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Favorite and Least Favorite Era of Fire Emblem


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Favorite: 3DS Era, mainly because it produced Shadows of Valentia and made me an FE fan.

Least Favorite: DS Era, since it was nothing but remakes. I feel like that one guy was kinda right to say it was a missed opportunity for the franchise.

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Favorite Era: Tellius. Best gameplay (in Radiant Dawn's case), Solid story, Great Characters, and Best Lord Ike.

Least Favorite Era: 3DS. Mediocre gameplay, Awful Stories in Awakening and Fates's cast, Terrible Cast of Characters again from Awakening and Fates, and Echoes is just kinda...there, I guess.

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For favourite, it's a tie between GBA and 3DS. Both are the eras I am most familiar with and I enjoy all the games in those eras, even if Fates' story is my least favourite, it's still solid gameplay wise and I love a lot of the characters.

For least favourite, NES/SNES era for me. There is no reason to go back and play the NES games or Mystery because they have remakes. I don't like playing GotHW because it is just a slog to play through and while I enjoyed my playthrough of Thracia, I'm not particularly inspired to play it again.

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For favorite SNES era, Genealogy is my favorite and even weighed down by poor translation Thracia is still an excellent Fire Emblem game.

For least favorite probably DS, SD was the most disappointing game in the series, and while New Mystery corrected some mistakes, the lightning rod of poor writing (Kris) really does weigh it down

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Well this has me scratching my head

Favorite: Tellius era, as it has several things that I like from a game design perspective. Gameplay is another matter that has it's issues, but I won't talk about it any further as RD has a whole bunch of canned worms to be opened up

Least favorites: SNES, GBA, DS and 3DS era.

2 minutes ago, ΔZZ said:

There is no reason to go back and play the NES games or Mystery because they have remakes. I don't like playing GotHW because it is just a slog to play through and while I enjoyed my playthrough of Thracia, I'm not particularly inspired to play it again.

Pretty much my thoughts on the SNES era. I don't think there was much innovation in the GBA era as well as having games that I either am not the biggest fan of or are just some of the weakest FE games the franchise has to offer. DS era is pretty ugly with it's models and sprites IMO as well as having debatably the most forgettable cast in it's entirety. And let's not talk about Kris. 3DS era ranges from bad (Fates) to decent (Echoes). As good as it is with it's gameplay, Conquest is one part of ONE game, which drags it down as the rest are pretty terrible IMO. Awakening I just find to be incredibly mediocre, but I love the soundtrack and sprites. I find Echoes to be a better version of Awakening. Both's map design overall is pretty terrible, but Echoes's presentation hits the nail. Both suffer from either bad writing or shitty story as the game progresses, but Echoes's charm really makes me love it.

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Favorite era is relatively simple. The 3DS era. It may not be perfect, but it started the trend of actually giving characters alot of characterization in their supports (for better or worse). It also helped make the series what it is at this moment, and in reality Fire Emblem wouldn't be around without it, so I have to give it props for that. I'm also a 3DS baby (though I had seen Part of Tellius before playing Awakening so meh). The story's are good, but not great (something that is recurring in Fire Emblem if we're being totally honest) but the gameplay is solid (if not broken) and the colorful cast makes the game feel alive, opposed to some of the older games where, getting supports, takes you an eternity if sitting still and or borderline running down the clock to get exactly what you want from your supports (which to me was a pretty lackluster system, but to each his own). The supports are also variable. Ranging from great (Olivia x Maribelle setting up Inigo, as a good example) versus the horrible supports (most of the Fates supports and a few Awakening supports. Inigo x Nah, a fair few of Tharja and Nowi's, Chrom x Olivia (actually most of what Chrom does ))


Least favorite is a tie. DS and the SNES(Genealogy and Thracia) era. DS remakes weren't bad, and I actually quite enjoyed FE12 (I don't hate Kris so I guess I;m crazy), but overall, it was all remakes so I think it was a missed opportunity, even though it was obvious FE was simply trying to stay afloat at that point with little to no funds, which was a problem since Radiant Dawn, which is shown in how they had to scrap and pretty much remove 90% of the supports in game (Including about 10 different Ike A Supports with males and females including Mia, Elincia, Micaiah, and a few other dudes I can't remember right now) to speed up the release date if I'm not mistaken.


The SNES era,  is because of the gameplay. I like the games, but the story is very, inconsistent. It ranges from well written, to stupid moments that make you wonder who the hell decided that having Deirdre marry Sigurd the instant they meet was smart or even logical at all (looks at Kaga wondering what weed he was smoking, then turns to Chrom and scowls at the shitty Olivia pairing). The gameplay, as I mentioned earlier, is also rather frustrating. Your army is mostly useless save for your Cavalry units if you want to be quick, and the maps are far too large. The supposed interconectivity you're supposed to feel from running through a battlefield is lost when you have to backtrack a billion times  (even with the return/warp staff), and it is further worsened by how empty the world feels or how bad some of the maps are regarding the enemy positioning, or how you literally have to drop your unit in, and bait a bunch of enemies all the while hoping you don't get nuked by everyone at once.


So yeah, mines a bit of a long one.

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Least favorite: NES/SNES. Only one good game (Mystery) with the rest having aged very poorly. Also, it's home to the Dark Ages of Fire Emblem, AKA the Jugdral saga. Dishonorable mention to the DS and GBA era (the former is a missed opportunity, especially from a Western perspective, and the latter only has one good game, that being Blazing Blade).

Favorite: Tie between the Tellius and 3DS era.

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Favorite: DS.  Couldn't cheese the RNG as easily as the GBA games, and I had a blast with reclassing/forging.  Even if I'm mad at FE12 for Kris' story antics, the gameplay was fun~!  Merging weapons saved so much inventory space, too!

Least favorite: Tellius.  The story/characters are way overhyped (they're good by FE standards, but FE isn't exactly known for its award-winning writing), I wasn't a fan of a lot of the smaller details (the mechanics behind a successful shove, biorhythm, dealing with laguz gauge, four different kinds of cavalry, Hard Mode doing weird things like getting rid of range/weapon triangle, the lack of Maniac Mode, the final boss having wonky requirements, far too many skills which were marginally useful at best, among many other minor things), and I couldn't play it while reclined in bed.

Don't get me wrong, there's things that annoy me about the DS games, and things I love about the Tellius era. . .but when all is said and done, I had the most fun with the Archanea remakes, and the least with Tellius (technically FE4, but since I refuse to play FE5, I don't think it's fair to put down the entire SNES era on one game).

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Favorite: Tellius, definitely. I think it had the best story, gameplay, music, AND characters. The world building in particular is spectacular!

Least favorite: 3DS. Though GBA comes close. 3DS just did too much wrong for me. The stories are bad, I felt that the gameplay was too simplified (I didn't play Conquest though), and the characters are too one-note/gimmicky for the most part. But at least for the GBA era, I liked Sacred Stones. FE7 bored me and I have zero interest in FE6.


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Least Favourite: NES. I'm sorry, but I couldn't go back to Gaiden after SoV and DD is frankly the worst title imo.

Favourite: I'll get back to you after RD.

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Favorite: GBA. In my opinion, these games had the best gameplay and pretty decent characters. The GBA games also probably have my favorite art.

Least favorite: NES/SNES. I may not have given these games a proper chance though, since i haven't completed them. I feel like these games aged very poorly, especially the NES games. Everything in these games just feels very dated and doesn't hold up and they usually just feel like a drag. Mystery of the Emblem might be an exception, while i don't love it, it's still a pretty decent game. I might enjoy the SNES games more if I wasn't so bad at them, but I'm not sure if I could ever get into the NES games.

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I suppose my favorite would be Tellius, as it's the only saga where I love all the games in it. NES has Gaiden, which is a chore, but also FE1, which is surprisingly fun. SNES era has FE4 and 5, which are great, and I haven't played 3 so I can't really say if the era as a whole is great. GBA has FE6, which sucks, but also Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones, which are both fun in their own rights. DS era has Shadow Dragon, which sucks, and I haven't played FE12, but I hear that it's a massive improvement so I'm waiting to pass full judgement. 3Ds era has Birthright and Revelations, which are boring in most regards, but also Conquest, Awakening, and especially Echoes, which are all amazing (less so on Awakening).

So I guess the DS era would be my least favorite, but I'll get back to you on that once I've played New Mystery.

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Favorite: GBA (my childhood, my first love). I enjoy Tellius immensely, but I haven't played it nearly enough.

Least favorite: SNES? I'm not sure if I can have my least favorite be something I've never tried. That's kinda harsh, especially considering that they're extremely dated and wouldn't have the same impact as they would've back in the day. Of the stuff I played, I would say DS era, since Shadow Dragon wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. Fates might infuriate me, but Awakening and SoV are in the 3DS era too, so I can't say that.

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Favorite: Toss up between GC/Wii(These should be their own era) and the SNES era.

Least favorite: NES. As much shit as I say about the 3DS games, they're playable. The NES era is so ungodly slow and simple that it's just a chore to play. They're like thumbscrews compared to the 3DS games.

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I could swear we already got a topic like this a week ago. I'll just repeat what I said there. 

My favorite era would be the GBA/Gamecube era because its the perfect middle ground. The Kaga era(or at least the Jugdral one) had the story but not the means to properly tell it while the 3ds era has the technology but doesn't have the stories. The GBA/Gamecube era has both. 

My least favorite would be the DS era because its such a waste. Shadow Dragon failed as IS decided that the west should finally get to experience Marth through an army of blank slates and a story that only barely existed, and when New Mystery decided to actually make a decent effort IS just didn't want to give it to Western players which further damaged Archenea. 

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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Favorite: GBA era
I've always really liked the stories and the characters of the franchise, that's always been one of my main draws to it, and the GBA era is the one I feel has done that the best so far. Blazing Blade and Sacred Stones in particular have some of the best writing and best characters in the whole franchise, it really shines through for me and gave me characters and stories I really cared about. The other games all have great characters and stories as well, but the GBA era is a step above them, in my opinion.

Least Favorite: Either DS or Tellius
I'm tempted to say the DS era purely because the DS saga was never finished outside of Japan. It just feels unfinished because of that. But I do really like Shadow Dragon, Marth has some exceptional writing in that one. I'm tempted to say Tellius because Radiant Dawn just falls flat on its face with a lot of what it tries to do; the story is honestly one of the weaker ones in the series; the characters are largely just sort of...there, nearly every new RD character gets basically no development whatsoever; the difficulty is unnecessarily frustrating, and that honestly makes the game feel kinda clunky at times; and Ike's development from Path of Radiance is just flushed down the toilet for...reasons? Don't get me wrong, Fates is probably my least-favorite game(s) in the series, but I won't say the 3DS era goes here because I really like Awakening and Echoes, and I won't say the SNES or NES eras because I really can't properly judge them.

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Favourite: GCN/Wii. Best story, best world, two great lords, fun gameplay with the return (but not predominance) of skills and other enjoyable mechanics, and a lot of heart and ambition.

Least favourite: DS. I only played Shadow Dragon, which while I find enjoyable has a lot of things I don't like as well. If I was more familiar with FE12 it might be enough to bump the DS era up a few spots, but as it stands, Elibe makes the GBA era a solid second place, 3DS is saved by SoV and I like Fates despite the bad writing, and Jugdral's story is good enough for me to overlook the meh gameplay.

I haven't played any NES FE, but if I had it just might be last because the remakes theoretically improve on the originals.

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Favourite: Tellius. For me, It's the only FE Era where both gameplay and Story are good/fun. Other FE usually only succed at one.

Least favourite: GBA/DS no questions asked. It's unexlainable to me how one goes from FE5 -> FE6 while removing so much stuff. Games are supossed to improve/add stuff every iteration, not remove. Same with FE10 -> FE11. DS Era has even less stuff then GBA era :KnollRoll:

Edited by Shrimperor
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Favourite: Either SNES or Tellius Saga. I have very fond memories of both eras, SNES mostly for the music and Tellius for its story and characters. 

Least Favourite: GBA. I started with this era actually, but it's hard for me to play any of the games in that era over again. The story isn't interesting at all to me in those games, the characters are alright but don't really stand out to me, and the gameplay is a bit lacking in my opinion.

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Favourite: Tellius Saga. Path of Radiance is easily the best game in terms of writing, characters and worldbuilding while Radiant Dawn is the best in terms of level design and variety. Plus, Path of Radiance is easily my personal favourite video game of all time.

Least Favourite: 3DS Era. Awakening was fine as a Fire Emblem Greatest Hits, but it doesn't really stand on its own very well. Fates had three of the worst stories of any FE game and felt more like they were just cramming every gameplay mechanic they could as an experiment to gauge what the fans wanted and didn't want to return. Echoes was the chance to salvage the 3DS era; a remake with an expanded and refined story and gameplay and interesting visuals that updated the visuals of the original while still having a throwback feel to it. But they took the old story in weird poorly-written directions, and Celica's route was almost nothing but ships, deserts and swamps. One or two of each is great; I'll defend the ship, desert and swamp chapters of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, but it was extremely excessive in Celica's route. 

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