yeah I can see why you call him the best swordsman in Lieberia.

And yes, I know I used the search function to find that but am still lost with the plot. Shut up.


Very Hawkwing.

It's the second-to-last chapter anyway. Caring about durability goes out the window at this point of the game.

It's not the durability, I am just ashamed of myself for abusing such a powerful spell. Then again, better that than lose more people like an idiot.

I looked up the definition of wane (because waneful isn't a word). It means to decrease in power or to become weaker.

I'll be forthcoming with you: I just wanted an excuse to call them bitches.

I suppose it's an accurate description in this context.

Hah! Kinda is, yes.

Insert "Interesting" screenshot comment here.

Seriously, though. Unmounted female cavalier animations are reminding me of Sasha without the flips.

It's not quite as ridiculous, but...


Ah, Hawkwing to the rescue! I no longer feel like Heinz Doofensmirdch... fuck, I swear, that guy's name is horrible to write.




Yeah. I regret nothing. Not... okay, I regret a little bit-- but only a little bit!

Ah, yes. I remember the first one. Actually commented on that update while in Ohio visiting relatives. Made a joke about your luck.

I could scarcely believe it myself.

Character development in unit form.

That's Runan!

Almost looks like he's doing a ballerina jump with said legs.


Great transition



Man, what a burn. And he's already in hell, too.

And he's gonna be there for a while, considering only the Slaver beats him in the Pure Evil Scale. He does beat that green-haired monster from Reeve, if only because both Lentzie and the Slaver actually did evil things, whereas that bastard only said them. Still, third place for him, no questions asked.

Into the wall? It's this levels "gimmick" after all.


Now that I think about it...

Did Wally leave for the final chapters? Sasha hasn't attacked anyone yet.

Forced dismounting could be counted as Wally escaping, but he returns in the final chapter, so...

Vengeance doesn't solve anything.

Although in this case it's less for revenge and more for... a unique boss quote, I guess?

Yeah. I'm a monster.

Sadly, if you didn't point it out, I don't think I would have noticed

As usual.

Short but sweet.


That moment you boast about how badass someone is and still underestimate them.

That's Leonie for you. You'd think she's already too good to have room for improvement, and then she gets more movement or defense.

That... is an interesting, hilarious, and sad thought.

And a terrible way to go for Zieg...

Yeah, I actually do find this quote to be the better one. Short yet impactful.


Not that this one is bad, mind. Far from it.

Not at all. I personally love how well the normal quote transitions into the dialogue with Kate. From here on, I believe that they're best enjoyed together.

And some of the Fates kids, although the only one I got that did so was Percy. To be fair, he kinda became the boss by accident.

...what, why does he look so out of--

Oh, son of Arthur. I get it.

...no, Arthur, I wasn't talking about you. Go back to translation hell and wait patiently for Aethin to drop the next patch.

...no, it wasn't you either! You're not even an official character, go back to The Last Promise!

...oh, God, who even is this now?! Well, I'd recognize that hideous SNES-era hair anywhere. Get the hell outta here, you!


On a side note, his paralogue is one of my favorite levels in Conquest. Since a group of mercenaries is attacking your army as they mistook you for bandits, if you use a dragon vein in their presence, they'll have a hilarious "oh crap!" moment as they realize they just attacked a member of the royal family, and pay you to forget anything ever happened. Since money is really tight, this leads to an interesting "risk vs reward" as you try to get as many enemy units in the Dragon Veins range as you can before activating it, and then reap in the cash as they leave the map. And if you miss a unit, well, they'll still give experience when killed.

That's cruel.

A trope that... now that I think about it, has really only appeared in Star Wars. Given that the setting takes place in galaxies with thousands of different planets, it makes sense that the more fantastical moments in the movies would sound like fiction to people that weren't part of the adventure, and even thought he died redeeming himself, Darth Vader is still seen as a tyrant by most of the galaxy. The EU uses this quite often, as do the sequel films to a lesser extent.

It happens more often than you'd think. Which is why I love the deadpan reaction to Zieg's death.

I would say that this is a very Eugen thing to do, if not for the fact that the attitude of "we're going to win this fight or die trying" is commonplace among badasses and heroes.

Which is just another way of saying that Eugen is badass.

In other words, it is a very Eugen thing to do.

Maybe they all married swordsmen?

Well... maybe? But consider the fact that Tatus is a descendant of them. That toad could not have a blood connection to anyone even remotely decent.

As much as I don't care for units wielding weapons their class doesn't allow in story sequences (I've seen it argued before that Rudolf shouldn't be wielding Falchion in a cutscene because his class uses lances), this is one of the few times were it would make some sort of sense.

I mean, Tia can wield swords. Maybe you missed it back when I showed her stats. Not that I'd blame you.

I looked it up. All I can find is that it's a weapon in Hinduism, and that's it.

Seems like that's where Aethin drew all the inspiration for the swords.

Mandatory miniboss fight before killing the final boss?

'Course, we could always be surprised. It would be the perfect place for another twist.

Who knows. Keep reading, and you will.

Now I'll really prepare popcorn for next time.

Believe me, you'll need it. Not as much for the gameplay, but this final chapter is a plot rollercoaster.

Nice touch

Let's just hope I don't have to add any more names on top of that one...


On 10/5/2019 at 5:14 AM, BrightBow said:

You mean like when you run into an enemy in Fog of War? That's not how this works. It's just that the floor has no texture. So you need to rely on the display of your unit's movement range to see the traversable tiles.
Still stupid of course. And I am not entirely convinced that they just didn't get to apply the textures and decided to cover this up by selling it as a maze.

Hahahahahah... that'd be such a Kaga move.


On 10/5/2019 at 1:11 PM, Aethin said:

Thank goodness things worked out in the end with posting! My condolences for the hoops you had to jump through to get it working!

Ahh, it's all peachy. Now you can safely publish the Berwick Saga update that surely you've got ready, right? Right...?

With a retrospective view on the whole story of TRS, I feel like Zieg is the main core that I always liked best. Which is funny, since he was actually a pretty late addition to the story! He's not present at all, to my knowledge, in the demo versions. Imagining the story without his full subplot just seems sad. What an inferior game that would be!

Absolutely agree. Zieg's incredible.

As a tribute to Zieg, I shall share one of the few good pieces of fan art I've found of him:


Oh, wow. This's pretty awesome! Well, except for the part where the only thing he's able to hug by the end are Kate's crossbow bolts...

Still, imma go ahead and give this one a download, if you don't mind.

The names of the four holy swords were a bit of an issue for me, since I was on the fence for a long time on what to call them. As @Interdimensional Observer mentioned on the last page, the Japanese names all start with 聖剣 seiken "holy sword" followed by Reeve, Salia, Leda, or Canaan. (Naturally, this means that the sword Seiken Reeve was probably named after the girl, country, river, and/or word for "compassion" in Jugudi.)

I still haven't gotten over how stupid that is.

Wanting to spice the names up, I looked for mythological theme naming to call them, and when Western mythology didn't give me any options I liked, I turned to the Indian epics and Vedas, which have lots of gods and weapons. From there, I picked the four weapons seeming most closely related to the elements: Agnēyāstra "fire weapon," Bhaumāstra "earth weapon," Vāyavyāstra "air weapon" and Varuṇāstra "ocean weapon." Never mind that astra often signifies a ranged weapon like a javelin, arrow, or magic spell. If you look on the FE Wikia, I wrote little descriptions of each weapon's mythological role on their respective pages.

I like the names, personally. Certainly better than "Holy Reeve" would've been.


On 10/5/2019 at 3:55 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

One Update More. (To the tune of One Day More). Because I really should get it out before the final chapter starts and it becomes irrelevant. If the colors mean something to you other than different singers... you're doing better than me on this one. Maybe. Except mandatory caricatures of Ruben, myself and @Pengaius (because how could I not change "Marius" to "Arkis"?). I'll admit that. Everyone else is kind of there to fill out space... so I've taken some creative liberty in who has what line (Pengaius got more lines than he should have for instance. I'll also note, though the orange is similar to Pengauis yellow, it's not Pengauis.)

  Hide contents

One update more,
Another chapter another chance for tragedy.
On the road to the ending of this LP.
The low percentage chance to crit,
Makes me shudder with each hit.
One update more.

I've awaited each chapter of this Let's Play.
What shall I do when it's concluded?
Soon it will be a thing of Yesterday,
And another will be constituted.

One more update he is not used.
(Will he ever see the battlefield again?)
Instead he's always been abused.
(I'll beg and plead until you're insane.)
But you never seem to care.
(Even if you die I won't pun you)
(You're the best cav Arkis)

One update more until the storm.
(Or maybe two more posts)
Into battle Runan will lead them.
(And Holmes will join his comrade there)
When our enemies use Swarm,
(Don't give in to despair)
Will you take your place with me?
(The time is now. The chapter's here.)

One update more.
One update more until the conclusion.
The ending is drawing near.

One update more.
I'll scrape the bottom of the barrel.
I'm low on song ideas.

One update more.

Watch things go amuck.
Watch things go astray.
Never know your luck,
In a Ruben let's play.
Bad units are blessed.
A horseman sacks a town.
You can never guess,
What will go down.

One update more until the Saga's end.
Here's hoping no more units die.
Every unit must survive.
Every unit must survive.
And we know what is coming then.
And we know what is coming then.
We all know what you're planning.
Berwick is next. We know it's true.
One update more.

I've awaited each chapter of this Let's Play.
One more update he is not used.
I'm low on inspiration.
I can't finish Zach's Lament.
It leads to agitation.
The lyrics just ferment.
One update more until the conclusion.
The end is drawing near.
I'll scrape the bottom of the barrel.
I'm low on song ideas.

Never know your luck in a Ruben Let's Play.

Soon we will discover what the Goddess has in store.
One more post.
One more fray.
One update more.

This is like an ode to everything that I've done. It brings tears to my eyes that somebody would care enough to put my LPs into song. Ah, such a long way from the days in FE12 when nobody even bothered commenting...

Let's bring this to a close, folks. Here's to a happy ending!


Wh-Who are you?!:


First off, I'd like to begin with something that I am always fond of doing: taking a moment to look at my units and reflect on how much they've grown since we started.

5lin2x0k o

Fun thing about the final chapter: both armies take part in it, so you're allowed to manage both of them from the prep menu. I'll do the inventory management later. For now, let's start with Holmes's team. Our first unit of the day is...

Auftc9ds o

Lionheart! Might as well. I didn't use him all that much, mainly in the Salia arc. He's a pretty good unit, a pretty good character, his sprite is amazing, and he got Ahab his godly death quote. That last thing alone is enough for me to want to acknowledge him.

T38ff1sb o

Arkis is bad.

Czu8bmpb o

Plum's been Holmes's designated healer since Mel ditched. She's horrendous and her dancing wasn't even useful at all at any point. I would've taken anybody over her. But I had nobody to take over her, so... yeah.

Ogupfqxw o

It says a lot that Rishel is the most underleveled unit in my team, and yet he's still better than Maruj. This guy is amazing. From a hilarious personal tome, to his great bases and growths, this man is a force of nature, confusing backstory aside. I like him, though not as much as our good ol' Planeboy.

Hey, did someone say Maruj? Me? Well, doesn't matter who, let's have him.

Kxt2sucw o

Ah, Maruj... his personal tome is the worst, Sylphid isn't even exclusive to him, mediocre stats, lame skills (he gains Flurry at level 38. Thirty-eight), bad movement, he gets picked on by everybody, Eclipse didn't put him in her list of favourite characters in her profile's "about me" section despite her frequent claims to love him... Maruj isn't even an entertainingly bad unit. He's just mediocre as all hell. If he didn't use magic, he'd probably be out of the team by now. Thank goodness that nobody on the other side has a good magic stat, eh?

Still, I really like the kid, and how he perseveres no matter how much resistance the universe puts up. Nobody believed he'd do any good after his grandpa died, but he buckled up, did his homework, and set out to destroy Gerxel, haters be damned. And that is exactly what he'll help to do today. Here he is. The new Sage of Wind. He may not live up to his grandfather, or his father for that matter, but may thunder strike him down right now if he's gonna let that stop him. Hah!

Overall, I rate him W1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv o/ W1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv o

C5ql32di o8szg77b7 o
Xmgf0frn o

That last unit was fun. Let's take a look at another fun unit: Tom. Tommy-boy here's got three base move, which of course means I was contractually obligated to use him. I... honestly wasn't expecting to get as much use out of him as I did. He's hilariously defensive for a guy with a defense growth of 10%, which gives him sort of a niche? I know I got some use out of it. Remember the time he solo'd a Summoner's whole Harpy staff, singlehandedly defending the left side of Maerchen's boat while everyone else pressed on forward? Good times, good times. Overall, he's the second-worst of my Archers, but there's no shame in that. This game's Archers are brutal. Besides, he has something they don't: a tank.

All this talk about Archers is nice. Let's have another one.

Eqyswnko o

Raquel. One of my favourite units in the game, and for good reason: you'd never believe she's a unit that Kaga designed, she's that well done. Her mercy and her otherwordly base stats actually bring irreplaceable utility to the table, which compensates for her bowlocked status. That's something most bow units in FE can't say. She's even grown well. She's really squishy, but whenever I need somebody to shoot down a Dracozombie, she's my go-to girl. Way to go. May you never let go of your principles. They are what made you into one of the most remarkable women in this army, after all!

Sdza1jyq o

Another remarkable woman is Julia, but the only remarkable thing about her is her ability to be a complete and thorough disappointment. The only reason she's here is that I wanted her to support Garo. Other than that, I daresay she's the worst unit that I have on the main team. Her strength is pathetic, her speed is lower than the tank's, she has no defense, no magic, her luck's not high enough... I'll be frank, Garo doesn't even need the support. I have no idea why I'm bringing her along still. Probably respect for what she did to Lentzenheimer. I have to give that much to her: she handled the shitbag wonderfully.

Gzaejupy o

Julia's partner-in-deficient-swordmastering! She's a tad worse than Julia in a few areas, but she's also hilarious, which makes all the difference. Furthermore, there's no end to the amusement it gives me that she's faster than Julia. Like, this absolute wreck of a woman, who can't even fight well at all canonically, is swifter than the daughter of the legendary Yoda. Also, her promoted sprite's better. Overall, glad I used her for the jokes. Even if she failed me when I revived her. I was convinced we'd get special scenes, but nope, just a glitch that I didn't even exploit in a funny way!

Yoda, I mentioned. About Yoda, now we talk.

Hehlm2m3 o

Well. What you see is what you get. His skillset is overkill, his stats are overkill, his higher-than-average movement is overkill, his level is overkill... everything about him is just pure, unabashed overkill. Oh, and the handlebar is MANLY. Shame he didn't get to do that much because Holmes's route is so easy.

Eyxliqui o

Another swordie! Zachariah has all the fashion sense, all the defense, and not much else. I really can't think of much else to say. This is still more attention than Kaga gave him, so he should be happy.

Xibniri0 o

Ah, now there's a real man! Garo's interesting, because his base stats are so amazing that he can afford to skip four maps and he still kicks ass and takes names. You'd think the lack of promotion would stop him at some point, but nope! His huge growths (for this game, anyway) and lategame skills ensure that, if he's given some love, he'll remain a great unit throughout the entire journey. I know his caps are kinda low, but keep reading, and when you reach the end of the unit recap, I want you to tell me how he measures up against the rest of the team. I think the only unit in either team that beats him in every single stat is Leonie-- wait, not even her! He has capped HP, she doesn't! It's not much, I know, but this is Leonie we're talking about. It's impressive on its own right that he beats her in one stat.

All in all, this is a man that defies every single FE convention. He can't promote, he's the Jagen, he has low move, and yet here he is. The boss of Holmes's route. Doubtlessly his best unit. He carried us through the ungodly swamp, and for that I shall forever be grateful to him. And on top of all that, he's a swell guy. What's not to love?

Kgg3bnkh o

We just talked about the muscle in Holmes's crew. Now we'll talk about the brains. On top of being a great character, and a surprising match for Eugen as an advisor-type guy, he's a great swordsman, with a personal sword that makes him invulnerable (not that you'd always want him to be invulnerable...), and stupendous stats to go with it. A really unconventional swordsman. I just don't get why he doesn't naturally learn Astra, but Julia does. Is the game really trying to imply that Julia's secretly Yoda's star pupil? Because I fail to see it, myself. Not to mention that she's better off destroying Lentzenheimer in more ways than one with Runan.

Anyway, Son of Zoa is right. This guy embodies the future of Zoa, right here: perfectly integrated in society, not allowing the grudges of his ancestors holding him back, but also refusing to take crap from the not-so-good guys. And, he's extremely powerful, just like his foster father.

That was it for Holmes. Now, on to Runan. I know this is taking a long time, but I always enjoy doing this, so please bear with me. Gotta give the guys some love! They're the lifeblood of any LP.

889whvvi o

Let's start with San, shall we? She's the Castor/Sue of this LP. The veterans of my LPs know by now that I have this stereotype of sorts going on that I always neglect a unit in every playthrough. I give them less levels than the rest, they never do anything, and precisely thanks to that, they live. That's San. I benched her immediately as she joined, remembered I promised to use her, brought her out of the bench to give her a bunch of levels, benched her again because I couldn't promote her, and when she finally did promote, she never did anything remarkable. Congratulations, you get to join the saddest club of the Ruben Cinematic Universe: the one nobody remembers.

0sv4eq2l o

Esther is similar, but she was always way, way worse than San, so of course I felt more inclined to give her chances. She pulled through, in the end, defeating her redheaded rival and rightly earning her place as the one unit who did something sometimes. To be forthcoming with you, I would've dropped them both in a heartbeat for Silva.

Yd52ryc6 o

Another Paladin- nay! Not just another Paladin... THE Paladin! THE Roger THE Paladin! Hahahahah... this man is truly amazing. His love transcends all boundaries- even death cannot part him from his beloved. He was a great unit throughout most of the adventure, but dying proved to be a slight setback. Although, objectively speaking, he was already falling behind by then. Losing Mel's support just sealed the deal; I could not afford to deploy him anymore. Mintz did everything he did, and he did it better. Still, his efforts prior to that were admirable, and I always enjoyed him as a character. A good man who's earned his retirement. May he be happy forever, once he's reunited with Mel.

Zlfe7sor o

The Knight of Arless is basically Good The Roger. He has half the skills, but Flurry makes all the difference. He's also better in all the stats that matter. Well, except for speed, but I mean, one point. His scenes are also some of my favourite scenes in the game, so there's that. One of my favourites from this game. He's even grown pretty well, for a prepromote.

Ol5kmj3v o

More riders? More riders. Kreiss is this game's unlikely MVP, carrying on the spirit of Marcus and Yumina as the unit I expected nothing from, but gave me everything in return. His defense is skyhigh, certainly the greatest of any of my riders, and his offensive stats are nothing to sneeze at, either. A unit nobody believed in, but he showed everybody what he's made of. And once his girlfriend returns from the dead? He'll achieve true happiness. I just hope the endings work properly. Never did the whole "reviving people for the ending "shenanigan" before, so I'm worried it'll screw things up. Ah, no matter. If it does, I'll just go on my older save and pull their ending from there. It's quite the heartwarming little thing. And, shit, how could I not reward him for his efforts? This guy's been giving this war his all from day one. Even losing his love did not stop him. I am so proud of you, man. Godspeed!

Fe5atklx o

Kate's back to being the Sorrowful Knight. I'm fairly certain this does not happen if you have somebody else kill Zieg. Which confirms that I am a monster. Ah... everything Zieg touches turns to gold, doesn't it? Not only is he the top villain of the game, his sister is amazing too and his lover is one of the greatest characters in the game, period. Her development is so awesome, and I love how well-integrated it is with the main story. As a unit, she's unfortunately not that great, but I am proud of her. She turned out well, for what it's worth. Her strength is pretty good, for one. Maybe I'll have her use it to kill Zieg's sister next. Ah, but no. Somebody else deserves the kill more, and I think you can guess who it is.

Nfeebnec o

Since we just went over Kate, it's only right that we take a gander at Sasha next. Hohohoho, boy. What a unit. I think she's, like 5 points of strength ahead of her max level average? 8 points of luck ahead? You get my point. I can't even remember when I started the whole "Sasha is actually a murderous psycopath" thing, but Sasha sure got invested in the role. She's a force of nature, capable of rending even the toughest of enemies to shreds, wearing a cute little pink skirt while she does so. She's hilarious. Giving her Mug was one of the funniest decisions I've made in any of the LPs. I regret nothing. Raphael probably does, though.

Speaking of Raphael, R.I.P. I forgot to screenshoot his stats. Not that he ever did much. The guy's a staple of any normal team, which, of course, ensured I barely ever fielded him. I'm sorry, man. You're pretty rad, but you just weren't meant for my sort of run.

Ofz6umbp o

I'm sick and tired of high-move units. Let's have the complete opposite. This guy... he exists, all right. I've been using him mainly as a meme. Unbelievably, he's actually done a couple things of note. Wounding Zieg, for example. I... I don't know. I thought it'd be funny to use him. And it was, don't get me wrong, but... I don't know, looking at him now, I feel a weird sense of emptiness. Like I made all those brave Canaanites and misguided Zoans just... waste their deaths on a bad joke. I hate myself. I hate you, Hagar. Go fuck yourself. It'd probably be easy, with your neck.

Hitzym5r o

Buckletooth girl is the middle ground between Rishel and Maruj. She didn't get as much love (read, experience) as Maruj from me, but she's not nearly as hopelessly underleveled as Rishel. She's better than Maruj, but worse than her brother. Her sprites are better than Rishel's, but they can't match the absolute fun that was Maruj pretending to be a plane. She's... not that entertaining, to be honest. Aura Rain's beaten the last few maps for me, though, so I have to hand that to her. Also, she's hilariously lucky. Did you see that dodge last update? If I didn't know better, I'd suggest that the death spell flew right over her and hit the Serenes servers. But nah, that makes no sense...

2hhzgihx o

Thief/10. He gave Eugen one of his greatest moments. Next.

Qsaq1vuj o

Lee! Simplee wonderful. A magical nuke at the beginning, he progressively became more and more of a dedicated healer, until plot wounds (shut up I never reset you can't prove it) turned him into a full-blown staffbot. His unparalleled stats gave him an edge over all of the other healers in the game. Also helps that I could recruit him, unlike almost all the rest.

He may not've enjoyed much of the glory of combat, but his job was perhaps even more vital: he kept the glorious fighters going. His efforts to keep this LP going are astounding. I am trulee proud of you, old man. Don't worry, not much left now before everyone gets a vacation. After dying twice, I imagine you'll be needing it.

M0d8eo4h o

Entering the Badass Zone now. What can I say about Rock Solid himself that I haven't already said? He's the strongest man in the continent, the sturdiest man in the continent, the ugliest man in the continent, the best swordfighter in the continent... he's an Armor Knight with a horse and Wrath. One of the most unique and fun units in the game for me. I know Billford hogs all the memes, but I hope that I got at least some people to see the glory of Norton for what it is. Next time you play this game, do yourself a favor, instead of picking Narron like the boring people, hand that first Knight's Crest over to Norton. You won't regret it.

...hey, it took me this long, but it just dawned on me-- GBAFE stole multiple promotion items from TRS! Kaga did it first! Man, you find these where you least expect them!

Plg6ijl3 o

Badass Nº2: Sierra. My waifu She has infinite movement. As if that wasn't already enough to make her better than every single other Mage, her stats put every single other Mage to shame. Even Rishel. I know it's mostly because I've fed her all the spirit dusts, but I mean, who else was I going to give them to? She has an entire branch of effectively personal tomes, a rocking design, and a quite pleasant personality. I honestly felt a little bad when I gave her Vantage, because I knew full well that it would break the game in half. I am ashamed of myself for using her. But can you blame me? Every time she just jumps to the other side of the map without so much as breaking a sweat, a fiery blaze lights up within my heart. In other words, I love her. I hope you're happy with Shigen, girl. You sure earned it. Now's when I get her killed and I cancel the LP three updates before the end.

Zojkimul o

Here she is. The one and only. The legend, the myth. The woman who killed the Sword of Canaan. The woman who zapped straight past Lentzenheimer's security. The woman who damaged Zieg despite the silver shield he was carrying. The woman who has destroyed this game. If Kreiss is the successor to Marcus and Yumina, Leonie is the one who has taken on the mantle of Matthis and Lot. Just... look at those stats! Max strength, max skill, max speed, max mastery... as much defense as Kreiss, and only two HP short of matching him! Over half the luck cap so even crits can't down her! This isn't even a lategame thing, either. Her one chapter of weakness was Fort Balt. Once she ate up all those Ogres, she was good to go. Frankly, I'm not sure who was saved by Mintz that fateful day in the Free City of Senay: her, or Pavlov. She probably could've eaten that bastard for breakfast, even back then.

Just like with Lot and Matthis, I feel like I cannot do this girl justice with mere words. My vocabulary is insufficient in truly bestowing upon this heroine a worthy description of her deeds. All I can say is, the next candidate to enter the Hall of the Best better be prepared, because Leonie has set the bar so high, I can't even see it from here. And it was already pretty difficult to discern, after Lot the Invincible.

And the best part is that she did all that, while being bowlocked. That only serves to make her case even more impressive. Holy shit, this girl's marvelous.

Vasek99k o

It's only proper to leave the protagonists for last. Even if they're Holmes. It's embarrassing that Leonie is better than him in almost every possible aspect. Don't let that score of his fool you: his dinky little daggers cannot match Leonie's sheer power. Sure, his strength is the same as hers, but then there's... every other stat barring skill and HP. Of course, they never existed in the same route, so that gives Holmes a reason to exist. As a unit, he's good. I like him, he's what Archers should always be, but rarely are: strong and reliable to make up for the lack of enemy phase.

Really, all of the Archers in this game are examples of how to do bow units right. You've got a prepromote who comes with extreme power and great utility, a growth Est that snowballs so insanely, it actually does make up for her awful start (in my heart, at least), and a Lord in the middle of both that was later ripped off by IntSys (c'mon, don't tell me it's a coincidence-- Claude's personal promoted class is called Barbarossa, for fuck's sake!). Also, extremely defensive ballisticians that use bows for direct combat. Really, the only one that's truly iredeemable is Luca. But nobody cares about Luca. I bet most of you don't even remember what he looks like. Well, here he is.

W5w4egig o

This single copypasting of his portrait has made him more relevant than Ezekiel. That's just sad-- you know what? Here, have a mention too, you bastard.

8k7qxjjl o
Wwnnqunm o

Here we have the protagonist himself: the Scion of Reeve, Runan Selius! Funnily enough, the Lord himself turned out to be the LP's Athena, the late bloomer. Initially quite weak, he never did get much stuff done, but as he started getting fancy swords, he grew more and more powerful. His promotion was the point of no return: once he got those fancy blue garments, he became a master of the sword to match the likes of Shigen and Yoda. He's come such a long way. I am glad to have shared this adventure with you, man. Screw the haters, you're the best protagonist.

Kkr39qbu oLmmfwfpo o4kyo35la oMegr3nxq oDin4cfgr o

Remember the fallen. Juliattisnacordst and Lionel in particular. I really wanted to train Juliattisnacordst, and Lionel... man, Lionel's death was the most heartbreaking of the LP. I so wanted him to see it through... Norton lost a good friend that day. And now, it is time to avenge him. Watch, Lionel. Your death was not in vain!

And, of course, how could we forget!

Crkmpcux o

Eugen. He beat Holmes with a single punch, which must mean that his stats are even higher than the blonde dummkopf's. That's right: Eugen breaks all the caps. Eugen would break the game, but he knows that's not my style, so he has generously sat this one out. Ain't that mighty nice of him.

28n7ppcx oHa75eukc oF4qsfpyn o
9ehsj2zp oHlb85oph o

And now, after some quick, but very important, inventory management...

Xhqbbmny oX1die0zu o

W1bjm9gj oBy the power of your blood, the seal shall be undone, and the dark god shall live on in my flesh. The birth of a new world is at hand.

W9eoo5rl o5bri6dcw o

Hngfw8ve oWhy did you throw it all away? What could you hope to gain by reviving the dark god and dooming the human race? What is it you want?

W1bjm9gj oThere is nothing that I want, dear child. I am simply righting a wrong in this world. As a child of Leda, you must know what happened to Princess Tita.

Hngfw8ve oMy great aunt Tita...? I heard she was killed during Kranion's attack on the capital.

W1bjm9gj oHa ha ha ha ha... Hardly, my dear. Allow me to educate you.

Cuuih3fb o

0zfd96rn o Ah, everybody's favourite thing: exposition we already know. Yes, there's that in the final chapter. Well, I'll ready up the pillow... is what I'd say, except there's actually something pretty big here. Keep reading.

W1bjm9gj oAs the war grew longer and longer, the king of Leda grew irritated. When he learned that his daughter's birthmark was in fact the Brand of Yutona, he decided to make her into a tool of war by invoking the Guardian Dragon Kranion... Princess Tita wept at her father's feet, begging for mercy... But the cruel king did not care about his daughter's wishes, and her husband was forced to watch powerlessly as his wife... MY wife... was made to undergo the forbidden curse to summon Kranion.

W1bjm9gj oTita had no control over Kranion, and the king was killed instantly. With no one left to break the curse, it was impossible to return her to human form, and she could never control the beast within. For months, she raged across the frontiers of Leda and Salia, killing thousands... The humans of this world, ignorant of her plight, called her a monster, a demon. Warriors from across the land came in search of fame by hunting the Witch Dragon. And when they couldn't kill Tita, they killed themselves against her... Over... and over... and over...

Wjm9jzvn o

W1bjm9gj oThere will always be humans who are willing to kill and manipulate for their own greed, like those warriors, or King Grauss... They use a pure, innocent girl for their own rotten ambitions. If humanity is willing to make my Tita suffer, then humanity has no right to live. And so, Tita and I shall become gods, and we will start this world over again.

Kieing0a o5ejpbmc8 o

W1bjm9gj oI do not know the answer to that, daughter of Canaan. My Tita lost the capacity for rational thought many years ago.

W1bjm9gj oBut I will not abandon my love. For forty long years have I watched her, and I cannot die and leave her all alone. She needs me here, as I do her.

0zfd96rn o Ah, there it is. This, my friends, is the singular goal of Guenchaos. Not to rule the world, not to revive the Zoan empire... even destroying humanity is not, in itself, his primary objective. What Guenchaos truly wants is to erase all those who would hurt him and his love, and spend the rest of eternity with his equally deathless wife, alone and safe in a ravaged world. Everything that's happened in this game, everybody who died, all the tragedies that occured... it was all because of a broken man's misguided love for the demented dragon that probably no longer even knows who he is, but that he is still madly in love with nonetheless. Love is what's caused this entire tragic war.

0zfd96rn o I don't know about you guys, but I find this to be absolutely amazing. He's not quite to Zieg's level, but... damn, Guenchaos is a great villain on his own right.

Hgzb6lnu oLkmr4sli o

A3liakj5 oIf you really wished for her happiness, you would have put her into an eternal sleep, so she could rest peacefully. That's something you could do for her yourself, as a mage.

W1bjm9gj oO foolish daughter of Reeve... When the one you love is imprisoned and suffering, could you abandon him? Would you not go to any lengths to protect that person, even if you could not hope to help him? No, child... This is my only choice.

A3liakj5 oI would do what is right. No matter what happened, I would never sell my soul to darkness.

W1bjm9gj oThen you are weak. If you are not willing to sacrifice everything for another's sake, then you have never known true love.

0zfd96rn o You know what the worst part about this is? These are all things I could totally see the hero of a different story saying to the villain. Instead, it's the other way around. Wearing white clothes despite being a dark mage isn't quite the only trope he subverts, let me tell you that much.

K0bjygmi oLbvwilzr o

W1bjm9gj oDo you have something to say, daughter of Salia?

Njdtyjkp oYou're a human being. Even if you gain immortality, you can't change the fact that you're still human. Your heart will not change. How can you call it eternal? Love is honorable because we devote the precious time we have to others. It is because life is fleeting that love is worthwhile. But with an immortal body, how can you call what you feel love? What is it that you've gained?

Aexpsm0c o

P1zzgcas o ...well, my hat's off to you, Katri. That was a magnificent speech. Who would've known that you, of all people, would prove to be the wisest among your peers.

W1bjm9gj oAs I said, child, there is nothing that I want. I am only doing what needs to be done. Mankind must die, and I will kill it.

0zfd96rn o Sadly, she could not get through to him. I'm afraid Tita wasn't the only one who lost the capacity for rational thought many years ago...

P5l4ln9a o

P1zzgcas o Hah! Fat chance. Now I get ten turns to kill him before he shanks Katri, or something like that, right?

72rq3flk o

He's on the move? Ah, but he's moving towards Holmes. Now's when he fires an arrow through the bars and saves the day, right?

Zlw2zdgn o

...uh... the power of love will save her, right? I mean, so far, the power of love is to blame for the deaths of literally everyone who has died in this game, but surely it'll redeem itself now, right?

Gnl7qqc9 o

I6x37qug o

Yu2f6ufi o

You will! You'll see him again! There's no way the game is going to kill you now!

Ep5j1tsp o

I'm... I'm 78% sure!

Zujwlodj o

Hey! How dare you steal Maruj's finger pose? What's next, you're going to steal his plane? You truly are the main villain of this story!

Uz6b0y4u oJumohrgz o


Vdmrykmp o


Abf44fpt o0qlmkklv o


Run! We need to run! Sierra, warp on top of him and kill him before he murders the rest of them! This fucker's serious!

Nvce2iep oH88jmuiq o

There's Carla. I wish she'd stay and enjoy the show, but she has other plans.

Akgjxqvt o

I'd like to point out that Holmes doesn't react to Katri's death. Which is extremely strange, for reasons we'll discover soon.

Jy2ptyye o

Cpz3qysn oFinally, we've found her... But how do we get to her?

Yzsfx7qs oWe need to find a way to get past these iron bars, or we'll never reach her...

Fwhksugy oResshea and Sennet, you stay here and try to break through these bars. I'll try and find another way in!

Cpz3qysn oPlease hurry, Mother!

1l734hny o

Sadly, Katrina doesn't join us, and neither does Resshea. Seems like she's Sennet's Eugen. At least Sennet himself is playable. I'll talk about him in a minute.




8dpwclni o
Dsvtwnet o
Y3vnpjfp o
Sm5cjfwn o

Hbjevdbm o




4qm78ear o
Scnywl42 o
Cqyi63m7 o
Ixypzam8 o

Ksuvohfr o

Nkphvc2b o
Tm72zjiv o
Nfdklkmr o
Ayxi0pch o
7lhwovkn o
5acolcim o
Cxrwfz0a o
Vjiaamf4 o




Bcn2dam1 o

Here it is. The final map.

Gameplay-wise, it's not that difficult, actually. The Dracozombies are scary, and the Sorcerers have AoE spells (of course they do), and the Shadow Bishops will heal up anyone you leave wounded, but other than that... there aren't even any Witch reinforcements to begin with. They do begin to appear later, but by then, you'll have the situation under control, and they don't even appear that far away, so you can easily take care of them as they appear. All in all, it's not the easiest map in the game, but it's definitely no Fort Balt, and no Reeve.

Gp7oxjpz o

Guenchaos is right there. I... am not looking forward to fighting this monster. Zahhak, as Eisenbach discovered the hard way, has the Sylph effect, and if he wants to heal, he has Nosferatu. And then there's the fact that he's godly and better than any of my units. Even Leonie can't match him. Holy shit.

However, this doesn't matter. Not yet, at any rate, because...

1efyrwen o

...the game doesn't allow anybody to go up there. Even Sierra can't just warp, access to the altar is impossible for some reason. So all we can do is wait.

X8gylh9g o

Just in case you thought we wouldn't have a boss, though, here's Carla. From turn 1, she'll be warping all over the place and shooting meteors at people. She's not really difficult to down if you can catch her, but of course, catching her isn't that easy. Her AI will often have her warp way out of your reach, which means she can't fire meteors, but also that she might just live to turn 5. You don't really want the enemy to use a map-wide AoE attack, now do you?

Eplstwpo oUylqy45k oIsqzxbfa o

The Shamans are here! Tia still has her ring, but Guenchaos is long past the point of using these girls for their power. She's also got way better stats than the other Shamans, who... are underleveled, for some reason? I don't know why that is, but it's not like it really matters. I can't control them, and they cannot do anything - heck, Katri will never do anything again. Let's just hope the others don't follow in her footsteps.

3ifuaxwi o

One last tidbit before we finally start playing. Here is Sennet. Sennet is the Gotoh, basically. He has growths, and he can make use of them, but with his availability, they don't really matter.

Your lords turned out badly? Well, don't worry, here's this absolute force of nature to make them look like crap even if they did turn out well. He's required to beat the final boss, and he'll most likely do the most damage to him.

Igbj8191 o

All right, less talk more warp.

Olhs7vx9 o

If you lose Sierra and Renee, or have no door keys, there's no way to leave the starting points, as the doors cannot be opened from the inside. The game doesn't softlock, thankfully. There is a contingency in place for this event. Thankfully, we won't need to wait for it.

Z1e1osgx oWwuklkgt o

First order of business, bring this guy down. I don't want scary things to happen.

Hhuxvkjh o

This terrain is a pain to traverse, but oh well.

Efd6yqrn o

You guys wait by the door. Sierra will come get you next turn. Sennet will be last.

7lov9oop o

There she goes... if you could land near Shigen, I'd really appreciate it, thanks.

Uqwfgwjm o

Of course.

Hlcfgyha oMen! The time has come! The first of the daughters of Yutona has been slain! Soon, our God will be resurrected, and the hope of Zoa will be revived! We just need to hold out until then! Are you with me!?

Q6xpr3vl oYes, Lady Carla!

75eoz4qf oThose infidels will never reach the Pontiff!

Hlcfgyha oThen hold this position with your lives! Do not allow a single one of them to pass!

Q6xpr3vl oHah hah hah... those bastards are going to pay for what they did to our people!

75eoz4qf o...you there! In position! The heretics are almost upon us!

Rx79mwxc o...so they are.

75eoz4qf oWhat, second thoughts? Have you already forgotten? How we found you, nearly dead before the doorsteps of the Water Shrine? How we saved you, in the name of Gerxel? You owe your very life to Him! Surely you do not intend to defect to those that left you in such a state!

Rx79mwxc o...and so, I will aid those who would destroy humankind. It is the greatest sin of all... fitting, that one as wretched as myself would die for such a wretched thing...

Q6xpr3vl oHmph! It doesn't matter whether or not you are capable of seeing the truth. A lowly worm such as yourself could not possibly hope to disturb the ceremony. Either you die by their hand, our ours. It's your choice.

Rx79mwxc oNo, you're correct. I cannot change anything. Whether they win or lose will be decided by people greater than I. All I can do is hope that my death will be a swift and painless one... please... let it be somebody else, and not that monster of a girl...! Even I do not deserve such a fate, do I?!

Q6xpr3vl oYou haven't stopped talking about this "girl" since you arrived. Even as you were struggling between life and death, you kept muttering about her in your delirious sleep. Do you truly believe a heinous pagan could hope to stand against our lord Gerxel!?

Rx79mwxc oYes. Yes I do. There is no stopping that demon... and you'll soon find out why.

75eoz4qf oHah! Watch well, then. She will fall before us, just like the rest. Perhaps then, you will truly begin believing in our Lord...

Rx79mwxc o...

45332lju oTikgnqjk o

Nobody was hit. Brilliant.

F1ztvqq6 o

Gaaaaaaaaaaah! Raquel did get hit, though! Jesus, that was too close... she's too squishy, man. I need to be careful. Losing someone now would be so disheartening...

9qokfere oGslh2dab oYyeuyphu o

Nosferatu would've been a better choice of tome for Sierra, but I forgot.

E63rui3y o

More soldiers? Nice.

Avels3f1 o
Ys2quydn o

Oh, for crying out loud... what do I do!? How do I stop him!?

1oidrjfa o
Uwqsffw8 o

Gdgaeush oXrpzajqw oJi2qzusw o

Oh, Christ's sake... blistering barnacles! I can't believe this!

2yjjwbdu oGmobhver o

Oh, no...

Cpz3qysn oDamn it! Neyfaaaaa!

Yzsfx7qs oPrince Sennet! Get a hold of yourself!

Cpz3qysn oDon't try and stop me, Resshea! I'm going to kill that monster! I'll kill him with my own hands!




Ej38nnz1 o
Ppdqdlta o
Zvnlv54c o
Jgfhqf0d o
8jym0oj1 o
K7nqtkpp o
Ygcee1su o
Ywe7izvy o
Piytgwup o
Pgy2spfy o
Yoj5hf0z o
Orhd4srd o
Wjmcrcip o
Ghe3xmrm o

Mykmbgvu o




V685lkeu o

This guy is preventing Sierra from freeing Runan's team. Let's fix that.

6vgd0w4v oQ1og1vak o

Kate isn't reliable enough (that 4% crit terrifies me) so Leonie does it.

Vphtrral oXfa4mkuj o


7nang24o oHquxnebn o

Q6xpr3vl oHere they come!

75eoz4qf oCharge! For Gerxel!

Rx79mwxc o...sigh...

Adz5pw3n o


Pahlndhz oEisjrdjl o

Garo is better.

Gcpuk5c5 oNpk7ymiu o

We're getting out. Very slowly.

Czfon5p6 o

Carla? Are you feeling all right? Or are you just rallying all the troops to battle? 'Cause I don't think they need that, their AI is programmed to charge no matter what.

V3viu99r o


75eoz4qf oDeath to the enemies of Gerxel! Join your goddess in Purgatory!

Xuojncx0 o

Guaaah...! Runan!

0mzeqxx2 o9hpijlp0 oHcuedqfk o

Oh my God Raquel's almost dead again...

Lcxzla5v o

Holmes withstood the blow better, thanks to a shield that he had for some reason. Not anymore.

F7j3hubp o

No, stop! I only have one healer! I can't afford to have this many wounded!

Q6xpr3vl oThere is no bright future for you! All that awaits you is the eternal void!

75eoz4qf oWait-- Where are you going!?

Vypjklgf oGhvzpggs oXzqa4tyh o


Qcag3fsh o

A Dracozombie came down and attacked Runan. Thankfully, only the Sorcerer was hit.

Q6xpr3vl oG-Guh...! Mindless beast! How dare you!?

75eoz4qf oIt's your own fault for standing so close to the enemy! What even are you doing so far ahead?!

Q6xpr3vl oWhat does it look like!? I'm destroying the enemies!

75eoz4qf oDo it from here! Let the bald guy fight them head-on! That's what he's here for! You'll get killed if you get carried away!

Q6xpr3vl oI-I cannot forgive them! I will never forgive them for what happened...! Come here, pagans! Die! Raaaaaaaaaaargh!!

75eoz4qf oBrother!


Rx79mwxc oHeh... at least I got to see that nonsense before dying. Sigh... all right. Let's do this.

Azdvldlz o

That's a fair bit of soldiers. A shame they're so weak, eh?

Zbfgtily o

Crap, it's Enteh's turn...

Eoppuqwv o
8nfhdhvj o




Fino3pjp o

I'm sorry for ruining the moment. I could not resist, when I saw the line...

Kwa3suph oQ4tqubzr o

Holy crap, she's gone too...

Qi0ixd48 o

Wait a second!

Q4tqubzr o

...he actually did it! The absolute madman stole Maruj's plane animation!

Qeaohdnu o

Yeah, totally!

Qeaohdnu oW1vfq8mv o

...poor Maruj. He looks so stiff compared to Guenchaos. He's outclassed even when it comes to pretending to be a plane. He can't keep up with anyone!

But, you know what? At least his sprite looks like him. That is not Guenchaos. Like, nothing about that person is Guenchaos. The sprite doesn't even have the beard, just a thin moustache! I wonder if there's an unused portrait that matches this sprite better...




U9e5j76t o

Jh4hhoqm o

B5lz5rqn o
Xpwif9yc o
Pdcbch6p o
Cgczr06n o
Hqvvqupz o
Hdxxiwbb o
6lzjhiyw o
Vonyyvgu o




...well, I couldn't find any, but one thing's clear: there were some massive changes to Guenchaos's design at one point or another of the game's development.

Dgs8em9b o

Anyway, Enteh's dead.

Drskxagk o

Ih49ob2i oLord Runan... I know how you must feel, but the battle still rages on.

0zfd96rn o Yeah, no kidding. You're right in front of the enemies, Runan! You can't just lose yourself now of all times, you'll get murdered as well!

Ih49ob2i oWe must focus on finding the passage to the altar, or all will be lost!

Llibn6rp oEnteh...

Ermjn710 o

While Sierra warps up to Sennet, I just want to go back to something I said earlier. See why it's so strange that Holmes doesn't react to Katri's death? Both Sennet and Runan have their own little scenes reacting to the death of their respective Shaman, but Holmes doesn't get zip. Denial, shock or simple idiocy as usual? Draw your own conclusions.

Smbfdbyb oR35g1tew o

Anyway, let's equip nosferatu. Sennet can deal with the dragon.

Eiwje6lp o

Unbelievable... Half my team is wounded! They can all die to this guy!

Quxfujlz o

Okay, plan time. First, Lee does Lee things. I am kind of regretting benching Plum for Krishna, but I wanted to bring as many memes as possible.

R7yghpwa o

There, Sierra's... safe-ish now. This is one instance where Vantage actually screws her over: if one of those lancers attacks and hits her, she won't be able to recover before the Dracozombie gets a shot at her.

M0en4p2r o

You gotta move. Even if you can't reach the Dracozombie, you must move.

3p58vpyu o

The Lukuud would've been a more reliable bet for the one-shot, but Runan needs the health, and even if he gets hit, he'll still end up profiting from the second strike.

8dxtm2ju o6yll58ud oNpttvgw7 o

Here we go. Best case scenario. Thank you, Runan, for being awesome.

2rwsv3di o

Kate shoots down a guy.

Zkf8qcpg o

Q6xpr3vl oUck! Pontiff... realize our dreams... bring Him back...!

75eoz4qf oMonsters! Fiends! Heathens! With these very hands, I shall deliver divine judgement to you!

Rx79mwxc o...I could use these ones as distractions too... but no. I have spent this entire war sacrificing others for my own sake. No more!

Tf5qj9hs o1lhji452 oMz9pl3wm o

Now, Kate's out in the open, but I can protect her. Kreiss heals up with the luna sword (yes, it can do that).

Nc371p9f o6psoeaxb o

Like so, and now...

...Kate can still die because of the Dracozombie that Sennet could not reach.

Well. She does have a miracle charm, I'm pretty sure?

Mrmkcjys oSs1mnp5g o

On the other side of the map, here's this guy's death.

Heoylpda o

Why must you be a constant disappointment, Holmes?

Rpz0h2no oMse0xlhe o

Guess what, Garo does it instead, as always.

Ybjhra37 oJqqkdqjn oPwop6zjt o

This is all the healing Raquel's getting. If Carla lands on her, she's done for.

Vxfoje5f o

...hoo, boy... this turn's gonna be fun, isn't it...

Tobfdikt o


Dywwvcco o

--Haaaaaaaaah...! All right, she continues to be dumb.

...for too long. Turn 5 approaches fast. If I can't kill her soon...! Maybe Sierra can do it.

Om5qd9si o

Oh, right. Meteor has a ton of range.

Nmoxd35c oAk93mgqy o

Unlikely. Even a crit doesn't kill her. She's the superior Witch, Carla.

3ynzaztw oXpe8x594 oRxgl7qyu o

C'moooon... did you really have to hit her? Now she'll die if the flying carrion comes after her...

Fr9j0uhv o


75eoz4qf oRevenge! I will avenge my brother! Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrgh! In the name of Pontiff Guenchaos! In the name of the one true God!!






Sbc1m8nr o

N4hawydu o

Tqx7xvar o

Ugztkjdh o

4d26jbwo o
Lfmy4cfo o
Zrwhqal0 o

4gzhyhgz o

Hynxnlyj o

O2rzqmtw o




Ww6oy1wh o8llbia3z o


Qtihukrr o

I can no longer feel my sphincter. I will assume that is a good thing.

75eoz4qf oW-We failed... we were... useless in the end... Pontiff... Guen... chaos...

3ows8uh5 o


Rx79mwxc oThey have fallen. There is nothing separating the enemy and I now. All that is left... is for fate to come for me!

Oddkh3xk oEg66sspe o

Rx79mwxc oCome! Face me! It matters not if all I have is this spear I can barely wield! I am done running!

Fi5lxp7r o

Here's Sennet's sprite. It's a recolored version of Runan's. Eh, that's okay. They kinda look alike, anyway.

7a3j9d2i oDali00g9 oAqovqijv o

First battle, and already he's making Holmes look like a pansy.

Wb2qejmx o

That's a weird frame of the sword, though. It looks like it's blunt, and also made out of mint-flavored mints. What's up with that?

Xlo5bpjp o

We'll have all the keys in the world by the time this is all said and done.

2a8pew3g oYxl4t3dx o

More cannon fodder. Is this really all the mighty Cult of Gerxel has left to offer?

Q0gghjwu oN3obdq9b o

Oh God, why did I have to open my mouth?! And yes, they do have Death. There goes my plan to have Sierra kill Carla. These new Witches take top priority. High crits that target resistance are way more dangerous than inaccurate meteors and a map-wide spell that has 1 might.

37xfrpxe o

More reinforcements. Predictably, that piece of shit Richard is back for one last hurrah, alongside... wait!

Kgj5z61f o


Kv5wulqf oWhat sort of man would I be if I turned tail after coming so far?

Nvgt6c4b o

P1zzgcas o I want to stop here for a moment. When I first played this game, two years ago, I absolutely loved this twist. I didn't see it coming at all. This singlehandedly turned Richard into one of the most interesting characters in the game, for me. This proved that, despite being rude, arrogant and an overall dickwad, deep down, he's actually a decent person. A man who would not betray those he loves, and who would not stoop so low as to sell his soul to the devil. No matter how hostile he may be to most people, he's got his good points, and - heck - maybe even some kindness, deep down there. This also confirmed what that Ronald fellow said way back in his only scene. Remember, he said that, no matter what Richard thought about her, Tia was actually a very shrewd and intelligent person? Well, this is the perfect payoff for that scene. They fooled the Pontiff of Gerxel himself. This is one of my favourite moments in the game. I just love it.

0zfd96rn o Now... here's the catch: This isn't the original script. Aethin made a number of changes to it. I'll leave the discussion of whether he should've done that or not for another day. For what it's worth, he recently released a public apology on Reddit for being a bit shady about it. My personal opinion is that only one of them worsens the plot. I'll say which one later.

0zfd96rn o Now that we've established that this is basically fanfic, then surely, the original must've been oh-so much better, because purity is always best, right? ...fuck no, I hate the original Richard! OG!Richard really betrayed Tia, but then he had a change of heart because he realized he really loved her, and went back to save her. This isn't... bad, per se, but it's just... so cliché. Richard's a generic idiot with a generic redemption arc in the original. There's nothing to it. Aethin's version actually has depth to it. Not to mention that this version of Richard is one that I can actually see myself forgiving. Yes, he's an asshole, but he remained steadfast in his love for Tia and his support in her quest against the Cult of Gerxel, and for that I can respect him. What is there to like about Original Richard? Nothing, that's what.

0zfd96rn o Bottom-line, not sure how many of you will agree with me, but I'm going to do what I've always done: consider Aethin's Richard to be the one and only. Unfortunately for you, Brightbow, this means I'm going to be rooting for him. Please bear with me.

Kv5wulqf oDo it, Alfred. No matter what occurs, I will not falter.

Slulcp6k oI will send you to Tia's side, then. Godspeed, Prince Richard.

P1zzgcas o Another thing I love about this scene is how it features Alfred and Richard leaving their differences aside. Remember how, back in the Witch Dragon chapter, they were at each other's throats? Well, this act of bravery seems to have gotten Alfred to see Richard in a new light. They've buried the hatchet, in the name of something greater. It's a small little detail, but I really dig it.

Ngcxcxak o

One problem with this scene, however, is that... well, you can see it with your own eyes, can't you? Those two nincompoops were too friggin' late! Everyone but Tia is dead! I can accept that Richard just took too long to find Alfred and make it back here, but it would've been nice if they actually acknowledged it!

Uusvlpqj o

Hngfw8ve oGuenchaos... When I was a child, my grandmother showed me a portrait that she rescued during the destruction of Leda Castle. It was the only picture of her little sister Tita left in existance. The portrait was of her and her husband, a handsome young man from the proud lineage of the Earth Shrine. She told me that those two had been destined by the Goddess to be together, but this unfair world had torn them apart.

Jdbe0ifd o

0zfd96rn o You know, I can't help but wonder if he was called Guenchaos back then. That sort of name can only belong to a villain. Maybe he was born Guendahl and changed his name when he began his edgy streak.

Hngfw8ve oMy great-grandfather was a terrible man, and he deserved the fate he met with... But you were never satisfied, were you? There wasn't a great enough punishment in this world for what he'd done to Tita. Katri... Neyfa... Enteh... They were just innocent girls, and you killed them all for your ambitions. Their lives were meaningless to you.

Yq6rd8gt o

Hngfw8ve oYou've become ten times the monster my great-grandfather ever was.

Yhmvwgsu o

0zfd96rn o Alfred? We're ready when you are. Oh, no need to hurry, the world is just about to end. Take-your-sweet-time!

Gwbr4wqg oCkq23phb o

Finally, goddamnit! Kick his ass, Richard!

...I... never thought I'd be saying something like that.

Vp3kercq o

Hngfw8ve oRichard! That was a close one...

Kv5wulqf oDamn, I missed... You're more agile than I thought, old man.

0zfd96rn o You know, Richard, I've given you all the credit I possibly could've, but you have to admit, screaming your intentions to his face for five seconds before trying to stab him probably wasn't the best idea. You could've just gone for the kill. Probably wouldn't have worked, with his defense, but still...

Kv5wulqf oSorry for the delay, Tia. I'll take care of this ruffian for you.

W1bjm9gj oRichard, you irritating pest... Come to throw away your life? Begone!

2qpje5sy oAmuhizqa o

You can do it...! If only to prove that you're superior to that rat, Holmes! C'mon!

At this point, I'd recommend that you stop for a moment, find a video of the final chapter and watch it along with the LP. From here on out, the game goes absolutely nuts with the scripted battles and the amazing animations, and I could not do them justice with still images. Don't just leave me entirely, though. I have much witty commentary to offer! No, no! Please, don't leave me! Pleaseeee~!

Braaduoc oTzyi9c4c o

Well, he's hit, but not down.

Hmzoaqub o

Off he goes!

Cwsgv3g9 o

They've both taken minor injuries.

Nrvdsveo o
Jkccqtan o

Oh, crap. It's the same thing that killed Eisenbach!

Txvpgob8 o


Zreakqkp o

...what!? Is the game going to kill him, too!? How many NPCs can Kaga possibly slaughter before the end of the game!?

Icwbsd57 o

Guenchaos casts the spell, one more time, and...

Kv2djyf5 o

For dramatic effect, we're shown the final blow in all its glory. We're finally going to see Zahhak in action.

A1z18hhp oMdjy5hqc oPbagp5ep o

Guenchaos's animation changes for the occassion, that's how you know it's epic.

I1apjytv oLnfvryvz o

...what the heck...

Fe3iddui o

Well, that... thing, whatever it is, is morphing into Richard's brain. That... can't be good.

Gfn2m1vn o

Well. Casualty number four. And I still can't reach Guenchaos.

Tcyfix9m o

Vp1nqku1 oDamn it all... Stand up, Richard... You just have to... stand...

Hngfw8ve oRichard..!

Vp1nqku1 oIt's no use... Here... You'll need your sword back, Tia... It wouldn't... work for me... But I know it will for you... You can't let Guenchaos... use you...

Wztvmgs1 o
Nfs6uu6y o
Szdenzpi oOh5n73dw oFj3xbzi7 o
Jqz6eayk o

The final holy sword is upon us. This one's more of a sable.

Klhy2uuy oJyxlnd3c o

A blessed light shines upon Tia.

Lxfj5u5h o

This, for some reason, results in Tita's garments disappearing, her armor and cape returning to her, and the binds keeping her restrained vanishing into thin air. Okay.

Wq6wkapz o
4isv1r1z o

Well. He's gone. Some will rejoice, some will be saddened. I'm just angry that I couldn't get his death face to not look derpy.

R8yqommg o

Richard blinks out of existance.

E8dynibz o
Cevfnyed o
Ubr4tpxs o
6r7d1ybv o
Tedqzitg o
Uoai7sty o
A8xlypjh o

Ohohohohohohoh! Now it's on! Too bad it took four lives to get here... Richard could probably have saved the hero act and just handed Tia's sword to her. He also could've been faster to the punch. And then nobody would've died. But still, E for Effort.

Vq76gcrk oXp123ovs o

Anyhow, Tia cuts Guenchaos's gut open.

Ihdqt5v9 o9t3e9xit oMhbiinhl o

He destroys Tita (see, this is why you don't name two different characters Tita and Tia, you risk this typo happening) in return, but the power of the sword invalidates Zahhak's, and so...

Wf9c6eh4 oMv67nye7 o

...is an NPC really about to end the game for me?

2vmfzpqe oOympmiur o

JESUS okay, yeah, that's exactly what she's done.

Ewvbdw7l oHjwrwnxh o

Never mind, 1 HP. It isn't over.

Aoirslri o

Jlhawerm oPfah... it matters not. The scratches you've received will suffice. The dark god and I, together, will use the flames of hell to cleanse this world! This ends now!

Zvkj7nrt o

Wait, what? Surely he can't do that! That must be against... the rules! All four of them must die! This is cheating! You're a cheater, you... poopynose!

6b5mplf4 o
Qfuzdqen o
Anqgm4rk o



Xgvmessx o
6vbekqlu o

Okay, how do I explain this... the screen blinks as a beating heart is heard.

R4inoby6 o

And then...!







K5ta0ylg o
Pvbgopoe o
Ao3arsc1 o
G2c3bzvk o
Mmngcn7r o
Yl2xg7g9 o
Nnideqey o



Gtd1dcjj o
Qmuyd5sk o
Yygstysg o
Ty8ue5r3 o



Xtqptcqb o
Ugqa3q9t o
V1vofb9x o
Ffmcqnmc o
2az1umb9 o
Atmdupfh o
Gmpdhbli o
Djmn252j o







To be continued.

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

                        The Roger The Paladin


Reset count: 3 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1 - Holmes: 1)

Dishonorable reset count: 1

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 7



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29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Halvan's bad, Ralph's okay but is better off with swords, Dalsin is horrendous, Brighton falls off quickly and Hicks is a worse Brighton. I mean, I've used all of them except for Halvan in my two runs (probably three, once I'm done with this run of FE6), this being Thracia means everyone can be used, but it does not change the fact that they're objectively bad.

My absence of speaking of Hicks and Dalsin beforehand meant I was relegating to them to be "bad" pile, particularly Dalsin.

But moving me towards a reverse-feedback loop where I grow more adamant in my defense, especially on Halvan. Not that I'd be so irrational as to leap right into one. Instead, I'll just bestow favoritism on him for all eternity via Scrolls, should I wish to do that, I might not. It could be I'm taking the one I had as average, where even before Scrolls (which I did stack) he was blessed.


35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, I doubt that'd be possible. The most tragic thing about it is that Zoa is all but wiped out after TRS. The "good guys" only think of him as a traitor, Kate's too conflicted about him, and his allies and friends all die. There's nobody left to remember him as anything other than a plain "bad guy".

How do you know if the Zoan nation is gone, if Runan & Holmes never traveled to the Zoa Valley? For all we know, Sennet could have recruited a level 38 Zoan Warrior chief who remained in feeble opposition to the Cult of Gerxel for the past few decades. There could be thousands still alive, and whom King Sennet grants political and cultural autonomy within his kingdom to.

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Thanks for adding the diagrams. Figured there would be some straight lines there.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Guenchaos is right there. I... am not looking forward to fighting this monster. Zahhak, as Eisenbach discovered the hard way, has the Sylph effect, and if he wants to heal, he has Nosferatu. And then there's the fact that he's godly and better than any of my units. Even Leonie can't match him. Holy shit.

I wonder if it actually has the Sylph effect.
You probably know this, but if you actually try to attack Gwenchaos from long range, it will enter a battle but your character won't get any attacks off. Just like Duma and Jedah in Gaiden. So in terms of gameplay, he doesn't actually need to hit you in order to shut down your attacks.
Hmm, I wonder if it's still possible to hurt Gwenchaos with indirect attacks. One of these days I gotta make sure to bring some area of effect spells into the final map.

Also, can I just say how effective it is that the "Tied up Shaman" class has an actual death animation? After a whole game of people just flashing out of existence, it's so unsettling to see a limb body drop like that. Keeping the NPC's on the map with a transparent portrait and 0 HP is also a surprisingly effective way to emphasize those deaths.

Carla is really good in staying out of range. I'm glad that in Delte's playthrough she just so happened to teleport close to Shigen. And that Shigen was able to actually kill her in 1 turn. Not sure if you can pull this off here.

Edited by BrightBow
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