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Special Heroes (New Year's of Fire and Ice)


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While I am indifferent to any banner I didn't like as always, I don't like how  they put more units in priced orbs bundle. At least put them in the 75 orbs bundle...

I know New Year is the bigger event in Japan which is why we have those bundles, but I don't know if I ever want to see similar bundles on future seasonal banners.

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As expected, going for Hrid. I don't like his standing art but his attacking and damaged art are great - plus I want more flying males in the game so no going to discourage that. Probably support him with NY Laegjarn because I can xD

Once upon a time, I might have bought the bundles. I haven't put any money into the game for months now and I don't see that changing. 

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This banner would be pretty good for me gameplay-wise. I have a lot of good flying units, but pretty much all of them are blue. So Fjorm, Hdrid and Guntrha would be welcome additions to my team. On the other hand I don't really care about any of them as characters.

I will maybe do a handful of red summons, but other then that I don't see myself pulling a lot on this banner.

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So, banners are trying to stretch me thin I see. It's OC time No. 2!

Fjorm is a Green Bow Flier (Gimme gimme gimme), with Atk/Spd Bond and Link (GIMME) as well as a bow with Chill Spd and Reposition and Even Res Wave. I would like to get her honestly. Hrid has a sword with Chill Atk, Swap, Atk/Def Bond, QR3 and Hone Atk 4 (So, this is the way the powercreep comes. Just give a skill refinery IS). Laevateinn calls Feh strange and wants her sword back. I feel like I should say something back. She has Chill Atk/Spd on the enemy with the best defence, Wrathful staff, Even Def Wave and pretty powerful healing skills. Gunnthra gets a sword with powercrept Threaten spectrum and +3 Spd, Glimmer, Swift Sparrow, Desperation and Joint Hone Spd (Which is like a Wave skill, but on every turn. That sounds amazing actually). Laegjarn also has a horse.



They're about what I expected. Still want Fjorm sadly.

Laegjarn has a pretty great stat spread, but her skills are a bit eh. She has Def Tactic, Chill Res and Pivot while her weapon has Chill Def. Nice free unit.

TLDR: I wasn't crying out for RD as is, but I'm still not exactly happy I want to pull for something.

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All right, review time.

Fjorm: New Traditions - Really nice unit with heavy focus on Atk and Spd, which gives you the hint already how to use her. Chill Spd in her weapon is wonderful, only Even Res Wave seems a bit off - but it's still a rare skill to get. Pretty good out of the box, just don't forget to give her a special to work with.

Hríd: Resolute Prince - He looks like an odd ball in this bunch, a hard-hitting high defense unit, who is flying and very VERY slow. These 2 things make him very vulnerable, and I don't think Quick Riposte is going to save him. OG Hríd had a nice built with low speed, but here it just going to hinder him.

Laevatein: Kumade Warrior - Well her quote sells te banner, also I'm a bit concerned about cavalry healers since Veronica. But I like her set. She not only debuff the enemy offense, but also comes with a good pile of defense buffs. 48 Neutral attack with Wrathful is also very nice. Just be careful not to leave her in the range of mages, because they'll eat her.

Gunnthrá: Year's First Dream - Wow, very solid stats, and looking at the power of Hikami, Gunnthrá is already serious business. Giving debuff withing 4 distance to the closest enemy is no small feat, and while she's mainly offensive built, her bulk is not too bad either. I think she's the clear winner of the banner.

Gunnthrá > Fjorm > Laevatein > Hríd - the bummer is that Gunnthrá and Hríd will have the same color.

Laegjarn: New Experiences - Honestly not that great. Chill Def and Res is fun to see, but besides being a tanky lance user, she's not that exciting, overall mediocre. Great fodders besides Pivot though.

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What the shit IS? Just do 10-20 orbs and make it like 10 bucks. That's fucking ridiculous. I would've absolutely bought Fjorm since she's obscenely adorable, but not for that much. The most appealing thing in either of those otherwise is the grails given what a dripfeed we get of those.

Anyway, units, Gunnthra seems good, Hrid looks fun, as someone said any 5* staffers are appreciated, especially since Ethlyn just maxed HM, and Fjorm looks both fun and is absolutely adorable. Were it not for RD, I'd totally go in on this, but bird pirate man and wolf queen slay are calling me. Maybe IS will release a cheaper alternative to those packs. Might send feedback once they're officially announced.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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Increased red odds with one of them having Hone Atk 4 is tempting, but after some thought, shiny new skills aren't really enough. There's always going to be more shiny new skills, as well as more red fliers. And Tibarn will be one of them.

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Even though they were already datamined, it's nice to see them officially revealed. They all look surprisingly nice (so happy Laegjarn is a free unit, cause it helps save SOME orbs), but kinda upset that Hrid is both red and sharing a color with his sister, because the chances of me getting him are slim.

And to think I wanted Kliff & NY!Azura/NY!Takumi merges. D= Surprised thought that they all got alts so quickly, but I have a feeling we won't see them again as units/characters so it's sorta like their last hurrah. But really I just love this new NY!Hrid, so I guess that RD banner is gonna have to wait!

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Managed land both Gunnthra and Laev (also Alm and Nina). Being first time I got later I never realised, but Leavatain sound so old, it totally doesn't mesh with her design...

She still look adorable.

Edited by Tenzen12
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Used up 60 orbs in this banner and I got NY Laevatein, who has the honor of being my first 5* of 2019. +Spd/-HP too so not bad. Calling it quits on this banner outside of the tickets since I'm saving for Furry Camilla Nailah in a few weeks. Good thing I still have 245 orbs after that (and I still haven't done any of the quests that showed up today).

Happy New Year, everyone!

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Got these 3 at 4% and with great IVs.

Ayra and Hinoka are both +Spd and I made them +1. Gunnthra is +Atk/-HP. Would’ve like a Hrid so I can get Olivia Hone Atk 4 and his sword but can’t argue against these pickups.


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Got pitybroken 6 times by red (Zelgius, Leo, Sanaki, Lene, Lyn, Ike) before finally pulling a Gunnthra... and then got a second one almost immediately afterwards. The first one is [+Atk, -Spd]. The merge update can't come soon enough.

Still no Hrid, though. I'll come back to this banner after I finish with the Legendary Banner.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Got pitybroken 6 times by red (Zelgius, Leo, Sanaki, Lene, Lyn, Ike) before finally pulling a Gunnthra...

Ouch. I would have given up after like Sanaki or Lene. Are you still spending a similar amount on Heroes as a year ago?

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

Ouch. I would have given up after like Sanaki or Lene. Are you still spending a similar amount on Heroes as a year ago?

Give or take, yeah. I've been running pretty steady at about half of my disposable income for the past year, though I get to splurge this month due to my year-end bonus.

I'm only about halfway through this banner's budget, so getting Hrid and some extra copies of Gunnthra and Laevatein shouldn't be too much trouble, assuming my luck isn't terrible. No intent to +10 any of them, though, since I've already allocated my +10ing priority to the Legendary Heroes banner and Fae.

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