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SF's "Write Your Butt Off" Competition HD II.5 Remix


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Oh, btw, on that physician vs healer thing, I actually came up with a headcanon about that not long ago regarding an OC, specifically Melanie, the eventual wife of Jerec, a guy I've written here before. She is a physician and I made it a class that uses staves and daggers, though they don't actually go to war unless the priests/clerics need help. They're more behind the scenes healers.

So basically:

Priest/Cleric: battlefield healers

Physician: infirmary healers

Just my idea, but feel free to use or take inspiration from it. Just be sure to give me credit.

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Seems to be just fine.  Though I think @Ottservia will have this round.  Can't wait to see the next prompt XD maybe I could be persuaded to do the Albert story from Dragon's First Mission Redux if the theme is amenable.  Though to be fair I'll take the theme as it comes and whichever character decides they want the spotlight.

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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11 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Seems to be just fine.  Though I think @Ottservia will have this round.  Can't wait to see the next prompt XD maybe I could be persuaded to do the Albert story from Dragon's First Mission Redux if the theme is amenable.  Though to be fair I'll take the theme as it comes and whichever character decides they want the spotlight.

Well I hope the prompt I come up with is to your liking. Speaking of should I wait for the timer or just spit it out now?

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I'll write something for the next prompt.

I'll write something for the next prompt.

I'll write something for the next prompt.

I'll keep writing that I'll write something for the next prompt, as if I were Bart in the Simpsons opening.

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"A shotgun and a telecaster - there's not a

single word, so unlucky

Wounded all over, it's game over,

doesn't it hurt to look at?

After a harsh stumble I gave up on 'one more time'

Each rolling was erring - and each one had you rolling in laughter" -Unhappy refrain by Wowaka

It's only natural to want to receive acknowledgement and praise for the hard work put in to create but sometimes you can't get that for one reason or another. Sometimes you feel like you're just riding shotgun to the person really driving the show. It can make you feel worthless but you're supposed to accept it as being happy or lucky. But is that happy? My prompt is to write about a character who either feels like they don't or actually don't receive the acknowledgement they deserve for the hard work they put in. Bonus points if you make reference to the song linked above(well that song or Rolling girl either will do). A tribute to one of my all time favorite music artists Wowaka may he rest in peace. I have other prompts if you guys don't like this one so let me know if you want me to change it.

Edited by Ottservia
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I would like to know if anyone is up for cgecking out grammar and that sort if stuff.


1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

...I don't think I can come up with anything for this. It's not really my cup of tea.

It's not really my cup of tea either but nothing ventured nothing gained.

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Just now, TheSilentChloey said:

It's not really my cup of tea either but nothing ventured nothing gained.

And I'm not hurting anything by taking a pass either.

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Like I said I have other prompts if y’all want a different one I can certainly oblige. Also feel free to ask for any clarification on anything

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

And I'm not hurting anything by taking a pass either.

Only yourself really but yeah, I can see why you'd possibly like to pass this one.

2 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Like I said I have other prompts if y’all want a different one I can certainly oblige. Also feel free to ask for any clarification on anything

I think I got this one loud and clear, though I would like to know if the bonus quote can be as a song or more or less slipped in as something someone says.

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14 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I think I got this one loud and clear, though I would like to know if the bonus quote can be as a song or more or less slipped in as something someone says.

It can be referenced in any way you like so yeah it can just be sort of slipped as dialogue. It doesn’t have to be a song at all. It can referenced in any way from a character’s actions, thoughts, dialogue, etc. there are also plenty of other great lines from the song itself to use like “you seem to be afraid of the sounds of gun fire” or “so is that happy? If that were true then why am I not seeing any reward?” I would just appreciate the song to be referenced in some form or fashion.

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11 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

It can be referenced in any way you like so yeah it can just be sort of slipped as dialogue. It doesn’t have to be a song at all. It can referenced in any way from a character’s actions, thoughts, dialogue, etc. there are also plenty of other great lines from the song itself to use like “you seem to be afraid of the sounds of gun fire” or “so is that happy? If that were true then why am I not seeing any reward?” I would just appreciate the song to be referenced in some form or fashion.

Cool thanks.  I think the piece'll work just fine.

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I'll see about thinking of something. Not sure with my Innocent Sin LP I'll have spare SF energies to expend on this.

But right now, what I really need is to get some sleep to clear the mind. I've spent the day fleeing from Manster. It's famous and infamous so I long heard, and it really is. It was intense fun, and plotwise dramatic. It's just an exhausting five battles, four with relentless enemy reinforcements you have to run from with little time to spare. Leif for MVP, and Asbel is turning out great, both have procced Move twice, despite a 3 or 2% growth in that stat. 🤩

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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So I couldn't really hold out.  It is of course open for suggestions.  My entry for this round:


Title: Failure is Never an Option

Words: 1,053

Fandom: Original Universe

Before reading:


So I think this little piece is just a small additonal context thing that isn't actually that important but hopefully a bit of use.


Let's just say I have a lot in common with the as yet unnamed MC.  And angst while not my thing is something I have found fairly easy to work with- better than humour at any rate.  Hopefully the story doesn't drag on too much, because it felt like an angst fest.



There was a consensus among the group of kids who had come from rough homes and backgrounds best unspoken that you didn't step out of line.  That you kept your mouth shut in the hopes of keeping out of 'trouble' because you did not want to be at risk of harm, the only attention you wanted was to be praised for being a "good" child who complied with instruction and was as close to perfect as humanly possible.


God help you if you were not a perfect child.  For a slow torturous time awaited you if you were so bold as to try to cheat the system.  They all knew that, school was no exception...if anything it was a torture unto itself. A sanctioned torture to most of them.  But especially one particular young teenager who was on the cusp of leaving that hell behind. Who hoped she would be able to do well enough to be worth the investment somehow.


The young teen grit her teeth in frustration as she was yet again the given the lowest marks- because her English teachers hated her.  No matter how many times she did as they asked, she could never be seen as anything more than bottom of the barrel compared to the rest of the class- compared to the rest of her year.


She had done her best- they knew that she always did.  Yet they refused to acknowledge she had again.  What was even the point of sitting back and working if the result was to be the same every- single- time, without fail.  No matter what she did, or how she tried.


Why should she keep dancing around like a puppet for their twisted entertainment?


She didn't ask for any of this!  She didn't ask to be like this!


Yet when she came to her click once this was over and they were free to go, she knew that the others would brush off the perpetual favourite being held up on a pedestal as the other girl was so perfect she could do no wrong in her assignments no matter what the teachers might assign them to do for their class.


It was beginning to annoy the teen to no end.  Of course being treated like her work meant nothing was a horrible feeling and it was starting to get to her.  Always second best- always second class because no one liked what was in her head. They didn't want to face the reality that a kid from a poor background could be as good as the "perfect" Christian home kid.


Bitterness sunk into the teen as she leant back in her seat ignoring the rest of what her teachers had to say.  Taking something more personally now than she probably ever should.


Their words slid through her inattentive mind.


Not a single word could be so unlucky to her right now.


The bitterness grew seething under the surface of her skin like a parasite slowly feeding off of her.


Yet the teen was powerless to really do anything.  She was inferior in every way it was possible to be.


A bastard child, born to a mother who changed boyfriends every other week, she was neglected- tossed to the side from the beginning and doomed to be tossed to the side until the end.


Still she knew.  The moment the teachers opened their mouths she just knew.


She knew that they would never pick her over their dead bodies.  The world would burn and freeze over before she got chosen for anything other than failure.


She would be wounded all over and still not get her work acknowledged under any circumstances.


They were likely laughing at her.  She knew that they were laughing at her.  Why else would they smile behind her back?  Other than to remind her she'd never be one of them- she was doomed to the background from which she came.  The cycle never ending no matter what she did.


She should just take a gun and be done with it.


She should stop fighting, just give up- she would never amount to much...she would never be more than an illegitimate child of some man who had no idea she even existed anyway.  She would never rise above her station. It should be game over.


Why did she even bother anymore?  What was her purpose? She only wanted to be acknowledged for the work that she did, even once.


Were she really as presumptuous as to be considered asking for something better than what she was given?


Eyes looked ahead blankly.  She saw the teachers droning on about how good their favourite was, how the rest of the class failed in some way, how she failed on an intrinsic level she never understood.


Her own mind held her captive now and it would never let her go.


Never let her go.


She would be trapped in this mental world forever.


The soft smiles on the teachers' faces told her that they didn't care.  They were trying to tear her down piece by painful piece until all that was left was a husk of a person.  And they had almost succeeded.


How pitiful she was.


How dare she assume she had the right to be treated fairly.


She deserved nothing.


She deserved all the hardships she was forced to pull through and worse.


She deserved to suffer.


The more painful the better.


The more painful…


Her mind went blank.


The darkness crept in ever so slowly.  Her ears heard a song that no one else seemed to hear…


"A shotgun and a telecaster - there's not a single word, so unlucky.  Wounded all over, it's game over, doesn't it hurt to look at? After a harsh stumble I gave up on 'one more time'.  Each rolling was erring - and each one had you rolling in laughter."


She blinked and tried to shake it off.  Yet the words run true. In some twisted way.  She saw the main teacher bounce about the room still enthusing over his supposed 'best student' in the year group while she...the teen closed her eyes once more.  A single thought ran through her mind. Life was truly unfair. And unfair in the most intense way possible.


Nothing was going to change that.  Nothing.


So yeah.  Here's the entry for you.

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That was a good piece. Very angsty but I like angst so yeah. Also Mega bonus points for capturing what exactly Unhappy refrain is about cause that's essentially what that song is about. Poor wowaka always playing second fiddle to Miku in the spotlight

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