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Tempest Trials+: Heating Things Up (Jan 25th)

Diovani Bressan

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

The other problem is that you block 2 slots for a self-buff, where a team mate could do that with 1 slot for your tank. 

Unless the unit is a blade tome user, or Laevatein, and have a Odd+Even Wave skills or double Even Wave skill (example Even Atk Wave C-Skill and Even Def Wave Seal), I wouldn't do it. 

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5 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

The other problem is that you block 2 slots for a self-buff, where a team mate could do that with 1 slot for your tank. 

I envision it being used on either a Litrblade unit or a support unit on a team with Legendary Azura. It also doesn't have the Tactic restriction on it.

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Two great seals, and as awful as her art is, Hone Fliers fodder is nice. I'll train the 5* one because I always do that, but I don't expect to get much use out of her, especially with Eir around.

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34 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Unless the unit is a blade tome user, or Laevatein, and have a Odd+Even Wave skills or double Even Wave skill (example Even Atk Wave C-Skill and Even Def Wave Seal), I wouldn't do it. 

31 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I envision it being used on either a Litrblade unit or a support unit on a team with Legendary Azura. It also doesn't have the Tactic restriction on it.

Sounds better, but still expensive to set up. 

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4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Hilda Yeah, I'm positive niche skills will be released as a seal. Vantage would be cool too, since we have Desperation weapons. 

Please God no. I don't want Ayra and BA Hector running around with Wrath/Special Spiral and Vantage. I guess it would be a way to make the Hardy Bearing seal matter more.

I'm fairly happy with the seals. Waves are nice since there's no unit type restrictions and I'd rather stall a turn than have to limit my unit choices. Brazen Atk/Def lets Ares maintain his 20 damage bonfires with DC or get a 3 damage boost over Brazen Atk/Res, both of which I'm a fan of. If only I had DC fodder. Boost skills are what they are.

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Hmm, the seals aren't what I would have wanted, but the brazen can be useful. Camilla will sadly end up as a Hone Flier reserve, as her stats are too similar to the other flying daggers and I really don't like her art.

But still looking forward to all the other nice rewards and maybe next time the special ones will be nice for me as well.

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Hmm, Camillas stats don't look that promising, I think about foddering Legault to her. The Cleaner+ is a fitting name for her weapon. And I don't think I can make much use of cooldown -2 on Turn 1 on a flier.

I will not fodder her and use her. At least her art has some uniqueness. And I also find it a bit disrespectful from some players to redraw her, even if they don't like the art. They just can say it. But I have to admit that I would be furious if that happens to Rinkahs arms. 

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17 minutes ago, Stroud said:

Hmm, Camillas stats don't look that promising, I think about foddering Legault to her. The Cleaner+ is a fitting name for her weapon. And I don't think I can make much use of cooldown -2 on Turn 1 on a flier.

I will not fodder her and use her. At least her art has some uniqueness. And I also find it a bit disrespectful from some players to redraw her, even if they don't like the art. They just can say it. But I have to admit that I would be furious if that happens to Rinkahs arms. 

AoE specials can probably work if you do Ouch Pouch with an Atk refine, L&D3, Quickened Pulse, and Ostian Pulse from L!Hector, or a low cooldown special like Moonbow and Heavy Blade 3 in place of the AoE and seal.

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12 minutes ago, Azure the Scale Tipper said:

AoE specials can probably work if you do Ouch Pouch with an Atk refine, L&D3, Quickened Pulse, and Ostian Pulse from L!Hector, or a low cooldown special like Moonbow and Heavy Blade 3 in place of the AoE and seal.

The thing is that I don't have L!Hector D=. So I can only do low cooldown specials. And I don't think that they are worth it. She just lacks the attack for that without enough buff and I just don't like that setup. Tried something with Sonya already and it just felt inferior to quick Aoe.  
But I have L&D3 ready. Which would give her 50 Attack without merges and buffs. 

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11 minutes ago, Azure the Scale Tipper said:

AoE specials can probably work if you do Ouch Pouch with an Atk refine, L&D3, Quickened Pulse, and Ostian Pulse from L!Hector,

The problem with that is that that only works on the first round of combat. You can't get a second Special charged for the next round of combat without being infantry and giving up one of Life and Death or Hardy Bearing unless you're running Infantry Rush or Infantry Flash.

The entire point of AoE builds is to spam them as much as you possibly can, which is every round of combat.

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Seals are decent and I will finally have hone flyers fodder.  I will keep the 5* version because I like to have one one every unit I get just in case I need them, but I like Eir better so Cammy won't see much use.  Looks like Leo is my bonus unit again.  Team one will be: Leo, Walhart, NY!Laegjarn and Elise.

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19 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The problem with that is that that only works on the first round of combat. You can't get a second Special charged for the next round of combat without being infantry and giving up one of Life and Death or Hardy Bearing unless you're running Infantry Rush or Infantry Flash.

The entire point of AoE builds is to spam them as much as you possibly can, which is every round of combat.

That was kind of just an AR defense idea. If it is flawed still, then tell me why.

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4 hours ago, bottlegnomes said:

Please God no. I don't want Ayra and BA Hector running around with Wrath/Special Spiral and Vantage. I guess it would be a way to make the Hardy Bearing seal matter more.

Wrath/Special Spiral are Infantry skills, but I can see what you mean. Perhaps we'd get other skills/weapons with Hardy Bearing effect. 

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1 hour ago, Azure the Scale Tipper said:

That was kind of just an AR defense idea. If it is flawed still, then tell me why.

Even for Aether Raids defense, you still want your units to have their AoE Special active for every round of combat to keep the pressure up, especially if you're running dancers as you should be.


26 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Wrath/Special Spiral are Infantry skills, but I can see what you mean. Perhaps we'd get other skills/weapons with Hardy Bearing effect. 

Wrath is usable by armors.

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Even Def Wave is... alright. Slap that on a semi bulky unit who I don't necessarily want to feed that specific Wave skill to...

Guess Alfonse will be getting the next Divine Dew refine, seeing as how he can now access Brazen Atk/Def 9. Of course, it's a flatout useful skill overall, so no complaints here.

Fireboost... well, it's certainly a little more usable than Waterboost in my opinion...

Camilla... well all the summoning I've done lately has given me enough fodder that I can give her a decent skill loadout, but otherwise I've no interest in her. At least they decided to make her free to everyone and not another freaking summonable unit... not looking forward to summoning for her other alts later on...

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I updated the topic, but I will keep the [Datamine] on the title because there are some informations about the event that were not officially announced.

And, according to the TT+ news on the Notifications Board, the Blessing for this TT+ is a Water Blessing.

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Glad to see we're having a 2-character banner for Leo and Takumi, even if I won't be pulling.

EDIT: And of course my free pull is a 5-star... Nanna. Okay, game.

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I was taken aback when Leo and Takumi were announced as bonus units, as well as Xander.  I really thought it would be OG Elise/Ryoma/Hinoka as the final three bonus units for this upcoming TT - so much for using history.  I like having more 2-character focus banners, if only to making pulling for a focus unit a little easier.

I got incredibly lucky and got Bath Sakura within just 15 orbs, so I'll have a different new bonus unit for each of my two teams.  Now to decide who to field...

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Wow, the irony of this free pull.

Selected the sole red that spawned in the session. Got a magic Eirika with +Spd/-Res IVs. On a banner with Leo as a Focus unit. I laughed and was more than OK with this. Now my Eirika is going to be +1 +Spd after next month's update!

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Guess the little bro's and Xander decided they didn't feel like having a soak, but are still game for a fight. Maybe they went off to get lunch or something for the others.

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I am planning to use Xander, Male Robin, Eir and Silas. I gave Male Robin his refinement this week, and I am really enjoying it. The +4 to all stats can be very useful, but too bad he cannot have it for himself... but I will equip the Tactic Seals on the others too.

Xander is one of the units I am planning to +10 from the Grails... I still need to think about it.

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